From 5b96eaa9533e877b5b7f2c6bf1e291ccdfdfecef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Araq <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 15:48:13 +0200
Subject: preparations for 0.8.12

 compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim                         |    0
 compiler/lookups.nim                               |    8 +-
 compiler/msgs.nim                                  |    2 +
 compiler/nversion.nim                              |    4 +-
 compiler/seminst.nim                               |    2 +
 compiler/semstmts.nim                              |    2 +-
 compiler/semthreads.nim                            |   36 +-
 doc/lib.txt                                        |    6 +-
 doc/manual.txt                                     |  184 +-
 doc/nimrodc.txt                                    |  184 +-
 doc/theindex.txt                                   | 2247 +++++++++++++++-----
 examples/0mq/client.nim                            |    0
 examples/0mq/server.nim                            |    0                                         |    8 +-
 lib/core/typeinfo.nim                              |   16 +-
 lib/impure/re.nim                                  |    2 +-
 lib/prelude.nim                                    |    0
 lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim                   |    4 +-
 lib/pure/collections/queues.nim                    |    0
 lib/pure/collections/sets.nim                      |    6 +-
 lib/pure/collections/tables.nim                    |    8 +-
 lib/pure/osproc.nim                                |   10 +-
 lib/pure/redis.nim                                 |    0
 lib/pure/romans.nim                                |    0
 lib/pure/smtp.nim                                  |    1 +
 lib/system.nim                                     |    2 +-
 lib/system/alloc.nim                               |    9 +-
 lib/system/atomics.nim                             |    3 +-
 lib/system/inboxes.nim                             |   36 +-
 lib/system/syslocks.nim                            |    2 +-
 lib/system/threads.nim                             |  161 +-
 lib/wrappers/sphinx.nim                            |    0
 lib/wrappers/zmq.nim                               |   27 +-
 tests/accept/compile/tcan_alias_generic.nim        |    0
 .../compile/tcan_alias_specialised_generic.nim     |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tcan_inherit_generic.nim      |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tcan_specialise_generic.nim   |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tcodegenbug1.nim              |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tconstraints.nim              |    0
 tests/accept/compile/teval1.nim                    |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher.nim           |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher2.nim          |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tgenericrefs.nim              |    0
 tests/accept/compile/titer2.nim                    |    0
 tests/accept/compile/titer_no_tuple_unpack.nim     |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tmacrostmt.nim                |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tmarshal.nim                  |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tnimrodnode_for_runtime.nim   |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tshadow_magic_type.nim        |    0
 .../accept/compile/tspecialised_is_equivalent.nim  |    0
 tests/accept/compile/ttableconstr.nim              |    0
 tests/accept/compile/ttempl4.nim                   |    0
 tests/accept/compile/ttemplreturntype.nim          |    0
 tests/accept/compile/tthreadanalysis.nim           |   54 -
 tests/accept/compile/ttypeconverter1.nim           |    0
 tests/accept/run/tcase_setconstr.nim               |    0
 tests/accept/run/tfielditerator.nim                |    0
 tests/accept/run/tgenericassign.nim                |    0
 tests/accept/run/tgenericassigntuples.nim          |    0
 tests/accept/run/tkoeniglookup.nim                 |    0
 tests/accept/run/tlists.nim                        |    0
 tests/accept/run/tmacro4.nim                       |    0
 tests/accept/run/tmethods1.nim                     |    0
 tests/accept/run/tnewderef.nim                     |    0
 tests/accept/run/trepr.nim                         |    0
 tests/accept/run/tsets2.nim                        |    0
 tests/accept/run/tsimplesort.nim                   |    0
 tests/accept/run/tslices.nim                       |    0
 tests/accept/run/ttables.nim                       |    3 +
 tests/reject/tconstraints.nim                      |    0
 tests/reject/temptycaseobj.nim                     |    0
 tests/reject/tno_int_in_bool_context.nim           |    0
 tests/reject/tprocvar.nim                          |    0
 tests/reject/tthreadanalysis2.nim                  |   55 -
 tests/threads/threadex.nim                         |   44 +
 tests/threads/tthreadanalysis.nim                  |   54 +
 tests/threads/tthreadanalysis2.nim                 |   55 +
 tests/threads/tthreadheapviolation1.nim            |   14 +
 todo.txt                                           |   21 +-
 web/download.txt                                   |    4 +-
 web/news.txt                                       |   61 +-
 web/nimrod.ini                                     |    5 +-
 web/ticker.txt                                     |    5 +-
 83 files changed, 2437 insertions(+), 908 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 compiler/semthreads.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 examples/0mq/client.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 examples/0mq/server.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/core/typeinfo.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/prelude.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/pure/collections/queues.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/pure/redis.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/pure/romans.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/system/atomics.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/system/inboxes.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/system/syslocks.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/wrappers/sphinx.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 lib/wrappers/zmq.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tcan_alias_generic.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tcan_alias_specialised_generic.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tcan_inherit_generic.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tcan_specialise_generic.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tcodegenbug1.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tconstraints.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/teval1.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher2.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tgenericrefs.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/titer2.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/titer_no_tuple_unpack.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tmacrostmt.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tmarshal.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tnimrodnode_for_runtime.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tshadow_magic_type.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/tspecialised_is_equivalent.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/ttableconstr.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/ttempl4.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/ttemplreturntype.nim
 delete mode 100644 tests/accept/compile/tthreadanalysis.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/compile/ttypeconverter1.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tcase_setconstr.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tfielditerator.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tgenericassign.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tgenericassigntuples.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tkoeniglookup.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tlists.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tmacro4.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tmethods1.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tnewderef.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/trepr.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tsets2.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tsimplesort.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/tslices.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/accept/run/ttables.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/reject/tconstraints.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/reject/temptycaseobj.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/reject/tno_int_in_bool_context.nim
 mode change 100644 => 100755 tests/reject/tprocvar.nim
 delete mode 100644 tests/reject/tthreadanalysis2.nim
 create mode 100755 tests/threads/threadex.nim
 create mode 100755 tests/threads/tthreadanalysis.nim
 create mode 100755 tests/threads/tthreadanalysis2.nim
 create mode 100755 tests/threads/tthreadheapviolation1.nim

diff --git a/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim b/compiler/ccgthreadvars.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/compiler/lookups.nim b/compiler/lookups.nim
index d72ec1555..a2cb434a0 100755
--- a/compiler/lookups.nim
+++ b/compiler/lookups.nim
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ proc CloseScope*(tab: var TSymTab) =
   if (tab.tos > len(tab.stack)): InternalError("CloseScope")
   var it: TTabIter
   var s = InitTabIter(it, tab.stack[tab.tos-1])
-  while s != nil: 
+  while s != nil:
     if sfForward in s.flags: 
       LocalError(, errImplOfXexpected, getSymRepr(s))
-    elif ({sfUsed, sfInInterface} * s.flags == {}) and
-        (optHints in s.options): # BUGFIX: check options in s!
-      if not (s.kind in {skForVar, skParam, skMethod, skUnknown}): 
+    elif {sfUsed, sfInInterface} * s.flags == {} and optHints in s.options: 
+      # BUGFIX: check options in s!
+      if s.kind notin {skForVar, skParam, skMethod, skUnknown, skGenericParam}:
         Message(, hintXDeclaredButNotUsed, getSymRepr(s))
     s = NextIter(it, tab.stack[tab.tos-1])
diff --git a/compiler/msgs.nim b/compiler/msgs.nim
index f6ec4729a..b2ead1d9e 100755
--- a/compiler/msgs.nim
+++ b/compiler/msgs.nim
@@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ proc rawMessage*(msg: TMsgKind, args: openarray[string]) =
   of warnMin..warnMax: 
     if not (optWarns in gOptions): return 
     if not (msg in gNotes): return 
+    writeContext(unknownLineInfo())
     frmt = rawWarningFormat
   of hintMin..hintMax: 
@@ -552,6 +553,7 @@ proc liMessage(info: TLineInfo, msg: TMsgKind, arg: string,
     lastError = info
   of warnMin..warnMax: 
     ignoreMsg = optWarns notin gOptions or msg notin gNotes
+    if not ignoreMsg: writeContext(info)
     frmt = posWarningFormat
   of hintMin..hintMax: 
diff --git a/compiler/nversion.nim b/compiler/nversion.nim
index 8fb436f11..45b804d40 100755
--- a/compiler/nversion.nim
+++ b/compiler/nversion.nim
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #           The Nimrod Compiler
-#        (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf
+#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf
 #    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ const
   defaultAsmMarkerSymbol* = '!'
   VersionMajor* = 0
   VersionMinor* = 8
-  VersionPatch* = 11
+  VersionPatch* = 12
   VersionAsString* = $VersionMajor & "." & $VersionMinor & "." & $VersionPatch
diff --git a/compiler/seminst.nim b/compiler/seminst.nim
index c398f1ca2..2db8289f2 100755
--- a/compiler/seminst.nim
+++ b/compiler/seminst.nim
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ proc instantiateGenericParamList(c: PContext, n: PNode, pt: TIdTable) =
     var q = a.sym
     if not (q.typ.kind in {tyTypeDesc, tyGenericParam}): continue 
     var s = newSym(skType,, getCurrOwner())
+ =
+    incl(s.flags, sfUsed)
     var t = PType(IdTableGet(pt, q.typ))
     if t == nil: 
       LocalError(, errCannotInstantiateX,
diff --git a/compiler/semstmts.nim b/compiler/semstmts.nim
index 4a80bb783..61709ad48 100755
--- a/compiler/semstmts.nim
+++ b/compiler/semstmts.nim
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ proc semIdentDef(c: PContext, n: PNode, kind: TSymKind): PSym =
     incl(result.flags, sfGlobal)
     result = semIdentWithPragma(c, kind, n, {})
 proc semVar(c: PContext, n: PNode): PNode = 
   var b: PNode
   result = copyNode(n)
diff --git a/compiler/semthreads.nim b/compiler/semthreads.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index bff8823b2..b6bdc9e60
--- a/compiler/semthreads.nim
+++ b/compiler/semthreads.nim
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ proc analyseSym(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode): TThreadOwner =
     if sfGlobal in v.flags:
       if sfThreadVar in v.flags: 
         result = toMine 
-      elif containsTyRef(v.typ):
+      elif containsGarbageCollectedRef(v.typ):
         result = toTheirs
   of skTemp, skForVar: result = toNil
   of skConst: result = toMine
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ proc analyseSym(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode): TThreadOwner =
 proc lvalueSym(n: PNode): PNode =
   result = n
-  while result.kind in {nkDotExpr, nkBracketExpr, nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref}:
+  while result.kind in {nkDotExpr, nkCheckedFieldExpr,
+                        nkBracketExpr, nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref}:
     result = result.sons[0]
 proc writeAccess(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode, owner: TThreadOwner) =
@@ -138,7 +139,18 @@ proc writeAccess(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode, owner: TThreadOwner) =
     var lastOwner = analyseSym(c, a)
     case lastOwner
     of toNil:
-      c.mapping[] = owner # fine, toNil can be overwritten
+      # fine, toNil can be overwritten
+      var newOwner: TThreadOwner
+      if sfGlobal in v.flags:
+        newOwner = owner
+      elif containsTyRef(v.typ):
+        # ``var local = gNode`` --> ok, but ``local`` is theirs! 
+        newOwner = owner
+      else:
+        # ``var local = gString`` --> string copy: ``local`` is mine! 
+        newOwner = toMine
+        # XXX BUG what if the tuple contains both ``tyRef`` and ``tyString``?
+      c.mapping[] = newOwner
     of toVoid, toUndefined: InternalError(, "writeAccess")
     of toTheirs: Message(, warnWriteToForeignHeap)
     of toMine:
@@ -146,7 +158,7 @@ proc writeAccess(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode, owner: TThreadOwner) =
         Message(, warnDifferentHeaps)
     # we could not backtrack to a concrete symbol, but that's fine:
-    var lastOwner = analyseSym(c, n)
+    var lastOwner = analyse(c, n)
     case lastOwner
     of toNil: nil # fine, toNil can be overwritten
     of toVoid, toUndefined: InternalError(, "writeAccess")
@@ -178,7 +190,7 @@ proc analyseCall(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode): TThreadOwner =
     result = analyse(newCtx, prc.ast.sons[codePos])
     if prc.ast.sons[codePos].kind == nkEmpty and 
-       {sfNoSideEffect, sfThread} * prc.flags == {}:
+       {sfNoSideEffect, sfThread, sfImportc} * prc.flags == {}:
       Message(, warnAnalysisLoophole, renderTree(n))
     if prc.typ.sons[0] != nil:
       if prc.ast.len > resultPos:
@@ -228,7 +240,7 @@ template aggregateOwner(result, ana: expr) =
   var a = ana # eval once
   if result != a:
     if result == toNil: result = a
-    else: Message(, warnDifferentHeaps)
+    elif a != toNil: Message(, warnDifferentHeaps)
 proc analyseArgs(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode, start = 1) =
   for i in start..n.len-1: discard analyse(c, n[i])
@@ -241,7 +253,14 @@ proc analyseOp(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode): TThreadOwner =
     var prc = n[0].sym
     case prc.magic
-    of mNone: result = analyseCall(c, n)
+    of mNone: 
+      if sfSystemModule in prc.owner.flags:
+        # System module proc does no harm :-)
+        analyseArgs(c, n)
+        if prc.typ.sons[0] == nil: result = toVoid
+        else: result = toNil
+      else:
+        result = analyseCall(c, n)
     of mNew, mNewFinalize, mNewSeq, mSetLengthStr, mSetLengthSeq,
         mAppendSeqElem, mReset, mAppendStrCh, mAppendStrStr:
       writeAccess(c, n[1], toMine)
@@ -260,8 +279,7 @@ proc analyseOp(c: PProcCtx, n: PNode): TThreadOwner =
       analyseArgs(c, n)
       result = toMine
-      # don't recurse, but check args; NOTE: This is essential that
-      # ``mCreateThread`` is handled here to avoid the recursion
+      # don't recurse, but check args:
       analyseArgs(c, n)
       if prc.typ.sons[0] == nil: result = toVoid
       else: result = toNil
diff --git a/doc/lib.txt b/doc/lib.txt
index 25f2d42dd..c63d5b0aa 100755
--- a/doc/lib.txt
+++ b/doc/lib.txt
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ Core
 * `threads <threads.html>`_
   Nimrod thread support. **Note**: This is part of the system module. Do not
-  import it directly.
+  import it explicitely.
+* `inboxes <inboxes.html>`_
+  Nimrod message passing support for threads. **Note**: This is part of the 
+  system module. Do not import it explicitely.
 * `macros <macros.html>`_
   Contains the AST API and documentation of Nimrod for writing macros.
diff --git a/doc/manual.txt b/doc/manual.txt
index 9b00233a1..3b775e60c 100755
--- a/doc/manual.txt
+++ b/doc/manual.txt
@@ -473,10 +473,9 @@ Pre-defined integer types
 These integer types are pre-defined:
-  the generic signed integer type; its size is platform dependent
-  (the compiler chooses the processor's fastest integer type).
-  This type should be used in general. An integer literal that has no type
-  suffix is of this type.
+  the generic signed integer type; its size is platform dependent and has the
+  same size as a pointer. This type should be used in general. An integer 
+  literal that has no type suffix is of this type.
   additional signed integer types of XX bits use this naming scheme
@@ -581,7 +580,7 @@ the ``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/`` operators for floating point types.
 Boolean type
-The `boolean`:idx: type is named ``bool`` in Nimrod and can be one of the two
+The `boolean`:idx: type is named `bool`:idx: in Nimrod and can be one of the two
 pre-defined values ``true`` and ``false``. Conditions in while,
 if, elif, when statements need to be of type bool.
@@ -670,7 +669,7 @@ use explicitely:
       valueD = (3, "abc")
 As can be seen from the example, it is possible to both specify a field's 
-ordinal value and its string value by using a tuple construction. It is also
+ordinal value and its string value by using a tuple. It is also
 possible to only specify one of them.
@@ -930,7 +929,7 @@ Reference and pointer types
 References (similar to `pointers`:idx: in other programming languages) are a
 way to introduce many-to-one relationships. This means different references can
-point to and modify the same location in memory.
+point to and modify the same location in memory (also called `aliasing`:idx:).
 Nimrod distinguishes between `traced`:idx: and `untraced`:idx: references.
 Untraced references are also called *pointers*. Traced references point to
@@ -1002,7 +1001,7 @@ pointer) as if it would have the type ``ptr TData``. Casting should only be
 done if it is unavoidable: it breaks type safety and bugs can lead to
 mysterious crashes.
-**Note**: The example only works because the memory is initialized with zero
+**Note**: The example only works because the memory is initialized to zero
 (``alloc0`` instead of ``alloc`` does this): ``d.s`` is thus initialized to
 ``nil`` which the string assignment can handle. You need to know low level
 details like this when mixing garbage collected data with unmanaged memory.
@@ -1055,7 +1054,7 @@ each other:
     The inline convention means the the caller should not call the procedure,
     but inline its code directly. Note that Nimrod does not inline, but leaves
-    this to the C compiler. Thus it generates ``__inline`` procedures. This is
+    this to the C compiler; it generates ``__inline`` procedures. This is
     only a hint for the compiler: it may completely ignore it and
     it may inline procedures that are not marked as ``inline``.
@@ -1069,8 +1068,7 @@ each other:
     indicates that the procedure expects a context, a closure that needs
-    to be passed to the procedure. The calling convention ``nimcall`` is
-    compatible to ``closure``.
+    to be passed to the procedure.
     The syscall convention is the same as ``__syscall`` in C. It is used for
@@ -1311,7 +1309,8 @@ algorithm returns true:
     if b.kind == distinct and typeEquals(b.baseType, a): return true
     return false
-You can, however, define your own implicit converters:
+The convertible relation can be relaxed by a user-defined type 
 .. code-block:: nimrod
   converter toInt(x: char): int = result = ord(x)
@@ -1527,27 +1526,27 @@ given, control passes after the ``case`` statement.
 To suppress the static error in the ordinal case an ``else`` part with a ``nil``
 statement can be used.
-As a special semantic extension, an expression in an ``of`` branch of a case
-statement may evaluate to a set constructor; the set is then expanded into 
-a list of its elements:
-.. code-block:: nimrod
-  const
-    SymChars: set[char] = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
-  proc classify(s: string) =
-    case s[0]
-    of SymChars, '_': echo "an identifier"
-    of '0'..'9': echo "a number"
-    else: echo "other"
-  # is equivalent to:
-  proc classify(s: string) =
-    case s[0]
-    of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF', '_': echo "an identifier"
-    of '0'..'9': echo "a number"
-    else: echo "other"
+As a special semantic extension, an expression in an ``of`` branch of a case
+statement may evaluate to a set constructor; the set is then expanded into 
+a list of its elements:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  const
+    SymChars: set[char] = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF'}
+  proc classify(s: string) =
+    case s[0]
+    of SymChars, '_': echo "an identifier"
+    of '0'..'9': echo "a number"
+    else: echo "other"
+  # is equivalent to:
+  proc classify(s: string) =
+    case s[0]
+    of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\x80'..'\xFF', '_': echo "an identifier"
+    of '0'..'9': echo "a number"
+    else: echo "other"
 When statement
@@ -2036,7 +2035,7 @@ Overloading of the subscript operator
 The ``[]`` subscript operator for arrays/openarrays/sequences can be overloaded.
 Overloading support is only possible if the first parameter has no type that
 already supports the built-in ``[]`` notation. Currently the compiler 
-does not check this. XXX Multiple indexes
+does not check this restriction.
@@ -2612,8 +2611,8 @@ iterator in which case the overloading resolution takes place:
   write(stdout, x) # not ambiguous: uses the module C's x
+Compiler Messages
 The Nimrod compiler emits different kinds of messages: `hint`:idx:,
 `warning`:idx:, and `error`:idx: messages. An *error* message is emitted if
@@ -3045,3 +3044,116 @@ This is only useful if the program is compiled as a dynamic library via the
 ``--app:lib`` command line option.
+Even though Nimrod's `thread`:idx: support and semantics are preliminary, 
+they should be quite usable already. To enable thread support 
+the ``--threads:on`` command line switch needs to be used. The ``system``
+module then contains several threading primitives. 
+See the `threads <threads.html>`_ and `inboxes <inboxes.html>`_ modules 
+for the thread API.
+Nimrod's memory model for threads is quite different than that of other common
+programming languages (C, Pascal, Java): Each thread has its own (garbage 
+collected) heap and sharing of memory is restricted to global variables. This 
+helps to prevent race conditions. GC efficiency is improved quite a lot, 
+because the GC never has to stop other threads and see what they reference.
+Memory allocation requires no lock at all! This design easily scales to massive
+multicore processors that will become the norm in the future.
+Thread pragma
+A proc that is executed as a new thread of execution should be marked by the
+`thread pragma`:idx:. The compiler checks procedures marked as ``thread`` for
+violations of the `no heap sharing restriction`:idx:\: This restriction implies
+that it is invalid to construct a data structure that consists of memory 
+allocated from different (thread local) heaps. 
+Since the semantic checking of threads requires a whole program analysis, 
+it is quite expensive and can be turned off with ``--threadanalysis:off`` to 
+improve compile times.
+A thread proc is passed to ``createThread`` and invoked indirectly; so the
+``thread`` pragma implies ``procvar``.
+Actor model
+Nimrod supports the `actor model`:idx: of concurrency natively:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  type
+    TMsgKind = enum
+      mLine, mEof
+    TMsg = object {.pure, final.}
+      case k: TMsgKind
+      of mEof: nil
+      of mLine: data: string
+  var
+    thr: TThread[TMsg]
+    printedLines = 0
+    m: TMsg
+  proc print() {.thread.} =
+    while true:
+      var x = recv[TMsg]()
+      if x.k == mEof: break
+      echo
+      discard atomicInc(printedLines)
+  createThread(thr, print)
+  var input = open("readme.txt")
+  while not endOfFile(input):
+ = input.readLine()
+    thr.send(m)
+  close(input)
+  m.k = mEof
+  thr.send(m)
+  joinThread(thr)
+  echo printedLines
+In the actor model threads communicate only over sending messages (`send`:idx: 
+and `recv`:idx: built-ins), not by sharing memory. Every thread has 
+an `inbox`:idx: that keeps incoming messages until the thread requests a new
+message via the ``recv`` operation. The inbox is an unlimited FIFO queue.
+In the above example the ``print`` thread also communicates with its 
+parent thread over the ``printedLines`` global variable. In general, it is 
+highly advisable to only read from globals, but not to write to them. In fact
+a write to a global that contains GC'ed memory is always wrong, because it
+violates the *no heap sharing restriction*:
+.. code-block:: nimrod
+  var 
+    global: string
+    t: TThread[string]
+  proc horrible() {.thread.} =
+    global = "string in thread local heap!"
+  createThread(t, horrible)
+  joinThread(t)
+For the above code the compiler procudes "Warning: write to foreign heap". This
+warning might become an error message in future versions of the compiler.
+Creating a thread is an expensive operation, because a new stack and heap needs
+to be created for the thread. It is therefore highly advisable that a thread
+handles a large amount of work. Nimrod prefers *coarse grained* 
+over *fine grained* concurrency.
+Threads and exceptions
+The interaction between threads and exception is simple: A *handled* exception 
+in one thread cannot affect any other thread. However, an *unhandled* 
+exception in one thread terminates the whole *process*!
diff --git a/doc/nimrodc.txt b/doc/nimrodc.txt
index b30071b4e..375a65109 100755
--- a/doc/nimrodc.txt
+++ b/doc/nimrodc.txt
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Compiler Usage
 Command line switches
-Basis command line switches are:
+Basic command line switches are:
 .. include:: basicopt.txt
@@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ configuration file that is read automatically. This specific file has to
 be in the same directory as the project and be of the same name, except
 that its extension should be ``.cfg``.
-Command line settings have priority over configuration file settings.
-The default build of a project is a `debug build`:idx:. To compile a 
-`release build`:idx: define the ``release`` symbol::
+Command line settings have priority over configuration file settings.
+The default build of a project is a `debug build`:idx:. To compile a 
+`release build`:idx: define the ``release`` symbol::
   nimrod c -d:release myproject.nim
@@ -75,17 +75,17 @@ However, the generated C code is not platform independent. C code generated for
 Linux does not compile on Windows, for instance. The comment on top of the
 C file lists the OS, CPU and CC the file has been compiled for.
-Cross compilation
-To `cross compile`:idx:, use for example::
-  nimrod c --cpu:i386 --os:linux --compile_only --gen_script myproject.nim
-Then move the C code and the compile script ```` to your 
-Linux i386 machine and run the script.
+Cross compilation
+To `cross compile`:idx:, use for example::
+  nimrod c --cpu:i386 --os:linux --compile_only --gen_script myproject.nim
+Then move the C code and the compile script ```` to your 
+Linux i386 machine and run the script.
 DLL generation
@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ To link against ``nimrtl.dll`` use the command::
   nimrod c -d:useNimRtl myprog.nim
+**Note**: Currently the creation of ``nimrtl.dll`` with thread support has 
+never been tested and is unlikely to work!
 Additional Features
@@ -146,49 +148,49 @@ encloses the header file in ``""`` in the generated C code.
 **Note**: This will not work for the LLVM backend.
-Compile pragma
-The `compile`:idx: pragma can be used to compile and link a C/C++ source file 
-with the project: 
+Compile pragma
+The `compile`:idx: pragma can be used to compile and link a C/C++ source file 
+with the project: 
 .. code-block:: Nimrod
-  {.compile: "myfile.cpp".}
-**Note**: Nimrod computes a CRC checksum and only recompiles the file if it 
-has changed. You can use the ``-f`` command line option to force recompilation
-of the file.
-Link pragma
-The `link`:idx: pragma can be used to link an additional file with the project: 
+  {.compile: "myfile.cpp".}
+**Note**: Nimrod computes a CRC checksum and only recompiles the file if it 
+has changed. You can use the ``-f`` command line option to force recompilation
+of the file.
+Link pragma
+The `link`:idx: pragma can be used to link an additional file with the project: 
 .. code-block:: Nimrod
-  {.link: "myfile.o".}
-Emit pragma
-The `emit`:idx: pragma can be used to directly affect the output of the 
-compiler's code generator. So it makes your code unportable to other code
-generators/backends. Its usage is highly discouraged! However, it can be
-extremely useful for interfacing with C++ or Objective C code.
+  {.link: "myfile.o".}
+Emit pragma
+The `emit`:idx: pragma can be used to directly affect the output of the 
+compiler's code generator. So it makes your code unportable to other code
+generators/backends. Its usage is highly discouraged! However, it can be
+extremely useful for interfacing with C++ or Objective C code.
 .. code-block:: Nimrod
-  {.emit: """
-  static int cvariable = 420;
-  """.}
-  proc embedsC() {.pure.} = 
-    var nimrodVar = 89
-    # use backticks to access Nimrod symbols within an emit section:
-    {.emit: """fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", cvariable + (int)`nimrodVar`);""".}
-  embedsC()
+  {.emit: """
+  static int cvariable = 420;
+  """.}
+  proc embedsC() {.pure.} = 
+    var nimrodVar = 89
+    # use backticks to access Nimrod symbols within an emit section:
+    {.emit: """fprintf(stdout, "%d\n", cvariable + (int)`nimrodVar`);""".}
+  embedsC()
 LineDir option
@@ -229,22 +231,22 @@ The `volatile`:idx: pragma is for variables only. It declares the variable as
 ``volatile``, whatever that means in C/C++.
 **Note**: This pragma will not exist for the LLVM backend.
-Nimrod interactive mode
-The Nimrod compiler supports an `interactive mode`:idx:. This is also known as
-a `REPL`:idx: (*read eval print loop*). If Nimrod has been built with the 
-``-d:useGnuReadline`` switch, it uses the GNU readline library for terminal
-input management. To start Nimrod in interactive mode use the command 
-``nimrod i``. To quit use the ``quit()`` command. To determine whether an input
-line is an incomplete statement to be continued these rules are used:
-1. The line ends with ``[-+*/\\<>!\?\|%&$@~,;:=#^]\s*$``.
-2. The line starts with a space (indentation).
-3. The line is within a triple quoted string literal. However, the detection 
-   does not work if the line contains more than one ``"""``.
+Nimrod interactive mode
+The Nimrod compiler supports an `interactive mode`:idx:. This is also known as
+a `REPL`:idx: (*read eval print loop*). If Nimrod has been built with the 
+``-d:useGnuReadline`` switch, it uses the GNU readline library for terminal
+input management. To start Nimrod in interactive mode use the command 
+``nimrod i``. To quit use the ``quit()`` command. To determine whether an input
+line is an incomplete statement to be continued these rules are used:
+1. The line ends with ``[-+*/\\<>!\?\|%&$@~,;:=#^]\s*$``.
+2. The line starts with a space (indentation).
+3. The line is within a triple quoted string literal. However, the detection 
+   does not work if the line contains more than one ``"""``.
 Debugging with Nimrod
@@ -294,24 +296,24 @@ However it is not efficient to do:
   var s = varA    # assignment has to copy the whole string into a new buffer!
 The compiler optimizes string case statements: A hashing scheme is used for them
-if several different string constants are used. So code like this is reasonably
-.. code-block:: Nimrod
-  case normalize(k.key)
-  of "name": = v
-  of "displayname": c.displayName = v
-  of "version": c.version = v
-  of "os": c.oses = split(v, {';'})
-  of "cpu": c.cpus = split(v, {';'})
-  of "authors": c.authors = split(v, {';'})
-  of "description": c.description = v
-  of "app":
-    case normalize(v)
-    of "console": = appConsole
-    of "gui": = appGUI
-    else: quit(errorStr(p, "expected: console or gui"))
-  of "license": c.license = UnixToNativePath(k.value)
+if several different string constants are used. So code like this is reasonably
+.. code-block:: Nimrod
+  case normalize(k.key)
+  of "name": = v
+  of "displayname": c.displayName = v
+  of "version": c.version = v
+  of "os": c.oses = split(v, {';'})
+  of "cpu": c.cpus = split(v, {';'})
+  of "authors": c.authors = split(v, {';'})
+  of "description": c.description = v
+  of "app":
+    case normalize(v)
+    of "console": = appConsole
+    of "gui": = appGUI
+    else: quit(errorStr(p, "expected: console or gui"))
+  of "license": c.license = UnixToNativePath(k.value)
   else: quit(errorStr(p, "unknown variable: " & k.key))
diff --git a/doc/theindex.txt b/doc/theindex.txt
index f6bfd59bb..44cad01ff 100755
--- a/doc/theindex.txt
+++ b/doc/theindex.txt
@@ -10,21 +10,27 @@ Index
      * `macros.html#114 <macros.html#114>`_
      * `pegs.html#117 <pegs.html#117>`_
+   `!$`:idx:
+     `hashes.html#103 <hashes.html#103>`_
+   `!&`:idx:
+     `hashes.html#102 <hashes.html#102>`_
-     `system.html#362 <system.html#362>`_
+     `system.html#363 <system.html#363>`_
      * `macros.html#115 <macros.html#115>`_
      * `sockets.html#111 <sockets.html#111>`_
-     * `system.html#442 <system.html#442>`_
-     * `system.html#443 <system.html#443>`_
-     * `system.html#444 <system.html#444>`_
      * `system.html#445 <system.html#445>`_
      * `system.html#446 <system.html#446>`_
      * `system.html#447 <system.html#447>`_
      * `system.html#448 <system.html#448>`_
      * `system.html#449 <system.html#449>`_
-     * `system.html#500 <system.html#500>`_
+     * `system.html#450 <system.html#450>`_
+     * `system.html#451 <system.html#451>`_
+     * `system.html#452 <system.html#452>`_
+     * `system.html#503 <system.html#503>`_
      * `complex.html#134 <complex.html#134>`_
      * `times.html#109 <times.html#109>`_
      * `times.html#110 <times.html#110>`_
@@ -35,7 +41,21 @@ Index
      * `xmldom.html#207 <xmldom.html#207>`_
      * `xmltree.html#125 <xmltree.html#125>`_
      * `colors.html#248 <colors.html#248>`_
-     * `json.html#139 <json.html#139>`_
+     * `json.html#140 <json.html#140>`_
+     * `tables.html#113 <tables.html#113>`_
+     * `tables.html#125 <tables.html#125>`_
+     * `tables.html#136 <tables.html#136>`_
+     * `sets.html#111 <sets.html#111>`_
+     * `sets.html#121 <sets.html#121>`_
+     * `lists.html#119 <lists.html#119>`_
+     * `lists.html#120 <lists.html#120>`_
+     * `lists.html#121 <lists.html#121>`_
+     * `lists.html#122 <lists.html#122>`_
+     * `intsets.html#107 <intsets.html#107>`_
+     * `queues.html#108 <queues.html#108>`_
+   `$$`:idx:
+     `marshal.html#103 <marshal.html#103>`_
      * `strutils.html#120 <strutils.html#120>`_
@@ -44,20 +64,20 @@ Index
      * `ropes.html#120 <ropes.html#120>`_
-     * `system.html#307 <system.html#307>`_
      * `system.html#308 <system.html#308>`_
      * `system.html#309 <system.html#309>`_
      * `system.html#310 <system.html#310>`_
      * `system.html#311 <system.html#311>`_
+     * `system.html#312 <system.html#312>`_
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      * `system.html#378 <system.html#378>`_
      * `system.html#379 <system.html#379>`_
      * `system.html#380 <system.html#380>`_
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-     * `system.html#485 <system.html#485>`_
-     * `system.html#486 <system.html#486>`_
+     * `system.html#381 <system.html#381>`_
+     * `system.html#487 <system.html#487>`_
+     * `system.html#488 <system.html#488>`_
+     * `system.html#489 <system.html#489>`_
      * `pegs.html#116 <pegs.html#116>`_
      * `ropes.html#109 <ropes.html#109>`_
      * `ropes.html#110 <ropes.html#110>`_
@@ -65,39 +85,39 @@ Index
      * `ropes.html#112 <ropes.html#112>`_
-     * `system.html#227 <system.html#227>`_
      * `system.html#228 <system.html#228>`_
      * `system.html#229 <system.html#229>`_
      * `system.html#230 <system.html#230>`_
      * `system.html#231 <system.html#231>`_
-     * `system.html#326 <system.html#326>`_
-     * `system.html#334 <system.html#334>`_
+     * `system.html#232 <system.html#232>`_
+     * `system.html#327 <system.html#327>`_
+     * `system.html#335 <system.html#335>`_
      * `complex.html#114 <complex.html#114>`_
      * `complex.html#115 <complex.html#115>`_
      * `complex.html#116 <complex.html#116>`_
      * `pegs.html#112 <pegs.html#112>`_
-     * `system.html#297 <system.html#297>`_
      * `system.html#298 <system.html#298>`_
      * `system.html#299 <system.html#299>`_
      * `system.html#300 <system.html#300>`_
      * `system.html#301 <system.html#301>`_
+     * `system.html#302 <system.html#302>`_
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      * `system.html#203 <system.html#203>`_
      * `system.html#204 <system.html#204>`_
      * `system.html#205 <system.html#205>`_
      * `system.html#206 <system.html#206>`_
-     * `system.html#217 <system.html#217>`_
+     * `system.html#207 <system.html#207>`_
      * `system.html#218 <system.html#218>`_
      * `system.html#219 <system.html#219>`_
      * `system.html#220 <system.html#220>`_
      * `system.html#221 <system.html#221>`_
-     * `system.html#322 <system.html#322>`_
-     * `system.html#324 <system.html#324>`_
-     * `system.html#335 <system.html#335>`_
+     * `system.html#222 <system.html#222>`_
+     * `system.html#323 <system.html#323>`_
+     * `system.html#325 <system.html#325>`_
+     * `system.html#336 <system.html#336>`_
      * `complex.html#104 <complex.html#104>`_
      * `complex.html#105 <complex.html#105>`_
      * `complex.html#106 <complex.html#106>`_
@@ -105,26 +125,26 @@ Index
      * `colors.html#103 <colors.html#103>`_
-     * `system.html#287 <system.html#287>`_
      * `system.html#288 <system.html#288>`_
      * `system.html#289 <system.html#289>`_
      * `system.html#290 <system.html#290>`_
      * `system.html#291 <system.html#291>`_
+     * `system.html#292 <system.html#292>`_
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      * `system.html#208 <system.html#208>`_
      * `system.html#209 <system.html#209>`_
      * `system.html#210 <system.html#210>`_
      * `system.html#211 <system.html#211>`_
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+     * `system.html#212 <system.html#212>`_
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-     * `system.html#336 <system.html#336>`_
+     * `system.html#227 <system.html#227>`_
+     * `system.html#324 <system.html#324>`_
+     * `system.html#326 <system.html#326>`_
+     * `system.html#337 <system.html#337>`_
      * `complex.html#107 <complex.html#107>`_
      * `complex.html#108 <complex.html#108>`_
      * `complex.html#109 <complex.html#109>`_
@@ -133,23 +153,23 @@ Index
      * `colors.html#104 <colors.html#104>`_
-     * `system.html#292 <system.html#292>`_
      * `system.html#293 <system.html#293>`_
      * `system.html#294 <system.html#294>`_
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      * `complex.html#111 <complex.html#111>`_
      * `complex.html#112 <complex.html#112>`_
@@ -157,24 +177,23 @@ Index
      * `pegs.html#109 <pegs.html#109>`_
-     * `system.html#302 <system.html#302>`_
      * `system.html#303 <system.html#303>`_
      * `system.html#304 <system.html#304>`_
      * `system.html#305 <system.html#305>`_
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+     * `system.html#282 <system.html#282>`_
+     * `system.html#331 <system.html#331>`_
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@@ -182,47 +201,48 @@ Index
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      * `system.html#360 <system.html#360>`_
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-     * `system.html#347 <system.html#347>`_
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+     * `system.html#330 <system.html#330>`_
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-     `unicode.html#103 <unicode.html#103>`_
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+   `<=%`:idx:
+     `unicode.html#103 <unicode.html#103>`_
      `xmltree.html#127 <xmltree.html#127>`_
@@ -233,13 +253,12 @@ Index
      * `macros.html#117 <macros.html#117>`_
      * `sockets.html#109 <sockets.html#109>`_
      * `sockets.html#110 <sockets.html#110>`_
-     * `system.html#267 <system.html#267>`_
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      * `system.html#341 <system.html#341>`_
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      * `system.html#344 <system.html#344>`_
      * `system.html#345 <system.html#345>`_
      * `system.html#346 <system.html#346>`_
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      `strutils.html#130 <strutils.html#130>`_
-     `system.html#422 <system.html#422>`_
+     `system.html#425 <system.html#425>`_
-     `strutils.html#138 <strutils.html#138>`_
+     `strutils.html#139 <strutils.html#139>`_
      * `strutils.html#109 <strutils.html#109>`_
@@ -6900,34 +7975,52 @@ Index
      * `unicode.html#111 <unicode.html#111>`_
-     `strutils.html#157 <strutils.html#157>`_
+     `strutils.html#158 <strutils.html#158>`_
      `strutils.html#123 <strutils.html#123>`_
+   `toOrderedSet`:idx:
+     `sets.html#120 <sets.html#120>`_
+   `toOrderedTable`:idx:
+     `tables.html#124 <tables.html#124>`_
      `parseopt.html#102 <parseopt.html#102>`_
+   `TOrderedSet`:idx:
+     `sets.html#112 <sets.html#112>`_
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+     `tables.html#114 <tables.html#114>`_
      `graphics.html#107 <graphics.html#107>`_
      `graphics.html#109 <graphics.html#109>`_
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      `macros.html#146 <macros.html#146>`_
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+     `tables.html#112 <tables.html#112>`_
      `unicode.html#113 <unicode.html#113>`_
-     `system.html#200 <system.html#200>`_
+     `system.html#201 <system.html#201>`_
-     `system.html#201 <system.html#201>`_
+     `system.html#202 <system.html#202>`_
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+     `system.html#200 <system.html#200>`_
      * `strutils.html#111 <strutils.html#111>`_
@@ -6946,6 +8039,9 @@ Index
      `graphics.html#102 <graphics.html#102>`_
+   `TPollItem`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#144 <zmq.html#144>`_
      `sockets.html#102 <sockets.html#102>`_
@@ -6955,11 +8051,14 @@ Index
      `sockets.html#105 <sockets.html#105>`_
+   `TQueue`:idx:
+     `queues.html#101 <queues.html#101>`_
      `xmlgen.html#178 <xmlgen.html#178>`_
-     * `manual.html#170 <manual.html#170>`_
+     * `manual.html#172 <manual.html#172>`_
      * `tut1.html#121 <tut1.html#121>`_
@@ -6969,6 +8068,21 @@ Index
      `graphics.html#101 <graphics.html#101>`_
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+     `redis.html#102 <redis.html#102>`_
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+     `redis.html#104 <redis.html#104>`_
+   `TRedisList`:idx:
+     `redis.html#106 <redis.html#106>`_
+   `TRedisStatus`:idx:
+     `redis.html#103 <redis.html#103>`_
+   `TRedisString`:idx:
+     `redis.html#105 <redis.html#105>`_
      `re.html#104 <re.html#104>`_
@@ -6982,7 +8096,10 @@ Index
      `httpclient.html#101 <httpclient.html#101>`_
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+     `system.html#176 <system.html#176>`_
+   `Tresult`:idx:
+     `sphinx.html#148 <sphinx.html#148>`_
      * `db_postgres.html#103 <db_postgres.html#103>`_
@@ -7002,11 +8119,11 @@ Index
      `math.html#139 <math.html#139>`_
-     * `manual.html#198 <manual.html#198>`_
+     * `manual.html#201 <manual.html#201>`_
      * `tut2.html#108 <tut2.html#108>`_
-   `TryAquire`:idx:
-     `threads.html#105 <threads.html#105>`_
+   `TryAcquire`:idx:
+     `threads.html#113 <threads.html#113>`_
      * `db_postgres.html#108 <db_postgres.html#108>`_
@@ -7024,12 +8141,27 @@ Index
      `ssl.html#101 <ssl.html#101>`_
+   `TSendRecvOptions`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#143 <zmq.html#143>`_
      `sockets.html#106 <sockets.html#106>`_
      `httpserver.html#103 <httpserver.html#103>`_
+   `TSet`:idx:
+     `sets.html#101 <sets.html#101>`_
+   `TSinglyLinkedList`:idx:
+     `lists.html#105 <lists.html#105>`_
+   `TSinglyLinkedNode`:idx:
+     `lists.html#103 <lists.html#103>`_
+   `TSinglyLinkedRing`:idx:
+     `lists.html#107 <lists.html#107>`_
      `system.html#135 <system.html#135>`_
@@ -7039,6 +8171,12 @@ Index
      `sockets.html#101 <sockets.html#101>`_
+   `TSockOptions`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#142 <zmq.html#142>`_
+   `TSphinxBool`:idx:
+     `sphinx.html#145 <sphinx.html#145>`_
      `sqlite3.html#182 <sqlite3.html#182>`_
@@ -7089,27 +8227,39 @@ Index
      `xmlgen.html#179 <xmlgen.html#179>`_
+   `TTable`:idx:
+     `tables.html#101 <tables.html#101>`_
      `threads.html#102 <threads.html#102>`_
+   `TThreadId`:idx:
+     `threads.html#103 <threads.html#103>`_
      `times.html#103 <times.html#103>`_
      `times.html#104 <times.html#104>`_
+   `ttl`:idx:
+     `redis.html#120 <redis.html#120>`_
      `sockets.html#104 <sockets.html#104>`_
-     `manual.html#165 <manual.html#165>`_
+     `manual.html#166 <manual.html#166>`_
    `tuple unpacking`:idx:
-     `manual.html#217 <manual.html#217>`_
+     `manual.html#220 <manual.html#220>`_
      `times.html#102 <times.html#102>`_
+   `Twordinfo`:idx:
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      `parsexml.html#104 <parsexml.html#104>`_
@@ -7134,7 +8284,7 @@ Index
      * `manual.html#102 <manual.html#102>`_
      * `manual.html#143 <manual.html#143>`_
-     * `manual.html#222 <manual.html#222>`_
+     * `manual.html#225 <manual.html#225>`_
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      `tut2.html#101 <tut2.html#101>`_
@@ -7143,7 +8293,7 @@ Index
      `tut2.html#102 <tut2.html#102>`_
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-     * `manual.html#224 <manual.html#224>`_
+     * `manual.html#227 <manual.html#227>`_
      * `tut2.html#110 <tut2.html#110>`_
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@@ -7192,7 +8342,7 @@ Index
      `mysql.html#126 <mysql.html#126>`_
-     `manual.html#185 <manual.html#185>`_
+     `manual.html#187 <manual.html#187>`_
      `times.html#117 <times.html#117>`_
@@ -7201,13 +8351,13 @@ Index
      `os.html#112 <os.html#112>`_
-     `system.html#569 <system.html#569>`_
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      `dynlib.html#103 <dynlib.html#103>`_
-     `manual.html#253 <manual.html#253>`_
+     `manual.html#256 <manual.html#256>`_
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      * `manual.html#145 <manual.html#145>`_
@@ -7221,9 +8371,21 @@ Index
      `mysql.html#129 <mysql.html#129>`_
-     * `manual.html#171 <manual.html#171>`_
+     * `manual.html#173 <manual.html#173>`_
      * `tut1.html#122 <tut1.html#122>`_
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+     `redis.html#197 <redis.html#197>`_
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+     `sphinx.html#191 <sphinx.html#191>`_
+   `update_attributes_mva`:idx:
+     `sphinx.html#192 <sphinx.html#192>`_
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+     `zmq.html#135 <zmq.html#135>`_
      `cgi.html#102 <cgi.html#102>`_
@@ -7246,31 +8408,39 @@ Index
      `cgi.html#110 <cgi.html#110>`_
-     `strutils.html#161 <strutils.html#161>`_
+     `strutils.html#162 <strutils.html#162>`_
-     `strutils.html#162 <strutils.html#162>`_
+     `strutils.html#163 <strutils.html#163>`_
-   `Var`:idx:
-     `manual.html#191 <manual.html#191>`_
+   `values`:idx:
+     * `tables.html#105 <tables.html#105>`_
+     * `tables.html#118 <tables.html#118>`_
+     * `tables.html#130 <tables.html#130>`_
      `xmlgen.html#181 <xmlgen.html#181>`_
+   `Var`:idx:
+     `manual.html#194 <manual.html#194>`_
-     `manual.html#263 <manual.html#263>`_
+     `manual.html#266 <manual.html#266>`_
      * `math.html#115 <math.html#115>`_
      * `math.html#142 <math.html#142>`_
-     * `manual.html#167 <manual.html#167>`_
+     * `manual.html#168 <manual.html#168>`_
      * `tut2.html#103 <tut2.html#103>`_
      `regexprs.html#121 <regexprs.html#121>`_
+   `version`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#145 <zmq.html#145>`_
    `vertical tabulator`:idx:
      `manual.html#126 <manual.html#126>`_
@@ -7278,7 +8448,7 @@ Index
      `nimrodc.html#114 <nimrodc.html#114>`_
-     `osproc.html#113 <osproc.html#113>`_
+     `osproc.html#114 <osproc.html#114>`_
      `os.html#162 <os.html#162>`_
@@ -7291,27 +8461,31 @@ Index
      * `zipfiles.html#110 <zipfiles.html#110>`_
-     * `manual.html#237 <manual.html#237>`_
-     * `manual.html#249 <manual.html#249>`_
+     * `manual.html#240 <manual.html#240>`_
+     * `manual.html#252 <manual.html#252>`_
      * `macros.html#139 <macros.html#139>`_
+     * `sphinx.html#155 <sphinx.html#155>`_
      `parsecfg.html#110 <parsecfg.html#110>`_
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+     `redis.html#198 <redis.html#198>`_
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+     * `manual.html#198 <manual.html#198>`_
      * `tut1.html#106 <tut1.html#106>`_
-     * `manual.html#207 <manual.html#207>`_
-     * `manual.html#255 <manual.html#255>`_
-   `Whitespace`:idx:
-     `strutils.html#102 <strutils.html#102>`_
+     * `manual.html#210 <manual.html#210>`_
+     * `manual.html#258 <manual.html#258>`_
      `pegs.html#139 <pegs.html#139>`_
+   `Whitespace`:idx:
+     `strutils.html#102 <strutils.html#102>`_
      `times.html#118 <times.html#118>`_
@@ -7319,37 +8493,40 @@ Index
      `graphics.html#134 <graphics.html#134>`_
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      * `system.html#546 <system.html#546>`_
      * `system.html#547 <system.html#547>`_
      * `system.html#548 <system.html#548>`_
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      * `streams.html#103 <streams.html#103>`_
      * `streams.html#104 <streams.html#104>`_
      * `ropes.html#118 <ropes.html#118>`_
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      `cgi.html#144 <cgi.html#144>`_
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-     * `system.html#551 <system.html#551>`_
+     * `system.html#555 <system.html#555>`_
+     * `system.html#556 <system.html#556>`_
      `scgi.html#107 <scgi.html#107>`_
@@ -7378,27 +8555,93 @@ Index
      * `system.html#123 <system.html#123>`_
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      * `system.html#263 <system.html#263>`_
      * `system.html#264 <system.html#264>`_
      * `system.html#265 <system.html#265>`_
      * `system.html#266 <system.html#266>`_
+     * `system.html#267 <system.html#267>`_
+   `XPUB`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#131 <zmq.html#131>`_
+   `XREP`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#134 <zmq.html#134>`_
+   `XREQ`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#133 <zmq.html#133>`_
+   `XSUB`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#132 <zmq.html#132>`_
-     `manual.html#204 <manual.html#204>`_
+     `manual.html#207 <manual.html#207>`_
+   `zadd`:idx:
+     `redis.html#178 <redis.html#178>`_
+   `zcard`:idx:
+     `redis.html#179 <redis.html#179>`_
+   `zcount`:idx:
+     `redis.html#180 <redis.html#180>`_
-     * `system.html#193 <system.html#193>`_
      * `system.html#194 <system.html#194>`_
+     * `system.html#195 <system.html#195>`_
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      * `system.html#196 <system.html#196>`_
      * `system.html#197 <system.html#197>`_
      * `system.html#198 <system.html#198>`_
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      `mysql.html#130 <mysql.html#130>`_
-     `system.html#429 <system.html#429>`_
\ No newline at end of file
+     `system.html#432 <system.html#432>`_
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+     `redis.html#181 <redis.html#181>`_
+   `zinterstore`:idx:
+     `redis.html#182 <redis.html#182>`_
+   `zmqdll`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#101 <zmq.html#101>`_
+   `zmqError`:idx:
+     `zmq.html#171 <zmq.html#171>`_
+   `zrange`:idx:
+     `redis.html#183 <redis.html#183>`_
+   `zrangebyscore`:idx:
+     `redis.html#184 <redis.html#184>`_
+   `zrank`:idx:
+     `redis.html#185 <redis.html#185>`_
+   `zrem`:idx:
+     `redis.html#186 <redis.html#186>`_
+   `zremrangebyrank`:idx:
+     `redis.html#187 <redis.html#187>`_
+   `zremrangebyscore`:idx:
+     `redis.html#188 <redis.html#188>`_
+   `zrevrange`:idx:
+     `redis.html#189 <redis.html#189>`_
+   `zrevrangebyscore`:idx:
+     `redis.html#190 <redis.html#190>`_
+   `zrevrank`:idx:
+     `redis.html#191 <redis.html#191>`_
+   `zscore`:idx:
+     `redis.html#192 <redis.html#192>`_
+   `zunionstore`:idx:
+     `redis.html#193 <redis.html#193>`_
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/examples/0mq/client.nim b/examples/0mq/client.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/examples/0mq/server.nim b/examples/0mq/server.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/ b/
index a7a87de14..2663e04a6 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/gc.nim
   cp lib/system/hti.nim $libdir/system/hti.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/hti.nim
+  cp lib/system/inboxes.nim $libdir/system/inboxes.nim || exit 1
+  chmod 644 $libdir/system/inboxes.nim
   cp lib/system/inclrtl.nim $libdir/system/inclrtl.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/inclrtl.nim
   cp lib/system/mmdisp.nim $libdir/system/mmdisp.nim || exit 1
@@ -197,6 +199,8 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/sets.nim
   cp lib/system/sysio.nim $libdir/system/sysio.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/sysio.nim
+  cp lib/system/syslocks.nim $libdir/system/syslocks.nim || exit 1
+  chmod 644 $libdir/system/syslocks.nim
   cp lib/system/sysstr.nim $libdir/system/sysstr.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/system/sysstr.nim
   cp lib/system/threads.nim $libdir/system/threads.nim || exit 1
@@ -237,8 +241,6 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/pure/json.nim
   cp lib/pure/lexbase.nim $libdir/pure/lexbase.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/pure/lexbase.nim
-  cp lib/pure/logging.nim $libdir/pure/logging.nim || exit 1
-  chmod 644 $libdir/pure/logging.nim
   cp lib/pure/marshal.nim $libdir/pure/marshal.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/pure/marshal.nim
   cp lib/pure/math.nim $libdir/pure/math.nim || exit 1
@@ -301,8 +303,6 @@ if [ $# -eq 1 ] ; then
   chmod 644 $libdir/pure/xmlparser.nim
   cp lib/pure/xmltree.nim $libdir/pure/xmltree.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/pure/xmltree.nim
-  cp lib/pure/yamllexer.nim $libdir/pure/yamllexer.nim || exit 1
-  chmod 644 $libdir/pure/yamllexer.nim
   cp lib/impure/db_mysql.nim $libdir/impure/db_mysql.nim || exit 1
   chmod 644 $libdir/impure/db_mysql.nim
   cp lib/impure/db_postgres.nim $libdir/impure/db_postgres.nim || exit 1
diff --git a/lib/core/typeinfo.nim b/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 3434cd9d4..32042695d
--- a/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
+++ b/lib/core/typeinfo.nim
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ type
   TAny* = object {.pure.} ## can represent any nimrod value; NOTE: the wrapped
                           ## value can be modified with its wrapper! This means
                           ## that ``TAny`` keeps a non-traced pointer to its
-                          ## wrapped value and MUST not live longer than its
-                          ## wrapped value.
+                          ## wrapped value and **must not** live longer than
+                          ## its wrapped value.
     value: pointer
     rawType: PNimType
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ proc newAny(value: pointer, rawType: PNimType): TAny =
 proc toAny*[T](x: var T): TAny {.inline.} =
   ## constructs a ``TAny`` object from `x`. This captures `x`'s address, so
   ## `x` can be modified with its ``TAny`` wrapper! The client needs to ensure
-  ## that the wrapper DOES NOT live longer than `x`!
+  ## that the wrapper **does not** live longer than `x`!
   result.value = addr(x)
   result.rawType = cast[PNimType](getTypeInfo(x))
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ proc kind*(x: TAny): TAnyKind {.inline.} =
   result = TAnyKind(ord(x.rawType.kind))
 proc baseTypeKind*(x: TAny): TAnyKind {.inline.} = 
-  ## get the base type's kind; akNone is returned if `x` has no base type.
+  ## get the base type's kind; ``akNone`` is returned if `x` has no base type.
   if x.rawType.base != nil:
     result = TAnyKind(ord(x.rawType.base.kind))
@@ -586,13 +586,13 @@ when isMainModule:
     # gimme a new scope dammit
-    var myarr: array[0..4, array[0..4, string]] = [
-      ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], 
-      ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], 
+    var myarr: array[0..4, array[0..4, string]] = [
+      ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], 
+      ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"], 
       ["test", "1", "2", "3", "4"]]
     var m = toAny(myArr)
     for i in 0 .. m.len-1:
       for j in 0 .. m[i].len-1:
         echo getString(m[i][j])
diff --git a/lib/impure/re.nim b/lib/impure/re.nim
index eaa712f01..635fab0db 100755
--- a/lib/impure/re.nim
+++ b/lib/impure/re.nim
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ proc replacef*(s: string, sub: TRegEx, by: string): string =
   ## with the notation ``$i`` and ``$#`` (see strutils.`%`). Examples:
   ## .. code-block:: nimrod
-  ## "var1=key; var2=key2".replace(re"(\w+)'='(\w+)", "$1<-$2$2")
+  ## "var1=key; var2=key2".replacef(re"(\w+)'='(\w+)", "$1<-$2$2")
   ## Results in:
diff --git a/lib/prelude.nim b/lib/prelude.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim b/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index bbe6a674b..3fd81acf6
--- a/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/intsets.nim
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 ## The ``intsets`` module implements an efficient int set implemented as a
 ## sparse bit set.
-## **Note**: Since Nimrod does not allow the assignment operator to be 
-## overloaded, ``=`` for int sets performs some rather meaningless shallow
+## **Note**: Since Nimrod currently does not allow the assignment operator to
+## be overloaded, ``=`` for int sets performs some rather meaningless shallow
 ## copy.
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/queues.nim b/lib/pure/collections/queues.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim b/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index a577964c9..00056ff14
--- a/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/sets.nim
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
 ## The ``sets`` module implements an efficient hash set and ordered hash set.
-## Note: The data types declared here have *value semantics*: This means that
-## ``=`` performs a copy of the hash table. If you are overly concerned with
-## efficiency and know what you do (!), you can define the symbol
+## **Note**: The data types declared here have *value semantics*: This means
+## that ``=`` performs a copy of the hash table. If you are overly concerned
+## with efficiency and know what you do (!), you can define the symbol
 ## ``shallowADT`` to compile a version that uses shallow copies instead.
diff --git a/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim b/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index d353db3fb..6fe77b26f
--- a/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/collections/tables.nim
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 ## The ``tables`` module implements an efficient hash table that is
 ## a mapping from keys to values.
-## Note: The data types declared here have *value semantics*: This means that
-## ``=`` performs a copy of the hash table. If you are overly concerned with
-## efficiency and know what you do (!), you can define the symbol
+## **Note:** The data types declared here have *value semantics*: This means
+## that ``=`` performs a copy of the hash table. If you are overly concerned
+## with efficiency and know what you do (!), you can define the symbol
 ## ``shallowADT`` to compile a version that uses shallow copies instead.
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ type
   TSlotEnum = enum seEmpty, seFilled, seDeleted
   TKeyValuePair[A, B] = tuple[slot: TSlotEnum, key: A, val: B]
   TKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] = seq[TKeyValuePair[A, B]]
-  TTable* {.final, myShallow.}[A, B] = object
+  TTable* {.final, myShallow.}[A, B] = object ## generic hash table
     data: TKeyValuePairSeq[A, B]
     counter: int
diff --git a/lib/pure/osproc.nim b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
index 2b7047143..281615881 100755
--- a/lib/pure/osproc.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/osproc.nim
@@ -366,10 +366,12 @@ when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl): = procInfo.dwProcessID
   proc close(p: PProcess) =
-    discard CloseHandle(p.inputHandle)
-    discard CloseHandle(p.outputHandle)
-    discard CloseHandle(p.errorHandle)
-    discard CloseHandle(p.FProcessHandle)
+    when false:
+      # somehow this does not work on Windows:
+      discard CloseHandle(p.inputHandle)
+      discard CloseHandle(p.outputHandle)
+      discard CloseHandle(p.errorHandle)
+      discard CloseHandle(p.FProcessHandle)
   proc suspend(p: PProcess) =
     discard SuspendThread(p.FProcessHandle)
diff --git a/lib/pure/redis.nim b/lib/pure/redis.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/lib/pure/romans.nim b/lib/pure/romans.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/lib/pure/smtp.nim b/lib/pure/smtp.nim
index 21afdf953..bddcdfb04 100755
--- a/lib/pure/smtp.nim
+++ b/lib/pure/smtp.nim
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ proc createMessage*(mSubject, mBody: string, mTo,
   result.msgOtherHeaders = newStringTable()
 proc `$`*(msg: TMessage): string =
+  ## stringify for ``TMessage``.
   result = ""
   if msg.msgTo.len() > 0:
     result = "TO: " & msg.msgTo.join(", ") & "\c\L"
diff --git a/lib/system.nim b/lib/system.nim
index 6f20a9b4d..b6a119ddd 100755
--- a/lib/system.nim
+++ b/lib/system.nim
@@ -1456,7 +1456,7 @@ else:
       `x`[0][len] = 0
-proc echo*[Ty](x: openarray[Ty]) {.magic: "Echo".}
+proc echo*[Ty](x: openarray[Ty]) {.magic: "Echo", noSideEffect.}
   ## special built-in that takes a variable number of arguments. Each argument
   ## is converted to a string via ``$``, so it works for user-defined
   ## types that have an overloaded ``$`` operator.
diff --git a/lib/system/alloc.nim b/lib/system/alloc.nim
index 8a54e0ddd..efa372bcd 100755
--- a/lib/system/alloc.nim
+++ b/lib/system/alloc.nim
@@ -65,9 +65,12 @@ elif defined(windows):
     if result == nil: raiseOutOfMem()
-  proc osDeallocPages(p: pointer, size: int) {.inline.} = 
-    # according to Microsoft, 0 is the only correct value here:
-    when reallyOsDealloc: VirtualFree(p, 0, MEM_RELEASE)
+  proc osDeallocPages(p: pointer, size: int) {.inline.} =
+    # according to Microsoft, 0 is the only correct value for MEM_RELEASE:
+    # This means that the OS has some different view over how big the block is
+    # that we want to free! So, we cannot reliably release the memory back to
+    # Windows :-(. We have to live with MEM_DECOMMIT instead.
+    when reallyOsDealloc: VirtualFree(p, size, MEM_DECOMMIT)
   {.error: "Port memory manager to your platform".}
diff --git a/lib/system/atomics.nim b/lib/system/atomics.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 64f8e03e0..371168094
--- a/lib/system/atomics.nim
+++ b/lib/system/atomics.nim
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 ## Atomic operations for Nimrod.
-when (defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc)) and hasThreadSupport:
+when (defined(gcc) or defined(llvm_gcc)) and hasThreadSupport and 
+    not defined(windows):
   proc sync_add_and_fetch(p: var int, val: int): int {.
     importc: "__sync_add_and_fetch", nodecl.}
   proc sync_sub_and_fetch(p: var int, val: int): int {.
diff --git a/lib/system/inboxes.nim b/lib/system/inboxes.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 1f5d56c16..7b522c7ae
--- a/lib/system/inboxes.nim
+++ b/lib/system/inboxes.nim
@@ -7,8 +7,12 @@
 #    distribution, for details about the copyright.
-## Message passing for threads. The current implementation is slow and does
-## not work with cyclic data structures. But hey, it's better than nothing.
+## Message passing for threads. **Note**: This is part of the system module.
+## Do not import it directly. To activate thread support you need to compile
+## with the ``--threads:on`` command line switch.
+## **Note:** The current implementation of message passing is slow and does
+## not work with cyclic data structures.
   pbytes = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, byte]
@@ -18,6 +22,7 @@ type
     lock: TSysLock
     cond: TSysCond
     elemType: PNimType
+    ready: bool
     region: TMemRegion
   PInbox = ptr TInbox
   TLoadStoreMode = enum mStore, mLoad
@@ -178,9 +183,7 @@ template lockInbox(q: expr, action: stmt) =
-proc send*[TMsg](receiver: var TThread[TMsg], msg: TMsg) =
-  ## sends a message to a thread. `msg` is deeply copied.
-  var q = cast[PInbox](getInBoxMem(receiver))
+template sendImpl(q: expr) =  
   if q.mask == ThreadDeadMask:
     raise newException(EDeadThread, "cannot send message; thread died")
@@ -192,12 +195,24 @@ proc send*[TMsg](receiver: var TThread[TMsg], msg: TMsg) =
+proc send*[TMsg](receiver: var TThread[TMsg], msg: TMsg) =
+  ## sends a message to a thread. `msg` is deeply copied.
+  var q = cast[PInbox](getInBoxMem(receiver))
+  sendImpl(q)
+proc send*[TMsg](receiver: TThreadId[TMsg], msg: TMsg) =
+  ## sends a message to a thread. `msg` is deeply copied.
+  var q = cast[PInbox](getInBoxMem(receiver[]))
+  sendImpl(q)
 proc llRecv(res: pointer, typ: PNimType) =
   # to save space, the generic is as small as possible
   var q = cast[PInbox](getInBoxMem())
+  q.ready = true
   while q.count <= 0:
     WaitSysCond(q.cond, q.lock)
+  q.ready = false
   if typ != q.elemType:
     raise newException(EInvalidValue, "cannot receive message of wrong type")
@@ -215,4 +230,15 @@ proc peek*(): int =
     result = q.count
+proc peek*[TMsg](t: var TThread[TMsg]): int =
+  ## returns the current number of messages in the inbox of thread `t`.
+  var q = cast[PInbox](getInBoxMem(t))
+  if q.mask != ThreadDeadMask:
+    lockInbox(q):
+      result = q.count
+proc ready*[TMsg](t: var TThread[TMsg]): bool =
+  ## returns true iff the thread `t` is waiting on ``recv`` for new messages.
+  var q = cast[PInbox](getInBoxMem(t))
+  result = q.ready
diff --git a/lib/system/syslocks.nim b/lib/system/syslocks.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index c91e83dcd..17327bb59
--- a/lib/system/syslocks.nim
+++ b/lib/system/syslocks.nim
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ when defined(Windows):
   proc CreateEvent(lpEventAttributes: pointer, 
                    bManualReset, bInitialState: int32,
                    lpName: cstring): TSysCond {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
-    dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CreateEvent".}
+    dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CreateEventA".}
   proc CloseHandle(hObject: THandle) {.stdcall, noSideEffect,
     dynlib: "kernel32", importc: "CloseHandle".}
diff --git a/lib/system/threads.nim b/lib/system/threads.nim
index bd361760d..0e6c8ce82 100755
--- a/lib/system/threads.nim
+++ b/lib/system/threads.nim
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 ## Thread support for Nimrod. **Note**: This is part of the system module.
-## Do not import it directly. To active thread support you need to compile
+## Do not import it directly. To activate thread support you need to compile
 ## with the ``--threads:on`` command line switch.
 ## Nimrod's memory model for threads is quite different from other common 
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
   maxRegisters = 256 # don't think there is an arch with more registers
-  maxLocksPerThread* = 10 ## max number of locks a thread can hold
-                          ## at the same time
+  maxLocksPerThread = 10 ## max number of locks a thread can hold
+                         ## at the same time
   useStackMaskHack = false ## use the stack mask hack for better performance
   StackGuardSize = 4096
   ThreadStackMask = 1024*256*sizeof(int)-1
@@ -167,14 +167,17 @@ type
   PGcThread = ptr TGcThread
   TGcThread {.pure.} = object
     sys: TSysThread
-    next, prev: PGcThread
-    stackBottom, stackTop: pointer
-    stackSize: int
     inbox: TThreadLocalStorage
     when emulatedThreadVars and not useStackMaskHack:
       tls: TThreadLocalStorage
+    when hasSharedHeap:
+      next, prev: PGcThread
+      stackBottom, stackTop: pointer
+      stackSize: int
+    else:
+      nil
 # XXX it'd be more efficient to not use a global variable for the 
 # thread storage slot, but to rely on the implementation to assign slot 0
@@ -201,44 +204,45 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
     ThreadVarSetValue(globalsSlot, addr(mainThread))
-  var heapLock: TSysLock
-  InitSysLock(HeapLock)
   when emulatedThreadVars:
     if NimThreadVarsSize() > sizeof(TThreadLocalStorage):
       echo "too large thread local storage size requested"
       quit 1
-  var
-    threadList: PGcThread
-  proc registerThread(t: PGcThread) = 
-    # we need to use the GC global lock here!
-    AcquireSys(HeapLock)
-    t.prev = nil
- = threadList
-    if threadList != nil: 
-      sysAssert(threadList.prev == nil)
-      threadList.prev = t
-    threadList = t
-    ReleaseSys(HeapLock)
-  proc unregisterThread(t: PGcThread) =
-    # we need to use the GC global lock here!
-    AcquireSys(HeapLock)
-    if t == threadList: threadList =
-    if != nil: = t.prev
-    if t.prev != nil: =
-    # so that a thread can be unregistered twice which might happen if the
-    # code executes `destroyThread`:
- = nil
-    t.prev = nil
-    ReleaseSys(HeapLock)
+  when hasSharedHeap:
+    var heapLock: TSysLock
+    InitSysLock(HeapLock)
+    var
+      threadList: PGcThread
+    proc registerThread(t: PGcThread) = 
+      # we need to use the GC global lock here!
+      AcquireSys(HeapLock)
+      t.prev = nil
+ = threadList
+      if threadList != nil: 
+        sysAssert(threadList.prev == nil)
+        threadList.prev = t
+      threadList = t
+      ReleaseSys(HeapLock)
-  # on UNIX, the GC uses ``SIGFREEZE`` to tell every thread to stop so that
-  # the GC can examine the stacks?
-  proc stopTheWord() = nil
+    proc unregisterThread(t: PGcThread) =
+      # we need to use the GC global lock here!
+      AcquireSys(HeapLock)
+      if t == threadList: threadList =
+      if != nil: = t.prev
+      if t.prev != nil: =
+      # so that a thread can be unregistered twice which might happen if the
+      # code executes `destroyThread`:
+ = nil
+      t.prev = nil
+      ReleaseSys(HeapLock)
+    # on UNIX, the GC uses ``SIGFREEZE`` to tell every thread to stop so that
+    # the GC can examine the stacks?
+    proc stopTheWord() = nil
 # We jump through some hops here to ensure that Nimrod thread procs can have
 # the Nimrod calling convention. This is needed because thread procs are 
@@ -248,10 +252,15 @@ when not defined(useNimRtl):
 # GC'ed closures in Nimrod.
-  TThread* {.pure, final.}[TParam] = object of TGcThread ## Nimrod thread.
+  TThread* {.pure, final.}[TMsg] =
+      object of TGcThread ## Nimrod thread. A thread is a heavy object (~14K)
+                          ## that should not be part of a message! Use
+                          ## a ``TThreadId`` for that.
     emptyFn: proc ()
-    dataFn: proc (p: TParam)
-    data: TParam
+    dataFn: proc (p: TMsg)
+    data: TMsg
+  TThreadId*[TMsg] = ptr TThread[TMsg] ## the current implementation uses
+                                       ## a pointer as a thread ID.
 proc initInbox(p: pointer)
 proc freeInbox(p: pointer)
@@ -260,47 +269,47 @@ when not defined(boehmgc) and not hasSharedHeap:
 template ThreadProcWrapperBody(closure: expr) =
   ThreadVarSetValue(globalsSlot, closure)
-  var t = cast[ptr TThread[TParam]](closure)
+  var t = cast[ptr TThread[TMsg]](closure)
   when useStackMaskHack:
     var tls: TThreadLocalStorage
   when not defined(boehmgc) and not hasSharedHeap:
     # init the GC for this thread:
-  t.stackBottom = addr(t)
-  registerThread(t)
-  try:
-    when false:
-      var a = addr(tls)
-      var b = MaskStackPointer(1293920-372736-303104-36864)
-      c_fprintf(c_stdout, "TLS:    %p\nmasked: %p\ndiff:   %ld\n",
-                a, b, cast[int](a) - cast[int](b))
-    if t.emptyFn == nil: t.dataFn(
-    else: t.emptyFn()
-  finally:
-    # XXX shut-down is not executed when the thread is forced down!
-    freeInbox(addr(t.inbox))
-    unregisterThread(t)
-    when defined(deallocOsPages): deallocOsPages()
+  when hasSharedHeap:
+    t.stackBottom = addr(t)
+    registerThread(t)
+  if t.emptyFn == nil: t.dataFn(
+  else: t.emptyFn()
+  #finally:
+  # XXX shut-down is not executed when the thread is forced down!
+  freeInbox(addr(t.inbox))
+  when hasSharedHeap: unregisterThread(t)
+  when defined(deallocOsPages): deallocOsPages()
+  # Since an unhandled exception terminates the whole process (!), there is
+  # no need for a ``try finally`` here, nor would it be correct: The current
+  # exception is tried to be re-raised by the code-gen after the ``finally``!
+  # However this is doomed to fail, because we already unmapped every heap
+  # page!
 {.push stack_trace:off.}
 when defined(windows):
-  proc threadProcWrapper[TParam](closure: pointer): int32 {.stdcall.} = 
+  proc threadProcWrapper[TMsg](closure: pointer): int32 {.stdcall.} = 
     # implicitely return 0
-  proc threadProcWrapper[TParam](closure: pointer) {.noconv.} = 
+  proc threadProcWrapper[TMsg](closure: pointer) {.noconv.} = 
-proc joinThread*[TParam](t: TThread[TParam]) {.inline.} = 
+proc joinThread*[TMsg](t: TThread[TMsg]) {.inline.} = 
   ## waits for the thread `t` to finish.
   when hostOS == "windows":
     discard WaitForSingleObject(t.sys, -1'i32)
     discard pthread_join(t.sys, nil)
-proc joinThreads*[TParam](t: openArray[TThread[TParam]]) = 
+proc joinThreads*[TMsg](t: openArray[TThread[TMsg]]) = 
   ## waits for every thread in `t` to finish.
   when hostOS == "windows":
     var a: array[0..255, TSysThread]
@@ -312,7 +321,7 @@ proc joinThreads*[TParam](t: openArray[TThread[TParam]]) =
 when false:
   # XXX a thread should really release its heap here somehow:
-  proc destroyThread*[TParam](t: var TThread[TParam]) =
+  proc destroyThread*[TMsg](t: var TThread[TMsg]) =
     ## forces the thread `t` to terminate. This is potentially dangerous if
     ## you don't have full control over `t` and its acquired resources.
     when hostOS == "windows":
@@ -321,18 +330,18 @@ when false:
       discard pthread_cancel(t.sys)
-proc createThread*[TParam](t: var TThread[TParam], 
-                           tp: proc (param: TParam) {.thread.}, 
-                           param: TParam) =
+proc createThread*[TMsg](t: var TThread[TMsg], 
+                         tp: proc (msg: TMsg) {.thread.}, 
+                         param: TMsg) =
   ## creates a new thread `t` and starts its execution. Entry point is the
   ## proc `tp`. `param` is passed to `tp`. = param
   t.dataFn = tp
-  t.stackSize = ThreadStackSize
+  when hasSharedHeap: t.stackSize = ThreadStackSize
   when hostOS == "windows":
     var dummyThreadId: int32
-    t.sys = CreateThread(nil, ThreadStackSize, threadProcWrapper[TParam],
+    t.sys = CreateThread(nil, ThreadStackSize, threadProcWrapper[TMsg],
                          addr(t), 0'i32, dummyThreadId)
     if t.sys <= 0:
       raise newException(EResourceExhausted, "cannot create thread")
@@ -340,18 +349,18 @@ proc createThread*[TParam](t: var TThread[TParam],
     var a: Tpthread_attr
     pthread_attr_setstacksize(a, ThreadStackSize)
-    if pthread_create(t.sys, a, threadProcWrapper[TParam], addr(t)) != 0:
+    if pthread_create(t.sys, a, threadProcWrapper[TMsg], addr(t)) != 0:
       raise newException(EResourceExhausted, "cannot create thread")
-proc createThread*[TParam](t: var TThread[TParam], tp: proc () {.thread.}) =
+proc createThread*[TMsg](t: var TThread[TMsg], tp: proc () {.thread.}) =
   ## creates a new thread `t` and starts its execution. Entry point is the
   ## proc `tp`.
   t.emptyFn = tp
-  t.stackSize = ThreadStackSize
+  when hasSharedHeap: t.stackSize = ThreadStackSize
   when hostOS == "windows":
     var dummyThreadId: int32
-    t.sys = CreateThread(nil, ThreadStackSize, threadProcWrapper[TParam],
+    t.sys = CreateThread(nil, ThreadStackSize, threadProcWrapper[TMsg],
                          addr(t), 0'i32, dummyThreadId)
     if t.sys <= 0:
       raise newException(EResourceExhausted, "cannot create thread")
@@ -359,9 +368,17 @@ proc createThread*[TParam](t: var TThread[TParam], tp: proc () {.thread.}) =
     var a: Tpthread_attr
     pthread_attr_setstacksize(a, ThreadStackSize)
-    if pthread_create(t.sys, a, threadProcWrapper[TParam], addr(t)) != 0:
+    if pthread_create(t.sys, a, threadProcWrapper[TMsg], addr(t)) != 0:
       raise newException(EResourceExhausted, "cannot create thread")
+proc threadId*[TMsg](t: var TThread[TMsg]): TThreadId[TMsg] {.inline.} =
+  ## returns the thread ID of `t`.
+  result = addr(t)
+proc myThreadId*[TMsg](): TThreadId[TMsg] =
+  ## returns the thread ID of the thread that calls this proc.
+  result = cast[TThreadId[TMsg]](ThreadVarGetValue(globalsSlot))
 when useStackMaskHack:
   proc runMain(tp: proc () {.thread.}) {.compilerproc.} =
     var mainThread: TThread[pointer]
@@ -371,7 +388,7 @@ when useStackMaskHack:
 # --------------------------- lock handling ----------------------------------
-  TLock* = TSysLock ## Nimrod lock
+  TLock* = TSysLock ## Nimrod lock; not re-entrant!
   noDeadlocks = false # compileOption("deadlockPrevention")
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/sphinx.nim b/lib/wrappers/sphinx.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/lib/wrappers/zmq.nim b/lib/wrappers/zmq.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 8ebda26f9..4e658028e
--- a/lib/wrappers/zmq.nim
+++ b/lib/wrappers/zmq.nim
@@ -27,7 +27,32 @@
 ## Nimrod 0mq wrapper. This file contains the low level C wrappers as well as
 ## some higher level constructs. The higher level constructs are easily
 ## recognizable because they are the only ones that have documentation.
+## Example of a client:
+## .. code-block:: nimrod
+##   import zmq
+##   var connection ="tcp://localhost:5555", server=false)
+##   echo("Connecting...")
+##   for i in 0..10:
+##     echo("Sending hello...", i)
+##     send(connection, "Hello")
+##     var reply = receive(connection)
+##     echo("Received ...", reply)
+##   close(connection)
+## Example of a server:
+## .. code-block:: nimrod
+##   import zmq
+##   var connection ="tcp://*:5555", server=true)
+##   while True:
+##     var request = receive(connection)
+##     echo("Received: ", request)
+##     send(connection, "World")
+##   close(connection)
 {.deadCodeElim: on.}
 when defined(windows): 
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tcan_alias_generic.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tcan_alias_generic.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tcan_alias_specialised_generic.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tcan_alias_specialised_generic.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tcan_inherit_generic.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tcan_inherit_generic.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tcan_specialise_generic.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tcan_specialise_generic.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tcodegenbug1.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tcodegenbug1.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tconstraints.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tconstraints.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/teval1.nim b/tests/accept/compile/teval1.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher2.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tgenericmatcher2.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tgenericrefs.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tgenericrefs.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/titer2.nim b/tests/accept/compile/titer2.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/titer_no_tuple_unpack.nim b/tests/accept/compile/titer_no_tuple_unpack.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tmacrostmt.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tmacrostmt.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tmarshal.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tmarshal.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tnimrodnode_for_runtime.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tnimrodnode_for_runtime.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tshadow_magic_type.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tshadow_magic_type.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tspecialised_is_equivalent.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tspecialised_is_equivalent.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/ttableconstr.nim b/tests/accept/compile/ttableconstr.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/ttempl4.nim b/tests/accept/compile/ttempl4.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/ttemplreturntype.nim b/tests/accept/compile/ttemplreturntype.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/tthreadanalysis.nim b/tests/accept/compile/tthreadanalysis.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a1415fe3..000000000
--- a/tests/accept/compile/tthreadanalysis.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-  outputsub: "101"
-  cmd: "nimrod cc --hints:on --threads:on $# $#"
-import os
-  noDeadlocks = defined(system.deadlocksPrevented)
-  thr: array [0..5, TThread[tuple[a, b: int]]]
-proc doNothing() = nil
-  PNode = ref TNode
-  TNode = object {.pure.}
-    le, ri: PNode
-    data: string
-  root: PNode
-proc buildTree(depth: int): PNode =
-  if depth == 3: return nil
-  new(result)
-  result.le = buildTree(depth-1)
-  result.ri = buildTree(depth-1)
- = $depth
-proc echoLeTree(n: PNode) =
-  var it: PNode
-  it = nil
-  it = n
-  while it != nil:
-    echo
-    it = it.le
-proc threadFunc(interval: tuple[a, b: int]) {.procvar.} = 
-  doNothing()
-  for i in interval.a..interval.b: 
-    var r = buildTree(i)
-    echoLeTree(r) # for local data
-  echoLeTree(root) # and the same for foreign data :-)
-proc main =
-  root = buildTree(5)
-  for i in 0..high(thr):
-    createThread(thr[i], threadFunc, (i*3, i*3+2))
-  joinThreads(thr)
diff --git a/tests/accept/compile/ttypeconverter1.nim b/tests/accept/compile/ttypeconverter1.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tcase_setconstr.nim b/tests/accept/run/tcase_setconstr.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tfielditerator.nim b/tests/accept/run/tfielditerator.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tgenericassign.nim b/tests/accept/run/tgenericassign.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tgenericassigntuples.nim b/tests/accept/run/tgenericassigntuples.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tkoeniglookup.nim b/tests/accept/run/tkoeniglookup.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tlists.nim b/tests/accept/run/tlists.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tmacro4.nim b/tests/accept/run/tmacro4.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tmethods1.nim b/tests/accept/run/tmethods1.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tnewderef.nim b/tests/accept/run/tnewderef.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/trepr.nim b/tests/accept/run/trepr.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tsets2.nim b/tests/accept/run/tsets2.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tsimplesort.nim b/tests/accept/run/tsimplesort.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/tslices.nim b/tests/accept/run/tslices.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/accept/run/ttables.nim b/tests/accept/run/ttables.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 3c7c7bc3a..b492059d7
--- a/tests/accept/run/ttables.nim
+++ b/tests/accept/run/ttables.nim
@@ -80,5 +80,8 @@ block countTableTest1:
     else: break
     inc i
+block SyntaxTest:
+  var x = toTable[int, string]({:})
 echo "true"
diff --git a/tests/reject/tconstraints.nim b/tests/reject/tconstraints.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/reject/temptycaseobj.nim b/tests/reject/temptycaseobj.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/reject/tno_int_in_bool_context.nim b/tests/reject/tno_int_in_bool_context.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/reject/tprocvar.nim b/tests/reject/tprocvar.nim
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
diff --git a/tests/reject/tthreadanalysis2.nim b/tests/reject/tthreadanalysis2.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 456dba6b2..000000000
--- a/tests/reject/tthreadanalysis2.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-discard """
-  file: "tthreadanalysis2.nim"
-  line: 45
-  errormsg: "possible inconsistency of thread local heaps"
-  cmd: "nimrod cc --hints:on --threads:on $# $#"
-import os
-  noDeadlocks = defined(system.deadlocksPrevented)
-  thr: array [0..5, TThread[tuple[a, b: int]]]
-proc doNothing() = nil
-  PNode = ref TNode
-  TNode = object {.pure.}
-    le, ri: PNode
-    data: string
-  root: PNode
-proc buildTree(depth: int): PNode =
-  if depth == 3: return nil
-  new(result)
-  result.le = buildTree(depth-1)
-  result.ri = buildTree(depth-1)
- = $depth
-proc echoLeTree(n: PNode) =
-  var it = n
-  while it != nil:
-    echo
-    it = it.le
-proc threadFunc(interval: tuple[a, b: int]) {.procvar.} = 
-  doNothing()
-  for i in interval.a..interval.b: 
-    var r = buildTree(i)
-    echoLeTree(r) # for local data
-  root = buildTree(2) # BAD!
-  echoLeTree(root) # and the same for foreign data :-)
-proc main =
-  root = buildTree(5)
-  for i in 0..high(thr):
-    createThread(thr[i], threadFunc, (i*100, i*100+50))
-  joinThreads(thr)
diff --git a/tests/threads/threadex.nim b/tests/threads/threadex.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..65056a954
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/threads/threadex.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+  TMsgKind = enum
+    mLine, mEof
+  TMsg = object {.pure, final.}
+    case k: TMsgKind
+    of mEof: backTo: TThreadId[int]
+    of mLine: data: string
+  consumer: TThread[TMsg]
+  producer: TThread[int]
+  printedLines = 0
+proc consume() {.thread.} =
+  while true:
+    var x = recv[TMsg]()
+    if x.k == mEof: 
+      x.backTo.send(printedLines)
+      break
+    echo
+    discard atomicInc(printedLines)
+proc produce() {.thread.} =
+  var m: TMsg
+  var input = open("readme.txt")
+  while not endOfFile(input):
+    if consumer.ready:
+ = input.readLine()
+      consumer.send(m)
+  close(input)
+  m.k = mEof
+  m.backTo = myThreadId[int]()
+  consumer.send(m)
+  var result = recv[int]()
+  echo result
+createThread(consumer, consume)
+createThread(producer, produce)
+echo printedLines
diff --git a/tests/threads/tthreadanalysis.nim b/tests/threads/tthreadanalysis.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..84545ddf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/threads/tthreadanalysis.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+discard """
+  outputsub: "101"
+  cmd: "nimrod cc --hints:on --threads:on $# $#"
+import os
+  noDeadlocks = defined(system.deadlocksPrevented)
+  thr: array [0..5, TThread[tuple[a, b: int]]]
+proc doNothing() = nil
+  PNode = ref TNode
+  TNode = object {.pure.}
+    le, ri: PNode
+    data: string
+  root: PNode
+proc buildTree(depth: int): PNode =
+  if depth == 3: return nil
+  new(result)
+  result.le = buildTree(depth-1)
+  result.ri = buildTree(depth-1)
+ = $depth
+proc echoLeTree(n: PNode) =
+  var it: PNode
+  it = nil
+  it = n
+  while it != nil:
+    echo
+    it = it.le
+proc threadFunc(interval: tuple[a, b: int]) {.thread.} = 
+  doNothing()
+  for i in interval.a..interval.b: 
+    var r = buildTree(i)
+    echoLeTree(r) # for local data
+  echoLeTree(root) # and the same for foreign data :-)
+proc main =
+  root = buildTree(5)
+  for i in 0..high(thr):
+    createThread(thr[i], threadFunc, (i*3, i*3+2))
+  joinThreads(thr)
diff --git a/tests/threads/tthreadanalysis2.nim b/tests/threads/tthreadanalysis2.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..67e916c13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/threads/tthreadanalysis2.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+discard """
+  file: "tthreadanalysis2.nim"
+  line: 45
+  errormsg: "write to foreign heap"
+  cmd: "nimrod cc --hints:on --threads:on $# $#"
+import os
+  noDeadlocks = defined(system.deadlocksPrevented)
+  thr: array [0..5, TThread[tuple[a, b: int]]]
+proc doNothing() = nil
+  PNode = ref TNode
+  TNode = object {.pure.}
+    le, ri: PNode
+    data: string
+  root: PNode
+proc buildTree(depth: int): PNode =
+  if depth == 3: return nil
+  new(result)
+  result.le = buildTree(depth-1)
+  result.ri = buildTree(depth-1)
+ = $depth
+proc echoLeTree(n: PNode) =
+  var it = n
+  while it != nil:
+    echo
+    it = it.le
+proc threadFunc(interval: tuple[a, b: int]) {.thread.} = 
+  doNothing()
+  for i in interval.a..interval.b: 
+    var r = buildTree(i)
+    echoLeTree(r) # for local data
+  root = buildTree(2) # BAD!
+  echoLeTree(root) # and the same for foreign data :-)
+proc main =
+  root = buildTree(5)
+  for i in 0..high(thr):
+    createThread(thr[i], threadFunc, (i*100, i*100+50))
+  joinThreads(thr)
diff --git a/tests/threads/tthreadheapviolation1.nim b/tests/threads/tthreadheapviolation1.nim
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3cf7df7b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/threads/tthreadheapviolation1.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  global: string = "test string"
+  t: TThread[string]
+proc horrible() {.thread.} =
+  global = "string in thread local heap!"
+  var x = global
+  var mydata = (x, "my string too")
+  echo global
+createThread(t, horrible)
diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt
index 3c9754e10..cb69926ea 100755
--- a/todo.txt
+++ b/todo.txt
@@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
-High priority (version 0.8.12)
-* ``force_nosideEffect`` or some similar pragma is needed (``loophole``?)
-* test threads on windows
-* test thread analysis: 
-  var x = globalString # ok, copied; `x` is mine!
-  vs
-  var x = globalRef # read access, `x` is theirs!
-* make threadvar efficient again on linux after testing
-* document Nimrod's threads
-* document Nimrod's two phase symbol lookup for generics
-* bug: {:}.toTable[int, string]()
 version 0.9.0
+- ``var T`` as a return type; easy to prove that location is not on the stack
+- document Nimrod's two phase symbol lookup for generics
 - add --deadlock_prevention:on|off switch? timeout for locks?
 - bug: tfFinal not passed to generic
 - bug: forward proc for generic seems broken
-- ``var T`` as a return type; easy to prove that location is not on the stack
 - test the sort implementation again
 - warning for implicit openArray -> varargs convention
 - implement explicit varargs
@@ -28,6 +14,7 @@ version 0.9.0
 - fix overloading resolution
 - make ^ available as operator
 - implement closures; implement proper coroutines
+- make threadvar efficient again on linux after testing
@@ -57,7 +44,7 @@ version 0.9.XX
 - test branch coverage
 - checked exceptions
 - fix implicit generic routines
+- think about ``{:}.toTable[int, string]()``
diff --git a/web/download.txt b/web/download.txt
index 67de502b8..bd231dd54 100755
--- a/web/download.txt
+++ b/web/download.txt
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 Here you can download the latest version of the Nimrod Compiler.
 Please choose your platform:
-* source-based installation: `<download/>`_
-* installer for Windows XP/Vista (i386): `<download/nimrod_0.8.10.exe>`_
+* source-based installation: `<download/>`_
+* installer for Windows XP/Vista (i386): `<download/nimrod_0.8.12.exe>`_
   (includes GCC and everything else you need)
 The source-based installation has been tested on these systems:
diff --git a/web/news.txt b/web/news.txt
index 95f850f72..95a209151 100755
--- a/web/news.txt
+++ b/web/news.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ News
-2011-XX-XX Version 0.8.12 released
+2011-07-10 Version 0.8.12 released
 Version 0.8.12 has been released! Get it `here <download.html>`_. 
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ Bugfixes
 - Bugfix: The compiler does not emit very inaccurate floating point literals
 - Bugfix: Subclasses are taken into account for ``try except`` matching.
+- Bugfix: Generics and macros are more stable. There are still known bugs left
+  though.
 - Bugfix: Generated type information for tuples was sometimes wrong, causing
   random crashes.
 - Lots of other bugfixes: Too many to list them all.
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ Changes affecting backwards compatibility
 - Changed and documented how generalized string literals work: The syntax
   ``"abc"`` is now supported.
 - Changed the behaviour of ``strutils.%``, ``ropes.%`` 
-  if both ``$#`` and ``$i`` are involved.
+  if both notations ``$#`` and ``$i`` are involved.
 - The ``pegs`` and ``re`` modules distinguish between ``replace`` 
   and ``replacef`` operations.
 - The pointer dereference operation ``p^`` is deprecated and might become
@@ -50,8 +52,42 @@ Changes affecting backwards compatibility
 - Unsound co-/contravariance for procvars has been removed.
+Language Additions
+- Source code filters are now documented.
+- Added the ``linearScanEnd``, ``unroll``, ``shallow`` pragmas.
+- Added ``emit`` pragma for direct code generator control.
+- Case statement branches support constant sets for programming convenience.
+- Tuple unpacking is not enforced in ``for`` loops anymore.
+- The compiler now supports array, sequence and string slicing.
+- A field in an ``enum`` may be given an explicit string representation. 
+  This yields more maintainable code than using a constant 
+  ``array[TMyEnum, string]`` mapping.
+- Indices in array literals may be explicitly given, enhancing readability:
+  ``[enumValueA: "a", enumValueB: "b"]``.
+- Added thread support via the ``threads`` core module and 
+  the ``--threads:on`` command line switch.
+- The built-in iterators ``system.fields`` and ``system.fieldPairs`` can be
+  used to iterate over any field of a tuple. With this mechanism operations 
+  like ``==`` and ``hash`` are lifted to tuples.
+- The slice ``..`` is now a first-class operator, allowing code like:
+  ``x in 1000..100_000``.
+Compiler Additions
+- The compiler supports IDEs via the new group of ``idetools`` command line
+  options. 
+- The *interactive mode* (REPL) has been improved and documented for the 
+  first time.
+- The compiler now might use hashing for string case statements depending
+  on the number of string literals in the case statement.
+Library Additions
 - Added ``lists`` module which contains generic linked lists.
 - Added ``sets`` module which contains generic hash sets.
@@ -70,37 +106,20 @@ Additions
   ``\title``, ``\white``.
 - Pegs support the new built-in ``\skip`` operation.
 - Pegs support the ``$`` and ``^`` anchors.
-- Source code filters are now documented.
-- Added ``emit`` pragma for direct code generator control.
 - Additional operations were added to the ``complex`` module. 
 - Added ``strutils.formatFloat``,  ``strutils.formatBiggestFloat``.
-- A field in an ``enum`` may be given an explicit string representation. 
-  This yields more maintainable code than using a constant 
-  ``array[TMyEnum, string]`` mapping.
-- Indices in array literals may be explicitly given, enhancing readability:
-  ``[enumValueA: "a", enumValueB: "b"]``.
-- Added basic thread support via the ``threads`` core module and 
-  the ``--threads:on`` command line switch.
 - Added unary ``<`` for nice looking excluding upper bounds in ranges.
 - Added ``math.floor``.
-- The *interactive mode* (REPL) has been improved and documented for the 
-  first time.
-- Added the ``linearScanEnd``, ``unroll``, ``shallow`` pragmas.
 - Added ``system.reset`` and a version of ```` that 
   returns a ``TFile`` and raises an exception in case of an error.
-- The compiler now might use hashing for string case statements depending
-  on the number of string literals in the case statement.
-- Tuple unpacking is not enforced in ``for`` loops anymore.
 - Added a wrapper for ``redis``.
 - Added a wrapper for ``0mq`` via the ``zmq`` module.
 - Added a wrapper for ``sphinx``.
-- The compiler now supports array, sequence and string slicing.
 - Added ``system.newStringOfCap``.
 - Added ``system.raiseHook`` and ``system.outOfMemHook``.
 - Added ``system.writeFile``.
 - Added ``system.shallowCopy``.
 - ``system.echo`` is guaranteed to be thread-safe.
-- Case statement branches support constant sets for programming convenience.
 - Added ``prelude`` include file for scripting convenience.
 - Added ``typeinfo`` core module for access to runtime type information.
 - Added ``marshal`` module for JSON serialization.
diff --git a/web/nimrod.ini b/web/nimrod.ini
index b4d86df3b..83eb6cba2 100755
--- a/web/nimrod.ini
+++ b/web/nimrod.ini
@@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ doc: "endb;intern;apis;lib;manual;tut1;tut2;nimrodc;overview"
 doc: "tools;c2nim;niminst"
 pdf: "manual;lib;tut1;tut2;nimrodc;c2nim;niminst"
 srcdoc: "core/macros;pure/marshal;core/typeinfo"
-srcdoc: "impure/graphics;pure/sockets"
-srcdoc: "system.nim;system/threads.nim;pure/os;pure/strutils;pure/math"
+srcdoc: "impure/graphics;impure/re;pure/sockets"
+srcdoc: "system.nim;system/threads.nim;system/inboxes.nim"
+srcdoc: "pure/os;pure/strutils;pure/math"
 srcdoc: "pure/complex;pure/times;pure/osproc;pure/pegs;pure/dynlib"
 srcdoc: "pure/parseopt;pure/hashes;pure/strtabs;pure/lexbase"
 srcdoc: "pure/parsecfg;pure/parsexml;pure/parsecsv;pure/parsesql"
diff --git a/web/ticker.txt b/web/ticker.txt
index 548486a5d..2028eba14 100755
--- a/web/ticker.txt
+++ b/web/ticker.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+| `2011-07-10`:newsdate:
+| Nimrod version 0.8.12 has been released!
+  Get it `here <./download.html>`_.
 | `2010-10-20`:newsdate:
 | Nimrod version 0.8.10 has been released! 
-  Get it `here <./download.html>`_.
 | `2010-03-14`:newsdate:
 | Nimrod version 0.8.8 has been released! 
cgit 1.4.1-2-gfad0