From ab425d793af1a5c0b221bfbeab382b4781479c63 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jörg Wollenschläger <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 03:18:00 +0900
Subject: [RFC] Better atomics (#8620)

* Initial version of C++11 style atomics
* Make Atomic[T] always concrete
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+#            Nim's Runtime Library
+#        (c) Copyright 2018 Jörg Wollenschläger
+#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
+#    distribution, for details about the copyright.
+## Types and operations for atomic operations and lockless algorithms.
+import macros
+when defined(cpp) or defined(nimdoc):
+  # For the C++ backend, types and operations map directly to C++11 atomics.
+  {.push, header: "<atomic>".}
+  type
+    MemoryOrder* {.importcpp: "std::memory_order".} = enum
+      ## Specifies how non-atomic operations can be reordered around atomic 
+      ## operations.
+      moRelaxed
+        ## No ordering constraints. Only the atomicity and ordering against
+        ## other atomic operations is guaranteed.
+      moConsume
+        ## This ordering is currently discouraged as it's semantics are
+        ## being revised. Acquire operations should be preferred.
+      moAcquire
+        ## When applied to a load operation, no reads or writes in the
+        ## current thread can be reordered before this operation.
+      moRelease
+        ## When applied to a store operation, no reads or writes in the
+        ## current thread can be reorderd after this operation.
+      moAcquireRelease
+        ## When applied to a read-modify-write operation, this behaves like
+        ## both an acquire and a release operation.
+      moSequentiallyConsistent
+        ## Behaves like Acquire when applied to load, like Release when
+        ## applied to a store and like AcquireRelease when applied to a
+        ## read-modify-write operation.
+        ## Also garantees that all threads observe the same total ordering
+        ## with other moSequentiallyConsistent operations.
+  type
+    Atomic* {.importcpp: "std::atomic".} [T] = object
+      ## An atomic object with underlying type `T`.
+    AtomicFlag* {.importcpp: "std::atomic_flag".} = object
+      ## An atomic boolean state.
+  # Access operations
+  proc load*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importcpp: "#.load(@)".}
+    ## Atomically obtains the value of the atomic object.
+  proc store*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) {.importcpp: "".}
+    ## Atomically replaces the value of the atomic object with the `desired`
+    ## value.
+  proc exchange*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importcpp: "".}
+    ## Atomically replaces the value of the atomic object with the `desired`
+    ## value and returns the old value.
+  proc compareExchange*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.importcpp: "#.compare_exchange_strong(@)".}
+    ## Atomically compares the value of the atomic object with the `expected`
+    ## value and performs exchange with the `desired` one if equal or load if
+    ## not. Returns true if the exchange was successful.
+  proc compareExchange*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.importcpp: "#.compare_exchange_strong(@)".}
+    ## Same as above, but allows for different memory orders for success and
+    ## failure.
+  proc compareExchangeWeak*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.importcpp: "#.compare_exchange_weak(@)".}
+    ## Same as above, but is allowed to fail spuriously.
+  proc compareExchangeWeak*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.importcpp: "#.compare_exchange_weak(@)".}
+    ## Same as above, but allows for different memory orders for success and
+    ## failure.
+  # Numerical operations
+  proc fetchAdd*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importcpp: "#.fetch_add(@)".}
+    ## Atomically adds a `value` to the atomic integer and returns the
+    ## original value.
+  proc fetchSub*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importcpp: "#.fetch_sub(@)".}
+    ## Atomically subtracts a `value` to the atomic integer and returns the
+    ## original value.
+  proc fetchAnd*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importcpp: "#.fetch_and(@)".}
+    ## Atomically replaces the atomic integer with it's bitwise AND
+    ## with the specified `value` and returns the original value.
+  proc fetchOr*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importcpp: "#.fetch_or(@)".}
+    ## Atomically replaces the atomic integer with it's bitwise OR
+    ## with the specified `value` and returns the original value.
+  proc fetchXor*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importcpp: "#.fetch_xor(@)".}
+    ## Atomically replaces the atomic integer with it's bitwise XOR
+    ## with the specified `value` and returns the original value.
+  # Flag operations
+  proc testAndSet*(location: var AtomicFlag; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.importcpp: "#.test_and_set(@)".}
+    ## Atomically sets the atomic flag to true and returns the original value.
+  proc clear*(location: var AtomicFlag; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) {.importcpp: "#.clear(@)".}
+    ## Atomically sets the value of the atomic flag to false.
+  proc fence*(order: MemoryOrder) {.importcpp: "std::atomic_thread_fence(@)".}
+    ## Ensures memory ordering without using atomic operations.
+  proc signalFence*(order: MemoryOrder) {.importcpp: "std::atomic_signal_fence(@)".}
+    ## Prevents reordering of accesses by the compiler as would fence, but
+    ## inserts no CPU instructions for memory ordering.
+  {.pop.}
+  # For the C backend, atomics map to C11 built-ins on GCC and Clang for
+  # trivial Nim types. Other types are implemented using spin locks.
+  # This could be overcome by supporting advanced importc-patterns.
+  # Since MSVC does not implement C11, we fall back to MS intrinsics
+  # where available.
+  type 
+    Trivial = SomeNumber | bool | ptr | pointer
+      # A type that is known to be atomic and whose size is known at
+      # compile time to be 8 bytes or less
+  template nonAtomicType(T: typedesc[Trivial]): typedesc =
+    # Maps types to integers of the same size
+    when sizeof(T) == 1: int8
+    elif sizeof(T) == 2: int16
+    elif sizeof(T) == 4: int32
+    elif sizeof(T) == 8: int64
+  when defined(vcc):
+    # TODO: Trivial types should be volatile and use VC's special volatile
+    # semantics for store and loads.
+    type
+      MemoryOrder* = enum
+        moRelaxed
+        moConsume
+        moAcquire
+        moRelease
+        moAcquireRelease
+        moSequentiallyConsistent
+      Atomic*[T] = object
+        when T is Trivial:
+          value: T.nonAtomicType
+        else:
+          nonAtomicValue: T
+          guard: AtomicFlag
+      AtomicFlag* = distinct int8
+    {.push header: "<intrin.h>".}
+    # MSVC intrinsics
+    proc interlockedExchange(location: pointer; desired: int8): int8 {.importc: "_InterlockedExchange8".}
+    proc interlockedExchange(location: pointer; desired: int16): int16 {.importc: "_InterlockedExchange".}
+    proc interlockedExchange(location: pointer; desired: int32): int32 {.importc: "_InterlockedExchange16".}
+    proc interlockedExchange(location: pointer; desired: int64): int64 {.importc: "_InterlockedExchange64".}
+    proc interlockedCompareExchange(location: pointer; desired, expected: int8): int8 {.importc: "_InterlockedCompareExchange8".}
+    proc interlockedCompareExchange(location: pointer; desired, expected: int16): int16 {.importc: "_InterlockedCompareExchange16".}
+    proc interlockedCompareExchange(location: pointer; desired, expected: int32): int32 {.importc: "_InterlockedCompareExchange".}
+    proc interlockedCompareExchange(location: pointer; desired, expected: int64): int64 {.importc: "_InterlockedCompareExchange64".}
+    proc interlockedAnd(location: pointer; value: int8): int8 {.importc: "_InterlockedAnd8".}
+    proc interlockedAnd(location: pointer; value: int16): int16 {.importc: "_InterlockedAnd16".}
+    proc interlockedAnd(location: pointer; value: int32): int32 {.importc: "_InterlockedAnd".}
+    proc interlockedAnd(location: pointer; value: int64): int64 {.importc: "_InterlockedAnd64".}
+    proc interlockedOr(location: pointer; value: int8): int8 {.importc: "_InterlockedOr8".}
+    proc interlockedOr(location: pointer; value: int16): int16 {.importc: "_InterlockedOr16".}
+    proc interlockedOr(location: pointer; value: int32): int32 {.importc: "_InterlockedOr".}
+    proc interlockedOr(location: pointer; value: int64): int64 {.importc: "_InterlockedOr64".}
+    proc interlockedXor(location: pointer; value: int8): int8 {.importc: "_InterlockedXor8".}
+    proc interlockedXor(location: pointer; value: int16): int16 {.importc: "_InterlockedXor16".}
+    proc interlockedXor(location: pointer; value: int32): int32 {.importc: "_InterlockedXor".}
+    proc interlockedXor(location: pointer; value: int64): int64 {.importc: "_InterlockedXor64".}
+    proc fence(order: MemoryOrder): int64 {.importc: "_ReadWriteBarrier()".}
+    proc signalFence(order: MemoryOrder): int64 {.importc: "_ReadWriteBarrier()".}
+    {.pop.}
+    proc testAndSet*(location: var AtomicFlag; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool =
+      interlockedOr(addr(location), 1'i8) == 1'i8
+    proc clear*(location: var AtomicFlag; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) =
+      discard interlockedAnd(addr(location), 0'i8)
+    proc load*[T: Trivial](location: var T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](interlockedOr(addr(location), (nonAtomicType(T))0))
+    proc store*[T: Trivial](location: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) {.inline.} =
+      discard interlockedExchange(addr(location), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](desired))
+    proc exchange*[T: Trivial](location: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](interlockedExchange(addr(location), cast[int64](desired)))
+    proc compareExchange*[T: Trivial](location: var T; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](interlockedCompareExchange(addr(location), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](desired), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](expected))) == expected
+    proc compareExchange*[T: Trivial](location: var T; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.inline.} =
+      compareExchange(location, expected, desired, order, order)
+    proc compareExchangeWeak*[T: Trivial](location: var T; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.inline.} =
+      compareExchange(location, expected, desired, success, failure)
+    proc compareExchangeWeak*[T: Trivial](location: var T; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.inline.} =
+      compareExchangeWeak(location, expected, desired, order, order)
+    proc fetchAdd*[T: SomeInteger](location: var T; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      let currentValue = location.load()
+      while not compareExchangeWeak(location, currentValue, currentValue + value): discard
+    proc fetchSub*[T: SomeInteger](location: var T; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      fetchAdd(location, -value, order)
+    proc fetchAnd*[T: SomeInteger](location: var T; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](interlockedAnd(addr(location), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value)))
+    proc fetchOr*[T: SomeInteger](location: var T; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](interlockedOr(addr(location), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value)))
+    proc fetchXor*[T: SomeInteger](location: var T; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](interlockedXor(addr(location), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value)))
+  else:
+    {.push, header: "<stdatomic.h>".}
+    type
+      MemoryOrder* {.importc: "memory_order".} = enum
+        moRelaxed
+        moConsume
+        moAcquire
+        moRelease
+        moAcquireRelease
+        moSequentiallyConsistent
+    type
+      # Atomic* {.importcpp: "_Atomic('0)".} [T] = object
+      AtomicInt8 {.importc: "_Atomic NI8".} = object
+      AtomicInt16 {.importc: "_Atomic NI16".} = object
+      AtomicInt32 {.importc: "_Atomic NI32".} = object
+      AtomicInt64 {.importc: "_Atomic NI64".} = object
+    template atomicType(T: typedesc[Trivial]): untyped =
+      # Maps the size of a trivial type to it's internal atomic type
+      when sizeof(T) == 1: AtomicInt8
+      elif sizeof(T) == 2: AtomicInt16
+      elif sizeof(T) == 4: AtomicInt32
+      elif sizeof(T) == 8: AtomicInt64
+    type
+      AtomicFlag* {.importc: "atomic_flag".} = object
+      Atomic*[T] = object
+        when T is Trivial:
+          value: T.atomicType
+        else:
+          nonAtomicValue: T
+          guard: AtomicFlag
+    #proc init*[T](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T): T {.importcpp: "atomic_init(@)".}
+    proc atomic_load_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; order: MemoryOrder): T {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_store_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_exchange_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; expected: ptr T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; expected: ptr T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.importc.}
+    # Numerical operations
+    proc atomic_fetch_add_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_fetch_sub_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_fetch_and_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_fetch_or_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importc.}
+    proc atomic_fetch_xor_explicit[T, A](location: ptr A; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.importc.}
+    # Flag operations
+    # var ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT {.importc, nodecl.}: AtomicFlag
+    # proc init*(location: var AtomicFlag) {.inline.} = location = ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT
+    proc testAndSet*(location: var AtomicFlag; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.importc: "atomic_flag_test_and_set_explicit".}
+    proc clear*(location: var AtomicFlag; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) {.importc: "atomic_flag_clear_explicit".}
+    proc fence*(order: MemoryOrder) {.importc: "atomic_thread_fence".}
+    proc signalFence*(order: MemoryOrder) {.importc: "atomic_signal_fence".}  
+    {.pop.}
+    proc load*[T: Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](atomic_load_explicit[nonAtomicType(T), type(location.value)](addr(location.value), order))
+    proc store*[T: Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) {.inline.} =
+      atomic_store_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](desired), order)
+    proc exchange*[T: Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](atomic_exchange_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](desired), order))
+    proc compareExchange*[T: Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.inline.} =
+      atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[ptr nonAtomicType(T)](addr(expected)), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](desired), success, failure)
+    proc compareExchange*[T: Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.inline.} =
+      compareExchange(location, expected, desired, order, order)
+    proc compareExchangeWeak*[T: Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.inline.} =
+      atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[ptr nonAtomicType(T)](addr(expected)), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](desired), success, failure)
+    proc compareExchangeWeak*[T: Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.inline.} =
+      compareExchangeWeak(location, expected, desired, order, order)
+    # Numerical operations
+    proc fetchAdd*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](atomic_fetch_add_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value), order))
+    proc fetchSub*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](atomic_fetch_sub_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value), order))
+    proc fetchAnd*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](atomic_fetch_and_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value), order))
+    proc fetchOr*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](atomic_fetch_or_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value), order))
+    proc fetchXor*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+      cast[T](atomic_fetch_xor_explicit(addr(location.value), cast[nonAtomicType(T)](value), order))
+  template withLock[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; order: MemoryOrder; body: untyped): untyped =
+    while location.guard.testAndSet(moAcquire): discard
+    body
+    location.guard.clear(moRelease)
+  proc load*[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =      
+    withLock(location, order):
+      result = location.nonAtomicValue
+  proc store*[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent) {.inline.} =      
+    withLock(location, order):
+      location.nonAtomicValue = desired
+  proc exchange*[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): T {.inline.} =
+    withLock(location, order):
+      result = location.nonAtomicValue
+      location.nonAtomicValue = desired
+  proc compareExchange*[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.inline.} =
+    withLock(location, success):
+      if location.nonAtomicValue != expected:
+        return false
+      swap(location.nonAtomicValue, expected)
+      return true
+  proc compareExchangeWeak*[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; success, failure: MemoryOrder): bool {.inline.} =
+    withLock(location, success):
+      if location.nonAtomicValue != expected:
+        return false
+      swap(location.nonAtomicValue, expected)
+      return true
+  proc compareExchange*[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.inline.} =
+    compareExchange(location, expected, desired, order, order)
+  proc compareExchangeWeak*[T: not Trivial](location: var Atomic[T]; expected: var T; desired: T; order: MemoryOrder = moSequentiallyConsistent): bool {.inline.} =
+    compareExchangeWeak(location, expected, desired, order, order)
+proc atomicInc*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T = 1) {.inline.} =
+  ## Atomically increments the atomic integer by some `value`.
+  discard location.fetchAdd(value)
+proc atomicDec*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T = 1) {.inline.} =
+  ## Atomically decrements the atomic integer by some `value`.
+  discard location.fetchSub(value)
+proc `+=`*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T) {.inline.} =
+  ## Atomically increments the atomic integer by some `value`.
+  discard location.fetchAdd(value)
+proc `-=`*[T: SomeInteger](location: var Atomic[T]; value: T) {.inline.} =
+  ## Atomically decrements the atomic integer by some `value`.
+  discard location.fetchSub(value)
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