# v1.1 - XXXX-XX-XX ## Changes affecting backwards compatibility - The switch ``-d:nimBinaryStdFiles`` does not exist anymore. Instead stdin/stdout/stderr are binary files again. This change only affects Windows. - On Windows console applications the code-page is set at program startup to UTF-8. Use the new switch `-d:nimDontSetUtf8CodePage` to disable this feature. - The language definition and compiler are now stricter about ``gensym``'ed symbols in hygienic templates. See the section in the [manual](https://nim-lang.org/docs/manual.html#templates-hygiene-in-templates) for further details. Use the compiler switch `--useVersion:0.19` for a transition period. ### Breaking changes in the standard library - We removed `unicode.Rune16` without any deprecation period as the name was wrong (see the [RFC](https://github.com/nim-lang/RFCs/issues/151) for details) and we didn't find any usages of it in the wild. If you still need it, add this piece of code to your project: ```nim type Rune16* = distinct int16 ``` ### Breaking changes in the compiler - A bug allowing `int` to be implicitly converted to range types of smaller size (e.g `range[0'i8..10'i8]`) has been fixed. ## Library additions - `encodings.getCurrentEncoding` now distinguishes between the console's encoding and the OS's encoding. This distinction is only meaningful on Windows. - Added `system.getOsFileHandle` which is usually more useful than `system.getFileHandle`. This distinction is only meaningful on Windows. ## Library changes - Added `os.delEnv` and `nimscript.delEnv`. (#11466) - Enabled Oid usage in hashtables. (#11472) - Added `unsafeColumnAt` procs, that return unsafe cstring from InstantRow. (#11647) - Make public `Sha1Digest` and `Sha1State` types and `newSha1State`, `update` and `finalize` procedures from `sha1` module. (#11694) - Added the `std/monotimes` module which implements monotonic timestamps. - Consistent error handling of two `exec` overloads. (#10967) ## Language additions - Inline iterators returning `lent T` types are now supported, similarly to iterators returning `var T`: ```nim iterator myitems[T](x: openarray[T]): lent T iterator mypairs[T](x: openarray[T]): tuple[idx: int, val: lent T] ``` ## Language changes - `uint64` is now finally a regular ordinal type. This means `high(uint64)` compiles and yields the correct value. ### Tool changes - The Nim compiler now does not recompile the Nim project via ``nim c -r`` if no dependent Nim file changed. This feature can be overridden by the ``--forceBuild`` command line option. - The Nim compiler now warns about unused module imports. You can use a top level ``{.used.}`` pragma in the module that you want to be importable without producing this warning. - The "testament" testing tool's name was changed from `tester` to `testament` and is generally available as a tool to run Nim tests automatically. ### Compiler changes - VM can now cast integer type arbitrarily. (#11459) ## Bugfixes