# # # The Nim Compiler # (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements the canonalization for the various caching mechanisms. import strutils, db_sqlite, md5 var db: TDbConn # We *hash* the relevant information into 128 bit hashes. This should be good # enough to prevent any collisions. type TUid = distinct MD5Digest # For name mangling we encode these hashes via a variant of base64 (called # 'base64a') and prepend the *primary* identifier to ease the debugging pain. # So a signature like: # # proc gABI(c: PCtx; n: PNode; opc: TOpcode; a, b: TRegister; imm: BiggestInt) # # is mangled into: # gABI_MTdmOWY5MTQ1MDcyNGQ3ZA # # This is a good compromise between correctness and brevity. ;-) const cb64 = [ "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T" "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "_A", "_B"] proc toBase64a(s: cstring, len: int): string = ## encodes `s` into base64 representation. After `lineLen` characters, a ## `newline` is added. result = newStringOfCap(((len + 2) div 3) * 4) var i = 0 while i < s.len - 2: let a = ord(s[i]) let b = ord(s[i+1]) let c = ord(s[i+2]) result.add cb64[a shr 2] result.add cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)] result.add cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2) or ((c and 0xC0) shr 6)] result.add cb64[c and 0x3F] inc(i, 3) if i < s.len-1: let a = ord(s[i]) let b = ord(s[i+1]) result.add cb64[a shr 2] result.add cb64[((a and 3) shl 4) or ((b and 0xF0) shr 4)] result.add cb64[((b and 0x0F) shl 2)] elif i < s.len: let a = ord(s[i]) result.add cb64[a shr 2] result.add cb64[(a and 3) shl 4] proc toBase64a(u: TUid): string = toBase64a(cast[cstring](u), sizeof(u)) proc `&=`(c: var MD5Context, s: string) = md5Update(c, s, s.len) proc hashSym(c: var MD5Context, s: PSym) = if sfAnon in s.flags or s.kind == skGenericParam: c &= ":anon" else: var it = s.owner while it != nil: hashSym(c, it) c &= "." it = s.owner c &= s.name.s proc hashTree(c: var MD5Context, n: PNode) = if n == nil: c &= "\255" return var k = n.kind md5Update(c, cast[cstring](addr(k)), 1) # we really must not hash line information. 'n.typ' is debatable but # shouldn't be necessary for now and avoids potential infinite recursions. case n.kind of nkEmpty, nkNilLit, nkType: discard of nkIdent: c &= n.ident.s of nkSym: hashSym(c, n.sym) of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit: var v = n.intVal md5Update(c, cast[cstring](addr(v)), sizeof(v)) of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: var v = n.floatVal md5Update(c, cast[cstring](addr(v)), sizeof(v)) of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: c &= n.strVal else: for i in 0.. <n.len: hashTree(c, n.sons[i]) proc hashType(c: var MD5Context, t: PType) = # modelled after 'typeToString' if t == nil: c &= "\254" return var k = t.kind md5Update(c, cast[cstring](addr(k)), 1) if t.sym != nil and sfAnon notin t.sym.flags: # t.n for literals, but not for e.g. objects! if t.kind in {tyFloat, tyInt}: c.hashNode(t.n) c.hashSym(t.sym) case t.kind of tyGenericBody, tyGenericInst, tyGenericInvocation: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(t) -1 -ord(t.kind != tyGenericInvocation)): c.hashType t.sons[i] of tyUserTypeClass: internalAssert t.sym != nil and t.sym.owner != nil c &= t.sym.owner.name.s of tyUserTypeClassInst: let body = t.base c.hashSym body.sym for i in countup(1, sonsLen(t) - 2): c.hashType t.sons[i] of tyFromExpr, tyFieldAccessor: c.hashTree(t.n) of tyArrayConstr: c.hashTree(t.sons[0].n) c.hashType(t.sons[1]) of tyTuple: if t.n != nil: assert(sonsLen(t.n) == sonsLen(t)) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(t.n) - 1): assert(t.n.sons[i].kind == nkSym) c &= t.n.sons[i].sym.name.s c &= ":" c.hashType(t.sons[i]) c &= "," else: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(t) - 1): c.hashType t.sons[i] of tyRange: c.hashTree(t.n) c.hashType(t.sons[0]) of tyProc: c &= (if tfIterator in t.flags: "iterator " else: "proc ") for i in 0.. <t.len: c.hashType(t.sons[i]) md5Update(c, cast[cstring](addr(t.callConv)), 1) if tfNoSideEffect in t.flags: c &= ".noSideEffect" if tfThread in t.flags: c &= ".thread" else: for i in 0.. <t.len: c.hashType(t.sons[i]) if tfShared in t.flags: c &= "shared" if tfNotNil in t.flags: c &= "not nil" proc canonConst(n: PNode): TUid = var c: MD5Context md5Init(c) c.hashTree(n) c.hashType(n.typ) md5Final(c, MD5Digest(result)) proc canonSym(s: PSym): TUid = var c: MD5Context md5Init(c) c.hashSym(s) md5Final(c, MD5Digest(result)) proc pushType(w: PRodWriter, t: PType) = # check so that the stack does not grow too large: if iiTableGet(w.index.tab, t.id) == InvalidKey: w.tstack.add(t) proc pushSym(w: PRodWriter, s: PSym) = # check so that the stack does not grow too large: if iiTableGet(w.index.tab, s.id) == InvalidKey: w.sstack.add(s) proc encodeNode(w: PRodWriter, fInfo: TLineInfo, n: PNode, result: var string) = if n == nil: # nil nodes have to be stored too: result.add("()") return result.add('(') encodeVInt(ord(n.kind), result) # we do not write comments for now # Line information takes easily 20% or more of the filesize! Therefore we # omit line information if it is the same as the father's line information: if fInfo.fileIndex != n.info.fileIndex: result.add('?') encodeVInt(n.info.col, result) result.add(',') encodeVInt(n.info.line, result) result.add(',') encodeVInt(fileIdx(w, toFilename(n.info)), result) elif fInfo.line != n.info.line: result.add('?') encodeVInt(n.info.col, result) result.add(',') encodeVInt(n.info.line, result) elif fInfo.col != n.info.col: result.add('?') encodeVInt(n.info.col, result) var f = n.flags * PersistentNodeFlags if f != {}: result.add('$') encodeVInt(cast[int32](f), result) if n.typ != nil: result.add('^') encodeVInt(n.typ.id, result) pushType(w, n.typ) case n.kind of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: if n.intVal != 0: result.add('!') encodeVBiggestInt(n.intVal, result) of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: if n.floatVal != 0.0: result.add('!') encodeStr($n.floatVal, result) of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: if n.strVal != "": result.add('!') encodeStr(n.strVal, result) of nkIdent: result.add('!') encodeStr(n.ident.s, result) of nkSym: result.add('!') encodeVInt(n.sym.id, result) pushSym(w, n.sym) else: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): encodeNode(w, n.info, n.sons[i], result) add(result, ')') proc encodeLoc(w: PRodWriter, loc: TLoc, result: var string) = var oldLen = result.len result.add('<') if loc.k != low(loc.k): encodeVInt(ord(loc.k), result) if loc.s != low(loc.s): add(result, '*') encodeVInt(ord(loc.s), result) if loc.flags != {}: add(result, '$') encodeVInt(cast[int32](loc.flags), result) if loc.t != nil: add(result, '^') encodeVInt(cast[int32](loc.t.id), result) pushType(w, loc.t) if loc.r != nil: add(result, '!') encodeStr($loc.r, result) if loc.a != 0: add(result, '?') encodeVInt(loc.a, result) if oldLen + 1 == result.len: # no data was necessary, so remove the '<' again: setLen(result, oldLen) else: add(result, '>') proc encodeType(w: PRodWriter, t: PType, result: var string) = if t == nil: # nil nodes have to be stored too: result.add("[]") return # we need no surrounding [] here because the type is in a line of its own if t.kind == tyForward: internalError("encodeType: tyForward") # for the new rodfile viewer we use a preceeding [ so that the data section # can easily be disambiguated: add(result, '[') encodeVInt(ord(t.kind), result) add(result, '+') encodeVInt(t.id, result) if t.n != nil: encodeNode(w, unknownLineInfo(), t.n, result) if t.flags != {}: add(result, '$') encodeVInt(cast[int32](t.flags), result) if t.callConv != low(t.callConv): add(result, '?') encodeVInt(ord(t.callConv), result) if t.owner != nil: add(result, '*') encodeVInt(t.owner.id, result) pushSym(w, t.owner) if t.sym != nil: add(result, '&') encodeVInt(t.sym.id, result) pushSym(w, t.sym) if t.size != - 1: add(result, '/') encodeVBiggestInt(t.size, result) if t.align != 2: add(result, '=') encodeVInt(t.align, result) encodeLoc(w, t.loc, result) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(t) - 1): if t.sons[i] == nil: add(result, "^()") else: add(result, '^') encodeVInt(t.sons[i].id, result) pushType(w, t.sons[i]) proc encodeLib(w: PRodWriter, lib: PLib, info: TLineInfo, result: var string) = add(result, '|') encodeVInt(ord(lib.kind), result) add(result, '|') encodeStr($lib.name, result) add(result, '|') encodeNode(w, info, lib.path, result) proc encodeSym(w: PRodWriter, s: PSym, result: var string) = if s == nil: # nil nodes have to be stored too: result.add("{}") return # we need no surrounding {} here because the symbol is in a line of its own encodeVInt(ord(s.kind), result) result.add('+') encodeVInt(s.id, result) result.add('&') encodeStr(s.name.s, result) if s.typ != nil: result.add('^') encodeVInt(s.typ.id, result) pushType(w, s.typ) result.add('?') if s.info.col != -1'i16: encodeVInt(s.info.col, result) result.add(',') if s.info.line != -1'i16: encodeVInt(s.info.line, result) result.add(',') encodeVInt(fileIdx(w, toFilename(s.info)), result) if s.owner != nil: result.add('*') encodeVInt(s.owner.id, result) pushSym(w, s.owner) if s.flags != {}: result.add('$') encodeVInt(cast[int32](s.flags), result) if s.magic != mNone: result.add('@') encodeVInt(ord(s.magic), result) if s.options != w.options: result.add('!') encodeVInt(cast[int32](s.options), result) if s.position != 0: result.add('%') encodeVInt(s.position, result) if s.offset != - 1: result.add('`') encodeVInt(s.offset, result) encodeLoc(w, s.loc, result) if s.annex != nil: encodeLib(w, s.annex, s.info, result) if s.constraint != nil: add(result, '#') encodeNode(w, unknownLineInfo(), s.constraint, result) # lazy loading will soon reload the ast lazily, so the ast needs to be # the last entry of a symbol: if s.ast != nil: # we used to attempt to save space here by only storing a dummy AST if # it is not necessary, but Nim's heavy compile-time evaluation features # make that unfeasible nowadays: encodeNode(w, s.info, s.ast, result) proc createDb() = db.exec(sql""" create table if not exists Module( id integer primary key, name varchar(256) not null, fullpath varchar(256) not null, interfHash varchar(256) not null, fullHash varchar(256) not null, created timestamp not null default (DATETIME('now')), );""") db.exec(sql""" create table if not exists Symbol( id integer primary key, module integer not null, name varchar(max) not null, data varchar(max) not null, created timestamp not null default (DATETIME('now')), foreign key (module) references module(id) );""") db.exec(sql""" create table if not exists Type( id integer primary key, module integer not null, name varchar(max) not null, data varchar(max) not null, created timestamp not null default (DATETIME('now')), foreign key (module) references module(id) );""") #db.exec(sql""" # --create unique index if not exists TsstNameIx on TestResult(name); # """, [])