# # # The Nim Compiler # (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # included from cgen.nim # -------------------------- constant expressions ------------------------ proc int64Literal(i: BiggestInt): PRope = if i > low(int64): result = rfmt(nil, "IL64($1)", toRope(i)) else: result = ~"(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1))" proc uint64Literal(i: uint64): PRope = toRope($i & "ULL") proc intLiteral(i: BiggestInt): PRope = if i > low(int32) and i <= high(int32): result = toRope(i) elif i == low(int32): # Nim has the same bug for the same reasons :-) result = ~"(-2147483647 -1)" elif i > low(int64): result = rfmt(nil, "IL64($1)", toRope(i)) else: result = ~"(IL64(-9223372036854775807) - IL64(1))" proc int32Literal(i: int): PRope = if i == int(low(int32)): result = ~"(-2147483647 -1)" else: result = toRope(i) proc genHexLiteral(v: PNode): PRope = # hex literals are unsigned in C # so we don't generate hex literals any longer. if v.kind notin {nkIntLit..nkUInt64Lit}: internalError(v.info, "genHexLiteral") result = intLiteral(v.intVal) proc getStrLit(m: BModule, s: string): PRope = discard cgsym(m, "TGenericSeq") result = con("TMP", toRope(backendId())) appf(m.s[cfsData], "STRING_LITERAL($1, $2, $3);$n", [result, makeCString(s), toRope(len(s))]) proc genLiteral(p: BProc, n: PNode, ty: PType): PRope = if ty == nil: internalError(n.info, "genLiteral: ty is nil") case n.kind of nkCharLit..nkUInt64Lit: case skipTypes(ty, abstractVarRange).kind of tyChar, tyNil: result = intLiteral(n.intVal) of tyInt: if n.intVal >= low(int32) and n.intVal <= high(int32): result = int32Literal(int32(n.intVal)) else: result = intLiteral(n.intVal) of tyBool: if n.intVal != 0: result = ~"NIM_TRUE" else: result = ~"NIM_FALSE" of tyInt64: result = int64Literal(n.intVal) of tyUInt64: result = uint64Literal(uint64(n.intVal)) else: result = ropef("(($1) $2)", [getTypeDesc(p.module, skipTypes(ty, abstractVarRange)), intLiteral(n.intVal)]) of nkNilLit: let t = skipTypes(ty, abstractVarRange) if t.kind == tyProc and t.callConv == ccClosure: var id = nodeTableTestOrSet(p.module.dataCache, n, gBackendId) result = con("TMP", toRope(id)) if id == gBackendId: # not found in cache: inc(gBackendId) appf(p.module.s[cfsData], "static NIM_CONST $1 $2 = {NIM_NIL,NIM_NIL};$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t), result]) else: result = toRope("NIM_NIL") of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: if skipTypes(ty, abstractVarRange).kind == tyString: var id = nodeTableTestOrSet(p.module.dataCache, n, gBackendId) if id == gBackendId: # string literal not found in the cache: result = ropecg(p.module, "((#NimStringDesc*) &$1)", [getStrLit(p.module, n.strVal)]) else: result = ropecg(p.module, "((#NimStringDesc*) &TMP$1)", [toRope(id)]) else: result = makeCString(n.strVal) of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: result = toRope(n.floatVal.toStrMaxPrecision) else: internalError(n.info, "genLiteral(" & $n.kind & ')') result = nil proc genLiteral(p: BProc, n: PNode): PRope = result = genLiteral(p, n, n.typ) proc bitSetToWord(s: TBitSet, size: int): BiggestInt = result = 0 when true: for j in countup(0, size - 1): if j < len(s): result = result or `shl`(ze64(s[j]), j * 8) else: # not needed, too complex thinking: if CPU[platform.hostCPU].endian == CPU[targetCPU].endian: for j in countup(0, size - 1): if j < len(s): result = result or `shl`(Ze64(s[j]), j * 8) else: for j in countup(0, size - 1): if j < len(s): result = result or `shl`(Ze64(s[j]), (Size - 1 - j) * 8) proc genRawSetData(cs: TBitSet, size: int): PRope = var frmt: TFormatStr if size > 8: result = ropef("{$n") for i in countup(0, size - 1): if i < size - 1: # not last iteration? if (i + 1) mod 8 == 0: frmt = "0x$1,$n" else: frmt = "0x$1, " else: frmt = "0x$1}$n" appf(result, frmt, [toRope(toHex(ze64(cs[i]), 2))]) else: result = intLiteral(bitSetToWord(cs, size)) # result := toRope('0x' + ToHex(bitSetToWord(cs, size), size * 2)) proc genSetNode(p: BProc, n: PNode): PRope = var cs: TBitSet var size = int(getSize(n.typ)) toBitSet(n, cs) if size > 8: var id = nodeTableTestOrSet(p.module.dataCache, n, gBackendId) result = con("TMP", toRope(id)) if id == gBackendId: # not found in cache: inc(gBackendId) appf(p.module.s[cfsData], "static NIM_CONST $1 $2 = $3;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, n.typ), result, genRawSetData(cs, size)]) else: result = genRawSetData(cs, size) proc getStorageLoc(n: PNode): TStorageLoc = case n.kind of nkSym: case n.sym.kind of skParam, skTemp: result = OnStack of skVar, skForVar, skResult, skLet: if sfGlobal in n.sym.flags: result = OnHeap else: result = OnStack of skConst: if sfGlobal in n.sym.flags: result = OnHeap else: result = OnUnknown else: result = OnUnknown of nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref: case n.sons[0].typ.kind of tyVar: result = OnUnknown of tyPtr: result = OnStack of tyRef: result = OnHeap else: internalError(n.info, "getStorageLoc") of nkBracketExpr, nkDotExpr, nkObjDownConv, nkObjUpConv: result = getStorageLoc(n.sons[0]) else: result = OnUnknown proc genRefAssign(p: BProc, dest, src: TLoc, flags: TAssignmentFlags) = if dest.s == OnStack or not usesNativeGC(): linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = $2;$n", rdLoc(dest), rdLoc(src)) if needToKeepAlive in flags: keepAlive(p, dest) elif dest.s == OnHeap: # location is on heap # now the writer barrier is inlined for performance: # # if afSrcIsNotNil in flags: # UseMagic(p.module, 'nimGCref') # lineF(p, cpsStmts, 'nimGCref($1);$n', [rdLoc(src)]) # elif afSrcIsNil notin flags: # UseMagic(p.module, 'nimGCref') # lineF(p, cpsStmts, 'if ($1) nimGCref($1);$n', [rdLoc(src)]) # if afDestIsNotNil in flags: # UseMagic(p.module, 'nimGCunref') # lineF(p, cpsStmts, 'nimGCunref($1);$n', [rdLoc(dest)]) # elif afDestIsNil notin flags: # UseMagic(p.module, 'nimGCunref') # lineF(p, cpsStmts, 'if ($1) nimGCunref($1);$n', [rdLoc(dest)]) # lineF(p, cpsStmts, '$1 = $2;$n', [rdLoc(dest), rdLoc(src)]) if canFormAcycle(dest.t): linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#asgnRef((void**) $1, $2);$n", addrLoc(dest), rdLoc(src)) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#asgnRefNoCycle((void**) $1, $2);$n", addrLoc(dest), rdLoc(src)) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#unsureAsgnRef((void**) $1, $2);$n", addrLoc(dest), rdLoc(src)) if needToKeepAlive in flags: keepAlive(p, dest) proc asgnComplexity(n: PNode): int = if n != nil: case n.kind of nkSym: result = 1 of nkRecCase: # 'case objects' are too difficult to inline their assignment operation: result = 100 of nkRecList: for t in items(n): result += asgnComplexity(t) else: discard proc optAsgnLoc(a: TLoc, t: PType, field: PRope): TLoc = assert field != nil result.k = locField result.s = a.s result.t = t result.r = rdLoc(a).con(".").con(field) result.heapRoot = a.heapRoot proc genOptAsgnTuple(p: BProc, dest, src: TLoc, flags: TAssignmentFlags) = let newflags = if src.k == locData: flags + {needToCopy} elif tfShallow in dest.t.flags: flags - {needToCopy} else: flags let t = skipTypes(dest.t, abstractInst).getUniqueType() for i in 0 .. $3) #raiseOverflow();$n", tmp, intLiteral(firstOrd(t)), intLiteral(lastOrd(t))) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("(NI$1)($2)", [toRope(getSize(t)*8), tmp])) proc unaryArithOverflow(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, m: TMagic) = const opr: array[mUnaryMinusI..mAbsI64, string] = [ mUnaryMinusI: "((NI$2)-($1))", mUnaryMinusI64: "-($1)", mAbsI: "($1 > 0? ($1) : -($1))", mAbsI64: "($1 > 0? ($1) : -($1))"] var a: TLoc t: PType assert(e.sons[1].typ != nil) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) t = skipTypes(e.typ, abstractRange) if optOverflowCheck in p.options: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1 == $2) #raiseOverflow();$n", rdLoc(a), intLiteral(firstOrd(t))) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef(opr[m], [rdLoc(a), toRope(getSize(t) * 8)])) proc binaryArith(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) = const binArithTab: array[mAddF64..mXor, string] = [ "(($4)($1) + ($4)($2))", # AddF64 "(($4)($1) - ($4)($2))", # SubF64 "(($4)($1) * ($4)($2))", # MulF64 "(($4)($1) / ($4)($2))", # DivF64 "($4)((NU$3)($1) >> (NU$3)($2))", # ShrI "($4)((NU$3)($1) << (NU$3)($2))", # ShlI "($4)($1 & $2)", # BitandI "($4)($1 | $2)", # BitorI "($4)($1 ^ $2)", # BitxorI "(($1 <= $2) ? $1 : $2)", # MinI "(($1 >= $2) ? $1 : $2)", # MaxI "($4)((NU64)($1) >> (NU64)($2))", # ShrI64 "($4)((NU64)($1) << (NU64)($2))", # ShlI64 "($4)($1 & $2)", # BitandI64 "($4)($1 | $2)", # BitorI64 "($4)($1 ^ $2)", # BitxorI64 "(($1 <= $2) ? $1 : $2)", # MinI64 "(($1 >= $2) ? $1 : $2)", # MaxI64 "(($1 <= $2) ? $1 : $2)", # MinF64 "(($1 >= $2) ? $1 : $2)", # MaxF64 "($4)((NU$3)($1) + (NU$3)($2))", # AddU "($4)((NU$3)($1) - (NU$3)($2))", # SubU "($4)((NU$3)($1) * (NU$3)($2))", # MulU "($4)((NU$3)($1) / (NU$3)($2))", # DivU "($4)((NU$3)($1) % (NU$3)($2))", # ModU "($1 == $2)", # EqI "($1 <= $2)", # LeI "($1 < $2)", # LtI "($1 == $2)", # EqI64 "($1 <= $2)", # LeI64 "($1 < $2)", # LtI64 "($1 == $2)", # EqF64 "($1 <= $2)", # LeF64 "($1 < $2)", # LtF64 "((NU$3)($1) <= (NU$3)($2))", # LeU "((NU$3)($1) < (NU$3)($2))", # LtU "((NU64)($1) <= (NU64)($2))", # LeU64 "((NU64)($1) < (NU64)($2))", # LtU64 "($1 == $2)", # EqEnum "($1 <= $2)", # LeEnum "($1 < $2)", # LtEnum "((NU8)($1) == (NU8)($2))", # EqCh "((NU8)($1) <= (NU8)($2))", # LeCh "((NU8)($1) < (NU8)($2))", # LtCh "($1 == $2)", # EqB "($1 <= $2)", # LeB "($1 < $2)", # LtB "($1 == $2)", # EqRef "($1 == $2)", # EqPtr "($1 <= $2)", # LePtr "($1 < $2)", # LtPtr "($1 == $2)", # EqCString "($1 != $2)"] # Xor var a, b: TLoc s: BiggestInt assert(e.sons[1].typ != nil) assert(e.sons[2].typ != nil) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) # BUGFIX: cannot use result-type here, as it may be a boolean s = max(getSize(a.t), getSize(b.t)) * 8 putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef(binArithTab[op], [rdLoc(a), rdLoc(b), toRope(s), getSimpleTypeDesc(p.module, e.typ)])) proc genEqProc(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a, b: TLoc assert(e.sons[1].typ != nil) assert(e.sons[2].typ != nil) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) if a.t.callConv == ccClosure: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("($1.ClPrc == $2.ClPrc && $1.ClEnv == $2.ClEnv)", [ rdLoc(a), rdLoc(b)])) else: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("($1 == $2)", [rdLoc(a), rdLoc(b)])) proc genIsNil(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = let t = skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractRange) if t.kind == tyProc and t.callConv == ccClosure: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "$1.ClPrc == 0") else: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "$1 == 0") proc unaryArith(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) = const unArithTab: array[mNot..mToBiggestInt, string] = ["!($1)", # Not "$1", # UnaryPlusI "($3)((NU$2) ~($1))", # BitnotI "$1", # UnaryPlusI64 "($3)((NU$2) ~($1))", # BitnotI64 "$1", # UnaryPlusF64 "-($1)", # UnaryMinusF64 "($1 > 0? ($1) : -($1))", # AbsF64; BUGFIX: fabs() makes problems # for Tiny C, so we don't use it "(($3)(NU)(NU8)($1))", # mZe8ToI "(($3)(NU64)(NU8)($1))", # mZe8ToI64 "(($3)(NU)(NU16)($1))", # mZe16ToI "(($3)(NU64)(NU16)($1))", # mZe16ToI64 "(($3)(NU64)(NU32)($1))", # mZe32ToI64 "(($3)(NU64)(NU)($1))", # mZeIToI64 "(($3)(NU8)(NU)($1))", # ToU8 "(($3)(NU16)(NU)($1))", # ToU16 "(($3)(NU32)(NU64)($1))", # ToU32 "((double) ($1))", # ToFloat "((double) ($1))", # ToBiggestFloat "float64ToInt32($1)", # ToInt "float64ToInt64($1)"] # ToBiggestInt var a: TLoc t: PType assert(e.sons[1].typ != nil) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) t = skipTypes(e.typ, abstractRange) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef(unArithTab[op], [rdLoc(a), toRope(getSize(t) * 8), getSimpleTypeDesc(p.module, e.typ)])) proc genDeref(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc; enforceDeref=false) = let mt = mapType(e.sons[0].typ) if mt in {ctArray, ctPtrToArray} and not enforceDeref: # XXX the amount of hacks for C's arrays is incredible, maybe we should # simply wrap them in a struct? --> Losing auto vectorization then? #if e[0].kind != nkBracketExpr: # message(e.info, warnUser, "CAME HERE " & renderTree(e)) expr(p, e.sons[0], d) else: var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[0], a) case skipTypes(a.t, abstractInst).kind of tyRef: d.s = OnHeap of tyVar: d.s = OnUnknown of tyPtr: d.s = OnUnknown # BUGFIX! else: internalError(e.info, "genDeref " & $a.t.kind) if enforceDeref and mt == ctPtrToArray: # we lie about the type for better C interop: 'ptr array[3,T]' is # translated to 'ptr T', but for deref'ing this produces wrong code. # See tmissingderef. So we get rid of the deref instead. The codegen # ends up using 'memcpy' for the array assignment, # so the '&' and '*' cancel out: putIntoDest(p, d, a.t.sons[0], rdLoc(a)) else: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("(*$1)", [rdLoc(a)])) proc genAddr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = # careful 'addr(myptrToArray)' needs to get the ampersand: if e.sons[0].typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}: var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[0], a) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, con("&", a.r)) #Message(e.info, warnUser, "HERE NEW &") elif mapType(e.sons[0].typ) == ctArray: expr(p, e.sons[0], d) else: var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[0], a) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, addrLoc(a)) template inheritLocation(d: var TLoc, a: TLoc) = if d.k == locNone: d.s = a.s if d.heapRoot == nil: d.heapRoot = if a.heapRoot != nil: a.heapRoot else: a.r proc genRecordFieldAux(p: BProc, e: PNode, d, a: var TLoc): PType = initLocExpr(p, e.sons[0], a) if e.sons[1].kind != nkSym: internalError(e.info, "genRecordFieldAux") d.inheritLocation(a) discard getTypeDesc(p.module, a.t) # fill the record's fields.loc result = a.t.getUniqueType proc genTupleElem(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a: TLoc i: int initLocExpr(p, e.sons[0], a) d.inheritLocation(a) discard getTypeDesc(p.module, a.t) # fill the record's fields.loc var ty = a.t.getUniqueType var r = rdLoc(a) case e.sons[1].kind of nkIntLit..nkUInt64Lit: i = int(e.sons[1].intVal) else: internalError(e.info, "genTupleElem") appf(r, ".Field$1", [toRope(i)]) putIntoDest(p, d, ty.sons[i], r) proc genRecordField(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a: TLoc var ty = genRecordFieldAux(p, e, d, a) var r = rdLoc(a) var f = e.sons[1].sym if ty.kind == tyTuple: # we found a unique tuple type which lacks field information # so we use Field$i appf(r, ".Field$1", [toRope(f.position)]) putIntoDest(p, d, f.typ, r) else: var field: PSym = nil while ty != nil: if ty.kind notin {tyTuple, tyObject}: internalError(e.info, "genRecordField") field = lookupInRecord(ty.n, f.name) if field != nil: break if not p.module.compileToCpp: app(r, ".Sup") ty = getUniqueType(ty.sons[0]) if field == nil: internalError(e.info, "genRecordField 2 ") if field.loc.r == nil: internalError(e.info, "genRecordField 3") appf(r, ".$1", [field.loc.r]) putIntoDest(p, d, field.typ, r) proc genInExprAux(p: BProc, e: PNode, a, b, d: var TLoc) proc genFieldCheck(p: BProc, e: PNode, obj: PRope, field: PSym) = var test, u, v: TLoc for i in countup(1, sonsLen(e) - 1): var it = e.sons[i] assert(it.kind in nkCallKinds) assert(it.sons[0].kind == nkSym) let op = it.sons[0].sym if op.magic == mNot: it = it.sons[1] let disc = it.sons[2].skipConv assert(disc.kind == nkSym) initLoc(test, locNone, it.typ, OnStack) initLocExpr(p, it.sons[1], u) initLoc(v, locExpr, disc.typ, OnUnknown) v.r = ropef("$1.$2", [obj, disc.sym.loc.r]) genInExprAux(p, it, u, v, test) let id = nodeTableTestOrSet(p.module.dataCache, newStrNode(nkStrLit, field.name.s), gBackendId) let strLit = if id == gBackendId: getStrLit(p.module, field.name.s) else: con("TMP", toRope(id)) if op.magic == mNot: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1) #raiseFieldError(((#NimStringDesc*) &$2));$n", rdLoc(test), strLit) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if (!($1)) #raiseFieldError(((#NimStringDesc*) &$2));$n", rdLoc(test), strLit) proc genCheckedRecordField(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = if optFieldCheck in p.options: var a: TLoc f, field: PSym ty: PType r: PRope ty = genRecordFieldAux(p, e.sons[0], d, a) r = rdLoc(a) f = e.sons[0].sons[1].sym field = nil while ty != nil: assert(ty.kind in {tyTuple, tyObject}) field = lookupInRecord(ty.n, f.name) if field != nil: break if not p.module.compileToCpp: app(r, ".Sup") ty = getUniqueType(ty.sons[0]) if field == nil: internalError(e.info, "genCheckedRecordField") if field.loc.r == nil: internalError(e.info, "genCheckedRecordField") # generate the checks: genFieldCheck(p, e, r, field) app(r, rfmt(nil, ".$1", field.loc.r)) putIntoDest(p, d, field.typ, r) else: genRecordField(p, e.sons[0], d) proc genArrayElem(p: BProc, x, y: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a, b: TLoc initLocExpr(p, x, a) initLocExpr(p, y, b) var ty = skipTypes(skipTypes(a.t, abstractVarRange), abstractPtrs) var first = intLiteral(firstOrd(ty)) # emit range check: if optBoundsCheck in p.options and tfUncheckedArray notin ty.flags: if not isConstExpr(y): # semantic pass has already checked for const index expressions if firstOrd(ty) == 0: if (firstOrd(b.t) < firstOrd(ty)) or (lastOrd(b.t) > lastOrd(ty)): linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ((NU)($1) > (NU)($2)) #raiseIndexError();$n", rdCharLoc(b), intLiteral(lastOrd(ty))) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1 < $2 || $1 > $3) #raiseIndexError();$n", rdCharLoc(b), first, intLiteral(lastOrd(ty))) else: let idx = getOrdValue(y) if idx < firstOrd(ty) or idx > lastOrd(ty): localError(x.info, errIndexOutOfBounds) d.inheritLocation(a) putIntoDest(p, d, elemType(skipTypes(ty, abstractVar)), rfmt(nil, "$1[($2)- $3]", rdLoc(a), rdCharLoc(b), first)) proc genCStringElem(p: BProc, x, y: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a, b: TLoc initLocExpr(p, x, a) initLocExpr(p, y, b) var ty = skipTypes(a.t, abstractVarRange) if d.k == locNone: d.s = a.s putIntoDest(p, d, elemType(skipTypes(ty, abstractVar)), rfmt(nil, "$1[$2]", rdLoc(a), rdCharLoc(b))) proc genOpenArrayElem(p: BProc, x, y: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a, b: TLoc initLocExpr(p, x, a) initLocExpr(p, y, b) # emit range check: if optBoundsCheck in p.options: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ((NU)($1) >= (NU)($2Len0)) #raiseIndexError();$n", rdLoc(b), rdLoc(a)) # BUGFIX: ``>=`` and not ``>``! if d.k == locNone: d.s = a.s putIntoDest(p, d, elemType(skipTypes(a.t, abstractVar)), rfmt(nil, "$1[$2]", rdLoc(a), rdCharLoc(b))) proc genSeqElem(p: BProc, x, y: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a, b: TLoc initLocExpr(p, x, a) initLocExpr(p, y, b) var ty = skipTypes(a.t, abstractVarRange) if ty.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}: ty = skipTypes(ty.lastSon, abstractVarRange) # emit range check: if optBoundsCheck in p.options: if ty.kind == tyString: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ((NU)($1) > (NU)($2->$3)) #raiseIndexError();$n", rdLoc(b), rdLoc(a), lenField(p)) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ((NU)($1) >= (NU)($2->$3)) #raiseIndexError();$n", rdLoc(b), rdLoc(a), lenField(p)) if d.k == locNone: d.s = OnHeap d.heapRoot = a.r if skipTypes(a.t, abstractVar).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}: a.r = rfmt(nil, "(*$1)", a.r) putIntoDest(p, d, elemType(skipTypes(a.t, abstractVar)), rfmt(nil, "$1->data[$2]", rdLoc(a), rdCharLoc(b))) proc genBracketExpr(p: BProc; n: PNode; d: var TLoc) = var ty = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVarRange) if ty.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}: ty = skipTypes(ty.lastSon, abstractVarRange) case ty.kind of tyArray, tyArrayConstr: genArrayElem(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], d) of tyOpenArray, tyVarargs: genOpenArrayElem(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], d) of tySequence, tyString: genSeqElem(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], d) of tyCString: genCStringElem(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], d) of tyTuple: genTupleElem(p, n, d) else: internalError(n.info, "expr(nkBracketExpr, " & $ty.kind & ')') proc genAndOr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, m: TMagic) = # how to generate code? # 'expr1 and expr2' becomes: # result = expr1 # fjmp result, end # result = expr2 # end: # ... (result computed) # BUGFIX: # a = b or a # used to generate: # a = b # if a: goto end # a = a # end: # now it generates: # tmp = b # if tmp: goto end # tmp = a # end: # a = tmp var L: TLabel tmp: TLoc getTemp(p, e.typ, tmp) # force it into a temp! expr(p, e.sons[1], tmp) L = getLabel(p) if m == mOr: lineF(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1) goto $2;$n", [rdLoc(tmp), L]) else: lineF(p, cpsStmts, "if (!($1)) goto $2;$n", [rdLoc(tmp), L]) expr(p, e.sons[2], tmp) fixLabel(p, L) if d.k == locNone: d = tmp else: genAssignment(p, d, tmp, {}) # no need for deep copying proc genEcho(p: BProc, n: PNode) = # this unusal way of implementing it ensures that e.g. ``echo("hallo", 45)`` # is threadsafe. internalAssert n.kind == nkBracket discard lists.includeStr(p.module.headerFiles, "") var args: PRope = nil var a: TLoc for i in countup(0, n.len-1): initLocExpr(p, n.sons[i], a) appf(args, ", ($1)->data", [rdLoc(a)]) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "printf($1$2);$n", makeCString(repeatStr(n.len, "%s") & tnl), args) proc gcUsage(n: PNode) = if gSelectedGC == gcNone: message(n.info, warnGcMem, n.renderTree) proc genStrConcat(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = # # s = 'Hello ' & name & ', how do you feel?' & 'z' # # # { # string tmp0; # ... # tmp0 = rawNewString(6 + 17 + 1 + s2->len); # // we cannot generate s = rawNewString(...) here, because # // ``s`` may be used on the right side of the expression # appendString(tmp0, strlit_1); # appendString(tmp0, name); # appendString(tmp0, strlit_2); # appendChar(tmp0, 'z'); # asgn(s, tmp0); # } var a, tmp: TLoc getTemp(p, e.typ, tmp) var L = 0 var appends: PRope = nil var lens: PRope = nil for i in countup(0, sonsLen(e) - 2): # compute the length expression: initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i + 1], a) if skipTypes(e.sons[i + 1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar: inc(L) app(appends, rfmt(p.module, "#appendChar($1, $2);$n", tmp.r, rdLoc(a))) else: if e.sons[i + 1].kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}: inc(L, len(e.sons[i + 1].strVal)) else: appf(lens, "$1->$2 + ", [rdLoc(a), lenField(p)]) app(appends, rfmt(p.module, "#appendString($1, $2);$n", tmp.r, rdLoc(a))) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = #rawNewString($2$3);$n", tmp.r, lens, toRope(L)) app(p.s(cpsStmts), appends) if d.k == locNone: d = tmp keepAlive(p, tmp) else: genAssignment(p, d, tmp, {needToKeepAlive}) # no need for deep copying gcUsage(e) proc genStrAppend(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = # # s &= 'Hello ' & name & ', how do you feel?' & 'z' # // BUG: what if s is on the left side too? # # { # s = resizeString(s, 6 + 17 + 1 + name->len); # appendString(s, strlit_1); # appendString(s, name); # appendString(s, strlit_2); # appendChar(s, 'z'); # } var a, dest: TLoc appends, lens: PRope assert(d.k == locNone) var L = 0 initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], dest) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(e) - 3): # compute the length expression: initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i + 2], a) if skipTypes(e.sons[i + 2].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar: inc(L) app(appends, rfmt(p.module, "#appendChar($1, $2);$n", rdLoc(dest), rdLoc(a))) else: if e.sons[i + 2].kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}: inc(L, len(e.sons[i + 2].strVal)) else: appf(lens, "$1->$2 + ", [rdLoc(a), lenField(p)]) app(appends, rfmt(p.module, "#appendString($1, $2);$n", rdLoc(dest), rdLoc(a))) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = #resizeString($1, $2$3);$n", rdLoc(dest), lens, toRope(L)) keepAlive(p, dest) app(p.s(cpsStmts), appends) gcUsage(e) proc genSeqElemAppend(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = # seq &= x --> # seq = (typeof seq) incrSeq(&seq->Sup, sizeof(x)); # seq->data[seq->len-1] = x; let seqAppendPattern = if not p.module.compileToCpp: "$1 = ($2) #incrSeq(&($1)->Sup, sizeof($3));$n" else: "$1 = ($2) #incrSeq($1, sizeof($3));$n" var a, b, dest: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) lineCg(p, cpsStmts, seqAppendPattern, [ rdLoc(a), getTypeDesc(p.module, skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar)), getTypeDesc(p.module, skipTypes(e.sons[2].typ, abstractVar))]) keepAlive(p, a) initLoc(dest, locExpr, b.t, OnHeap) dest.r = rfmt(nil, "$1->data[$1->$2-1]", rdLoc(a), lenField(p)) genAssignment(p, dest, b, {needToCopy, afDestIsNil}) gcUsage(e) proc genReset(p: BProc, n: PNode) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, n.sons[1], a) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#genericReset((void*)$1, $2);$n", addrLoc(a), genTypeInfo(p.module, skipTypes(a.t, abstractVarRange))) proc rawGenNew(p: BProc, a: TLoc, sizeExpr: PRope) = var sizeExpr = sizeExpr let refType = skipTypes(a.t, abstractVarRange) var b: TLoc initLoc(b, locExpr, a.t, OnHeap) if sizeExpr.isNil: sizeExpr = ropef("sizeof($1)", getTypeDesc(p.module, skipTypes(refType.sons[0], abstractRange))) let args = [getTypeDesc(p.module, refType), genTypeInfo(p.module, refType), sizeExpr] if a.s == OnHeap and usesNativeGC(): # use newObjRC1 as an optimization; and we don't need 'keepAlive' either if canFormAcycle(a.t): linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1) #nimGCunref($1);$n", a.rdLoc) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1) #nimGCunrefNoCycle($1);$n", a.rdLoc) b.r = ropecg(p.module, "($1) #newObjRC1($2, $3)", args) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = $2;$n", a.rdLoc, b.rdLoc) else: b.r = ropecg(p.module, "($1) #newObj($2, $3)", args) genAssignment(p, a, b, {needToKeepAlive}) # set the object type: let bt = skipTypes(refType.sons[0], abstractRange) genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, bt, a, false) proc genNew(p: BProc, e: PNode) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) # 'genNew' also handles 'unsafeNew': if e.len == 3: var se: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], se) rawGenNew(p, a, se.rdLoc) else: rawGenNew(p, a, nil) gcUsage(e) proc genNewSeqAux(p: BProc, dest: TLoc, length: PRope) = let seqtype = skipTypes(dest.t, abstractVarRange) let args = [getTypeDesc(p.module, seqtype), genTypeInfo(p.module, seqtype), length] var call: TLoc initLoc(call, locExpr, dest.t, OnHeap) if dest.s == OnHeap and usesNativeGC(): if canFormAcycle(dest.t): linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1) #nimGCunref($1);$n", dest.rdLoc) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1) #nimGCunrefNoCycle($1);$n", dest.rdLoc) call.r = ropecg(p.module, "($1) #newSeqRC1($2, $3)", args) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = $2;$n", dest.rdLoc, call.rdLoc) else: call.r = ropecg(p.module, "($1) #newSeq($2, $3)", args) genAssignment(p, dest, call, {needToKeepAlive}) proc genNewSeq(p: BProc, e: PNode) = var a, b: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) genNewSeqAux(p, a, b.rdLoc) gcUsage(e) proc genObjConstr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var tmp: TLoc var t = e.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst) getTemp(p, t, tmp) let isRef = t.kind == tyRef var r = rdLoc(tmp) if isRef: rawGenNew(p, tmp, nil) t = t.lastSon.skipTypes(abstractInst) r = ropef("(*$1)", r) gcUsage(e) else: constructLoc(p, tmp) discard getTypeDesc(p.module, t) for i in 1 .. data[$2]", rdLoc(d), intLiteral(i)) arr.s = OnHeap # we know that sequences are on the heap expr(p, t.sons[i], arr) gcUsage(t) proc genArrToSeq(p: BProc, t: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var elem, a, arr: TLoc if t.kind == nkBracket: t.sons[1].typ = t.typ genSeqConstr(p, t.sons[1], d) return if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, t.typ, d) # generate call to newSeq before adding the elements per hand: var L = int(lengthOrd(t.sons[1].typ)) genNewSeqAux(p, d, intLiteral(L)) initLocExpr(p, t.sons[1], a) for i in countup(0, L - 1): initLoc(elem, locExpr, elemType(skipTypes(t.typ, abstractInst)), OnHeap) elem.r = rfmt(nil, "$1->data[$2]", rdLoc(d), intLiteral(i)) elem.s = OnHeap # we know that sequences are on the heap initLoc(arr, locExpr, elemType(skipTypes(t.sons[1].typ, abstractInst)), a.s) arr.r = rfmt(nil, "$1[$2]", rdLoc(a), intLiteral(i)) genAssignment(p, elem, arr, {afDestIsNil, needToCopy}) proc genNewFinalize(p: BProc, e: PNode) = var a, b, f: TLoc refType, bt: PType ti: PRope oldModule: BModule refType = skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], f) initLoc(b, locExpr, a.t, OnHeap) ti = genTypeInfo(p.module, refType) appf(p.module.s[cfsTypeInit3], "$1->finalizer = (void*)$2;$n", [ti, rdLoc(f)]) b.r = ropecg(p.module, "($1) #newObj($2, sizeof($3))", [ getTypeDesc(p.module, refType), ti, getTypeDesc(p.module, skipTypes(refType.lastSon, abstractRange))]) genAssignment(p, a, b, {needToKeepAlive}) # set the object type: bt = skipTypes(refType.lastSon, abstractRange) genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, bt, a, false) gcUsage(e) proc genOfHelper(p: BProc; dest: PType; a: PRope): PRope = # unfortunately 'genTypeInfo' sets tfObjHasKids as a side effect, so we # have to call it here first: let ti = genTypeInfo(p.module, dest) if tfFinal in dest.flags or (p.module.objHasKidsValid and tfObjHasKids notin dest.flags): result = ropef("$1.m_type == $2", a, ti) else: discard cgsym(p.module, "TNimType") inc p.module.labels let cache = con("Nim_OfCheck_CACHE", p.module.labels.toRope) appf(p.module.s[cfsVars], "static TNimType* $#[2];$n", cache) result = rfmt(p.module, "#isObjWithCache($#.m_type, $#, $#)", a, ti, cache) when false: # former version: result = rfmt(p.module, "#isObj($1.m_type, $2)", a, genTypeInfo(p.module, dest)) proc genOf(p: BProc, x: PNode, typ: PType, d: var TLoc) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, x, a) var dest = skipTypes(typ, typedescPtrs) var r = rdLoc(a) var nilCheck: PRope = nil var t = skipTypes(a.t, abstractInst) while t.kind in {tyVar, tyPtr, tyRef}: if t.kind != tyVar: nilCheck = r r = rfmt(nil, "(*$1)", r) t = skipTypes(t.lastSon, typedescInst) if not p.module.compileToCpp: while t.kind == tyObject and t.sons[0] != nil: app(r, ~".Sup") t = skipTypes(t.sons[0], typedescInst) if isObjLackingTypeField(t): globalError(x.info, errGenerated, "no 'of' operator available for pure objects") if nilCheck != nil: r = rfmt(p.module, "(($1) && ($2))", nilCheck, genOfHelper(p, dest, r)) else: r = rfmt(p.module, "($1)", genOfHelper(p, dest, r)) putIntoDest(p, d, getSysType(tyBool), r) proc genOf(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = genOf(p, n.sons[1], n.sons[2].typ, d) proc genRepr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) var t = skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange) case t.kind of tyInt..tyInt64, tyUInt..tyUInt64: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprInt((NI64)$1)", [rdLoc(a)])) of tyFloat..tyFloat128: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprFloat($1)", [rdLoc(a)])) of tyBool: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprBool($1)", [rdLoc(a)])) of tyChar: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprChar($1)", [rdLoc(a)])) of tyEnum, tyOrdinal: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprEnum($1, $2)", [ rdLoc(a), genTypeInfo(p.module, t)])) of tyString: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprStr($1)", [rdLoc(a)])) of tySet: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprSet($1, $2)", [ addrLoc(a), genTypeInfo(p.module, t)])) of tyOpenArray, tyVarargs: var b: TLoc case a.t.kind of tyOpenArray, tyVarargs: putIntoDest(p, b, e.typ, ropef("$1, $1Len0", [rdLoc(a)])) of tyString, tySequence: putIntoDest(p, b, e.typ, ropef("$1->data, $1->$2", [rdLoc(a), lenField(p)])) of tyArray, tyArrayConstr: putIntoDest(p, b, e.typ, ropef("$1, $2", [rdLoc(a), toRope(lengthOrd(a.t))])) else: internalError(e.sons[0].info, "genRepr()") putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprOpenArray($1, $2)", [rdLoc(b), genTypeInfo(p.module, elemType(t))])) of tyCString, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyRef, tyPtr, tyPointer, tyNil, tySequence: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprAny($1, $2)", [ rdLoc(a), genTypeInfo(p.module, t)])) else: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropecg(p.module, "#reprAny($1, $2)", [addrLoc(a), genTypeInfo(p.module, t)])) gcUsage(e) proc genGetTypeInfo(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var t = skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, genTypeInfo(p.module, t)) proc genDollar(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, n.sons[1], a) a.r = ropecg(p.module, frmt, [rdLoc(a)]) if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, n.typ, d) genAssignment(p, d, a, {needToKeepAlive}) gcUsage(n) proc genArrayLen(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) = var a = e.sons[1] if a.kind == nkHiddenAddr: a = a.sons[0] var typ = skipTypes(a.typ, abstractVar) case typ.kind of tyOpenArray, tyVarargs: if op == mHigh: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1Len0-1)") else: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "$1Len0") of tyCString: useStringh(p.module) if op == mHigh: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "(strlen($1)-1)") else: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "strlen($1)") of tyString, tySequence: if not p.module.compileToCpp: if op == mHigh: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1->Sup.len-1)") else: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "$1->Sup.len") else: if op == mHigh: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1->len-1)") else: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "$1->len") of tyArray, tyArrayConstr: # YYY: length(sideeffect) is optimized away incorrectly? if op == mHigh: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, toRope(lastOrd(typ))) else: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, toRope(lengthOrd(typ))) else: internalError(e.info, "genArrayLen()") proc genSetLengthSeq(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a, b: TLoc assert(d.k == locNone) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) var t = skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar) let setLenPattern = if not p.module.compileToCpp: "$1 = ($3) #setLengthSeq(&($1)->Sup, sizeof($4), $2);$n" else: "$1 = ($3) #setLengthSeq($1, sizeof($4), $2);$n" lineCg(p, cpsStmts, setLenPattern, [ rdLoc(a), rdLoc(b), getTypeDesc(p.module, t), getTypeDesc(p.module, t.sons[0])]) keepAlive(p, a) gcUsage(e) proc genSetLengthStr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 = #setLengthStr($1, $2);$n") keepAlive(p, d) gcUsage(e) proc genSwap(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = # swap(a, b) --> # temp = a # a = b # b = temp var a, b, tmp: TLoc getTemp(p, skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar), tmp) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) # eval a initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) # eval b genAssignment(p, tmp, a, {}) genAssignment(p, a, b, {}) genAssignment(p, b, tmp, {}) proc rdSetElemLoc(a: TLoc, setType: PType): PRope = # read a location of an set element; it may need a substraction operation # before the set operation result = rdCharLoc(a) assert(setType.kind == tySet) if firstOrd(setType) != 0: result = ropef("($1- $2)", [result, toRope(firstOrd(setType))]) proc fewCmps(s: PNode): bool = # this function estimates whether it is better to emit code # for constructing the set or generating a bunch of comparisons directly if s.kind != nkCurly: internalError(s.info, "fewCmps") if (getSize(s.typ) <= platform.intSize) and (nfAllConst in s.flags): result = false # it is better to emit the set generation code elif elemType(s.typ).kind in {tyInt, tyInt16..tyInt64}: result = true # better not emit the set if int is basetype! else: result = sonsLen(s) <= 8 # 8 seems to be a good value proc binaryExprIn(p: BProc, e: PNode, a, b, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) = putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef(frmt, [rdLoc(a), rdSetElemLoc(b, a.t)])) proc genInExprAux(p: BProc, e: PNode, a, b, d: var TLoc) = case int(getSize(skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar))) of 1: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1<<(($2)&7)))!=0)") of 2: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1<<(($2)&15)))!=0)") of 4: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(1<<(($2)&31)))!=0)") of 8: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1 &(IL64(1)<<(($2)&IL64(63))))!=0)") else: binaryExprIn(p, e, a, b, d, "(($1[$2/8] &(1<<($2%8)))!=0)") proc binaryStmtInExcl(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, frmt: string) = var a, b: TLoc assert(d.k == locNone) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) lineF(p, cpsStmts, frmt, [rdLoc(a), rdSetElemLoc(b, a.t)]) proc genInOp(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a, b, x, y: TLoc if (e.sons[1].kind == nkCurly) and fewCmps(e.sons[1]): # a set constructor but not a constant set: # do not emit the set, but generate a bunch of comparisons; and if we do # so, we skip the unnecessary range check: This is a semantical extension # that code now relies on. :-/ XXX let ea = if e.sons[2].kind in {nkChckRange, nkChckRange64}: e.sons[2].sons[0] else: e.sons[2] initLocExpr(p, ea, a) initLoc(b, locExpr, e.typ, OnUnknown) b.r = toRope("(") var length = sonsLen(e.sons[1]) for i in countup(0, length - 1): if e.sons[1].sons[i].kind == nkRange: initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1].sons[i].sons[0], x) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1].sons[i].sons[1], y) appf(b.r, "$1 >= $2 && $1 <= $3", [rdCharLoc(a), rdCharLoc(x), rdCharLoc(y)]) else: initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1].sons[i], x) appf(b.r, "$1 == $2", [rdCharLoc(a), rdCharLoc(x)]) if i < length - 1: app(b.r, " || ") app(b.r, ")") putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, b.r) else: assert(e.sons[1].typ != nil) assert(e.sons[2].typ != nil) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) genInExprAux(p, e, a, b, d) proc genSetOp(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) = const lookupOpr: array[mLeSet..mSymDiffSet, string] = [ "for ($1 = 0; $1 < $2; $1++) { $n" & " $3 = (($4[$1] & ~ $5[$1]) == 0);$n" & " if (!$3) break;}$n", "for ($1 = 0; $1 < $2; $1++) { $n" & " $3 = (($4[$1] & ~ $5[$1]) == 0);$n" & " if (!$3) break;}$n" & "if ($3) $3 = (memcmp($4, $5, $2) != 0);$n", "&", "|", "& ~", "^"] var a, b, i: TLoc var setType = skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar) var size = int(getSize(setType)) case size of 1, 2, 4, 8: case op of mIncl: var ts = "NI" & $(size * 8) binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1 |= ((" & ts & ")1)<<(($2)%(sizeof(" & ts & ")*8));$n") of mExcl: var ts = "NI" & $(size * 8) binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1 &= ~(((" & ts & ")1) << (($2) % (sizeof(" & ts & ")*8)));$n") of mCard: if size <= 4: unaryExprChar(p, e, d, "#countBits32($1)") else: unaryExprChar(p, e, d, "#countBits64($1)") of mLtSet: binaryExprChar(p, e, d, "(($1 & ~ $2 ==0)&&($1 != $2))") of mLeSet: binaryExprChar(p, e, d, "(($1 & ~ $2)==0)") of mEqSet: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 == $2)") of mMulSet: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 & $2)") of mPlusSet: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 | $2)") of mMinusSet: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 & ~ $2)") of mSymDiffSet: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 ^ $2)") of mInSet: genInOp(p, e, d) else: internalError(e.info, "genSetOp()") else: case op of mIncl: binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1[$2/8] |=(1<<($2%8));$n") of mExcl: binaryStmtInExcl(p, e, d, "$1[$2/8] &= ~(1<<($2%8));$n") of mCard: unaryExprChar(p, e, d, "#cardSet($1, " & $size & ')') of mLtSet, mLeSet: getTemp(p, getSysType(tyInt), i) # our counter initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, getSysType(tyBool), d) lineF(p, cpsStmts, lookupOpr[op], [rdLoc(i), toRope(size), rdLoc(d), rdLoc(a), rdLoc(b)]) of mEqSet: useStringh(p.module) binaryExprChar(p, e, d, "(memcmp($1, $2, " & $(size) & ")==0)") of mMulSet, mPlusSet, mMinusSet, mSymDiffSet: # we inline the simple for loop for better code generation: getTemp(p, getSysType(tyInt), i) # our counter initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, a.t, d) lineF(p, cpsStmts, "for ($1 = 0; $1 < $2; $1++) $n" & " $3[$1] = $4[$1] $6 $5[$1];$n", [ rdLoc(i), toRope(size), rdLoc(d), rdLoc(a), rdLoc(b), toRope(lookupOpr[op])]) of mInSet: genInOp(p, e, d) else: internalError(e.info, "genSetOp") proc genOrd(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = unaryExprChar(p, e, d, "$1") proc genSomeCast(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = const ValueTypes = {tyTuple, tyObject, tyArray, tyOpenArray, tyVarargs, tyArrayConstr} # we use whatever C gives us. Except if we have a value-type, we need to go # through its address: var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) let etyp = skipTypes(e.typ, abstractRange) if etyp.kind in ValueTypes and lfIndirect notin a.flags: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("(*($1*) ($2))", [getTypeDesc(p.module, e.typ), addrLoc(a)])) elif etyp.kind == tyProc and etyp.callConv == ccClosure: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("(($1) ($2))", [getClosureType(p.module, etyp, clHalfWithEnv), rdCharLoc(a)])) else: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("(($1) ($2))", [getTypeDesc(p.module, e.typ), rdCharLoc(a)])) proc genCast(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = const floatTypes = {tyFloat..tyFloat128} let destt = skipTypes(e.typ, abstractRange) srct = skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractRange) if destt.kind in floatTypes or srct.kind in floatTypes: # 'cast' and some float type involved? --> use a union. inc(p.labels) var lbl = p.labels.toRope var tmp: TLoc tmp.r = ropef("LOC$1.source", lbl) linefmt(p, cpsLocals, "union { $1 source; $2 dest; } LOC$3;$n", getTypeDesc(p.module, srct), getTypeDesc(p.module, destt), lbl) tmp.k = locExpr tmp.t = srct tmp.s = OnStack tmp.flags = {} expr(p, e.sons[1], tmp) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("LOC$#.dest", lbl)) else: # I prefer the shorter cast version for pointer types -> generate less # C code; plus it's the right thing to do for closures: genSomeCast(p, e, d) proc genRangeChck(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc, magic: string) = var a: TLoc var dest = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVar) # range checks for unsigned turned out to be buggy and annoying: if optRangeCheck notin p.options or dest.kind in {tyUInt..tyUInt64}: initLocExpr(p, n.sons[0], a) putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, ropef("(($1) ($2))", [getTypeDesc(p.module, dest), rdCharLoc(a)])) else: initLocExpr(p, n.sons[0], a) if leValue(n.sons[2], n.sons[1]): internalError(n.info, "range check will always fail; empty range") putIntoDest(p, d, dest, ropecg(p.module, "(($1)#$5($2, $3, $4))", [ getTypeDesc(p.module, dest), rdCharLoc(a), genLiteral(p, n.sons[1], dest), genLiteral(p, n.sons[2], dest), toRope(magic)])) proc genConv(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = let destType = e.typ.skipTypes({tyVar, tyGenericInst}) if compareTypes(destType, e.sons[1].typ, dcEqIgnoreDistinct): expr(p, e.sons[1], d) else: genSomeCast(p, e, d) proc convStrToCStr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, n.sons[0], a) putIntoDest(p, d, skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVar), ropef("$1->data", [rdLoc(a)])) proc convCStrToStr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, n.sons[0], a) putIntoDest(p, d, skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVar), ropecg(p.module, "#cstrToNimstr($1)", [rdLoc(a)])) gcUsage(n) proc genStrEquals(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var x: TLoc var a = e.sons[1] var b = e.sons[2] if (a.kind == nkNilLit) or (b.kind == nkNilLit): binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 == $2)") elif (a.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}) and (a.strVal == ""): initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], x) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, rfmt(nil, "(($1) && ($1)->$2 == 0)", rdLoc(x), lenField(p))) elif (b.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}) and (b.strVal == ""): initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], x) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, rfmt(nil, "(($1) && ($1)->$2 == 0)", rdLoc(x), lenField(p))) else: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "#eqStrings($1, $2)") proc binaryFloatArith(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, m: TMagic) = if {optNaNCheck, optInfCheck} * p.options != {}: const opr: array[mAddF64..mDivF64, string] = ["+", "-", "*", "/"] var a, b: TLoc assert(e.sons[1].typ != nil) assert(e.sons[2].typ != nil) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[1], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, rfmt(nil, "(($4)($2) $1 ($4)($3))", toRope(opr[m]), rdLoc(a), rdLoc(b), getSimpleTypeDesc(p.module, e[1].typ))) if optNaNCheck in p.options: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#nanCheck($1);$n", rdLoc(d)) if optInfCheck in p.options: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#infCheck($1);$n", rdLoc(d)) else: binaryArith(p, e, d, m) proc genMagicExpr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc, op: TMagic) = var line, filen: PRope case op of mOr, mAnd: genAndOr(p, e, d, op) of mNot..mToBiggestInt: unaryArith(p, e, d, op) of mUnaryMinusI..mAbsI64: unaryArithOverflow(p, e, d, op) of mAddF64..mDivF64: binaryFloatArith(p, e, d, op) of mShrI..mXor: binaryArith(p, e, d, op) of mEqProc: genEqProc(p, e, d) of mAddI..mModI64: binaryArithOverflow(p, e, d, op) of mRepr: genRepr(p, e, d) of mGetTypeInfo: genGetTypeInfo(p, e, d) of mSwap: genSwap(p, e, d) of mUnaryLt: if optOverflowCheck notin p.options: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 - 1)") else: unaryExpr(p, e, d, "#subInt($1, 1)") of mPred: # XXX: range checking? if optOverflowCheck notin p.options: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 - $2)") else: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "#subInt($1, $2)") of mSucc: # XXX: range checking? if optOverflowCheck notin p.options: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "($1 + $2)") else: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "#addInt($1, $2)") of mInc: if optOverflowCheck notin p.options: binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 += $2;$n") elif skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).kind == tyInt64: binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 = #addInt64($1, $2);$n") else: binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 = #addInt($1, $2);$n") of ast.mDec: if optOverflowCheck notin p.options: binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 -= $2;$n") elif skipTypes(e.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).kind == tyInt64: binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 = #subInt64($1, $2);$n") else: binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 = #subInt($1, $2);$n") of mConStrStr: genStrConcat(p, e, d) of mAppendStrCh: binaryStmt(p, e, d, "$1 = #addChar($1, $2);$n") # strictly speaking we need to generate "keepAlive" here too, but this # very likely not needed and would slow down the code too much I fear of mAppendStrStr: genStrAppend(p, e, d) of mAppendSeqElem: genSeqElemAppend(p, e, d) of mEqStr: genStrEquals(p, e, d) of mLeStr: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "(#cmpStrings($1, $2) <= 0)") of mLtStr: binaryExpr(p, e, d, "(#cmpStrings($1, $2) < 0)") of mIsNil: genIsNil(p, e, d) of mIntToStr: genDollar(p, e, d, "#nimIntToStr($1)") of mInt64ToStr: genDollar(p, e, d, "#nimInt64ToStr($1)") of mBoolToStr: genDollar(p, e, d, "#nimBoolToStr($1)") of mCharToStr: genDollar(p, e, d, "#nimCharToStr($1)") of mFloatToStr: genDollar(p, e, d, "#nimFloatToStr($1)") of mCStrToStr: genDollar(p, e, d, "#cstrToNimstr($1)") of mStrToStr: expr(p, e.sons[1], d) of mEnumToStr: genRepr(p, e, d) of mOf: genOf(p, e, d) of mNew: genNew(p, e) of mNewFinalize: genNewFinalize(p, e) of mNewSeq: genNewSeq(p, e) of mSizeOf: let t = e.sons[1].typ.skipTypes({tyTypeDesc}) putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, ropef("((NI)sizeof($1))", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t)])) of mChr: genSomeCast(p, e, d) of mOrd: genOrd(p, e, d) of mLengthArray, mHigh, mLengthStr, mLengthSeq, mLengthOpenArray: genArrayLen(p, e, d, op) of mGCref: unaryStmt(p, e, d, "#nimGCref($1);$n") of mGCunref: unaryStmt(p, e, d, "#nimGCunref($1);$n") of mSetLengthStr: genSetLengthStr(p, e, d) of mSetLengthSeq: genSetLengthSeq(p, e, d) of mIncl, mExcl, mCard, mLtSet, mLeSet, mEqSet, mMulSet, mPlusSet, mMinusSet, mInSet: genSetOp(p, e, d, op) of mNewString, mNewStringOfCap, mCopyStr, mCopyStrLast, mExit, mParseBiggestFloat: var opr = e.sons[0].sym if lfNoDecl notin opr.loc.flags: discard cgsym(p.module, opr.loc.r.ropeToStr) genCall(p, e, d) of mReset: genReset(p, e) of mEcho: genEcho(p, e[1].skipConv) of mArrToSeq: genArrToSeq(p, e, d) of mNLen..mNError: localError(e.info, errCannotGenerateCodeForX, e.sons[0].sym.name.s) of mSlurp..mQuoteAst: localError(e.info, errXMustBeCompileTime, e.sons[0].sym.name.s) of mSpawn: let n = lowerings.wrapProcForSpawn(p.module.module, e, e.typ, nil, nil) expr(p, n, d) of mParallel: let n = semparallel.liftParallel(p.module.module, e) expr(p, n, d) of mDeepCopy: var a, b: TLoc let x = if e[1].kind in {nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr}: e[1][0] else: e[1] initLocExpr(p, x, a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[2], b) genDeepCopy(p, a, b) else: internalError(e.info, "genMagicExpr: " & $op) proc genConstExpr(p: BProc, n: PNode): PRope proc handleConstExpr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc): bool = if nfAllConst in n.flags and d.k == locNone and n.len > 0 and n.isDeepConstExpr: var t = getUniqueType(n.typ) discard getTypeDesc(p.module, t) # so that any fields are initialized var id = nodeTableTestOrSet(p.module.dataCache, n, gBackendId) fillLoc(d, locData, t, con("TMP", toRope(id)), OnHeap) if id == gBackendId: # expression not found in the cache: inc(gBackendId) appf(p.module.s[cfsData], "NIM_CONST $1 $2 = $3;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t), d.r, genConstExpr(p, n)]) result = true else: result = false proc genSetConstr(p: BProc, e: PNode, d: var TLoc) = # example: { a..b, c, d, e, f..g } # we have to emit an expression of the form: # memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); inclRange(tmp, a, b); incl(tmp, c); # incl(tmp, d); incl(tmp, e); inclRange(tmp, f, g); var a, b, idx: TLoc if nfAllConst in e.flags: putIntoDest(p, d, e.typ, genSetNode(p, e)) else: if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, e.typ, d) if getSize(e.typ) > 8: # big set: useStringh(p.module) lineF(p, cpsStmts, "memset($1, 0, sizeof($1));$n", [rdLoc(d)]) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(e) - 1): if e.sons[i].kind == nkRange: getTemp(p, getSysType(tyInt), idx) # our counter initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i].sons[0], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i].sons[1], b) lineF(p, cpsStmts, "for ($1 = $3; $1 <= $4; $1++) $n" & "$2[$1/8] |=(1<<($1%8));$n", [rdLoc(idx), rdLoc(d), rdSetElemLoc(a, e.typ), rdSetElemLoc(b, e.typ)]) else: initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i], a) lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1[$2/8] |=(1<<($2%8));$n", [rdLoc(d), rdSetElemLoc(a, e.typ)]) else: # small set var ts = "NI" & $(getSize(e.typ) * 8) lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = 0;$n", [rdLoc(d)]) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(e) - 1): if e.sons[i].kind == nkRange: getTemp(p, getSysType(tyInt), idx) # our counter initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i].sons[0], a) initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i].sons[1], b) lineF(p, cpsStmts, "for ($1 = $3; $1 <= $4; $1++) $n" & "$2 |=(1<<((" & ts & ")($1)%(sizeof(" & ts & ")*8)));$n", [ rdLoc(idx), rdLoc(d), rdSetElemLoc(a, e.typ), rdSetElemLoc(b, e.typ)]) else: initLocExpr(p, e.sons[i], a) lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1 |=(1<<((" & ts & ")($2)%(sizeof(" & ts & ")*8)));$n", [rdLoc(d), rdSetElemLoc(a, e.typ)]) proc genTupleConstr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var rec: TLoc if not handleConstExpr(p, n, d): var t = getUniqueType(n.typ) discard getTypeDesc(p.module, t) # so that any fields are initialized if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, t, d) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): var it = n.sons[i] if it.kind == nkExprColonExpr: it = it.sons[1] initLoc(rec, locExpr, it.typ, d.s) rec.r = ropef("$1.Field$2", [rdLoc(d), toRope(i)]) expr(p, it, rec) when false: initLoc(rec, locExpr, it.typ, d.s) if (t.n.sons[i].kind != nkSym): InternalError(n.info, "genTupleConstr") rec.r = ropef("$1.$2", [rdLoc(d), mangleRecFieldName(t.n.sons[i].sym, t)]) expr(p, it, rec) proc isConstClosure(n: PNode): bool {.inline.} = result = n.sons[0].kind == nkSym and isRoutine(n.sons[0].sym) and n.sons[1].kind == nkNilLit proc genClosure(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = assert n.kind == nkClosure if isConstClosure(n): inc(p.labels) var tmp = con("LOC", toRope(p.labels)) appf(p.module.s[cfsData], "NIM_CONST $1 $2 = $3;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, n.typ), tmp, genConstExpr(p, n)]) putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, tmp) else: var tmp, a, b: TLoc initLocExpr(p, n.sons[0], a) initLocExpr(p, n.sons[1], b) getTemp(p, n.typ, tmp) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1.ClPrc = $2; $1.ClEnv = $3;$n", tmp.rdLoc, a.rdLoc, b.rdLoc) putLocIntoDest(p, d, tmp) proc genArrayConstr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var arr: TLoc if not handleConstExpr(p, n, d): if d.k == locNone: getTemp(p, n.typ, d) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): initLoc(arr, locExpr, elemType(skipTypes(n.typ, abstractInst)), d.s) arr.r = ropef("$1[$2]", [rdLoc(d), intLiteral(i)]) expr(p, n.sons[i], arr) proc genComplexConst(p: BProc, sym: PSym, d: var TLoc) = requestConstImpl(p, sym) assert((sym.loc.r != nil) and (sym.loc.t != nil)) putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) proc genStmtListExpr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var length = sonsLen(n) for i in countup(0, length - 2): genStmts(p, n.sons[i]) if length > 0: expr(p, n.sons[length - 1], d) proc upConv(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, n.sons[0], a) var dest = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractPtrs) if optObjCheck in p.options and not isObjLackingTypeField(dest): var r = rdLoc(a) var nilCheck: PRope = nil var t = skipTypes(a.t, abstractInst) while t.kind in {tyVar, tyPtr, tyRef}: if t.kind != tyVar: nilCheck = r r = ropef("(*$1)", [r]) t = skipTypes(t.lastSon, abstractInst) if not p.module.compileToCpp: while t.kind == tyObject and t.sons[0] != nil: app(r, ".Sup") t = skipTypes(t.sons[0], abstractInst) if nilCheck != nil: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "if ($1) #chckObj($2.m_type, $3);$n", nilCheck, r, genTypeInfo(p.module, dest)) else: linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "#chckObj($1.m_type, $2);$n", r, genTypeInfo(p.module, dest)) if n.sons[0].typ.kind != tyObject: putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, ropef("(($1) ($2))", [getTypeDesc(p.module, n.typ), rdLoc(a)])) else: putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, ropef("(*($1*) ($2))", [getTypeDesc(p.module, dest), addrLoc(a)])) proc downConv(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = if p.module.compileToCpp: expr(p, n.sons[0], d) # downcast does C++ for us else: var dest = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractPtrs) var arg = n.sons[0] while arg.kind == nkObjDownConv: arg = arg.sons[0] var src = skipTypes(arg.typ, abstractPtrs) var a: TLoc initLocExpr(p, arg, a) var r = rdLoc(a) let isRef = skipTypes(arg.typ, abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr, tyVar} if isRef: app(r, "->Sup") else: app(r, ".Sup") for i in countup(2, abs(inheritanceDiff(dest, src))): app(r, ".Sup") if isRef: # it can happen that we end up generating '&&x->Sup' here, so we pack # the '&x->Sup' into a temporary and then those address is taken # (see bug #837). However sometimes using a temporary is not correct: # init(TFigure(my)) # where it is passed to a 'var TFigure'. We test # this by ensuring the destination is also a pointer: if d.k == locNone and skipTypes(n.typ, abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr, tyVar}: getTemp(p, n.typ, d) linefmt(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = &$2;$n", rdLoc(d), r) else: r = con("&", r) putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, r) else: putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, r) proc exprComplexConst(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = var t = getUniqueType(n.typ) discard getTypeDesc(p.module, t) # so that any fields are initialized var id = nodeTableTestOrSet(p.module.dataCache, n, gBackendId) var tmp = con("TMP", toRope(id)) if id == gBackendId: # expression not found in the cache: inc(gBackendId) appf(p.module.s[cfsData], "NIM_CONST $1 $2 = $3;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t), tmp, genConstExpr(p, n)]) if d.k == locNone: fillLoc(d, locData, t, tmp, OnHeap) else: putDataIntoDest(p, d, t, tmp) proc expr(p: BProc, n: PNode, d: var TLoc) = case n.kind of nkSym: var sym = n.sym case sym.kind of skMethod: if sym.getBody.kind == nkEmpty or sfDispatcher in sym.flags: # we cannot produce code for the dispatcher yet: fillProcLoc(sym) genProcPrototype(p.module, sym) else: genProc(p.module, sym) putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) of skProc, skConverter, skIterators: genProc(p.module, sym) if sym.loc.r == nil or sym.loc.t == nil: internalError(n.info, "expr: proc not init " & sym.name.s) putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) of skConst: if sfFakeConst in sym.flags: if sfGlobal in sym.flags: genVarPrototype(p.module, sym) putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) elif isSimpleConst(sym.typ): putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, genLiteral(p, sym.ast, sym.typ)) else: genComplexConst(p, sym, d) of skEnumField: putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, toRope(sym.position)) of skVar, skForVar, skResult, skLet: if sfGlobal in sym.flags: genVarPrototype(p.module, sym) if sym.loc.r == nil or sym.loc.t == nil: #echo "FAILED FOR PRCO ", p.prc.name.s internalError n.info, "expr: var not init " & sym.name.s & "_" & $sym.id if sfThread in sym.flags: accessThreadLocalVar(p, sym) if emulatedThreadVars(): putIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc.t, con("NimTV->", sym.loc.r)) else: putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) else: putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) of skTemp: if sym.loc.r == nil or sym.loc.t == nil: #echo "FAILED FOR PRCO ", p.prc.name.s #echo renderTree(p.prc.ast, {renderIds}) internalError(n.info, "expr: temp not init " & sym.name.s & "_" & $sym.id) putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) of skParam: if sym.loc.r == nil or sym.loc.t == nil: #echo "FAILED FOR PRCO ", p.prc.name.s #debug p.prc.typ.n #echo renderTree(p.prc.ast, {renderIds}) internalError(n.info, "expr: param not init " & sym.name.s & "_" & $sym.id) putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) else: internalError(n.info, "expr(" & $sym.kind & "); unknown symbol") of nkNilLit: if not isEmptyType(n.typ): putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, genLiteral(p, n)) of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: putDataIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, genLiteral(p, n)) of nkIntLit..nkUInt64Lit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat128Lit, nkCharLit: putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, genLiteral(p, n)) of nkCall, nkHiddenCallConv, nkInfix, nkPrefix, nkPostfix, nkCommand, nkCallStrLit: genLineDir(p, n) let op = n.sons[0] if n.typ.isNil: # discard the value: var a: TLoc if op.kind == nkSym and op.sym.magic != mNone: genMagicExpr(p, n, a, op.sym.magic) else: genCall(p, n, a) else: # load it into 'd': if op.kind == nkSym and op.sym.magic != mNone: genMagicExpr(p, n, d, op.sym.magic) else: genCall(p, n, d) of nkCurly: if isDeepConstExpr(n) and n.len != 0: putIntoDest(p, d, n.typ, genSetNode(p, n)) else: genSetConstr(p, n, d) of nkBracket: if isDeepConstExpr(n) and n.len != 0: exprComplexConst(p, n, d) elif skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tySequence: genSeqConstr(p, n, d) else: genArrayConstr(p, n, d) of nkPar: if isDeepConstExpr(n) and n.len != 0: exprComplexConst(p, n, d) else: genTupleConstr(p, n, d) of nkObjConstr: genObjConstr(p, n, d) of nkCast: genCast(p, n, d) of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv: genConv(p, n, d) of nkHiddenAddr, nkAddr: genAddr(p, n, d) of nkBracketExpr: genBracketExpr(p, n, d) of nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref: genDeref(p, n, d) of nkDotExpr: genRecordField(p, n, d) of nkCheckedFieldExpr: genCheckedRecordField(p, n, d) of nkBlockExpr, nkBlockStmt: genBlock(p, n, d) of nkStmtListExpr: genStmtListExpr(p, n, d) of nkStmtList: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): genStmts(p, n.sons[i]) of nkIfExpr, nkIfStmt: genIf(p, n, d) of nkObjDownConv: downConv(p, n, d) of nkObjUpConv: upConv(p, n, d) of nkChckRangeF: genRangeChck(p, n, d, "chckRangeF") of nkChckRange64: genRangeChck(p, n, d, "chckRange64") of nkChckRange: genRangeChck(p, n, d, "chckRange") of nkStringToCString: convStrToCStr(p, n, d) of nkCStringToString: convCStrToStr(p, n, d) of nkLambdaKinds: var sym = n.sons[namePos].sym genProc(p.module, sym) if sym.loc.r == nil or sym.loc.t == nil: internalError(n.info, "expr: proc not init " & sym.name.s) putLocIntoDest(p, d, sym.loc) of nkClosure: genClosure(p, n, d) of nkEmpty: discard of nkWhileStmt: genWhileStmt(p, n) of nkVarSection, nkLetSection: genVarStmt(p, n) of nkConstSection: genConstStmt(p, n) of nkForStmt: internalError(n.info, "for statement not eliminated") of nkCaseStmt: genCase(p, n, d) of nkReturnStmt: genReturnStmt(p, n) of nkBreakStmt: genBreakStmt(p, n) of nkAsgn: genAsgn(p, n, fastAsgn=false) of nkFastAsgn: # transf is overly aggressive with 'nkFastAsgn', so we work around here. # See tests/run/tcnstseq3 for an example that would fail otherwise. genAsgn(p, n, fastAsgn=p.prc != nil) of nkDiscardStmt: if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: var a: TLoc genLineDir(p, n) initLocExpr(p, n.sons[0], a) of nkAsmStmt: genAsmStmt(p, n) of nkTryStmt: if p.module.compileToCpp: genTryCpp(p, n, d) else: genTry(p, n, d) of nkRaiseStmt: genRaiseStmt(p, n) of nkTypeSection: # we have to emit the type information for object types here to support # separate compilation: genTypeSection(p.module, n) of nkCommentStmt, nkIteratorDef, nkIncludeStmt, nkImportStmt, nkImportExceptStmt, nkExportStmt, nkExportExceptStmt, nkFromStmt, nkTemplateDef, nkMacroDef: discard of nkPragma: genPragma(p, n) of nkPragmaBlock: expr(p, n.lastSon, d) of nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkConverterDef: if (n.sons[genericParamsPos].kind == nkEmpty): var prc = n.sons[namePos].sym # due to a bug/limitation in the lambda lifting, unused inner procs # are not transformed correctly. We work around this issue (#411) here # by ensuring it's no inner proc (owner is a module): # # We also check whether the proc captures its environment here to # prevent issue #1642. if prc.skipGenericOwner.kind == skModule and tfCapturesEnv in prc.typ.flags: if (optDeadCodeElim notin gGlobalOptions and sfDeadCodeElim notin getModule(prc).flags) or ({sfExportc, sfCompilerProc} * prc.flags == {sfExportc}) or (sfExportc in prc.flags and lfExportLib in prc.loc.flags) or (prc.kind == skMethod): # we have not only the header: if prc.getBody.kind != nkEmpty or lfDynamicLib in prc.loc.flags: genProc(p.module, prc) of nkParForStmt: genParForStmt(p, n) of nkState: genState(p, n) of nkGotoState: genGotoState(p, n) of nkBreakState: genBreakState(p, n) else: internalError(n.info, "expr(" & $n.kind & "); unknown node kind") proc genNamedConstExpr(p: BProc, n: PNode): PRope = if n.kind == nkExprColonExpr: result = genConstExpr(p, n.sons[1]) else: result = genConstExpr(p, n) proc genConstSimpleList(p: BProc, n: PNode): PRope = var length = sonsLen(n) result = toRope("{") for i in countup(0, length - 2): appf(result, "$1,$n", [genNamedConstExpr(p, n.sons[i])]) if length > 0: app(result, genNamedConstExpr(p, n.sons[length - 1])) appf(result, "}$n") proc genConstSeq(p: BProc, n: PNode, t: PType): PRope = var data = ropef("{{$1, $1}", n.len.toRope) if n.len > 0: # array part needs extra curlies: data.app(", {") for i in countup(0, n.len - 1): if i > 0: data.appf(",$n") data.app genConstExpr(p, n.sons[i]) data.app("}") data.app("}") inc(gBackendId) result = con("CNSTSEQ", gBackendId.toRope) appcg(p.module, cfsData, "NIM_CONST struct {$n" & " #TGenericSeq Sup;$n" & " $1 data[$2];$n" & "} $3 = $4;$n", [ getTypeDesc(p.module, t.sons[0]), n.len.toRope, result, data]) result = ropef("(($1)&$2)", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t), result]) proc genConstExpr(p: BProc, n: PNode): PRope = case n.kind of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv: result = genConstExpr(p, n.sons[1]) of nkCurly: var cs: TBitSet toBitSet(n, cs) result = genRawSetData(cs, int(getSize(n.typ))) of nkBracket, nkPar, nkClosure: var t = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractInst) if t.kind == tySequence: result = genConstSeq(p, n, t) else: result = genConstSimpleList(p, n) else: var d: TLoc initLocExpr(p, n, d) result = rdLoc(d)