# # # The Nimrod Compiler # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements the C code generator. import ast, astalgo, strutils, hashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp, options, intsets, nversion, nimsets, msgs, crc, bitsets, idents, lists, types, ccgutils, os, times, ropes, math, passes, rodread, wordrecg, treetab, cgmeth, rodutils, renderer, idgen, cgendata, ccgmerge, semfold, aliases when options.hasTinyCBackend: import tccgen proc cgenPass*(): TPass # implementation var generatedHeader: BModule proc ropeff(cformat, llvmformat: string, args: varargs[PRope]): PRope = if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: result = ropef(llvmformat, args) else: result = ropef(cformat, args) proc appff(dest: var PRope, cformat, llvmformat: string, args: varargs[PRope]) = if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: appf(dest, llvmformat, args) else: appf(dest, cformat, args) proc addForwardedProc(m: BModule, prc: PSym) = m.forwardedProcs.add(prc) inc(gForwardedProcsCounter) proc findPendingModule(m: BModule, s: PSym): BModule = var ms = getModule(s) result = gModules[ms.position] proc emitLazily(s: PSym): bool {.inline.} = result = optDeadCodeElim in gGlobalOptions or sfDeadCodeElim in getModule(s).flags proc initLoc(result: var TLoc, k: TLocKind, typ: PType, s: TStorageLoc) = result.k = k result.s = s result.t = GetUniqueType(typ) result.r = nil result.a = - 1 result.flags = {} proc fillLoc(a: var TLoc, k: TLocKind, typ: PType, r: PRope, s: TStorageLoc) = # fills the loc if it is not already initialized if a.k == locNone: a.k = k a.t = getUniqueType(typ) a.a = - 1 a.s = s if a.r == nil: a.r = r proc isSimpleConst(typ: PType): bool = let t = skipTypes(typ, abstractVar) result = t.kind notin {tyTuple, tyObject, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tySet, tySequence} and not (t.kind == tyProc and t.callConv == ccClosure) proc useHeader(m: BModule, sym: PSym) = if lfHeader in sym.loc.Flags: assert(sym.annex != nil) discard lists.IncludeStr(m.headerFiles, getStr(sym.annex.path)) proc cgsym(m: BModule, name: string): PRope proc ropecg(m: BModule, frmt: TFormatStr, args: varargs[PRope]): PRope = var i = 0 var length = len(frmt) result = nil var num = 0 while i < length: if frmt[i] == '$': inc(i) # skip '$' case frmt[i] of '$': app(result, "$") inc(i) of '#': inc(i) app(result, args[num]) inc(num) of '0'..'9': var j = 0 while true: j = (j * 10) + Ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0') inc(i) if i >= length or not (frmt[i] in {'0'..'9'}): break num = j if j > high(args) + 1: internalError("ropes: invalid format string $" & $j) app(result, args[j-1]) of 'n': if optLineDir notin gOptions: app(result, tnl) inc(i) of 'N': app(result, tnl) inc(i) else: InternalError("ropes: invalid format string $" & frmt[i]) elif frmt[i] == '#' and frmt[i+1] in IdentStartChars: inc(i) var j = i while frmt[j] in IdentChars: inc(j) var ident = substr(frmt, i, j-1) i = j app(result, cgsym(m, ident)) elif frmt[i] == '#' and frmt[i+1] == '$': inc(i, 2) var j = 0 while frmt[i] in Digits: j = (j * 10) + Ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0') inc(i) app(result, cgsym(m, args[j-1].ropeToStr)) var start = i while i < length: if frmt[i] != '$' and frmt[i] != '#': inc(i) else: break if i - 1 >= start: app(result, substr(frmt, start, i - 1)) proc appcg(m: BModule, c: var PRope, frmt: TFormatStr, args: varargs[PRope]) = app(c, ropecg(m, frmt, args)) proc appcg(m: BModule, s: TCFileSection, frmt: TFormatStr, args: varargs[PRope]) = app(m.s[s], ropecg(m, frmt, args)) proc appcg(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, frmt: TFormatStr, args: varargs[PRope]) = app(p.s(s), ropecg(p.module, frmt, args)) var indent = "\t".toRope proc indentLine(p: BProc, r: PRope): PRope = result = r for i in countup(0, p.blocks.len-1): prepend(result, indent) proc line(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, r: PRope) = app(p.s(s), indentLine(p, r)) proc line(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, r: string) = app(p.s(s), indentLine(p, r.toRope)) proc lineF(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, frmt: TFormatStr, args: varargs[PRope]) = app(p.s(s), indentLine(p, ropef(frmt, args))) proc lineCg(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, frmt: TFormatStr, args: varargs[PRope]) = app(p.s(s), indentLine(p, ropecg(p.module, frmt, args))) proc appLineCg(p: BProc, r: var PRope, frmt: TFormatStr, args: varargs[PRope]) = app(r, indentLine(p, ropecg(p.module, frmt, args))) proc lineFF(p: BProc, s: TCProcSection, cformat, llvmformat: string, args: varargs[PRope]) = if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: lineF(p, s, llvmformat, args) else: lineF(p, s, cformat, args) proc safeLineNm(info: TLineInfo): int = result = toLinenumber(info) if result < 0: result = 0 # negative numbers are not allowed in #line proc genCLineDir(r: var PRope, filename: string, line: int) = assert line >= 0 if optLineDir in gOptions: appff(r, "$N#line $2 $1$N", "; line $2 \"$1\"$n", [toRope(makeSingleLineCString(filename)), toRope(line)]) proc genCLineDir(r: var PRope, info: TLineInfo) = genCLineDir(r, info.toFullPath, info.safeLineNm) proc genLineDir(p: BProc, t: PNode) = var line = t.info.safeLineNm genCLineDir(p.s(cpsStmts), t.info.toFullPath, line) if ({optStackTrace, optEndb} * p.Options == {optStackTrace, optEndb}) and (p.prc == nil or sfPure notin p.prc.flags): lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "#endb($1);$n", [toRope(line)]) elif ({optLineTrace, optStackTrace} * p.Options == {optLineTrace, optStackTrace}) and (p.prc == nil or sfPure notin p.prc.flags): lineF(p, cpsStmts, "F.line = $1;F.filename = $2;$n", [toRope(line), makeCString(toFilename(t.info).extractFilename)]) include "ccgtypes.nim" # ------------------------------ Manager of temporaries ------------------ proc rdLoc(a: TLoc): PRope = # 'read' location (deref if indirect) result = a.r if lfIndirect in a.flags: result = ropef("(*$1)", [result]) proc addrLoc(a: TLoc): PRope = result = a.r if lfIndirect notin a.flags and mapType(a.t) != ctArray: result = con("&", result) proc rdCharLoc(a: TLoc): PRope = # read a location that may need a char-cast: result = rdLoc(a) if skipTypes(a.t, abstractRange).kind == tyChar: result = ropef("((NU8)($1))", [result]) proc genObjectInit(p: BProc, section: TCProcSection, t: PType, a: TLoc, takeAddr: bool) = case analyseObjectWithTypeField(t) of frNone: nil of frHeader: var r = rdLoc(a) if not takeAddr: r = ropef("(*$1)", [r]) var s = skipTypes(t, abstractInst) if gCmd != cmdCompileToCpp: while (s.kind == tyObject) and (s.sons[0] != nil): app(r, ".Sup") s = skipTypes(s.sons[0], abstractInst) lineCg(p, section, "$1.m_type = $2;$n", [r, genTypeInfo(p.module, t)]) of frEmbedded: # worst case for performance: var r = if takeAddr: addrLoc(a) else: rdLoc(a) lineCg(p, section, "#objectInit($1, $2);$n", [r, genTypeInfo(p.module, t)]) type TAssignmentFlag = enum needToCopy, needForSubtypeCheck, afDestIsNil, afDestIsNotNil, afSrcIsNil, afSrcIsNotNil, needToKeepAlive TAssignmentFlags = set[TAssignmentFlag] proc genRefAssign(p: BProc, dest, src: TLoc, flags: TAssignmentFlags) proc isComplexValueType(t: PType): bool {.inline.} = result = t.kind in {tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tySet, tyTuple, tyObject} or (t.kind == tyProc and t.callConv == ccClosure) proc resetLoc(p: BProc, loc: var TLoc) = let containsGcRef = containsGarbageCollectedRef(loc.t) if not isComplexValueType(skipTypes(loc.t, abstractVarRange)): if containsGcRef: var nilLoc: TLoc initLoc(nilLoc, locTemp, loc.t, onStack) nilLoc.r = toRope("NIM_NIL") genRefAssign(p, loc, nilLoc, {afSrcIsNil}) else: lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = 0;$n", [rdLoc(loc)]) else: if loc.s != OnStack: lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "#genericReset((void*)$1, $2);$n", [addrLoc(loc), genTypeInfo(p.module, loc.t)]) # XXX: generated reset procs should not touch the m_type # field, so disabling this should be safe: genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, loc.t, loc, true) else: lineF(p, cpsStmts, "memset((void*)$1, 0, sizeof($2));$n", [addrLoc(loc), rdLoc(loc)]) # XXX: We can be extra clever here and call memset only # on the bytes following the m_type field? genObjectInit(p, cpsStmts, loc.t, loc, true) proc constructLoc(p: BProc, loc: TLoc, section = cpsStmts) = if not isComplexValueType(skipTypes(loc.t, abstractRange)): lineF(p, section, "$1 = 0;$n", [rdLoc(loc)]) else: lineF(p, section, "memset((void*)$1, 0, sizeof($2));$n", [addrLoc(loc), rdLoc(loc)]) genObjectInit(p, section, loc.t, loc, true) proc initLocalVar(p: BProc, v: PSym, immediateAsgn: bool) = if sfNoInit notin v.flags: # we know it is a local variable and thus on the stack! # If ``not immediateAsgn`` it is not initialized in a binding like # ``var v = X`` and thus we need to init it. # If ``v`` contains a GC-ref we may pass it to ``unsureAsgnRef`` somehow # which requires initialization. However this can really only happen if # ``var v = X()`` gets transformed into ``X(&v)``. # Nowadays the logic in ccgcalls deals with this case however. if not immediateAsgn: constructLoc(p, v.loc) proc initTemp(p: BProc, tmp: var TLoc) = # XXX: This is still suspicious. # Objects should always be constructed? if containsGarbageCollectedRef(tmp.t) or isInvalidReturnType(tmp.t): constructLoc(p, tmp) proc getTemp(p: BProc, t: PType, result: var TLoc) = inc(p.labels) if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: result.r = con("%LOC", toRope(p.labels)) else: result.r = con("LOC", toRope(p.labels)) lineF(p, cpsLocals, "$1 $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, t), result.r]) result.k = locTemp result.a = - 1 result.t = getUniqueType(t) result.s = OnStack result.flags = {} initTemp(p, result) proc keepAlive(p: BProc, toKeepAlive: TLoc) = when false: # deactivated because of the huge slowdown this causes; GC will take care # of interior pointers instead if optRefcGC notin gGlobalOptions: return var result: TLoc var fid = toRope(p.gcFrameId) result.r = con("GCFRAME.F", fid) appf(p.gcFrameType, " $1 F$2;$n", [getTypeDesc(p.module, toKeepAlive.t), fid]) inc(p.gcFrameId) result.k = locTemp result.a = -1 result.t = toKeepAlive.t result.s = OnStack result.flags = {} if not isComplexValueType(skipTypes(toKeepAlive.t, abstractVarRange)): lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = $2;$n", [rdLoc(result), rdLoc(toKeepAlive)]) else: lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "memcpy((void*)$1, (NIM_CONST void*)$2, sizeof($3));$n", [addrLoc(result), addrLoc(toKeepAlive), rdLoc(result)]) proc initGCFrame(p: BProc): PRope = if p.gcFrameId > 0: result = ropef("struct {$1} GCFRAME;$n", p.gcFrameType) proc deinitGCFrame(p: BProc): PRope = if p.gcFrameId > 0: result = ropecg(p.module, "if (((NU)&GCFRAME) < 4096) #nimGCFrame(&GCFRAME);$n") proc cstringLit(p: BProc, r: var PRope, s: string): PRope = if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: inc(p.module.labels) inc(p.labels) result = ropef("%LOC$1", [toRope(p.labels)]) appf(p.module.s[cfsData], "@C$1 = private constant [$2 x i8] $3$n", [toRope(p.module.labels), toRope(len(s)), makeLLVMString(s)]) appf(r, "$1 = getelementptr [$2 x i8]* @C$3, %NI 0, %NI 0$n", [result, toRope(len(s)), toRope(p.module.labels)]) else: result = makeCString(s) proc cstringLit(m: BModule, r: var PRope, s: string): PRope = if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: inc(m.labels, 2) result = ropef("%MOC$1", [toRope(m.labels - 1)]) appf(m.s[cfsData], "@MOC$1 = private constant [$2 x i8] $3$n", [toRope(m.labels), toRope(len(s)), makeLLVMString(s)]) appf(r, "$1 = getelementptr [$2 x i8]* @MOC$3, %NI 0, %NI 0$n", [result, toRope(len(s)), toRope(m.labels)]) else: result = makeCString(s) proc allocParam(p: BProc, s: PSym) = assert(s.kind == skParam) if lfParamCopy notin s.loc.flags: inc(p.labels) var tmp = con("%LOC", toRope(p.labels)) incl(s.loc.flags, lfParamCopy) incl(s.loc.flags, lfIndirect) lineF(p, cpsInit, "$1 = alloca $3$n" & "store $3 $2, $3* $1$n", [tmp, s.loc.r, getTypeDesc(p.module, s.loc.t)]) s.loc.r = tmp proc localDebugInfo(p: BProc, s: PSym) = if {optStackTrace, optEndb} * p.options != {optStackTrace, optEndb}: return # XXX work around a bug: No type information for open arrays possible: if skipTypes(s.typ, abstractVar).kind in {tyOpenArray, tyVarargs}: return var a = con("&", s.loc.r) if (s.kind == skParam) and ccgIntroducedPtr(s): a = s.loc.r lineF(p, cpsInit, "F.s[$1].address = (void*)$3; F.s[$1].typ = $4; F.s[$1].name = $2;$n", [toRope(p.frameLen), makeCString(normalize(s.name.s)), a, genTypeInfo(p.module, s.loc.t)]) inc(p.frameLen) proc assignLocalVar(p: BProc, s: PSym) = #assert(s.loc.k == locNone) // not yet assigned # this need not be fullfilled for inline procs; they are regenerated # for each module that uses them! if s.loc.k == locNone: fillLoc(s.loc, locLocalVar, s.typ, mangleName(s), OnStack) if s.kind == skLet: incl(s.loc.flags, lfNoDeepCopy) var decl = getTypeDesc(p.module, s.loc.t) if sfRegister in s.flags: app(decl, " register") #elif skipTypes(s.typ, abstractInst).kind in GcTypeKinds: # app(decl, " GC_GUARD") if (sfVolatile in s.flags) or (p.nestedTryStmts.len > 0): app(decl, " volatile") appf(decl, " $1;$n", [s.loc.r]) line(p, cpsLocals, decl) localDebugInfo(p, s) include ccgthreadvars proc VarInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) proc mangleDynLibProc(sym: PSym): PRope proc assignGlobalVar(p: BProc, s: PSym) = if s.loc.k == locNone: fillLoc(s.loc, locGlobalVar, s.typ, mangleName(s), OnHeap) if lfDynamicLib in s.loc.flags: var q = findPendingModule(p.module, s) if q != nil and not ContainsOrIncl(q.declaredThings, s.id): VarInDynamicLib(q, s) else: s.loc.r = mangleDynLibProc(s) return useHeader(p.module, s) if lfNoDecl in s.loc.flags: return if sfThread in s.flags: declareThreadVar(p.module, s, sfImportc in s.flags) else: if sfImportc in s.flags: app(p.module.s[cfsVars], "extern ") app(p.module.s[cfsVars], getTypeDesc(p.module, s.loc.t)) if sfRegister in s.flags: app(p.module.s[cfsVars], " register") if sfVolatile in s.flags: app(p.module.s[cfsVars], " volatile") appf(p.module.s[cfsVars], " $1;$n", [s.loc.r]) if p.withinLoop > 0: # fixes tests/run/tzeroarray: resetLoc(p, s.loc) if p.module.module.options * {optStackTrace, optEndb} == {optStackTrace, optEndb}: appcg(p.module, p.module.s[cfsDebugInit], "#dbgRegisterGlobal($1, &$2, $3);$n", [cstringLit(p, p.module.s[cfsDebugInit], normalize(s.owner.name.s & '.' & s.name.s)), s.loc.r, genTypeInfo(p.module, s.typ)]) proc assignParam(p: BProc, s: PSym) = assert(s.loc.r != nil) if sfAddrTaken in s.flags and gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: allocParam(p, s) localDebugInfo(p, s) proc fillProcLoc(sym: PSym) = if sym.loc.k == locNone: fillLoc(sym.loc, locProc, sym.typ, mangleName(sym), OnStack) proc getLabel(p: BProc): TLabel = inc(p.labels) result = con("LA", toRope(p.labels)) proc fixLabel(p: BProc, labl: TLabel) = lineF(p, cpsStmts, "$1: ;$n", [labl]) proc genVarPrototype(m: BModule, sym: PSym) proc requestConstImpl(p: BProc, sym: PSym) proc genProc(m: BModule, prc: PSym) proc genStmts(p: BProc, t: PNode) proc genProcPrototype(m: BModule, sym: PSym) include "ccgexprs.nim", "ccgstmts.nim" # ----------------------------- dynamic library handling ----------------- # We don't finalize dynamic libs as this does the OS for us. proc isGetProcAddr(lib: PLib): bool = let n = lib.path result = n.kind in nkCallKinds and n.typ != nil and n.typ.kind in {tyPointer, tyProc} proc loadDynamicLib(m: BModule, lib: PLib) = assert(lib != nil) if not lib.generated: lib.generated = true var tmp = getGlobalTempName() assert(lib.name == nil) lib.name = tmp # BUGFIX: cgsym has awful side-effects appf(m.s[cfsVars], "static void* $1;$n", [tmp]) if lib.path.kind in {nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit}: var s: TStringSeq = @[] libCandidates(lib.path.strVal, s) var loadlib: PRope = nil for i in countup(0, high(s)): inc(m.labels) if i > 0: app(loadlib, "||") appcg(m, loadlib, "($1 = #nimLoadLibrary((#NimStringDesc*) &$2))$n", [tmp, getStrLit(m, s[i])]) appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit], "if (!($1)) #nimLoadLibraryError((#NimStringDesc*) &$2);$n", [loadlib, getStrLit(m, lib.path.strVal)]) else: var p = newProc(nil, m) var dest: TLoc initLocExpr(p, lib.path, dest) app(m.s[cfsVars], p.s(cpsLocals)) app(m.s[cfsDynLibInit], p.s(cpsInit)) app(m.s[cfsDynLibInit], p.s(cpsStmts)) appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit], "if (!($1 = #nimLoadLibrary($2))) #nimLoadLibraryError($2);$n", [tmp, rdLoc(dest)]) if lib.name == nil: InternalError("loadDynamicLib") proc mangleDynLibProc(sym: PSym): PRope = if sfCompilerProc in sym.flags: # NOTE: sym.loc.r is the external name! result = toRope(sym.name.s) else: result = ropef("Dl_$1", [toRope(sym.id)]) proc SymInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) = var lib = sym.annex let isCall = isGetProcAddr(lib) var extname = sym.loc.r if not isCall: loadDynamicLib(m, lib) if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: incl(sym.loc.flags, lfIndirect) var tmp = mangleDynLibProc(sym) sym.loc.r = tmp # from now on we only need the internal name sym.typ.sym = nil # generate a new name inc(m.labels, 2) if isCall: let n = lib.path var a: TLoc initLocExpr(m.initProc, n[0], a) var params = con(rdLoc(a), "(") for i in 1 .. n.len-2: initLocExpr(m.initProc, n[i], a) params.app(rdLoc(a)) params.app(", ") let load = ropef("\t$1 = ($2) ($3$4));$n", [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ), params, cstringLit(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit], ropeToStr(extname))]) var last = lastSon(n) if last.kind == nkHiddenStdConv: last = last.sons[1] InternalAssert(last.kind == nkStrLit) let idx = last.strVal if idx.len == 0: app(m.initProc.s(cpsStmts), load) elif idx.len == 1 and idx[0] in {'0'..'9'}: app(m.extensionLoaders[idx[0]], load) else: InternalError(sym.info, "wrong index: " & idx) else: appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit], "\t$1 = ($2) #nimGetProcAddr($3, $4);$n", [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ), lib.name, cstringLit(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit], ropeToStr(extname))]) appff(m.s[cfsVars], "$2 $1;$n", "$1 = linkonce global $2 zeroinitializer$n", [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t)]) proc VarInDynamicLib(m: BModule, sym: PSym) = var lib = sym.annex var extname = sym.loc.r loadDynamicLib(m, lib) incl(sym.loc.flags, lfIndirect) var tmp = mangleDynLibProc(sym) sym.loc.r = tmp # from now on we only need the internal name inc(m.labels, 2) appcg(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit], "$1 = ($2*) #nimGetProcAddr($3, $4);$n", [tmp, getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ), lib.name, cstringLit(m, m.s[cfsDynLibInit], ropeToStr(extname))]) appf(m.s[cfsVars], "$2* $1;$n", [sym.loc.r, getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t)]) proc SymInDynamicLibPartial(m: BModule, sym: PSym) = sym.loc.r = mangleDynLibProc(sym) sym.typ.sym = nil # generate a new name proc cgsym(m: BModule, name: string): PRope = var sym = magicsys.getCompilerProc(name) if sym != nil: case sym.kind of skProc, skMethod, skConverter, skIterator: genProc(m, sym) of skVar, skResult, skLet: genVarPrototype(m, sym) of skType: discard getTypeDesc(m, sym.typ) else: InternalError("cgsym: " & name) else: # we used to exclude the system module from this check, but for DLL # generation support this sloppyness leads to hard to detect bugs, so # we're picky here for the system module too: rawMessage(errSystemNeeds, name) result = sym.loc.r proc generateHeaders(m: BModule) = app(m.s[cfsHeaders], tnl & "#include \"nimbase.h\"" & tnl) var it = PStrEntry(m.headerFiles.head) while it != nil: if it.data[0] notin {'\"', '<'}: appf(m.s[cfsHeaders], "$N#include \"$1\"$N", [toRope(it.data)]) else: appf(m.s[cfsHeaders], "$N#include $1$N", [toRope(it.data)]) it = PStrEntry(it.Next) proc getFrameDecl(p: BProc) = var slots: PRope if p.frameLen > 0: discard cgsym(p.module, "TVarSlot") slots = ropeff(" TVarSlot s[$1];$n", ", [$1 x %TVarSlot]", [toRope(p.frameLen)]) else: slots = nil lineFF(p, cpsLocals, "volatile struct {TFrame* prev;" & "NCSTRING procname;NI line;NCSTRING filename;" & "NI len;$1} F;$n", "%TF = type {%TFrame*, i8*, %NI, %NI$1}$n" & "%F = alloca %TF$n", [slots]) inc(p.labels) prepend(p.s(cpsInit), indentLine(p, ropeff("F.len = $1;$n", "%LOC$2 = getelementptr %TF %F, %NI 4$n" & "store %NI $1, %NI* %LOC$2$n", [toRope(p.frameLen), toRope(p.labels)]))) proc retIsNotVoid(s: PSym): bool = result = (s.typ.sons[0] != nil) and not isInvalidReturnType(s.typ.sons[0]) proc initFrame(p: BProc, procname, filename: PRope): PRope = result = ropecg(p.module, "\tF.procname = $1;$n" & "\tF.filename = $2;$n" & "\tF.line = 0;$n" & "\t#pushFrame((TFrame*)&F);$n", [procname, filename]) proc deinitFrame(p: BProc): PRope = result = ropecg(p.module, "\t#popFrame();$n") proc closureSetup(p: BProc, prc: PSym) = if tfCapturesEnv notin prc.typ.flags: return # prc.ast[paramsPos].last contains the type we're after: var ls = lastSon(prc.ast[paramsPos]) if ls.kind != nkSym: InternalError(prc.info, "closure generation failed") var env = ls.sym #echo "created environment: ", env.id, " for ", prc.name.s assignLocalVar(p, env) # generate cast assignment: lineCg(p, cpsStmts, "$1 = ($2) ClEnv;$n", rdLoc(env.loc), getTypeDesc(p.module, env.typ)) proc genProcAux(m: BModule, prc: PSym) = var p = newProc(prc, m) var header = genProcHeader(m, prc) var returnStmt: PRope = nil assert(prc.ast != nil) if sfPure notin prc.flags and prc.typ.sons[0] != nil: var res = prc.ast.sons[resultPos].sym # get result symbol if not isInvalidReturnType(prc.typ.sons[0]): if sfNoInit in prc.flags: incl(res.flags, sfNoInit) # declare the result symbol: assignLocalVar(p, res) assert(res.loc.r != nil) returnStmt = ropeff("\treturn $1;$n", "ret $1$n", [rdLoc(res.loc)]) initLocalVar(p, res, immediateAsgn=false) else: fillResult(res) assignParam(p, res) if skipTypes(res.typ, abstractInst).kind == tyArray: incl(res.loc.flags, lfIndirect) res.loc.s = OnUnknown for i in countup(1, sonsLen(prc.typ.n) - 1): var param = prc.typ.n.sons[i].sym if param.typ.isCompileTimeOnly: continue assignParam(p, param) closureSetup(p, prc) genStmts(p, prc.getBody) # modifies p.locals, p.init, etc. var generatedProc: PRope if sfPure in prc.flags: generatedProc = ropeff("$N$1 {$n$2$3$4}$N$N", "define $1 {$n$2$3$4}$N", [header, p.s(cpsLocals), p.s(cpsInit), p.s(cpsStmts)]) else: generatedProc = ropeff("$N$1 {$N", "$Ndefine $1 {$N", [header]) app(generatedProc, initGCFrame(p)) if optStackTrace in prc.options: getFrameDecl(p) app(generatedProc, p.s(cpsLocals)) var procname = CStringLit(p, generatedProc, prc.name.s) var filename = CStringLit(p, generatedProc, toFilename(prc.info)) app(generatedProc, initFrame(p, procname, filename)) else: app(generatedProc, p.s(cpsLocals)) if (optProfiler in prc.options) and (gCmd != cmdCompileToLLVM): # invoke at proc entry for recursion: appcg(p, cpsInit, "\t#nimProfile();$n", []) app(generatedProc, p.s(cpsInit)) app(generatedProc, p.s(cpsStmts)) if p.beforeRetNeeded: appf(generatedProc, "\tBeforeRet: ;$n") app(generatedProc, deinitGCFrame(p)) if optStackTrace in prc.options: app(generatedProc, deinitFrame(p)) app(generatedProc, returnStmt) appf(generatedProc, "}$N") app(m.s[cfsProcs], generatedProc) proc genProcPrototype(m: BModule, sym: PSym) = useHeader(m, sym) if lfNoDecl in sym.loc.Flags: return if lfDynamicLib in sym.loc.Flags: if getModule(sym).id != m.module.id and not ContainsOrIncl(m.declaredThings, sym.id): appf(m.s[cfsVars], "extern $1 $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t), mangleDynLibProc(sym)]) if gCmd == cmdCompileToLLVM: incl(sym.loc.flags, lfIndirect) elif not ContainsOrIncl(m.declaredProtos, sym.id): appf(m.s[cfsProcHeaders], "$1;$n", [genProcHeader(m, sym)]) proc genProcNoForward(m: BModule, prc: PSym) = fillProcLoc(prc) useHeader(m, prc) if lfImportCompilerProc in prc.loc.flags: # dependency to a compilerproc: discard cgsym(m, prc.name.s) return genProcPrototype(m, prc) if lfNoDecl in prc.loc.Flags: nil elif prc.typ.callConv == ccInline: # We add inline procs to the calling module to enable C based inlining. # This also means that a check with ``q.declaredThings`` is wrong, we need # a check for ``m.declaredThings``. if not ContainsOrIncl(m.declaredThings, prc.id): genProcAux(m, prc) elif lfDynamicLib in prc.loc.flags: var q = findPendingModule(m, prc) if q != nil and not ContainsOrIncl(q.declaredThings, prc.id): SymInDynamicLib(q, prc) else: SymInDynamicLibPartial(m, prc) elif sfImportc notin prc.flags: var q = findPendingModule(m, prc) if q != nil and not ContainsOrIncl(q.declaredThings, prc.id): genProcAux(q, prc) proc requestConstImpl(p: BProc, sym: PSym) = var m = p.module useHeader(m, sym) if sym.loc.k == locNone: fillLoc(sym.loc, locData, sym.typ, mangleName(sym), OnUnknown) if lfNoDecl in sym.loc.Flags: return # declare implementation: var q = findPendingModule(m, sym) if q != nil and not ContainsOrIncl(q.declaredThings, sym.id): assert q.initProc.module == q appf(q.s[cfsData], "NIM_CONST $1 $2 = $3;$n", [getTypeDesc(q, sym.typ), sym.loc.r, genConstExpr(q.initProc, sym.ast)]) # declare header: if q != m and not ContainsOrIncl(m.declaredThings, sym.id): assert(sym.loc.r != nil) let headerDecl = ropef("extern NIM_CONST $1 $2;$n", [getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t), sym.loc.r]) app(m.s[cfsData], headerDecl) if sfExportc in sym.flags and generatedHeader != nil: app(generatedHeader.s[cfsData], headerDecl) proc genProc(m: BModule, prc: PSym) = if sfBorrow in prc.flags: return fillProcLoc(prc) if {sfForward, sfFromGeneric} * prc.flags != {}: addForwardedProc(m, prc) else: genProcNoForward(m, prc) if {sfExportc, sfCompilerProc} * prc.flags == {sfExportc} and generatedHeader != nil and lfNoDecl notin prc.loc.Flags: genProcPrototype(generatedHeader, prc) if prc.typ.callConv == ccInline: if not ContainsOrIncl(generatedHeader.declaredThings, prc.id): genProcAux(generatedHeader, prc) proc genVarPrototypeAux(m: BModule, sym: PSym) = assert(sfGlobal in sym.flags) useHeader(m, sym) fillLoc(sym.loc, locGlobalVar, sym.typ, mangleName(sym), OnHeap) if (lfNoDecl in sym.loc.Flags) or ContainsOrIncl(m.declaredThings, sym.id): return if sym.owner.id != m.module.id: # else we already have the symbol generated! assert(sym.loc.r != nil) if sfThread in sym.flags: declareThreadVar(m, sym, true) else: app(m.s[cfsVars], "extern ") app(m.s[cfsVars], getTypeDesc(m, sym.loc.t)) if lfDynamicLib in sym.loc.flags: app(m.s[cfsVars], "*") if sfRegister in sym.flags: app(m.s[cfsVars], " register") if sfVolatile in sym.flags: app(m.s[cfsVars], " volatile") appf(m.s[cfsVars], " $1;$n", [sym.loc.r]) proc genVarPrototype(m: BModule, sym: PSym) = genVarPrototypeAux(m, sym) proc addIntTypes(result: var PRope) {.inline.} = appf(result, "#define NIM_INTBITS $1", [ platform.CPU[targetCPU].intSize.toRope]) proc getCopyright(cfilenoext: string): PRope = if optCompileOnly in gGlobalOptions: result = ropeff("/* Generated by Nimrod Compiler v$1 */$n" & "/* (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf */$n" & "/* The generated code is subject to the original license. */$n", "; Generated by Nimrod Compiler v$1$n" & "; (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf$n", [toRope(versionAsString)]) else: result = ropeff("/* Generated by Nimrod Compiler v$1 */$n" & "/* (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf */$n" & "/* The generated code is subject to the original license. */$n" & "/* Compiled for: $2, $3, $4 */$n" & "/* Command for C compiler:$n $5 */$n", "; Generated by Nimrod Compiler v$1$n" & "; (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf$n" & "; Compiled for: $2, $3, $4$n" & "; Command for LLVM compiler:$n $5$n", [toRope(versionAsString), toRope(platform.OS[targetOS].name), toRope(platform.CPU[targetCPU].name), toRope(extccomp.CC[extccomp.ccompiler].name), toRope(getCompileCFileCmd(cfilenoext))]) proc getFileHeader(cfilenoext: string): PRope = result = getCopyright(cfilenoext) addIntTypes(result) proc genMainProc(m: BModule) = const CommonMainBody = "\tsystemDatInit();$n" & "$1" & "$2" & "\tsystemInit();$n" & "$3" & "$4" PosixNimMain = "int cmdCount;$n" & "char** cmdLine;$n" & "char** gEnv;$n" & "N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void) {$n" & CommonMainBody & "}$n" PosixCMain = "int main(int argc, char** args, char** env) {$n" & "\tcmdLine = args;$n" & "\tcmdCount = argc;$n" & "\tgEnv = env;$n" & "\tNimMain();$n" & "\treturn nim_program_result;$n" & "}$n" StandaloneCMain = "int main(void) {$n" & "\tNimMain();$n" & "\treturn 0;$n" & "}$n" WinNimMain = "N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void) {$n" & CommonMainBody & "}$n" WinCMain = "N_STDCALL(int, WinMain)(HINSTANCE hCurInstance, $n" & " HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, $n" & " LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {$n" & "\tNimMain();$n" & "\treturn nim_program_result;$n" & "}$n" WinNimDllMain = "N_LIB_EXPORT N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void) {$n" & CommonMainBody & "}$n" WinCDllMain = "BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fwdreason, $n" & " LPVOID lpvReserved) {$n" & "\tif(fwdreason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) NimMain();$n" & "\treturn 1;$n" & "}$n" PosixNimDllMain = WinNimDllMain PosixCDllMain = "void NIM_POSIX_INIT NimMainInit(void) {$n" & "\tNimMain();$n}$n" var nimMain, otherMain: TFormatStr if platform.targetOS == osWindows and gGlobalOptions * {optGenGuiApp, optGenDynLib} != {}: if optGenGuiApp in gGlobalOptions: nimMain = WinNimMain otherMain = WinCMain else: nimMain = WinNimDllMain otherMain = WinCDllMain discard lists.IncludeStr(m.headerFiles, "") elif optGenDynLib in gGlobalOptions: nimMain = posixNimDllMain otherMain = posixCDllMain elif platform.targetOS == osStandalone: nimMain = PosixNimMain otherMain = StandaloneCMain else: nimMain = PosixNimMain otherMain = PosixCMain if gBreakpoints != nil: discard cgsym(m, "dbgRegisterBreakpoint") let initStackBottomCall = if emulatedThreadVars() or platform.targetOS == osStandalone: "".toRope else: ropecg(m, "\t#initStackBottom();$n") inc(m.labels) appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], nimMain, [mainDatInit, initStackBottomCall, gBreakpoints, mainModInit, toRope(m.labels)]) if optNoMain notin gGlobalOptions: appcg(m, m.s[cfsProcs], otherMain, []) proc getInitName(m: PSym): PRope = result = ropeff("$1Init", "@$1Init", [toRope(m.name.s)]) proc getDatInitName(m: PSym): PRope = result = ropeff("$1DatInit", "@$1DatInit", [toRope(m.name.s)]) proc registerModuleToMain(m: PSym) = var init = m.getInitName datInit = m.getDatInitName appff(mainModProcs, "N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void);$N", "declare void $1() noinline$N", [init]) appff(mainModProcs, "N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void);$N", "declare void $1() noinline$N", [datInit]) if not (sfSystemModule in m.flags): appff(mainModInit, "\t$1();$n", "call void ()* $1$n", [init]) appff(mainDatInit, "\t$1();$n", "call void ()* $1$n", [datInit]) proc genInitCode(m: BModule) = var initname = getInitName(m.module) var prc = ropeff("N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void) {$n", "define void $1() noinline {$n", [initname]) if m.typeNodes > 0: appcg(m, m.s[cfsTypeInit1], "static #TNimNode $1[$2];$n", [m.typeNodesName, toRope(m.typeNodes)]) if m.nimTypes > 0: appcg(m, m.s[cfsTypeInit1], "static #TNimType $1[$2];$n", [m.nimTypesName, toRope(m.nimTypes)]) if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and not m.FrameDeclared: # BUT: the generated init code might depend on a current frame, so # declare it nevertheless: m.FrameDeclared = true getFrameDecl(m.initProc) app(prc, initGCFrame(m.initProc)) app(prc, genSectionStart(cpsLocals)) app(prc, m.initProc.s(cpsLocals)) app(prc, m.preInitProc.s(cpsLocals)) app(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsLocals)) if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and not m.PreventStackTrace: var procname = CStringLit(m.initProc, prc, m.module.name.s) var filename = CStringLit(m.initProc, prc, toFilename(m.module.info)) app(prc, initFrame(m.initProc, procname, filename)) app(prc, genSectionStart(cpsInit)) app(prc, m.preInitProc.s(cpsInit)) app(prc, m.initProc.s(cpsInit)) app(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsInit)) app(prc, genSectionStart(cpsStmts)) app(prc, m.preInitProc.s(cpsStmts)) app(prc, m.initProc.s(cpsStmts)) app(prc, genSectionEnd(cpsStmts)) if optStackTrace in m.initProc.options and not m.PreventStackTrace: app(prc, deinitFrame(m.initProc)) app(prc, deinitGCFrame(m.initProc)) appf(prc, "}$N$N") prc.appff("N_NOINLINE(void, $1)(void) {$n", "define void $1() noinline {$n", [getDatInitName(m.module)]) for i in cfsTypeInit1..cfsDynLibInit: app(prc, genSectionStart(i)) app(prc, m.s[i]) app(prc, genSectionEnd(i)) appf(prc, "}$N$N") # we cannot simply add the init proc to ``m.s[cfsProcs]`` anymore because # that would lead to a *nesting* of merge sections which the merger does # not support. So we add it to another special section: ``cfsInitProc`` app(m.s[cfsInitProc], prc) for i, el in pairs(m.extensionLoaders): if el != nil: let ex = ropef("N_NIMCALL(void, nimLoadProcs$1)(void) {$2}$N$N", (i.ord - '0'.ord).toRope, el) app(m.s[cfsInitProc], ex) proc genModule(m: BModule, cfilenoext: string): PRope = result = getFileHeader(cfilenoext) result.app(genMergeInfo(m)) generateHeaders(m) generateThreadLocalStorage(m) for i in countup(cfsHeaders, cfsProcs): app(result, genSectionStart(i)) app(result, m.s[i]) app(result, genSectionEnd(i)) app(result, m.s[cfsInitProc]) proc rawNewModule(module: PSym, filename: string): BModule = new(result) InitLinkedList(result.headerFiles) result.declaredThings = initIntSet() result.declaredProtos = initIntSet() result.cfilename = filename result.filename = filename initIdTable(result.typeCache) initIdTable(result.forwTypeCache) result.module = module result.typeInfoMarker = initIntSet() result.initProc = newProc(nil, result) result.initProc.options = gOptions result.preInitProc = newProc(nil, result) initNodeTable(result.dataCache) result.typeStack = @[] result.forwardedProcs = @[] result.typeNodesName = getTempName() result.nimTypesName = getTempName() result.PreventStackTrace = sfSystemModule in module.flags proc newModule(module: PSym, filename: string): BModule = result = rawNewModule(module, filename) if gModules.len <= module.position: gModules.setLen(module.position + 1) gModules[module.position] = result if (optDeadCodeElim in gGlobalOptions): if (sfDeadCodeElim in module.flags): InternalError("added pending module twice: " & filename) proc myOpen(module: PSym, filename: string): PPassContext = result = newModule(module, filename) if optGenIndex in gGlobalOptions and generatedHeader == nil: let f = if headerFile.len > 0: headerFile else: gProjectFull generatedHeader = rawNewModule(module, changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(f), hExt)) generatedHeader.isHeaderFile = true proc writeHeader(m: BModule) = var result = getCopyright(m.filename) var guard = ropef("__$1__", m.filename.splitFile.name.toRope) result.appf("#ifndef $1$n#define $1$n", guard) addIntTypes(result) generateHeaders(m) generateThreadLocalStorage(m) for i in countup(cfsHeaders, cfsProcs): app(result, genSectionStart(i)) app(result, m.s[i]) app(result, genSectionEnd(i)) app(result, m.s[cfsInitProc]) if optGenDynLib in gGlobalOptions: result.app("N_LIB_IMPORT ") result.appf("N_CDECL(void, NimMain)(void);$n") result.appf("#endif /* $1 */$n", guard) writeRope(result, m.filename) proc getCFile(m: BModule): string = result = changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(m.cfilename), cExt) proc myOpenCached(module: PSym, filename: string, rd: PRodReader): PPassContext = var m = newModule(module, filename) readMergeInfo(getCFile(m), m) result = m proc myProcess(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = result = n if b == nil or passes.skipCodegen(n): return var m = BModule(b) m.initProc.options = gOptions genStmts(m.initProc, n) proc finishModule(m: BModule) = var i = 0 while i <= high(m.forwardedProcs): # Note: ``genProc`` may add to ``m.forwardedProcs``, so we cannot use # a ``for`` loop here var prc = m.forwardedProcs[i] if sfForward in prc.flags: InternalError(prc.info, "still forwarded: " & prc.name.s) genProcNoForward(m, prc) inc(i) assert(gForwardedProcsCounter >= i) dec(gForwardedProcsCounter, i) setlen(m.forwardedProcs, 0) proc shouldRecompile(code: PRope, cfile, cfilenoext: string): bool = result = true if optForceFullMake notin gGlobalOptions: var objFile = toObjFile(cfilenoext) if writeRopeIfNotEqual(code, cfile): return if ExistsFile(objFile) and os.FileNewer(objFile, cfile): result = false else: writeRope(code, cfile) # We need 2 different logics here: pending modules (including # 'nim__dat') may require file merging for the combination of dead code # elimination and incremental compilation! Non pending modules need no # such logic and in fact the logic hurts for the main module at least; # it would generate multiple 'main' procs, for instance. proc writeModule(m: BModule, pending: bool) = # generate code for the init statements of the module: var cfile = getCFile(m) var cfilenoext = changeFileExt(cfile, "") if not m.fromCache or optForceFullMake in gGlobalOptions: genInitCode(m) finishTypeDescriptions(m) if sfMainModule in m.module.flags: # generate main file: app(m.s[cfsProcHeaders], mainModProcs) GenerateThreadVarsSize(m) var code = genModule(m, cfilenoext) when hasTinyCBackend: if gCmd == cmdRun: tccgen.compileCCode(ropeToStr(code)) return if shouldRecompile(code, cfile, cfilenoext): addFileToCompile(cfilenoext) elif pending and mergeRequired(m) and sfMainModule notin m.module.flags: mergeFiles(cfile, m) genInitCode(m) finishTypeDescriptions(m) var code = genModule(m, cfilenoext) writeRope(code, cfile) addFileToCompile(cfilenoext) elif not ExistsFile(toObjFile(cfilenoext)): # Consider: first compilation compiles ``system.nim`` and produces # ``system.c`` but then compilation fails due to an error. This means # that ``system.o`` is missing, so we need to call the C compiler for it: addFileToCompile(cfilenoext) addFileToLink(cfilenoext) proc myClose(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = result = n if b == nil or passes.skipCodegen(n): return var m = BModule(b) if n != nil: m.initProc.options = gOptions genStmts(m.initProc, n) # cached modules need to registered too: registerModuleToMain(m.module) if sfMainModule in m.module.flags: var disp = generateMethodDispatchers() for i in 0..sonsLen(disp)-1: genProcAux(m, disp.sons[i].sym) genMainProc(m) # we need to process the transitive closure because recursive module # deps are allowed (and the system module is processed in the wrong # order anyway) if generatedHeader != nil: finishModule(generatedHeader) while gForwardedProcsCounter > 0: for i in countup(0, high(gModules)): finishModule(gModules[i]) for i in countup(0, high(gModules)): writeModule(gModules[i], pending=true) writeMapping(gMapping) if generatedHeader != nil: writeHeader(generatedHeader) proc cgenPass(): TPass = initPass(result) result.open = myOpen result.openCached = myOpenCached result.process = myProcess result.close = myClose