# # # The Nimrod Compiler # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # This is the documentation generator. It is currently pretty simple: No # semantic checking is done for the code. Cross-references are generated # by knowing how the anchors are going to be named. import ast, strutils, strtabs, options, msgs, os, ropes, idents, wordrecg, syntaxes, renderer, lexer, rstast, rst, rstgen, times, highlite, importer, sempass2, json, xmltree, cgi, typesrenderer type TSections = array[TSymKind, PRope] TDocumentor = object of rstgen.TRstGenerator modDesc: PRope # module description id: int # for generating IDs toc, section: TSections indexValFilename: string seenSymbols: PStringTable # avoids duplicate symbol generation for HTML. PDoc* = ref TDocumentor ## Alias to type less. proc compilerMsgHandler(filename: string, line, col: int, msgKind: rst.TMsgKind, arg: string) {.procvar.} = # translate msg kind: var k: msgs.TMsgKind case msgKind of meCannotOpenFile: k = errCannotOpenFile of meExpected: k = errXExpected of meGridTableNotImplemented: k = errGridTableNotImplemented of meNewSectionExpected: k = errNewSectionExpected of meGeneralParseError: k = errGeneralParseError of meInvalidDirective: k = errInvalidDirectiveX of mwRedefinitionOfLabel: k = warnRedefinitionOfLabel of mwUnknownSubstitution: k = warnUnknownSubstitutionX of mwUnsupportedLanguage: k = warnLanguageXNotSupported globalError(newLineInfo(filename, line, col), k, arg) proc docgenFindFile(s: string): string {.procvar.} = result = options.findFile(s) if result.len == 0: result = getCurrentDir() / s if not existsFile(result): result = "" proc parseRst(text, filename: string, line, column: int, hasToc: var bool, rstOptions: TRstParseOptions): PRstNode = result = rstParse(text, filename, line, column, hasToc, rstOptions, docgenFindFile, compilerMsgHandler) proc newDocumentor*(filename: string, config: PStringTable): PDoc = new(result) initRstGenerator(result[], (if gCmd != cmdRst2tex: outHtml else: outLatex), options.gConfigVars, filename, {roSupportRawDirective}, docgenFindFile, compilerMsgHandler) result.seenSymbols = newStringTable(modeCaseInsensitive) result.id = 100 proc dispA(dest: var PRope, xml, tex: string, args: openArray[PRope]) = if gCmd != cmdRst2tex: appf(dest, xml, args) else: appf(dest, tex, args) proc getVarIdx(varnames: openArray[string], id: string): int = for i in countup(0, high(varnames)): if cmpIgnoreStyle(varnames[i], id) == 0: return i result = -1 proc ropeFormatNamedVars(frmt: TFormatStr, varnames: openArray[string], varvalues: openArray[PRope]): PRope = var i = 0 var L = len(frmt) result = nil var num = 0 while i < L: if frmt[i] == '$': inc(i) # skip '$' case frmt[i] of '#': app(result, varvalues[num]) inc(num) inc(i) of '$': app(result, "$") inc(i) of '0'..'9': var j = 0 while true: j = (j * 10) + ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0') inc(i) if (i > L + 0 - 1) or not (frmt[i] in {'0'..'9'}): break if j > high(varvalues) + 1: internalError("ropeFormatNamedVars") num = j app(result, varvalues[j - 1]) of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF': var id = "" while true: add(id, frmt[i]) inc(i) if not (frmt[i] in {'A'..'Z', '_', 'a'..'z', '\x80'..'\xFF'}): break var idx = getVarIdx(varnames, id) if idx >= 0: app(result, varvalues[idx]) else: rawMessage(errUnkownSubstitionVar, id) of '{': var id = "" inc(i) while frmt[i] != '}': if frmt[i] == '\0': rawMessage(errTokenExpected, "}") add(id, frmt[i]) inc(i) inc(i) # skip } # search for the variable: var idx = getVarIdx(varnames, id) if idx >= 0: app(result, varvalues[idx]) else: rawMessage(errUnkownSubstitionVar, id) else: internalError("ropeFormatNamedVars") var start = i while i < L: if frmt[i] != '$': inc(i) else: break if i - 1 >= start: app(result, substr(frmt, start, i - 1)) proc genComment(d: PDoc, n: PNode): string = result = "" var dummyHasToc: bool if n.comment != nil and startsWith(n.comment, "##"): renderRstToOut(d[], parseRst(n.comment, toFilename(n.info), toLinenumber(n.info), toColumn(n.info), dummyHasToc, d.options + {roSkipPounds}), result) proc genRecComment(d: PDoc, n: PNode): PRope = if n == nil: return nil result = genComment(d, n).toRope if result == nil: if n.kind notin {nkEmpty..nkNilLit}: for i in countup(0, len(n)-1): result = genRecComment(d, n.sons[i]) if result != nil: return else: n.comment = nil proc getPlainDocstring(n: PNode): string = ## Gets the plain text docstring of a node non destructively. ## ## You need to call this before genRecComment, whose side effects are removal ## of comments from the tree. The proc will recursively scan and return all ## the concatenated ``##`` comments of the node. result = "" if n == nil: return if n.comment != nil and startsWith(n.comment, "##"): result = n.comment if result.len < 1: if n.kind notin {nkEmpty..nkNilLit}: for i in countup(0, len(n)-1): result = getPlainDocstring(n.sons[i]) if result.len > 0: return proc findDocComment(n: PNode): PNode = if n == nil: return nil if not isNil(n.comment) and startsWith(n.comment, "##"): return n for i in countup(0, safeLen(n)-1): result = findDocComment(n.sons[i]) if result != nil: return proc extractDocComment*(s: PSym, d: PDoc = nil): string = let n = findDocComment(s.ast) result = "" if not n.isNil: if not d.isNil: var dummyHasToc: bool renderRstToOut(d[], parseRst(n.comment, toFilename(n.info), toLinenumber(n.info), toColumn(n.info), dummyHasToc, d.options + {roSkipPounds}), result) else: result = n.comment.substr(2).replace("\n##", "\n").strip proc isVisible(n: PNode): bool = result = false if n.kind == nkPostfix: if n.len == 2 and n.sons[0].kind == nkIdent: var v = n.sons[0].ident result = v.id == ord(wStar) or v.id == ord(wMinus) elif n.kind == nkSym: # we cannot generate code for forwarded symbols here as we have no # exception tracking information here. Instead we copy over the comment # from the proc header. result = {sfExported, sfFromGeneric, sfForward}*n.sym.flags == {sfExported} elif n.kind == nkPragmaExpr: result = isVisible(n.sons[0]) proc getName(d: PDoc, n: PNode, splitAfter = -1): string = case n.kind of nkPostfix: result = getName(d, n.sons[1], splitAfter) of nkPragmaExpr: result = getName(d, n.sons[0], splitAfter) of nkSym: result = esc(d.target, n.sym.renderDefinitionName, splitAfter) of nkIdent: result = esc(d.target, n.ident.s, splitAfter) of nkAccQuoted: result = esc(d.target, "`") for i in 0.. <n.len: result.add(getName(d, n[i], splitAfter)) result.add esc(d.target, "`") else: internalError(n.info, "getName()") result = "" proc getRstName(n: PNode): PRstNode = case n.kind of nkPostfix: result = getRstName(n.sons[1]) of nkPragmaExpr: result = getRstName(n.sons[0]) of nkSym: result = newRstNode(rnLeaf, n.sym.renderDefinitionName) of nkIdent: result = newRstNode(rnLeaf, n.ident.s) of nkAccQuoted: result = getRstName(n.sons[0]) for i in 1 .. <n.len: result.text.add(getRstName(n[i]).text) else: internalError(n.info, "getRstName()") result = nil proc newUniquePlainSymbol(d: PDoc, original: string): string = ## Returns a new unique plain symbol made up from the original. ## ## When a collision is found in the seenSymbols table, new numerical variants ## with underscore + number will be generated. if not d.seenSymbols.hasKey(original): result = original d.seenSymbols[original] = "" return # Iterate over possible numeric variants of the original name. var count = 2 while true: result = original & "_" & $count if not d.seenSymbols.hasKey(result): d.seenSymbols[result] = "" break count += 1 proc complexName(k: TSymKind, n: PNode, baseName: string): string = ## Builds a complex unique href name for the node. ## ## Pass as ``baseName`` the plain symbol obtained from the nodeName. The ## format of the returned symbol will be ``baseName(.callable type)?,(param ## type)?(,param type)*``. The callable type part will be added only if the ## node is not a proc, as those are the common ones. The suffix will be a dot ## and a single letter representing the type of the callable. The parameter ## types will be added with a preceeding dash. Return types won't be added. ## ## If you modify the output of this proc, please update the anchor generation ## section of ``doc/docgen.txt``. result = baseName case k: of skProc: result.add(defaultParamSeparator) of skMacro: result.add(".m" & defaultParamSeparator) of skMethod: result.add(".e" & defaultParamSeparator) of skIterator: result.add(".i" & defaultParamSeparator) of skTemplate: result.add(".t" & defaultParamSeparator) of skConverter: result.add(".c" & defaultParamSeparator) else: discard if len(n) > paramsPos and n[paramsPos].kind == nkFormalParams: result.add(renderParamTypes(n[paramsPos])) proc isCallable(n: PNode): bool = ## Returns true if `n` contains a callable node. case n.kind of nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkIteratorDef, nkMacroDef, nkTemplateDef, nkConverterDef: result = true else: result = false proc docstringSummary(rstText: string): string = ## Returns just the first line or a brief chunk of text from a rst string. ## ## Most docstrings will contain a one liner summary, so stripping at the ## first newline is usually fine. If after that the content is still too big, ## it is stripped at the first comma, colon or dot, usual english sentence ## separators. ## ## No guarantees are made on the size of the output, but it should be small. ## Also, we hope to not break the rst, but maybe we do. If there is any ## trimming done, an ellipsis unicode char is added. const maxDocstringChars = 100 assert (rstText.len < 2 or (rstText[0] == '#' and rstText[1] == '#')) result = rstText.substr(2).strip var pos = result.find('\L') if pos > 0: result.delete(pos, result.len - 1) result.add("…") if pos < maxDocstringChars: return # Try to keep trimming at other natural boundaries. pos = result.find({'.', ',', ':'}) let last = result.len - 1 if pos > 0 and pos < last: result.delete(pos, last) result.add("…") proc genItem(d: PDoc, n, nameNode: PNode, k: TSymKind) = if not isVisible(nameNode): return let name = getName(d, nameNode) nameRope = name.toRope plainDocstring = getPlainDocstring(n) # call here before genRecComment! var result: PRope = nil var literal, plainName = "" var kind = tkEof var comm = genRecComment(d, n) # call this here for the side-effect! var r: TSrcGen # Obtain the plain rendered string for hyperlink titles. initTokRender(r, n, {renderNoBody, renderNoComments, renderDocComments, renderNoPragmas, renderNoProcDefs}) while true: getNextTok(r, kind, literal) if kind == tkEof: break plainName.add(literal) # Render the HTML hyperlink. initTokRender(r, n, {renderNoBody, renderNoComments, renderDocComments}) while true: getNextTok(r, kind, literal) case kind of tkEof: break of tkComment: dispA(result, "<span class=\"Comment\">$1</span>", "\\spanComment{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) of tokKeywordLow..tokKeywordHigh: dispA(result, "<span class=\"Keyword\">$1</span>", "\\spanKeyword{$1}", [toRope(literal)]) of tkOpr: dispA(result, "<span class=\"Operator\">$1</span>", "\\spanOperator{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) of tkStrLit..tkTripleStrLit: dispA(result, "<span class=\"StringLit\">$1</span>", "\\spanStringLit{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) of tkCharLit: dispA(result, "<span class=\"CharLit\">$1</span>", "\\spanCharLit{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) of tkIntLit..tkUInt64Lit: dispA(result, "<span class=\"DecNumber\">$1</span>", "\\spanDecNumber{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) of tkFloatLit..tkFloat128Lit: dispA(result, "<span class=\"FloatNumber\">$1</span>", "\\spanFloatNumber{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) of tkSymbol: dispA(result, "<span class=\"Identifier\">$1</span>", "\\spanIdentifier{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) of tkSpaces, tkInvalid: app(result, literal) of tkParLe, tkParRi, tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkCurlyLe, tkCurlyRi, tkBracketDotLe, tkBracketDotRi, tkCurlyDotLe, tkCurlyDotRi, tkParDotLe, tkParDotRi, tkComma, tkSemiColon, tkColon, tkEquals, tkDot, tkDotDot, tkAccent, tkColonColon, tkGStrLit, tkGTripleStrLit, tkInfixOpr, tkPrefixOpr, tkPostfixOpr: dispA(result, "<span class=\"Other\">$1</span>", "\\spanOther{$1}", [toRope(esc(d.target, literal))]) inc(d.id) let plainNameRope = toRope(xmltree.escape(plainName.strip)) cleanPlainSymbol = renderPlainSymbolName(nameNode) complexSymbol = complexName(k, n, cleanPlainSymbol) plainSymbolRope = toRope(cleanPlainSymbol) plainSymbolEncRope = toRope(URLEncode(cleanPlainSymbol)) itemIDRope = toRope(d.id) symbolOrId = d.newUniquePlainSymbol(complexSymbol) symbolOrIdRope = symbolOrId.toRope symbolOrIdEncRope = URLEncode(symbolOrId).toRope var seeSrcRope: PRope = nil let docItemSeeSrc = getConfigVar("doc.item.seesrc") if docItemSeeSrc.len > 0 and options.docSeeSrcUrl.len > 0: let urlRope = ropeFormatNamedVars(options.docSeeSrcUrl, ["path", "line"], [n.info.toFilename.toRope, toRope($n.info.line)]) dispA(seeSrcRope, "$1", "", [ropeFormatNamedVars(docItemSeeSrc, ["path", "line", "url"], [n.info.toFilename.toRope, toRope($n.info.line), urlRope])]) app(d.section[k], ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.item"), ["name", "header", "desc", "itemID", "header_plain", "itemSym", "itemSymOrID", "itemSymEnc", "itemSymOrIDEnc", "seeSrc"], [nameRope, result, comm, itemIDRope, plainNameRope, plainSymbolRope, symbolOrIdRope, plainSymbolEncRope, symbolOrIdEncRope, seeSrcRope])) app(d.toc[k], ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.item.toc"), ["name", "header", "desc", "itemID", "header_plain", "itemSym", "itemSymOrID", "itemSymEnc", "itemSymOrIDEnc"], [toRope(getName(d, nameNode, d.splitAfter)), result, comm, itemIDRope, plainNameRope, plainSymbolRope, symbolOrIdRope, plainSymbolEncRope, symbolOrIdEncRope])) # Ironically for types the complexSymbol is *cleaner* than the plainName # because it doesn't include object fields or documentation comments. So we # use the plain one for callable elements, and the complex for the rest. var linkTitle = changeFileExt(extractFilename(d.filename), "") & " : " if n.isCallable: linkTitle.add(xmltree.escape(plainName.strip)) else: linkTitle.add(xmltree.escape(complexSymbol.strip)) setIndexTerm(d[], symbolOrId, name, linkTitle, xmltree.escape(plainDocstring.docstringSummary)) proc genJSONItem(d: PDoc, n, nameNode: PNode, k: TSymKind): PJsonNode = if not isVisible(nameNode): return var name = getName(d, nameNode) comm = genRecComment(d, n).ropeToStr() r: TSrcGen initTokRender(r, n, {renderNoBody, renderNoComments, renderDocComments}) result = %{ "name": %name, "type": %($k) } if comm != nil and comm != "": result["description"] = %comm if r.buf != nil: result["code"] = %r.buf proc checkForFalse(n: PNode): bool = result = n.kind == nkIdent and identEq(n.ident, "false") proc traceDeps(d: PDoc, n: PNode) = const k = skModule if d.section[k] != nil: app(d.section[k], ", ") dispA(d.section[k], "<a class=\"reference external\" href=\"$1.html\">$1</a>", "$1", [toRope(getModuleName(n))]) proc generateDoc*(d: PDoc, n: PNode) = case n.kind of nkCommentStmt: app(d.modDesc, genComment(d, n)) of nkProcDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skProc) of nkMethodDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skMethod) of nkIteratorDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skIterator) of nkMacroDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skMacro) of nkTemplateDef: genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skTemplate) of nkConverterDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) genItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skConverter) of nkTypeSection, nkVarSection, nkLetSection, nkConstSection: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): if n.sons[i].kind != nkCommentStmt: # order is always 'type var let const': genItem(d, n.sons[i], n.sons[i].sons[0], succ(skType, ord(n.kind)-ord(nkTypeSection))) of nkStmtList: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): generateDoc(d, n.sons[i]) of nkWhenStmt: # generate documentation for the first branch only: if not checkForFalse(n.sons[0].sons[0]): generateDoc(d, lastSon(n.sons[0])) of nkImportStmt: for i in 0 .. sonsLen(n)-1: traceDeps(d, n.sons[i]) of nkFromStmt, nkImportExceptStmt: traceDeps(d, n.sons[0]) else: discard proc generateJson(d: PDoc, n: PNode, jArray: PJsonNode = nil): PJsonNode = case n.kind of nkCommentStmt: if n.comment != nil and startsWith(n.comment, "##"): let stripped = n.comment.substr(2).strip result = %{ "comment": %stripped } of nkProcDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) result = genJSONItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skProc) of nkMethodDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) result = genJSONItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skMethod) of nkIteratorDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) result = genJSONItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skIterator) of nkMacroDef: result = genJSONItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skMacro) of nkTemplateDef: result = genJSONItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skTemplate) of nkConverterDef: when useEffectSystem: documentRaises(n) result = genJSONItem(d, n, n.sons[namePos], skConverter) of nkTypeSection, nkVarSection, nkLetSection, nkConstSection: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): if n.sons[i].kind != nkCommentStmt: # order is always 'type var let const': result = genJSONItem(d, n.sons[i], n.sons[i].sons[0], succ(skType, ord(n.kind)-ord(nkTypeSection))) of nkStmtList: var elem = jArray if elem == nil: elem = newJArray() for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): var r = generateJson(d, n.sons[i], elem) if r != nil: elem.add(r) if result == nil: result = elem of nkWhenStmt: # generate documentation for the first branch only: if not checkForFalse(n.sons[0].sons[0]) and jArray != nil: discard generateJson(d, lastSon(n.sons[0]), jArray) else: discard proc genSection(d: PDoc, kind: TSymKind) = const sectionNames: array[skModule..skTemplate, string] = [ "Imports", "Types", "Vars", "Lets", "Consts", "Vars", "Procs", "Methods", "Iterators", "Iterators", "Converters", "Macros", "Templates" ] if d.section[kind] == nil: return var title = sectionNames[kind].toRope d.section[kind] = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.section"), [ "sectionid", "sectionTitle", "sectionTitleID", "content"], [ ord(kind).toRope, title, toRope(ord(kind) + 50), d.section[kind]]) d.toc[kind] = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.section.toc"), [ "sectionid", "sectionTitle", "sectionTitleID", "content"], [ ord(kind).toRope, title, toRope(ord(kind) + 50), d.toc[kind]]) proc genOutFile(d: PDoc): PRope = var code, content: PRope title = "" var j = 0 var tmp = "" renderTocEntries(d[], j, 1, tmp) var toc = tmp.toRope for i in countup(low(TSymKind), high(TSymKind)): genSection(d, i) app(toc, d.toc[i]) if toc != nil: toc = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.toc"), ["content"], [toc]) for i in countup(low(TSymKind), high(TSymKind)): app(code, d.section[i]) if d.meta[metaTitle].len != 0: title = d.meta[metaTitle] else: title = "Module " & extractFilename(changeFileExt(d.filename, "")) let bodyname = if d.hasToc: "doc.body_toc" else: "doc.body_no_toc" content = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar(bodyname), ["title", "tableofcontents", "moduledesc", "date", "time", "content"], [title.toRope, toc, d.modDesc, toRope(getDateStr()), toRope(getClockStr()), code]) if optCompileOnly notin gGlobalOptions: # XXX what is this hack doing here? 'optCompileOnly' means raw output!? code = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.file"), ["title", "tableofcontents", "moduledesc", "date", "time", "content", "author", "version"], [title.toRope, toc, d.modDesc, toRope(getDateStr()), toRope(getClockStr()), content, d.meta[metaAuthor].toRope, d.meta[metaVersion].toRope]) else: code = content result = code proc generateIndex*(d: PDoc) = if optGenIndex in gGlobalOptions: writeIndexFile(d[], splitFile(options.outFile).dir / splitFile(d.filename).name & IndexExt) proc writeOutput*(d: PDoc, filename, outExt: string, useWarning = false) = var content = genOutFile(d) if optStdout in gGlobalOptions: writeRope(stdout, content) else: writeRope(content, getOutFile(filename, outExt), useWarning) proc commandDoc*() = var ast = parseFile(gProjectMainIdx) if ast == nil: return var d = newDocumentor(gProjectFull, options.gConfigVars) d.hasToc = true generateDoc(d, ast) writeOutput(d, gProjectFull, HtmlExt) generateIndex(d) proc commandRstAux(filename, outExt: string) = var filen = addFileExt(filename, "txt") var d = newDocumentor(filen, options.gConfigVars) var rst = parseRst(readFile(filen), filen, 0, 1, d.hasToc, {roSupportRawDirective}) var modDesc = newStringOfCap(30_000) #d.modDesc = newMutableRope(30_000) renderRstToOut(d[], rst, modDesc) #freezeMutableRope(d.modDesc) d.modDesc = toRope(modDesc) writeOutput(d, filename, outExt) generateIndex(d) proc commandRst2Html*() = commandRstAux(gProjectFull, HtmlExt) proc commandRst2TeX*() = splitter = "\\-" commandRstAux(gProjectFull, TexExt) proc commandJSON*() = var ast = parseFile(gProjectMainIdx) if ast == nil: return var d = newDocumentor(gProjectFull, options.gConfigVars) d.hasToc = true var json = generateJson(d, ast) var content = newRope(pretty(json)) if optStdout in gGlobalOptions: writeRope(stdout, content) else: echo getOutFile(gProjectFull, JsonExt) writeRope(content, getOutFile(gProjectFull, JsonExt), useWarning = false) proc commandBuildIndex*() = var content = mergeIndexes(gProjectFull).toRope let code = ropeFormatNamedVars(getConfigVar("doc.file"), ["title", "tableofcontents", "moduledesc", "date", "time", "content", "author", "version"], ["Index".toRope, nil, nil, toRope(getDateStr()), toRope(getClockStr()), content, nil, nil]) writeRope(code, getOutFile("theindex", HtmlExt))