#           The Nimrod Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

# This is the EMCAScript (also known as JavaScript) code generator.
# **Invariant: each expression only occurs once in the generated
# code!**

  ast, astalgo, strutils, nhashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp,
  options, nversion, nimsets, msgs, crc, bitsets, idents, lists, types, os,
  times, ropes, math, passes, ccgutils, wordrecg, renderer, rodread, rodutils

proc ecmasgenPass*(): TPass
# implementation

  TEcmasGen = object of TPassContext
    filename*: string
    module*: PSym

  BModule = ref TEcmasGen
  TEcmasTypeKind = enum 
    etyNone,                  # no type
    etyNull,                  # null type
    etyProc,                  # proc type
    etyBool,                  # bool type
    etyInt,                   # Ecmascript's int
    etyFloat,                 # Ecmascript's float
    etyString,                # Ecmascript's string
    etyObject,                # Ecmascript's reference to an object
    etyBaseIndex              # base + index needed
  TCompRes{.final.} = object 
    kind*: TEcmasTypeKind
    com*: PRope               # computation part
                              # address if this is a (address, index)-tuple
    res*: PRope               # result part; index if this is an
                              # (address, index)-tuple
  TBlock{.final.} = object 
    id*: int                  # the ID of the label; positive means that it
                              # has been used (i.e. the label should be emitted)
    nestedTryStmts*: int      # how many try statements is it nested into
  TGlobals{.final.} = object 
    typeInfo*, code*: PRope
    typeInfoGenerated*: TIntSet

  PGlobals = ref TGlobals
  TProc{.final.} = object 
    procDef*: PNode
    prc*: PSym
    data*: PRope
    options*: TOptions
    module*: BModule
    globals*: PGlobals
    BeforeRetNeeded*: bool
    nestedTryStmts*: int
    unique*: int
    blocks*: seq[TBlock]

proc newGlobals(): PGlobals = 

proc initCompRes(r: var TCompRes) = 
  r.com = nil
  r.res = nil
  r.kind = etyNone

proc initProc(p: var TProc, globals: PGlobals, module: BModule, procDef: PNode, 
              options: TOptions) = 
  p.blocks = @[]
  p.options = options
  p.module = module
  p.procDef = procDef
  p.globals = globals
  if procDef != nil: p.prc = procDef.sons[namePos].sym
  MappedToObject = {tyObject, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyTuple, tyOpenArray, 
    tySet, tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr}

proc mapType(typ: PType): TEcmasTypeKind = 
  var t = skipTypes(typ, abstractInst)
  case t.kind
  of tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr: 
    if skipTypes(t.sons[0], abstractInst).kind in mappedToObject: 
      result = etyObject
      result = etyBaseIndex
  of tyPointer: 
    # treat a tyPointer like a typed pointer to an array of bytes
    result = etyInt
  of tyRange, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal: result = mapType(t.sons[0])
  of tyInt..tyInt64, tyEnum, tyChar: result = etyInt
  of tyBool: result = etyBool
  of tyFloat..tyFloat128: result = etyFloat
  of tySet: result = etyObject # map a set to a table
  of tyString, tySequence: result = etyInt # little hack to get right semantics
  of tyObject, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyTuple, tyOpenArray: 
    result = etyObject
  of tyNil: result = etyNull
  of tyGenericInst, tyGenericParam, tyGenericBody, tyGenericInvokation, tyNone, 
     tyForward, tyEmpty, tyExpr, tyStmt, tyTypeDesc: 
    result = etyNone
  of tyProc: result = etyProc
  of tyCString: result = etyString
proc mangle(name: string): string = 
  result = ""
  for i in countup(0, len(name) - 1): 
    case name[i]
    of 'A'..'Z': 
      add(result, chr(ord(name[i]) - ord('A') + ord('a')))
    of '_': 
    of 'a'..'z', '0'..'9': 
      add(result, name[i])
    else: add(result, 'X' & toHex(ord(name[i]), 2))
proc mangleName(s: PSym): PRope = 
  result = s.loc.r
  if result == nil: 
    result = toRope(mangle(s.name.s))
    app(result, "_")
    app(result, toRope(s.id))
    s.loc.r = result

proc genTypeInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope
proc genObjectFields(p: var TProc, typ: PType, n: PNode): PRope = 
    s, u: PRope
    length: int
    field: PSym
    b: PNode
  result = nil
  case n.kind
  of nkRecList: 
    length = sonsLen(n)
    if length == 1: 
      result = genObjectFields(p, typ, n.sons[0])
      s = nil
      for i in countup(0, length - 1): 
        if i > 0: app(s, ", " & tnl)
        app(s, genObjectFields(p, typ, n.sons[i]))
      result = ropef("{kind: 2, len: $1, offset: 0, " &
          "typ: null, name: null, sons: [$2]}", [toRope(length), s])
  of nkSym: 
    field = n.sym
    s = genTypeInfo(p, field.typ)
    result = ropef("{kind: 1, offset: \"$1\", len: 0, " &
        "typ: $2, name: $3, sons: null}", 
                   [mangleName(field), s, makeCString(field.name.s)])
  of nkRecCase: 
    length = sonsLen(n)
    if (n.sons[0].kind != nkSym): InternalError(n.info, "genObjectFields")
    field = n.sons[0].sym
    s = genTypeInfo(p, field.typ)
    for i in countup(1, length - 1): 
      b = n.sons[i]           # branch
      u = nil
      case b.kind
      of nkOfBranch: 
        if sonsLen(b) < 2: 
          internalError(b.info, "genObjectFields; nkOfBranch broken")
        for j in countup(0, sonsLen(b) - 2): 
          if u != nil: app(u, ", ")
          if b.sons[j].kind == nkRange: 
            appf(u, "[$1, $2]", [toRope(getOrdValue(b.sons[j].sons[0])), 
            app(u, toRope(getOrdValue(b.sons[j])))
      of nkElse: 
        u = toRope(lengthOrd(field.typ))
      else: internalError(n.info, "genObjectFields(nkRecCase)")
      if result != nil: app(result, ", " & tnl)
      appf(result, "[SetConstr($1), $2]", 
           [u, genObjectFields(p, typ, lastSon(b))])
    result = ropef("{kind: 3, offset: \"$1\", len: $3, " &
        "typ: $2, name: $4, sons: [$5]}", [mangleName(field), s, 
        toRope(lengthOrd(field.typ)), makeCString(field.name.s), result])
  else: internalError(n.info, "genObjectFields")
proc genObjectInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType, name: PRope) = 
  var s = ropef("var $1 = {size: 0, kind: $2, base: null, node: null, " &
                "finalizer: null};$n", [name, toRope(ord(typ.kind))])
  prepend(p.globals.typeInfo, s)
  appf(p.globals.typeInfo, "var NNI$1 = $2;$n", 
       [toRope(typ.id), genObjectFields(p, typ, typ.n)])
  appf(p.globals.typeInfo, "$1.node = NNI$2;$n", [name, toRope(typ.id)])
  if (typ.kind == tyObject) and (typ.sons[0] != nil): 
    appf(p.globals.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", 
         [name, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])])

proc genEnumInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType, name: PRope) = 
    s, n: PRope
    length: int
    field: PSym
  length = sonsLen(typ.n)
  s = nil
  for i in countup(0, length - 1): 
    if (typ.n.sons[i].kind != nkSym): InternalError(typ.n.info, "genEnumInfo")
    field = typ.n.sons[i].sym
    if i > 0: app(s, ", " & tnl)
    appf(s, "{kind: 1, offset: $1, typ: $2, name: $3, len: 0, sons: null}", 
         [toRope(field.position), name, makeCString(field.name.s)])
  n = ropef("var NNI$1 = {kind: 2, offset: 0, typ: null, " &
      "name: null, len: $2, sons: [$3]};$n", [toRope(typ.id), toRope(length), s])
  s = ropef("var $1 = {size: 0, kind: $2, base: null, node: null, " &
      "finalizer: null};$n", [name, toRope(ord(typ.kind))])
  prepend(p.globals.typeInfo, s)
  app(p.globals.typeInfo, n)
  appf(p.globals.typeInfo, "$1.node = NNI$2;$n", [name, toRope(typ.id)])
  if typ.sons[0] != nil: 
    appf(p.globals.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", 
         [name, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])])

proc genTypeInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope = 
  var t = typ
  if t.kind == tyGenericInst: t = lastSon(t)
  result = ropef("NTI$1", [toRope(t.id)])
  if IntSetContainsOrIncl(p.globals.TypeInfoGenerated, t.id): return 
  case t.kind
  of tyDistinct: 
    result = genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])
  of tyPointer, tyProc, tyBool, tyChar, tyCString, tyString, tyInt..tyFloat128: 
    var s = ropef(
      "var $1 = {size: 0,kind: $2,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};$n", 
              [result, toRope(ord(t.kind))])
    prepend(p.globals.typeInfo, s)
  of tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr, tySequence, tyRange, tySet: 
    var s = ropef(
      "var $1 = {size: 0,kind: $2,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};$n", 
              [result, toRope(ord(t.kind))])
    prepend(p.globals.typeInfo, s)
    appf(p.globals.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", 
         [result, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])])
  of tyArrayConstr, tyArray: 
    var s = ropef(
      "var $1 = {size: 0,kind: $2,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};$n",
              [result, toRope(ord(t.kind))])
    prepend(p.globals.typeInfo, s)
    appf(p.globals.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", 
         [result, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[1])])
  of tyEnum: genEnumInfo(p, t, result)
  of tyObject, tyTuple: genObjectInfo(p, t, result)
  else: InternalError("genTypeInfo(" & $t.kind & ')')
proc gen(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes)
proc genStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes)
proc useMagic(p: var TProc, ident: string) =
  # to implement
proc mergeExpr(a, b: PRope): PRope = 
  if (a != nil): 
    if b != nil: result = ropef("($1, $2)", [a, b])
    else: result = a
    result = b
proc mergeExpr(r: TCompRes): PRope = 
  result = mergeExpr(r.com, r.res)

proc mergeStmt(r: TCompRes): PRope = 
  if r.res == nil: result = r.com
  elif r.com == nil: result = r.res
  else: result = ropef("$1$2", [r.com, r.res])
proc genAnd(p: var TProc, a, b: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var x, y: TCompRes
  gen(p, a, x)
  gen(p, b, y)
  r.res = ropef("($1 && $2)", [mergeExpr(x), mergeExpr(y)])

proc genOr(p: var TProc, a, b: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var x, y: TCompRes
  gen(p, a, x)
  gen(p, b, y)
  r.res = ropef("($1 || $2)", [mergeExpr(x), mergeExpr(y)])

  TMagicFrmt = array[0..3, string]

const # magic checked op; magic unchecked op; checked op; unchecked op
  ops: array[mAddi..mStrToStr, TMagicFrmt] = [
    ["addInt", "", "addInt($1, $2)", "($1 + $2)"], # AddI
    ["subInt", "", "subInt($1, $2)", "($1 - $2)"], # SubI
    ["mulInt", "", "mulInt($1, $2)", "($1 * $2)"], # MulI
    ["divInt", "", "divInt($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 / $2)"], # DivI
    ["modInt", "", "modInt($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 % $2)"], # ModI
    ["addInt64", "", "addInt64($1, $2)", "($1 + $2)"], # AddI64
    ["subInt64", "", "subInt64($1, $2)", "($1 - $2)"], # SubI64
    ["mulInt64", "", "mulInt64($1, $2)", "($1 * $2)"], # MulI64
    ["divInt64", "", "divInt64($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 / $2)"], # DivI64
    ["modInt64", "", "modInt64($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 % $2)"], # ModI64
    ["", "", "($1 + $2)", "($1 + $2)"], # AddF64
    ["", "", "($1 - $2)", "($1 - $2)"], # SubF64
    ["", "", "($1 * $2)", "($1 * $2)"], # MulF64
    ["", "", "($1 / $2)", "($1 / $2)"], # DivF64
    ["", "", "($1 >>> $2)", "($1 >>> $2)"], # ShrI
    ["", "", "($1 << $2)", "($1 << $2)"], # ShlI
    ["", "", "($1 & $2)", "($1 & $2)"], # BitandI
    ["", "", "($1 | $2)", "($1 | $2)"], # BitorI
    ["", "", "($1 ^ $2)", "($1 ^ $2)"], # BitxorI
    ["nimMin", "nimMin", "nimMin($1, $2)", "nimMin($1, $2)"], # MinI
    ["nimMax", "nimMax", "nimMax($1, $2)", "nimMax($1, $2)"], # MaxI
    ["", "", "($1 >>> $2)", "($1 >>> $2)"], # ShrI64
    ["", "", "($1 << $2)", "($1 << $2)"], # ShlI64
    ["", "", "($1 & $2)", "($1 & $2)"], # BitandI64
    ["", "", "($1 | $2)", "($1 | $2)"], # BitorI64
    ["", "", "($1 ^ $2)", "($1 ^ $2)"], # BitxorI64
    ["nimMin", "nimMin", "nimMin($1, $2)", "nimMin($1, $2)"], # MinI64
    ["nimMax", "nimMax", "nimMax($1, $2)", "nimMax($1, $2)"], # MaxI64
    ["nimMin", "nimMin", "nimMin($1, $2)", "nimMin($1, $2)"], # MinF64
    ["nimMax", "nimMax", "nimMax($1, $2)", "nimMax($1, $2)"], # MaxF64
    ["AddU", "AddU", "AddU($1, $2)", "AddU($1, $2)"], # AddU
    ["SubU", "SubU", "SubU($1, $2)", "SubU($1, $2)"], # SubU
    ["MulU", "MulU", "MulU($1, $2)", "MulU($1, $2)"], # MulU
    ["DivU", "DivU", "DivU($1, $2)", "DivU($1, $2)"], # DivU
    ["ModU", "ModU", "ModU($1, $2)", "ModU($1, $2)"], # ModU
    ["AddU64", "AddU64", "AddU64($1, $2)", "AddU64($1, $2)"], # AddU64
    ["SubU64", "SubU64", "SubU64($1, $2)", "SubU64($1, $2)"], # SubU64
    ["MulU64", "MulU64", "MulU64($1, $2)", "MulU64($1, $2)"], # MulU64
    ["DivU64", "DivU64", "DivU64($1, $2)", "DivU64($1, $2)"], # DivU64
    ["ModU64", "ModU64", "ModU64($1, $2)", "ModU64($1, $2)"], # ModU64
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI
    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI
    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI64
    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI64
    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI64
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqF64
    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeF64
    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtF64
    ["LeU", "LeU", "LeU($1, $2)", "LeU($1, $2)"], # LeU
    ["LtU", "LtU", "LtU($1, $2)", "LtU($1, $2)"], # LtU
    ["LeU64", "LeU64", "LeU64($1, $2)", "LeU64($1, $2)"], # LeU64
    ["LtU64", "LtU64", "LtU64($1, $2)", "LtU64($1, $2)"], # LtU64
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqEnum
    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeEnum
    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtEnum
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqCh
    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeCh
    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtCh
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqB
    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeB
    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtB
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqRef
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqProc
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqUntracedRef
    ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LePtr
    ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtPtr
    ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqCString
    ["", "", "($1 != $2)", "($1 != $2)"], # Xor
    ["NegInt", "", "NegInt($1)", "-($1)"], # UnaryMinusI
    ["NegInt64", "", "NegInt64($1)", "-($1)"], # UnaryMinusI64
    ["AbsInt", "", "AbsInt($1)", "Math.abs($1)"], # AbsI
    ["AbsInt64", "", "AbsInt64($1)", "Math.abs($1)"], # AbsI64
    ["", "", "!($1)", "!($1)"], # Not
    ["", "", "+($1)", "+($1)"], # UnaryPlusI
    ["", "", "~($1)", "~($1)"], # BitnotI
    ["", "", "+($1)", "+($1)"], # UnaryPlusI64
    ["", "", "~($1)", "~($1)"], # BitnotI64
    ["", "", "+($1)", "+($1)"], # UnaryPlusF64
    ["", "", "-($1)", "-($1)"], # UnaryMinusF64
    ["", "", "Math.abs($1)", "Math.abs($1)"], # AbsF64
    ["Ze8ToI", "Ze8ToI", "Ze8ToI($1)", "Ze8ToI($1)"], # mZe8ToI
    ["Ze8ToI64", "Ze8ToI64", "Ze8ToI64($1)", "Ze8ToI64($1)"], # mZe8ToI64
    ["Ze16ToI", "Ze16ToI", "Ze16ToI($1)", "Ze16ToI($1)"], # mZe16ToI
    ["Ze16ToI64", "Ze16ToI64", "Ze16ToI64($1)", "Ze16ToI64($1)"], # mZe16ToI64
    ["Ze32ToI64", "Ze32ToI64", "Ze32ToI64($1)", "Ze32ToI64($1)"], # mZe32ToI64
    ["ZeIToI64", "ZeIToI64", "ZeIToI64($1)", "ZeIToI64($1)"], # mZeIToI64
    ["ToU8", "ToU8", "ToU8($1)", "ToU8($1)"], # ToU8
    ["ToU16", "ToU16", "ToU16($1)", "ToU16($1)"], # ToU16
    ["ToU32", "ToU32", "ToU32($1)", "ToU32($1)"], # ToU32
    ["", "", "$1", "$1"],     # ToFloat
    ["", "", "$1", "$1"],     # ToBiggestFloat
    ["", "", "Math.floor($1)", "Math.floor($1)"], # ToInt
    ["", "", "Math.floor($1)", "Math.floor($1)"], # ToBiggestInt
    ["nimCharToStr", "nimCharToStr", "nimCharToStr($1)", "nimCharToStr($1)"], 
    ["nimBoolToStr", "nimBoolToStr", "nimBoolToStr($1)", "nimBoolToStr($1)"], [
      "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")", 
      "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")"], ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", 
                                   "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")"], ["cstrToNimstr", 
      "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")"], 
    ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr($1)", "cstrToNimstr($1)"], 
    ["", "", "$1", "$1"]]

proc binaryExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) = 
  var x, y: TCompRes
  if magic != "": useMagic(p, magic)
  gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
  gen(p, n.sons[2], y)
  r.res = ropef(frmt, [x.res, y.res])
  r.com = mergeExpr(x.com, y.com)

proc binaryStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) = 
  var x, y: TCompRes
  if magic != "": useMagic(p, magic)
  gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
  gen(p, n.sons[2], y)
  if x.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [x.com])
  if y.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [y.com])
  appf(r.com, frmt, [x.res, y.res])

proc unaryExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) = 
  if magic != "": useMagic(p, magic)
  gen(p, n.sons[1], r)
  r.res = ropef(frmt, [r.res])

proc arith(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, op: TMagic) = 
    x, y: TCompRes
    i: int
  if optOverflowCheck in p.options: i = 0
  else: i = 1
  useMagic(p, ops[op][i])
  if sonsLen(n) > 2: 
    gen(p, n.sons[1], x)
    gen(p, n.sons[2], y)
    r.res = ropef(ops[op][i + 2], [x.res, y.res])
    r.com = mergeExpr(x.com, y.com)
    gen(p, n.sons[1], r)
    r.res = ropef(ops[op][i + 2], [r.res])

proc genLineDir(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var line: int
  line = toLinenumber(n.info)
  if optLineDir in p.Options: 
    appf(r.com, "// line $2 \"$1\"$n", 
         [toRope(toFilename(n.info)), toRope(line)])
  if ({optStackTrace, optEndb} * p.Options == {optStackTrace, optEndb}) and
      ((p.prc == nil) or not (sfPure in p.prc.flags)): 
    useMagic(p, "endb")
    appf(r.com, "endb($1);$n", [toRope(line)])
  elif ({optLineTrace, optStackTrace} * p.Options ==
      {optLineTrace, optStackTrace}) and
      ((p.prc == nil) or not (sfPure in p.prc.flags)): 
    appf(r.com, "F.line = $1;$n", [toRope(line)])
proc finishTryStmt(p: var TProc, r: var TCompRes, howMany: int) = 
  for i in countup(1, howMany):
    app(r.com, "excHandler = excHandler.prev;" & tnl)
proc genWhileStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    cond, stmt: TCompRes
    length, labl: int
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  length = len(p.blocks)
  setlen(p.blocks, length + 1)
  p.blocks[length].id = - p.unique
  p.blocks[length].nestedTryStmts = p.nestedTryStmts
  labl = p.unique
  gen(p, n.sons[0], cond)
  genStmt(p, n.sons[1], stmt)
  if p.blocks[length].id > 0: 
    appf(r.com, "L$3: while ($1) {$n$2}$n", 
         [mergeExpr(cond), mergeStmt(stmt), toRope(labl)])
    appf(r.com, "while ($1) {$n$2}$n", [mergeExpr(cond), mergeStmt(stmt)])
  setlen(p.blocks, length)

proc genTryStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  # code to generate:
  #  var sp = {prev: excHandler, exc: null};
  #  excHandler = sp;
  #  try {
  #    stmts;
  #  } catch (e) {
  #    if (e.typ && e.typ == NTI433 || e.typ == NTI2321) {
  #      stmts;
  #    } else if (e.typ && e.typ == NTI32342) {
  #      stmts;
  #    } else {
  #      stmts;
  #    }
  #  } finally {
  #    stmts;
  #    excHandler = excHandler.prev;
  #  }
    i, length, blen: int
    safePoint, orExpr, epart: PRope
    a: TCompRes
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  safePoint = ropef("Tmp$1", [toRope(p.unique)])
       "var $1 = {prev: excHandler, exc: null};$n" & "excHandler = $1;$n", 
  if optStackTrace in p.Options: app(r.com, "framePtr = F;" & tnl)
  app(r.com, "try {" & tnl)
  length = sonsLen(n)
  genStmt(p, n.sons[0], a)
  app(r.com, mergeStmt(a))
  i = 1
  epart = nil
  while (i < length) and (n.sons[i].kind == nkExceptBranch): 
    blen = sonsLen(n.sons[i])
    if blen == 1: 
      # general except section:
      if i > 1: app(epart, "else {" & tnl)
      genStmt(p, n.sons[i].sons[0], a)
      app(epart, mergeStmt(a))
      if i > 1: app(epart, '}' & tnl)
      orExpr = nil
      for j in countup(0, blen - 2): 
        if (n.sons[i].sons[j].kind != nkType): 
          InternalError(n.info, "genTryStmt")
        if orExpr != nil: app(orExpr, "||")
        appf(orExpr, "($1.exc.m_type == $2)", 
             [safePoint, genTypeInfo(p, n.sons[i].sons[j].typ)])
      if i > 1: app(epart, "else ")
      appf(epart, "if ($1.exc && $2) {$n", [safePoint, orExpr])
      genStmt(p, n.sons[i].sons[blen - 1], a)
      appf(epart, "$1}$n", [mergeStmt(a)])
  if epart != nil: appf(r.com, "} catch (EXC) {$n$1", [epart])
  finishTryStmt(p, r, p.nestedTryStmts)
  app(r.com, "} finally {" & tnl & "excHandler = excHandler.prev;" & tnl)
  if (i < length) and (n.sons[i].kind == nkFinally): 
    genStmt(p, n.sons[i].sons[0], a)
    app(r.com, mergeStmt(a))
  app(r.com, '}' & tnl)

proc genRaiseStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    a: TCompRes
    typ: PType
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: 
    gen(p, n.sons[0], a)
    if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com])
    typ = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractPtrs)
    useMagic(p, "raiseException")
    appf(r.com, "raiseException($1, $2);$n", 
         [a.res, makeCString(typ.sym.name.s)])
    useMagic(p, "reraiseException")
    app(r.com, "reraiseException();" & tnl)

proc genCaseStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    cond, stmt: TCompRes
    it, e, v: PNode
    stringSwitch: bool
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  gen(p, n.sons[0], cond)
  if cond.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [cond.com])
  stringSwitch = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVar).kind == tyString
  if stringSwitch: 
    useMagic(p, "toEcmaStr")
    appf(r.com, "switch (toEcmaStr($1)) {$n", [cond.res])
    appf(r.com, "switch ($1) {$n", [cond.res])
  for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    it = n.sons[i]
    case it.kind
    of nkOfBranch: 
      for j in countup(0, sonsLen(it) - 2): 
        e = it.sons[j]
        if e.kind == nkRange: 
          v = copyNode(e.sons[0])
          while (v.intVal <= e.sons[1].intVal): 
            gen(p, v, cond)
            if cond.com != nil: internalError(v.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt")
            appf(r.com, "case $1: ", [cond.res])
          gen(p, e, cond)
          if cond.com != nil: internalError(e.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt")
          if stringSwitch: 
            case e.kind
            of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: appf(r.com, "case $1: ", 
            else: InternalError(e.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt: 2")
            appf(r.com, "case $1: ", [cond.res])
      genStmt(p, lastSon(it), stmt)
      appf(r.com, "$n$1break;$n", [mergeStmt(stmt)])
    of nkElse: 
      genStmt(p, it.sons[0], stmt)
      appf(r.com, "default: $n$1break;$n", [mergeStmt(stmt)])
    else: internalError(it.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt")
  appf(r.com, "}$n", [])

proc genStmtListExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes)
proc genBlock(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    idx, labl: int
    sym: PSym
  idx = len(p.blocks)
  if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: 
    # named block?
    if (n.sons[0].kind != nkSym): InternalError(n.info, "genBlock")
    sym = n.sons[0].sym
    sym.loc.k = locOther
    sym.loc.a = idx
  setlen(p.blocks, idx + 1)
  p.blocks[idx].id = - p.unique # negative because it isn't used yet
  p.blocks[idx].nestedTryStmts = p.nestedTryStmts
  labl = p.unique
  if n.kind == nkBlockExpr: genStmtListExpr(p, n.sons[1], r)
  else: genStmt(p, n.sons[1], r)
  if p.blocks[idx].id > 0: 
    # label has been used:
    r.com = ropef("L$1: do {$n$2} while(false);$n", [toRope(labl), r.com])
  setlen(p.blocks, idx)

proc genBreakStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    idx: int
    sym: PSym
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  idx = len(p.blocks) - 1
  if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: 
    # named break?
    assert(n.sons[0].kind == nkSym)
    sym = n.sons[0].sym
    assert(sym.loc.k == locOther)
    idx = sym.loc.a
  p.blocks[idx].id = abs(p.blocks[idx].id) # label is used
  finishTryStmt(p, r, p.nestedTryStmts - p.blocks[idx].nestedTryStmts)
  appf(r.com, "break L$1;$n", [toRope(p.blocks[idx].id)])

proc genAsmStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  assert(n.kind == nkAsmStmt)
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    case n.sons[i].Kind
    of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: app(r.com, n.sons[i].strVal)
    of nkSym: app(r.com, mangleName(n.sons[i].sym))
    else: InternalError(n.sons[i].info, "ecmasgen: genAsmStmt()")
proc genIfStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    toClose: int
    cond, stmt: TCompRes
    it: PNode
  toClose = 0
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    it = n.sons[i]
    if sonsLen(it) != 1: 
      gen(p, it.sons[0], cond)
      genStmt(p, it.sons[1], stmt)
      if i > 0: 
        appf(r.com, "else {$n", [])
      if cond.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [cond.com])
      appf(r.com, "if ($1) {$n$2}", [cond.res, mergeStmt(stmt)])
      # else part:
      genStmt(p, it.sons[0], stmt)
      appf(r.com, "else {$n$1}$n", [mergeStmt(stmt)])
  app(r.com, repeatChar(toClose, '}') & tnl)

proc genIfExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    toClose: int
    cond, stmt: TCompRes
    it: PNode
  toClose = 0
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    it = n.sons[i]
    if sonsLen(it) != 1: 
      gen(p, it.sons[0], cond)
      gen(p, it.sons[1], stmt)
      if i > 0: 
        app(r.res, ": (")
      r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, cond.com)
      r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, stmt.com)
      appf(r.res, "($1) ? ($2)", [cond.res, stmt.res])
      # else part:
      gen(p, it.sons[0], stmt)
      r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, stmt.com)
      appf(r.res, ": ($1)", [stmt.res])
  app(r.res, repeatChar(toClose, ')'))

proc generateHeader(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope = 
    param: PSym
    name: PRope
  result = nil
  for i in countup(1, sonsLen(typ.n) - 1): 
    if result != nil: app(result, ", ")
    assert(typ.n.sons[i].kind == nkSym)
    param = typ.n.sons[i].sym
    name = mangleName(param)
    app(result, name)
    if mapType(param.typ) == etyBaseIndex: 
      app(result, ", ")
      app(result, name)
      app(result, "_Idx")

  nodeKindsNeedNoCopy = {nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit, 
    nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit, nkCurly, nkPar, nkStringToCString, 
    nkCStringToString, nkCall, nkCommand, nkHiddenCallConv, nkCallStrLit}

proc needsNoCopy(y: PNode): bool = 
  result = (y.kind in nodeKindsNeedNoCopy) or
      (skipTypes(y.typ, abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr, tyVar})

proc genAsgnAux(p: var TProc, x, y: PNode, r: var TCompRes, 
                noCopyNeeded: bool) = 
  var a, b: TCompRes
  gen(p, x, a)
  gen(p, y, b)
  case mapType(x.typ)
  of etyObject: 
    if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com])
    if b.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [b.com])
    if needsNoCopy(y) or noCopyNeeded: 
      appf(r.com, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, b.res])
      useMagic(p, "NimCopy")
      appf(r.com, "$1 = NimCopy($2, $3);$n", 
           [a.res, b.res, genTypeInfo(p, y.typ)])
  of etyBaseIndex: 
    if (a.kind != etyBaseIndex) or (b.kind != etyBaseIndex): 
      internalError(x.info, "genAsgn")
    appf(r.com, "$1 = $2; $3 = $4;$n", [a.com, b.com, a.res, b.res])
    if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com])
    if b.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [b.com])
    appf(r.com, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, b.res])

proc genAsgn(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  genAsgnAux(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], r, false)

proc genFastAsgn(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  genAsgnAux(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], r, true)

proc genSwap(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a, b: TCompRes
  gen(p, n.sons[1], a)
  gen(p, n.sons[2], b)
  var tmp = ropef("Tmp$1", [toRope(p.unique)])
  case mapType(n.sons[1].typ)
  of etyBaseIndex: 
    var tmp2 = ropef("Tmp$1", [toRope(p.unique)])
    if (a.kind != etyBaseIndex) or (b.kind != etyBaseIndex): 
      internalError(n.info, "genSwap")
    appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; $2 = $3; $3 = $1;$n", [tmp, a.com, b.com])
    appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; $2 = $3; $3 = $1", [tmp2, a.res, b.res])
    if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com])
    if b.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [b.com])
    appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; $2 = $3; $3 = $1", [tmp, a.res, b.res])

proc genFieldAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  r.kind = etyBaseIndex
  gen(p, n.sons[0], a)
  if n.sons[1].kind != nkSym: InternalError(n.sons[1].info, "genFieldAddr")
  var f = n.sons[1].sym
  if f.loc.r == nil: f.loc.r = mangleName(f)
  r.res = makeCString(ropeToStr(f.loc.r))
  r.com = mergeExpr(a)

proc genFieldAccess(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  r.kind = etyNone
  gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
  if n.sons[1].kind != nkSym: InternalError(n.sons[1].info, "genFieldAddr")
  var f = n.sons[1].sym
  if f.loc.r == nil: f.loc.r = mangleName(f)
  r.res = ropef("$1.$2", [r.res, f.loc.r])

proc genCheckedFieldAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genFieldAddr(p, n.sons[0], r) # XXX
proc genCheckedFieldAccess(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genFieldAccess(p, n.sons[0], r) # XXX
proc genArrayAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    a, b: TCompRes
    first: biggestInt
  r.kind = etyBaseIndex
  gen(p, n.sons[0], a)
  gen(p, n.sons[1], b)
  r.com = mergeExpr(a)
  var typ = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractPtrs)
  if typ.kind in {tyArray, tyArrayConstr}: first = FirstOrd(typ.sons[0])
  else: first = 0
  if (optBoundsCheck in p.options) and not isConstExpr(n.sons[1]): 
    useMagic(p, "chckIndx")
    b.res = ropef("chckIndx($1, $2, $3.length)-$2", 
                  [b.res, toRope(first), a.res]) 
    # XXX: BUG: a.res evaluated twice!
  elif first != 0: 
    b.res = ropef("($1)-$2", [b.res, toRope(first)])
  r.res = mergeExpr(b)

proc genArrayAccess(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genArrayAddr(p, n, r)
  r.kind = etyNone
  r.res = ropef("$1[$2]", [r.com, r.res])
  r.com = nil

proc genAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var s: PSym
  case n.sons[0].kind
  of nkSym: 
    s = n.sons[0].sym
    if s.loc.r == nil: InternalError(n.info, "genAddr: 3")
    case s.kind
    of skVar: 
      if mapType(n.typ) == etyObject: 
        # make addr() a no-op:
        r.kind = etyNone
        r.res = s.loc.r
        r.com = nil
      elif sfGlobal in s.flags: 
        # globals are always indirect accessible
        r.kind = etyBaseIndex
        r.com = toRope("Globals")
        r.res = makeCString(ropeToStr(s.loc.r))
      elif sfAddrTaken in s.flags: 
        r.kind = etyBaseIndex
        r.com = s.loc.r
        r.res = toRope("0")
        InternalError(n.info, "genAddr: 4")
    else: InternalError(n.info, "genAddr: 2")
  of nkCheckedFieldExpr: 
    genCheckedFieldAddr(p, n, r)
  of nkDotExpr: 
    genFieldAddr(p, n, r)
  of nkBracketExpr: 
    genArrayAddr(p, n, r)
  else: InternalError(n.info, "genAddr")
proc genSym(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var s = n.sym
  if s.loc.r == nil: 
    InternalError(n.info, "symbol has no generated name: " & s.name.s)
  case s.kind
  of skVar, skParam, skTemp: 
    var k = mapType(s.typ)
    if k == etyBaseIndex: 
      r.kind = etyBaseIndex
      if {sfAddrTaken, sfGlobal} * s.flags != {}: 
        r.com = ropef("$1[0]", [s.loc.r])
        r.res = ropef("$1[1]", [s.loc.r])
        r.com = s.loc.r
        r.res = con(s.loc.r, "_Idx")
    elif (k != etyObject) and (sfAddrTaken in s.flags): 
      r.res = ropef("$1[0]", [s.loc.r])
      r.res = s.loc.r
  else: r.res = s.loc.r
proc genDeref(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  if mapType(n.sons[0].typ) == etyObject: 
    gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
    gen(p, n.sons[0], a)
    if a.kind != etyBaseIndex: InternalError(n.info, "genDeref")
    r.res = ropef("$1[$2]", [a.com, a.res])

proc genArgs(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
  app(r.res, "(")
  for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    if i > 1: app(r.res, ", ")
    var a: TCompRes
    gen(p, n.sons[i], a)
    if a.kind == etyBaseIndex: 
      app(r.res, a.com)
      app(r.res, ", ")
      app(r.res, a.res)
      app(r.res, mergeExpr(a))
  app(r.res, ")")

proc genCall(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
  genArgs(p, n, r)

proc genEcho(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) =
  app(r.res, "rawEcho")
  genArgs(p, n, r)

proc putToSeq(s: string, indirect: bool): PRope = 
  result = toRope(s)
  if indirect: result = ropef("[$1]", [result])
proc createVar(p: var TProc, typ: PType, indirect: bool): PRope
proc createRecordVarAux(p: var TProc, rec: PNode, c: var int): PRope = 
  result = nil
  case rec.kind
  of nkRecList: 
    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(rec) - 1): 
      app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, rec.sons[i], c))
  of nkRecCase: 
    app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, rec.sons[0], c))
    for i in countup(1, sonsLen(rec) - 1): 
      app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, lastSon(rec.sons[i]), c))
  of nkSym: 
    if c > 0: app(result, ", ")
    app(result, mangleName(rec.sym))
    app(result, ": ")
    app(result, createVar(p, rec.sym.typ, false))
  else: InternalError(rec.info, "createRecordVarAux")
proc createVar(p: var TProc, typ: PType, indirect: bool): PRope = 
  var t = skipTypes(typ, abstractInst)
  case t.kind
  of tyInt..tyInt64, tyEnum, tyChar: 
    result = putToSeq("0", indirect)
  of tyFloat..tyFloat128: 
    result = putToSeq("0.0", indirect)
  of tyRange: 
    result = createVar(p, typ.sons[0], indirect)
  of tySet: 
    result = toRope("{}")
  of tyBool: 
    result = putToSeq("false", indirect)
  of tyArray, tyArrayConstr: 
    var length = int(lengthOrd(t))
    var e = elemType(t)
    if length > 32: 
      useMagic(p, "ArrayConstr")
      result = ropef("ArrayConstr($1, $2, $3)", [toRope(length), 
          createVar(p, e, false), genTypeInfo(p, e)])
      result = toRope("[")
      var i = 0
      while i < length: 
        if i > 0: app(result, ", ")
        app(result, createVar(p, e, false))
      app(result, "]")
  of tyTuple: 
    result = toRope("{")
    var c = 0
    app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, t.n, c))
    app(result, "}")
  of tyObject: 
    result = toRope("{")
    var c = 0
    if not (tfFinal in t.flags) or (t.sons[0] != nil): 
      appf(result, "m_type: $1", [genTypeInfo(p, t)])
    while t != nil: 
      app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, t.n, c))
      t = t.sons[0]
    app(result, "}")
  of tyVar, tyPtr, tyRef: 
    if mapType(t) == etyBaseIndex: result = putToSeq("[null, 0]", indirect)
    else: result = putToSeq("null", indirect)
  of tySequence, tyString, tyCString, tyPointer: 
    result = putToSeq("null", indirect)
    internalError("createVar: " & $t.kind)
    result = nil

proc isIndirect(v: PSym): bool = 
  result = (sfAddrTaken in v.flags) and (mapType(v.typ) != etyObject)

proc genVarInit(p: var TProc, v: PSym, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    a: TCompRes
    s: PRope
  if n.kind == nkEmpty: 
    appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2;$n", 
         [mangleName(v), createVar(p, v.typ, isIndirect(v))])
    discard mangleName(v)
    gen(p, n, a)
    case mapType(v.typ)
    of etyObject: 
      if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com])
      if needsNoCopy(n): 
        s = a.res
        useMagic(p, "NimCopy")
        s = ropef("NimCopy($1, $2)", [a.res, genTypeInfo(p, n.typ)])
    of etyBaseIndex: 
      if (a.kind != etyBaseIndex): InternalError(n.info, "genVarInit")
      if {sfAddrTaken, sfGlobal} * v.flags != {}: 
        appf(r.com, "var $1 = [$2, $3];$n", [v.loc.r, a.com, a.res])
        appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; var $1_Idx = $3;$n", [v.loc.r, a.com, a.res])
      if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com])
      s = a.res
    if isIndirect(v): appf(r.com, "var $1 = [$2];$n", [v.loc.r, s])
    else: appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2;$n", [v.loc.r, s])
proc genVarStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    var a = n.sons[i]
    if a.kind == nkCommentStmt: continue 
    assert(a.kind == nkIdentDefs)
    assert(a.sons[0].kind == nkSym)
    var v = a.sons[0].sym
    if lfNoDecl in v.loc.flags: continue 
    genLineDir(p, a, r)
    genVarInit(p, v, a.sons[2], r)

proc genConstStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genLineDir(p, n, r)
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    if n.sons[i].kind == nkCommentStmt: continue 
    assert(n.sons[i].kind == nkConstDef)
    var c = n.sons[i].sons[0].sym
    if (c.ast != nil) and (c.typ.kind in ConstantDataTypes) and
        not (lfNoDecl in c.loc.flags): 
      genLineDir(p, n.sons[i], r)
      genVarInit(p, c, c.ast, r)

proc genNew(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  gen(p, n.sons[1], a)
  var t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).sons[0]
  if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com])
  appf(r.com, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, createVar(p, t, true)])

proc genOrd(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  case skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).kind
  of tyEnum, tyInt..tyInt64, tyChar: gen(p, n.sons[1], r)
  of tyBool: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 ? 1:0)")
  else: InternalError(n.info, "genOrd")
proc genConStrStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a, b: TCompRes
  gen(p, n.sons[1], a)
  gen(p, n.sons[2], b)
  r.com = mergeExpr(a.com, b.com)
  if skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar: 
    a.res = ropef("[$1, 0]", [a.res])
  if skipTypes(n.sons[2].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar: 
    b.res = ropef("[$1, 0]", [b.res])
  r.res = ropef("($1.slice(0,-1)).concat($2)", [a.res, b.res])

proc genMagic(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    a: TCompRes
    line, filen: PRope
  var op = n.sons[0].sym.magic
  case op
  of mOr: genOr(p, n.sons[1], n.sons[2], r)
  of mAnd: genAnd(p, n.sons[1], n.sons[2], r)
  of mAddi..mStrToStr: arith(p, n, r, op)        #mRepr: genRepr(p, n, r);
  of mSwap: genSwap(p, n, r)
  of mUnaryLt: 
    # XXX: range checking?
    if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 - 1")
    else: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "subInt", "subInt($1, 1)")
  of mPred: 
    # XXX: range checking?
    if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 - $2")
    else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "subInt", "subInt($1, $2)")
  of mSucc: 
    # XXX: range checking?
    if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 - $2")
    else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "addInt", "addInt($1, $2)")
  of mAppendStrCh: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "addChar", "$1 = addChar($1, $2)")
  of mAppendStrStr: 
    binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 = ($1.slice(0,-1)).concat($2)") 
    # XXX: make a copy of $2, because of EMCAScript's sucking semantics
  of mAppendSeqElem: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1.push($2)")
  of mConStrStr: genConStrStr(p, n, r)
  of mEqStr: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "eqStrings", "eqStrings($1, $2)")
  of mLeStr: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "cmpStrings", "(cmpStrings($1, $2) <= 0)")
  of mLtStr: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "cmpStrings", "(cmpStrings($1, $2) < 0)")
  of mIsNil: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 == null")
  of mAssert: 
    if (optAssert in p.Options): 
      useMagic(p, "internalAssert")
      gen(p, n.sons[1], a)
      line = toRope(toLinenumber(n.info))
      filen = makeCString(ToFilename(n.info))
      appf(r.com, "if (!($3)) internalAssert($1, $2)", 
           [filen, line, mergeExpr(a)])
  of mNew, mNewFinalize: genNew(p, n, r)
  of mSizeOf: r.res = toRope(getSize(n.sons[1].typ))
  of mChr: gen(p, n.sons[1], r)      # nothing to do
  of mOrd: genOrd(p, n, r)
  of mLengthStr: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1.length-1)")
  of mLengthSeq, mLengthOpenArray, mLengthArray: 
    unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1.length")
  of mHigh: 
    if skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVar).kind == tyString: 
      unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1.length-2)")
      unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1.length-1)")
  of mInc: 
    if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 += $2")
    else: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "addInt", "$1 = addInt($1, $2)")
  of ast.mDec: 
    if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 -= $2")
    else: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "subInt", "$1 = subInt($1, $2)")
  of mSetLengthStr: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1.length = ($2)-1")
  of mSetLengthSeq: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1.length = $2")
  of mCard: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetCard", "SetCard($1)")
  of mLtSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetLt", "SetLt($1, $2)")
  of mLeSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetLe", "SetLe($1, $2)")
  of mEqSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetEq", "SetEq($1, $2)")
  of mMulSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetMul", "SetMul($1, $2)")
  of mPlusSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetPlus", "SetPlus($1, $2)")
  of mMinusSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetMinus", "SetMinus($1, $2)")
  of mIncl: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1[$2] = true")
  of mExcl: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "delete $1[$2]")
  of mInSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1[$2] != undefined)")
  of mNLen..mNError: 
    localError(n.info, errCannotGenerateCodeForX, n.sons[0].sym.name.s)
  of mNewSeq: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 = new Array($2)")
  of mEcho: genEcho(p, n, r)
    genCall(p, n, r)          
    #else internalError(e.info, 'genMagic: ' + magicToStr[op]);
proc genSetConstr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    a, b: TCompRes
  useMagic(p, "SetConstr")
  r.res = toRope("SetConstr(")
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    if i > 0: app(r.res, ", ")
    var it = n.sons[i]
    if it.kind == nkRange: 
      gen(p, it.sons[0], a)
      gen(p, it.sons[1], b)
      r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, mergeExpr(a.com, b.com))
      appf(r.res, "[$1, $2]", [a.res, b.res])
      gen(p, it, a)
      r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com)
      app(r.res, a.res)
  app(r.res, ")")

proc genArrayConstr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  r.res = toRope("[")
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
    if i > 0: app(r.res, ", ")
    gen(p, n.sons[i], a)
    r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com)
    app(r.res, a.res)
  app(r.res, "]")

proc genRecordConstr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  var i = 0
  var length = sonsLen(n)
  r.res = toRope("{")
  while i < length: 
    if i > 0: app(r.res, ", ")
    if (n.sons[i].kind != nkSym): 
      internalError(n.sons[i].info, "genRecordConstr")
    gen(p, n.sons[i + 1], a)
    r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com)
    appf(r.res, "$1: $2", [mangleName(n.sons[i].sym), a.res])
    inc(i, 2)

proc genConv(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var dest = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVarRange)
  var src = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange)
  gen(p, n.sons[1], r)
  if (dest.kind != src.kind) and (src.kind == tyBool): 
    r.res = ropef("(($1)? 1:0)", [r.res])
proc upConv(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  gen(p, n.sons[0], r)        # XXX
proc genRangeChck(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic: string) = 
  var a, b: TCompRes
  gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
  if optRangeCheck in p.options: 
    gen(p, n.sons[1], a)
    gen(p, n.sons[2], b)
    r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, mergeExpr(a.com, b.com))
    useMagic(p, "chckRange")
    r.res = ropef("chckRange($1, $2, $3)", [r.res, a.res, b.res])

proc convStrToCStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  # we do an optimization here as this is likely to slow down
  # much of the code otherwise:
  if n.sons[0].kind == nkCStringToString: 
    gen(p, n.sons[0].sons[0], r)
    gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
    if r.res == nil: InternalError(n.info, "convStrToCStr")
    useMagic(p, "toEcmaStr")
    r.res = ropef("toEcmaStr($1)", [r.res])

proc convCStrToStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  # we do an optimization here as this is likely to slow down
  # much of the code otherwise:
  if n.sons[0].kind == nkStringToCString: 
    gen(p, n.sons[0].sons[0], r)
    gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
    if r.res == nil: InternalError(n.info, "convCStrToStr")
    useMagic(p, "cstrToNimstr")
    r.res = ropef("cstrToNimstr($1)", [r.res])

proc genReturnStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  if p.procDef == nil: InternalError(n.info, "genReturnStmt")
  p.BeforeRetNeeded = true
  if (n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty): 
    genStmt(p, n.sons[0], a)
    if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", mergeStmt(a))
    genLineDir(p, n, r)
  finishTryStmt(p, r, p.nestedTryStmts)
  app(r.com, "break BeforeRet;" & tnl)

proc genProcBody(p: var TProc, prc: PSym, r: TCompRes): PRope = 
  if optStackTrace in prc.options: 
    result = ropef("var F={procname:$1,prev:framePtr,filename:$2,line:0};$n" &
        "framePtr = F;$n", [makeCString(prc.owner.name.s & '.' & prc.name.s), 
    result = nil
  if p.beforeRetNeeded: 
    appf(result, "BeforeRet: do {$n$1} while (false); $n", [mergeStmt(r)])
    app(result, mergeStmt(r))
  if prc.typ.callConv == ccSysCall: 
    result = ropef("try {$n$1} catch (e) {$n" &
        " alert(\"Unhandled exception:\\n\" + e.message + \"\\n\"$n}", [result])
  if optStackTrace in prc.options: 
    app(result, "framePtr = framePtr.prev;" & tnl)
proc genProc(oldProc: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
    p: TProc
    resultSym: PSym
    name, returnStmt, resultAsgn, header: PRope
    a: TCompRes
  var prc = n.sons[namePos].sym
  initProc(p, oldProc.globals, oldProc.module, n, prc.options)
  returnStmt = nil
  resultAsgn = nil
  name = mangleName(prc)
  header = generateHeader(p, prc.typ)
  if (prc.typ.sons[0] != nil) and not (sfPure in prc.flags): 
    resultSym = n.sons[resultPos].sym
    resultAsgn = ropef("var $1 = $2;$n", [mangleName(resultSym), 
        createVar(p, resultSym.typ, isIndirect(resultSym))])
    gen(p, n.sons[resultPos], a)
    if a.com != nil: appf(returnStmt, "$1;$n", [a.com])
    returnStmt = ropef("return $1;$n", [a.res])
  genStmt(p, n.sons[codePos], r)
  r.com = ropef("function $1($2) {$n$3$4$5}$n", 
                [name, header, resultAsgn, genProcBody(p, prc, r), returnStmt])
  r.res = nil

proc genStmtListExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  # watch out this trick: ``function () { stmtList; return expr; }()``
  r.res = toRope("function () {")
  for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 2): 
    genStmt(p, n.sons[i], a)
    app(r.res, mergeStmt(a))
  gen(p, lastSon(n), a)
  if a.com != nil: appf(r.res, "$1;$n", [a.com])
  appf(r.res, "return $1; }()", [a.res])

proc genStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var a: TCompRes
  r.kind = etyNone
  r.com = nil
  r.res = nil
  case n.kind
  of nkNilLit, nkEmpty: nil
  of nkStmtList: 
    for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): 
      genStmt(p, n.sons[i], a)
      app(r.com, mergeStmt(a))
  of nkBlockStmt: genBlock(p, n, r)
  of nkIfStmt: genIfStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkWhileStmt: genWhileStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkVarSection: genVarStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkConstSection: genConstStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkForStmt: internalError(n.info, "for statement not eliminated")
  of nkCaseStmt: genCaseStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkReturnStmt: genReturnStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkBreakStmt: genBreakStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkAsgn: genAsgn(p, n, r)
  of nkFastAsgn: genFastAsgn(p, n, r)
  of nkDiscardStmt: 
    genLineDir(p, n, r)
    gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
    app(r.res, ';' & tnl)
  of nkAsmStmt: genAsmStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkTryStmt: genTryStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkRaiseStmt: genRaiseStmt(p, n, r)
  of nkTypeSection, nkCommentStmt, nkIteratorDef, nkIncludeStmt, nkImportStmt, 
     nkFromStmt, nkTemplateDef, nkMacroDef, nkPragma: 
  of nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkConverterDef: 
    if (n.sons[genericParamsPos].kind == nkEmpty): 
      var prc = n.sons[namePos].sym
      if (n.sons[codePos].kind != nkEmpty) and not (lfNoDecl in prc.loc.flags): 
        genProc(p, n, r)
        discard mangleName(prc)
    genLineDir(p, n, r)
    gen(p, n, r)
    app(r.res, ';' & tnl)

proc gen(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  var f: BiggestFloat
  r.kind = etyNone
  r.com = nil
  r.res = nil
  case n.kind
  of nkSym: 
    genSym(p, n, r)
  of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: 
    r.res = toRope(n.intVal)
  of nkNilLit: 
    if mapType(n.typ) == etyBaseIndex: 
      r.kind = etyBaseIndex
      r.com = toRope("null")
      r.res = toRope("0")
      r.res = toRope("null")
  of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: 
    if skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyString: 
      useMagic(p, "cstrToNimstr")
      r.res = ropef("cstrToNimstr($1)", [makeCString(n.strVal)])
      r.res = makeCString(n.strVal)
  of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: 
    f = n.floatVal
    if f != f: r.res = toRope("NaN")
    elif f == 0.0: r.res = toRope("0.0")
    elif f == 0.5 * f: 
      if f > 0.0: r.res = toRope("Infinity")
      else: r.res = toRope("-Infinity")
    else: r.res = toRope(f.ToStrMaxPrecision)
  of nkBlockExpr: genBlock(p, n, r)
  of nkIfExpr: genIfExpr(p, n, r)
  of nkCall, nkHiddenCallConv, nkCommand, nkCallStrLit: 
    if (n.sons[0].kind == nkSym) and (n.sons[0].sym.magic != mNone): 
      genMagic(p, n, r)
      genCall(p, n, r)
  of nkCurly: genSetConstr(p, n, r)
  of nkBracket: genArrayConstr(p, n, r)
  of nkPar: genRecordConstr(p, n, r)
  of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv: genConv(p, n, r)
  of nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr: genAddr(p, n, r)
  of nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref: genDeref(p, n, r)
  of nkBracketExpr: genArrayAccess(p, n, r)
  of nkDotExpr: genFieldAccess(p, n, r)
  of nkCheckedFieldExpr: genCheckedFieldAccess(p, n, r)
  of nkObjDownConv: gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
  of nkObjUpConv: upConv(p, n, r)
  of nkChckRangeF: genRangeChck(p, n, r, "chckRangeF")
  of nkChckRange64: genRangeChck(p, n, r, "chckRange64")
  of nkChckRange: genRangeChck(p, n, r, "chckRange")
  of nkStringToCString: convStrToCStr(p, n, r)
  of nkCStringToString: convCStrToStr(p, n, r)
  of nkPassAsOpenArray: gen(p, n.sons[0], r)
  of nkStmtListExpr: genStmtListExpr(p, n, r)
  of nkEmpty: nil
  else: InternalError(n.info, "gen: unknown node type: " & $n.kind)
var globals: PGlobals

proc newModule(module: PSym, filename: string): BModule = 
  result.filename = filename
  result.module = module
  if globals == nil: globals = newGlobals()
proc genHeader(): PRope = 
  result = ropef("/* Generated by the Nimrod Compiler v$1 */$n" &
      "/*   (c) 2010 Andreas Rumpf */$n$n" & "$nvar Globals = this;$n" &
      "var framePtr = null;$n" & "var excHandler = null;$n", 

proc genModule(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = 
  genStmt(p, n, r)
  if optStackTrace in p.options: 
    r.com = ropef("var F = {procname:$1,prev:framePtr,filename:$2,line:0};$n" &
        "framePtr = F;$n" & "$3" & "framePtr = framePtr.prev;$n", [
        makeCString("module " & p.module.module.name.s), 
        makeCString(toFilename(p.module.module.info)), r.com])

proc myProcess(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = 
  if passes.skipCodegen(n): return n
    p: TProc
    r: TCompRes
  result = n
  var m = BModule(b)
  if m.module == nil: InternalError(n.info, "myProcess")
  initProc(p, globals, m, nil, m.module.options)
  genModule(p, n, r)
  app(p.globals.code, p.data)
  app(p.globals.code, mergeStmt(r))

proc myClose(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = 
  if passes.skipCodegen(n): return n
  result = myProcess(b, n)
  var m = BModule(b)
  if sfMainModule in m.module.flags: 
    # write the file:
    var code = con(globals.typeInfo, globals.code)
    var outfile = changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(m.filename), "js")
    discard writeRopeIfNotEqual(con(genHeader(), code), outfile)

proc myOpenCached(s: PSym, filename: string, rd: PRodReader): PPassContext = 
  InternalError("symbol files are not possible with the Ecmas code generator")
  result = nil

proc myOpen(s: PSym, filename: string): PPassContext = 
  result = newModule(s, filename)

proc ecmasgenPass(): TPass = 
  result.open = myOpen
  result.close = myClose
  result.openCached = myOpenCached
  result.process = myProcess