# # # The Nimrod Compiler # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # This is the EMCAScript (also known as JavaScript) code generator. # **Invariant: each expression occurs only once in the generated # code!** import ast, astalgo, strutils, hashes, trees, platform, magicsys, extccomp, options, nversion, nimsets, msgs, crc, bitsets, idents, lists, types, os, times, ropes, math, passes, ccgutils, wordrecg, renderer, rodread, rodutils, intsets, cgmeth proc ecmasgenPass*(): TPass # implementation type TEcmasGen = object of TPassContext filename: string module: PSym BModule = ref TEcmasGen TEcmasTypeKind = enum # necessary JS "types" etyNone, # no type etyNull, # null type etyProc, # proc type etyBool, # bool type etyInt, # Ecmascript's int etyFloat, # Ecmascript's float etyString, # Ecmascript's string etyObject, # Ecmascript's reference to an object etyBaseIndex # base + index needed TCompRes{.final.} = object kind: TEcmasTypeKind com: PRope # computation part # address if this is a (address, index)-tuple res: PRope # result part; index if this is an # (address, index)-tuple TBlock{.final.} = object id: int # the ID of the label; positive means that it # has been used (i.e. the label should be emitted) nestedTryStmts: int # how many try statements is it nested into isLoop: bool # whether it's a 'block' or 'while' TGlobals{.final.} = object typeInfo, code: PRope forwarded: seq[PSym] generatedSyms: TIntSet typeInfoGenerated: TIntSet PGlobals = ref TGlobals TProc{.final.} = object procDef: PNode prc: PSym data: PRope options: TOptions module: BModule g: PGlobals BeforeRetNeeded: bool nestedTryStmts: int unique: int blocks: seq[TBlock] proc newGlobals(): PGlobals = new(result) result.forwarded = @[] result.generatedSyms = initIntSet() result.typeInfoGenerated = initIntSet() proc initCompRes(r: var TCompRes) = r.com = nil r.res = nil r.kind = etyNone proc initProc(p: var TProc, globals: PGlobals, module: BModule, procDef: PNode, options: TOptions) = p.blocks = @[] p.options = options p.module = module p.procDef = procDef p.g = globals if procDef != nil: p.prc = procDef.sons[namePos].sym const MappedToObject = {tyObject, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyTuple, tyOpenArray, tySet, tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr, tyBigNum, tyVarargs} proc mapType(typ: PType): TEcmasTypeKind = var t = skipTypes(typ, abstractInst) case t.kind of tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr: if skipTypes(t.sons[0], abstractInst).kind in mappedToObject: result = etyObject else: result = etyBaseIndex of tyPointer: # treat a tyPointer like a typed pointer to an array of bytes result = etyInt of tyRange, tyDistinct, tyOrdinal, tyConst, tyMutable, tyIter, tyProxy: result = mapType(t.sons[0]) of tyInt..tyInt64, tyUInt..tyUInt64, tyEnum, tyChar: result = etyInt of tyBool: result = etyBool of tyFloat..tyFloat128: result = etyFloat of tySet: result = etyObject # map a set to a table of tyString, tySequence: result = etyInt # little hack to get right semantics of tyObject, tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyTuple, tyOpenArray, tyBigNum, tyVarargs: result = etyObject of tyNil: result = etyNull of tyGenericInst, tyGenericParam, tyGenericBody, tyGenericInvokation, tyNone, tyForward, tyEmpty, tyExpr, tyStmt, tyTypeDesc, tyTypeClass: result = etyNone of tyProc: result = etyProc of tyCString: result = etyString proc mangle(name: string): string = result = "" for i in countup(0, len(name) - 1): case name[i] of 'A'..'Z': add(result, chr(ord(name[i]) - ord('A') + ord('a'))) of '_': nil of 'a'..'z', '0'..'9': add(result, name[i]) else: add(result, 'X' & toHex(ord(name[i]), 2)) proc mangleName(s: PSym): PRope = result = s.loc.r if result == nil: result = toRope(mangle(s.name.s)) app(result, "_") app(result, toRope(s.id)) s.loc.r = result proc genTypeInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope proc genObjectFields(p: var TProc, typ: PType, n: PNode): PRope = var s, u: PRope length: int field: PSym b: PNode result = nil case n.kind of nkRecList: length = sonsLen(n) if length == 1: result = genObjectFields(p, typ, n.sons[0]) else: s = nil for i in countup(0, length - 1): if i > 0: app(s, ", " & tnl) app(s, genObjectFields(p, typ, n.sons[i])) result = ropef("{kind: 2, len: $1, offset: 0, " & "typ: null, name: null, sons: [$2]}", [toRope(length), s]) of nkSym: field = n.sym s = genTypeInfo(p, field.typ) result = ropef("{kind: 1, offset: \"$1\", len: 0, " & "typ: $2, name: $3, sons: null}", [mangleName(field), s, makeCString(field.name.s)]) of nkRecCase: length = sonsLen(n) if (n.sons[0].kind != nkSym): InternalError(n.info, "genObjectFields") field = n.sons[0].sym s = genTypeInfo(p, field.typ) for i in countup(1, length - 1): b = n.sons[i] # branch u = nil case b.kind of nkOfBranch: if sonsLen(b) < 2: internalError(b.info, "genObjectFields; nkOfBranch broken") for j in countup(0, sonsLen(b) - 2): if u != nil: app(u, ", ") if b.sons[j].kind == nkRange: appf(u, "[$1, $2]", [toRope(getOrdValue(b.sons[j].sons[0])), toRope(getOrdValue(b.sons[j].sons[1]))]) else: app(u, toRope(getOrdValue(b.sons[j]))) of nkElse: u = toRope(lengthOrd(field.typ)) else: internalError(n.info, "genObjectFields(nkRecCase)") if result != nil: app(result, ", " & tnl) appf(result, "[SetConstr($1), $2]", [u, genObjectFields(p, typ, lastSon(b))]) result = ropef("{kind: 3, offset: \"$1\", len: $3, " & "typ: $2, name: $4, sons: [$5]}", [mangleName(field), s, toRope(lengthOrd(field.typ)), makeCString(field.name.s), result]) else: internalError(n.info, "genObjectFields") proc genObjectInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType, name: PRope) = var s = ropef("var $1 = {size: 0, kind: $2, base: null, node: null, " & "finalizer: null};$n", [name, toRope(ord(typ.kind))]) prepend(p.g.typeInfo, s) appf(p.g.typeInfo, "var NNI$1 = $2;$n", [toRope(typ.id), genObjectFields(p, typ, typ.n)]) appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.node = NNI$2;$n", [name, toRope(typ.id)]) if (typ.kind == tyObject) and (typ.sons[0] != nil): appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", [name, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])]) proc genEnumInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType, name: PRope) = var s, n: PRope length: int field: PSym length = sonsLen(typ.n) s = nil for i in countup(0, length - 1): if (typ.n.sons[i].kind != nkSym): InternalError(typ.n.info, "genEnumInfo") field = typ.n.sons[i].sym if i > 0: app(s, ", " & tnl) appf(s, "{kind: 1, offset: $1, typ: $2, name: $3, len: 0, sons: null}", [toRope(field.position), name, makeCString(field.name.s)]) n = ropef("var NNI$1 = {kind: 2, offset: 0, typ: null, " & "name: null, len: $2, sons: [$3]};$n", [toRope(typ.id), toRope(length), s]) s = ropef("var $1 = {size: 0, kind: $2, base: null, node: null, " & "finalizer: null};$n", [name, toRope(ord(typ.kind))]) prepend(p.g.typeInfo, s) app(p.g.typeInfo, n) appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.node = NNI$2;$n", [name, toRope(typ.id)]) if typ.sons[0] != nil: appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", [name, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])]) proc genTypeInfo(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope = var t = typ if t.kind == tyGenericInst: t = lastSon(t) result = ropef("NTI$1", [toRope(t.id)]) if ContainsOrIncl(p.g.TypeInfoGenerated, t.id): return case t.kind of tyDistinct: result = genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0]) of tyPointer, tyProc, tyBool, tyChar, tyCString, tyString, tyInt..tyFloat128: var s = ropef( "var $1 = {size: 0,kind: $2,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};$n", [result, toRope(ord(t.kind))]) prepend(p.g.typeInfo, s) of tyVar, tyRef, tyPtr, tySequence, tyRange, tySet: var s = ropef( "var $1 = {size: 0,kind: $2,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};$n", [result, toRope(ord(t.kind))]) prepend(p.g.typeInfo, s) appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", [result, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[0])]) of tyArrayConstr, tyArray: var s = ropef( "var $1 = {size: 0,kind: $2,base: null,node: null,finalizer: null};$n", [result, toRope(ord(t.kind))]) prepend(p.g.typeInfo, s) appf(p.g.typeInfo, "$1.base = $2;$n", [result, genTypeInfo(p, typ.sons[1])]) of tyEnum: genEnumInfo(p, t, result) of tyObject, tyTuple: genObjectInfo(p, t, result) else: InternalError("genTypeInfo(" & $t.kind & ')') proc gen(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) proc genStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) proc genProc(oldProc: var TProc, prc: PSym, r: var TCompRes) proc genConstant(p: var TProc, c: PSym, r: var TCompRes) proc mergeExpr(a, b: PRope): PRope = if (a != nil): if b != nil: result = ropef("($1, $2)", [a, b]) else: result = a else: result = b proc mergeExpr(r: TCompRes): PRope = result = mergeExpr(r.com, r.res) proc mergeStmt(r: TCompRes): PRope = if r.res == nil: result = r.com elif r.com == nil: result = r.res else: result = ropef("$1$2", [r.com, r.res]) proc useMagic(p: var TProc, name: string) = if name.len == 0: return var s = magicsys.getCompilerProc(name) if s != nil: internalAssert s.kind in {skProc, skMethod, skConverter} if not p.g.generatedSyms.containsOrIncl(s.id): var r: TCompRes genProc(p, s, r) app(p.g.code, mergeStmt(r)) else: # we used to exclude the system module from this check, but for DLL # generation support this sloppyness leads to hard to detect bugs, so # we're picky here for the system module too: if p.prc != nil: GlobalError(p.prc.info, errSystemNeeds, name) else: rawMessage(errSystemNeeds, name) proc genAnd(p: var TProc, a, b: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var x, y: TCompRes gen(p, a, x) gen(p, b, y) r.res = ropef("($1 && $2)", [mergeExpr(x), mergeExpr(y)]) proc genOr(p: var TProc, a, b: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var x, y: TCompRes gen(p, a, x) gen(p, b, y) r.res = ropef("($1 || $2)", [mergeExpr(x), mergeExpr(y)]) type TMagicFrmt = array[0..3, string] const # magic checked op; magic unchecked op; checked op; unchecked op ops: array[mAddi..mStrToStr, TMagicFrmt] = [ ["addInt", "", "addInt($1, $2)", "($1 + $2)"], # AddI ["subInt", "", "subInt($1, $2)", "($1 - $2)"], # SubI ["mulInt", "", "mulInt($1, $2)", "($1 * $2)"], # MulI ["divInt", "", "divInt($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 / $2)"], # DivI ["modInt", "", "modInt($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 % $2)"], # ModI ["addInt64", "", "addInt64($1, $2)", "($1 + $2)"], # AddI64 ["subInt64", "", "subInt64($1, $2)", "($1 - $2)"], # SubI64 ["mulInt64", "", "mulInt64($1, $2)", "($1 * $2)"], # MulI64 ["divInt64", "", "divInt64($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 / $2)"], # DivI64 ["modInt64", "", "modInt64($1, $2)", "Math.floor($1 % $2)"], # ModI64 ["", "", "($1 + $2)", "($1 + $2)"], # AddF64 ["", "", "($1 - $2)", "($1 - $2)"], # SubF64 ["", "", "($1 * $2)", "($1 * $2)"], # MulF64 ["", "", "($1 / $2)", "($1 / $2)"], # DivF64 ["", "", "($1 >>> $2)", "($1 >>> $2)"], # ShrI ["", "", "($1 << $2)", "($1 << $2)"], # ShlI ["", "", "($1 & $2)", "($1 & $2)"], # BitandI ["", "", "($1 | $2)", "($1 | $2)"], # BitorI ["", "", "($1 ^ $2)", "($1 ^ $2)"], # BitxorI ["nimMin", "nimMin", "nimMin($1, $2)", "nimMin($1, $2)"], # MinI ["nimMax", "nimMax", "nimMax($1, $2)", "nimMax($1, $2)"], # MaxI ["", "", "($1 >>> $2)", "($1 >>> $2)"], # ShrI64 ["", "", "($1 << $2)", "($1 << $2)"], # ShlI64 ["", "", "($1 & $2)", "($1 & $2)"], # BitandI64 ["", "", "($1 | $2)", "($1 | $2)"], # BitorI64 ["", "", "($1 ^ $2)", "($1 ^ $2)"], # BitxorI64 ["nimMin", "nimMin", "nimMin($1, $2)", "nimMin($1, $2)"], # MinI64 ["nimMax", "nimMax", "nimMax($1, $2)", "nimMax($1, $2)"], # MaxI64 ["nimMin", "nimMin", "nimMin($1, $2)", "nimMin($1, $2)"], # MinF64 ["nimMax", "nimMax", "nimMax($1, $2)", "nimMax($1, $2)"], # MaxF64 ["AddU", "AddU", "AddU($1, $2)", "AddU($1, $2)"], # AddU ["SubU", "SubU", "SubU($1, $2)", "SubU($1, $2)"], # SubU ["MulU", "MulU", "MulU($1, $2)", "MulU($1, $2)"], # MulU ["DivU", "DivU", "DivU($1, $2)", "DivU($1, $2)"], # DivU ["ModU", "ModU", "ModU($1, $2)", "ModU($1, $2)"], # ModU ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqI64 ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeI64 ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtI64 ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqF64 ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeF64 ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtF64 ["LeU", "LeU", "LeU($1, $2)", "LeU($1, $2)"], # LeU ["LtU", "LtU", "LtU($1, $2)", "LtU($1, $2)"], # LtU ["LeU64", "LeU64", "LeU64($1, $2)", "LeU64($1, $2)"], # LeU64 ["LtU64", "LtU64", "LtU64($1, $2)", "LtU64($1, $2)"], # LtU64 ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqEnum ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeEnum ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtEnum ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqCh ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeCh ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtCh ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqB ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LeB ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtB ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqRef ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqProc ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqUntracedRef ["", "", "($1 <= $2)", "($1 <= $2)"], # LePtr ["", "", "($1 < $2)", "($1 < $2)"], # LtPtr ["", "", "($1 == $2)", "($1 == $2)"], # EqCString ["", "", "($1 != $2)", "($1 != $2)"], # Xor ["NegInt", "", "NegInt($1)", "-($1)"], # UnaryMinusI ["NegInt64", "", "NegInt64($1)", "-($1)"], # UnaryMinusI64 ["AbsInt", "", "AbsInt($1)", "Math.abs($1)"], # AbsI ["AbsInt64", "", "AbsInt64($1)", "Math.abs($1)"], # AbsI64 ["", "", "!($1)", "!($1)"], # Not ["", "", "+($1)", "+($1)"], # UnaryPlusI ["", "", "~($1)", "~($1)"], # BitnotI ["", "", "+($1)", "+($1)"], # UnaryPlusI64 ["", "", "~($1)", "~($1)"], # BitnotI64 ["", "", "+($1)", "+($1)"], # UnaryPlusF64 ["", "", "-($1)", "-($1)"], # UnaryMinusF64 ["", "", "Math.abs($1)", "Math.abs($1)"], # AbsF64 ["Ze8ToI", "Ze8ToI", "Ze8ToI($1)", "Ze8ToI($1)"], # mZe8ToI ["Ze8ToI64", "Ze8ToI64", "Ze8ToI64($1)", "Ze8ToI64($1)"], # mZe8ToI64 ["Ze16ToI", "Ze16ToI", "Ze16ToI($1)", "Ze16ToI($1)"], # mZe16ToI ["Ze16ToI64", "Ze16ToI64", "Ze16ToI64($1)", "Ze16ToI64($1)"], # mZe16ToI64 ["Ze32ToI64", "Ze32ToI64", "Ze32ToI64($1)", "Ze32ToI64($1)"], # mZe32ToI64 ["ZeIToI64", "ZeIToI64", "ZeIToI64($1)", "ZeIToI64($1)"], # mZeIToI64 ["ToU8", "ToU8", "ToU8($1)", "ToU8($1)"], # ToU8 ["ToU16", "ToU16", "ToU16($1)", "ToU16($1)"], # ToU16 ["ToU32", "ToU32", "ToU32($1)", "ToU32($1)"], # ToU32 ["", "", "$1", "$1"], # ToFloat ["", "", "$1", "$1"], # ToBiggestFloat ["", "", "Math.floor($1)", "Math.floor($1)"], # ToInt ["", "", "Math.floor($1)", "Math.floor($1)"], # ToBiggestInt ["nimCharToStr", "nimCharToStr", "nimCharToStr($1)", "nimCharToStr($1)"], ["nimBoolToStr", "nimBoolToStr", "nimBoolToStr($1)", "nimBoolToStr($1)"], [ "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")"], ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")"], ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")", "cstrToNimstr(($1)+\"\")"], ["cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr", "cstrToNimstr($1)", "cstrToNimstr($1)"], ["", "", "$1", "$1"]] proc binaryExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) = var x, y: TCompRes useMagic(p, magic) gen(p, n.sons[1], x) gen(p, n.sons[2], y) r.res = ropef(frmt, [x.res, y.res]) r.com = mergeExpr(x.com, y.com) proc binaryStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) = var x, y: TCompRes useMagic(p, magic) gen(p, n.sons[1], x) gen(p, n.sons[2], y) if x.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [x.com]) if y.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [y.com]) appf(r.com, frmt, [x.res, y.res]) proc unaryExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic, frmt: string) = useMagic(p, magic) gen(p, n.sons[1], r) r.res = ropef(frmt, [r.res]) proc arith(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, op: TMagic) = var x, y: TCompRes i: int if optOverflowCheck in p.options: i = 0 else: i = 1 useMagic(p, ops[op][i]) if sonsLen(n) > 2: gen(p, n.sons[1], x) gen(p, n.sons[2], y) r.res = ropef(ops[op][i + 2], [x.res, y.res]) r.com = mergeExpr(x.com, y.com) else: gen(p, n.sons[1], r) r.res = ropef(ops[op][i + 2], [r.res]) proc genLineDir(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var line: int line = toLinenumber(n.info) if optLineDir in p.Options: appf(r.com, "// line $2 \"$1\"$n", [toRope(toFilename(n.info)), toRope(line)]) if ({optStackTrace, optEndb} * p.Options == {optStackTrace, optEndb}) and ((p.prc == nil) or not (sfPure in p.prc.flags)): useMagic(p, "endb") appf(r.com, "endb($1);$n", [toRope(line)]) elif ({optLineTrace, optStackTrace} * p.Options == {optLineTrace, optStackTrace}) and ((p.prc == nil) or not (sfPure in p.prc.flags)): appf(r.com, "F.line = $1;$n", [toRope(line)]) proc finishTryStmt(p: var TProc, r: var TCompRes, howMany: int) = for i in countup(1, howMany): app(r.com, "excHandler = excHandler.prev;" & tnl) proc genWhileStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var cond, stmt: TCompRes length, labl: int genLineDir(p, n, r) inc(p.unique) length = len(p.blocks) setlen(p.blocks, length + 1) p.blocks[length].id = - p.unique p.blocks[length].nestedTryStmts = p.nestedTryStmts p.blocks[length].isLoop = true labl = p.unique gen(p, n.sons[0], cond) genStmt(p, n.sons[1], stmt) if p.blocks[length].id > 0: appf(r.com, "L$3: while ($1) {$n$2}$n", [mergeExpr(cond), mergeStmt(stmt), toRope(labl)]) else: appf(r.com, "while ($1) {$n$2}$n", [mergeExpr(cond), mergeStmt(stmt)]) setlen(p.blocks, length) proc genTryStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = # code to generate: # # var sp = {prev: excHandler, exc: null}; # excHandler = sp; # try { # stmts; # } catch (e) { # if (e.typ && e.typ == NTI433 || e.typ == NTI2321) { # stmts; # } else if (e.typ && e.typ == NTI32342) { # stmts; # } else { # stmts; # } # } finally { # stmts; # excHandler = excHandler.prev; # } # var i, length, blen: int safePoint, orExpr, epart: PRope a: TCompRes genLineDir(p, n, r) inc(p.unique) safePoint = ropef("Tmp$1", [toRope(p.unique)]) appf(r.com, "var $1 = {prev: excHandler, exc: null};$n" & "excHandler = $1;$n", [safePoint]) if optStackTrace in p.Options: app(r.com, "framePtr = F;" & tnl) app(r.com, "try {" & tnl) length = sonsLen(n) inc(p.nestedTryStmts) genStmt(p, n.sons[0], a) app(r.com, mergeStmt(a)) i = 1 epart = nil while (i < length) and (n.sons[i].kind == nkExceptBranch): blen = sonsLen(n.sons[i]) if blen == 1: # general except section: if i > 1: app(epart, "else {" & tnl) genStmt(p, n.sons[i].sons[0], a) app(epart, mergeStmt(a)) if i > 1: app(epart, '}' & tnl) else: orExpr = nil useMagic(p, "isObj") for j in countup(0, blen - 2): if (n.sons[i].sons[j].kind != nkType): InternalError(n.info, "genTryStmt") if orExpr != nil: app(orExpr, "||") appf(orExpr, "isObj($1.exc.m_type, $2)", [safePoint, genTypeInfo(p, n.sons[i].sons[j].typ)]) if i > 1: app(epart, "else ") appf(epart, "if ($1.exc && $2) {$n", [safePoint, orExpr]) genStmt(p, n.sons[i].sons[blen - 1], a) appf(epart, "$1}$n", [mergeStmt(a)]) inc(i) if epart != nil: appf(r.com, "} catch (EXC) {$n$1", [epart]) finishTryStmt(p, r, p.nestedTryStmts) dec(p.nestedTryStmts) app(r.com, "} finally {" & tnl & "excHandler = excHandler.prev;" & tnl) if (i < length) and (n.sons[i].kind == nkFinally): genStmt(p, n.sons[i].sons[0], a) app(r.com, mergeStmt(a)) app(r.com, '}' & tnl) proc genRaiseStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes typ: PType genLineDir(p, n, r) if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: gen(p, n.sons[0], a) if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com]) typ = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractPtrs) useMagic(p, "raiseException") appf(r.com, "raiseException($1, $2);$n", [a.res, makeCString(typ.sym.name.s)]) else: useMagic(p, "reraiseException") app(r.com, "reraiseException();" & tnl) proc genCaseStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var cond, stmt: TCompRes it, e, v: PNode stringSwitch: bool genLineDir(p, n, r) gen(p, n.sons[0], cond) if cond.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [cond.com]) stringSwitch = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVar).kind == tyString if stringSwitch: useMagic(p, "toEcmaStr") appf(r.com, "switch (toEcmaStr($1)) {$n", [cond.res]) else: appf(r.com, "switch ($1) {$n", [cond.res]) for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1): it = n.sons[i] case it.kind of nkOfBranch: for j in countup(0, sonsLen(it) - 2): e = it.sons[j] if e.kind == nkRange: v = copyNode(e.sons[0]) while (v.intVal <= e.sons[1].intVal): gen(p, v, cond) if cond.com != nil: internalError(v.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt") appf(r.com, "case $1: ", [cond.res]) Inc(v.intVal) else: gen(p, e, cond) if cond.com != nil: internalError(e.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt") if stringSwitch: case e.kind of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: appf(r.com, "case $1: ", [makeCString(e.strVal)]) else: InternalError(e.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt: 2") else: appf(r.com, "case $1: ", [cond.res]) genStmt(p, lastSon(it), stmt) appf(r.com, "$n$1break;$n", [mergeStmt(stmt)]) of nkElse: genStmt(p, it.sons[0], stmt) appf(r.com, "default: $n$1break;$n", [mergeStmt(stmt)]) else: internalError(it.info, "ecmasgen.genCaseStmt") appf(r.com, "}$n", []) proc genStmtListExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) proc genBlock(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var idx, labl: int sym: PSym inc(p.unique) idx = len(p.blocks) if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: # named block? if (n.sons[0].kind != nkSym): InternalError(n.info, "genBlock") sym = n.sons[0].sym sym.loc.k = locOther sym.loc.a = idx setlen(p.blocks, idx + 1) p.blocks[idx].id = - p.unique # negative because it isn't used yet p.blocks[idx].nestedTryStmts = p.nestedTryStmts labl = p.unique if n.kind == nkBlockExpr: genStmtListExpr(p, n.sons[1], r) else: genStmt(p, n.sons[1], r) if p.blocks[idx].id > 0: # label has been used: r.com = ropef("L$1: do {$n$2} while(false);$n", [toRope(labl), r.com]) setlen(p.blocks, idx) proc genBreakStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var idx: int sym: PSym genLineDir(p, n, r) if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: # named break? assert(n.sons[0].kind == nkSym) sym = n.sons[0].sym assert(sym.loc.k == locOther) idx = sym.loc.a else: # an unnamed 'break' can only break a loop after 'transf' pass: idx = len(p.blocks) - 1 while idx >= 0 and not p.blocks[idx].isLoop: dec idx if idx < 0 or not p.blocks[idx].isLoop: InternalError(n.info, "no loop to break") p.blocks[idx].id = abs(p.blocks[idx].id) # label is used finishTryStmt(p, r, p.nestedTryStmts - p.blocks[idx].nestedTryStmts) appf(r.com, "break L$1;$n", [toRope(p.blocks[idx].id)]) proc genAsmStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = genLineDir(p, n, r) assert(n.kind == nkAsmStmt) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): case n.sons[i].Kind of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: app(r.com, n.sons[i].strVal) of nkSym: app(r.com, mangleName(n.sons[i].sym)) else: InternalError(n.sons[i].info, "ecmasgen: genAsmStmt()") proc genIfStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var toClose: int cond, stmt: TCompRes it: PNode toClose = 0 for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): it = n.sons[i] if sonsLen(it) != 1: gen(p, it.sons[0], cond) genStmt(p, it.sons[1], stmt) if i > 0: appf(r.com, "else {$n", []) inc(toClose) if cond.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [cond.com]) appf(r.com, "if ($1) {$n$2}", [cond.res, mergeStmt(stmt)]) else: # else part: genStmt(p, it.sons[0], stmt) appf(r.com, "else {$n$1}$n", [mergeStmt(stmt)]) app(r.com, repeatChar(toClose, '}') & tnl) proc genIfExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var toClose: int cond, stmt: TCompRes it: PNode toClose = 0 for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): it = n.sons[i] if sonsLen(it) != 1: gen(p, it.sons[0], cond) gen(p, it.sons[1], stmt) if i > 0: app(r.res, ": (") inc(toClose) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, cond.com) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, stmt.com) appf(r.res, "($1) ? ($2)", [cond.res, stmt.res]) else: # else part: gen(p, it.sons[0], stmt) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, stmt.com) appf(r.res, ": ($1)", [stmt.res]) app(r.res, repeatChar(toClose, ')')) proc generateHeader(p: var TProc, typ: PType): PRope = var param: PSym name: PRope result = nil for i in countup(1, sonsLen(typ.n) - 1): if result != nil: app(result, ", ") assert(typ.n.sons[i].kind == nkSym) param = typ.n.sons[i].sym name = mangleName(param) app(result, name) if mapType(param.typ) == etyBaseIndex: app(result, ", ") app(result, name) app(result, "_Idx") const nodeKindsNeedNoCopy = {nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit, nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit, nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit, nkCurly, nkPar, nkStringToCString, nkCStringToString, nkCall, nkPrefix, nkPostfix, nkInfix, nkCommand, nkHiddenCallConv, nkCallStrLit} proc needsNoCopy(y: PNode): bool = result = (y.kind in nodeKindsNeedNoCopy) or (skipTypes(y.typ, abstractInst).kind in {tyRef, tyPtr, tyVar}) proc genAsgnAux(p: var TProc, x, y: PNode, r: var TCompRes, noCopyNeeded: bool) = var a, b: TCompRes gen(p, x, a) gen(p, y, b) case mapType(x.typ) of etyObject: if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com]) if b.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [b.com]) if needsNoCopy(y) or noCopyNeeded: appf(r.com, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, b.res]) else: useMagic(p, "NimCopy") appf(r.com, "$1 = NimCopy($2, $3);$n", [a.res, b.res, genTypeInfo(p, y.typ)]) of etyBaseIndex: if (a.kind != etyBaseIndex) or (b.kind != etyBaseIndex): internalError(x.info, "genAsgn") appf(r.com, "$1 = $2; $3 = $4;$n", [a.com, b.com, a.res, b.res]) else: if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com]) if b.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [b.com]) appf(r.com, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, b.res]) proc genAsgn(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = genLineDir(p, n, r) genAsgnAux(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], r, false) proc genFastAsgn(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = genLineDir(p, n, r) genAsgnAux(p, n.sons[0], n.sons[1], r, true) proc genSwap(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a, b: TCompRes gen(p, n.sons[1], a) gen(p, n.sons[2], b) inc(p.unique) var tmp = ropef("Tmp$1", [toRope(p.unique)]) case mapType(skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar)) of etyBaseIndex: inc(p.unique) var tmp2 = ropef("Tmp$1", [toRope(p.unique)]) if (a.kind != etyBaseIndex) or (b.kind != etyBaseIndex): internalError(n.info, "genSwap") appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; $2 = $3; $3 = $1;$n", [tmp, a.com, b.com]) appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; $2 = $3; $3 = $1", [tmp2, a.res, b.res]) else: if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com]) if b.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [b.com]) appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; $2 = $3; $3 = $1", [tmp, a.res, b.res]) proc getFieldPosition(f: PNode): int = case f.kind of nkIntLit..nkUInt64Lit: result = int(f.intVal) of nkSym: result = f.sym.position else: InternalError(f.info, "genFieldPosition") proc genFieldAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes r.kind = etyBaseIndex var b = if n.kind == nkHiddenAddr: n.sons[0] else: n gen(p, b.sons[0], a) if skipTypes(b.sons[0].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyTuple: r.res = makeCString("Field" & $getFieldPosition(b.sons[1])) else: if b.sons[1].kind != nkSym: InternalError(b.sons[1].info, "genFieldAddr") var f = b.sons[1].sym if f.loc.r == nil: f.loc.r = mangleName(f) r.res = makeCString(ropeToStr(f.loc.r)) r.com = mergeExpr(a) proc genFieldAccess(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = r.kind = etyNone gen(p, n.sons[0], r) if skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyTuple: r.res = ropef("$1.Field$2", [r.res, getFieldPosition(n.sons[1]).toRope]) else: if n.sons[1].kind != nkSym: InternalError(n.sons[1].info, "genFieldAddr") var f = n.sons[1].sym if f.loc.r == nil: f.loc.r = mangleName(f) r.res = ropef("$1.$2", [r.res, f.loc.r]) proc genCheckedFieldAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = genFieldAddr(p, n.sons[0], r) # XXX proc genCheckedFieldAccess(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = genFieldAccess(p, n.sons[0], r) # XXX proc genArrayAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a, b: TCompRes first: biggestInt r.kind = etyBaseIndex gen(p, n.sons[0], a) gen(p, n.sons[1], b) r.com = mergeExpr(a) var typ = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractPtrs) if typ.kind in {tyArray, tyArrayConstr}: first = FirstOrd(typ.sons[0]) else: first = 0 if optBoundsCheck in p.options and not isConstExpr(n.sons[1]): useMagic(p, "chckIndx") b.res = ropef("chckIndx($1, $2, $3.length)-$2", [b.res, toRope(first), a.res]) # XXX: BUG: a.res evaluated twice! elif first != 0: b.res = ropef("($1)-$2", [b.res, toRope(first)]) r.res = mergeExpr(b) proc genArrayAccess(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var ty = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVarRange) if ty.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}: ty = skipTypes(ty.sons[0], abstractVarRange) case ty.kind of tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyOpenArray, tySequence, tyString, tyCString, tyVarargs: genArrayAddr(p, n, r) of tyTuple: genFieldAddr(p, n, r) else: InternalError(n.info, "expr(nkBracketExpr, " & $ty.kind & ')') r.kind = etyNone r.res = ropef("$1[$2]", [r.com, r.res]) r.com = nil proc genAddr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var s: PSym case n.sons[0].kind of nkSym: s = n.sons[0].sym if s.loc.r == nil: InternalError(n.info, "genAddr: 3") case s.kind of skVar, skLet, skResult: if mapType(n.typ) == etyObject: # make addr() a no-op: r.kind = etyNone r.res = s.loc.r r.com = nil elif sfGlobal in s.flags: # globals are always indirect accessible r.kind = etyBaseIndex r.com = toRope("Globals") r.res = makeCString(ropeToStr(s.loc.r)) elif sfAddrTaken in s.flags: r.kind = etyBaseIndex r.com = s.loc.r r.res = toRope("0") else: InternalError(n.info, "genAddr: 4") else: InternalError(n.info, "genAddr: 2") of nkCheckedFieldExpr: genCheckedFieldAddr(p, n, r) of nkDotExpr: genFieldAddr(p, n, r) of nkBracketExpr: var ty = skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVarRange) if ty.kind in {tyRef, tyPtr}: ty = skipTypes(ty.sons[0], abstractVarRange) case ty.kind of tyArray, tyArrayConstr, tyOpenArray, tySequence, tyString, tyCString, tyVarargs: genArrayAddr(p, n, r) of tyTuple: genFieldAddr(p, n, r) else: InternalError(n.info, "expr(nkBracketExpr, " & $ty.kind & ')') else: InternalError(n.info, "genAddr") proc genSym(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var s = n.sym case s.kind of skVar, skLet, skParam, skTemp, skResult: if s.loc.r == nil: InternalError(n.info, "symbol has no generated name: " & s.name.s) var k = mapType(s.typ) if k == etyBaseIndex: r.kind = etyBaseIndex if {sfAddrTaken, sfGlobal} * s.flags != {}: r.com = ropef("$1[0]", [s.loc.r]) r.res = ropef("$1[1]", [s.loc.r]) else: r.com = s.loc.r r.res = con(s.loc.r, "_Idx") elif (k != etyObject) and (sfAddrTaken in s.flags): r.res = ropef("$1[0]", [s.loc.r]) else: r.res = s.loc.r of skConst: genConstant(p, s, r) if s.loc.r == nil: InternalError(n.info, "symbol has no generated name: " & s.name.s) r.res = s.loc.r of skProc, skConverter, skMethod: discard mangleName(s) r.res = s.loc.r if lfNoDecl in s.loc.flags or s.magic != mNone or isGenericRoutine(s): nil elif s.kind == skMethod and s.getBody.kind == nkEmpty: # we cannot produce code for the dispatcher yet: nil elif sfForward in s.flags: p.g.forwarded.add(s) elif not p.g.generatedSyms.containsOrIncl(s.id): var r2: TCompRes genProc(p, s, r2) app(p.g.code, mergeStmt(r2)) else: if s.loc.r == nil: InternalError(n.info, "symbol has no generated name: " & s.name.s) r.res = s.loc.r proc genDeref(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes if mapType(n.sons[0].typ) == etyObject: gen(p, n.sons[0], r) else: gen(p, n.sons[0], a) if a.kind != etyBaseIndex: InternalError(n.info, "genDeref") r.res = ropef("$1[$2]", [a.com, a.res]) proc genArgs(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = app(r.res, "(") for i in countup(1, sonsLen(n) - 1): if i > 1: app(r.res, ", ") var a: TCompRes gen(p, n.sons[i], a) if a.kind == etyBaseIndex: app(r.res, a.com) app(r.res, ", ") app(r.res, a.res) else: app(r.res, mergeExpr(a)) app(r.res, ")") proc genCall(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = gen(p, n.sons[0], r) genArgs(p, n, r) proc genEcho(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = useMagic(p, "rawEcho") app(r.res, "rawEcho") genArgs(p, n, r) proc putToSeq(s: string, indirect: bool): PRope = result = toRope(s) if indirect: result = ropef("[$1]", [result]) proc createVar(p: var TProc, typ: PType, indirect: bool): PRope proc createRecordVarAux(p: var TProc, rec: PNode, c: var int): PRope = result = nil case rec.kind of nkRecList: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(rec) - 1): app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, rec.sons[i], c)) of nkRecCase: app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, rec.sons[0], c)) for i in countup(1, sonsLen(rec) - 1): app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, lastSon(rec.sons[i]), c)) of nkSym: if c > 0: app(result, ", ") app(result, mangleName(rec.sym)) app(result, ": ") app(result, createVar(p, rec.sym.typ, false)) inc(c) else: InternalError(rec.info, "createRecordVarAux") proc createVar(p: var TProc, typ: PType, indirect: bool): PRope = var t = skipTypes(typ, abstractInst) case t.kind of tyInt..tyInt64, tyEnum, tyChar: result = putToSeq("0", indirect) of tyFloat..tyFloat128: result = putToSeq("0.0", indirect) of tyRange, tyGenericInst: result = createVar(p, lastSon(typ), indirect) of tySet: result = toRope("{}") of tyBool: result = putToSeq("false", indirect) of tyArray, tyArrayConstr: var length = int(lengthOrd(t)) var e = elemType(t) if length > 32: useMagic(p, "ArrayConstr") result = ropef("ArrayConstr($1, $2, $3)", [toRope(length), createVar(p, e, false), genTypeInfo(p, e)]) else: result = toRope("[") var i = 0 while i < length: if i > 0: app(result, ", ") app(result, createVar(p, e, false)) inc(i) app(result, "]") of tyTuple: result = toRope("{") for i in 0.. <t.sonslen: if i > 0: app(result, ", ") appf(result, "Field$1: $2", i.toRope, createVar(p, t.sons[i], false)) app(result, "}") of tyObject: result = toRope("{") var c = 0 if not (tfFinal in t.flags) or (t.sons[0] != nil): inc(c) appf(result, "m_type: $1", [genTypeInfo(p, t)]) while t != nil: app(result, createRecordVarAux(p, t.n, c)) t = t.sons[0] app(result, "}") of tyVar, tyPtr, tyRef: if mapType(t) == etyBaseIndex: result = putToSeq("[null, 0]", indirect) else: result = putToSeq("null", indirect) of tySequence, tyString, tyCString, tyPointer, tyProc: result = putToSeq("null", indirect) else: internalError("createVar: " & $t.kind) result = nil proc isIndirect(v: PSym): bool = result = (sfAddrTaken in v.flags) and (mapType(v.typ) != etyObject) and v.kind notin {skProc, skConverter, skMethod, skIterator} proc genVarInit(p: var TProc, v: PSym, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes s: PRope if n.kind == nkEmpty: appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2;$n", [mangleName(v), createVar(p, v.typ, isIndirect(v))]) else: discard mangleName(v) gen(p, n, a) case mapType(v.typ) of etyObject: if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com]) if needsNoCopy(n): s = a.res else: useMagic(p, "NimCopy") s = ropef("NimCopy($1, $2)", [a.res, genTypeInfo(p, n.typ)]) of etyBaseIndex: if (a.kind != etyBaseIndex): InternalError(n.info, "genVarInit") if {sfAddrTaken, sfGlobal} * v.flags != {}: appf(r.com, "var $1 = [$2, $3];$n", [v.loc.r, a.com, a.res]) else: appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2; var $1_Idx = $3;$n", [v.loc.r, a.com, a.res]) return else: if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com]) s = a.res if isIndirect(v): appf(r.com, "var $1 = [$2];$n", [v.loc.r, s]) else: appf(r.com, "var $1 = $2;$n", [v.loc.r, s]) proc genVarStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): var a = n.sons[i] if a.kind == nkCommentStmt: continue assert(a.kind == nkIdentDefs) assert(a.sons[0].kind == nkSym) var v = a.sons[0].sym if lfNoDecl in v.loc.flags: continue genLineDir(p, a, r) genVarInit(p, v, a.sons[2], r) proc genConstant(p: var TProc, c: PSym, r: var TCompRes) = if lfNoDecl notin c.loc.flags and not p.g.generatedSyms.containsOrIncl(c.id): genLineDir(p, c.ast, r) genVarInit(p, c, c.ast, r) when false: proc genConstStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = genLineDir(p, n, r) for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): if n.sons[i].kind == nkCommentStmt: continue assert(n.sons[i].kind == nkConstDef) var c = n.sons[i].sons[0].sym if c.ast != nil and c.typ.kind in ConstantDataTypes and lfNoDecl notin c.loc.flags: genLineDir(p, n.sons[i], r) genVarInit(p, c, c.ast, r) proc genNew(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes gen(p, n.sons[1], a) var t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).sons[0] if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [a.com]) appf(r.com, "$1 = $2;$n", [a.res, createVar(p, t, true)]) proc genNewSeq(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var x, y: TCompRes gen(p, n.sons[1], x) gen(p, n.sons[2], y) if x.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [x.com]) if y.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", [y.com]) var t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).sons[0] appf(r.com, "$1 = new Array($2); for (var i=0;i<$2;++i) {$1[i]=$3;}", [ x.res, y.res, createVar(p, t, false)]) proc genOrd(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = case skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVar).kind of tyEnum, tyInt..tyInt64, tyChar: gen(p, n.sons[1], r) of tyBool: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1 ? 1:0)") else: InternalError(n.info, "genOrd") proc genConStrStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes gen(p, n.sons[1], a) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com) if skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar: r.res.app(ropef("[$1].concat(", [a.res])) else: r.res.app(ropef("($1.slice(0,-1)).concat(", [a.res])) for i in countup(2, sonsLen(n) - 2): gen(p, n.sons[i], a) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com) if skipTypes(n.sons[i].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar: r.res.app(ropef("[$1],", [a.res])) else: r.res.app(ropef("$1.slice(0,-1),", [a.res])) gen(p, n.sons[sonsLen(n) - 1], a) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com) if skipTypes(n.sons[sonsLen(n) - 1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyChar: r.res.app(ropef("[$1, 0])", [a.res])) else: r.res.app(ropef("$1)", [a.res])) proc genRepr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var t = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange) case t.kind of tyInt..tyInt64: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "reprInt($1)") of tyEnum, tyOrdinal: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "reprEnum($1, $2)") else: # XXX: internalError(n.info, "genRepr: Not implemented") proc genOf(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var x: TCompRes let t = skipTypes(n.sons[2].typ, abstractVarRange+{tyRef, tyPtr, tyTypeDesc}) gen(p, n.sons[1], x) if tfFinal in t.flags: r.res = ropef("($1.m_type == $2)", [x.res, genTypeInfo(p, t)]) else: useMagic(p, "isObj") r.res = ropef("isObj($1.m_type, $2)", [x.res, genTypeInfo(p, t)]) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, x.com) proc genReset(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var x: TCompRes useMagic(p, "genericReset") gen(p, n.sons[1], x) r.res = ropef("$1 = genericReset($1, $2)", [x.res, genTypeInfo(p, n.sons[1].typ)]) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, x.com) proc genMagic(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes line, filen: PRope var op = n.sons[0].sym.magic case op of mOr: genOr(p, n.sons[1], n.sons[2], r) of mAnd: genAnd(p, n.sons[1], n.sons[2], r) of mAddi..mStrToStr: arith(p, n, r, op) of mRepr: genRepr(p, n, r) of mSwap: genSwap(p, n, r) of mUnaryLt: # XXX: range checking? if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 - 1") else: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "subInt", "subInt($1, 1)") of mPred: # XXX: range checking? if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 - $2") else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "subInt", "subInt($1, $2)") of mSucc: # XXX: range checking? if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 - $2") else: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "addInt", "addInt($1, $2)") of mAppendStrCh: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "addChar", "$1 = addChar($1, $2)") of mAppendStrStr: if skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyCString: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 += $2") else: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 = ($1.slice(0,-1)).concat($2)") # XXX: make a copy of $2, because of ECMAScript's sucking semantics of mAppendSeqElem: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1.push($2)") of mConStrStr: genConStrStr(p, n, r) of mEqStr: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "eqStrings", "eqStrings($1, $2)") of mLeStr: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "cmpStrings", "(cmpStrings($1, $2) <= 0)") of mLtStr: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "cmpStrings", "(cmpStrings($1, $2) < 0)") of mIsNil: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1 == null") of mEnumToStr: genRepr(p, n, r) of mNew, mNewFinalize: genNew(p, n, r) of mSizeOf: r.res = toRope(getSize(n.sons[1].typ)) of mChr, mArrToSeq: gen(p, n.sons[1], r) # nothing to do of mOrd: genOrd(p, n, r) of mLengthStr: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1.length-1)") of mLengthSeq, mLengthOpenArray, mLengthArray: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "$1.length") of mHigh: if skipTypes(n.sons[0].typ, abstractVar).kind == tyString: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1.length-2)") else: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1.length-1)") of mInc: if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 += $2") else: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "addInt", "$1 = addInt($1, $2)") of ast.mDec: if not (optOverflowCheck in p.Options): binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1 -= $2") else: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "subInt", "$1 = subInt($1, $2)") of mSetLengthStr: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1.length = ($2)-1") of mSetLengthSeq: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1.length = $2") of mCard: unaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetCard", "SetCard($1)") of mLtSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetLt", "SetLt($1, $2)") of mLeSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetLe", "SetLe($1, $2)") of mEqSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetEq", "SetEq($1, $2)") of mMulSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetMul", "SetMul($1, $2)") of mPlusSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetPlus", "SetPlus($1, $2)") of mMinusSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "SetMinus", "SetMinus($1, $2)") of mIncl: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "$1[$2] = true") of mExcl: binaryStmt(p, n, r, "", "delete $1[$2]") of mInSet: binaryExpr(p, n, r, "", "($1[$2] != undefined)") of mNLen..mNError: localError(n.info, errCannotGenerateCodeForX, n.sons[0].sym.name.s) of mNewSeq: genNewSeq(p, n, r) of mOf: genOf(p, n, r) of mReset: genReset(p, n, r) of mEcho: genEcho(p, n, r) of mSlurp, mStaticExec: localError(n.info, errXMustBeCompileTime, n.sons[0].sym.name.s) else: genCall(p, n, r) #else internalError(e.info, 'genMagic: ' + magicToStr[op]); proc genSetConstr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a, b: TCompRes useMagic(p, "SetConstr") r.res = toRope("SetConstr(") for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): if i > 0: app(r.res, ", ") var it = n.sons[i] if it.kind == nkRange: gen(p, it.sons[0], a) gen(p, it.sons[1], b) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, mergeExpr(a.com, b.com)) appf(r.res, "[$1, $2]", [a.res, b.res]) else: gen(p, it, a) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com) app(r.res, a.res) app(r.res, ")") proc genArrayConstr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes r.res = toRope("[") for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): if i > 0: app(r.res, ", ") gen(p, n.sons[i], a) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com) app(r.res, a.res) app(r.res, "]") proc genTupleConstr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes r.res = toRope("{") for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): if i > 0: app(r.res, ", ") var it = n.sons[i] if it.kind == nkExprColonExpr: it = it.sons[1] gen(p, it, a) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, a.com) appf(r.res, "Field$1: $2", [i.toRope, a.res]) r.res.app("}") proc genConv(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var dest = skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVarRange) var src = skipTypes(n.sons[1].typ, abstractVarRange) gen(p, n.sons[1], r) if (dest.kind != src.kind) and (src.kind == tyBool): r.res = ropef("(($1)? 1:0)", [r.res]) proc upConv(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = gen(p, n.sons[0], r) # XXX proc genRangeChck(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes, magic: string) = var a, b: TCompRes gen(p, n.sons[0], r) if optRangeCheck in p.options: gen(p, n.sons[1], a) gen(p, n.sons[2], b) r.com = mergeExpr(r.com, mergeExpr(a.com, b.com)) useMagic(p, "chckRange") r.res = ropef("chckRange($1, $2, $3)", [r.res, a.res, b.res]) proc convStrToCStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = # we do an optimization here as this is likely to slow down # much of the code otherwise: if n.sons[0].kind == nkCStringToString: gen(p, n.sons[0].sons[0], r) else: gen(p, n.sons[0], r) if r.res == nil: InternalError(n.info, "convStrToCStr") useMagic(p, "toEcmaStr") r.res = ropef("toEcmaStr($1)", [r.res]) proc convCStrToStr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = # we do an optimization here as this is likely to slow down # much of the code otherwise: if n.sons[0].kind == nkStringToCString: gen(p, n.sons[0].sons[0], r) else: gen(p, n.sons[0], r) if r.res == nil: InternalError(n.info, "convCStrToStr") useMagic(p, "cstrToNimstr") r.res = ropef("cstrToNimstr($1)", [r.res]) proc genReturnStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes if p.procDef == nil: InternalError(n.info, "genReturnStmt") p.BeforeRetNeeded = true if (n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty): genStmt(p, n.sons[0], a) if a.com != nil: appf(r.com, "$1;$n", mergeStmt(a)) else: genLineDir(p, n, r) finishTryStmt(p, r, p.nestedTryStmts) app(r.com, "break BeforeRet;" & tnl) proc genProcBody(p: var TProc, prc: PSym, r: TCompRes): PRope = if optStackTrace in prc.options: result = ropef("var F={procname:$1,prev:framePtr,filename:$2,line:0};$n" & "framePtr = F;$n", [makeCString(prc.owner.name.s & '.' & prc.name.s), makeCString(toFilename(prc.info))]) else: result = nil if p.beforeRetNeeded: appf(result, "BeforeRet: do {$n$1} while (false); $n", [mergeStmt(r)]) else: app(result, mergeStmt(r)) if prc.typ.callConv == ccSysCall: result = ropef("try {$n$1} catch (e) {$n" & " alert(\"Unhandled exception:\\n\" + e.message + \"\\n\"$n}", [result]) if optStackTrace in prc.options: app(result, "framePtr = framePtr.prev;" & tnl) proc genProc(oldProc: var TProc, prc: PSym, r: var TCompRes) = var p: TProc resultSym: PSym name, returnStmt, resultAsgn, header: PRope a: TCompRes #if gVerbosity >= 3: # echo "BEGIN generating code for: " & prc.name.s initProc(p, oldProc.g, oldProc.module, prc.ast, prc.options) returnStmt = nil resultAsgn = nil name = mangleName(prc) header = generateHeader(p, prc.typ) if (prc.typ.sons[0] != nil) and sfPure notin prc.flags: resultSym = prc.ast.sons[resultPos].sym resultAsgn = ropef("var $1 = $2;$n", [mangleName(resultSym), createVar(p, resultSym.typ, isIndirect(resultSym))]) gen(p, prc.ast.sons[resultPos], a) if a.com != nil: appf(returnStmt, "$1;$n", [a.com]) returnStmt = ropef("return $1;$n", [a.res]) genStmt(p, prc.getBody, r) r.com = ropef("function $1($2) {$n$3$4$5}$n", [name, header, resultAsgn, genProcBody(p, prc, r), returnStmt]) r.res = nil #if gVerbosity >= 3: # echo "END generated code for: " & prc.name.s proc genStmtListExpr(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes # watch out this trick: ``function () { stmtList; return expr; }()`` r.res = toRope("function () {") for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 2): genStmt(p, n.sons[i], a) app(r.res, mergeStmt(a)) gen(p, lastSon(n), a) if a.com != nil: appf(r.res, "$1;$n", [a.com]) appf(r.res, "return $1; }()", [a.res]) proc genStmt(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var a: TCompRes r.kind = etyNone r.com = nil r.res = nil case n.kind of nkNilLit, nkEmpty: nil of nkStmtList: for i in countup(0, sonsLen(n) - 1): genStmt(p, n.sons[i], a) app(r.com, mergeStmt(a)) of nkBlockStmt: genBlock(p, n, r) of nkIfStmt: genIfStmt(p, n, r) of nkWhileStmt: genWhileStmt(p, n, r) of nkVarSection, nkLetSection: genVarStmt(p, n, r) of nkConstSection: nil of nkForStmt, nkParForStmt: internalError(n.info, "for statement not eliminated") of nkCaseStmt: genCaseStmt(p, n, r) of nkReturnStmt: genReturnStmt(p, n, r) of nkBreakStmt: genBreakStmt(p, n, r) of nkAsgn: genAsgn(p, n, r) of nkFastAsgn: genFastAsgn(p, n, r) of nkDiscardStmt: if n.sons[0].kind != nkEmpty: genLineDir(p, n, r) gen(p, n.sons[0], r) app(r.res, ';' & tnl) of nkAsmStmt: genAsmStmt(p, n, r) of nkTryStmt: genTryStmt(p, n, r) of nkRaiseStmt: genRaiseStmt(p, n, r) of nkTypeSection, nkCommentStmt, nkIteratorDef, nkIncludeStmt, nkImportStmt, nkFromStmt, nkTemplateDef, nkMacroDef, nkPragma: nil of nkProcDef, nkMethodDef, nkConverterDef: var s = n.sons[namePos].sym if {sfExportc, sfCompilerProc} * s.flags == {sfExportc}: var r2: TCompRes genSym(p, n.sons[namePos], r2) of nkGotoState, nkState: internalError(n.info, "first class iterators not implemented") else: genLineDir(p, n, r) gen(p, n, r) app(r.res, ';' & tnl) proc gen(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = var f: BiggestFloat r.kind = etyNone r.com = nil r.res = nil case n.kind of nkSym: genSym(p, n, r) of nkCharLit..nkInt64Lit: r.res = toRope(n.intVal) of nkNilLit: if mapType(n.typ) == etyBaseIndex: r.kind = etyBaseIndex r.com = toRope"null" r.res = toRope"0" else: r.res = toRope"null" of nkStrLit..nkTripleStrLit: if skipTypes(n.typ, abstractVarRange).kind == tyString: useMagic(p, "cstrToNimstr") r.res = ropef("cstrToNimstr($1)", [makeCString(n.strVal)]) else: r.res = makeCString(n.strVal) of nkFloatLit..nkFloat64Lit: f = n.floatVal if f != f: r.res = toRope"NaN" elif f == 0.0: r.res = toRope"0.0" elif f == 0.5 * f: if f > 0.0: r.res = toRope"Infinity" else: r.res = toRope"-Infinity" else: r.res = toRope(f.ToStrMaxPrecision) of nkBlockExpr: genBlock(p, n, r) of nkIfExpr: genIfExpr(p, n, r) of nkCallKinds: if (n.sons[0].kind == nkSym) and (n.sons[0].sym.magic != mNone): genMagic(p, n, r) else: genCall(p, n, r) of nkCurly: genSetConstr(p, n, r) of nkBracket: genArrayConstr(p, n, r) of nkPar: genTupleConstr(p, n, r) of nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv, nkConv: genConv(p, n, r) of nkAddr, nkHiddenAddr: genAddr(p, n, r) of nkDerefExpr, nkHiddenDeref: genDeref(p, n, r) of nkBracketExpr: genArrayAccess(p, n, r) of nkDotExpr: genFieldAccess(p, n, r) of nkCheckedFieldExpr: genCheckedFieldAccess(p, n, r) of nkObjDownConv: gen(p, n.sons[0], r) of nkObjUpConv: upConv(p, n, r) of nkChckRangeF: genRangeChck(p, n, r, "chckRangeF") of nkChckRange64: genRangeChck(p, n, r, "chckRange64") of nkChckRange: genRangeChck(p, n, r, "chckRange") of nkStringToCString: convStrToCStr(p, n, r) of nkCStringToString: convCStrToStr(p, n, r) of nkStmtListExpr: genStmtListExpr(p, n, r) of nkEmpty: nil of nkLambdaKinds: let s = n.sons[namePos].sym discard mangleName(s) r.res = s.loc.r if lfNoDecl in s.loc.flags or s.magic != mNone or isGenericRoutine(s): nil elif not p.g.generatedSyms.containsOrIncl(s.id): var r2: TCompRes genProc(p, s, r2) app(r.com, mergeStmt(r2)) of nkMetaNode: gen(p, n.sons[0], r) of nkType: r.res = genTypeInfo(p, n.typ) else: InternalError(n.info, "gen: unknown node type: " & $n.kind) var globals: PGlobals proc newModule(module: PSym, filename: string): BModule = new(result) result.filename = filename result.module = module if globals == nil: globals = newGlobals() proc genHeader(): PRope = result = ropef("/* Generated by the Nimrod Compiler v$1 */$n" & "/* (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf */$n$n" & "$nvar Globals = this;$n" & "var framePtr = null;$n" & "var excHandler = null;$n", [toRope(versionAsString)]) proc genModule(p: var TProc, n: PNode, r: var TCompRes) = genStmt(p, n, r) if optStackTrace in p.options: r.com = ropef("var F = {procname:$1,prev:framePtr,filename:$2,line:0};$n" & "framePtr = F;$n" & "$3" & "framePtr = framePtr.prev;$n", [ makeCString("module " & p.module.module.name.s), makeCString(toFilename(p.module.module.info)), r.com]) proc myProcess(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = if passes.skipCodegen(n): return n var p: TProc r: TCompRes result = n var m = BModule(b) if m.module == nil: InternalError(n.info, "myProcess") initProc(p, globals, m, nil, m.module.options) genModule(p, n, r) app(p.g.code, p.data) app(p.g.code, mergeStmt(r)) proc myClose(b: PPassContext, n: PNode): PNode = if passes.skipCodegen(n): return n result = myProcess(b, n) var m = BModule(b) if sfMainModule in m.module.flags: for prc in globals.forwarded: if not globals.generatedSyms.containsOrIncl(prc.id): var p: TProc r: TCompRes initProc(p, globals, m, nil, m.module.options) genProc(p, prc, r) app(p.g.code, mergeStmt(r)) var disp = generateMethodDispatchers() for i in 0..sonsLen(disp)-1: let prc = disp.sons[i].sym if not globals.generatedSyms.containsOrIncl(prc.id): var p: TProc r: TCompRes initProc(p, globals, m, nil, m.module.options) genProc(p, prc, r) app(p.g.code, mergeStmt(r)) # write the file: var code = con(globals.typeInfo, globals.code) var outfile = changeFileExt(completeCFilePath(m.filename), "js") discard writeRopeIfNotEqual(con(genHeader(), code), outfile) proc myOpenCached(s: PSym, filename: string, rd: PRodReader): PPassContext = InternalError("symbol files are not possible with the Ecmas code generator") result = nil proc myOpen(s: PSym, filename: string): PPassContext = result = newModule(s, filename) proc ecmasgenPass(): TPass = InitPass(result) result.open = myOpen result.close = myClose result.openCached = myOpenCached result.process = myProcess