# # # The Nim Compiler # (c) Copyright 2017 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## Injects destructor calls into Nim code as well as ## an optimizer that optimizes copies to moves. This is implemented as an ## AST to AST transformation so that every backend benefits from it. ## See doc/destructors.rst for a spec of the implemented rewrite rules import intsets, strtabs, ast, astalgo, msgs, renderer, magicsys, types, idents, strutils, options, lowerings, tables, modulegraphs, lineinfos, parampatterns, sighashes, liftdestructors, optimizer, varpartitions, aliasanalysis, dfa when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem): import std/assertions from trees import exprStructuralEquivalent, getRoot type Con = object owner: PSym when true: g: ControlFlowGraph graph: ModuleGraph inLoop, inSpawn, inLoopCond: int uninit: IntSet # set of uninit'ed vars idgen: IdGenerator body: PNode otherUsage: TLineInfo Scope = object # we do scope-based memory management. # a scope is comparable to an nkStmtListExpr like # (try: statements; dest = y(); finally: destructors(); dest) vars: seq[PSym] wasMoved: seq[PNode] final: seq[PNode] # finally section locals: seq[PSym] body: PNode needsTry: bool parent: ptr Scope ProcessMode = enum normal consumed sinkArg const toDebug {.strdefine.} = "" when toDebug.len > 0: var shouldDebug = false template dbg(body) = when toDebug.len > 0: if shouldDebug: body proc hasDestructor(c: Con; t: PType): bool {.inline.} = result = ast.hasDestructor(t) when toDebug.len > 0: # for more effective debugging if not result and c.graph.config.selectedGC in {gcArc, gcOrc}: assert(not containsGarbageCollectedRef(t)) proc getTemp(c: var Con; s: var Scope; typ: PType; info: TLineInfo): PNode = let sym = newSym(skTemp, getIdent(c.graph.cache, ":tmpD"), nextSymId c.idgen, c.owner, info) sym.typ = typ s.vars.add(sym) result = newSymNode(sym) proc nestedScope(parent: var Scope; body: PNode): Scope = Scope(vars: @[], locals: @[], wasMoved: @[], final: @[], body: body, needsTry: false, parent: addr(parent)) proc p(n: PNode; c: var Con; s: var Scope; mode: ProcessMode; tmpFlags = {sfSingleUsedTemp}): PNode type MoveOrCopyFlag = enum IsDecl, IsExplicitSink proc moveOrCopy(dest, ri: PNode; c: var Con; s: var Scope; flags: set[MoveOrCopyFlag] = {}): PNode when false: var perfCounters: array[InstrKind, int] proc showCounters*() = for i in low(InstrKind)..high(InstrKind): echo "INSTR ", i, " ", perfCounters[i] proc isLastReadImpl(n: PNode; c: var Con; scope: var Scope): bool = let root = parampatterns.exprRoot(n, allowCalls=false) if root == nil: return false var s = addr(scope) while s != nil: if s.locals.contains(root): break s = s.parent c.g = constructCfg(c.owner, if s != nil: s.body else: c.body, root) dbg: echo "\n### ", c.owner.name.s, ":\nCFG:" echoCfg(c.g) #echo c.body var j = 0 while j < c.g.len: if c.g[j].kind == use and c.g[j].n == n: break inc j c.otherUsage = unknownLineInfo if j < c.g.len: var pcs = @[j+1] var marked = initIntSet() result = true while pcs.len > 0: var pc = pcs.pop() if not marked.contains(pc): let oldPc = pc while pc < c.g.len: dbg: echo "EXEC ", c.g[pc].kind, " ", pc, " ", n when false: inc perfCounters[c.g[pc].kind] case c.g[pc].kind of loop: let back = pc + c.g[pc].dest if not marked.containsOrIncl(back): pc = back else: break of goto: pc = pc + c.g[pc].dest of fork: if not marked.contains(pc+1): pcs.add pc + 1 pc = pc + c.g[pc].dest of use: if c.g[pc].n.aliases(n) != no or n.aliases(c.g[pc].n) != no: c.otherUsage = c.g[pc].n.info return false inc pc of def: if c.g[pc].n.aliases(n) == yes: # the path leads to a redefinition of 's' --> sink 's'. break elif n.aliases(c.g[pc].n) != no: # only partially writes to 's' --> can't sink 's', so this def reads 's' # or maybe writes to 's' --> can't sink 's' c.otherUsage = c.g[pc].n.info return false inc pc marked.incl oldPc else: result = false proc isLastRead(n: PNode; c: var Con; s: var Scope): bool = if not hasDestructor(c, n.typ): return true let m = skipConvDfa(n) result = (m.kind == nkSym and sfSingleUsedTemp in m.sym.flags) or isLastReadImpl(n, c, s) proc isFirstWrite(n: PNode; c: var Con): bool = let m = skipConvDfa(n) result = nfFirstWrite in m.flags proc isCursor(n: PNode): bool = case n.kind of nkSym: sfCursor in n.sym.flags of nkDotExpr: isCursor(n[1]) of nkCheckedFieldExpr: isCursor(n[0]) else: false template isUnpackedTuple(n: PNode): bool = ## we move out all elements of unpacked tuples, ## hence unpacked tuples themselves don't need to be destroyed (n.kind == nkSym and n.sym.kind == skTemp and n.sym.typ.kind == tyTuple) proc checkForErrorPragma(c: Con; t: PType; ri: PNode; opname: string) = var m = "'" & opname & "' is not available for type <" & typeToString(t) & ">" if (opname == "=" or opname == "=copy") and ri != nil: m.add "; requires a copy because it's not the last read of '" m.add renderTree(ri) m.add '\'' if c.otherUsage != unknownLineInfo: # ri.comment.startsWith('\n'): m.add "; another read is done here: " m.add c.graph.config $ c.otherUsage #m.add c.graph.config $ c.g[parseInt(ri.comment[1..^1])].n.info elif ri.kind == nkSym and ri.sym.kind == skParam and not isSinkType(ri.sym.typ): m.add "; try to make " m.add renderTree(ri) m.add " a 'sink' parameter" m.add "; routine: " m.add c.owner.name.s localError(c.graph.config, ri.info, errGenerated, m) proc makePtrType(c: var Con, baseType: PType): PType = result = newType(tyPtr, nextTypeId c.idgen, c.owner) addSonSkipIntLit(result, baseType, c.idgen) proc genOp(c: var Con; op: PSym; dest: PNode): PNode = let addrExp = newNodeIT(nkHiddenAddr, dest.info, makePtrType(c, dest.typ)) addrExp.add(dest) result = newTree(nkCall, newSymNode(op), addrExp) proc genOp(c: var Con; t: PType; kind: TTypeAttachedOp; dest, ri: PNode): PNode = var op = getAttachedOp(c.graph, t, kind) if op == nil or op.ast.isGenericRoutine: # give up and find the canonical type instead: let h = sighashes.hashType(t, {CoType, CoConsiderOwned, CoDistinct}) let canon = c.graph.canonTypes.getOrDefault(h) if canon != nil: op = getAttachedOp(c.graph, canon, kind) if op == nil: #echo dest.typ.id globalError(c.graph.config, dest.info, "internal error: '" & AttachedOpToStr[kind] & "' operator not found for type " & typeToString(t)) elif op.ast.isGenericRoutine: globalError(c.graph.config, dest.info, "internal error: '" & AttachedOpToStr[kind] & "' operator is generic") dbg: if kind == attachedDestructor: echo "destructor is ", op.id, " ", op.ast if sfError in op.flags: checkForErrorPragma(c, t, ri, AttachedOpToStr[kind]) c.genOp(op, dest) proc genDestroy(c: var Con; dest: PNode): PNode = let t = dest.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink}) result = c.genOp(t, attachedDestructor, dest, nil) proc canBeMoved(c: Con; t: PType): bool {.inline.} = let t = t.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink}) if optOwnedRefs in c.graph.config.globalOptions: result = t.kind != tyRef and getAttachedOp(c.graph, t, attachedSink) != nil else: result = getAttachedOp(c.graph, t, attachedSink) != nil proc isNoInit(dest: PNode): bool {.inline.} = result = dest.kind == nkSym and sfNoInit in dest.sym.flags proc genSink(c: var Con; dest, ri: PNode; flags: set[MoveOrCopyFlag] = {}): PNode = if (c.inLoopCond == 0 and (isUnpackedTuple(dest) or IsDecl in flags or (isAnalysableFieldAccess(dest, c.owner) and isFirstWrite(dest, c)))) or isNoInit(dest): # optimize sink call into a bitwise memcopy result = newTree(nkFastAsgn, dest, ri) else: let t = dest.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink}) if getAttachedOp(c.graph, t, attachedSink) != nil: result = c.genOp(t, attachedSink, dest, ri) result.add ri else: # the default is to use combination of `=destroy(dest)` and # and copyMem(dest, source). This is efficient. result = newTree(nkStmtList, c.genDestroy(dest), newTree(nkFastAsgn, dest, ri)) proc isCriticalLink(dest: PNode): bool {.inline.} = #[ Lins's idea that only "critical" links can introduce a cycle. This is critical for the performance gurantees that we strive for: If you traverse a data structure, no tracing will be performed at all. ORC is about this promise: The GC only touches the memory that the mutator touches too. These constructs cannot possibly create cycles:: local = ... new(x) dest = ObjectConstructor(field: noalias(dest)) But since 'ObjectConstructor' is already moved into 'dest' all we really have to look for is assignments to local variables. ]# result = dest.kind != nkSym proc finishCopy(c: var Con; result, dest: PNode; isFromSink: bool) = if c.graph.config.selectedGC == gcOrc: let t = dest.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink, tyDistinct}) if cyclicType(t): result.add boolLit(c.graph, result.info, isFromSink or isCriticalLink(dest)) proc genMarkCyclic(c: var Con; result, dest: PNode) = if c.graph.config.selectedGC == gcOrc: let t = dest.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink, tyDistinct}) if cyclicType(t): if t.kind == tyRef: result.add callCodegenProc(c.graph, "nimMarkCyclic", dest.info, dest) else: let xenv = genBuiltin(c.graph, c.idgen, mAccessEnv, "accessEnv", dest) xenv.typ = getSysType(c.graph, dest.info, tyPointer) result.add callCodegenProc(c.graph, "nimMarkCyclic", dest.info, xenv) proc genCopyNoCheck(c: var Con; dest, ri: PNode; a: TTypeAttachedOp): PNode = let t = dest.typ.skipTypes({tyGenericInst, tyAlias, tySink}) result = c.genOp(t, a, dest, ri) assert ri.typ != nil proc genCopy(c: var Con; dest, ri: PNode; flags: set[MoveOrCopyFlag]): PNode = let t = dest.typ if tfHasOwned in t.flags and ri.kind != nkNilLit: # try to improve the error message here: if IsExplicitSink in flags: c.checkForErrorPragma(t, ri, "=sink") else: c.checkForErrorPragma(t, ri, "=copy") let a = if IsExplicitSink in flags: attachedSink else: attachedAsgn result = c.genCopyNoCheck(dest, ri, a) assert ri.typ != nil proc genDiscriminantAsgn(c: var Con; s: var Scope; n: PNode): PNode = # discriminator is ordinal value that doesn't need sink destroy # but fields within active case branch might need destruction # tmp to support self assignments let tmp = c.getTemp(s, n[1].typ, n.info) result = newTree(nkStmtList) result.add newTree(nkFastAsgn, tmp, p(n[1], c, s, consumed)) result.add p(n[0], c, s, normal) let le = p(n[0], c, s, normal) let leDotExpr = if le.kind == nkCheckedFieldExpr: le[0] else: le let objType = leDotExpr[0].typ if hasDestructor(c, objType): if getAttachedOp(c.graph, objType, attachedDestructor) != nil and sfOverriden in getAttachedOp(c.graph, objType, attachedDestructor).flags: localError(c.graph.config, n.info, errGenerated, """Assignment to discriminant for objects with user defined destructor is not supported, object must have default destructor. It is best to factor out piece of object that needs custom destructor into separate object or not use discriminator assignment""") result.add newTree(nkFastAsgn, le, tmp) return # generate: if le != tmp: `=destroy`(le) let branchDestructor = produceDestructorForDiscriminator(c.graph, objType, leDotExpr[1].sym, n.info, c.idgen) let cond = newNodeIT(nkInfix, n.info, getSysType(c.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyBool)) cond.add newSymNode(getMagicEqSymForType(c.graph, le.typ, n.info)) cond.add le cond.add tmp let notExpr = newNodeIT(nkPrefix, n.info, getSysType(c.graph, unknownLineInfo, tyBool)) notExpr.add newSymNode(createMagic(c.graph, c.idgen, "not", mNot)) notExpr.add cond result.add newTree(nkIfStmt, newTree(nkElifBranch, notExpr, c.genOp(branchDestructor, le))) result.add newTree(nkFastAsgn, le, tmp) proc genWasMoved(c: var Con, n: PNode): PNode = result = newNodeI(nkCall, n.info) result.add(newSymNode(createMagic(c.graph, c.idgen, "wasMoved", mWasMoved))) result.add copyTree(n) #mWasMoved does not take the address #if n.kind != nkSym: # message(c.graph.config, n.info, warnUser, "wasMoved(" & $n & ")") proc genDefaultCall(t: PType; c: Con; info: TLineInfo): PNode = result = newNodeI(nkCall, info) result.add(newSymNode(createMagic(c.graph, c.idgen, "default", mDefault))) result.typ = t proc destructiveMoveVar(n: PNode; c: var Con; s: var Scope): PNode = # generate: (let tmp = v; reset(v); tmp) if not hasDestructor(c, n.typ): assert n.kind != nkSym or not hasDestructor(c, n.sym.typ) result = copyTree(n) else: result = newNodeIT(nkStmtListExpr, n.info, n.typ) var temp = newSym(skLet, getIdent(c.graph.cache, "blitTmp"), nextSymId c.idgen, c.owner, n.info) temp.typ = n.typ var v = newNodeI(nkLetSection, n.info) let tempAsNode = newSymNode(temp) var vpart = newNodeI(nkIdentDefs, tempAsNode.info, 3) vpart[0] = tempAsNode vpart[1] = newNodeI(nkEmpty, tempAsNode.info) vpart[2] = n v.add(vpart) result.add v let nn = skipConv(n) c.genMarkCyclic(result, nn) let wasMovedCall = c.genWasMoved(nn) result.add wasMovedCall result.add tempAsNode proc isCapturedVar(n: PNode): bool = let root = getRoot(n) if root != nil: result = root.name.s[0] == ':' proc passCopyToSink(n: PNode; c: var Con; s: var Scope): PNode = result = newNodeIT(nkStmtListExpr, n.info, n.typ) let tmp = c.getTemp(s, n.typ, n.info) if hasDestructor(c, n.typ): result.add c.genWasMoved(tmp) var m = c.genCopy(tmp, n, {}) m.add p(n, c, s, normal) c.finishCopy(m, n, isFromSink = true) result.add m if isLValue(n) and not isCapturedVar(n) and n.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind != tyRef and c.inSpawn == 0: message(c.graph.config, n.info, hintPerformance, ("passing '$1' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy; " & "if possible, rearrange your program's control flow to prevent it") % $n) else: if c.graph.config.selectedGC in {gcArc, gcOrc}: assert(not containsManagedMemory(n.typ)) if n.typ.skipTypes(abstractInst).kind in {tyOpenArray, tyVarargs}: localError(c.graph.config, n.info, "cannot create an implicit openArray copy to be passed to a sink parameter") result.add newTree(nkAsgn, tmp, p(n, c, s, normal)) # Since we know somebody will take over the produced copy, there is # no need to destroy it. result.add tmp proc isDangerousSeq(t: PType): bool {.inline.} = let t = t.skipTypes(abstractInst) result = t.kind == tySequence and tfHasOwned notin t[0].flags proc containsConstSeq(n: PNode): bool = if n.kind == nkBracket and n.len > 0 and n.typ != nil and isDangerousSeq(n.typ): return true result = false case n.kind of nkExprEqExpr, nkExprColonExpr, nkHiddenStdConv, nkHiddenSubConv: result = containsConstSeq(n[1]) of nkObjConstr, nkClosure: for i in 1.. 0: # unpacked tuple needs reset at every loop iteration res.add newTree(nkFastAsgn, v, genDefaultCall(v.typ, c, v.info)) elif sfThread notin v.sym.flags and sfCursor notin v.sym.flags: # do not destroy thread vars for now at all for consistency. if sfGlobal in v.sym.flags and s.parent == nil: #XXX: Rethink this logic (see tarcmisc.test2) c.graph.globalDestructors.add c.genDestroy(v) else: s.final.add c.genDestroy(v) proc processScope(c: var Con; s: var Scope; ret: PNode): PNode = result = newNodeI(nkStmtList, ret.info) if s.vars.len > 0: let varSection = newNodeI(nkVarSection, ret.info) for tmp in s.vars: varSection.add newTree(nkIdentDefs, newSymNode(tmp), newNodeI(nkEmpty, ret.info), newNodeI(nkEmpty, ret.info)) result.add varSection if s.wasMoved.len > 0 or s.final.len > 0: let finSection = newNodeI(nkStmtList, ret.info) for m in s.wasMoved: finSection.add m for i in countdown(s.final.high, 0): finSection.add s.final[i] if s.needsTry: result.add newTryFinally(ret, finSection) else: result.add ret result.add finSection else: result.add ret if s.parent != nil: s.parent[].needsTry = s.parent[].needsTry or s.needsTry template processScopeExpr(c: var Con; s: var Scope; ret: PNode, processCall: untyped, tmpFlags: TSymFlags): PNode = assert not ret.typ.isEmptyType var result = newNodeIT(nkStmtListExpr, ret.info, ret.typ) # There is a possibility to do this check: s.wasMoved.len > 0 or s.final.len > 0 # later and use it to eliminate the temporary when theres no need for it, but its # tricky because you would have to intercept moveOrCopy at a certain point let tmp = c.getTemp(s.parent[], ret.typ, ret.info) tmp.sym.flags = tmpFlags let cpy = if hasDestructor(c, ret.typ): s.parent[].final.add c.genDestroy(tmp) moveOrCopy(tmp, ret, c, s, {IsDecl}) else: newTree(nkFastAsgn, tmp, p(ret, c, s, normal)) if s.vars.len > 0: let varSection = newNodeI(nkVarSection, ret.info) for tmp in s.vars: varSection.add newTree(nkIdentDefs, newSymNode(tmp), newNodeI(nkEmpty, ret.info), newNodeI(nkEmpty, ret.info)) result.add varSection let finSection = newNodeI(nkStmtList, ret.info) for m in s.wasMoved: finSection.add m for i in countdown(s.final.high, 0): finSection.add s.final[i] if s.needsTry: result.add newTryFinally(newTree(nkStmtListExpr, cpy, processCall(tmp, s.parent[])), finSection) else: result.add cpy result.add finSection result.add processCall(tmp, s.parent[]) if s.parent != nil: s.parent[].needsTry = s.parent[].needsTry or s.needsTry result template handleNestedTempl(n, processCall: untyped, willProduceStmt = false, tmpFlags = {sfSingleUsedTemp}) = template maybeVoid(child, s): untyped = if isEmptyType(child.typ): p(child, c, s, normal) else: processCall(child, s) case n.kind of nkStmtList, nkStmtListExpr: # a statement list does not open a new scope if n.len == 0: return n result = copyNode(n) for i in 0.. 0: c.inSpawn.dec let parameters = n[0].typ let L = if parameters != nil: parameters.len else: 0 when false: var isDangerous = false if n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.magic in {mOr, mAnd}: inc c.inDangerousBranch isDangerous = true result = shallowCopy(n) for i in 1.. 0): result[i] = p(n[i], c, s, sinkArg) else: result[i] = p(n[i], c, s, normal) when false: if isDangerous: dec c.inDangerousBranch if n[0].kind == nkSym and n[0].sym.magic in {mNew, mNewFinalize}: result[0] = copyTree(n[0]) if c.graph.config.selectedGC in {gcHooks, gcArc, gcOrc}: let destroyOld = c.genDestroy(result[1]) result = newTree(nkStmtList, destroyOld, result) else: result[0] = p(n[0], c, s, normal) if canRaise(n[0]): s.needsTry = true if mode == normal: result = ensureDestruction(result, n, c, s) of nkDiscardStmt: # Small optimization result = shallowCopy(n) if n[0].kind != nkEmpty: result[0] = p(n[0], c, s, normal) else: result[0] = copyNode(n[0]) of nkVarSection, nkLetSection: # transform; var x = y to var x; x op y where op is a move or copy result = newNodeI(nkStmtList, n.info) for it in n: var ri = it[^1] if it.kind == nkVarTuple and hasDestructor(c, ri.typ): for i in 0.. 0: result.add moveOrCopy(v, genDefaultCall(v.typ, c, v.info), c, s, if v.kind == nkSym: {IsDecl} else: {}) else: # keep the var but transform 'ri': var v = copyNode(n) var itCopy = copyNode(it) for j in 0.. 0 and isDangerousSeq(ri.typ): result = c.genCopy(dest, ri, flags) result.add p(ri, c, s, consumed) c.finishCopy(result, dest, isFromSink = false) else: result = c.genSink(dest, p(ri, c, s, consumed), flags) of nkObjConstr, nkTupleConstr, nkClosure, nkCharLit..nkNilLit: result = c.genSink(dest, p(ri, c, s, consumed), flags) of nkSym: if isSinkParam(ri.sym) and isLastRead(ri, c, s): # Rule 3: `=sink`(x, z); wasMoved(z) let snk = c.genSink(dest, ri, flags) result = newTree(nkStmtList, snk, c.genWasMoved(ri)) elif ri.sym.kind != skParam and ri.sym.owner == c.owner and isLastRead(ri, c, s) and canBeMoved(c, dest.typ) and not isCursor(ri): # Rule 3: `=sink`(x, z); wasMoved(z) let snk = c.genSink(dest, ri, flags) result = newTree(nkStmtList, snk, c.genWasMoved(ri)) else: result = c.genCopy(dest, ri, flags) result.add p(ri, c, s, consumed) c.finishCopy(result, dest, isFromSink = false) of nkHiddenSubConv, nkHiddenStdConv, nkConv, nkObjDownConv, nkObjUpConv, nkCast: result = c.genSink(dest, p(ri, c, s, sinkArg), flags) of nkStmtListExpr, nkBlockExpr, nkIfExpr, nkCaseStmt, nkTryStmt: template process(child, s): untyped = moveOrCopy(dest, child, c, s, flags) # We know the result will be a stmt so we use that fact to optimize handleNestedTempl(ri, process, willProduceStmt = true) of nkRaiseStmt: result = pRaiseStmt(ri, c, s) else: if isAnalysableFieldAccess(ri, c.owner) and isLastRead(ri, c, s) and canBeMoved(c, dest.typ): # Rule 3: `=sink`(x, z); wasMoved(z) let snk = c.genSink(dest, ri, flags) result = newTree(nkStmtList, snk, c.genWasMoved(ri)) else: result = c.genCopy(dest, ri, flags) result.add p(ri, c, s, consumed) c.finishCopy(result, dest, isFromSink = false) when false: proc computeUninit(c: var Con) = if not c.uninitComputed: c.uninitComputed = true c.uninit = initIntSet() var init = initIntSet() discard initialized(c.g, pc = 0, init, c.uninit, int.high) proc injectDefaultCalls(n: PNode, c: var Con) = case n.kind of nkVarSection, nkLetSection: for it in n: if it.kind == nkIdentDefs and it[^1].kind == nkEmpty: computeUninit(c) for j in 0.. 0: shouldDebug = toDebug == owner.name.s or toDebug == "always" if sfGeneratedOp in owner.flags or (owner.kind == skIterator and isInlineIterator(owner.typ)): return n var c = Con(owner: owner, graph: g, idgen: idgen, body: n, otherUsage: unknownLineInfo) if optCursorInference in g.config.options: computeCursors(owner, n, g) var scope = Scope(body: n) let body = p(n, c, scope, normal) if owner.kind in {skProc, skFunc, skMethod, skIterator, skConverter}: let params = owner.typ.n for i in 1..---------transformed-to--------->" echo renderTree(result, {renderIds}) if g.config.arcToExpand.hasKey(owner.name.s): echo "--expandArc: ", owner.name.s echo renderTree(result, {renderIr, renderNoComments}) echo "-- end of expandArc ------------------------"