# # # The Nimrod Compiler # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # implements the command dispatcher and several commands as well as the # module handling import llstream, strutils, ast, astalgo, lexer, syntaxes, renderer, options, msgs, os, lists, condsyms, rodread, rodwrite, ropes, trees, wordrecg, sem, semdata, idents, passes, docgen, extccomp, cgen, ecmasgen, platform, nimconf, importer, passaux, depends, transf, evals, types, idgen, tables, docgen2 const has_LLVM_Backend = false when has_LLVM_Backend: import llvmgen proc MainCommand*() # ------------------ module handling ----------------------------------------- var compMods = initTable[string, PSym]() # all compiled modules # This expects a normalized module path proc registerModule(filename: string, module: PSym) = compMods[filename] = module # This expects a normalized module path proc getModule(filename: string): PSym = result = compMods[filename] proc newModule(filename: string): PSym = # We cannot call ``newSym`` here, because we have to circumvent the ID # mechanism, which we do in order to assign each module a persistent ID. new(result) result.id = - 1 # for better error checking result.kind = skModule result.name = getIdent(splitFile(filename).name) if not isNimrodIdentifier(result.name.s): rawMessage(errInvalidModuleName, result.name.s) result.owner = result # a module belongs to itself result.info = newLineInfo(filename, 1, 1) incl(result.flags, sfUsed) initStrTable(result.tab) RegisterModule(filename, result) StrTableAdd(result.tab, result) # a module knows itself proc CompileModule(filename: string, flags: TSymFlags): PSym proc importModule(filename: string): PSym = # this is called by the semantic checking phase result = getModule(filename) if result == nil: # compile the module result = compileModule(filename, {}) elif sfSystemModule in result.flags: LocalError(result.info, errAttemptToRedefine, result.Name.s) proc CompileModule(filename: string, flags: TSymFlags): PSym = var rd: PRodReader = nil var f = addFileExt(filename, nimExt) result = newModule(f) result.flags = result.flags + flags if gCmd in {cmdCompileToC, cmdCompileToCpp, cmdCheck, cmdIdeTools}: rd = handleSymbolFile(result, f) if result.id < 0: InternalError("handleSymbolFile should have set the module\'s ID") else: result.id = getID() processModule(result, f, nil, rd) proc CompileProject(projectFile = gProjectFull) = discard CompileModule(options.libpath / "system", {sfSystemModule}) discard CompileModule(projectFile, {sfMainModule}) proc semanticPasses = registerPass(verbosePass()) registerPass(sem.semPass()) registerPass(transf.transfPass()) proc CommandGenDepend = semanticPasses() registerPass(genDependPass()) registerPass(cleanupPass()) compileProject() generateDot(gProjectFull) execExternalProgram("dot -Tpng -o" & changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "png") & ' ' & changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "dot")) proc CommandCheck = msgs.gErrorMax = high(int) # do not stop after first error semanticPasses() # use an empty backend for semantic checking only registerPass(rodwrite.rodwritePass()) compileProject(mainCommandArg()) proc CommandDoc2 = msgs.gErrorMax = high(int) # do not stop after first error semanticPasses() registerPass(docgen2Pass()) #registerPass(cleanupPass()) compileProject(mainCommandArg()) finishDoc2Pass(gProjectFull) proc CommandCompileToC = semanticPasses() registerPass(cgen.cgenPass()) registerPass(rodwrite.rodwritePass()) #registerPass(cleanupPass()) compileProject() if gCmd != cmdRun: extccomp.CallCCompiler(changeFileExt(gProjectFull, "")) when has_LLVM_Backend: proc CommandCompileToLLVM = semanticPasses() registerPass(llvmgen.llvmgenPass()) registerPass(rodwrite.rodwritePass()) #registerPass(cleanupPass()) compileProject() proc CommandCompileToEcmaScript = incl(gGlobalOptions, optSafeCode) setTarget(osEcmaScript, cpuEcmaScript) #initDefines() DefineSymbol("nimrod") # 'nimrod' is always defined DefineSymbol("ecmascript") semanticPasses() registerPass(ecmasgenPass()) compileProject() proc CommandInteractive = msgs.gErrorMax = high(int) # do not stop after first error incl(gGlobalOptions, optSafeCode) #setTarget(osNimrodVM, cpuNimrodVM) initDefines() DefineSymbol("nimrodvm") registerPass(verbosePass()) registerPass(sem.semPass()) registerPass(evals.evalPass()) # load system module: discard CompileModule(options.libpath /"system", {sfSystemModule}) if commandArgs.len > 0: discard CompileModule(mainCommandArg(), {}) else: var m = newModule("stdin") m.id = getID() incl(m.flags, sfMainModule) processModule(m, "stdin", LLStreamOpenStdIn(), nil) proc CommandPretty = var module = parseFile(addFileExt(mainCommandArg(), NimExt)) if module != nil: renderModule(module, getOutFile(mainCommandArg(), "pretty." & NimExt)) proc CommandScan = var f = addFileExt(mainCommandArg(), nimExt) var stream = LLStreamOpen(f, fmRead) if stream != nil: var L: TLexer tok: TToken initToken(tok) openLexer(L, f, stream) while true: rawGetTok(L, tok) PrintTok(tok) if tok.tokType == tkEof: break CloseLexer(L) else: rawMessage(errCannotOpenFile, f) proc CommandSuggest = msgs.gErrorMax = high(int) # do not stop after first error semanticPasses() registerPass(rodwrite.rodwritePass()) compileProject() proc wantMainModule = if gProjectFull.len == 0: Fatal(gCmdLineInfo, errCommandExpectsFilename) proc MainCommand = appendStr(searchPaths, options.libpath) if gProjectFull.len != 0: # current path is always looked first for modules prependStr(searchPaths, gProjectPath) setID(100) passes.gIncludeFile = syntaxes.parseFile passes.gImportModule = importModule case command.normalize of "c", "cc", "compile", "compiletoc": # compile means compileToC currently gCmd = cmdCompileToC wantMainModule() CommandCompileToC() of "cpp", "compiletocpp": extccomp.cExt = ".cpp" gCmd = cmdCompileToCpp wantMainModule() DefineSymbol("cpp") CommandCompileToC() of "objc", "compiletooc": extccomp.cExt = ".m" gCmd = cmdCompileToOC wantMainModule() DefineSymbol("objc") CommandCompileToC() of "run": gCmd = cmdRun wantMainModule() when hasTinyCBackend: extccomp.setCC("tcc") CommandCompileToC() else: rawMessage(errInvalidCommandX, command) of "js", "compiletoecmascript": gCmd = cmdCompileToEcmaScript wantMainModule() CommandCompileToEcmaScript() of "compiletollvm": gCmd = cmdCompileToLLVM wantMainModule() when has_LLVM_Backend: CommandCompileToLLVM() else: rawMessage(errInvalidCommandX, command) of "pretty": gCmd = cmdPretty wantMainModule() CommandPretty() of "doc": gCmd = cmdDoc LoadConfigs(DocConfig) wantMainModule() CommandDoc() of "doc2": gCmd = cmdDoc LoadConfigs(DocConfig) wantMainModule() CommandDoc2() of "rst2html": gCmd = cmdRst2html LoadConfigs(DocConfig) wantMainModule() CommandRst2Html() of "rst2tex": gCmd = cmdRst2tex LoadConfigs(DocTexConfig) wantMainModule() CommandRst2TeX() of "buildindex": gCmd = cmdDoc LoadConfigs(DocConfig) CommandBuildIndex() of "gendepend": gCmd = cmdGenDepend wantMainModule() CommandGenDepend() of "dump": gCmd = cmdDump condsyms.ListSymbols() for it in iterSearchPath(): MsgWriteln(it) of "check": gCmd = cmdCheck wantMainModule() CommandCheck() of "parse": gCmd = cmdParse wantMainModule() discard parseFile(addFileExt(gProjectFull, nimExt)) of "scan": gCmd = cmdScan wantMainModule() CommandScan() MsgWriteln("Beware: Indentation tokens depend on the parser\'s state!") of "i": gCmd = cmdInteractive CommandInteractive() of "idetools": gCmd = cmdIdeTools wantMainModule() CommandSuggest() else: rawMessage(errInvalidCommandX, command)