# # # The Nimrod Compiler # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # Ropes for the C code generator # # Ropes are a data structure that represents a very long string # efficiently; especially concatenation is done in O(1) instead of O(N). # Ropes make use a lazy evaluation: They are essentially concatenation # trees that are only flattened when converting to a native Nimrod # string or when written to disk. The empty string is represented by a # nil pointer. # A little picture makes everything clear: # # "this string" & " is internally " & "represented as" # # con -- inner nodes do not contain raw data # / \ # / \ # / \ # con "represented as" # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ #"this string" " is internally " # # Note that this is the same as: # "this string" & (" is internally " & "represented as") # # con # / \ # / \ # / \ # "this string" con # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ # / \ #" is internally " "represented as" # # The 'con' operator is associative! This does not matter however for # the algorithms we use for ropes. # # Note that the left and right pointers are not needed for leaves. # Leaves have relatively high memory overhead (~30 bytes on a 32 # bit machines) and we produce many of them. This is why we cache and # share leaves accross different rope trees. # To cache them they are inserted in a `cache` array. import msgs, strutils, platform, hashes, crc, options type TFormatStr* = string # later we may change it to CString for better # performance of the code generator (assignments # copy the format strings # though it is not necessary) PRope* = ref TRope TRope*{.acyclic.} = object of TObject # the empty rope is represented # by nil to safe space left*, right*: PRope length*: int data*: string # != nil if a leaf TRopeSeq* = seq[PRope] proc con*(a, b: PRope): PRope proc con*(a: PRope, b: string): PRope proc con*(a: string, b: PRope): PRope proc con*(a: openarray[PRope]): PRope proc app*(a: var PRope, b: PRope) proc app*(a: var PRope, b: string) proc prepend*(a: var PRope, b: PRope) proc toRope*(s: string): PRope proc toRope*(i: BiggestInt): PRope proc ropeLen*(a: PRope): int proc WriteRope*(head: PRope, filename: string) proc writeRopeIfNotEqual*(r: PRope, filename: string): bool proc ropeToStr*(p: PRope): string proc ropef*(frmt: TFormatStr, args: openarray[PRope]): PRope proc appf*(c: var PRope, frmt: TFormatStr, args: openarray[PRope]) proc RopeEqualsFile*(r: PRope, f: string): bool # returns true if the rope r is the same as the contents of file f proc RopeInvariant*(r: PRope): bool # exported for debugging # implementation proc ropeLen(a: PRope): int = if a == nil: result = 0 else: result = a.length proc newRope(data: string = nil): PRope = new(result) if data != nil: result.length = len(data) result.data = data proc newMutableRope*(capacity = 30): PRope = ## creates a new rope that supports direct modifications of the rope's ## 'data' and 'length' fields. new(result) result.data = newStringOfCap(capacity) proc freezeMutableRope*(r: PRope) {.inline.} = r.length = r.data.len var cache: array[0..2048 -1, PRope] proc RopeInvariant(r: PRope): bool = if r == nil: result = true else: result = true # # if r.data <> snil then # result := true # else begin # result := (r.left <> nil) and (r.right <> nil); # if result then result := ropeInvariant(r.left); # if result then result := ropeInvariant(r.right); # end proc insertInCache(s: string): PRope = var h = hash(s) and high(cache) result = cache[h] if isNil(result) or result.data != s: result = newRope(s) cache[h] = result proc toRope(s: string): PRope = if s.len == 0: result = nil else: result = insertInCache(s) assert(RopeInvariant(result)) proc RopeSeqInsert(rs: var TRopeSeq, r: PRope, at: Natural) = var length = len(rs) if at > length: setlen(rs, at + 1) else: setlen(rs, length + 1) # move old rope elements: for i in countdown(length, at + 1): rs[i] = rs[i - 1] # this is correct, I used pen and paper to validate it rs[at] = r proc newRecRopeToStr(result: var string, resultLen: var int, r: PRope) = var stack = @[r] while len(stack) > 0: var it = pop(stack) while it.data == nil: add(stack, it.right) it = it.left assert(it.data != nil) CopyMem(addr(result[resultLen]), addr(it.data[0]), it.length) Inc(resultLen, it.length) assert(resultLen <= len(result)) proc ropeToStr(p: PRope): string = if p == nil: result = "" else: result = newString(p.length) var resultLen = 0 newRecRopeToStr(result, resultLen, p) proc con(a, b: PRope): PRope = if a == nil: result = b elif b == nil: result = a else: result = newRope() result.length = a.length + b.length result.left = a result.right = b proc con(a: PRope, b: string): PRope = result = con(a, toRope(b)) proc con(a: string, b: PRope): PRope = result = con(toRope(a), b) proc con(a: openarray[PRope]): PRope = for i in countup(0, high(a)): result = con(result, a[i]) proc toRope(i: BiggestInt): PRope = result = toRope($i) proc app(a: var PRope, b: PRope) = a = con(a, b) proc app(a: var PRope, b: string) = a = con(a, b) proc prepend(a: var PRope, b: PRope) = a = con(b, a) proc writeRope*(f: TFile, c: PRope) = var stack = @[c] while len(stack) > 0: var it = pop(stack) while it.data == nil: add(stack, it.right) it = it.left assert(it != nil) assert(it.data != nil) write(f, it.data) proc WriteRope(head: PRope, filename: string) = var f: tfile if open(f, filename, fmWrite): if head != nil: WriteRope(f, head) close(f) else: rawMessage(errCannotOpenFile, filename) proc ropef(frmt: TFormatStr, args: openarray[PRope]): PRope = var i = 0 var length = len(frmt) result = nil var num = 0 while i <= length - 1: if frmt[i] == '$': inc(i) # skip '$' case frmt[i] of '$': app(result, "$") inc(i) of '#': inc(i) app(result, args[num]) inc(num) of '0'..'9': var j = 0 while true: j = (j * 10) + Ord(frmt[i]) - ord('0') inc(i) if (i > length + 0 - 1) or not (frmt[i] in {'0'..'9'}): break num = j if j > high(args) + 1: internalError("ropes: invalid format string $" & $(j)) app(result, args[j - 1]) of 'n': if optLineDir notin gOptions: app(result, tnl) inc i of 'N': app(result, tnl) inc(i) else: InternalError("ropes: invalid format string $" & frmt[i]) var start = i while i < length: if frmt[i] != '$': inc(i) else: break if i - 1 >= start: app(result, substr(frmt, start, i - 1)) assert(RopeInvariant(result)) proc appf(c: var PRope, frmt: TFormatStr, args: openarray[PRope]) = app(c, ropef(frmt, args)) const bufSize = 1024 # 1 KB is reasonable proc auxRopeEqualsFile(r: PRope, bin: var tfile, buf: Pointer): bool = if r.data != nil: if r.length > bufSize: internalError("ropes: token too long") var readBytes = readBuffer(bin, buf, r.length) result = readBytes == r.length and equalMem(buf, addr(r.data[0]), r.length) # BUGFIX else: result = auxRopeEqualsFile(r.left, bin, buf) if result: result = auxRopeEqualsFile(r.right, bin, buf) proc RopeEqualsFile(r: PRope, f: string): bool = var bin: tfile result = open(bin, f) if not result: return # not equal if file does not exist var buf = alloc(BufSize) result = auxRopeEqualsFile(r, bin, buf) if result: result = readBuffer(bin, buf, bufSize) == 0 # really at the end of file? dealloc(buf) close(bin) proc crcFromRopeAux(r: PRope, startVal: TCrc32): TCrc32 = if r.data != nil: result = startVal for i in countup(0, len(r.data) - 1): result = updateCrc32(r.data[i], result) else: result = crcFromRopeAux(r.left, startVal) result = crcFromRopeAux(r.right, result) proc newCrcFromRopeAux(r: PRope, startVal: TCrc32): TCrc32 = var stack: TRopeSeq = @[r] result = startVal while len(stack) > 0: var it = pop(stack) while it.data == nil: add(stack, it.right) it = it.left assert(it.data != nil) var i = 0 var L = len(it.data) while i < L: result = updateCrc32(it.data[i], result) inc(i) proc crcFromRope(r: PRope): TCrc32 = result = newCrcFromRopeAux(r, initCrc32) proc writeRopeIfNotEqual(r: PRope, filename: string): bool = # returns true if overwritten var c: TCrc32 c = crcFromFile(filename) if c != crcFromRope(r): writeRope(r, filename) result = true else: result = false