# Configuration file for the Nimrod Compiler. # Generated by the koch.py script. # (c) 2008 Andreas Rumpf # Feel free to edit the default values as you need. # You may set environment variables with # @putenv "key" "val" # Environment variables cannot be used in the options, however! # Just call the compiler with several options: cc = @if macosx or windows: llvm_gcc @else: gcc @end lib="$nimrod/lib" path="$lib/base" path="$lib/base/gtk" path="$lib/base/cairo" path="$lib/base/x11" path="$lib/base/sdl" path="$lib/base/opengl" path="$lib/windows" path="$lib/posix" path="$lib/ecmas" path="$lib/extra" @if release: checks:off stacktrace:off debugger:off line_dir:off opt:speed @end # additional defines: #define="" # additional options always passed to the compiler: line_dir=off # use the new experimental symbol files for speeding up compilation: #--symbol_files --verbosity: "1" hint[LineTooLong]=off hint[XDeclaredButNotUsed]=off @if unix: @if not bsd: passl= "-ldl" @end path = "$lib/base/gtk" @end @if icc: passl = "-cxxlib" passc = "-cxxlib" @end # Configuration for the LLVM GCC compiler: @if windows: llvm_gcc.path = r"$nimrod\dist\llvm-gcc4.2\bin" @elif macosx: llvm_gcc.path = r"/Users/andreasrumpf/download/C/llvm-gcc4.2-2.3-x86-darwin8/bin" @end llvm_gcc.options.debug = "-g" llvm_gcc.options.always = "-w" llvm_gcc.options.speed = "-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -ffast-math" llvm_gcc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math" # Configuration for the Borland C++ Compiler: @if windows: bcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\cbuilder5\bin" @end bcc.options.debug = "" # turn off warnings about unreachable code and inline procs: bcc.options.always = "-H- -q -RT- -a8 -w-8027 -w-8066 -w-8004" bcc.options.speed = "-O2 -6" bcc.options.size = "-O1 -6" # Configuration for the Visual C/C++ compiler: @if vcc: @prepend_env path r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE;" @prepend_env INCLUDE r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\include;C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ATLMFC\INCLUDE;C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Include;" @prepend_env LIB r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\lib;C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\SDK\v2.0\Lib;C:\Programme\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\Lib;" passl: r"/F33554432" # set the stack size to 8 MB @end @if windows: vcc.path = r"C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin" @end vcc.options.debug = "/RTC1 /ZI" vcc.options.always = "/nologo" vcc.options.speed = "/Ox /arch:SSE2" vcc.options.size = "/O1" # Configuration for the Watcom C/C++ compiler: @if windows: wcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\watcom\binnt" @end wcc.options.debug = "-d2" wcc.options.always = "-6 -zw -w-" wcc.options.speed = "-ox -on -6 -d0 -fp6 -zW" wcc.options.size = "-ox -on -6 -d0 -fp6 -zW" # Configuration for the GNU C/C++ compiler: @if windows: gcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\mingw\bin" @end gcc.options.debug = "-g" @if macosx: gcc.options.always = "-w -fasm-blocks" @else: gcc.options.always = "-w" @end gcc.options.speed = "-O3 -ffast-math" gcc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math" # Configuration for the Digital Mars C/C++ compiler: @if windows: dmc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\d\dm\bin" @end dmc.options.debug = "-g" dmc.options.always = "-Jm" dmc.options.speed = "-ff -o -6" dmc.options.size = "-ff -o -6" # Configuration for the LCC compiler: @if windows: lcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\lcc\bin" @end lcc.options.debug = "-g5" lcc.options.always = "-e1" lcc.options.speed = "-O -p6" lcc.options.size = "-O -p6" # Configuration for the Tiny C Compiler: @if windows: tcc.path = r"C:\Eigenes\compiler\tcc-0.9.23\tcc" tcc.options.always = r"-IC:\Eigenes\compiler\tcc-0.9.23\include " & r"-IC:\Eigenes\compiler\tcc-0.9.23\include\winapi" @end tcc.options.debug = "" tcc.options.speed = "" tcc.options.size = "" # Configuration for the Pelles C compiler: @if windows: pcc.path = r"C:\eigenes\compiler\pellesc\bin" @end pcc.options.debug = "-Zi" pcc.options.always = "-Ze" pcc.options.speed = "-Ox" pcc.options.size = "-Os" @if windows: icc.path = r"c:\eignes\compiler\icc\bin" @end icc.options.debug = "-g" icc.options.always = "-w" icc.options.speed = "-O3 -ffast-math" icc.options.size = "-Os -ffast-math" @write "used special config file" @if ecmascript: @write "Target is ECMAScript! No unsafe features are allowed!" @end