# This file contains all the messages of the Nimrod compiler # (c) 2009 Andreas Rumpf [ # fatal errors: {'errUnknown': 'unknown error'}, {'errIllFormedAstX': 'illformed AST: $1'}, {'errCannotOpenFile': "cannot open '$1'"}, {'errInternal': 'internal error: $1'}, # other errors: {'errGenerated': '$1'}, {'errXCompilerDoesNotSupportCpp': "'$1' compiler does not support C++"}, # errors: {'errStringLiteralExpected': 'string literal expected'}, {'errIntLiteralExpected': 'integer literal expected'}, {'errInvalidCharacterConstant': 'invalid character constant'}, {'errClosingTripleQuoteExpected': 'closing """ expected, but end of file reached'}, {'errClosingQuoteExpected': 'closing " expected'}, {'errTabulatorsAreNotAllowed': 'tabulators are not allowed'}, {'errInvalidToken': 'invalid token: $1'}, {'errLineTooLong': 'line too long'}, {'errInvalidNumber': '$1 is not a valid number'}, {'errNumberOutOfRange': 'number $1 out of valid range'}, {'errNnotAllowedInCharacter': '\\n not allowed in character literal'}, {'errClosingBracketExpected': "closing ']' expected, but end of file reached"}, {'errMissingFinalQuote': "missing final '"}, {'errIdentifierExpected': "identifier expected, but found '$1'"}, {'errOperatorExpected': "operator expected, but found '$1'"}, {'errTokenExpected': "'$1' expected"}, {'errStringAfterIncludeExpected': "string after 'include' expected"}, {'errRecursiveInclude': "recursive include file: '$1'"}, {'errOnOrOffExpected': "'on' or 'off' expected"}, {'errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpected': "'none', 'speed' or 'size' expected"}, {'errInvalidPragma': 'invalid pragma'}, {'errUnknownPragma': "unknown pragma: '$1'"}, {'errPragmaXHereNotAllowed': "pragma '$1' here not allowed"}, {'errUnknownDirective': "unknown directive: '$1'"}, {'errInvalidDirective': 'invalid directive'}, {'errAtPopWithoutPush': "'pop' without a 'push' pragma"}, {'errEmptyAsm': 'empty asm statement makes no sense'}, {'errAsgnInvalidInExpr': "'=' invalid in an expression; probably '==' meant"}, {'errInvalidIndentation': 'invalid indentation'}, {'errExceptionExpected': 'exception expected'}, {'errExceptionAlreadyHandled': 'exception already handled'}, {'errReturnNotAllowedHere': "'return' only allowed in routine"}, {'errYieldNotAllowedHere': "'yield' only allowed in a loop of an iterator"}, {'errInvalidNumberOfYieldExpr': "invalid number of 'yield' expresions"}, {'errReturnInvalidInIterator': "'return' not allowed in iterator"}, {'errCannotReturnExpr': 'current routine cannot return an expression'}, {'errAttemptToRedefine': "attempt to redefine '$1'"}, {'errStmtInvalidAfterReturn': "statement not allowed after 'return', 'break' or 'raise'"}, {'errStmtExpected': 'statement expected'}, {'errInvalidLabel': "'$1' is no label"}, {'errInvalidCmdLineOption': "invalid command line option: '$1'"}, {'errCmdLineArgExpected': "argument for command line option expected: '$1'"}, {'errCmdLineNoArgExpected': "invalid argument for command line option: '$1'"}, {'errInvalidVarSubstitution': "invalid variable substitution in '$1'"}, {'errUnknownVar': "unknown variable: '$1'"}, {'errUnknownCcompiler': "unknown C compiler: '$1'"}, {'errOnOrOffExpectedButXFound': "'on' or 'off' expected, but '$1' found"}, {'errNoneBoehmRefcExpectedButXFound': "'none', 'boehm' or 'refc' expected, but '$1' found"}, {'errNoneSpeedOrSizeExpectedButXFound': "'none', 'speed' or 'size' expected, but '$1' found"}, {'errGuiConsoleOrLibExpectedButXFound': "'gui', 'console' or 'lib' expected, but '$1' found"}, {'errUnknownOS': "unknown OS: '$1'"}, {'errUnknownCPU': "unknown CPU: '$1'"}, {'errGenOutExpectedButXFound': "'c', 'c++' or 'yaml' expected, but '$1' found"}, {'errArgsNeedRunOption': "arguments can only be given if the '--run' option is selected"}, {'errInvalidMultipleAsgn': 'multiple assignment is not allowed'}, {'errColonOrEqualsExpected': "':' or '=' expected, but found '$1'"}, {'errExprExpected': "expression expected, but found '$1'"}, {'errUndeclaredIdentifier': "undeclared identifier: '$1'"}, {'errUseQualifier': "ambigious identifier: '$1' -- use a qualifier"}, {'errTwiceForwarded': "'$1' is forwarded twice"}, {'errTypeExpected': 'type expected'}, {'errSystemNeeds': "system module needs '$1'"}, {'errExecutionOfProgramFailed': 'execution of an external program failed'}, {'errNotOverloadable': "overloaded '$1' leads to ambigious calls"}, {'errInvalidArgForX': "invalid argument for '$1'"}, {'errStmtHasNoEffect': 'statement has no effect'}, {'errXExpectsTypeOrValue': "'$1' expects a type or value"}, {'errXExpectsArrayType': "'$1' expects an array type"}, {'errIteratorCannotBeInstantiated': "'$1' cannot be instantiated because its body has not been compiled yet"}, {'errExprWithNoTypeCannotBeConverted': 'expression with no type cannot be converted'}, {'errExprWithNoTypeCannotBeCasted': 'expression with no type cannot be casted'}, {'errConstantDivisionByZero': 'constant division by zero'}, {'errOrdinalTypeExpected': 'ordinal type expected'}, {'errOrdinalOrFloatTypeExpected': 'ordinal or float type expected'}, {'errOverOrUnderflow': 'over- or underflow'}, {'errCannotEvalXBecauseIncompletelyDefined': "cannot evalutate '$1' because type is not defined completely"}, {'errChrExpectsRange0_255': "'chr' expects an int in the range 0..255"}, {'errStaticAssertFailed': "'staticAssert' failed: condition is false"}, {'errStaticAssertCannotBeEval': "argument to 'staticAssert' cannot be evaluated at compile time"}, {'errDotRequiresRecordOrObjectType': "'.' requires a record or object type"}, {'errUndeclaredFieldX': "undeclared field: '$1'"}, {'errNilAccess': 'attempt to access a nil address'}, {'errIndexOutOfBounds': 'index out of bounds'}, {'errIndexTypesDoNotMatch': 'index types do not match'}, {'errBracketsInvalidForType': "'[]' operator invalid for this type"}, {'errValueOutOfSetBounds': 'value out of set bounds'}, {'errFieldInitTwice': "field initialized twice: '$1'"}, {'errFieldNotInit': "field '$1' not initialized"}, {'errExprCannotBeCalled': 'expression cannot be called'}, {'errExprHasNoType': 'expression has no type'}, {'errExprXHasNoType': "expression '$1' has no type"}, {'errCastNotInSafeMode': "'cast' not allowed in safe mode"}, {'errExprCannotBeCastedToX': 'expression cannot be casted to $1'}, {'errUndefinedPrefixOpr': 'undefined prefix operator: $1'}, {'errCommaOrParRiExpected': "',' or ')' expected"}, {'errCurlyLeOrParLeExpected': "'{' or '(' expected"}, {'errSectionExpected': "section ('type', 'proc', etc.) expected"}, {'errImplemenationExpected': "'implementation' or end of file expected"}, {'errRangeExpected': 'range expected'}, {'errInvalidTypeDescription': 'invalid type description'}, {'errAttemptToRedefineX': "attempt to redefine '$1'"}, {'errMagicOnlyInSystem': "'magic' only allowed in system module"}, {'errUnknownOperatorX': "unkown operator: '$1'"}, {'errPowerOfTwoExpected': 'power of two expected'}, {'errStringMayNotBeEmpty': 'string literal may not be empty'}, {'errCallConvExpected': 'calling convention expected'}, {'errProcOnlyOneCallConv': 'a proc can only have one calling convention'}, {'errSymbolMustBeImported': "symbol must be imported if 'lib' pragma is used"}, {'errExprMustBeBool': "expression must be of type 'bool'"}, {'errConstExprExpected': 'constant expression expected'}, {'errDuplicateCaseLabel': 'duplicate case label'}, {'errRangeIsEmpty': 'range is empty'}, {'errSelectorMustBeOfCertainTypes': 'selector must be of an ordinal type, real or string'}, {'errSelectorMustBeOrdinal': 'selector must be of an ordinal type'}, {'errOrdXMustNotBeNegative': 'ord($1) must not be negative'}, {'errLenXinvalid': 'len($1) must be less than 32768'}, {'errWrongNumberOfVariables': 'wrong number of variables'}, {'errExprCannotBeRaised': 'only objects can be raised'}, {'errBreakOnlyInLoop': "'break' only allowed in loop construct"}, {'errTypeXhasUnknownSize': "type '$1' has unknown size"}, {'errConstNeedsConstExpr': 'a constant can only be initialized with a constant expression'}, {'errConstNeedsValue': 'a constant needs a value'}, {'errResultCannotBeOpenArray': 'the result type cannot be on open array'}, {'errSizeTooBig': "computing the type's size produced an overflow"}, {'errSetTooBig': 'set is too large'}, {'errBaseTypeMustBeOrdinal': 'base type of a set must be an ordinal'}, {'errInheritanceOnlyWithNonFinalObjects': 'inheritance only works with non-final objects'}, {'errInheritanceOnlyWithEnums': 'inheritance only works with an enum'}, {'errIllegalRecursionInTypeX': "illegal recursion in type '$1'"}, {'errCannotInstantiateX': "cannot instantiate: '$1'"}, {'errExprHasNoAddress': "expression has no address"}, {'errVarForOutParamNeeded': "for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed"}, {'errPureTypeMismatch': 'type mismatch'}, {'errTypeMismatch': 'type mismatch: got ('}, {'errButExpected': 'but expected one of: '}, {'errButExpectedX': "but expected '$1'"}, {'errAmbigiousCallXYZ': 'ambigious call; both $1 and $2 match for: $3'}, {'errWrongNumberOfTypeParams': 'wrong number of type parameters'}, {'errOutParamNoDefaultValue': 'out parameters cannot have default values'}, {'errInlineProcHasNoAddress': 'an inline proc has no address'}, {'errXCannotBeInParamDecl': '$1 cannot be declared in parameter declaration'}, {'errPragmaOnlyInHeaderOfProc': 'pragmas are only in the header of a proc allowed'}, {'errImplOfXNotAllowed': "implementation of '$1' is not allowed"}, {'errImplOfXexpected': "implementation of '$1' expected"}, {'errNoSymbolToBorrowFromFound': "no symbol to borrow from found"}, {'errDiscardValue': 'value returned by statement has to be discarded'}, {'errInvalidDiscard': 'statement returns no value that can be discarded'}, {'errUnknownPrecedence': "unknown precedence for operator; use 'infix: prec' pragma"}, {'errIllegalConvFromXtoY': 'conversion from $1 to $2 is invalid'}, {'errTypeMismatchExpectedXGotY': "type mismatch: expected '$1', but got '$2'"}, {'errCannotBindXTwice': "cannot bind parameter '$1' twice"}, {'errInvalidOrderInEnumX': "invalid order in enum '$1'"}, {'errEnumXHasWholes': "enum '$1' has wholes"}, {'errExceptExpected': "'except' or 'finally' expected"}, {'errInvalidTry': "after catch all 'except' or 'finally' no section may follow"}, {'errEofExpectedButXFound': "end of file expected, but found token '$1'"}, {'errOptionExpected': "option expected, but found '$1'"}, {'errCannotEvaluateForwardConst': 'cannot evaluate forwarded constant'}, {'errXisNoLabel': "'$1' is not a label"}, {'errXNeedsConcreteType': "'$1' needs to be of a non-generic type"}, {'errNotAllCasesCovered': 'not all cases are covered'}, {'errStringRange': 'string range in case statement not allowed'}, {'errUnkownSubstitionVar': "unknown substitution variable: '$1'"}, {'errComplexStmtRequiresInd': 'complex statement requires indentation'}, {'errXisNotCallable': "'$1' is not callable"}, {'errNoPragmasAllowedForX': 'no pragmas allowed for $1'}, {'errNoGenericParamsAllowedForX': 'no generic parameters allowed for $1'}, {'errInvalidParamKindX': "invalid param kind: '$1'"}, {'errDefaultArgumentInvalid': 'default argument invalid'}, {'errNamedParamHasToBeIdent': 'named parameter has to be an identifier'}, {'errNoReturnTypeForX': 'no return type for $1 allowed'}, {'errConvNeedsOneArg': 'a type conversion needs exactly one argument'}, {'errInvalidPragmaX': 'invalid pragma: $1'}, {'errXNotAllowedHere': '$1 here not allowed'}, {'errInvalidControlFlowX': 'invalid control flow: $1'}, {'errATypeHasNoValue': 'a type has no value'}, {'errXisNoType': "invalid type: '$1'"}, {'errCircumNeedsPointer': "'^' needs a pointer or reference type"}, {'errInvalidContextForBuiltinX': "invalid context for builtin '$1'"}, {'errInvalidExpression': 'invalid expression'}, {'errInvalidExpressionX': "invalid expression: '$1'"}, {'errEnumHasNoValueX': "enum has no value '$1'"}, {'errNamedExprExpected': 'named expression expected'}, {'errNamedExprNotAllowed': 'named expression here not allowed'}, {'errXExpectsOneTypeParam': "'$1' expects one type parameter"}, {'errArrayExpectsTwoTypeParams': 'array expects two type parameters'}, {'errInvalidVisibilityX': "invalid invisibility: '$1'"}, {'errInitHereNotAllowed': 'initialization here not allowed'}, {'errXCannotBeAssignedTo': "'$1' cannot be assigned to"}, {'errIteratorNotAllowed': "iterators can only be defined at the module's top level"}, {'errIteratorNeedsImplementation': 'iterator needs an implementation'}, {'errIteratorNeedsReturnType': 'iterator needs a return type'}, {'errInvalidCommandX': "invalid command: '$1'"}, {'errXOnlyAtModuleScope': "'$1' is only allowed at top level"}, {'errTypeXNeedsImplementation': "type '$1' needs an implementation"}, {'errTemplateInstantiationTooNested': 'template instantiation too nested'}, {'errInstantiationFrom': 'instantiation from here'}, {'errInvalidIndexValueForTuple': 'invalid index value for tuple subscript'}, {'errCommandExpectsFilename': 'command expects a filename argument'}, {'errXExpected': "'$1' expected"}, {'errInvalidSectionStart': 'invalid section start'}, {'errGridTableNotImplemented': 'grid table is not implemented'}, {'errGeneralParseError': 'general parse error'}, {'errNewSectionExpected': 'new section expected'}, {'errWhitespaceExpected': "whitespace expected, got '$1'"}, {'errXisNoValidIndexFile': "'$1' is no valid index file"}, {'errCannotRenderX': "cannot render reStructuredText element '$1'"}, {'errVarVarTypeNotAllowed': "type 'var var' is not allowed"}, {'errIsExpectsTwoArguments': "'is' expects two arguments"}, {'errIsExpectsObjectTypes': "'is' expects object types"}, {'errXcanNeverBeOfThisSubtype': "'$1' can never be of this subtype"}, {'errTooManyIterations': "interpretation requires too many iterations"}, {'errCannotInterpretNodeX': "cannot interpret node kind '$1'"}, {'errFieldXNotFound': "field '$1' cannot be found"}, {'errInvalidConversionFromTypeX': "invalid conversion from type '$1'"}, {'errAssertionFailed': "assertion failed"}, {'errCannotGenerateCodeForX': "cannot generate code for '$1'"}, {'errXNeedsReturnType': "converter needs return type"}, {'errXRequiresOneArgument': "converter requires one parameter"}, {'errUnhandledExceptionX': "unhandled exception: $1"}, {'errCyclicTree': "macro returned a cyclic abstract syntax tree"}, {'errXisNoMacroOrTemplate': "'$1' is no macro or template"}, # user error message: {'errUser': '$1'}, # warnings: {'warnCannotOpenFile': "cannot open '$1'"}, {'warnOctalEscape': 'octal escape sequences do not exist; leading zero is ignored'}, {'warnXIsNeverRead': "'$1' is never read"}, {'warnXmightNotBeenInit': "'$1' might not have been initialized"}, {'warnCannotWriteMO2': "cannot write file '$1'"}, {'warnCannotReadMO2': "cannot read file '$1'"}, {'warnDeprecated': "'$1' is deprecated"}, {'warnSmallLshouldNotBeUsed': "'l' should not be used as an identifier; may look like '1' (one)"}, {'warnUnknownMagic': "unknown magic '$1' might crash the compiler"}, {'warnRedefinitionOfLabel': "redefinition of label '$1'"}, {'warnUnknownSubstitutionX': "unknown substitution '$1'"}, {'warnLanguageXNotSupported': "language '$1' not supported"}, {'warnCommentXIgnored': "comment '$1' ignored"}, # user warning message: {'warnUser': '$1'}, # hints: {'hintSuccess': 'operation successful'}, {'hintSuccessX': 'operation successful ($1 lines compiled; $2 sec total)'}, {'hintLineTooLong': 'line too long'}, {'hintXDeclaredButNotUsed': "'$1' is declared but not used"}, {'hintConvToBaseNotNeeded': 'conversion to base object is not needed'}, {'hintConvFromXtoItselfNotNeeded': 'conversion from $1 to itself is pointless'}, {'hintExprAlwaysX': "expression evaluates always to '$1'"}, {'hintQuitCalled': "quit() called"}, {'hintProcessing': "$1"}, {'hintCodeBegin': "generated code listing:"}, {'hintCodeEnd': "end of listing"}, {'hintConf': "used config file '$1'"}, # user hint message: {'hintUser': '$1'} ]