Advanced commands: //compileToC, cc compile project with C code generator //compileToOC, oc compile project to Objective C code //rst2html convert a reStructuredText file to HTML //rst2tex convert a reStructuredText file to TeX //run run the project (with Tiny C backend; buggy!) //pretty pretty print the inputfile //genDepend generate a DOT file containing the module dependency graph //dump dump all defined conditionals and search paths //check checks the project for syntax and semantic //idetools compiler support for IDEs: possible options: --track:FILE,LINE,COL track a file/cursor position --suggest suggest all possible symbols at position --def list all possible symbols at position --context list possible invokation context Advanced options: -o, --out:FILE set the output filename --stdout output to stdout -w, --warnings:on|off turn all warnings on|off --warning[X]:on|off turn specific warning X on|off --hints:on|off turn all hints on|off --hint[X]:on|off turn specific hint X on|off --lib:PATH set the system library path -c, --compileOnly compile only; do not assemble or link --noLinking compile but do not link --noMain do not generate a main procedure --genScript generate a compile script (in the 'nimcache' subdirectory named 'compile_$project$scriptext') --os:SYMBOL set the target operating system (cross-compilation) --cpu:SYMBOL set the target processor (cross-compilation) --debuginfo enables debug information --debugger:on|off turn Embedded Nimrod Debugger on|off -t, --passc:OPTION pass an option to the C compiler -l, --passl:OPTION pass an option to the linker --genMapping generate a mapping file containing (Nimrod, mangled) identifier pairs --lineDir:on|off generation of #line directive on|off --threadanalysis:on|off turn thread analysis on|off --skipCfg do not read the general configuration file --skipProjCfg do not read the project's configuration file --gc:refc|boehm|none use Nimrod's native GC|Boehm GC|no GC --index:FILE use FILE to generate a documentation index file --putenv:key=value set an environment variable --listCmd list the commands used to execute external programs --parallelBuild=0|1|... perform a parallel build value = number of processors (0 for auto-detect) --verbosity:0|1|2|3 set Nimrod's verbosity level (0 is default) -v, --version show detailed version information