Short description of Nimrod's modules

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Module          Description
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nimrod          main module: parses the command line and calls
main            implements the top-level command dispatching
nimconf         implements the config file reader
syntaxes        dispatcher for the different parsers and filters
filter_tmpl     standard template filter (``#! stdtempl``)
lexbase         buffer handling of the lexical analyser
lexer           lexical analyser
parser          Nimrod's parser
renderer        Nimrod code renderer (AST back to its textual form)
options         contains global and local compiler options
ast             type definitions of the abstract syntax tree (AST) and
                node constructors
astalgo         algorithms for containers of AST nodes; converting the
                AST to YAML; the symbol table
passes          implement the passes manager for passes over the AST
trees           some algorithms for nodes; this module is less important
types           module for traversing type graphs; also contain several
                helpers for dealing with types

sigmatch        contains the matching algorithm that is used for proc
semexprs        contains the semantic checking phase for expressions
semstmts        contains the semantic checking phase for statements
semtypes        contains the semantic checking phase for types
seminst         instantiation of generic procs and types
semfold         contains code to deal with constant folding
evals           contains an AST interpreter for compile time evaluation
pragmas         semantic checking of pragmas

idents          implements a general mapping from identifiers to an internal
                representation (``PIdent``) that is used, so that a simple
                id-comparison suffices to say whether two Nimrod identifiers
                are equivalent
ropes           implements long strings represented as trees for
                lazy evaluation; used mainly by the code generators

transf          transformations on the AST that need to be done before
                code generation
cgen            main file of the C code generator
ccgutils        contains helpers for the C code generator
ccgtypes        the generator for C types
ccgstmts        the generator for statements
ccgexprs        the generator for expressions
extccomp        this module calls the C compiler and linker; interesting
                if you want to add support for a new C compiler
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