Generics ======== Generics are Nim's means to parametrize procs, iterators or types with `type parameters`:idx:. Depending on context, the brackets are used either to introduce type parameters or to instantiate a generic proc, iterator or type. The following example shows a generic binary tree can be modelled: .. code-block:: nim type BinaryTree*[T] = ref object # BinaryTree is a generic type with # generic param ``T`` le, ri: BinaryTree[T] # left and right subtrees; may be nil data: T # the data stored in a node proc newNode*[T](data: T): BinaryTree[T] = # constructor for a node new(result) = data proc add*[T](root: var BinaryTree[T], n: BinaryTree[T]) = # insert a node into the tree if root == nil: root = n else: var it = root while it != nil: # compare the data items; uses the generic ``cmp`` proc # that works for any type that has a ``==`` and ``<`` operator var c = cmp(, if c < 0: if it.le == nil: it.le = n return it = it.le else: if it.ri == nil: it.ri = n return it = it.ri proc add*[T](root: var BinaryTree[T], data: T) = # convenience proc: add(root, newNode(data)) iterator preorder*[T](root: BinaryTree[T]): T = # Preorder traversal of a binary tree. # Since recursive iterators are not yet implemented, # this uses an explicit stack (which is more efficient anyway): var stack: seq[BinaryTree[T]] = @[root] while stack.len > 0: var n = stack.pop() while n != nil: yield add(stack, n.ri) # push right subtree onto the stack n = n.le # and follow the left pointer var root: BinaryTree[string] # instantiate a BinaryTree with ``string`` add(root, newNode("hello")) # instantiates ``newNode`` and ``add`` add(root, "world") # instantiates the second ``add`` proc for str in preorder(root): stdout.writeLine(str) Is operator ----------- The ``is`` operator checks for type equivalence at compile time. It is therefore very useful for type specialization within generic code: .. code-block:: nim type Table[Key, Value] = object keys: seq[Key] values: seq[Value] when not (Key is string): # nil value for strings used for optimization deletedKeys: seq[bool] Type operator ------------- The ``type`` (in many other languages called `typeof`:idx:) operator can be used to get the type of an expression: .. code-block:: nim var x = 0 var y: type(x) # y has type int If ``type`` is used to determine the result type of a proc/iterator/converter call ``c(X)`` (where ``X`` stands for a possibly empty list of arguments), the interpretation where ``c`` is an iterator is preferred over the other interpretations: .. code-block:: nim import strutils # strutils contains both a ``split`` proc and iterator, but since an # an iterator is the preferred interpretation, `y` has the type ``string``: var y: type("a b c".split) Type Classes ------------ A type class is a special pseudo-type that can be used to match against types in the context of overload resolution or the ``is`` operator. Nim supports the following built-in type classes: ================== =================================================== type class matches ================== =================================================== ``object`` any object type ``tuple`` any tuple type ``enum`` any enumeration ``proc`` any proc type ``ref`` any ``ref`` type ``ptr`` any ``ptr`` type ``var`` any ``var`` type ``distinct`` any distinct type ``array`` any array type ``set`` any set type ``seq`` any seq type ``auto`` any type ``any`` distinct auto (see below) ================== =================================================== Furthermore, every generic type automatically creates a type class of the same name that will match any instantiation of the generic type. Type classes can be combined using the standard boolean operators to form more complex type classes: .. code-block:: nim # create a type class that will match all tuple and object types type RecordType = tuple or object proc printFields(rec: RecordType) = for key, value in fieldPairs(rec): echo key, " = ", value Procedures utilizing type classes in such manner are considered to be `implicitly generic`:idx:. They will be instantiated once for each unique combination of param types used within the program. Nim also allows for type classes and regular types to be specified as `type constraints`:idx: of the generic type parameter: .. code-block:: nim proc onlyIntOrString[T: int|string](x, y: T) = discard onlyIntOrString(450, 616) # valid onlyIntOrString(5.0, 0.0) # type mismatch onlyIntOrString("xy", 50) # invalid as 'T' cannot be both at the same time By default, during overload resolution each named type class will bind to exactly one concrete type. We call such type classes `bind once`:idx: types. Here is an example taken directly from the system module to illustrate this: .. code-block:: nim proc `==`*(x, y: tuple): bool = ## requires `x` and `y` to be of the same tuple type ## generic ``==`` operator for tuples that is lifted from the components ## of `x` and `y`. result = true for a, b in fields(x, y): if a != b: result = false Alternatively, the ``distinct`` type modifier can be applied to the type class to allow each param matching the type class to bind to a different type. Such type classes are called `bind many`:idx: types. Procs written with the implicitly generic style will often need to refer to the type parameters of the matched generic type. They can be easily accessed using the dot syntax: .. code-block:: nim type Matrix[T, Rows, Columns] = object ... proc `[]`(m: Matrix, row, col: int): Matrix.T =[col * high(Matrix.Columns) + row] Alternatively, the `type` operator can be used over the proc params for similar effect when anonymous or distinct type classes are used. When a generic type is instantiated with a type class instead of a concrete type, this results in another more specific type class: .. code-block:: nim seq[ref object] # Any sequence storing references to any object type type T1 = auto proc foo(s: seq[T1], e: T1) # seq[T1] is the same as just `seq`, but T1 will be allowed to bind # to a single type, while the signature is being matched Matrix[Ordinal] # Any Matrix instantiation using integer values As seen in the previous example, in such instantiations, it's not necessary to supply all type parameters of the generic type, because any missing ones will be inferred to have the equivalent of the `any` type class and thus they will match anything without discrimination. Concepts -------- **Note**: Concepts are still in development. Concepts, also known as "user-defined type classes", are used to specify an arbitrary set of requirements that the matched type must satisfy. Concepts are written in the following form: .. code-block:: nim type Comparable = concept x, y (x < y) is bool Stack[T] = concept s, var v s.pop() is T v.push(T) s.len is Ordinal for value in s: value is T The concept is a match if: a) all of the expressions within the body can be compiled for the tested type b) all statically evaluable boolean expressions in the body must be true The identifiers following the ``concept`` keyword represent instances of the currently matched type. You can apply any of the standard type modifiers such as ``var``, ``ref``, ``ptr`` and ``static`` to denote a more specific type of instance. You can also apply the `type` modifier to create a named instance of the type itself: .. code-block:: nim type MyConcept = concept x, var v, ref r, ptr p, static s, type T ... Within the concept body, types can appear in positions where ordinary values and parameters are expected. This provides a more convenient way to check for the presence of callable symbols with specific signatures: .. code-block:: nim type OutputStream = concept var s s.write(string) In order to check for symbols accepting ``typedesc`` params, you must prefix the type with an explicit ``type`` modifier. The named instance of the type, following the ``concept`` keyword is also considered an explicit ``typedesc`` value that will be matched only as a type. .. code-block:: nim type # Let's imagine a user-defined casting framework with operators # such as `` and ``. We can test # for these with the following concept: MyCastables = concept x string) JSonValue) # Let's define a couple of concepts, known from Algebra: AdditiveMonoid* = concept x, y, type T x + y is T is T # require a proc such as `` or '' AdditiveGroup* = concept x, y, type T x is AdditiveMonoid -x is T x - y is T Please note that the ``is`` operator allows one to easily verify the precise type signatures of the required operations, but since type inference and default parameters are still applied in the concept body, it's also possible to describe usage protocols that do not reveal implementation details. Much like generics, concepts are instantiated exactly once for each tested type and any static code included within the body is executed only once. Concept diagnostics ------------------- By default, the compiler will report the matching errors in concepts only when no other overload can be selected and a normal compilation error is produced. When you need to understand why the compiler is not matching a particular concept and, as a result, a wrong overload is selected, you can apply the ``explain`` pragma to either the concept body or a particular call-site. .. code-block:: nim type MyConcept {.explain.} = concept ... overloadedProc(x, y, z) {.explain.} This will provide Hints in the compiler output either every time the concept is not matched or only on the particular call-site. Generic concepts and type binding rules --------------------------------------- The concept types can be parametric just like the regular generic types: .. code-block:: nim ### matrixalgo.nim import typetraits type AnyMatrix*[R, C: static[int]; T] = concept m, var mvar, type M M.ValueType is T M.Rows == R M.Cols == C m[int, int] is T mvar[int, int] = T type TransposedType = stripGenericParams(M)[C, R, T] AnySquareMatrix*[N: static[int], T] = AnyMatrix[N, N, T] AnyTransform3D* = AnyMatrix[4, 4, float] proc transposed*(m: AnyMatrix): m.TransposedType = for r in 0 .. T) is MatchedGenericType[T] # And it should provide a way to map one instance of # the Functor to a instance of a different type, given # a suitable `map` operation for the enclosed values import options echo Option[int] is Functor # prints true Concept derived values ---------------------- All top level constants or types appearing within the concept body are accessible through the dot operator in procs where the concept was successfully matched to a concrete type: .. code-block:: nim type DateTime = concept t1, t2, type T const Min = T.MinDate T.Now is T t1 < t2 is bool type TimeSpan = type(t1 - t2) TimeSpan * int is TimeSpan TimeSpan + TimeSpan is TimeSpan t1 + TimeSpan is T proc eventsJitter(events: Enumerable[DateTime]): float = var # this variable will have the inferred TimeSpan type for # the concrete Date-like value the proc was called with: averageInterval: DateTime.TimeSpan deviation: float ... Concept refinement ------------------ When the matched type within a concept is directly tested against a different concept, we say that the outer concept is a refinement of the inner concept and thus it is more-specific. When both concepts are matched in a call during overload resolution, Nim will assign a higher precedence to the most specific one. As an alternative way of defining concept refinements, you can use the object inheritance syntax involving the ``of`` keyword: .. code-block:: nim type Graph = concept g, type G of EqualyComparable, Copyable type VertexType = G.VertexType EdgeType = G.EdgeType VertexType is Copyable EdgeType is Copyable var v: VertexType e: EdgeType IncidendeGraph = concept of Graph # symbols such as variables and types from the refined # concept are automatically in scope: g.source(e) is VertexType is VertexType g.outgoingEdges(v) is Enumerable[EdgeType] BidirectionalGraph = concept g, type G # The following will also turn the concept into a refinement when it # comes to overload resolution, but it doesn't provide the convenient # symbol inheritance g is IncidendeGraph g.incomingEdges(G.VertexType) is Enumerable[G.EdgeType] proc f(g: IncidendeGraph) proc f(g: BidirectionalGraph) # this one will be preferred if we pass a type # matching the BidirectionalGraph concept Converter type classes ---------------------- Concepts can also be used to convert a whole range of types to a single type or a small set of simpler types. This is achieved with a `return` statement within the concept body: .. code-block:: nim type Stringable = concept x $x is string return $x StringRefValue[CharType] = object base: ptr CharType len: int StringRef = concept x # the following would be an overloaded proc for cstring, string, seq and # other user-defined types, returning either a StringRefValue[char] or # StringRefValue[wchar] return makeStringRefValue(x) # the varargs param will here be converted to an array of StringRefValues # the proc will have only two instantiations for the two character types proc log(format: static[string], varargs[StringRef]) # this proc will allow char and wchar values to be mixed in # the same call at the cost of additional instantiations # the varargs param will be converted to a tuple proc log(format: static[string], varargs[distinct StringRef]) VTable types ------------ Concepts allow Nim to define a great number of algorithms, using only static polymorphism and without erasing any type information or sacrificing any execution speed. But when polymorphic collections of objects are required, the user must use one of the provided type erasure techniques - either common base types or VTable types. VTable types are represented as "fat pointers" storing a reference to an object together with a reference to a table of procs implementing a set of required operations (the so called vtable). In contrast to other programming languages, the vtable in Nim is stored externally to the object, allowing you to create multiple different vtable views for the same object. Thus, the polymorphism in Nim is unbounded - any type can implement an unlimited number of protocols or interfaces not originally envisioned by the type's author. Any concept type can be turned into a VTable type by using the ``vtref`` or the ``vtptr`` compiler magics. Under the hood, these magics generate a converter type class, which converts the regular instances of the matching types to the corresponding VTable type. .. code-block:: nim type IntEnumerable = vtref Enumerable[int] MyObject = object enumerables: seq[IntEnumerable] streams: seq[OutputStream.vtref] proc addEnumerable(o: var MyObject, e: IntEnumerable) = o.enumerables.add e proc addStream(o: var MyObject, e: OutputStream.vtref) = o.streams.add e The procs that will be included in the vtable are derived from the concept body and include all proc calls for which all param types were specified as concrete types. All such calls should include exactly one param of the type matched against the concept (not necessarily in the first position), which will be considered the value bound to the vtable. Overloads will be created for all captured procs, accepting the vtable type in the position of the captured underlying object. Under these rules, it's possible to obtain a vtable type for a concept with unbound type parameters or one instantiated with metatypes (type classes), but it will include a smaller number of captured procs. A completely empty vtable will be reported as an error. The ``vtref`` magic produces types which can be bound to ``ref`` types and the ``vtptr`` magic produced types bound to ``ptr`` types. Symbol lookup in generics ------------------------- Open and Closed symbols ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The symbol binding rules in generics are slightly subtle: There are "open" and "closed" symbols. A "closed" symbol cannot be re-bound in the instantiation context, an "open" symbol can. Per default overloaded symbols are open and every other symbol is closed. Open symbols are looked up in two different contexts: Both the context at definition and the context at instantiation are considered: .. code-block:: nim type Index = distinct int proc `==` (a, b: Index): bool {.borrow.} var a = (0, 0.Index) var b = (0, 0.Index) echo a == b # works! In the example the generic ``==`` for tuples (as defined in the system module) uses the ``==`` operators of the tuple's components. However, the ``==`` for the ``Index`` type is defined *after* the ``==`` for tuples; yet the example compiles as the instantiation takes the currently defined symbols into account too. Mixin statement --------------- A symbol can be forced to be open by a `mixin`:idx: declaration: .. code-block:: nim proc create*[T](): ref T = # there is no overloaded 'init' here, so we need to state that it's an # open symbol explicitly: mixin init new result init result Bind statement -------------- The ``bind`` statement is the counterpart to the ``mixin`` statement. It can be used to explicitly declare identifiers that should be bound early (i.e. the identifiers should be looked up in the scope of the template/generic definition): .. code-block:: nim # Module A var lastId = 0 template genId*: untyped = bind lastId inc(lastId) lastId .. code-block:: nim # Module B import A echo genId() But a ``bind`` is rarely useful because symbol binding from the definition scope is the default.