=================================== Nimrod Compiler User Guide =================================== :Author: Andreas Rumpf :Version: |nimrodversion| .. contents:: "Look at you, hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?" Introduction ============ This document describes the usage of the *Nimrod compiler* on the different supported platforms. It is not a definition of the Nimrod programming language (therefore is the `manual `_). Nimrod is free software; it is licensed under the `GNU General Public License `_. Compiler Usage ============== Command line switches --------------------- Basis command line switches are: .. include:: ../data/basicopt.txt Advanced command line switches are: .. include:: ../data/advopt.txt Configuration file ------------------ The default configuration file is ``nimrod.cfg``. The ``nimrod`` executable looks for it in the following directories (in this order): 1. ``/home/$user/.config/nimrod.cfg`` (UNIX) or ``%APPDATA%/nimrod.cfg`` (Windows) 2. ``$nimrod/config/nimrod.cfg`` (UNIX), ``%NIMROD%/config/nimrod.cfg`` (Windows) 3. ``/etc/nimrod.cfg`` (UNIX) The search stops as soon as a configuration file has been found. The reading of ``nimrod.cfg`` can be suppressed by the ``--skipCfg`` command line option. **Note:** The *project file name* is the name of the ``.nim`` file that is passed as a command line argument to the compiler. Configuration settings can be overwritten individually in a project specific configuration file that is read automatically. This specific file has to be in the same directory as the project and be of the same name, except that its extension should be ``.cfg``. Command line settings have priority over configuration file settings. Generated C code directory -------------------------- The generated files that Nimrod produces all go into a subdirectory called ``nimcache`` in your project directory. This makes it easy to delete all generated files. However, the generated C code is not platform independent. C code generated for Linux does not compile on Windows, for instance. The comment on top of the C file lists the OS, CPU and CC the file has been compiled for. .. DLL generation ============== Nimrod supports the generation of DLLs. However, there must be only one instance of the GC per process/address space. This instance is contained in ``nimrtl.dll``. This means that every generated Nimrod DLL depends on ``nimrtl.dll``. To generate the "nimrtl.dll" file, use the command:: nimrod c -d:release lib/nimrtl.nim Additional Features =================== This section describes Nimrod's additional features that are not listed in the Nimrod manual. Some of the features here only make sense for the C code generator and are subject to change. NoDecl pragma ------------- The `noDecl`:idx: pragma can be applied to almost any symbol (variable, proc, type, etc.) and is sometimes useful for interoperability with C: It tells Nimrod that it should not generate a declaration for the symbol in the C code. For example: .. code-block:: Nimrod var EACCES {.importc, noDecl.}: cint # pretend EACCES was a variable, as # Nimrod does not know its value However, the ``header`` pragma is often the better alternative. **Note**: This will not work for the LLVM backend. Header pragma ------------- The `header`:idx: pragma is very similar to the ``noDecl`` pragma: It can be applied to almost any symbol and specifies that it should not be declared and instead the generated code should contain an ``#include``: .. code-block:: Nimrod type PFile {.importc: "FILE*", header: "".} = distinct pointer # import C's FILE* type; Nimrod will treat it as a new pointer type The ``header`` pragma always expects a string constant. The string contant contains the header file: As usual for C, a system header file is enclosed in angle brackets: ``<>``. If no angle brackets are given, Nimrod encloses the header file in ``""`` in the generated C code. **Note**: This will not work for the LLVM backend. LineDir option -------------- The `lineDir`:idx: option can be turned on or off. If turned on the generated C code contains ``#line`` directives. This may be helpful for debugging with GDB. StackTrace option ----------------- If the `stackTrace`:idx: option is turned on, the generated C contains code to ensure that proper stack traces are given if the program crashes or an uncaught exception is raised. LineTrace option ---------------- The `lineTrace`:idx: option implies the ``stackTrace`` option. If turned on, the generated C contains code to ensure that proper stack traces with line number information are given if the program crashes or an uncaught exception is raised. Debugger option --------------- The `debugger`:idx: option enables or disables the *Embedded Nimrod Debugger*. See the documentation of endb_ for further information. Breakpoint pragma ----------------- The *breakpoint* pragma was specially added for the sake of debugging with ENDB. See the documentation of `endb `_ for further information. Volatile pragma --------------- The `volatile`:idx: pragma is for variables only. It declares the variable as ``volatile``, whatever that means in C/C++. **Note**: This pragma will not exist for the LLVM backend. Debugging with Nimrod ===================== Nimrod comes with its own *Embedded Nimrod Debugger*. See the documentation of endb_ for further information. Optimizing for Nimrod ===================== Nimrod has no separate optimizer, but the C code that is produced is very efficient. Most C compilers have excellent optimizers, so usually it is not needed to optimize one's code. Nimrod has been designed to encourage efficient code: The most readable code in Nimrod is often the most efficient too. However, sometimes one has to optimize. Do it in the following order: 1. switch off the embedded debugger (it is **slow**!) 2. turn on the optimizer and turn off runtime checks 3. profile your code to find where the bottlenecks are 4. try to find a better algorithm 5. do low-level optimizations This section can only help you with the last item. Optimizing string handling -------------------------- String assignments are sometimes expensive in Nimrod: They are required to copy the whole string. However, the compiler is often smart enough to not copy strings. Due to the argument passing semantics, strings are never copied when passed to subroutines. The compiler does not copy strings that are a result from a procedure call, because the callee returns a new string anyway. Thus it is efficient to do: .. code-block:: Nimrod var s = procA() # assignment will not copy the string; procA allocates a new # string already However it is not efficient to do: .. code-block:: Nimrod var s = varA # assignment has to copy the whole string into a new buffer! .. String case statements are optimized too. A hashing scheme is used for them if several different string constants are used. This is likely to be more efficient than any hand-coded scheme. .. The ECMAScript code generator ============================= Note: As of version 0.7.0 the ECMAScript code generator is not maintained any longer. Help if you are interested. Note: I use the term `ECMAScript`:idx: here instead of `JavaScript`:idx:, since it is the proper term. The ECMAScript code generator is experimental! Nimrod targets ECMAScript 1.5 which is supported by any widely used browser. Since ECMAScript does not have a portable means to include another module, Nimrod just generates a long ``.js`` file. Features or modules that the ECMAScript platform does not support are not available. This includes: * manual memory management (``alloc``, etc.) * casting and other unsafe operations (``cast`` operator, ``zeroMem``, etc.) * file management * most modules of the Standard library * proper 64 bit integer arithmetic * proper unsigned integer arithmetic However, the modules `strutils`:idx:, `math`:idx:, and `times`:idx: are available! To access the DOM, use the `dom`:idx: module that is only available for the ECMAScript platform.