                  Parallel & Spawn

Nim has two flavors of parallelism:
1) `Structured`:idx parallelism via the ``parallel`` statement.
2) `Unstructured`:idx: parallelism via the standalone ``spawn`` statement.

Both need the `threadpool <threadpool.html>`_ module to work.

Somewhat confusingly, ``spawn`` is also used in the ``parallel`` statement
with slightly different semantics. ``spawn`` always takes a call expression of
the form ``f(a, ...)``. Let ``T`` be ``f``'s return type. If ``T`` is ``void``
then ``spawn``'s return type is also ``void``. Within a ``parallel`` section
``spawn``'s return type is ``T``, otherwise it is ``FlowVar[T]``.

The compiler can ensure the location in ``location = spawn f(...)`` is not
read prematurely within a ``parallel`` section and so there is no need for
the overhead of an indirection via ``FlowVar[T]`` to ensure correctness.

Spawn statement

A standalone ``spawn`` statement is a simple construct. It executes
the passed expression on the thread pool and returns a `data flow variable`:idx:
``FlowVar[T]`` that can be read from. The reading with the ``^`` operator is
**blocking**. However, one can use ``awaitAny`` to wait on multiple flow
variables at the same time:

.. code-block:: nim
  import threadpool, ...

  # wait until 2 out of 3 servers received the update:
  proc main =
    var responses = newSeq[FlowVarBase](3)
    for i in 0..2:
      responses[i] = spawn tellServer(Update, "key", "value")
    var index = awaitAny(responses)
    assert index >= 0
    discard awaitAny(responses)

Data flow variables ensure that no data races
are possible. Due to technical limitations not every type ``T`` is possible in
a data flow variable: ``T`` has to be of the type ``ref``, ``string``, ``seq``
or of a type that doesn't contain a type that is garbage collected. This
restriction will be removed in the future.

Parallel statement


.. code-block:: nim
  # Compute PI in an inefficient way
  import strutils, math, threadpool

  proc term(k: float): float = 4 * math.pow(-1, k) / (2*k + 1)

  proc pi(n: int): float =
    var ch = newSeq[float](n+1)
      for k in 0..ch.high:
        ch[k] = spawn term(float(k))
    for k in 0..ch.high:
      result += ch[k]

  echo formatFloat(pi(5000))

The parallel statement is the preferred mechanism to introduce parallelism
in a Nim program. A subset of the Nim language is valid within a
``parallel`` section. This subset is checked to be free of data races at
compile time. A sophisticated `disjoint checker`:idx: ensures that no data
races are possible even though shared memory is extensively supported!

The subset is in fact the full language with the following
restrictions / changes:

* ``spawn`` within a ``parallel`` section has special semantics.
* Every location of the form ``a[i]`` and ``a[i..j]`` and ``dest`` where
  ``dest`` is part of the pattern ``dest = spawn f(...)`` has to be
  provably disjoint. This is called the *disjoint check*.
* Every other complex location ``loc`` that is used in a spawned
  proc (``spawn f(loc)``) has to be immutable for the duration of
  the ``parallel`` section. This is called the *immutability check*. Currently
  it is not specified what exactly "complex location" means. We need to make
  this an optimization!
* Every array access has to be provably within bounds. This is called
  the *bounds check*.
* Slices are optimized so that no copy is performed. This optimization is not
  yet performed for ordinary slices outside of a ``parallel`` section. Slices
  are also special in that they currently do not support negative indexes!