===================== Nim Tutorial (Part I) ===================== :Author: Andreas Rumpf :Version: |nimversion| .. contents:: Introduction ============ .. raw:: html
This document is a tutorial for the programming language *Nim*. This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with basic programming concepts like variables, types or statements but is kept very basic. The `manual"Der Mensch ist doch ein Augentier -- schöne Dinge wünsch ich mir."
# Nim's Runtime Library
# (c) Copyright 2018 Nim contributors
# See the file "copying.txt", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module implements a json parser. It is used
## and exported by the ``json`` standard library
## module, but can also be used in its own right.
import strutils, lexbase, streams, unicode
import std/private/decode_helpers
JsonEventKind* = enum ## enumeration of all events that may occur when parsing
jsonError, ## an error occurred during parsing
jsonEof, ## end of file reached
jsonString, ## a string literal
jsonInt, ## an integer literal
jsonFloat, ## a float literal
jsonTrue, ## the value ``true``
jsonFalse, ## the value ``false``
jsonNull, ## the value ``null``
jsonObjectStart, ## start of an object: the ``{`` token
jsonObjectEnd, ## end of an object: the ``}`` token
jsonArrayStart, ## start of an array: the ``[`` token
jsonArrayEnd ## end of an array: the ``]`` token
TokKind* = enum # must be synchronized with TJsonEventKind!
JsonError* = enum ## enumeration that lists all errors that can occur
errNone, ## no error
errInvalidToken, ## invalid token
errStringExpected, ## string expected
errColonExpected, ## ``:`` expected
errCommaExpected, ## ``,`` expected
errBracketRiExpected, ## ``]`` expected
errCurlyRiExpected, ## ``}`` expected
errQuoteExpected, ## ``"`` or ``'`` expected
errEOC_Expected, ## ``*/`` expected
errEofExpected, ## EOF expected
errExprExpected ## expr expected
ParserState = enum
stateEof, stateStart, stateObject, stateArray, stateExpectArrayComma,
stateExpectObjectComma, stateExpectColon, stateExpectValue
JsonParser* = object of BaseLexer ## the parser object.
a*: string
tok*: TokKind
kind: JsonEventKind
err: JsonError
state: seq[ParserState]
filename: string
rawStringLiterals: bool
JsonKindError* = object of ValueError ## raised by the ``to`` macro if the
## JSON kind is incorrect.
JsonParsingError* = object of ValueError ## is raised for a JSON error
errorMessages*: array[JsonError, string] = [
"no error",
"invalid token",
"string expected",
"':' expected",
"',' expected",
"']' expected",
"'}' expected",
"'\"' or \"'\" expected",
"'*/' expected",
"EOF expected",
"expression expected"
tokToStr: array[TokKind, string] = [
"invalid token",
"string literal",
"int literal",
"float literal",
"{", "}", "[", "]", ":", ","
proc open*(my: var JsonParser, input: Stream, filename: string;
rawStringLiterals = false) =
## initializes the parser with an input stream. `Filename` is only used
## for nice error messages. If `rawStringLiterals` is true, string literals
## are kept with their surrounding quotes and escape sequences in them are
## left untouched too.
lexbase.open(my, input)
my.filename = filename
my.state = @[stateStart]
my.kind = jsonError
my.a = ""
my.rawStringLiterals = rawStringLiterals
proc close*(my: var JsonParser) {.inline.} =
## closes the parser `my` and its associated input stream.
proc str*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} =
## returns the character data for the events: ``jsonInt``, ``jsonFloat``,
## ``jsonString``
assert(my.kind in {jsonInt, jsonFloat, jsonString})
return my.a
proc getInt*(my: JsonParser): BiggestInt {.inline.} =
## returns the number for the event: ``jsonInt``
assert(my.kind == jsonInt)
return parseBiggestInt(my.a)
proc getFloat*(my: JsonParser): float {.inline.} =
## returns the number for the event: ``jsonFloat``
assert(my.kind == jsonFloat)
return parseFloat(my.a)
proc kind*(my: JsonParser): JsonEventKind {.inline.} =
## returns the current event type for the JSON parser
return my.kind
proc getColumn*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} =
## get the current column the parser has arrived at.
result = getColNumber(my, my.bufpos)
proc getLine*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} =
## get the current line the parser has arrived at.
result = my.lineNumber
proc getFilename*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} =
## get the filename of the file that the parser processes.
result = my.filename
proc errorMsg*(my: JsonParser): string =
## returns a helpful error message for the event ``jsonError``
assert(my.kind == jsonError)
result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [
my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), errorMessages[my.err]]
proc errorMsgExpected*(my: JsonParser, e: string): string =
## returns an error message "`e` expected" in the same format as the
## other error messages
result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [
my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), e & " expected"]
proc parseEscapedUTF16*(buf: cstring, pos: var int): int =
result = 0
#UTF-16 escape is always 4 bytes.
for _ in 0..3:
# if char in '0' .. '9', 'a' .. 'f', 'A' .. 'F'
if handleHexChar(buf[pos], result):
return -1
proc parseString(my: var JsonParser): TokKind =
result = tkString
var pos = my.bufpos + 1
if my.rawStringLiterals:
add(my.a, '"')
while true