# # # Maintenance program for Nimrod # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # when defined(gcc) and defined(windows): {.link: "icons/koch.res".} import os, strutils, parseopt, osproc, streams when defined(withUpdate): import httpclient when defined(haveZipLib): import zipfiles const HelpText = """ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Maintenance program for Nimrod | | Version $1| | (c) 2012 Andreas Rumpf | +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ Build time: $2, $3 Usage: koch [options] command [options for command] Options: --help, -h shows this help and quits Possible Commands: boot [options] bootstraps with given command line options clean cleans Nimrod project; removes generated files web generates the website csource [options] builds the C sources for installation zip builds the installation ZIP package inno [options] builds the Inno Setup installer (for Windows) tests run the testsuite update updates nimrod to the latest version from github (compile koch with -d:withUpdate to enable) Boot options: -d:release produce a release version of the compiler -d:tinyc include the Tiny C backend (not supported on Windows) -d:useGnuReadline use the GNU readline library for interactive mode (not needed on Windows) -d:nativeStacktrace use native stack traces (only for Mac OS X or Linux) """ proc boot(args: string) # Forward declaration proc exe(f: string): string = return addFileExt(f, ExeExt) proc exec(cmd: string) = echo(cmd) if execShellCmd(cmd) != 0: quit("FAILURE") proc tryExec(cmd: string): bool = echo(cmd) result = execShellCmd(cmd) == 0 proc csource(args: string) = exec("nimrod cc $1 -r tools/niminst/niminst --var:version=$2 csource compiler/nimrod.ini $1" % [args, NimrodVersion]) proc zip(args: string) = exec("nimrod cc -r tools/niminst/niminst --var:version=$# zip compiler/nimrod.ini" % NimrodVersion) proc buildTool(toolname, args: string) = exec("nimrod cc $# $#" % [args, toolname]) copyFile(dest="bin"/ splitFile(toolname).name.exe, source=toolname.exe) proc inno(args: string) = # make sure we have generated the c2nim and niminst executables: buildTool("tools/niminst/niminst", args) buildTool("compiler/c2nim/c2nim", args) exec("tools" / "niminst" / "niminst --var:version=$# inno compiler/nimrod" % NimrodVersion) proc install(args: string) = exec("sh ./build.sh") proc web(args: string) = exec("nimrod cc -r tools/nimweb.nim web/nimrod --putenv:nimrodversion=$#" % NimrodVersion) # -------------- boot --------------------------------------------------------- const bootOptions = "" # options to pass to the bootstrap process proc findStartNimrod: string = # we try several things before giving up: # * bin/nimrod # * $PATH/nimrod # If these fail, we try to build nimrod with the "build.(sh|bat)" script. var nimrod = "nimrod".exe result = "bin" / nimrod if ExistsFile(result): return for dir in split(getEnv("PATH"), PathSep): if ExistsFile(dir / nimrod): return nimrod when defined(Posix): const buildScript = "build.sh" if ExistsFile(buildScript): if tryExec("./" & buildScript): return "bin" / nimrod else: const buildScript = "build.bat" if ExistsFile(buildScript): if tryExec(buildScript): return "bin" / nimrod echo("Found no nimrod compiler and every attempt to build one failed!") quit("FAILURE") proc safeRemove(filename: string) = if existsFile(filename): removeFile(filename) proc thVersion(i: int): string = result = ("compiler" / "nimrod" & $i).exe proc copyExe(source, dest: string) = safeRemove(dest) copyFile(dest=dest, source=source) inclFilePermissions(dest, {fpUserExec}) proc boot(args: string) = var output = "compiler" / "nimrod".exe var finalDest = "bin" / "nimrod".exe copyExe(findStartNimrod(), 0.thVersion) for i in 0..2: echo "iteration: ", i+1 exec i.thVersion & " cc $# $# compiler" / "nimrod.nim" % [bootOptions, args] if sameFileContent(output, i.thVersion): copyExe(output, finalDest) echo "executables are equal: SUCCESS!" return copyExe(output, (i+1).thVersion) copyExe(output, finalDest) echo "[Warning] executables are still not equal" # -------------- clean -------------------------------------------------------- const cleanExt = [ ".ppu", ".o", ".obj", ".dcu", ".~pas", ".~inc", ".~dsk", ".~dpr", ".map", ".tds", ".err", ".bak", ".pyc", ".exe", ".rod", ".pdb", ".idb" ] ignore = [ ".bzrignore", "nimrod", "nimrod.exe", "koch", "koch.exe" ] proc cleanAux(dir: string) = for kind, path in walkDir(dir): case kind of pcFile: var (dir, name, ext) = splitFile(path) if ext == "" or cleanExt.contains(ext): if not ignore.contains(name): echo "removing: ", path removeFile(path) of pcDir: case splitPath(path).tail of "nimcache": echo "removing dir: ", path removeDir(path) of "dist", ".git": nil else: cleanAux(path) else: nil proc removePattern(pattern: string) = for f in WalkFiles(pattern): echo "removing: ", f removeFile(f) proc clean(args: string) = if ExistsFile("koch.dat"): removeFile("koch.dat") removePattern("web/*.html") removePattern("doc/*.html") cleanAux(getCurrentDir()) for kind, path in walkDir(getCurrentDir() / "build"): if kind == pcDir: echo "removing dir: ", path RemoveDir(path) # -------------- update ------------------------------------------------------- when defined(withUpdate): when defined(windows): {.warning: "Windows users: Make sure to run 'koch update' in Bash.".} proc update(args: string) = when defined(windows): echo("Windows users: Make sure to be running this in Bash. ", "If you aren't, press CTRL+C now.") var thisDir = getAppDir() var git = findExe("git") echo("Checking for git repo and git executable...") if existsDir(thisDir & "/.git") and git != "": echo("Git repo found!") # use git to download latest source echo("Checking for updates...") discard startCmd(git & " fetch origin master") var procs = startCmd(git & " diff origin/master master") var errcode = procs.waitForExit() var output = readLine(procs.outputStream) echo(output) if errcode == 0: if output == "": # No changes echo("No update. Exiting..") return else: echo("Fetching updates from repo...") var pullout = execCmdEx(git & " pull origin master") if pullout[1] != 0: quit("An error has occured.") else: if pullout[0].startsWith("Already up-to-date."): quit("No new changes fetched from the repo. " & "Local branch must be ahead of it. Exiting...") else: quit("An error has occured.") else: echo("No repo or executable found!") when defined(haveZipLib): echo("Falling back.. Downloading source code from repo...") # use dom96's httpclient to download zip downloadFile("https://github.com/Araq/Nimrod/zipball/master", thisDir / "update.zip") try: echo("Extracting source code from archive...") var zip: TZipArchive discard open(zip, thisDir & "/update.zip", fmRead) extractAll(zip, thisDir & "/") except: quit("Error reading archive.") else: quit("No failback available. Exiting...") echo("Starting update...") boot(args) echo("Update complete!") # -------------- tests -------------------------------------------------------- proc tests(args: string) = # we compile the tester with taintMode:on to have a basic # taint mode test :-) exec("nimrod cc --taintMode:on tests/tester") exec(getCurrentDir() / "tests/tester".exe & " reject") exec(getCurrentDir() / "tests/tester".exe & " compile") exec(getCurrentDir() / "tests/tester".exe & " examples") exec(getCurrentDir() / "tests/tester".exe & " run") exec(getCurrentDir() / "tests/tester".exe & " merge") proc showHelp() = quit(HelpText % [NimrodVersion & repeatChar(44-len(NimrodVersion)), CompileDate, CompileTime]) var op = initOptParser() op.next() case op.kind of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption: showHelp() of cmdArgument: case normalize(op.key) of "boot": boot(op.cmdLineRest) of "clean": clean(op.cmdLineRest) of "web": web(op.cmdLineRest) of "csource": csource(op.cmdLineRest) of "zip": zip(op.cmdLineRest) of "inno": inno(op.cmdLineRest) of "install": install(op.cmdLineRest) of "test", "tests": tests(op.cmdLineRest) of "update": when defined(withUpdate): update(op.cmdLineRest) else: quit "this Koch has not been compiled with -d:withUpdate" else: showHelp() of cmdEnd: showHelp()