# # $Xorg: XI.h,v 1.4 2001/02/09 02:03:23 xorgcvs Exp $ # #************************************************************ # #Copyright 1989, 1998 The Open Group # #Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its #documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that #the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that #copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting #documentation. # #The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # #THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR #IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, #FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE #OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN #AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN #CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # #Except as contained in this notice, the name of The Open Group shall not be #used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings #in this Software without prior written authorization from The Open Group. # #Copyright 1989 by Hewlett-Packard Company, Palo Alto, California. # # All Rights Reserved # #Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its #documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, #provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that #both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in #supporting documentation, and that the name of Hewlett-Packard not be #used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the #software without specific, written prior permission. # #HEWLETT-PACKARD DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING #ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL #HEWLETT-PACKARD BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR #ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, #WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, #ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS #SOFTWARE. # #********************************************************/ # $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/XI.h,v 1.5 2001/12/14 19:53:28 dawes Exp $ # # Definitions used by the server, library and client # # Pascal Convertion was made by Ido Kannner - kanerido@actcom.net.il # #Histroy: # 2004/10/15 - Fixed a bug of accessing second based records by removing "paced record" and chnaged it to # "reocrd" only. # 2004/10/07 - Removed the "uses X;" line. The unit does not need it. # 2004/10/03 - Conversion from C header to Pascal unit. # const sz_xGetExtensionVersionReq* = 8 sz_xGetExtensionVersionReply* = 32 sz_xListInputDevicesReq* = 4 sz_xListInputDevicesReply* = 32 sz_xOpenDeviceReq* = 8 sz_xOpenDeviceReply* = 32 sz_xCloseDeviceReq* = 8 sz_xSetDeviceModeReq* = 8 sz_xSetDeviceModeReply* = 32 sz_xSelectExtensionEventReq* = 12 sz_xGetSelectedExtensionEventsReq* = 8 sz_xGetSelectedExtensionEventsReply* = 32 sz_xChangeDeviceDontPropagateListReq* = 12 sz_xGetDeviceDontPropagateListReq* = 8 sz_xGetDeviceDontPropagateListReply* = 32 sz_xGetDeviceMotionEventsReq* = 16 sz_xGetDeviceMotionEventsReply* = 32 sz_xChangeKeyboardDeviceReq* = 8 sz_xChangeKeyboardDeviceReply* = 32 sz_xChangePointerDeviceReq* = 8 sz_xChangePointerDeviceReply* = 32 sz_xGrabDeviceReq* = 20 sz_xGrabDeviceReply* = 32 sz_xUngrabDeviceReq* = 12 sz_xGrabDeviceKeyReq* = 20 sz_xGrabDeviceKeyReply* = 32 sz_xUngrabDeviceKeyReq* = 16 sz_xGrabDeviceButtonReq* = 20 sz_xGrabDeviceButtonReply* = 32 sz_xUngrabDeviceButtonReq* = 16 sz_xAllowDeviceEventsReq* = 12 sz_xGetDeviceFocusReq* = 8 sz_xGetDeviceFocusReply* = 32 sz_xSetDeviceFocusReq* = 16 sz_xGetFeedbackControlReq* = 8 sz_xGetFeedbackControlReply* = 32 sz_xChangeFeedbackControlReq* = 12 sz_xGetDeviceKeyMappingReq* = 8 sz_xGetDeviceKeyMappingReply* = 32 sz_xChangeDeviceKeyMappingReq* = 8 sz_xGetDeviceModifierMappingReq* = 8 sz_xSetDeviceModifierMappingReq* = 8 sz_xSetDeviceModifierMappingReply* = 32 sz_xGetDeviceButtonMappingReq* = 8 sz_xGetDeviceButtonMappingReply* = 32 sz_xSetDeviceButtonMappingReq* = 8 sz_xSetDeviceButtonMappingReply* = 32 sz_xQueryDeviceStateReq* = 8 sz_xQueryDeviceStateReply* = 32 sz_xSendExtensionEventReq* = 16 sz_xDeviceBellReq* = 8 sz_xSetDeviceValuatorsReq* = 8 sz_xSetDeviceValuatorsReply* = 32 sz_xGetDeviceControlReq* = 8 sz_xGetDeviceControlReply* = 32 sz_xChangeDeviceControlReq* = 8 sz_xChangeDeviceControlReply* = 32 const INAME* = "XInputExtension" const XI_KEYBOARD* = "KEYBOARD" XI_MOUSE* = "MOUSE" XI_TABLET* = "TABLET" XI_TOUCHSCREEN* = "TOUCHSCREEN" XI_TOUCHPAD* = "TOUCHPAD" XI_BARCODE* = "BARCODE" XI_BUTTONBOX* = "BUTTONBOX" XI_KNOB_BOX* = "KNOB_BOX" XI_ONE_KNOB* = "ONE_KNOB" XI_NINE_KNOB* = "NINE_KNOB" XI_TRACKBALL* = "TRACKBALL" XI_QUADRATURE* = "QUADRATURE" XI_ID_MODULE* = "ID_MODULE" XI_SPACEBALL* = "SPACEBALL" XI_DATAGLOVE* = "DATAGLOVE" XI_EYETRACKER* = "EYETRACKER" XI_CURSORKEYS* = "CURSORKEYS" XI_FOOTMOUSE* = "FOOTMOUSE" const Dont_Check* = 0 XInput_Initial_Release* = 1 XInput_Add_XDeviceBell* = 2 XInput_Add_XSetDeviceValuators* = 3 XInput_Add_XChangeDeviceControl* = 4 const XI_Absent* = 0 XI_Present* = 1 const XI_Initial_Release_Major* = 1 XI_Initial_Release_Minor* = 0 const XI_Add_XDeviceBell_Major* = 1 XI_Add_XDeviceBell_Minor* = 1 const XI_Add_XSetDeviceValuators_Major* = 1 XI_Add_XSetDeviceValuators_Minor* = 2 const XI_Add_XChangeDeviceControl_Major* = 1 XI_Add_XChangeDeviceControl_Minor* = 3 const DEVICE_RESOLUTION* = 1 const NoSuchExtension* = 1 const COUNT* = 0 CREATE* = 1 const NewPointer* = 0 NewKeyboard* = 1 const XPOINTER* = 0 XKEYBOARD* = 1 const UseXKeyboard* = 0x000000FF const IsXPointer* = 0 IsXKeyboard* = 1 IsXExtensionDevice* = 2 const AsyncThisDevice* = 0 SyncThisDevice* = 1 ReplayThisDevice* = 2 AsyncOtherDevices* = 3 AsyncAll* = 4 SyncAll* = 5 const FollowKeyboard* = 3 RevertToFollowKeyboard* = 3 const DvAccelNum* = int(1) shl 0 DvAccelDenom* = int(1) shl 1 DvThreshold* = int(1) shl 2 const DvKeyClickPercent* = int(1) shl 0 DvPercent* = int(1) shl 1 DvPitch* = int(1) shl 2 DvDuration* = int(1) shl 3 DvLed* = int(1) shl 4 DvLedMode* = int(1) shl 5 DvKey* = int(1) shl 6 DvAutoRepeatMode* = int(1) shl 7 const DvString* = int(1) shl 0 const DvInteger* = int(1) shl 0 const DeviceMode* = int(1) shl 0 Relative* = 0 Absolute* = 1 # Merged from Metrolink tree for XINPUT stuff TS_Raw* = 57 TS_Scaled* = 58 SendCoreEvents* = 59 DontSendCoreEvents* = 60 # End of merged section const ProximityState* = int(1) shl 1 InProximity* = int(0) shl 1 OutOfProximity* = int(1) shl 1 const AddToList* = 0 DeleteFromList* = 1 const KeyClass* = 0 ButtonClass* = 1 ValuatorClass* = 2 FeedbackClass* = 3 ProximityClass* = 4 FocusClass* = 5 OtherClass* = 6 const KbdFeedbackClass* = 0 PtrFeedbackClass* = 1 StringFeedbackClass* = 2 IntegerFeedbackClass* = 3 LedFeedbackClass* = 4 BellFeedbackClass* = 5 const devicePointerMotionHint* = 0 deviceButton1Motion* = 1 deviceButton2Motion* = 2 deviceButton3Motion* = 3 deviceButton4Motion* = 4 deviceButton5Motion* = 5 deviceButtonMotion* = 6 deviceButtonGrab* = 7 deviceOwnerGrabButton* = 8 noExtensionEvent* = 9 const XI_BadDevice* = 0 XI_BadEvent* = 1 XI_BadMode* = 2 XI_DeviceBusy* = 3 XI_BadClass* = 4 # Make XEventClass be a CARD32 for 64 bit servers. Don't affect client # definition of XEventClass since that would be a library interface change. # See the top of X.h for more _XSERVER64 magic. # when defined(XSERVER64): type XEventClass* = CARD32 else: type XEventClass* = int32 #****************************************************************** # * # * Extension version structure. # * # type PXExtensionVersion* = ptr TXExtensionVersion TXExtensionVersion*{.final.} = object present*: int16 major_version*: int16 minor_version*: int16 # implementation