# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2018 Nim Contributors # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # This is the Nim hot code reloading run-time for the native targets. # # This minimal dynamic library is not subject to reloading when the # `hotCodeReloading` build mode is enabled. It's responsible for providing # a permanent memory location for all globals and procs within a program # and orchestrating the reloading. For globals, this is easily achieved # by storing them on the heap. For procs, we produce on the fly simple # trampolines that can be dynamically overwritten to jump to a different # target. In the host program, all globals and procs are first registered # here with ``hcrRegisterGlobal`` and ``hcrRegisterProc`` and then the # returned permanent locations are used in every reference to these symbols # onwards. # # Detailed description: # # When code is compiled with the hotCodeReloading option for native targets # a couple of things happen for all modules in a project: # - the useNimRtl option is forced (including when building the HCR runtime too) # - all modules of a target get built into separate shared libraries # - the smallest granularity of reloads is modules # - for each .c (or .cpp) in the corresponding nimcache folder of the project # a shared object is built with the name of the source file + DLL extension # - only the main module produces whatever the original project type intends # (again in nimcache) and is then copied to its original destination # - linking is done in parallel - just like compilation # - function calls to functions from the same project go through function pointers: # - with a few exceptions - see the nonReloadable pragma # - the forward declarations of the original functions become function # pointers as static globals with the same names # - the original function definitions get suffixed with <name>_actual # - the function pointers get initialized with the address of the corresponding # function in the DatInit of their module through a call to either hcrRegisterProc # or hcrGetProc. When being registered, the <name>_actual address is passed to # hcrRegisterProc and a permanent location is returned and assigned to the pointer. # This way the implementation (<name>_actual) can change but the address for it # will be the same - this works by just updating a jump instruction (trampoline). # For functions from other modules hcrGetProc is used (after they are registered). # - globals are initialized only once and their state is preserved # - including locals with the {.global.} pragma # - their definitions are changed into pointer definitions which are initialized # in the DatInit() of their module with calls to hcrRegisterGlobal (supplying the # size of the type that this HCR runtime should allocate) and a bool is returned # which when true triggers the initialization code for the global (only once). # Globals from other modules: a global pointer coupled with a hcrGetGlobal call. # - globals which have already been initialized cannot have their values changed # by changing their initialization - use a handler or some other mechanism # - new globals can be introduced when reloading # - top-level code (global scope) is executed only once - at the first module load # - the runtime knows every symbol's module owner (globals and procs) # - both the RTL and HCR shared libraries need to be near the program for execution # - same folder, in the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var, etc (depending on OS) # - the main module is responsible for initializing the HCR runtime # - the main module loads the RTL and HCR shared objects # - after that a call to hcrInit() is done in the main module which triggers # the loading of all modules the main one imports, and doing that for the # dependencies of each module recursively. Basically a DFS traversal. # - then initialization takes place with several passes over all modules: # - HcrInit - initializes the pointers for HCR procs such as hcrRegisterProc # - HcrCreateTypeInfos - creates globals which will be referenced in the next pass # - DatInit - usual dat init + register/get procs and get globals # - Init - it does the following multiplexed operations: # - register globals (if already registered - then just retrieve pointer) # - execute top level scope (only if loaded for the first time) # - when modules are loaded the originally built shared libraries get copied in # the same folder and the copies are loaded instead of the original files # - a module import tree is built in the runtime (and maintained when reloading) # - hcrPerformCodeReload # - named `performCodeReload`, requires the hotcodereloading module # - explicitly called by the user - the current active callstack shouldn't contain # any functions which are defined in modules that will be reloaded (or crash!). # The reason is that old dynalic libraries get unloaded. # Example: # if A is the main module and it imports B, then only B is reloadable and only # if when calling hcrPerformCodeReload there is no function defined in B in the # current active callstack at the point of the call (it has to be done from A) # - for reloading to take place the user has to have rebuilt parts of the application # without changes affecting the main module in any way - it shouldn't be rebuilt. # - to determine what needs to be reloaded the runtime starts traversing the import # tree from the root and checks the timestamps of the loaded shared objects # - modules that are no longer referenced are unloaded and cleaned up properly # - symbols (procs/globals) that have been removed in the code are also cleaned up # - so changing the init of a global does nothing, but removing it, reloading, # and then re-introducing it with a new initializer works # - new modules can be imported, and imports can also be reodereded/removed # - hcrReloadNeeded() can be used to determine if any module needs reloading # - named `hasAnyModuleChanged`, requires the hotcodereloading module # - code in the beforeCodeReload/afterCodeReload handlers is executed on each reload # - require the hotcodereloading module # - such handlers can be added and removed # - before each reload all "beforeCodeReload" handlers are executed and after # that all handlers (including "after") from the particular module are deleted # - the order of execution is the same as the order of top-level code execution. # Example: if A imports B which imports C, then all handlers in C will be executed # first (from top to bottom) followed by all from B and lastly all from A # - after the reload all "after" handlers are executed the same way as "before" # - the handlers for a reloaded module are always removed when reloading and then # registered when the top-level scope is executed (thanks to `executeOnReload`) # # TODO next: # # - implement the before/after handlers and hasModuleChanged for the javascript target # - ARM support for the trampolines # - investigate: # - soon the system module might be importing other modules - the init order...? # (revert https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/11971 when working on this) # - rethink the closure iterators # - ability to keep old versions of dynamic libraries alive # - because of async server code # - perhaps with refcounting of .dlls for unfinished closures # - linking with static libs # - all shared objects for each module will (probably) have to link to them # - state in static libs gets duplicated # - linking is slow and therefore iteration time suffers # - have just a single .dll for all .nim files and bulk reload? # - think about the compile/link/passc/passl/emit/injectStmt pragmas # - if a passc pragma is introduced (either written or dragged in by a new # import) the whole command line for compilation changes - for example: # winlean.nim: {.passc: "-DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN".} # - play with plugins/dlls/lfIndirect/lfDynamicLib/lfExportLib - shouldn't add an extra '*' # - everything thread-local related # - tests # - add a new travis build matrix entry which builds everything with HCR enabled # - currently building with useNimRtl is problematic - lots of problems... # - how to supply the nimrtl/nimhcr shared objects to all test binaries...? # - think about building to C++ instead of only to C - added type safety # - run tests through valgrind and the sanitizers! # # TODO - nice to have cool stuff: # # - separate handling of global state for much faster reloading and manipulation # - imagine sliders in an IDE for tweaking variables # - perhaps using shared memory # - multi-dll projects - how everything can be reloaded..? # - a single HCR instance shared across multiple .dlls # - instead of having to call hcrPerformCodeReload from a function in each dll # - which currently renders the main module of each dll not reloadable # - ability to check with the current callstack if a reload is "legal" # - if it is in any function which is in a module about to be reloaded ==> error # - pragma annotations for files - to be excluded from dll shenanigans # - for such file-global pragmas look at codeReordering or injectStmt # - how would the initialization order be kept? messy... # - C code calling stable exportc interface of nim code (for bindings) # - generate proxy functions with the stable names # - in a non-reloadable part (the main binary) that call the function pointers # - parameter passing/forwarding - how? use the same trampoline jumping? # - extracting the dependencies for these stubs/proxies will be hard... # - changing memory layout of types - detecting this..? # - implement with registerType() call to HCR runtime...? # - and checking if a previously registered type matches # - issue an error # - or let the user handle this by transferring the state properly # - perhaps in the before/afterCodeReload handlers # - implement executeOnReload for global vars too - not just statements (and document!) # - cleanup at shutdown - freeing all globals # - fallback mechanism if the program crashes (the program should detect crashes # by itself using SEH/signals on Windows/Unix) - should be able to revert to # previous versions of the .dlls by calling some function from HCR # - improve runtime performance - possibilities # - implement a way for multiple .nim files to be bundled into the same dll # and have all calls within that domain to use the "_actual" versions of # procs so there are no indirections (or the ability to just bundle everything # except for a few unreloadable modules into a single mega reloadable dll) # - try to load the .dlls at specific addresses of memory (close to each other) # allocated with execution flags - check this: https://github.com/fancycode/MemoryModule # # TODO - unimportant: # # - have a "bad call" trampoline that all no-longer-present functions are routed to call there # - so the user gets some error msg if he calls a dangling pointer instead of a crash # - before/afterCodeReload and hasModuleChanged should be accessible only where appropriate # - nim_program_result is inaccessible in HCR mode from external C code (see nimbase.h) # - proper .json build file - but the format is different... multiple link commands... # - avoid registering globals on each loop when using an iterator in global scope # # TODO - REPL: # - proper way (as proposed by Zahary): # - parse the input code and put everything in global scope except for # statements with side effects only - those go in afterCodeReload blocks # - my very hacky idea: just append to a closure iterator the new statements # followed by a yield statement. So far I can think of 2 problems: # - import and some other code cannot be written inside of a proc - # has to be parsed and extracted in the outer scope # - when new variables are created they are actually locals to the closure # so the struct for the closure state grows in memory, but it has already # been allocated when the closure was created with the previous smaller size. # That would lead to working with memory outside of the initially allocated # block. Perhaps something can be done about this - some way of re-allocating # the state and transferring the old... when not defined(JS) and (defined(hotcodereloading) or defined(createNimHcr) or defined(testNimHcr)): const dllExt = when defined(windows): "dll" elif defined(macosx): "dylib" else: "so" type HcrProcGetter* = proc (libHandle: pointer, procName: cstring): pointer {.nimcall.} HcrGcMarkerProc = proc () {.nimcall.} HcrModuleInitializer* = proc () {.nimcall.} when defined(createNimHcr): when system.appType != "lib": {.error: "This file has to be compiled as a library!".} import os, tables, sets, times, strutils, reservedmem, dynlib template trace(args: varargs[untyped]) = when defined(testNimHcr) or defined(traceHcr): echo args proc sanitize(arg: Time): string = when defined(testNimHcr): return "<time>" else: return $arg proc sanitize(arg: string|cstring): string = when defined(testNimHcr): return ($arg).splitFile.name.splitFile.name else: return $arg {.pragma: nimhcr, compilerProc, exportc, dynlib.} when hostCPU in ["i386", "amd64"]: type ShortJumpInstruction {.packed.} = object opcode: byte offset: int32 LongJumpInstruction {.packed.} = object opcode1: byte opcode2: byte offset: int32 absoluteAddr: pointer proc writeJump(jumpTableEntry: ptr LongJumpInstruction, targetFn: pointer) = let jumpFrom = jumpTableEntry.shift(sizeof(ShortJumpInstruction)) jumpDistance = distance(jumpFrom, targetFn) if abs(jumpDistance) < 0x7fff0000: let shortJump = cast[ptr ShortJumpInstruction](jumpTableEntry) shortJump.opcode = 0xE9 # relative jump shortJump.offset = int32(jumpDistance) else: jumpTableEntry.opcode1 = 0xff # indirect absolute jump jumpTableEntry.opcode2 = 0x25 when hostCPU == "i386": # on x86 we write the absolute address of the following pointer jumpTableEntry.offset = cast[int32](addr jumpTableEntry.absoluteAddr) else: # on x64, we use a relative address for the same location jumpTableEntry.offset = 0 jumpTableEntry.absoluteAddr = targetFn elif hostCPU == "arm": const jumpSize = 8 elif hostCPU == "arm64": const jumpSize = 16 const defaultJumpTableSize = case hostCPU of "i386": 50 of "amd64": 500 else: 50 let jumpTableSizeStr = getEnv("HOT_CODE_RELOADING_JUMP_TABLE_SIZE") let jumpTableSize = if jumpTableSizeStr.len > 0: parseInt(jumpTableSizeStr) else: defaultJumpTableSize # TODO: perhaps keep track of free slots due to removed procs using a free list var jumpTable = ReservedMemSeq[LongJumpInstruction].init( memStart = cast[pointer](0x10000000), maxLen = jumpTableSize * 1024 * 1024 div sizeof(LongJumpInstruction), accessFlags = memExecReadWrite) type ProcSym = object jump: ptr LongJumpInstruction gen: int GlobalVarSym = object p: pointer markerProc: HcrGcMarkerProc gen: int ModuleDesc = object procs: Table[string, ProcSym] globals: Table[string, GlobalVarSym] imports: seq[string] handle: LibHandle hash: string gen: int lastModification: Time handlers: seq[tuple[isBefore: bool, cb: proc ()]] proc newModuleDesc(): ModuleDesc = result.procs = initTable[string, ProcSym]() result.globals = initTable[string, GlobalVarSym]() result.handle = nil result.gen = -1 result.lastModification = low(Time) # the global state necessary for traversing and reloading the module import tree var modules = initTable[string, ModuleDesc]() var root: string var system: string var mainDatInit: HcrModuleInitializer var generation = 0 # necessary for queries such as "has module X changed" - contains all but the main module var hashToModuleMap = initTable[string, string]() # necessary for registering handlers and keeping them up-to-date var currentModule: string # supplied from the main module - used by others to initialize pointers to this runtime var hcrDynlibHandle: pointer var getProcAddr: HcrProcGetter proc hcrRegisterProc*(module: cstring, name: cstring, fn: pointer): pointer {.nimhcr.} = trace " register proc: ", module.sanitize, " ", name # Please note: We must allocate a local copy of the strings, because the supplied # `cstring` will reside in the data segment of a DLL that will be later unloaded. let name = $name let module = $module var jumpTableEntryAddr: ptr LongJumpInstruction modules[module].procs.withValue(name, p): trace " update proc: ", name jumpTableEntryAddr = p.jump p.gen = generation do: let len = jumpTable.len jumpTable.setLen(len + 1) jumpTableEntryAddr = addr jumpTable[len] modules[module].procs[name] = ProcSym(jump: jumpTableEntryAddr, gen: generation) writeJump jumpTableEntryAddr, fn return jumpTableEntryAddr proc hcrGetProc*(module: cstring, name: cstring): pointer {.nimhcr.} = trace " get proc: ", module.sanitize, " ", name return modules[$module].procs.getOrDefault($name, ProcSym()).jump proc hcrRegisterGlobal*(module: cstring, name: cstring, size: Natural, gcMarker: HcrGcMarkerProc, outPtr: ptr pointer): bool {.nimhcr.} = trace " register global: ", module.sanitize, " ", name # Please note: We must allocate local copies of the strings, because the supplied # `cstring` will reside in the data segment of a DLL that will be later unloaded. # Also using a ptr pointer instead of a var pointer (an output parameter) # because for the C++ backend var parameters use references and in this use case # it is not possible to cast an int* (for example) to a void* and then pass it # to void*& since the casting yields an rvalue and references bind only to lvalues. let name = $name let module = $module modules[module].globals.withValue(name, global): trace " update global: ", name outPtr[] = global.p global.gen = generation global.markerProc = gcMarker return false do: outPtr[] = alloc0(size) modules[module].globals[name] = GlobalVarSym(p: outPtr[], gen: generation, markerProc: gcMarker) return true proc hcrGetGlobal*(module: cstring, name: cstring): pointer {.nimhcr.} = trace " get global: ", module.sanitize, " ", name return modules[$module].globals[$name].p proc getListOfModules(cstringArray: ptr pointer): seq[string] = var curr = cast[ptr cstring](cstringArray) while len(curr[]) > 0: result.add($curr[]) curr = cast[ptr cstring](cast[int64](curr) + sizeof(ptr cstring)) template cleanup(collection, body) = var toDelete: seq[string] for name, data in collection.pairs: if data.gen < generation: toDelete.add(name) trace "HCR Cleaning ", astToStr(collection), " :: ", name, " ", data.gen for name {.inject.} in toDelete: body proc cleanupGlobal(module: string, name: string) = var g: GlobalVarSym if modules[module].globals.take(name, g): dealloc g.p proc cleanupSymbols(module: string) = cleanup modules[module].globals: cleanupGlobal(module, name) cleanup modules[module].procs: modules[module].procs.del(name) proc unloadDll(name: string) = if modules[name].handle != nil: unloadLib(modules[name].handle) proc loadDll(name: cstring) {.nimhcr.} = let name = $name trace "HCR LOADING: ", name.sanitize if modules.contains(name): unloadDll(name) else: modules.add(name, newModuleDesc()) let copiedName = name & ".copy." & dllExt copyFileWithPermissions(name, copiedName) let lib = loadLib(copiedName) assert lib != nil modules[name].handle = lib modules[name].gen = generation modules[name].lastModification = getLastModificationTime(name) # update the list of imports by the module let getImportsProc = cast[proc (): ptr pointer {.nimcall.}]( checkedSymAddr(lib, "HcrGetImportedModules")) modules[name].imports = getListOfModules(getImportsProc()) # get the hash of the module let getHashProc = cast[proc (): cstring {.nimcall.}]( checkedSymAddr(lib, "HcrGetSigHash")) modules[name].hash = $getHashProc() hashToModuleMap[modules[name].hash] = name # Remove handlers for this module if reloading - they will be re-registered. # In order for them to be re-registered we need to de-register all globals # that trigger the registering of handlers through calls to hcrAddEventHandler modules[name].handlers.setLen(0) proc initHcrData(name: cstring) {.nimhcr.} = trace "HCR Hcr init: ", name.sanitize cast[proc (h: pointer, gpa: HcrProcGetter) {.nimcall.}]( checkedSymAddr(modules[$name].handle, "HcrInit000"))(hcrDynlibHandle, getProcAddr) proc initTypeInfoGlobals(name: cstring) {.nimhcr.} = trace "HCR TypeInfo globals init: ", name.sanitize cast[HcrModuleInitializer](checkedSymAddr(modules[$name].handle, "HcrCreateTypeInfos"))() proc initPointerData(name: cstring) {.nimhcr.} = trace "HCR Dat init: ", name.sanitize cast[HcrModuleInitializer](checkedSymAddr(modules[$name].handle, "DatInit000"))() proc initGlobalScope(name: cstring) {.nimhcr.} = trace "HCR Init000: ", name.sanitize # set the currently inited module - necessary for registering the before/after HCR handlers currentModule = $name cast[HcrModuleInitializer](checkedSymAddr(modules[$name].handle, "Init000"))() var modulesToInit: seq[string] = @[] var allModulesOrderedByDFS: seq[string] = @[] proc recursiveDiscovery(dlls: seq[string]) = for curr in dlls: if modules.contains(curr): # skip updating modules that have already been updated to the latest generation if modules[curr].gen >= generation: trace "HCR SKIP: ", curr.sanitize, " gen is already: ", modules[curr].gen continue # skip updating an unmodified module but continue traversing its dependencies if modules[curr].lastModification >= getLastModificationTime(curr): trace "HCR SKIP (not modified): ", curr.sanitize, " ", modules[curr].lastModification.sanitize # update generation so module doesn't get collected modules[curr].gen = generation # recurse to imported modules - they might be changed recursiveDiscovery(modules[curr].imports) allModulesOrderedByDFS.add(curr) continue loadDll(curr) # first load all dependencies of the current module and init it after that recursiveDiscovery(modules[curr].imports) allModulesOrderedByDFS.add(curr) modulesToInit.add(curr) proc initModules() = # first init the pointers to hcr functions and also do the registering of typeinfo globals for curr in modulesToInit: initHcrData(curr) initTypeInfoGlobals(curr) # for now system always gets fully inited before any other module (including when reloading) initPointerData(system) initGlobalScope(system) # proceed with the DatInit calls - for all modules - including the main one! for curr in allModulesOrderedByDFS: if curr != system: initPointerData(curr) mainDatInit() # execute top-level code (in global scope) for curr in modulesToInit: if curr != system: initGlobalScope(curr) # cleanup old symbols which are gone now for curr in modulesToInit: cleanupSymbols(curr) proc hcrInit*(moduleList: ptr pointer, main, sys: cstring, datInit: HcrModuleInitializer, handle: pointer, gpa: HcrProcGetter) {.nimhcr.} = trace "HCR INITING: ", main.sanitize, " gen: ", generation # initialize globals root = $main system = $sys mainDatInit = datInit hcrDynlibHandle = handle getProcAddr = gpa # the root is already added and we need it because symbols from it will also be registered in the HCR system modules[root].imports = getListOfModules(moduleList) modules[root].gen = high(int) # something huge so it doesn't get collected # recursively initialize all modules recursiveDiscovery(modules[root].imports) initModules() # the next module to be inited will be the root currentModule = root proc hcrHasModuleChanged*(moduleHash: string): bool {.nimhcr.} = let module = hashToModuleMap[moduleHash] return modules[module].lastModification < getLastModificationTime(module) proc hcrReloadNeeded*(): bool {.nimhcr.} = for hash, _ in hashToModuleMap: if hcrHasModuleChanged(hash): return true return false proc hcrPerformCodeReload*() {.nimhcr.} = if not hcrReloadNeeded(): trace "HCR - no changes" return # We disable the GC during the reload, because the reloading procedures # will replace type info objects and GC marker procs. This seems to create # problems when the GC is executed while the reload is underway. # Future versions of NIMHCR won't use the GC, because all globals and the # metadata needed to access them will be placed in shared memory, so they # can be manipulted from external programs without reloading. GC_disable() defer: GC_enable() inc(generation) trace "HCR RELOADING: ", generation var traversedHandlerModules = initSet[string]() proc recursiveExecuteHandlers(isBefore: bool, module: string) = # do not process an already traversed module if traversedHandlerModules.containsOrIncl(module): return traversedHandlerModules.incl module # first recurse to do a DFS traversal for curr in modules[module].imports: recursiveExecuteHandlers(isBefore, curr) # and then execute the handlers - from leaf modules all the way up to the root module for curr in modules[module].handlers: if curr.isBefore == isBefore: curr.cb() # first execute the before reload handlers traversedHandlerModules.clear() recursiveExecuteHandlers(true, root) # do the reloading modulesToInit = @[] allModulesOrderedByDFS = @[] recursiveDiscovery(modules[root].imports) initModules() # execute the after reload handlers traversedHandlerModules.clear() recursiveExecuteHandlers(false, root) # collecting no longer referenced modules - based on their generation cleanup modules: cleanupSymbols(name) unloadDll(name) hashToModuleMap.del(modules[name].hash) modules.del(name) proc hcrAddEventHandler*(isBefore: bool, cb: proc ()) {.nimhcr.} = modules[currentModule].handlers.add( (isBefore: isBefore, cb: cb)) proc hcrAddModule*(module: cstring) {.nimhcr.} = if not modules.contains($module): modules.add($module, newModuleDesc()) proc hcrGeneration*(): int {.nimhcr.} = generation proc hcrMarkGlobals*() {.nimhcr, nimcall, gcsafe.} = # This is gcsafe, because it will be registered # only in the GC of the main thread. {.gcsafe.}: for _, module in modules: for _, global in module.globals: if global.markerProc != nil: global.markerProc() elif defined(hotcodereloading) or defined(testNimHcr): when not defined(JS): const nimhcrLibname = when defined(windows): "nimhcr." & dllExt elif defined(macosx): "libnimhcr." & dllExt else: "libnimhcr." & dllExt {.pragma: nimhcr, compilerProc, importc, dynlib: nimhcrLibname.} proc hcrRegisterProc*(module: cstring, name: cstring, fn: pointer): pointer {.nimhcr.} proc hcrGetProc*(module: cstring, name: cstring): pointer {.nimhcr.} proc hcrRegisterGlobal*(module: cstring, name: cstring, size: Natural, gcMarker: HcrGcMarkerProc, outPtr: ptr pointer): bool {.nimhcr.} proc hcrGetGlobal*(module: cstring, name: cstring): pointer {.nimhcr.} proc hcrInit*(moduleList: ptr pointer, main, sys: cstring, datInit: HcrModuleInitializer, handle: pointer, gpa: HcrProcGetter) {.nimhcr.} proc hcrAddModule*(module: cstring) {.nimhcr.} proc hcrHasModuleChanged*(moduleHash: string): bool {.nimhcr.} proc hcrReloadNeeded*(): bool {.nimhcr.} proc hcrPerformCodeReload*() {.nimhcr.} proc hcrAddEventHandler*(isBefore: bool, cb: proc ()) {.nimhcr.} proc hcrMarkGlobals*() {.nimhcr, nimcall, gcsafe.} when declared(nimRegisterGlobalMarker): nimRegisterGlobalMarker(hcrMarkGlobals) else: proc hcrHasModuleChanged*(moduleHash: string): bool = # TODO false proc hcrAddEventHandler*(isBefore: bool, cb: proc ()) = # TODO discard