# # # Adaption of the delphi3d.net OpenGL units to FreePascal # Sebastian Guenther (sg@freepascal.org) in 2002 # These units are free to use # # Copyright (c) Mark J. Kilgard, 1994, 1995, 1996. # This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is # provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This # program is -not- in the public domain. #****************************************************************************** # Converted to Delphi by Tom Nuydens (tom@delphi3d.net) # Contributions by Igor Karpov (glygrik@hotbox.ru) # For the latest updates, visit Delphi3D: http://www.delphi3d.net #****************************************************************************** import GL when defined(windows): const dllname = "glut32.dll" elif defined(macosx): const dllname = "/System/Library/Frameworks/GLUT.framework/GLUT" else: const dllname = "libglut.so.3" type PInteger* = ptr int PPChar* = ptr cstring TGlutVoidCallback* = proc (){.cdecl.} TGlut1IntCallback* = proc (value: cint){.cdecl.} TGlut2IntCallback* = proc (v1, v2: cint){.cdecl.} TGlut3IntCallback* = proc (v1, v2, v3: cint){.cdecl.} TGlut4IntCallback* = proc (v1, v2, v3, v4: cint){.cdecl.} TGlut1Char2IntCallback* = proc (c: int8, v1, v2: cint){.cdecl.} TGlut1UInt3IntCallback* = proc (u, v1, v2, v3: cint){.cdecl.} const GLUT_API_VERSION* = 3 GLUT_XLIB_IMPLEMENTATION* = 12 # Display mode bit masks. GLUT_RGB* = 0 GLUT_RGBA* = GLUT_RGB GLUT_INDEX* = 1 GLUT_SINGLE* = 0 GLUT_DOUBLE* = 2 GLUT_ACCUM* = 4 GLUT_ALPHA* = 8 GLUT_DEPTH* = 16 GLUT_STENCIL* = 32 GLUT_MULTISAMPLE* = 128 GLUT_STEREO* = 256 GLUT_LUMINANCE* = 512 # Mouse buttons. GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON* = 0 GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON* = 1 GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON* = 2 # Mouse button state. GLUT_DOWN* = 0 GLUT_UP* = 1 # function keys GLUT_KEY_F1* = 1 GLUT_KEY_F2* = 2 GLUT_KEY_F3* = 3 GLUT_KEY_F4* = 4 GLUT_KEY_F5* = 5 GLUT_KEY_F6* = 6 GLUT_KEY_F7* = 7 GLUT_KEY_F8* = 8 GLUT_KEY_F9* = 9 GLUT_KEY_F10* = 10 GLUT_KEY_F11* = 11 GLUT_KEY_F12* = 12 # directional keys GLUT_KEY_LEFT* = 100 GLUT_KEY_UP* = 101 GLUT_KEY_RIGHT* = 102 GLUT_KEY_DOWN* = 103 GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP* = 104 GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN* = 105 GLUT_KEY_HOME* = 106 GLUT_KEY_END* = 107 GLUT_KEY_INSERT* = 108 # Entry/exit state. GLUT_LEFT* = 0 GLUT_ENTERED* = 1 # Menu usage state. GLUT_MENU_NOT_IN_USE* = 0 GLUT_MENU_IN_USE* = 1 # Visibility state. GLUT_NOT_VISIBLE* = 0 GLUT_VISIBLE* = 1 # Window status state. GLUT_HIDDEN* = 0 GLUT_FULLY_RETAINED* = 1 GLUT_PARTIALLY_RETAINED* = 2 GLUT_FULLY_COVERED* = 3 # Color index component selection values. GLUT_RED* = 0 GLUT_GREEN* = 1 GLUT_BLUE* = 2 # Layers for use. GLUT_NORMAL* = 0 GLUT_OVERLAY* = 1 when defined(Windows): const # Stroke font constants (use these in GLUT program). GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN* = cast[Pointer](0) GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN* = cast[Pointer](1) # Bitmap font constants (use these in GLUT program). GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15* = cast[Pointer](2) GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13* = cast[Pointer](3) GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10* = cast[Pointer](4) GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24* = cast[Pointer](5) GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10* = cast[Pointer](6) GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12* = cast[Pointer](7) GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18* = cast[Pointer](8) else: var # Stroke font constants (use these in GLUT program). GLUT_STROKE_ROMAN*: Pointer GLUT_STROKE_MONO_ROMAN*: Pointer # Bitmap font constants (use these in GLUT program). GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15*: Pointer GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13*: Pointer GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10*: Pointer GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24*: Pointer GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10*: Pointer GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12*: Pointer GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18*: Pointer const # glutGet parameters. GLUT_WINDOW_X* = 100 GLUT_WINDOW_Y* = 101 GLUT_WINDOW_WIDTH* = 102 GLUT_WINDOW_HEIGHT* = 103 GLUT_WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE* = 104 GLUT_WINDOW_STENCIL_SIZE* = 105 GLUT_WINDOW_DEPTH_SIZE* = 106 GLUT_WINDOW_RED_SIZE* = 107 GLUT_WINDOW_GREEN_SIZE* = 108 GLUT_WINDOW_BLUE_SIZE* = 109 GLUT_WINDOW_ALPHA_SIZE* = 110 GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_RED_SIZE* = 111 GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE* = 112 GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE* = 113 GLUT_WINDOW_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE* = 114 GLUT_WINDOW_DOUBLEBUFFER* = 115 GLUT_WINDOW_RGBA* = 116 GLUT_WINDOW_PARENT* = 117 GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_CHILDREN* = 118 GLUT_WINDOW_COLORMAP_SIZE* = 119 GLUT_WINDOW_NUM_SAMPLES* = 120 GLUT_WINDOW_STEREO* = 121 GLUT_WINDOW_CURSOR* = 122 GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH* = 200 GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT* = 201 GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH_MM* = 202 GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_MM* = 203 GLUT_MENU_NUM_ITEMS* = 300 GLUT_DISPLAY_MODE_POSSIBLE* = 400 GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_X* = 500 GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_Y* = 501 GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_WIDTH* = 502 GLUT_INIT_WINDOW_HEIGHT* = 503 constGLUT_INIT_DISPLAY_MODE* = 504 GLUT_ELAPSED_TIME* = 700 GLUT_WINDOW_FORMAT_ID* = 123 # glutDeviceGet parameters. GLUT_HAS_KEYBOARD* = 600 GLUT_HAS_MOUSE* = 601 GLUT_HAS_SPACEBALL* = 602 GLUT_HAS_DIAL_AND_BUTTON_BOX* = 603 GLUT_HAS_TABLET* = 604 GLUT_NUM_MOUSE_BUTTONS* = 605 GLUT_NUM_SPACEBALL_BUTTONS* = 606 GLUT_NUM_BUTTON_BOX_BUTTONS* = 607 GLUT_NUM_DIALS* = 608 GLUT_NUM_TABLET_BUTTONS* = 609 GLUT_DEVICE_IGNORE_KEY_REPEAT* = 610 GLUT_DEVICE_KEY_REPEAT* = 611 GLUT_HAS_JOYSTICK* = 612 GLUT_OWNS_JOYSTICK* = 613 GLUT_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS* = 614 GLUT_JOYSTICK_AXES* = 615 GLUT_JOYSTICK_POLL_RATE* = 616 # glutLayerGet parameters. GLUT_OVERLAY_POSSIBLE* = 800 GLUT_LAYER_IN_USE* = 801 GLUT_HAS_OVERLAY* = 802 GLUT_TRANSPARENT_INDEX* = 803 GLUT_NORMAL_DAMAGED* = 804 GLUT_OVERLAY_DAMAGED* = 805 # glutVideoResizeGet parameters. GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_POSSIBLE* = 900 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_IN_USE* = 901 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_X_DELTA* = 902 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_Y_DELTA* = 903 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_WIDTH_DELTA* = 904 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_HEIGHT_DELTA* = 905 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_X* = 906 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_Y* = 907 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_WIDTH* = 908 GLUT_VIDEO_RESIZE_HEIGHT* = 909 # glutGetModifiers return mask. GLUT_ACTIVE_SHIFT* = 1 GLUT_ACTIVE_CTRL* = 2 GLUT_ACTIVE_ALT* = 4 # glutSetCursor parameters. # Basic arrows. GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_ARROW* = 0 GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_ARROW* = 1 # Symbolic cursor shapes. GLUT_CURSOR_INFO* = 2 GLUT_CURSOR_DESTROY* = 3 GLUT_CURSOR_HELP* = 4 GLUT_CURSOR_CYCLE* = 5 GLUT_CURSOR_SPRAY* = 6 GLUT_CURSOR_WAIT* = 7 GLUT_CURSOR_TEXT* = 8 GLUT_CURSOR_CROSSHAIR* = 9 # Directional cursors. GLUT_CURSOR_UP_DOWN* = 10 GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_RIGHT* = 11 # Sizing cursors. GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_SIDE* = 12 GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_SIDE* = 13 GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_SIDE* = 14 GLUT_CURSOR_RIGHT_SIDE* = 15 GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_LEFT_CORNER* = 16 GLUT_CURSOR_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER* = 17 GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER* = 18 GLUT_CURSOR_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER* = 19 # Inherit from parent window. GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT* = 100 # Blank cursor. GLUT_CURSOR_NONE* = 101 # Fullscreen crosshair (if available). GLUT_CURSOR_FULL_CROSSHAIR* = 102 # GLUT device control sub-API. # glutSetKeyRepeat modes. GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_OFF* = 0 GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_ON* = 1 GLUT_KEY_REPEAT_DEFAULT* = 2 # Joystick button masks. GLUT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_A* = 1 GLUT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_B* = 2 GLUT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_C* = 4 GLUT_JOYSTICK_BUTTON_D* = 8 # GLUT game mode sub-API. # glutGameModeGet. GLUT_GAME_MODE_ACTIVE* = 0 GLUT_GAME_MODE_POSSIBLE* = 1 GLUT_GAME_MODE_WIDTH* = 2 GLUT_GAME_MODE_HEIGHT* = 3 GLUT_GAME_MODE_PIXEL_DEPTH* = 4 GLUT_GAME_MODE_REFRESH_RATE* = 5 GLUT_GAME_MODE_DISPLAY_CHANGED* = 6 # GLUT initialization sub-API. proc glutInit*(argcp: PInteger, argv: PPChar){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutInitDisplayMode*(mode: int16){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutInitDisplayString*(str: cstring){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutInitWindowPosition*(x, y: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutInitWindowSize*(width, height: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutMainLoop*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT window sub-API. proc glutCreateWindow*(title: cstring): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutCreateSubWindow*(win, x, y, width, height: int): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutDestroyWindow*(win: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPostRedisplay*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPostWindowRedisplay*(win: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSwapBuffers*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutGetWindow*(): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSetWindow*(win: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSetWindowTitle*(title: cstring){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSetIconTitle*(title: cstring){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPositionWindow*(x, y: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutReshapeWindow*(width, height: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPopWindow*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPushWindow*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutIconifyWindow*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutShowWindow*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutHideWindow*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutFullScreen*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSetCursor*(cursor: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWarpPointer*(x, y: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT overlay sub-API. proc glutEstablishOverlay*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutRemoveOverlay*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutUseLayer*(layer: TGLenum){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPostOverlayRedisplay*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPostWindowOverlayRedisplay*(win: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutShowOverlay*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutHideOverlay*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT menu sub-API. proc glutCreateMenu*(callback: TGlut1IntCallback): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutDestroyMenu*(menu: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutGetMenu*(): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSetMenu*(menu: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutAddMenuEntry*(caption: cstring, value: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutAddSubMenu*(caption: cstring, submenu: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutChangeToMenuEntry*(item: int, caption: cstring, value: int){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutChangeToSubMenu*(item: int, caption: cstring, submenu: int){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutRemoveMenuItem*(item: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutAttachMenu*(button: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutDetachMenu*(button: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT window callback sub-API. proc glutDisplayFunc*(f: TGlutVoidCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutReshapeFunc*(f: TGlut2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutKeyboardFunc*(f: TGlut1Char2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutMouseFunc*(f: TGlut4IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutMotionFunc*(f: TGlut2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutPassiveMotionFunc*(f: TGlut2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutEntryFunc*(f: TGlut1IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutVisibilityFunc*(f: TGlut1IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutIdleFunc*(f: TGlutVoidCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutTimerFunc*(millis: int16, f: TGlut1IntCallback, value: int){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutMenuStateFunc*(f: TGlut1IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSpecialFunc*(f: TGlut3IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSpaceballMotionFunc*(f: TGlut3IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSpaceballRotateFunc*(f: TGlut3IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSpaceballButtonFunc*(f: TGlut2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutButtonBoxFunc*(f: TGlut2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutDialsFunc*(f: TGlut2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutTabletMotionFunc*(f: TGlut2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutTabletButtonFunc*(f: TGlut4IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutMenuStatusFunc*(f: TGlut3IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutOverlayDisplayFunc*(f: TGlutVoidCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWindowStatusFunc*(f: TGlut1IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutKeyboardUpFunc*(f: TGlut1Char2IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSpecialUpFunc*(f: TGlut3IntCallback){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutJoystickFunc*(f: TGlut1UInt3IntCallback, pollInterval: int){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT color index sub-API. proc glutSetColor*(cell: int, red, green, blue: TGLfloat){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutGetColor*(ndx, component: int): TGLfloat{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutCopyColormap*(win: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT state retrieval sub-API. proc glutGet*(t: TGLenum): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutDeviceGet*(t: TGLenum): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT extension support sub-API proc glutExtensionSupported*(name: cstring): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutGetModifiers*(): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutLayerGet*(t: TGLenum): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT font sub-API proc glutBitmapCharacter*(font: pointer, character: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutBitmapWidth*(font: pointer, character: int): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutStrokeCharacter*(font: pointer, character: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutStrokeWidth*(font: pointer, character: int): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutBitmapLength*(font: pointer, str: cstring): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutStrokeLength*(font: pointer, str: cstring): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT pre-built models sub-API proc glutWireSphere*(radius: TGLdouble, slices, stacks: TGLint){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidSphere*(radius: TGLdouble, slices, stacks: TGLint){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireCone*(base, height: TGLdouble, slices, stacks: TGLint){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidCone*(base, height: TGLdouble, slices, stacks: TGLint){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireCube*(size: TGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidCube*(size: TGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireTorus*(innerRadius, outerRadius: TGLdouble, sides, rings: TGLint){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidTorus*(innerRadius, outerRadius: TGLdouble, sides, rings: TGLint){. dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireDodecahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidDodecahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireTeapot*(size: TGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidTeapot*(size: TGLdouble){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireOctahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidOctahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireTetrahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidTetrahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutWireIcosahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSolidIcosahedron*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT video resize sub-API. proc glutVideoResizeGet*(param: TGLenum): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSetupVideoResizing*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutStopVideoResizing*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutVideoResize*(x, y, width, height: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutVideoPan*(x, y, width, height: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT debugging sub-API. proc glutReportErrors*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT device control sub-API. proc glutIgnoreKeyRepeat*(ignore: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutSetKeyRepeat*(repeatMode: int){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutForceJoystickFunc*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # GLUT game mode sub-API. #example glutGameModeString('1280x1024:32@75'); proc glutGameModeString*(AString: cstring){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutEnterGameMode*(): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutLeaveGameMode*(){.dynlib: dllname, importc.} proc glutGameModeGet*(mode: TGLenum): int{.dynlib: dllname, importc.} # implementation