#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
#        (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This module implements some common generic algorithms.

  TSortOrder* = enum   ## sort order
    Descending, Ascending 

proc `*`*(x: int, order: TSortOrder): int {.inline.} = 
  ## flips `x` if ``order == Descending``;
  ## if ``order == Ascending`` then `x` is returned.
  ## `x` is supposed to be the result of a comparator.
  var y = order.ord - 1
  result = (x xor y) - y

proc reverse*[T](a: var openArray[T], first, last: int) =
  ## reverses the array ``a[first..last]``.
  var x = first
  var y = last
  while x < y:
    swap(a[x], a[y])

proc reverse*[T](a: var openArray[T]) =
  ## reverses the array `a`.
  reverse(a, 0, a.high)

  onlySafeCode = false

proc merge[T](a, b: var openArray[T], lo, m, hi: int, 
              cmp: proc (x, y: T): int, order: TSortOrder) =
  template `<-` (a, b: expr) = 
    when onlySafeCode:
      shallowCopy(a, b)
      copyMem(addr(a), addr(b), sizeof(T))
  # optimization: If max(left) <= min(right) there is nothing to do!
  # 1 2 3 4  ## 5 6 7 8
  # -> O(n) for sorted arrays.
  # On random data this safes up to 40% of merge calls
  if cmp(a[m], a[m+1]) * order <= 0: return
  var j = lo
  # copy a[j..m] into b:
  assert j <= m
  when onlySafeCode:
    var bb = 0
    while j <= m:
      b[bb] <- a[j]
    CopyMem(addr(b[0]), addr(a[j]), sizeof(T)*(m-j+1))
    j = m+1
  var i = 0
  var k = lo
  # copy proper element back:
  while k < j and j <= hi:
    if cmp(b[i], a[j]) * order <= 0:
      a[k] <- b[i]
      a[k] <- a[j]
  # copy rest of b:
  when onlySafeCode:
    while k < j:
      a[k] <- b[i]
    if k < j: copyMem(addr(a[k]), addr(b[i]), sizeof(T)*(j-k))

proc sort*[T](a: var openArray[T], 
              cmp: proc (x, y: T): int = cmp,
              order = TSortOrder.Ascending) =
  ## Default Nimrod sort. The sorting is guaranteed to be stable and 
  ## the worst case is guaranteed to be O(n log n).
  ## The current implementation uses an iterative
  ## mergesort to achieve this. It uses a temporary sequence of 
  ## length ``a.len div 2``.
  var n = a.len
  var b: seq[T]
  newSeq(b, n div 2)
  var s = 1
  while s < n:
    var m = n-1-s
    while m >= 0:
      merge(a, b, max(m-s+1, 0), m, m+s, cmp, order)
      dec(m, s*2)
    s = s*2