# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf, Dominik Picheta # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # import sockets, os ## This module implements an asynchronous event loop together with asynchronous sockets ## which use this event loop. ## It is akin to Python's asyncore module. Many modules that use sockets ## have an implementation for this module, those modules should all have a ## ``register`` function which you should use to add the desired objects to a ## dispatcher which you created so ## that you can receive the events associated with that module's object. ## ## Once everything is registered in a dispatcher, you need to call the ``poll`` ## function in a while loop. ## ## **Note:** Most modules have tasks which need to be ran regularly, this is ## why you should not call ``poll`` with a infinite timeout, or even a ## very long one. In most cases the default timeout is fine. ## ## **Note:** This module currently only supports select(), this is limited by ## FD_SETSIZE, which is usually 1024. So you may only be able to use 1024 ## sockets at a time. ## ## Most (if not all) modules that use asyncio provide a userArg which is passed ## on with the events. The type that you set userArg to must be inheriting from ## TObject! ## ## **Note:** If you want to provide async ability to your module please do not ## use the ``TDelegate`` object, instead use ``PAsyncSocket``. It is possible ## that in the future this type's fields will not be exported therefore breaking ## your code. ## ## **Warning:** The API of this module is unstable, and therefore is subject ## to change. ## ## Asynchronous sockets ## ==================== ## ## For most purposes you do not need to worry about the ``TDelegate`` type. The ## ``PAsyncSocket`` is what you are after. It's a reference to the ``TAsyncSocket`` ## object. This object defines events which you should overwrite by your own ## procedures. ## ## For server sockets the only event you need to worry about is the ``handleAccept`` ## event, in your handleAccept proc you should call ``accept`` on the server ## socket which will give you the client which is connecting. You should then ## set any events that you want to use on that client and add it to your dispatcher ## using the ``register`` procedure. ## ## An example ``handleAccept`` follows: ## ## .. code-block:: nimrod ## ## var disp: PDispatcher = newDispatcher() ## ... ## proc handleAccept(s: PAsyncSocket) = ## echo("Accepted client.") ## var client: PAsyncSocket ## new(client) ## s.accept(client) ## client.handleRead = ... ## disp.register(client) ## ... ## ## For client sockets you should only be interested in the ``handleRead`` and ## ``handleConnect`` events. The former gets called whenever the socket has ## received messages and can be read from and the latter gets called whenever ## the socket has established a connection to a server socket; from that point ## it can be safely written to. ## ## Getting a blocking client from a PAsyncSocket ## ============================================= ## ## If you need a asynchronous server socket but you wish to process the clients ## synchronously then you can use the ``getSocket`` converter to get a TSocket ## object from the PAsyncSocket object, this can then be combined with ``accept`` ## like so: ## ## .. code-block:: nimrod ## ## proc handleAccept(s: PAsyncSocket) = ## var client: TSocket ## getSocket(s).accept(client) when defined(windows): from winlean import TTimeVal, TFdSet, FD_ZERO, FD_SET, FD_ISSET, select else: from posix import TTimeVal, TFdSet, FD_ZERO, FD_SET, FD_ISSET, select type TDelegate* = object fd*: cint deleVal*: PObject handleRead*: proc (h: PObject) {.nimcall.} handleWrite*: proc (h: PObject) {.nimcall.} handleError*: proc (h: PObject) {.nimcall.} hasDataBuffered*: proc (h: PObject): bool {.nimcall.} open*: bool task*: proc (h: PObject) {.nimcall.} mode*: TFileMode PDelegate* = ref TDelegate PDispatcher* = ref TDispatcher TDispatcher = object delegates: seq[PDelegate] PAsyncSocket* = ref TAsyncSocket TAsyncSocket* = object of TObject socket: TSocket info: TInfo handleRead*: proc (s: PAsyncSocket) {.closure.} handleWrite: proc (s: PAsyncSocket) {.closure.} handleConnect*: proc (s: PAsyncSocket) {.closure.} handleAccept*: proc (s: PAsyncSocket) {.closure.} handleTask*: proc (s: PAsyncSocket) {.closure.} lineBuffer: TaintedString ## Temporary storage for ``readLine`` sendBuffer: string ## Temporary storage for ``send`` sslNeedAccept: bool proto: TProtocol deleg: PDelegate TInfo* = enum SockIdle, SockConnecting, SockConnected, SockListening, SockClosed, SockUDPBound proc newDelegate*(): PDelegate = ## Creates a new delegate. new(result) result.handleRead = (proc (h: PObject) = nil) result.handleWrite = (proc (h: PObject) = nil) result.handleError = (proc (h: PObject) = nil) result.hasDataBuffered = (proc (h: PObject): bool = return false) result.task = (proc (h: PObject) = nil) result.mode = fmRead proc newAsyncSocket(): PAsyncSocket = new(result) result.info = SockIdle result.handleRead = (proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = nil) result.handleWrite = nil result.handleConnect = (proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = nil) result.handleAccept = (proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = nil) result.handleTask = (proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = nil) result.lineBuffer = "".TaintedString result.sendBuffer = "" proc AsyncSocket*(domain: TDomain = AF_INET, typ: TType = SOCK_STREAM, protocol: TProtocol = IPPROTO_TCP, buffered = true): PAsyncSocket = ## Initialises an AsyncSocket object. If a socket cannot be initialised ## EOS is raised. result = newAsyncSocket() result.socket = socket(domain, typ, protocol, buffered) result.proto = protocol if result.socket == InvalidSocket: OSError() result.socket.setBlocking(false) proc toAsyncSocket*(sock: TSocket, state: TInfo = SockConnected): PAsyncSocket = ## Wraps an already initialized ``TSocket`` into a PAsyncSocket. ## This is useful if you want to use an already connected TSocket as an ## asynchronous PAsyncSocket in asyncio's event loop. ## ## ``state`` may be overriden, i.e. if ``sock`` is not connected it should be ## adjusted properly. By default it will be assumed that the socket is ## connected. Please note this is only applicable to TCP client sockets, if ## ``sock`` is a different type of socket ``state`` needs to be adjusted!!! ## ## ================ ================================================================ ## Value Meaning ## ================ ================================================================ ## SockIdle Socket has only just been initialised, not connected or closed. ## SockConnected Socket is connected to a server. ## SockConnecting Socket is in the process of connecting to a server. ## SockListening Socket is a server socket and is listening for connections. ## SockClosed Socket has been closed. ## SockUDPBound Socket is a UDP socket which is listening for data. ## ================ ================================================================ ## ## **Warning**: If ``state`` is set incorrectly the resulting ``PAsyncSocket`` ## object may not work properly. ## ## **Note**: This will set ``sock`` to be non-blocking. result = newAsyncSocket() result.socket = sock result.proto = if state == SockUDPBound: IPPROTO_UDP else: IPPROTO_TCP result.socket.setBlocking(false) result.info = state proc asyncSockHandleRead(h: PObject) = when defined(ssl): if PAsyncSocket(h).socket.isSSL and not PAsyncSocket(h).socket.gotHandshake: return if PAsyncSocket(h).info != SockListening: if PAsyncSocket(h).info != SockConnecting: PAsyncSocket(h).handleRead(PAsyncSocket(h)) else: PAsyncSocket(h).handleAccept(PAsyncSocket(h)) proc asyncSockHandleWrite(h: PObject) = when defined(ssl): if PAsyncSocket(h).socket.isSSL and not PAsyncSocket(h).socket.gotHandshake: return if PAsyncSocket(h).info == SockConnecting: PAsyncSocket(h).handleConnect(PAsyncSocket(h)) PAsyncSocket(h).info = SockConnected # Stop receiving write events if there is no handleWrite event. if PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite == nil: PAsyncSocket(h).deleg.mode = fmRead else: PAsyncSocket(h).deleg.mode = fmReadWrite else: if PAsyncSocket(h).sendBuffer != "": let sock = PAsyncSocket(h) let bytesSent = sock.socket.sendAsync(sock.sendBuffer) assert bytesSent > 0 if bytesSent != sock.sendBuffer.len: sock.sendBuffer = sock.sendBuffer[bytesSent .. -1] elif bytesSent == sock.sendBuffer.len: sock.sendBuffer = "" if PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite != nil: PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite(PAsyncSocket(h)) else: if PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite != nil: PAsyncSocket(h).handleWrite(PAsyncSocket(h)) else: PAsyncSocket(h).deleg.mode = fmRead when defined(ssl): proc asyncSockDoHandshake(h: PObject) = if PAsyncSocket(h).socket.isSSL and not PAsyncSocket(h).socket.gotHandshake: if PAsyncSocket(h).sslNeedAccept: var d = "" let ret = PAsyncSocket(h).socket.acceptAddrSSL(PAsyncSocket(h).socket, d) assert ret != AcceptNoClient if ret == AcceptSuccess: PAsyncSocket(h).info = SockConnected else: # handshake will set socket's ``sslNoHandshake`` field. discard PAsyncSocket(h).socket.handshake() proc asyncSockTask(h: PObject) = when defined(ssl): h.asyncSockDoHandshake() PAsyncSocket(h).handleTask(PAsyncSocket(h)) proc toDelegate(sock: PAsyncSocket): PDelegate = result = newDelegate() result.deleVal = sock result.fd = getFD(sock.socket) # We need this to get write events, just to know when the socket connects. result.mode = fmReadWrite result.handleRead = asyncSockHandleRead result.handleWrite = asyncSockHandleWrite result.task = asyncSockTask # TODO: Errors? #result.handleError = (proc (h: PObject) = assert(false)) result.hasDataBuffered = proc (h: PObject): bool {.nimcall.} = return PAsyncSocket(h).socket.hasDataBuffered() sock.deleg = result if sock.info notin {SockIdle, SockClosed}: sock.deleg.open = true else: sock.deleg.open = false proc connect*(sock: PAsyncSocket, name: string, port = TPort(0), af: TDomain = AF_INET) = ## Begins connecting ``sock`` to ``name``:``port``. sock.socket.connectAsync(name, port, af) sock.info = SockConnecting if sock.deleg != nil: sock.deleg.open = true proc close*(sock: PAsyncSocket) = ## Closes ``sock``. Terminates any current connections. sock.socket.close() sock.info = SockClosed if sock.deleg != nil: sock.deleg.open = false proc bindAddr*(sock: PAsyncSocket, port = TPort(0), address = "") = ## Equivalent to ``sockets.bindAddr``. sock.socket.bindAddr(port, address) if sock.proto == IPPROTO_UDP: sock.info = SockUDPBound if sock.deleg != nil: sock.deleg.open = true proc listen*(sock: PAsyncSocket) = ## Equivalent to ``sockets.listen``. sock.socket.listen() sock.info = SockListening if sock.deleg != nil: sock.deleg.open = true proc acceptAddr*(server: PAsyncSocket, client: var PAsyncSocket, address: var string) = ## Equivalent to ``sockets.acceptAddr``. This procedure should be called in ## a ``handleAccept`` event handler **only** once. ## ## **Note**: ``client`` needs to be initialised. assert(client != nil) client = newAsyncSocket() var c: TSocket new(c) when defined(ssl): if server.socket.isSSL: var ret = server.socket.acceptAddrSSL(c, address) # The following shouldn't happen because when this function is called # it is guaranteed that there is a client waiting. # (This should be called in handleAccept) assert(ret != AcceptNoClient) if ret == AcceptNoHandshake: client.sslNeedAccept = true else: client.sslNeedAccept = false client.info = SockConnected else: server.socket.acceptAddr(c, address) client.sslNeedAccept = false client.info = SockConnected else: server.socket.acceptAddr(c, address) client.sslNeedAccept = false client.info = SockConnected if c == InvalidSocket: OSError() c.setBlocking(false) # TODO: Needs to be tested. # deleg.open is set in ``toDelegate``. client.socket = c client.lineBuffer = "".TaintedString client.sendBuffer = "" client.info = SockConnected proc accept*(server: PAsyncSocket, client: var PAsyncSocket) = ## Equivalent to ``sockets.accept``. var dummyAddr = "" server.acceptAddr(client, dummyAddr) proc acceptAddr*(server: PAsyncSocket): tuple[sock: PAsyncSocket, address: string] {.deprecated.} = ## Equivalent to ``sockets.acceptAddr``. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.9.0:** Please use the function above. var client = newAsyncSocket() var address: string = "" acceptAddr(server, client, address) return (client, address) proc accept*(server: PAsyncSocket): PAsyncSocket {.deprecated.} = ## Equivalent to ``sockets.accept``. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.9.0:** Please use the function above. new(result) var address = "" server.acceptAddr(result, address) proc newDispatcher*(): PDispatcher = new(result) result.delegates = @[] proc register*(d: PDispatcher, deleg: PDelegate) = ## Registers delegate ``deleg`` with dispatcher ``d``. d.delegates.add(deleg) proc register*(d: PDispatcher, sock: PAsyncSocket): PDelegate {.discardable.} = ## Registers async socket ``sock`` with dispatcher ``d``. result = sock.toDelegate() d.register(result) proc unregister*(d: PDispatcher, deleg: PDelegate) = ## Unregisters deleg ``deleg`` from dispatcher ``d``. for i in 0..len(d.delegates)-1: if d.delegates[i] == deleg: d.delegates.del(i) return raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "Could not find delegate.") proc isWriteable*(s: PAsyncSocket): bool = ## Determines whether socket ``s`` is ready to be written to. var writeSock = @[s.socket] return selectWrite(writeSock, 1) != 0 and s.socket notin writeSock converter getSocket*(s: PAsyncSocket): TSocket = return s.socket proc isConnected*(s: PAsyncSocket): bool = ## Determines whether ``s`` is connected. return s.info == SockConnected proc isListening*(s: PAsyncSocket): bool = ## Determines whether ``s`` is listening for incoming connections. return s.info == SockListening proc isConnecting*(s: PAsyncSocket): bool = ## Determines whether ``s`` is connecting. return s.info == SockConnecting proc setHandleWrite*(s: PAsyncSocket, handleWrite: proc (s: PAsyncSocket) {.closure.}) = ## Setter for the ``handleWrite`` event. ## ## To remove this event you should use the ``delHandleWrite`` function. ## It is advised to use that function instead of just setting the event to ## ``proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = nil`` as that would mean that that function ## would be called constantly. s.deleg.mode = fmReadWrite s.handleWrite = handleWrite proc delHandleWrite*(s: PAsyncSocket) = ## Removes the ``handleWrite`` event handler on ``s``. s.handleWrite = nil {.push warning[deprecated]: off.} proc recvLine*(s: PAsyncSocket, line: var TaintedString): bool {.deprecated.} = ## Behaves similar to ``sockets.recvLine``, however it handles non-blocking ## sockets properly. This function guarantees that ``line`` is a full line, ## if this function can only retrieve some data; it will save this data and ## add it to the result when a full line is retrieved. ## ## Unlike ``sockets.recvLine`` this function will raise an EOS or ESSL ## exception if an error occurs. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.9.2**: This function has been deprecated in ## favour of readLine. setLen(line.string, 0) var dataReceived = "".TaintedString var ret = s.socket.recvLineAsync(dataReceived) case ret of RecvFullLine: if s.lineBuffer.len > 0: string(line).add(s.lineBuffer.string) setLen(s.lineBuffer.string, 0) string(line).add(dataReceived.string) if string(line) == "": line = "\c\L".TaintedString result = true of RecvPartialLine: string(s.lineBuffer).add(dataReceived.string) result = false of RecvDisconnected: result = true of RecvFail: s.SocketError(async = true) result = false {.pop.} proc readLine*(s: PAsyncSocket, line: var TaintedString): bool = ## Behaves similar to ``sockets.readLine``, however it handles non-blocking ## sockets properly. This function guarantees that ``line`` is a full line, ## if this function can only retrieve some data; it will save this data and ## add it to the result when a full line is retrieved, when this happens ## False will be returned. True will only be returned if a full line has been ## retrieved or the socket has been disconnected in which case ``line`` will ## be set to "". ## ## This function will raise an EOS exception when a socket error occurs. setLen(line.string, 0) var dataReceived = "".TaintedString var ret = s.socket.readLineAsync(dataReceived) case ret of ReadFullLine: if s.lineBuffer.len > 0: string(line).add(s.lineBuffer.string) setLen(s.lineBuffer.string, 0) string(line).add(dataReceived.string) if string(line) == "": line = "\c\L".TaintedString result = true of ReadPartialLine: string(s.lineBuffer).add(dataReceived.string) result = false of ReadNone: result = false of ReadDisconnected: result = true proc send*(sock: PAsyncSocket, data: string) = ## Sends ``data`` to socket ``sock``. This is basically a nicer implementation ## of ``sockets.sendAsync``. ## ## If ``data`` cannot be sent immediately it will be buffered and sent ## when ``sock`` becomes writeable (during the ``handleWrite`` event). ## It's possible that only a part of ``data`` will be sent immediately, while ## the rest of it will be buffered and sent later. if sock.sendBuffer.len != 0: sock.sendBuffer.add(data) return let bytesSent = sock.socket.sendAsync(data) assert bytesSent >= 0 if bytesSent == 0: sock.sendBuffer.add(data) sock.deleg.mode = fmReadWrite elif bytesSent != data.len: sock.sendBuffer.add(data[bytesSent .. -1]) sock.deleg.mode = fmReadWrite proc timeValFromMilliseconds(timeout = 500): TTimeVal = if timeout != -1: var seconds = timeout div 1000 result.tv_sec = seconds.int32 result.tv_usec = ((timeout - seconds * 1000) * 1000).int32 proc createFdSet(fd: var TFdSet, s: seq[PDelegate], m: var int) = FD_ZERO(fd) for i in items(s): m = max(m, int(i.fd)) FD_SET(i.fd, fd) proc pruneSocketSet(s: var seq[PDelegate], fd: var TFdSet) = var i = 0 var L = s.len while i < L: if FD_ISSET(s[i].fd, fd) != 0'i32: s[i] = s[L-1] dec(L) else: inc(i) setLen(s, L) proc select(readfds, writefds, exceptfds: var seq[PDelegate], timeout = 500): int = var tv {.noInit.}: TTimeVal = timeValFromMilliseconds(timeout) var rd, wr, ex: TFdSet var m = 0 createFdSet(rd, readfds, m) createFdSet(wr, writefds, m) createFdSet(ex, exceptfds, m) if timeout != -1: result = int(select(cint(m+1), addr(rd), addr(wr), addr(ex), addr(tv))) else: result = int(select(cint(m+1), addr(rd), addr(wr), addr(ex), nil)) pruneSocketSet(readfds, (rd)) pruneSocketSet(writefds, (wr)) pruneSocketSet(exceptfds, (ex)) proc poll*(d: PDispatcher, timeout: int = 500): bool = ## This function checks for events on all the delegates in the `PDispatcher`. ## It then proceeds to call the correct event handler. ## ## This function returns ``True`` if there are file descriptors that are still ## open, otherwise ``False``. File descriptors that have been ## closed are immediately removed from the dispatcher automatically. ## ## **Note:** Each delegate has a task associated with it. This gets called ## after each select() call, if you set timeout to ``-1`` the tasks will ## only be executed after one or more file descriptors becomes readable or ## writeable. result = true var readDg, writeDg, errorDg: seq[PDelegate] = @[] var len = d.delegates.len var dc = 0 while dc < len: let deleg = d.delegates[dc] if (deleg.mode != fmWrite or deleg.mode != fmAppend) and deleg.open: readDg.add(deleg) if (deleg.mode != fmRead) and deleg.open: writeDg.add(deleg) if deleg.open: errorDg.add(deleg) inc dc else: # File/socket has been closed. Remove it from dispatcher. d.delegates[dc] = d.delegates[len-1] dec len d.delegates.setLen(len) var hasDataBufferedCount = 0 for d in d.delegates: if d.hasDataBuffered(d.deleVal): hasDataBufferedCount.inc() d.handleRead(d.deleVal) if hasDataBufferedCount > 0: return True if readDg.len() == 0 and writeDg.len() == 0: ## TODO: Perhaps this shouldn't return if errorDg has something? return False if select(readDg, writeDg, errorDg, timeout) != 0: for i in 0..len(d.delegates)-1: if i > len(d.delegates)-1: break # One delegate might've been removed. let deleg = d.delegates[i] if not deleg.open: continue # This delegate might've been closed. if (deleg.mode != fmWrite or deleg.mode != fmAppend) and deleg notin readDg: deleg.handleRead(deleg.deleVal) if (deleg.mode != fmRead) and deleg notin writeDg: deleg.handleWrite(deleg.deleVal) if deleg notin errorDg: deleg.handleError(deleg.deleVal) # Execute tasks for i in items(d.delegates): i.task(i.deleVal) proc len*(disp: PDispatcher): int = ## Retrieves the amount of delegates in ``disp``. return disp.delegates.len when isMainModule: proc testConnect(s: PAsyncSocket, no: int) = echo("Connected! " & $no) proc testRead(s: PAsyncSocket, no: int) = echo("Reading! " & $no) var data = "" if not s.readLine(data): OSError() if data == "": echo("Closing connection. " & $no) s.close() echo(data) echo("Finished reading! " & $no) proc testAccept(s: PAsyncSocket, disp: PDispatcher, no: int) = echo("Accepting client! " & $no) var client: PAsyncSocket new(client) var address = "" s.acceptAddr(client, address) echo("Accepted ", address) client.handleRead = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = testRead(s, 2) disp.register(client) var d = newDispatcher() var s = AsyncSocket() s.connect("amber.tenthbit.net", TPort(6667)) s.handleConnect = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = testConnect(s, 1) s.handleRead = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = testRead(s, 1) d.register(s) var server = AsyncSocket() server.handleAccept = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = testAccept(s, d, 78) server.bindAddr(TPort(5555)) server.listen() d.register(server) while d.poll(-1): nil