# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## The ``tables`` module implements an efficient hash table that is ## a mapping from keys to values. ## ## **Note:** The data types declared here have *value semantics*: This means ## that ``=`` performs a copy of the hash table. import hashes, math {.pragma: myShallow.} type TSlotEnum = enum seEmpty, seFilled, seDeleted TKeyValuePair[A, B] = tuple[slot: TSlotEnum, key: A, val: B] TKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] = seq[TKeyValuePair[A, B]] TTable* {.final, myShallow.}[A, B] = object ## generic hash table data: TKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] counter: int when not defined(nimhygiene): {.pragma: dirty.} proc len*[A, B](t: TTable[A, B]): int = ## returns the number of keys in `t`. result = t.counter iterator pairs*[A, B](t: TTable[A, B]): tuple[key: A, val: B] = ## iterates over any (key, value) pair in the table `t`. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].slot == seFilled: yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val) iterator mpairs*[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B]): tuple[key: A, val: var B] = ## iterates over any (key, value) pair in the table `t`. The values ## can be modified. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].slot == seFilled: yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val) iterator keys*[A, B](t: TTable[A, B]): A = ## iterates over any key in the table `t`. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].slot == seFilled: yield t.data[h].key iterator values*[A, B](t: TTable[A, B]): B = ## iterates over any value in the table `t`. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].slot == seFilled: yield t.data[h].val iterator mvalues*[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B]): var B = ## iterates over any value in the table `t`. The values can be modified. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].slot == seFilled: yield t.data[h].val const growthFactor = 2 proc mustRehash(length, counter: int): bool {.inline.} = assert(length > counter) result = (length * 2 < counter * 3) or (length - counter < 4) proc nextTry(h, maxHash: THash): THash {.inline.} = result = ((5 * h) + 1) and maxHash template rawGetImpl() {.dirty.} = var h: THash = hash(key) and high(t.data) # start with real hash value while t.data[h].slot != seEmpty: if t.data[h].key == key and t.data[h].slot == seFilled: return h h = nextTry(h, high(t.data)) result = -1 template rawInsertImpl() {.dirty.} = var h: THash = hash(key) and high(data) while data[h].slot == seFilled: h = nextTry(h, high(data)) data[h].key = key data[h].val = val data[h].slot = seFilled proc RawGet[A, B](t: TTable[A, B], key: A): int = rawGetImpl() proc `[]`*[A, B](t: TTable[A, B], key: A): B = ## retrieves the value at ``t[key]``. If `key` is not in `t`, ## default empty value for the type `B` is returned ## and no exception is raised. One can check with ``hasKey`` whether the key ## exists. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val proc mget*[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B], key: A): var B = ## retrieves the value at ``t[key]``. The value can be modified. ## If `key` is not in `t`, the ``EInvalidKey`` exception is raised. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val else: raise newException(EInvalidKey, "key not found: " & $key) proc hasKey*[A, B](t: TTable[A, B], key: A): bool = ## returns true iff `key` is in the table `t`. result = rawGet(t, key) >= 0 proc RawInsert[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B], data: var TKeyValuePairSeq[A, B], key: A, val: B) = rawInsertImpl() proc Enlarge[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B]) = var n: TKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] newSeq(n, len(t.data) * growthFactor) for i in countup(0, high(t.data)): if t.data[i].slot == seFilled: RawInsert(t, n, t.data[i].key, t.data[i].val) swap(t.data, n) template AddImpl() {.dirty.} = if mustRehash(len(t.data), t.counter): Enlarge(t) RawInsert(t, t.data, key, val) inc(t.counter) template PutImpl() {.dirty.} = var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: t.data[index].val = val else: AddImpl() when false: # not yet used: template HasKeyOrPutImpl() {.dirty.} = var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: t.data[index].val = val result = true else: if mustRehash(len(t.data), t.counter): Enlarge(t) RawInsert(t, t.data, key, val) inc(t.counter) result = false proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B], key: A, val: B) = ## puts a (key, value)-pair into `t`. putImpl() proc add*[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B], key: A, val: B) = ## puts a new (key, value)-pair into `t` even if ``t[key]`` already exists. AddImpl() proc del*[A, B](t: var TTable[A, B], key: A) = ## deletes `key` from hash table `t`. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: t.data[index].slot = seDeleted dec(t.counter) proc initTable*[A, B](initialSize=64): TTable[A, B] = ## creates a new hash table that is empty. `initialSize` needs to be ## a power of two. assert isPowerOfTwo(initialSize) result.counter = 0 newSeq(result.data, initialSize) proc toTable*[A, B](pairs: openarray[tuple[key: A, val: B]]): TTable[A, B] = ## creates a new hash table that contains the given `pairs`. result = initTable[A, B](nextPowerOfTwo(pairs.len+10)) for key, val in items(pairs): result[key] = val template dollarImpl(): stmt {.dirty.} = if t.len == 0: result = "{:}" else: result = "{" for key, val in pairs(t): if result.len > 1: result.add(", ") result.add($key) result.add(": ") result.add($val) result.add("}") proc `$`*[A, B](t: TTable[A, B]): string = ## The `$` operator for hash tables. dollarImpl() # ------------------------------ ordered table ------------------------------ type TOrderedKeyValuePair[A, B] = tuple[ slot: TSlotEnum, next: int, key: A, val: B] TOrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] = seq[TOrderedKeyValuePair[A, B]] TOrderedTable* {. final, myShallow.}[A, B] = object ## table that remembers insertion order data: TOrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] counter, first, last: int proc len*[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B]): int {.inline.} = ## returns the number of keys in `t`. result = t.counter template forAllOrderedPairs(yieldStmt: stmt) {.dirty, immediate.} = var h = t.first while h >= 0: var nxt = t.data[h].next if t.data[h].slot == seFilled: yieldStmt h = nxt iterator pairs*[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B]): tuple[key: A, val: B] = ## iterates over any (key, value) pair in the table `t` in insertion ## order. forAllOrderedPairs: yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val) iterator mpairs*[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B]): tuple[key: A, val: var B] = ## iterates over any (key, value) pair in the table `t` in insertion ## order. The values can be modified. forAllOrderedPairs: yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val) iterator keys*[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B]): A = ## iterates over any key in the table `t` in insertion order. forAllOrderedPairs: yield t.data[h].key iterator values*[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B]): B = ## iterates over any value in the table `t` in insertion order. forAllOrderedPairs: yield t.data[h].val iterator mvalues*[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B]): var B = ## iterates over any value in the table `t` in insertion order. The values ## can be modified. forAllOrderedPairs: yield t.data[h].val proc RawGet[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B], key: A): int = rawGetImpl() proc `[]`*[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B], key: A): B = ## retrieves the value at ``t[key]``. If `key` is not in `t`, ## default empty value for the type `B` is returned ## and no exception is raised. One can check with ``hasKey`` whether the key ## exists. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val proc mget*[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B], key: A): var B = ## retrieves the value at ``t[key]``. The value can be modified. ## If `key` is not in `t`, the ``EInvalidKey`` exception is raised. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val else: raise newException(EInvalidKey, "key not found: " & $key) proc hasKey*[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B], key: A): bool = ## returns true iff `key` is in the table `t`. result = rawGet(t, key) >= 0 proc RawInsert[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B], data: var TOrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B], key: A, val: B) = rawInsertImpl() data[h].next = -1 if t.first < 0: t.first = h if t.last >= 0: data[t.last].next = h t.last = h proc Enlarge[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B]) = var n: TOrderedKeyValuePairSeq[A, B] newSeq(n, len(t.data) * growthFactor) var h = t.first t.first = -1 t.last = -1 while h >= 0: var nxt = t.data[h].next if t.data[h].slot == seFilled: RawInsert(t, n, t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val) h = nxt swap(t.data, n) proc `[]=`*[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B], key: A, val: B) = ## puts a (key, value)-pair into `t`. putImpl() proc add*[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B], key: A, val: B) = ## puts a new (key, value)-pair into `t` even if ``t[key]`` already exists. AddImpl() proc initOrderedTable*[A, B](initialSize=64): TOrderedTable[A, B] = ## creates a new ordered hash table that is empty. `initialSize` needs to be ## a power of two. assert isPowerOfTwo(initialSize) result.counter = 0 result.first = -1 result.last = -1 newSeq(result.data, initialSize) proc toOrderedTable*[A, B](pairs: openarray[tuple[key: A, val: B]]): TOrderedTable[A, B] = ## creates a new ordered hash table that contains the given `pairs`. result = initOrderedTable[A, B](nextPowerOfTwo(pairs.len+10)) for key, val in items(pairs): result[key] = val proc `$`*[A, B](t: TOrderedTable[A, B]): string = ## The `$` operator for ordered hash tables. dollarImpl() proc sort*[A, B](t: var TOrderedTable[A, B], cmp: proc (x,y: tuple[key: A, val: B]): int) = ## sorts `t` according to `cmp`. This modifies the internal list ## that kept the insertion order, so insertion order is lost after this ## call but key lookup and insertions remain possible after `sort` (in ## contrast to the `sort` for count tables). var list = t.first var p, q, e, tail, oldhead: int nmerges, psize, qsize, i: int if t.counter == 0: return var insize = 1 while true: p = list; oldhead = list list = -1; tail = -1; nmerges = 0 while p >= 0: inc(nmerges) q = p psize = 0 i = 0 while i < insize: inc(psize) q = t.data[q].next if q < 0: break inc(i) qsize = insize while psize > 0 or (qsize > 0 and q >= 0): if psize == 0: e = q; q = t.data[q].next; dec(qsize) elif qsize == 0 or q < 0: e = p; p = t.data[p].next; dec(psize) elif cmp((t.data[p].key, t.data[p].val), (t.data[q].key, t.data[q].val)) <= 0: e = p; p = t.data[p].next; dec(psize) else: e = q; q = t.data[q].next; dec(qsize) if tail >= 0: t.data[tail].next = e else: list = e tail = e p = q t.data[tail].next = -1 if nmerges <= 1: break insize = insize * 2 t.first = list t.last = tail # ------------------------------ count tables ------------------------------- type TCountTable* {.final, myShallow.}[ A] = object ## table that counts the number of each key data: seq[tuple[key: A, val: int]] counter: int proc len*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): int = ## returns the number of keys in `t`. result = t.counter iterator pairs*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] = ## iterates over any (key, value) pair in the table `t`. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].val != 0: yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val) iterator mpairs*[A](t: var TCountTable[A]): tuple[key: A, val: var int] = ## iterates over any (key, value) pair in the table `t`. The values can ## be modified. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].val != 0: yield (t.data[h].key, t.data[h].val) iterator keys*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): A = ## iterates over any key in the table `t`. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].val != 0: yield t.data[h].key iterator values*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): int = ## iterates over any value in the table `t`. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].val != 0: yield t.data[h].val iterator mvalues*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): var int = ## iterates over any value in the table `t`. The values can be modified. for h in 0..high(t.data): if t.data[h].val != 0: yield t.data[h].val proc RawGet[A](t: TCountTable[A], key: A): int = var h: THash = hash(key) and high(t.data) # start with real hash value while t.data[h].val != 0: if t.data[h].key == key: return h h = nextTry(h, high(t.data)) result = -1 proc `[]`*[A](t: TCountTable[A], key: A): int = ## retrieves the value at ``t[key]``. If `key` is not in `t`, ## 0 is returned. One can check with ``hasKey`` whether the key ## exists. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val proc mget*[A](t: var TCountTable[A], key: A): var int = ## retrieves the value at ``t[key]``. The value can be modified. ## If `key` is not in `t`, the ``EInvalidKey`` exception is raised. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: result = t.data[index].val else: raise newException(EInvalidKey, "key not found: " & $key) proc hasKey*[A](t: TCountTable[A], key: A): bool = ## returns true iff `key` is in the table `t`. result = rawGet(t, key) >= 0 proc RawInsert[A](t: TCountTable[A], data: var seq[tuple[key: A, val: int]], key: A, val: int) = var h: THash = hash(key) and high(data) while data[h].val != 0: h = nextTry(h, high(data)) data[h].key = key data[h].val = val proc Enlarge[A](t: var TCountTable[A]) = var n: seq[tuple[key: A, val: int]] newSeq(n, len(t.data) * growthFactor) for i in countup(0, high(t.data)): if t.data[i].val != 0: RawInsert(t, n, t.data[i].key, t.data[i].val) swap(t.data, n) proc `[]=`*[A](t: var TCountTable[A], key: A, val: int) = ## puts a (key, value)-pair into `t`. `val` has to be positive. assert val > 0 PutImpl() proc initCountTable*[A](initialSize=64): TCountTable[A] = ## creates a new count table that is empty. `initialSize` needs to be ## a power of two. assert isPowerOfTwo(initialSize) result.counter = 0 newSeq(result.data, initialSize) proc toCountTable*[A](keys: openArray[A]): TCountTable[A] = ## creates a new count table with every key in `keys` having a count of 1. result = initCountTable[A](nextPowerOfTwo(keys.len+10)) for key in items(keys): result[key] = 1 proc `$`*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): string = ## The `$` operator for count tables. dollarImpl() proc inc*[A](t: var TCountTable[A], key: A, val = 1) = ## increments `t[key]` by `val`. var index = RawGet(t, key) if index >= 0: inc(t.data[index].val, val) else: if mustRehash(len(t.data), t.counter): Enlarge(t) RawInsert(t, t.data, key, val) inc(t.counter) proc Smallest*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] = ## returns the largest (key,val)-pair. Efficiency: O(n) assert t.len > 0 var minIdx = 0 for h in 1..high(t.data): if t.data[h].val > 0 and t.data[minIdx].val > t.data[h].val: minIdx = h result.key = t.data[minIdx].key result.val = t.data[minIdx].val proc Largest*[A](t: TCountTable[A]): tuple[key: A, val: int] = ## returns the (key,val)-pair with the largest `val`. Efficiency: O(n) assert t.len > 0 var maxIdx = 0 for h in 1..high(t.data): if t.data[maxIdx].val < t.data[h].val: maxIdx = h result.key = t.data[maxIdx].key result.val = t.data[maxIdx].val proc sort*[A](t: var TCountTable[A]) = ## sorts the count table so that the entry with the highest counter comes ## first. This is destructive! You must not modify `t` afterwards! ## You can use the iterators `pairs`, `keys`, and `values` to iterate over ## `t` in the sorted order. # we use shellsort here; fast enough and simple var h = 1 while true: h = 3 * h + 1 if h >= high(t.data): break while true: h = h div 3 for i in countup(h, high(t.data)): var j = i while t.data[j-h].val <= t.data[j].val: swap(t.data[j], t.data[j-h]) j = j-h if j < h: break if h == 1: break