# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2017 Nim contributors # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module supports helper routines for working with `cstring` ## without having to convert `cstring` to `string`, in order to ## save allocations. ## ## See also ## ======== ## * `strutils module <strutils.html>`_ for working with `string` include system/inclrtl import std/private/strimpl when defined(js): func jsStartsWith(s, prefix: cstring): bool {.importjs: "#.startsWith(#)".} func jsEndsWith(s, suffix: cstring): bool {.importjs: "#.endsWith(#)".} func startsWith*(s, prefix: cstring): bool {.rtl, extern: "csuStartsWith".} = ## Returns true if `s` starts with `prefix`. ## ## The JS backend uses the native `String.prototype.startsWith` function. runnableExamples: assert startsWith(cstring"Hello, Nimion", cstring"Hello") assert not startsWith(cstring"Hello, Nimion", cstring"Nimion") assert startsWith(cstring"Hello", cstring"") when nimvm: startsWithImpl(s, prefix) else: when defined(js): result = jsStartsWith(s, prefix) else: var i = 0 while true: if prefix[i] == '\0': return true if s[i] != prefix[i]: return false inc(i) func endsWith*(s, suffix: cstring): bool {.rtl, extern: "csuEndsWith".} = ## Returns true if `s` ends with `suffix`. ## ## The JS backend uses the native `String.prototype.endsWith` function. runnableExamples: assert endsWith(cstring"Hello, Nimion", cstring"Nimion") assert not endsWith(cstring"Hello, Nimion", cstring"Hello") assert endsWith(cstring"Hello", cstring"") when nimvm: endsWithImpl(s, suffix) else: when defined(js): result = jsEndsWith(s, suffix) else: let slen = s.len var i = 0 var j = slen - len(suffix) while i + j <% slen: if s[i + j] != suffix[i]: return false inc(i) if suffix[i] == '\0': return true func cmpIgnoreStyle*(a, b: cstring): int {.rtl, extern: "csuCmpIgnoreStyle".} = ## Semantically the same as `cmp(normalize($a), normalize($b))`. It ## is just optimized to not allocate temporary strings. This should ## NOT be used to compare Nim identifier names, use `macros.eqIdent` ## for that. Returns: ## * 0 if `a == b` ## * < 0 if `a < b` ## * > 0 if `a > b` runnableExamples: assert cmpIgnoreStyle(cstring"hello", cstring"H_e_L_Lo") == 0 when nimvm: cmpIgnoreStyleImpl(a, b) else: when defined(js): cmpIgnoreStyleImpl(a, b) else: var i = 0 var j = 0 while true: while a[i] == '_': inc(i) while b[j] == '_': inc(j) # BUGFIX: typo var aa = toLowerAscii(a[i]) var bb = toLowerAscii(b[j]) result = ord(aa) - ord(bb) if result != 0 or aa == '\0': break inc(i) inc(j) func cmpIgnoreCase*(a, b: cstring): int {.rtl, extern: "csuCmpIgnoreCase".} = ## Compares two strings in a case insensitive manner. Returns: ## * 0 if `a == b` ## * < 0 if `a < b` ## * > 0 if `a > b` runnableExamples: assert cmpIgnoreCase(cstring"hello", cstring"HeLLo") == 0 assert cmpIgnoreCase(cstring"echo", cstring"hello") < 0 assert cmpIgnoreCase(cstring"yellow", cstring"hello") > 0 when nimvm: cmpIgnoreCaseImpl(a, b) else: when defined(js): cmpIgnoreCaseImpl(a, b) else: var i = 0 while true: var aa = toLowerAscii(a[i]) var bb = toLowerAscii(b[i]) result = ord(aa) - ord(bb) if result != 0 or aa == '\0': break inc(i)