# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2012 Dominik Picheta # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # import sockets, strutils, parseutils, times, os, asyncio ## This module **partially** implements an FTP client as specified ## by `RFC 959 `_. ## ## This module provides both a synchronous and asynchronous implementation. ## The asynchronous implementation requires you to use the ``AsyncFTPClient`` ## function. You are then required to register the ``PAsyncFTPClient`` with a ## asyncio dispatcher using the ``register`` function. Take a look at the ## asyncio module documentation for more information. ## ## **Note**: The asynchronous implementation is only asynchronous for long ## file transfers, calls to functions which use the command socket will block. ## ## Here is some example usage of this module: ## ## .. code-block:: Nimrod ## var ftp = FTPClient("example.org", user = "user", pass = "pass") ## ftp.connect() ## ftp.retrFile("file.ext", "file.ext") type TFTPClient* = object of TObject case isAsync: bool of false: csock: TSocket # Command connection socket dsock: TSocket # Data connection socket else: dummyA, dummyB: pointer # workaround a Nimrod API issue asyncCSock: PAsyncSocket asyncDSock: PAsyncSocket handleEvent*: proc (ftp: PAsyncFTPClient, ev: TFTPEvent) {.closure.} disp: PDispatcher asyncDSockID: PDelegate user, pass: string address: string port: TPort jobInProgress: bool job: ref TFTPJob dsockConnected: bool PFTPClient* = ref TFTPClient FTPJobType* = enum JRetrText, JRetr, JStore TFTPJob = object prc: proc (ftp: PFTPClient, async: bool): bool {.nimcall.} case typ*: FTPJobType of JRetrText: lines: string of JRetr, JStore: file: TFile filename: string total: biggestInt # In bytes. progress: biggestInt # In bytes. oneSecond: biggestInt # Bytes transferred in one second. lastProgressReport: float # Time toStore: string # Data left to upload (Only used with async) else: nil PAsyncFTPClient* = ref TAsyncFTPClient ## Async alternative to TFTPClient. TAsyncFTPClient* = object of TFTPClient FTPEventType* = enum EvTransferProgress, EvLines, EvRetr, EvStore TFTPEvent* = object ## Event filename*: string case typ*: FTPEventType of EvLines: lines*: string ## Lines that have been transferred. of EvRetr, EvStore: nil of EvTransferProgress: bytesTotal*: biggestInt ## Bytes total. bytesFinished*: biggestInt ## Bytes transferred. speed*: biggestInt ## Speed in bytes/s currentJob*: FTPJobType ## The current job being performed. EInvalidReply* = object of ESynch EFTP* = object of ESynch proc FTPClient*(address: string, port = TPort(21), user, pass = ""): TFTPClient = ## Create a ``TFTPClient`` object. result.user = user result.pass = pass result.address = address result.port = port result.isAsync = false result.dsockConnected = false result.csock = socket() proc getDSock(ftp: PFTPClient): TSocket = if ftp.isAsync: return ftp.asyncDSock else: return ftp.dsock proc getCSock(ftp: PFTPClient): TSocket = if ftp.isAsync: return ftp.asyncCSock else: return ftp.csock template blockingOperation(sock: TSocket, body: stmt) = if ftp.isAsync: sock.setBlocking(true) body if ftp.isAsync: sock.setBlocking(false) proc expectReply(ftp: PFTPClient): TaintedString = result = TaintedString"" blockingOperation(ftp.getCSock()): if not ftp.getCSock().recvLine(result): setLen(result.string, 0) proc send*(ftp: PFTPClient, m: string): TaintedString = ## Send a message to the server, and wait for a primary reply. ## ``\c\L`` is added for you. ftp.getCSock().send(m & "\c\L") return ftp.expectReply() proc assertReply(received: TaintedString, expected: string) = if not received.string.startsWith(expected): raise newException(EInvalidReply, "Expected reply '$1' got: $2" % [ expected, received.string]) proc assertReply(received: TaintedString, expected: varargs[string]) = for i in items(expected): if received.string.startsWith(i): return raise newException(EInvalidReply, "Expected reply '$1' got: $2" % [expected.join("' or '"), received.string]) proc createJob(ftp: PFTPClient, prc: proc (ftp: PFTPClient, async: bool): bool {.nimcall.}, cmd: FTPJobType) = if ftp.jobInProgress: raise newException(EFTP, "Unable to do two jobs at once.") ftp.jobInProgress = true new(ftp.job) ftp.job.prc = prc ftp.job.typ = cmd case cmd of JRetrText: ftp.job.lines = "" of JRetr, JStore: ftp.job.toStore = "" proc deleteJob(ftp: PFTPClient) = assert ftp.jobInProgress ftp.jobInProgress = false case ftp.job.typ of JRetrText: ftp.job.lines = "" of JRetr, JStore: ftp.job.file.close() if ftp.isAsync: ftp.asyncDSock.close() else: ftp.dsock.close() proc handleTask(s: PAsyncSocket, ftp: PFTPClient) = if ftp.jobInProgress: if ftp.job.typ in {JRetr, JStore}: if epochTime() - ftp.job.lastProgressReport >= 1.0: var r: TFTPEvent ftp.job.lastProgressReport = epochTime() r.typ = EvTransferProgress r.bytesTotal = ftp.job.total r.bytesFinished = ftp.job.progress r.speed = ftp.job.oneSecond r.filename = ftp.job.filename r.currentJob = ftp.job.typ ftp.job.oneSecond = 0 ftp.handleEvent(PAsyncFTPClient(ftp), r) proc handleWrite(s: PAsyncSocket, ftp: PFTPClient) = if ftp.jobInProgress: if ftp.job.typ == JStore: assert (not ftp.job.prc(ftp, true)) proc handleConnect(s: PAsyncSocket, ftp: PFTPClient) = ftp.dsockConnected = true assert(ftp.jobInProgress) if ftp.job.typ == JStore: s.setHandleWrite(proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = handleWrite(s, ftp)) else: s.delHandleWrite() proc handleRead(s: PAsyncSocket, ftp: PFTPClient) = assert ftp.jobInProgress assert ftp.job.typ != JStore # This can never return true, because it shouldn't check for code # 226 from csock. assert(not ftp.job.prc(ftp, true)) proc pasv(ftp: PFTPClient) = ## Negotiate a data connection. if not ftp.isAsync: ftp.dsock = socket() else: ftp.asyncDSock = AsyncSocket() ftp.asyncDSock.handleRead = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = handleRead(s, ftp) ftp.asyncDSock.handleConnect = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = handleConnect(s, ftp) ftp.asyncDSock.handleTask = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = handleTask(s, ftp) ftp.disp.register(ftp.asyncDSock) var pasvMsg = ftp.send("PASV").string.strip.TaintedString assertReply(pasvMsg, "227") var betweenParens = captureBetween(pasvMsg.string, '(', ')') var nums = betweenParens.split(',') var ip = nums[0.. -3] var port = nums[-2.. -1] var properPort = port[0].parseInt()*256+port[1].parseInt() if ftp.isAsync: ftp.asyncDSock.connect(ip.join("."), TPort(properPort.toU16)) ftp.dsockConnected = False else: ftp.dsock.connect(ip.join("."), TPort(properPort.toU16)) ftp.dsockConnected = True proc normalizePathSep(path: string): string = return replace(path, '\\', '/') proc connect*(ftp: PFTPClient) = ## Connect to the FTP server specified by ``ftp``. if ftp.isAsync: blockingOperation(ftp.asyncCSock): ftp.asyncCSock.connect(ftp.address, ftp.port) else: ftp.csock.connect(ftp.address, ftp.port) # TODO: Handle 120? or let user handle it. assertReply ftp.expectReply(), "220" if ftp.user != "": assertReply(ftp.send("USER " & ftp.user), "230", "331") if ftp.pass != "": assertReply ftp.send("PASS " & ftp.pass), "230" proc pwd*(ftp: PFTPClient): string = ## Returns the current working directory. var wd = ftp.send("PWD") assertReply wd, "257" return wd.string.captureBetween('"') # " proc cd*(ftp: PFTPClient, dir: string) = ## Changes the current directory on the remote FTP server to ``dir``. assertReply ftp.send("CWD " & dir.normalizePathSep), "250" proc cdup*(ftp: PFTPClient) = ## Changes the current directory to the parent of the current directory. assertReply ftp.send("CDUP"), "200" proc getLines(ftp: PFTPClient, async: bool = false): bool = ## Downloads text data in ASCII mode ## Returns true if the download is complete. ## It doesn't if `async` is true, because it doesn't check for 226 then. if ftp.dsockConnected: var r = TaintedString"" if getDSock(ftp).recvAsync(r): if r.string != "": ftp.job.lines.add(r.string) else: ftp.dsockConnected = False if not async: var readSocks: seq[TSocket] = @[ftp.getCSock()] # This is only needed here. Asyncio gets this socket... blockingOperation(ftp.getCSock()): if readSocks.select(1) != 0 and ftp.getCSock() notin readSocks: assertReply ftp.expectReply(), "226" return true proc listDirs*(ftp: PFTPClient, dir: string = "", async = false): seq[string] = ## Returns a list of filenames in the given directory. If ``dir`` is "", ## the current directory is used. If ``async`` is true, this ## function will return immediately and it will be your job to ## use asyncio's ``poll`` to progress this operation. ftp.createJob(getLines, JRetrText) ftp.pasv() assertReply ftp.send("NLST " & dir.normalizePathSep), ["125", "150"] if not async: while not ftp.job.prc(ftp, false): nil result = splitLines(ftp.job.lines) ftp.deleteJob() else: return @[] proc fileExists*(ftp: PFTPClient, file: string): bool {.deprecated.} = ## **Deprecated since version 0.9.0:** Please use ``existsFile``. ## ## Determines whether ``file`` exists. ## ## Warning: This function may block. Especially on directories with many ## files, because a full list of file names must be retrieved. var files = ftp.listDirs() for f in items(files): if f.normalizePathSep == file.normalizePathSep: return true proc existsFile*(ftp: PFTPClient, file: string): bool = ## Determines whether ``file`` exists. ## ## Warning: This function may block. Especially on directories with many ## files, because a full list of file names must be retrieved. var files = ftp.listDirs() for f in items(files): if f.normalizePathSep == file.normalizePathSep: return true proc createDir*(ftp: PFTPClient, dir: string, recursive: bool = false) = ## Creates a directory ``dir``. If ``recursive`` is true, the topmost ## subdirectory of ``dir`` will be created first, following the secondmost... ## etc. this allows you to give a full path as the ``dir`` without worrying ## about subdirectories not existing. if not recursive: assertReply ftp.send("MKD " & dir.normalizePathSep), "257" else: var reply = TaintedString"" var previousDirs = "" for p in split(dir, {os.dirSep, os.altSep}): if p != "": previousDirs.add(p) reply = ftp.send("MKD " & previousDirs) previousDirs.add('/') assertReply reply, "257" proc chmod*(ftp: PFTPClient, path: string, permissions: set[TFilePermission]) = ## Changes permission of ``path`` to ``permissions``. var userOctal = 0 var groupOctal = 0 var otherOctal = 0 for i in items(permissions): case i of fpUserExec: userOctal.inc(1) of fpUserWrite: userOctal.inc(2) of fpUserRead: userOctal.inc(4) of fpGroupExec: groupOctal.inc(1) of fpGroupWrite: groupOctal.inc(2) of fpGroupRead: groupOctal.inc(4) of fpOthersExec: otherOctal.inc(1) of fpOthersWrite: otherOctal.inc(2) of fpOthersRead: otherOctal.inc(4) var perm = $userOctal & $groupOctal & $otherOctal assertReply ftp.send("SITE CHMOD " & perm & " " & path.normalizePathSep), "200" proc list*(ftp: PFTPClient, dir: string = "", async = false): string = ## Lists all files in ``dir``. If ``dir`` is ``""``, uses the current ## working directory. If ``async`` is true, this function will return ## immediately and it will be your job to call asyncio's ## ``poll`` to progress this operation. ftp.createJob(getLines, JRetrText) ftp.pasv() assertReply(ftp.send("LIST" & " " & dir.normalizePathSep), ["125", "150"]) if not async: while not ftp.job.prc(ftp, false): nil result = ftp.job.lines ftp.deleteJob() else: return "" proc retrText*(ftp: PFTPClient, file: string, async = false): string = ## Retrieves ``file``. File must be ASCII text. ## If ``async`` is true, this function will return immediately and ## it will be your job to call ``poll`` to progress this operation. ftp.createJob(getLines, JRetrText) ftp.pasv() assertReply ftp.send("RETR " & file.normalizePathSep), ["125", "150"] if not async: while not ftp.job.prc(ftp, false): nil result = ftp.job.lines ftp.deleteJob() else: return "" proc getFile(ftp: PFTPClient, async = false): bool = if ftp.dsockConnected: var r = "".TaintedString var returned = false if async: if not ftp.isAsync: raise newException(EFTP, "FTPClient must be async.") returned = ftp.AsyncDSock.recvAsync(r) else: r = getDSock(ftp).recv() returned = true let r2 = r.string if r2 != "": ftp.job.progress.inc(r2.len) ftp.job.oneSecond.inc(r2.len) ftp.job.file.write(r2) elif returned and r2 == "": ftp.dsockConnected = False if not async: var readSocks: seq[TSocket] = @[ftp.getCSock()] blockingOperation(ftp.getCSock()): if readSocks.select(1) != 0 and ftp.getCSock() notin readSocks: assertReply ftp.expectReply(), "226" return true proc retrFile*(ftp: PFTPClient, file, dest: string, async = false) = ## Downloads ``file`` and saves it to ``dest``. Usage of this function ## asynchronously is recommended to view the progress of the download. ## The ``EvRetr`` event is given by ``poll`` when the download is finished, ## and the ``filename`` field will be equal to ``file``. ftp.createJob(getFile, JRetr) ftp.job.file = open(dest, mode = fmWrite) ftp.pasv() var reply = ftp.send("RETR " & file.normalizePathSep) assertReply reply, ["125", "150"] if {'(', ')'} notin reply.string: raise newException(EInvalidReply, "Reply has no file size.") var fileSize: biggestInt if reply.string.captureBetween('(', ')').parseBiggestInt(fileSize) == 0: raise newException(EInvalidReply, "Reply has no file size.") ftp.job.total = fileSize ftp.job.lastProgressReport = epochTime() ftp.job.filename = file.normalizePathSep if not async: while not ftp.job.prc(ftp, false): nil ftp.deleteJob() proc doUpload(ftp: PFTPClient, async = false): bool = if ftp.dsockConnected: if ftp.job.toStore.len() > 0: assert(async) if ftp.asyncDSock.sendAsync(ftp.job.toStore): ftp.job.toStore = "" ftp.job.progress.inc(ftp.job.toStore.len) ftp.job.oneSecond.inc(ftp.job.toStore.len) else: var s = newStringOfCap(4000) var len = ftp.job.file.readBuffer(addr(s[0]), 4000) setLen(s, len) if len == 0: # File finished uploading. if ftp.isAsync: ftp.asyncDSock.close() else: ftp.dsock.close() ftp.dsockConnected = false if not async: assertReply ftp.expectReply(), "226" return true return false if not async: getDSock(ftp).send(s) else: if not ftp.asyncDSock.sendAsync(s): ftp.job.toStore = s ftp.job.progress.inc(len) ftp.job.oneSecond.inc(len) proc store*(ftp: PFTPClient, file, dest: string, async = false) = ## Uploads ``file`` to ``dest`` on the remote FTP server. Usage of this ## function asynchronously is recommended to view the progress of ## the download. ## The ``EvStore`` event is given by ``poll`` when the upload is finished, ## and the ``filename`` field will be equal to ``file``. ftp.createJob(doUpload, JStore) ftp.job.file = open(file) ftp.job.total = ftp.job.file.getFileSize() ftp.job.lastProgressReport = epochTime() ftp.job.filename = file ftp.pasv() assertReply ftp.send("STOR " & dest.normalizePathSep), ["125", "150"] if not async: while not ftp.job.prc(ftp, false): nil ftp.deleteJob() proc close*(ftp: PFTPClient) = ## Terminates the connection to the server. assertReply ftp.send("QUIT"), "221" if ftp.jobInProgress: ftp.deleteJob() if ftp.isAsync: ftp.asyncCSock.close() ftp.asyncDSock.close() else: ftp.csock.close() ftp.dsock.close() discard """proc getSocket(h: PObject): tuple[info: TInfo, sock: TSocket] = result = (SockIdle, InvalidSocket) var ftp = PAsyncFTPClient(h) if ftp.jobInProgress: case ftp.job.typ of JRetrText, JRetr, JStore: if ftp.dsockStatus == SockConnecting or ftp.dsockStatus == SockConnected: result = (ftp.dsockStatus, ftp.dsock) else: result = (SockIdle, ftp.dsock)""" proc csockHandleRead(s: PAsyncSocket, ftp: PAsyncFTPClient) = if ftp.jobInProgress: assertReply ftp.expectReply(), "226" # Make sure the transfer completed. var r: TFTPEvent case ftp.job.typ of JRetrText: r.typ = EvLines r.lines = ftp.job.lines of JRetr: r.typ = EvRetr r.filename = ftp.job.filename if ftp.job.progress != ftp.job.total: raise newException(EFTP, "Didn't download full file.") of JStore: r.typ = EvStore r.filename = ftp.job.filename if ftp.job.progress != ftp.job.total: raise newException(EFTP, "Didn't upload full file.") ftp.deleteJob() ftp.handleEvent(ftp, r) discard """proc handleConnect(h: PObject) = var ftp = PAsyncFTPClient(h) ftp.dsockStatus = SockConnected assert(ftp.jobInProgress) if ftp.job.typ == JStore: ftp.dele.mode = MWriteable else: ftp.dele.mode = MReadable""" discard """proc handleRead(h: PObject) = var ftp = PAsyncFTPClient(h) assert(ftp.jobInProgress) assert(ftp.job.typ != JStore) # This can never return true, because it shouldn't check for code # 226 from csock. assert(not ftp.job.prc(ftp[], true)) """ discard """proc csockGetSocket(h: PObject): tuple[info: TInfo, sock: TSocket] = # This only returns the csock if a job is in progress. Otherwise handle read # would capture data which is not for it to capture. result = (SockIdle, InvalidSocket) var ftp = PAsyncFTPClient(h) if ftp.jobInProgress: result = (SockConnected, ftp.csock)""" proc AsyncFTPClient*(address: string, port = TPort(21), user, pass = "", handleEvent: proc (ftp: PAsyncFTPClient, ev: TFTPEvent) {.closure.} = (proc (ftp: PAsyncFTPClient, ev: TFTPEvent) = nil)): PAsyncFTPClient = ## Create a ``PAsyncFTPClient`` object. ## ## Use this if you want to use asyncio's dispatcher. var dres: PAsyncFTPClient new(dres) dres.user = user dres.pass = pass dres.address = address dres.port = port dres.isAsync = true dres.dsockConnected = false dres.handleEvent = handleEvent dres.asyncCSock = AsyncSocket() dres.asyncCSock.handleRead = proc (s: PAsyncSocket) = csockHandleRead(s, dres) result = dres proc register*(d: PDispatcher, ftp: PAsyncFTPClient): PDelegate {.discardable.} = ## Registers ``ftp`` with dispatcher ``d``. assert ftp.isAsync ftp.disp = d return ftp.disp.register(ftp.asyncCSock) when isMainModule: var d = newDispatcher() let hev = proc (ftp: PAsyncFTPClient, event: TFTPEvent) = case event.typ of EvStore: echo("Upload finished!") ftp.retrFile("payload.JPG", "payload2.JPG", async = true) of EvTransferProgress: var time: int64 = -1 if event.speed != 0: time = (event.bytesTotal - event.bytesFinished) div event.speed echo(event.currentJob) echo(event.speed div 1000, " kb/s. - ", event.bytesFinished, "/", event.bytesTotal, " - ", time, " seconds") echo(d.len) of EvRetr: echo("Download finished!") ftp.close() echo d.len else: assert(false) var ftp = AsyncFTPClient("picheta.me", user = "test", pass = "asf", handleEvent = hev) d.register(ftp) d.len.echo() ftp.connect() echo "connected" ftp.store("payload.JPG", "payload.JPG", async = true) d.len.echo() echo "uploading..." while true: if not d.poll(): break when isMainModule and false: var ftp = FTPClient("picheta.me", user = "asdasd", pass = "asfwq") ftp.connect() echo ftp.pwd() echo ftp.list() echo("uploading") ftp.store("payload.JPG", "payload.JPG", async = false) echo("Upload complete") ftp.retrFile("payload.JPG", "payload2.JPG", async = false) echo("Download complete") sleep(5000) ftp.close() sleep(200)