#            Nimrod's Runtime Library
#        (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

## This module implements efficient computations of hash values for diverse
## Nimrod types. All the procs are based on these two building blocks: the `!&
## proc <#!&>`_ used to start or mix a hash value, and the `!$ proc <#!$>`_
## used to *finish* the hash value.  If you want to implement hash procs for
## your custom types you will end up writing the following kind of skeleton of
## code:
## .. code-block:: nimrod
##  proc hash(x: Something): THash =
##    ## Computes a THash from `x`.
##    var h: THash = 0
##    # Iterate over parts of `x`.
##    for xAtom in x:
##      # Mix the atom with the partial hash.
##      h = h !& xAtom
##    # Finish the hash.
##    result = !$h
## If your custom types contain fields for which there already is a hash proc,
## like for example objects made up of ``strings``, you can simply hash
## together the hash value of the individual fields:
## .. code-block:: nimrod
##  proc hash(x: Something): THash =
##    ## Computes a THash from `x`.
##    var h: THash = 0
##    h = h &! hash(x.foo)
##    h = h &! hash(x.bar)
##    result = !$h


  THash* = int ## a hash value; hash tables using these values should 
               ## always have a size of a power of two and can use the ``and``
               ## operator instead of ``mod`` for truncation of the hash value.

proc `!&`*(h: THash, val: int): THash {.inline.} = 
  ## mixes a hash value `h` with `val` to produce a new hash value. This is
  ## only needed if you need to implement a hash proc for a new datatype.
  result = h +% val
  result = result +% result shl 10
  result = result xor (result shr 6)

proc `!$`*(h: THash): THash {.inline.} = 
  ## finishes the computation of the hash value. This is
  ## only needed if you need to implement a hash proc for a new datatype.
  result = h +% h shl 3
  result = result xor (result shr 11)
  result = result +% result shl 15

proc hashData*(data: pointer, size: int): THash = 
  ## hashes an array of bytes of size `size`
  var h: THash = 0
  when defined(js):
    var p: cstring
    asm """`p` = `Data`;"""
    var p = cast[cstring](data)
  var i = 0
  var s = size
  while s > 0: 
    h = h !& ord(p[i])
  result = !$h

when defined(js):
  var objectID = 0

proc hash*(x: pointer): THash {.inline.} = 
  ## efficient hashing of pointers
  when defined(js):
    asm """
      if (typeof `x` == "object") {
        if ("_NimID" in `x`)
          `result` = `x`["_NimID"];
        else {
          `result` = ++`objectID`;
          `x`["_NimID"] = `result`;
    result = (cast[THash](x)) shr 3 # skip the alignment
when not defined(booting):
  proc hash*[T: proc](x: T): THash {.inline.} =
    ## efficient hashing of proc vars; closures are supported too.
    when T is "closure":
      result = hash(rawProc(x)) !& hash(rawEnv(x))
      result = hash(pointer(x))
proc hash*(x: int): THash {.inline.} = 
  ## efficient hashing of integers
  result = x

proc hash*(x: int64): THash {.inline.} = 
  ## efficient hashing of integers
  result = toU32(x)

proc hash*(x: char): THash {.inline.} = 
  ## efficient hashing of characters
  result = ord(x)

proc hash*(x: string): THash = 
  ## efficient hashing of strings
  var h: THash = 0
  for i in 0..x.len-1: 
    h = h !& ord(x[i])
  result = !$h
proc hashIgnoreStyle*(x: string): THash = 
  ## efficient hashing of strings; style is ignored
  var h: THash = 0
  for i in 0..x.len-1: 
    var c = x[i]
    if c == '_': 
      continue                # skip _
    if c in {'A'..'Z'}: 
      c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
    h = h !& ord(c)
  result = !$h

proc hashIgnoreCase*(x: string): THash = 
  ## efficient hashing of strings; case is ignored
  var h: THash = 0
  for i in 0..x.len-1: 
    var c = x[i]
    if c in {'A'..'Z'}: 
      c = chr(ord(c) + (ord('a') - ord('A'))) # toLower()
    h = h !& ord(c)
  result = !$h
proc hash*[T: tuple](x: T): THash = 
  ## efficient hashing of tuples.
  for f in fields(x):
    result = result !& hash(f)
  result = !$result

proc hash*(x: float): THash {.inline.} =
  var y = x + 1.0
  result = cast[ptr THash](addr(y))[]

proc hash*[A](x: openArray[A]): THash =
  for it in items(x): result = result !& hash(it)
  result = !$result

proc hash*[A](x: set[A]): THash =
  for it in items(x): result = result !& hash(it)
  result = !$result