# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2010 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module parses an HTML document and creates its XML tree representation. ## It is supposed to handle the *wild* HTML the real world uses. ## ## It can be used to parse a wild HTML document and output it as valid XHTML ## document (well, if you are lucky): ## ## .. code-block:: nimrod ## ## echo loadHtml("mydirty.html") ## ## ## Every tag in the resulting tree is in lower case. ## ## **Note:** The resulting ``PXmlNode`` already uses the ``clientData`` field, ## so it cannot be used by clients of this library. import strutils, streams, parsexml, xmltree, unicode, strtabs type THtmlTag* = enum ## list of all supported HTML tags; order will always be ## alphabetically tagUnknown, ## unknown HTML element tagA, ## the HTML ``a`` element tagAbbr, ## the deprecated HTML ``abbr`` element tagAcronym, ## the HTML ``acronym`` element tagAddress, ## the HTML ``address`` element tagApplet, ## the deprecated HTML ``applet`` element tagArea, ## the HTML ``area`` element tagB, ## the HTML ``b`` element tagBase, ## the HTML ``base`` element tagBdo, ## the deprecated HTML ``dbo`` element tagBasefont, ## the deprecated HTML ``basefont`` element tagBig, ## the HTML ``big`` element tagBlockquote, ## the HTML ``blockquote`` element tagBody, ## the HTML ``body`` element tagBr, ## the HTML ``br`` element tagButton, ## the HTML ``button`` element tagCaption, ## the HTML ``caption`` element tagCenter, ## the deprecated HTML ``center`` element tagCite, ## the HTML ``cite`` element tagCode, ## the HTML ``code`` element tagCol, ## the HTML ``col`` element tagColgroup, ## the HTML ``colgroup`` element tagDd, ## the HTML ``dd`` element tagDel, ## the HTML ``del`` element tagDfn, ## the HTML ``dfn`` element tagDiv, ## the HTML ``div`` element tagDir, ## the deprecated HTLM ``dir`` element tagDl, ## the HTML ``dl`` element tagDt, ## the HTML ``dt`` element tagEm, ## the HTML ``em`` element tagFieldset, ## the HTML ``fieldset`` element tagFont, ## the deprecated HTML ``font`` element tagForm, ## the HTML ``form`` element tagFrame, ## the HTML ``frame`` element tagFrameset, ## the deprecated HTML ``frameset`` element tagH1, ## the HTML ``h1`` element tagH2, ## the HTML ``h2`` element tagH3, ## the HTML ``h3`` element tagH4, ## the HTML ``h4`` element tagH5, ## the HTML ``h5`` element tagH6, ## the HTML ``h6`` element tagHead, ## the HTML ``head`` element tagHtml, ## the HTML ``html`` element tagHr, ## the HTML ``hr`` element tagI, ## the HTML ``i`` element tagIframe, ## the deprecated HTML ``iframe`` element tagImg, ## the HTML ``img`` element tagInput, ## the HTML ``input`` element tagIns, ## the HTML ``ins`` element tagIsindex, ## the deprecated HTML ``isindex`` element tagKbd, ## the HTML ``kbd`` element tagLabel, ## the HTML ``label`` element tagLegend, ## the HTML ``legend`` element tagLi, ## the HTML ``li`` element tagLink, ## the HTML ``link`` element tagMap, ## the HTML ``map`` element tagMenu, ## the deprecated HTML ``menu`` element tagMeta, ## the HTML ``meta`` element tagNobr, ## the deprecated HTML ``nobr`` element tagNoframes, ## the deprecated HTML ``noframes`` element tagNoscript, ## the HTML ``noscript`` element tagObject, ## the HTML ``object`` element tagOl, ## the HTML ``ol`` element tagOptgroup, ## the HTML ``optgroup`` element tagOption, ## the HTML ``option`` element tagP, ## the HTML ``p`` element tagParam, ## the HTML ``param`` element tagPre, ## the HTML ``pre`` element tagQ, ## the HTML ``q`` element tagS, ## the deprecated HTML ``s`` element tagSamp, ## the HTML ``samp`` element tagScript, ## the HTML ``script`` element tagSelect, ## the HTML ``select`` element tagSmall, ## the HTML ``small`` element tagSpan, ## the HTML ``span`` element tagStrike, ## the deprecated HTML ``strike`` element tagStrong, ## the HTML ``strong`` element tagStyle, ## the HTML ``style`` element tagSub, ## the HTML ``sub`` element tagSup, ## the HTML ``sup`` element tagTable, ## the HTML ``table`` element tagTbody, ## the HTML ``tbody`` element tagTd, ## the HTML ``td`` element tagTextarea, ## the HTML ``textarea`` element tagTfoot, ## the HTML ``tfoot`` element tagTh, ## the HTML ``th`` element tagThead, ## the HTML ``thead`` element tagTitle, ## the HTML ``title`` element tagTr, ## the HTML ``tr`` element tagTt, ## the HTML ``tt`` element tagU, ## the deprecated HTML ``u`` element tagUl, ## the HTML ``ul`` element tagVar ## the HTML ``var`` element const tagStrs = [ "a", "abbr", "acronym", "address", "applet", "area", "b", "base", "basefont", "bdo", "big", "blockquote", "body", "br", "button", "caption", "center", "cite", "code", "col", "colgroup", "dd", "del", "dfn", "div", "dir", "dl", "dt", "em", "fieldset", "font", "form", "frame", "frameset", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "html", "hr", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "isindex", "kbd", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "map", "menu", "meta", "nobr", "noframes", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "p", "param", "pre", "q", "s", "samp", "script", "select", "small", "span", "strike", "strong", "style", "sub", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "title", "tr", "tt", "u", "ul", "var"] InlineTags* = {tagA, tagAbbr, tagAcronym, tagApplet, tagB, tagBasefont, tagBdo, tagBig, tagBr, tagButton, tagCite, tagCode, tagDel, tagDfn, tagEm, tagFont, tagI, tagImg, tagIns, tagInput, tagIframe, tagKbd, tagLabel, tagMap, tagObject, tagQ, tagSamp, tagScript, tagSelect, tagSmall, tagSpan, tagStrong, tagSub, tagSup, tagTextarea, tagTt, tagVar, tagApplet, tagBasefont, tagFont, tagIframe, tagU, tagS, tagStrike} BlockTags* = {tagAddress, tagBlockquote, tagCenter, tagDel, tagDir, tagDiv, tagDl, tagFieldset, tagForm, tagH1, tagH2, tagH3, tagH4, tagH5, tagH6, tagHr, tagIns, tagIsindex, tagMenu, tagNoframes, tagNoscript, tagOl, tagP, tagPre, tagTable, tagUl, tagCenter, tagDir, tagIsindex, tagMenu, tagNoframes} SingleTags* = {tagArea, tagBase, tagBasefont, tagBr, tagCol, tagFrame, tagHr, tagImg, tagIsindex, tagLink, tagMeta, tagParam} Entities = [ ("nbsp", 0x00A0), ("iexcl", 0x00A1), ("cent", 0x00A2), ("pound", 0x00A3), ("curren", 0x00A4), ("yen", 0x00A5), ("brvbar", 0x00A6), ("sect", 0x00A7), ("uml", 0x00A8), ("copy", 0x00A9), ("ordf", 0x00AA), ("laquo", 0x00AB), ("not", 0x00AC), ("shy", 0x00AD), ("reg", 0x00AE), ("macr", 0x00AF), ("deg", 0x00B0), ("plusmn", 0x00B1), ("sup2", 0x00B2), ("sup3", 0x00B3), ("acute", 0x00B4), ("micro", 0x00B5), ("para", 0x00B6), ("middot", 0x00B7), ("cedil", 0x00B8), ("sup1", 0x00B9), ("ordm", 0x00BA), ("raquo", 0x00BB), ("frac14", 0x00BC), ("frac12", 0x00BD), ("frac34", 0x00BE), ("iquest", 0x00BF), ("Agrave", 0x00C0), ("Aacute", 0x00C1), ("Acirc", 0x00C2), ("Atilde", 0x00C3), ("Auml", 0x00C4), ("Aring", 0x00C5), ("AElig", 0x00C6), ("Ccedil", 0x00C7), ("Egrave", 0x00C8), ("Eacute", 0x00C9), ("Ecirc", 0x00CA), ("Euml", 0x00CB), ("Igrave", 0x00CC), ("Iacute", 0x00CD), ("Icirc", 0x00CE), ("Iuml", 0x00CF), ("ETH", 0x00D0), ("Ntilde", 0x00D1), ("Ograve", 0x00D2), ("Oacute", 0x00D3), ("Ocirc", 0x00D4), ("Otilde", 0x00D5), ("Ouml", 0x00D6), ("times", 0x00D7), ("Oslash", 0x00D8), ("Ugrave", 0x00D9), ("Uacute", 0x00DA), ("Ucirc", 0x00DB), ("Uuml", 0x00DC), ("Yacute", 0x00DD), ("THORN", 0x00DE), ("szlig", 0x00DF), ("agrave", 0x00E0), ("aacute", 0x00E1), ("acirc", 0x00E2), ("atilde", 0x00E3), ("auml", 0x00E4), ("aring", 0x00E5), ("aelig", 0x00E6), ("ccedil", 0x00E7), ("egrave", 0x00E8), ("eacute", 0x00E9), ("ecirc", 0x00EA), ("euml", 0x00EB), ("igrave", 0x00EC), ("iacute", 0x00ED), ("icirc", 0x00EE), ("iuml", 0x00EF), ("eth", 0x00F0), ("ntilde", 0x00F1), ("ograve", 0x00F2), ("oacute", 0x00F3), ("ocirc", 0x00F4), ("otilde", 0x00F5), ("ouml", 0x00F6), ("divide", 0x00F7), ("oslash", 0x00F8), ("ugrave", 0x00F9), ("uacute", 0x00FA), ("ucirc", 0x00FB), ("uuml", 0x00FC), ("yacute", 0x00FD), ("thorn", 0x00FE), ("yuml", 0x00FF), ("OElig", 0x0152), ("oelig", 0x0153), ("Scaron", 0x0160), ("scaron", 0x0161), ("Yuml", 0x0178), ("fnof", 0x0192), ("circ", 0x02C6), ("tilde", 0x02DC), ("Alpha", 0x0391), ("Beta", 0x0392), ("Gamma", 0x0393), ("Delta", 0x0394), ("Epsilon", 0x0395), ("Zeta", 0x0396), ("Eta", 0x0397), ("Theta", 0x0398), ("Iota", 0x0399), ("Kappa", 0x039A), ("Lambda", 0x039B), ("Mu", 0x039C), ("Nu", 0x039D), ("Xi", 0x039E), ("Omicron", 0x039F), ("Pi", 0x03A0), ("Rho", 0x03A1), ("Sigma", 0x03A3), ("Tau", 0x03A4), ("Upsilon", 0x03A5), ("Phi", 0x03A6), ("Chi", 0x03A7), ("Psi", 0x03A8), ("Omega", 0x03A9), ("alpha", 0x03B1), ("beta", 0x03B2), ("gamma", 0x03B3), ("delta", 0x03B4), ("epsilon", 0x03B5), ("zeta", 0x03B6), ("eta", 0x03B7), ("theta", 0x03B8), ("iota", 0x03B9), ("kappa", 0x03BA), ("lambda", 0x03BB), ("mu", 0x03BC), ("nu", 0x03BD), ("xi", 0x03BE), ("omicron", 0x03BF), ("pi", 0x03C0), ("rho", 0x03C1), ("sigmaf", 0x03C2), ("sigma", 0x03C3), ("tau", 0x03C4), ("upsilon", 0x03C5), ("phi", 0x03C6), ("chi", 0x03C7), ("psi", 0x03C8), ("omega", 0x03C9), ("thetasym", 0x03D1), ("upsih", 0x03D2), ("piv", 0x03D6), ("ensp", 0x2002), ("emsp", 0x2003), ("thinsp", 0x2009), ("zwnj", 0x200C), ("zwj", 0x200D), ("lrm", 0x200E), ("rlm", 0x200F), ("ndash", 0x2013), ("mdash", 0x2014), ("lsquo", 0x2018), ("rsquo", 0x2019), ("sbquo", 0x201A), ("ldquo", 0x201C), ("rdquo", 0x201D), ("bdquo", 0x201E), ("dagger", 0x2020), ("Dagger", 0x2021), ("bull", 0x2022), ("hellip", 0x2026), ("permil", 0x2030), ("prime", 0x2032), ("Prime", 0x2033), ("lsaquo", 0x2039), ("rsaquo", 0x203A), ("oline", 0x203E), ("frasl", 0x2044), ("euro", 0x20AC), ("image", 0x2111), ("weierp", 0x2118), ("real", 0x211C), ("trade", 0x2122), ("alefsym", 0x2135), ("larr", 0x2190), ("uarr", 0x2191), ("rarr", 0x2192), ("darr", 0x2193), ("harr", 0x2194), ("crarr", 0x21B5), ("lArr", 0x21D0), ("uArr", 0x21D1), ("rArr", 0x21D2), ("dArr", 0x21D3), ("hArr", 0x21D4), ("forall", 0x2200), ("part", 0x2202), ("exist", 0x2203), ("empty", 0x2205), ("nabla", 0x2207), ("isin", 0x2208), ("notin", 0x2209), ("ni", 0x220B), ("prod", 0x220F), ("sum", 0x2211), ("minus", 0x2212), ("lowast", 0x2217), ("radic", 0x221A), ("prop", 0x221D), ("infin", 0x221E), ("ang", 0x2220), ("and", 0x2227), ("or", 0x2228), ("cap", 0x2229), ("cup", 0x222A), ("int", 0x222B), ("there4", 0x2234), ("sim", 0x223C), ("cong", 0x2245), ("asymp", 0x2248), ("ne", 0x2260), ("equiv", 0x2261), ("le", 0x2264), ("ge", 0x2265), ("sub", 0x2282), ("sup", 0x2283), ("nsub", 0x2284), ("sube", 0x2286), ("supe", 0x2287), ("oplus", 0x2295), ("otimes", 0x2297), ("perp", 0x22A5), ("sdot", 0x22C5), ("lceil", 0x2308), ("rceil", 0x2309), ("lfloor", 0x230A), ("rfloor", 0x230B), ("lang", 0x2329), ("rang", 0x232A), ("loz", 0x25CA), ("spades", 0x2660), ("clubs", 0x2663), ("hearts", 0x2665), ("diams", 0x2666)] proc binaryStrSearch(x: openarray[string], y: string): int = ## XXX put this into the library somewhere! var a = 0 var b = len(x) - 1 while a <= b: var mid = (a + b) div 2 var c = cmp(x[mid], y) if c < 0: a = mid + 1 elif c > 0: b = mid - 1 else: return mid result = - 1 proc htmlTag*(n: PXmlNode): THtmlTag = ## gets `n`'s tag as a ``THtmlTag``. if n.clientData == 0: n.clientData = binaryStrSearch(tagStrs, n.tag)+1 result = THtmlTag(n.clientData) proc htmlTag*(s: string): THtmlTag = ## converts `s` to a ``THtmlTag``. If `s` is no HTML tag, ``tagUnknown`` is ## returned. result = THtmlTag(binaryStrSearch(tagStrs, s.toLower)+1) proc entityToUtf8*(entity: string): string = ## converts an HTML entity name like ``Ü`` to its UTF-8 equivalent. ## "" is returned if the entity name is unknown. The HTML parser ## already converts entities to UTF-8. for name, val in items(entities): if name == entity: return toUTF8(TRune(val)) result = "" proc addNode(father, son: PXmlNode) = if son != nil: add(father, son) proc parse(x: var TXmlParser, errors: var seq[string]): PXmlNode proc expected(x: var TXmlParser, n: PXmlNode): string = result = errorMsg(x, " expected") proc untilElementEnd(x: var TXmlParser, result: PXmlNode, errors: var seq[string]) = # we parsed e.g. ``
`` and don't really expect a ``
``: if result.htmlTag in singleTags: if x.kind != xmlElementEnd or cmpIgnoreCase(x.elementName, result.tag) != 0: return while true: case x.kind of xmlElementStart, xmlElementOpen: case result.htmlTag of tagLi, tagP, tagDt, tagDd, tagInput, tagOption: # some tags are common to have no ````, like ``
  • ``: if htmlTag(x.elementName) in {tagLi, tagP, tagDt, tagDd, tagInput, tagOption}: errors.add(expected(x, result)) break when false: if htmlTag(x.elementName) notin InlineTags: errors.add(expected(x, result)) break of tagTr, tagTd, tagTh, tagTfoot, tagThead: if htmlTag(x.elementName) in {tagTr, tagTd, tagTh, tagTfoot, tagThead}: errors.add(expected(x, result)) break of tagOptgroup: if htmlTag(x.elementName) in {tagOption, tagOptgroup}: errors.add(expected(x, result)) break else: nil result.addNode(parse(x, errors)) of xmlElementEnd: if cmpIgnoreCase(x.elementName, result.tag) == 0: next(x) else: errors.add(expected(x, result)) # do not skip it here! break of xmlEof: errors.add(expected(x, result)) break else: result.addNode(parse(x, errors)) proc parse(x: var TXmlParser, errors: var seq[string]): PXmlNode = case x.kind of xmlComment: result = newComment(x.charData) next(x) of xmlCharData, xmlWhitespace: result = newText(x.charData) next(x) of xmlPI, xmlSpecial: # we just ignore processing instructions for now next(x) of xmlError: errors.add(errorMsg(x)) next(x) of xmlElementStart: result = newElement(x.elementName.toLower) next(x) untilElementEnd(x, result, errors) of xmlElementEnd: errors.add(errorMsg(x, "unexpected ending tag: " & x.elementName)) of xmlElementOpen: result = newElement(x.elementName.toLower) next(x) result.attr = newStringTable() while true: case x.kind of xmlAttribute: result.attr[x.attrKey] = x.attrValue next(x) of xmlElementClose: next(x) break of xmlError: errors.add(errorMsg(x)) next(x) break else: errors.add(errorMsg(x, "'>' expected")) next(x) break untilElementEnd(x, result, errors) of xmlAttribute, xmlElementClose: errors.add(errorMsg(x, " expected")) next(x) of xmlCData: result = newCData(x.charData) next(x) of xmlEntity: var u = entityToUtf8(x.entityName) if u.len != 0: result = newText(u) next(x) of xmlEof: nil proc parseHtml*(s: PStream, filename: string, errors: var seq[string]): PXmlNode = ## parses the XML from stream `s` and returns a ``PXmlNode``. Every ## occured parsing error is added to the `errors` sequence. var x: TXmlParser open(x, s, filename, {reportComments}) next(x) # skip the DOCTYPE: if x.kind == xmlSpecial: next(x) result = parse(x, errors) if x.kind != xmlEof: errors.add(errorMsg(x, "EOF expected")) while x.kind != xmlEof: var oldPos = x.bufpos # little hack to see if we made any progess result.addNode(parse(x, errors)) if x.bufpos == oldPos: # force progress! next(x) close(x) proc parseHtml*(s: PStream): PXmlNode = ## parses the XTML from stream `s` and returns a ``PXmlNode``. All parsing ## errors are ignored. var errors: seq[string] = @[] result = parseHtml(s, "unknown_html_doc", errors) proc loadHtml*(path: string, errors: var seq[string]): PXmlNode = ## Loads and parses HTML from file specified by ``path``, and returns ## a ``PXmlNode``. Every occured parsing error is added to ## the `errors` sequence. var s = newFileStream(path, fmRead) if s == nil: raise newException(EIO, "Unable to read file: " & path) result = parseHtml(s, path, errors) proc loadHtml*(path: string): PXmlNode = ## Loads and parses HTML from file specified by ``path``, and returns ## a ``PXmlNode``. All parsing errors are ignored. var errors: seq[string] = @[] result = loadHtml(path, errors) when true: nil else: proc checkHtmlAux(n: PXmlNode, errors: var seq[string]) = nil proc checkHtmlStructure*(n: PXmlNode, errors: var seq[string]) = ## checks the HTML structure after parsing for other errors like ## a ``

    `` element within a ``

    `` element. if n == nil or n.htmlTag != tagHtml: errors.add(" tag expected") checkHtmlAux(n, errors) when isMainModule: import os var errors: seq[string] = @[] var x = loadHtml(paramStr(1), errors) for e in items(errors): echo e var f: TFile if open(f, "test.txt", fmWrite): f.write($x) f.close() else: quit("cannot write test.txt")