# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2019 Nim Contributors # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements a simple HTTP client that can be used to retrieve ## webpages and other data. ## ## .. warning:: Validate untrusted inputs: URI parsers and getters are not detecting malicious URIs. ## ## Retrieving a website ## ==================== ## ## This example uses HTTP GET to retrieve ## `http://google.com`: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/httpclient ## var client = newHttpClient() ## try: ## echo client.getContent("http://google.com") ## finally: ## client.close() ## ``` ## ## The same action can also be performed asynchronously, simply use the ## `AsyncHttpClient`: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/[asyncdispatch, httpclient] ## ## proc asyncProc(): Future[string] {.async.} = ## var client = newAsyncHttpClient() ## try: ## return await client.getContent("http://google.com") ## finally: ## client.close() ## ## echo waitFor asyncProc() ## ``` ## ## The functionality implemented by `HttpClient` and `AsyncHttpClient` ## is the same, so you can use whichever one suits you best in the examples ## shown here. ## ## **Note:** You need to run asynchronous examples in an async proc ## otherwise you will get an `Undeclared identifier: 'await'` error. ## ## **Note:** An asynchronous client instance can only deal with one ## request at a time. To send multiple requests in parallel, use ## multiple client instances. ## ## Using HTTP POST ## =============== ## ## This example demonstrates the usage of the W3 HTML Validator, it ## uses `multipart/form-data` as the `Content-Type` to send the HTML to be ## validated to the server. ## ## ```Nim ## var client = newHttpClient() ## var data = newMultipartData() ## data["output"] = "soap12" ## data["uploaded_file"] = ("test.html", "text/html", ## "<html><head></head><body><p>test</p></body></html>") ## try: ## echo client.postContent("http://validator.w3.org/check", multipart=data) ## finally: ## client.close() ## ``` ## ## To stream files from disk when performing the request, use `addFiles`. ## ## **Note:** This will allocate a new `Mimetypes` database every time you call ## it, you can pass your own via the `mimeDb` parameter to avoid this. ## ## ```Nim ## let mimes = newMimetypes() ## var client = newHttpClient() ## var data = newMultipartData() ## data.addFiles({"uploaded_file": "test.html"}, mimeDb = mimes) ## try: ## echo client.postContent("http://validator.w3.org/check", multipart=data) ## finally: ## client.close() ## ``` ## ## You can also make post requests with custom headers. ## This example sets `Content-Type` to `application/json` ## and uses a json object for the body ## ## ```Nim ## import std/[httpclient, json] ## ## let client = newHttpClient() ## client.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Type": "application/json" }) ## let body = %*{ ## "data": "some text" ## } ## try: ## let response = client.request("http://some.api", httpMethod = HttpPost, body = $body) ## echo response.status ## finally: ## client.close() ## ``` ## ## Progress reporting ## ================== ## ## You may specify a callback procedure to be called during an HTTP request. ## This callback will be executed every second with information about the ## progress of the HTTP request. ## ## ```Nim ## import std/[asyncdispatch, httpclient] ## ## proc onProgressChanged(total, progress, speed: BiggestInt) {.async.} = ## echo("Downloaded ", progress, " of ", total) ## echo("Current rate: ", speed div 1000, "kb/s") ## ## proc asyncProc() {.async.} = ## var client = newAsyncHttpClient() ## client.onProgressChanged = onProgressChanged ## try: ## discard await client.getContent("http://speedtest-ams2.digitalocean.com/100mb.test") ## finally: ## client.close() ## ## waitFor asyncProc() ## ``` ## ## If you would like to remove the callback simply set it to `nil`. ## ## ```Nim ## client.onProgressChanged = nil ## ``` ## ## .. warning:: The `total` reported by httpclient may be 0 in some cases. ## ## ## SSL/TLS support ## =============== ## This requires the OpenSSL library. Fortunately it's widely used and installed ## on many operating systems. httpclient will use SSL automatically if you give ## any of the functions a url with the `https` schema, for example: ## `https://github.com/`. ## ## You will also have to compile with `ssl` defined like so: ## `nim c -d:ssl ...`. ## ## Certificate validation is performed by default. ## ## A set of directories and files from the `ssl_certs <ssl_certs.html>`_ ## module are scanned to locate CA certificates. ## ## Example of setting SSL verification parameters in a new client: ## ## ```Nim ## import httpclient ## var client = newHttpClient(sslContext=newContext(verifyMode=CVerifyPeer)) ## ``` ## ## There are three options for verify mode: ## ## * ``CVerifyNone``: certificates are not verified; ## * ``CVerifyPeer``: certificates are verified; ## * ``CVerifyPeerUseEnvVars``: certificates are verified and the optional ## environment variables SSL_CERT_FILE and SSL_CERT_DIR are also used to ## locate certificates ## ## See `newContext <net.html#newContext.string,string,string,string>`_ to tweak or disable certificate validation. ## ## Timeouts ## ======== ## ## Currently only the synchronous functions support a timeout. ## The timeout is ## measured in milliseconds, once it is set any call on a socket which may ## block will be susceptible to this timeout. ## ## It may be surprising but the ## function as a whole can take longer than the specified timeout, only ## individual internal calls on the socket are affected. In practice this means ## that as long as the server is sending data an exception will not be raised, ## if however data does not reach the client within the specified timeout a ## `TimeoutError` exception will be raised. ## ## Here is how to set a timeout when creating an `HttpClient` instance: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/httpclient ## ## let client = newHttpClient(timeout = 42) ## ``` ## ## Proxy ## ===== ## ## A proxy can be specified as a param to any of the procedures defined in ## this module. To do this, use the `newProxy` constructor. Unfortunately, ## only basic authentication is supported at the moment. ## ## Some examples on how to configure a Proxy for `HttpClient`: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/httpclient ## ## let myProxy = newProxy("http://myproxy.network") ## let client = newHttpClient(proxy = myProxy) ## ``` ## ## Use proxies with basic authentication: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/httpclient ## ## let myProxy = newProxy("http://myproxy.network", auth="user:password") ## let client = newHttpClient(proxy = myProxy) ## ``` ## ## Get Proxy URL from environment variables: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/httpclient ## ## var url = "" ## try: ## if existsEnv("http_proxy"): ## url = getEnv("http_proxy") ## elif existsEnv("https_proxy"): ## url = getEnv("https_proxy") ## except ValueError: ## echo "Unable to parse proxy from environment variables." ## ## let myProxy = newProxy(url = url) ## let client = newHttpClient(proxy = myProxy) ## ``` ## ## Redirects ## ========= ## ## The maximum redirects can be set with the `maxRedirects` of `int` type, ## it specifies the maximum amount of redirects to follow, ## it defaults to `5`, you can set it to `0` to disable redirects. ## ## Here you can see an example about how to set the `maxRedirects` of `HttpClient`: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/httpclient ## ## let client = newHttpClient(maxRedirects = 0) ## ``` ## import std/private/since import std/[ net, strutils, uri, parseutils, base64, os, mimetypes, math, random, httpcore, times, tables, streams, monotimes, asyncnet, asyncdispatch, asyncfile, nativesockets, ] when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem): import std/[assertions, syncio] export httpcore except parseHeader # TODO: The `except` doesn't work type Response* = ref object version*: string status*: string headers*: HttpHeaders body: string bodyStream*: Stream AsyncResponse* = ref object version*: string status*: string headers*: HttpHeaders body: string bodyStream*: FutureStream[string] proc code*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): HttpCode {.raises: [ValueError, OverflowDefect].} = ## Retrieves the specified response's `HttpCode`. ## ## Raises a `ValueError` if the response's `status` does not have a ## corresponding `HttpCode`. return response.status[0 .. 2].parseInt.HttpCode proc contentType*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): string {.inline.} = ## Retrieves the specified response's content type. ## ## This is effectively the value of the "Content-Type" header. response.headers.getOrDefault("content-type") proc contentLength*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): int = ## Retrieves the specified response's content length. ## ## This is effectively the value of the "Content-Length" header. ## ## A `ValueError` exception will be raised if the value is not an integer. ## If the Content-Length header is not set in the response, ContentLength is set to the value -1. var contentLengthHeader = response.headers.getOrDefault("Content-Length", HttpHeaderValues(@["-1"])) result = contentLengthHeader.parseInt() proc lastModified*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): DateTime = ## Retrieves the specified response's last modified time. ## ## This is effectively the value of the "Last-Modified" header. ## ## Raises a `ValueError` if the parsing fails or the value is not a correctly ## formatted time. var lastModifiedHeader = response.headers.getOrDefault("last-modified") result = parse(lastModifiedHeader, "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss 'GMT'", utc()) proc body*(response: Response): string = ## Retrieves the specified response's body. ## ## The response's body stream is read synchronously. if response.body.len == 0: response.body = response.bodyStream.readAll() return response.body proc body*(response: AsyncResponse): Future[string] {.async.} = ## Reads the response's body and caches it. The read is performed only ## once. if response.body.len == 0: response.body = await readAll(response.bodyStream) return response.body type Proxy* = ref object url*: Uri auth*: string MultipartEntry = object name, content: string case isFile: bool of true: filename, contentType: string fileSize: int64 isStream: bool else: discard MultipartEntries* = openArray[tuple[name, content: string]] MultipartData* = ref object content: seq[MultipartEntry] ProtocolError* = object of IOError ## exception that is raised when server ## does not conform to the implemented ## protocol HttpRequestError* = object of IOError ## Thrown in the `getContent` proc ## and `postContent` proc, ## when the server returns an error const defUserAgent* = "Nim-httpclient/" & NimVersion proc httpError(msg: string) = var e: ref ProtocolError new(e) e.msg = msg raise e proc fileError(msg: string) = var e: ref IOError new(e) e.msg = msg raise e when not defined(ssl): type SslContext = ref object var defaultSslContext {.threadvar.}: SslContext proc getDefaultSSL(): SslContext = result = defaultSslContext when defined(ssl): if result == nil: defaultSslContext = newContext(verifyMode = CVerifyPeer) result = defaultSslContext doAssert result != nil, "failure to initialize the SSL context" proc newProxy*(url: string; auth = ""): Proxy = ## Constructs a new `TProxy` object. result = Proxy(url: parseUri(url), auth: auth) proc newProxy*(url: Uri; auth = ""): Proxy = ## Constructs a new `TProxy` object. result = Proxy(url: url, auth: auth) proc newMultipartData*: MultipartData {.inline.} = ## Constructs a new `MultipartData` object. MultipartData() proc `$`*(data: MultipartData): string {.since: (1, 1).} = ## convert MultipartData to string so it's human readable when echo ## see https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/11863 const sep = "-".repeat(30) for pos, entry in data.content: result.add(sep & center($pos, 3) & sep) result.add("\nname=\"" & entry.name & "\"") if entry.isFile: result.add("; filename=\"" & entry.filename & "\"\n") result.add("Content-Type: " & entry.contentType) result.add("\n\n" & entry.content & "\n") proc add*(p: MultipartData, name, content: string, filename: string = "", contentType: string = "", useStream = true) = ## Add a value to the multipart data. ## ## When `useStream` is `false`, the file will be read into memory. ## ## Raises a `ValueError` exception if ## `name`, `filename` or `contentType` contain newline characters. if {'\c', '\L'} in name: raise newException(ValueError, "name contains a newline character") if {'\c', '\L'} in filename: raise newException(ValueError, "filename contains a newline character") if {'\c', '\L'} in contentType: raise newException(ValueError, "contentType contains a newline character") var entry = MultipartEntry( name: name, content: content, isFile: filename.len > 0 ) if entry.isFile: entry.isStream = useStream entry.filename = filename entry.contentType = contentType p.content.add(entry) proc add*(p: MultipartData, xs: MultipartEntries): MultipartData {.discardable.} = ## Add a list of multipart entries to the multipart data `p`. All values are ## added without a filename and without a content type. ## ## ```Nim ## data.add({"action": "login", "format": "json"}) ## ``` for name, content in xs.items: p.add(name, content) result = p proc newMultipartData*(xs: MultipartEntries): MultipartData = ## Create a new multipart data object and fill it with the entries `xs` ## directly. ## ## ```Nim ## var data = newMultipartData({"action": "login", "format": "json"}) ## ``` result = MultipartData() for entry in xs: result.add(entry.name, entry.content) proc addFiles*(p: MultipartData, xs: openArray[tuple[name, file: string]], mimeDb = newMimetypes(), useStream = true): MultipartData {.discardable.} = ## Add files to a multipart data object. The files will be streamed from disk ## when the request is being made. When `stream` is `false`, the files are ## instead read into memory, but beware this is very memory ineffecient even ## for small files. The MIME types will automatically be determined. ## Raises an `IOError` if the file cannot be opened or reading fails. To ## manually specify file content, filename and MIME type, use `[]=` instead. ## ## ```Nim ## data.addFiles({"uploaded_file": "public/test.html"}) ## ``` for name, file in xs.items: var contentType: string let (_, fName, ext) = splitFile(file) if ext.len > 0: contentType = mimeDb.getMimetype(ext[1..ext.high], "") let content = if useStream: file else: readFile(file) p.add(name, content, fName & ext, contentType, useStream = useStream) result = p proc `[]=`*(p: MultipartData, name, content: string) {.inline.} = ## Add a multipart entry to the multipart data `p`. The value is added ## without a filename and without a content type. ## ## ```Nim ## data["username"] = "NimUser" ## ``` p.add(name, content) proc `[]=`*(p: MultipartData, name: string, file: tuple[name, contentType, content: string]) {.inline.} = ## Add a file to the multipart data `p`, specifying filename, contentType ## and content manually. ## ## ```Nim ## data["uploaded_file"] = ("test.html", "text/html", ## "<html><head></head><body><p>test</p></body></html>") ## ``` p.add(name, file.content, file.name, file.contentType, useStream = false) proc getBoundary(p: MultipartData): string = if p == nil or p.content.len == 0: return while true: result = $rand(int.high) for i, entry in p.content: if result in entry.content: break elif i == p.content.high: return proc sendFile(socket: Socket | AsyncSocket, entry: MultipartEntry) {.multisync.} = const chunkSize = 2^18 let file = when socket is AsyncSocket: openAsync(entry.content) else: newFileStream(entry.content, fmRead) var buffer: string while true: buffer = when socket is AsyncSocket: (await read(file, chunkSize)) else: readStr(file, chunkSize) if buffer.len == 0: break await socket.send(buffer) file.close() proc getNewLocation(lastURL: Uri, headers: HttpHeaders): Uri = let newLocation = headers.getOrDefault"Location" if newLocation == "": httpError("location header expected") # Relative URLs. (Not part of the spec, but soon will be.) let parsedLocation = parseUri(newLocation) if parsedLocation.hostname == "" and parsedLocation.path != "": result = lastURL result.path = parsedLocation.path result.query = parsedLocation.query result.anchor = parsedLocation.anchor else: result = parsedLocation proc generateHeaders(requestUrl: Uri, httpMethod: HttpMethod, headers: HttpHeaders, proxy: Proxy): string = # GET result = $httpMethod result.add ' ' if proxy.isNil or requestUrl.scheme == "https": # /path?query if not requestUrl.path.startsWith("/"): result.add '/' result.add(requestUrl.path) if requestUrl.query.len > 0: result.add("?" & requestUrl.query) else: # Remove the 'http://' from the URL for CONNECT requests for TLS connections. var modifiedUrl = requestUrl if requestUrl.scheme == "https": modifiedUrl.scheme = "" result.add($modifiedUrl) # HTTP/1.1\c\l result.add(" HTTP/1.1" & httpNewLine) # Host header. if not headers.hasKey("Host"): if requestUrl.port == "": add(result, "Host: " & requestUrl.hostname & httpNewLine) else: add(result, "Host: " & requestUrl.hostname & ":" & requestUrl.port & httpNewLine) # Connection header. if not headers.hasKey("Connection"): add(result, "Connection: Keep-Alive" & httpNewLine) # Proxy auth header. if not proxy.isNil and proxy.auth != "": let auth = base64.encode(proxy.auth) add(result, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic " & auth & httpNewLine) for key, val in headers: add(result, key & ": " & val & httpNewLine) add(result, httpNewLine) type ProgressChangedProc*[ReturnType] = proc (total, progress, speed: BiggestInt): ReturnType {.closure, gcsafe.} HttpClientBase*[SocketType] = ref object socket: SocketType connected: bool currentURL: Uri ## Where we are currently connected. headers*: HttpHeaders ## Headers to send in requests. maxRedirects: Natural ## Maximum redirects, set to `0` to disable. userAgent: string timeout*: int ## Only used for blocking HttpClient for now. proxy: Proxy ## `nil` or the callback to call when request progress changes. when SocketType is Socket: onProgressChanged*: ProgressChangedProc[void] else: onProgressChanged*: ProgressChangedProc[Future[void]] when defined(ssl): sslContext: net.SslContext contentTotal: BiggestInt contentProgress: BiggestInt oneSecondProgress: BiggestInt lastProgressReport: MonoTime when SocketType is AsyncSocket: bodyStream: FutureStream[string] parseBodyFut: Future[void] else: bodyStream: Stream getBody: bool ## When `false`, the body is never read in requestAux. type HttpClient* = HttpClientBase[Socket] proc newHttpClient*(userAgent = defUserAgent, maxRedirects = 5, sslContext = getDefaultSSL(), proxy: Proxy = nil, timeout = -1, headers = newHttpHeaders()): HttpClient = ## Creates a new HttpClient instance. ## ## `userAgent` specifies the user agent that will be used when making ## requests. ## ## `maxRedirects` specifies the maximum amount of redirects to follow, ## default is 5. ## ## `sslContext` specifies the SSL context to use for HTTPS requests. ## See `SSL/TLS support <#sslslashtls-support>`_ ## ## `proxy` specifies an HTTP proxy to use for this HTTP client's ## connections. ## ## `timeout` specifies the number of milliseconds to allow before a ## `TimeoutError` is raised. ## ## `headers` specifies the HTTP Headers. runnableExamples: import std/strutils let exampleHtml = newHttpClient().getContent("http://example.com") assert "Example Domain" in exampleHtml assert "Pizza" notin exampleHtml new result result.headers = headers result.userAgent = userAgent result.maxRedirects = maxRedirects result.proxy = proxy result.timeout = timeout result.onProgressChanged = nil result.bodyStream = newStringStream() result.getBody = true when defined(ssl): result.sslContext = sslContext type AsyncHttpClient* = HttpClientBase[AsyncSocket] proc newAsyncHttpClient*(userAgent = defUserAgent, maxRedirects = 5, sslContext = getDefaultSSL(), proxy: Proxy = nil, headers = newHttpHeaders()): AsyncHttpClient = ## Creates a new AsyncHttpClient instance. ## ## `userAgent` specifies the user agent that will be used when making ## requests. ## ## `maxRedirects` specifies the maximum amount of redirects to follow, ## default is 5. ## ## `sslContext` specifies the SSL context to use for HTTPS requests. ## ## `proxy` specifies an HTTP proxy to use for this HTTP client's ## connections. ## ## `headers` specifies the HTTP Headers. runnableExamples: import std/[asyncdispatch, strutils] proc asyncProc(): Future[string] {.async.} = let client = newAsyncHttpClient() result = await client.getContent("http://example.com") let exampleHtml = waitFor asyncProc() assert "Example Domain" in exampleHtml assert "Pizza" notin exampleHtml new result result.headers = headers result.userAgent = userAgent result.maxRedirects = maxRedirects result.proxy = proxy result.timeout = -1 # TODO result.onProgressChanged = nil result.bodyStream = newFutureStream[string]("newAsyncHttpClient") result.getBody = true when defined(ssl): result.sslContext = sslContext proc close*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient) = ## Closes any connections held by the HTTP client. if client.connected: client.socket.close() client.connected = false proc getSocket*(client: HttpClient): Socket {.inline.} = ## Get network socket, useful if you want to find out more details about the connection. ## ## This example shows info about local and remote endpoints: ## ## ```Nim ## if client.connected: ## echo client.getSocket.getLocalAddr ## echo client.getSocket.getPeerAddr ## ``` return client.socket proc getSocket*(client: AsyncHttpClient): AsyncSocket {.inline.} = return client.socket proc reportProgress(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, progress: BiggestInt) {.multisync.} = client.contentProgress += progress client.oneSecondProgress += progress if (getMonoTime() - client.lastProgressReport).inSeconds >= 1: if not client.onProgressChanged.isNil: await client.onProgressChanged(client.contentTotal, client.contentProgress, client.oneSecondProgress) client.oneSecondProgress = 0 client.lastProgressReport = getMonoTime() proc recvFull(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, size: int, timeout: int, keep: bool): Future[int] {.multisync.} = ## Ensures that all the data requested is read and returned. var readLen = 0 while true: if size == readLen: break let remainingSize = size - readLen let sizeToRecv = min(remainingSize, net.BufferSize) when client.socket is Socket: let data = client.socket.recv(sizeToRecv, timeout) else: let data = await client.socket.recv(sizeToRecv) if data == "": client.close() break # We've been disconnected. readLen.inc(data.len) if keep: await client.bodyStream.write(data) await reportProgress(client, data.len) return readLen proc parseChunks(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient): Future[void] {.multisync.} = while true: var chunkSize = 0 var chunkSizeStr = await client.socket.recvLine() var i = 0 if chunkSizeStr == "": httpError("Server terminated connection prematurely") while i < chunkSizeStr.len: case chunkSizeStr[i] of '0'..'9': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('0')) of 'a'..'f': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('a') + 10) of 'A'..'F': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('A') + 10) of ';': # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1 # We don't care about chunk-extensions. break else: httpError("Invalid chunk size: " & chunkSizeStr) inc(i) if chunkSize <= 0: discard await recvFull(client, 2, client.timeout, false) # Skip \c\L break var bytesRead = await recvFull(client, chunkSize, client.timeout, true) if bytesRead != chunkSize: httpError("Server terminated connection prematurely") bytesRead = await recvFull(client, 2, client.timeout, false) # Skip \c\L if bytesRead != 2: httpError("Server terminated connection prematurely") # Trailer headers will only be sent if the request specifies that we want # them: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1 proc parseBody(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, headers: HttpHeaders, httpVersion: string): Future[void] {.multisync.} = # Reset progress from previous requests. client.contentTotal = 0 client.contentProgress = 0 client.oneSecondProgress = 0 client.lastProgressReport = MonoTime() when client is AsyncHttpClient: assert(not client.bodyStream.finished) if headers.getOrDefault"Transfer-Encoding" == "chunked": await parseChunks(client) else: # -REGION- Content-Length # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.3 var contentLengthHeader = headers.getOrDefault"Content-Length" if contentLengthHeader != "": var length = contentLengthHeader.parseInt() client.contentTotal = length if length > 0: let recvLen = await client.recvFull(length, client.timeout, true) if recvLen == 0: client.close() httpError("Got disconnected while trying to read body.") if recvLen != length: httpError("Received length doesn't match expected length. Wanted " & $length & " got: " & $recvLen) else: # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.4 TODO # -REGION- Connection: Close # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.5 let implicitConnectionClose = httpVersion == "1.0" or # This doesn't match the HTTP spec, but it fixes issues for non-conforming servers. (httpVersion == "1.1" and headers.getOrDefault"Connection" == "") if headers.getOrDefault"Connection" == "close" or implicitConnectionClose: while true: let recvLen = await client.recvFull(4000, client.timeout, true) if recvLen != 4000: client.close() break when client is AsyncHttpClient: client.bodyStream.complete() else: client.bodyStream.setPosition(0) # If the server will close our connection, then no matter the method of # reading the body, we need to close our socket. if headers.getOrDefault"Connection" == "close": client.close() proc parseResponse(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, getBody: bool): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = new result var parsedStatus = false var linei = 0 var fullyRead = false var lastHeaderName = "" var line = "" result.headers = newHttpHeaders() while true: linei = 0 when client is HttpClient: line = await client.socket.recvLine(client.timeout) else: line = await client.socket.recvLine() if line == "": # We've been disconnected. client.close() break if line == httpNewLine: fullyRead = true break if not parsedStatus: # Parse HTTP version info and status code. var le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "HTTP/", linei) if le <= 0: httpError("invalid http version, `" & line & "`") inc(linei, le) le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "1.1", linei) if le > 0: result.version = "1.1" else: le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "1.0", linei) if le <= 0: httpError("unsupported http version") result.version = "1.0" inc(linei, le) # Status code linei.inc skipWhitespace(line, linei) result.status = line[linei .. ^1] parsedStatus = true else: # Parse headers # There's at least one char because empty lines are handled above (with client.close) if line[0] in {' ', '\t'}: # Check if it's a multiline header value, if so, append to the header we're currently parsing # This works because a line with a header must start with the header name without any leading space # See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230, section 3.2 and 3.2.4 # Multiline headers are deprecated in the spec, but it's better to parse them than crash if lastHeaderName == "": # Some extra unparsable lines in the HTTP output - we ignore them discard else: result.headers.table[result.headers.toCaseInsensitive(lastHeaderName)][^1].add "\n" & line else: var name = "" var le = parseUntil(line, name, ':', linei) if le <= 0: httpError("Invalid headers - received empty header name") if line.len == le: httpError("Invalid headers - no colon after header name") inc(linei, le) # Skip the parsed header name inc(linei) # Skip : # If we want to be HTTP spec compliant later, error on linei == line.len (for empty header value) lastHeaderName = name # Remember the header name for the possible multi-line header result.headers.add(name, line[linei .. ^1].strip()) if result.headers.len > headerLimit: httpError("too many headers") if not fullyRead: httpError("Connection was closed before full request has been made") when client is HttpClient: result.bodyStream = newStringStream() else: result.bodyStream = newFutureStream[string]("parseResponse") if getBody and result.code != Http204: client.bodyStream = result.bodyStream when client is HttpClient: parseBody(client, result.headers, result.version) else: assert(client.parseBodyFut.isNil or client.parseBodyFut.finished) # do not wait here for the body request to complete client.parseBodyFut = parseBody(client, result.headers, result.version) client.parseBodyFut.addCallback do(): if client.parseBodyFut.failed: client.bodyStream.fail(client.parseBodyFut.error) else: when client is AsyncHttpClient: result.bodyStream.complete() proc newConnection(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri) {.multisync.} = if client.currentURL.hostname != url.hostname or client.currentURL.scheme != url.scheme or client.currentURL.port != url.port or (not client.connected): # Connect to proxy if specified let connectionUrl = if client.proxy.isNil: url else: client.proxy.url let isSsl = connectionUrl.scheme.toLowerAscii() == "https" if isSsl and not defined(ssl): raise newException(HttpRequestError, "SSL support is not available. Cannot connect over SSL. Compile with -d:ssl to enable.") if client.connected: client.close() client.connected = false # TODO: I should be able to write 'net.Port' here... let port = if connectionUrl.port == "": if isSsl: nativesockets.Port(443) else: nativesockets.Port(80) else: nativesockets.Port(connectionUrl.port.parseInt) when client is HttpClient: client.socket = await net.dial(connectionUrl.hostname, port) elif client is AsyncHttpClient: client.socket = await asyncnet.dial(connectionUrl.hostname, port) else: {.fatal: "Unsupported client type".} when defined(ssl): if isSsl: try: client.sslContext.wrapConnectedSocket( client.socket, handshakeAsClient, connectionUrl.hostname) except: client.socket.close() raise getCurrentException() # If need to CONNECT through proxy if url.scheme == "https" and not client.proxy.isNil: when defined(ssl): # Pass only host:port for CONNECT var connectUrl = initUri() connectUrl.hostname = url.hostname connectUrl.port = if url.port != "": url.port else: "443" let proxyHeaderString = generateHeaders(connectUrl, HttpConnect, newHttpHeaders(), client.proxy) await client.socket.send(proxyHeaderString) let proxyResp = await parseResponse(client, false) if not proxyResp.status.startsWith("200"): raise newException(HttpRequestError, "The proxy server rejected a CONNECT request, " & "so a secure connection could not be established.") client.sslContext.wrapConnectedSocket( client.socket, handshakeAsClient, url.hostname) else: raise newException(HttpRequestError, "SSL support is not available. Cannot connect over SSL. Compile with -d:ssl to enable.") # May be connected through proxy but remember actual URL being accessed client.currentURL = url client.connected = true proc readFileSizes(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, multipart: MultipartData) {.multisync.} = for entry in multipart.content.mitems(): if not entry.isFile: continue if not entry.isStream: entry.fileSize = entry.content.len continue # TODO: look into making getFileSize work with async let fileSize = getFileSize(entry.content) entry.fileSize = fileSize proc format(entry: MultipartEntry, boundary: string): string = result = "--" & boundary & httpNewLine result.add("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" & entry.name & "\"") if entry.isFile: result.add("; filename=\"" & entry.filename & "\"" & httpNewLine) result.add("Content-Type: " & entry.contentType & httpNewLine) else: result.add(httpNewLine & httpNewLine & entry.content) proc format(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, multipart: MultipartData): Future[seq[string]] {.multisync.} = let bound = getBoundary(multipart) client.headers["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & bound await client.readFileSizes(multipart) var length: int64 for entry in multipart.content: result.add(format(entry, bound) & httpNewLine) if entry.isFile: length += entry.fileSize + httpNewLine.len result.add "--" & bound & "--" & httpNewLine for s in result: length += s.len client.headers["Content-Length"] = $length proc override(fallback, override: HttpHeaders): HttpHeaders = # Right-biased map union for `HttpHeaders` result = newHttpHeaders() # Copy by value result.table[] = fallback.table[] if override.isNil: # Return the copy of fallback so it does not get modified return result for k, vs in override.table: result[k] = vs proc requestAux(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri, httpMethod: HttpMethod, body = "", headers: HttpHeaders = nil, multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = # Helper that actually makes the request. Does not handle redirects. if url.scheme == "": raise newException(ValueError, "No uri scheme supplied.") when client is AsyncHttpClient: if not client.parseBodyFut.isNil: # let the current operation finish before making another request await client.parseBodyFut client.parseBodyFut = nil await newConnection(client, url) var newHeaders: HttpHeaders var data: seq[string] if multipart != nil and multipart.content.len > 0: # `format` modifies `client.headers`, see # https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/pull/18208#discussion_r647036979 data = await client.format(multipart) newHeaders = client.headers.override(headers) else: newHeaders = client.headers.override(headers) # Only change headers if they have not been specified already if not newHeaders.hasKey("Content-Length"): if body.len != 0: newHeaders["Content-Length"] = $body.len elif httpMethod notin {HttpGet, HttpHead}: newHeaders["Content-Length"] = "0" if not newHeaders.hasKey("user-agent") and client.userAgent.len > 0: newHeaders["User-Agent"] = client.userAgent let headerString = generateHeaders(url, httpMethod, newHeaders, client.proxy) await client.socket.send(headerString) if data.len > 0: var buffer: string for i, entry in multipart.content: buffer.add data[i] if not entry.isFile: continue if buffer.len > 0: await client.socket.send(buffer) buffer.setLen(0) if entry.isStream: await client.socket.sendFile(entry) else: await client.socket.send(entry.content) buffer.add httpNewLine # send the rest and the last boundary await client.socket.send(buffer & data[^1]) elif body.len > 0: await client.socket.send(body) let getBody = httpMethod notin {HttpHead, HttpConnect} and client.getBody result = await parseResponse(client, getBody) proc request*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, httpMethod: HttpMethod | string = HttpGet, body = "", headers: HttpHeaders = nil, multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a request ## using the custom method string specified by `httpMethod`. ## ## Connection will be kept alive. Further requests on the same `client` to ## the same hostname will not require a new connection to be made. The ## connection can be closed by using the `close` procedure. ## ## This procedure will follow redirects up to a maximum number of redirects ## specified in `client.maxRedirects`. ## ## You need to make sure that the `url` doesn't contain any newline ## characters. Failing to do so will raise `AssertionDefect`. ## ## `headers` are HTTP headers that override the `client.headers` for ## this specific request only and will not be persisted. ## ## **Deprecated since v1.5**: use HttpMethod enum instead; string parameter httpMethod is deprecated when url is string: doAssert(not url.contains({'\c', '\L'}), "url shouldn't contain any newline characters") let url = parseUri(url) when httpMethod is string: {.warning: "Deprecated since v1.5; use HttpMethod enum instead; string parameter httpMethod is deprecated".} let httpMethod = case httpMethod of "HEAD": HttpHead of "GET": HttpGet of "POST": HttpPost of "PUT": HttpPut of "DELETE": HttpDelete of "TRACE": HttpTrace of "OPTIONS": HttpOptions of "CONNECT": HttpConnect of "PATCH": HttpPatch else: raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid HTTP method name: " & httpMethod) result = await client.requestAux(url, httpMethod, body, headers, multipart) var lastURL = url for i in 1..client.maxRedirects: let statusCode = result.code if statusCode notin {Http301, Http302, Http303, Http307, Http308}: break let redirectTo = getNewLocation(lastURL, result.headers) var redirectMethod: HttpMethod var redirectBody: string # For more informations about the redirect methods see: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Redirections case statusCode of Http301, Http302, Http303: # The method is changed to GET unless it is GET or HEAD (RFC2616) if httpMethod notin {HttpGet, HttpHead}: redirectMethod = HttpGet else: redirectMethod = httpMethod # The body is stripped away redirectBody = "" # Delete any header value associated with the body if not headers.isNil(): headers.del("Content-Length") headers.del("Content-Type") headers.del("Transfer-Encoding") of Http307, Http308: # The method and the body are unchanged redirectMethod = httpMethod redirectBody = body else: # Unreachable doAssert(false) # Check if the redirection is to the same domain or a sub-domain (foo.com # -> sub.foo.com) if redirectTo.hostname != lastURL.hostname and not redirectTo.hostname.endsWith("." & lastURL.hostname): # Perform some cleanup of the header values if headers != nil: # Delete the Host header headers.del("Host") # Do not send any sensitive info to a unknown host headers.del("Authorization") result = await client.requestAux(redirectTo, redirectMethod, redirectBody, headers, multipart) lastURL = redirectTo proc responseContent(resp: Response | AsyncResponse): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Returns the content of a response as a string. ## ## A `HttpRequestError` will be raised if the server responds with a ## client error (status code 4xx) or a server error (status code 5xx). if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx: raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status.move) else: return await resp.bodyStream.readAll() proc head*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a HEAD request. ## ## This procedure uses httpClient values such as `client.maxRedirects`. result = await client.request(url, HttpHead) proc get*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a GET request. ## ## This procedure uses httpClient values such as `client.maxRedirects`. result = await client.request(url, HttpGet) proc getContent*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a GET request. let resp = await get(client, url) return await responseContent(resp) proc delete*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a DELETE request. ## This procedure uses httpClient values such as `client.maxRedirects`. result = await client.request(url, HttpDelete) proc deleteContent*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a DELETE request. let resp = await delete(client, url) return await responseContent(resp) proc post*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a POST request. ## This procedure uses httpClient values such as `client.maxRedirects`. result = await client.request(url, HttpPost, body, multipart=multipart) proc postContent*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a POST request. let resp = await post(client, url, body, multipart) return await responseContent(resp) proc put*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a PUT request. ## This procedure uses httpClient values such as `client.maxRedirects`. result = await client.request(url, HttpPut, body, multipart=multipart) proc putContent*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL andreturns the content of a PUT request. let resp = await put(client, url, body, multipart) return await responseContent(resp) proc patch*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a PATCH request. ## This procedure uses httpClient values such as `client.maxRedirects`. result = await client.request(url, HttpPatch, body, multipart=multipart) proc patchContent*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a PATCH request. let resp = await patch(client, url, body, multipart) return await responseContent(resp) proc downloadFile*(client: HttpClient, url: Uri | string, filename: string) = ## Downloads `url` and saves it to `filename`. client.getBody = false defer: client.getBody = true let resp = client.get(url) if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx: raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status) client.bodyStream = newFileStream(filename, fmWrite) if client.bodyStream.isNil: fileError("Unable to open file") parseBody(client, resp.headers, resp.version) client.bodyStream.close() proc downloadFileEx(client: AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, filename: string): Future[void] {.async.} = ## Downloads `url` and saves it to `filename`. client.getBody = false let resp = await client.get(url) if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx: raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status) client.bodyStream = newFutureStream[string]("downloadFile") var file = openAsync(filename, fmWrite) defer: file.close() # Let `parseBody` write response data into client.bodyStream in the # background. let parseBodyFut = parseBody(client, resp.headers, resp.version) parseBodyFut.addCallback do(): if parseBodyFut.failed: client.bodyStream.fail(parseBodyFut.error) # The `writeFromStream` proc will complete once all the data in the # `bodyStream` has been written to the file. await file.writeFromStream(client.bodyStream) proc downloadFile*(client: AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri | string, filename: string): Future[void] = result = newFuture[void]("downloadFile") try: result = downloadFileEx(client, url, filename) except Exception as exc: result.fail(exc) finally: result.addCallback( proc () = client.getBody = true )