# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2016 Dominik Picheta, Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements a simple HTTP client that can be used to retrieve ## webpages and other data. ## ## Retrieving a website ## ==================== ## ## This example uses HTTP GET to retrieve ## ``http://google.com``: ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## var client = newHttpClient() ## echo client.getContent("http://google.com") ## ## The same action can also be performed asynchronously, simply use the ## ``AsyncHttpClient``: ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## var client = newAsyncHttpClient() ## echo await client.getContent("http://google.com") ## ## The functionality implemented by ``HttpClient`` and ``AsyncHttpClient`` ## is the same, so you can use whichever one suits you best in the examples ## shown here. ## ## **Note:** You will need to run asynchronous examples in an async proc ## otherwise you will get an ``Undeclared identifier: 'await'`` error. ## ## Using HTTP POST ## =============== ## ## This example demonstrates the usage of the W3 HTML Validator, it ## uses ``multipart/form-data`` as the ``Content-Type`` to send the HTML to be ## validated to the server. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## var client = newHttpClient() ## var data = newMultipartData() ## data["output"] = "soap12" ## data["uploaded_file"] = ("test.html", "text/html", ## "<html><head></head><body><p>test</p></body></html>") ## ## echo client.postContent("http://validator.w3.org/check", multipart=data) ## ## You can also make post requests with custom headers. ## This example sets ``Content-Type`` to ``application/json`` ## and uses a json object for the body ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## import httpclient, json ## ## let client = newHttpClient() ## client.headers = newHttpHeaders({ "Content-Type": "application/json" }) ## let body = %*{ ## "data": "some text" ## } ## let response = client.request("http://some.api", httpMethod = HttpPost, body = $body) ## echo response.status ## ## Progress reporting ## ================== ## ## You may specify a callback procedure to be called during an HTTP request. ## This callback will be executed every second with information about the ## progress of the HTTP request. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## var client = newAsyncHttpClient() ## proc onProgressChanged(total, progress, speed: BiggestInt) {.async.} = ## echo("Downloaded ", progress, " of ", total) ## echo("Current rate: ", speed div 1000, "kb/s") ## client.onProgressChanged = onProgressChanged ## discard await client.getContent("http://speedtest-ams2.digitalocean.com/100mb.test") ## ## If you would like to remove the callback simply set it to ``nil``. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## client.onProgressChanged = nil ## ## **Warning:** The ``total`` reported by httpclient may be 0 in some cases. ## ## ## SSL/TLS support ## =============== ## This requires the OpenSSL library, fortunately it's widely used and installed ## on many operating systems. httpclient will use SSL automatically if you give ## any of the functions a url with the ``https`` schema, for example: ## ``https://github.com/``. ## ## You will also have to compile with ``ssl`` defined like so: ## ``nim c -d:ssl ...``. ## ## Timeouts ## ======== ## ## Currently only the synchronous functions support a timeout. ## The timeout is ## measured in milliseconds, once it is set any call on a socket which may ## block will be susceptible to this timeout. ## ## It may be surprising but the ## function as a whole can take longer than the specified timeout, only ## individual internal calls on the socket are affected. In practice this means ## that as long as the server is sending data an exception will not be raised, ## if however data does not reach the client within the specified timeout a ## ``TimeoutError`` exception will be raised. ## ## Proxy ## ===== ## ## A proxy can be specified as a param to any of the procedures defined in ## this module. To do this, use the ``newProxy`` constructor. Unfortunately, ## only basic authentication is supported at the moment. import net, strutils, uri, parseutils, strtabs, base64, os, mimetypes, math, random, httpcore, times, tables, streams import asyncnet, asyncdispatch, asyncfile import nativesockets export httpcore except parseHeader # TODO: The ``except`` doesn't work type Response* = ref object version*: string status*: string headers*: HttpHeaders body: string bodyStream*: Stream AsyncResponse* = ref object version*: string status*: string headers*: HttpHeaders body: string bodyStream*: FutureStream[string] proc code*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): HttpCode {.raises: [ValueError, OverflowError].} = ## Retrieves the specified response's ``HttpCode``. ## ## Raises a ``ValueError`` if the response's ``status`` does not have a ## corresponding ``HttpCode``. return response.status[0 .. 2].parseInt.HttpCode proc contentType*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): string = ## Retrieves the specified response's content type. ## ## This is effectively the value of the "Content-Type" header. response.headers.getOrDefault("content-type") proc contentLength*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): int = ## Retrieves the specified response's content length. ## ## This is effectively the value of the "Content-Length" header. ## ## A ``ValueError`` exception will be raised if the value is not an integer. var contentLengthHeader = response.headers.getOrDefault("Content-Length") return contentLengthHeader.parseInt() proc lastModified*(response: Response | AsyncResponse): DateTime = ## Retrieves the specified response's last modified time. ## ## This is effectively the value of the "Last-Modified" header. ## ## Raises a ``ValueError`` if the parsing fails or the value is not a correctly ## formatted time. var lastModifiedHeader = response.headers.getOrDefault("last-modified") result = parse(lastModifiedHeader, "dd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z") proc body*(response: Response): string = ## Retrieves the specified response's body. ## ## The response's body stream is read synchronously. if response.body.isNil(): response.body = response.bodyStream.readAll() return response.body proc `body=`*(response: Response, value: string) {.deprecated.} = ## Setter for backward compatibility. ## ## **This is deprecated and should not be used**. response.body = value proc body*(response: AsyncResponse): Future[string] {.async.} = ## Reads the response's body and caches it. The read is performed only ## once. if response.body.isNil: response.body = await readAll(response.bodyStream) return response.body type Proxy* = ref object url*: Uri auth*: string MultipartEntries* = openarray[tuple[name, content: string]] MultipartData* = ref object content: seq[string] ProtocolError* = object of IOError ## exception that is raised when server ## does not conform to the implemented ## protocol HttpRequestError* = object of IOError ## Thrown in the ``getContent`` proc ## and ``postContent`` proc, ## when the server returns an error {.deprecated: [TResponse: Response, PProxy: Proxy, EInvalidProtocol: ProtocolError, EHttpRequestErr: HttpRequestError ].} const defUserAgent* = "Nim httpclient/" & NimVersion proc httpError(msg: string) = var e: ref ProtocolError new(e) e.msg = msg raise e proc fileError(msg: string) = var e: ref IOError new(e) e.msg = msg raise e proc parseChunks(s: Socket, timeout: int): string = result = "" var ri = 0 while true: var chunkSizeStr = "" var chunkSize = 0 s.readLine(chunkSizeStr, timeout) var i = 0 if chunkSizeStr == "": httpError("Server terminated connection prematurely") while true: case chunkSizeStr[i] of '0'..'9': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('0')) of 'a'..'f': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('a') + 10) of 'A'..'F': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('A') + 10) of '\0': break of ';': # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1 # We don't care about chunk-extensions. break else: httpError("Invalid chunk size: " & chunkSizeStr) inc(i) if chunkSize <= 0: s.skip(2, timeout) # Skip \c\L break result.setLen(ri+chunkSize) var bytesRead = 0 while bytesRead != chunkSize: let ret = recv(s, addr(result[ri]), chunkSize-bytesRead, timeout) ri += ret bytesRead += ret s.skip(2, timeout) # Skip \c\L # Trailer headers will only be sent if the request specifies that we want # them: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1 proc parseBody(s: Socket, headers: HttpHeaders, httpVersion: string, timeout: int): string = result = "" if headers.getOrDefault"Transfer-Encoding" == "chunked": result = parseChunks(s, timeout) else: # -REGION- Content-Length # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.3 var contentLengthHeader = headers.getOrDefault"Content-Length" if contentLengthHeader != "": var length = contentLengthHeader.parseint() if length > 0: result = newString(length) var received = 0 while true: if received >= length: break let r = s.recv(addr(result[received]), length-received, timeout) if r == 0: break received += r if received != length: httpError("Got invalid content length. Expected: " & $length & " got: " & $received) else: # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.4 TODO # -REGION- Connection: Close # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.5 if headers.getOrDefault"Connection" == "close" or httpVersion == "1.0": var buf = "" while true: buf = newString(4000) let r = s.recv(addr(buf[0]), 4000, timeout) if r == 0: break buf.setLen(r) result.add(buf) proc parseResponse(s: Socket, getBody: bool, timeout: int): Response = new result var parsedStatus = false var linei = 0 var fullyRead = false var line = "" result.headers = newHttpHeaders() while true: line = "" linei = 0 s.readLine(line, timeout) if line == "": break # We've been disconnected. if line == "\c\L": fullyRead = true break if not parsedStatus: # Parse HTTP version info and status code. var le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "HTTP/", linei) if le <= 0: httpError("invalid http version") inc(linei, le) le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "1.1", linei) if le > 0: result.version = "1.1" else: le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "1.0", linei) if le <= 0: httpError("unsupported http version") result.version = "1.0" inc(linei, le) # Status code linei.inc skipWhitespace(line, linei) result.status = line[linei .. ^1] parsedStatus = true else: # Parse headers var name = "" var le = parseUntil(line, name, ':', linei) if le <= 0: httpError("invalid headers") inc(linei, le) if line[linei] != ':': httpError("invalid headers") inc(linei) # Skip : result.headers.add(name, line[linei.. ^1].strip()) # Ensure the server isn't trying to DoS us. if result.headers.len > headerLimit: httpError("too many headers") if not fullyRead: httpError("Connection was closed before full request has been made") if getBody: result.body = parseBody(s, result.headers, result.version, timeout) else: result.body = "" {.deprecated: [THttpMethod: HttpMethod].} when not defined(ssl): type SSLContext = ref object var defaultSSLContext {.threadvar.}: SSLContext when defined(ssl): defaultSSLContext = newContext(verifyMode = CVerifyNone) template contextOrDefault(ctx: SSLContext): SSLContext = var result = ctx if ctx == nil: if defaultSSLContext == nil: defaultSSLContext = newContext(verifyMode = CVerifyNone) result = defaultSSLContext result proc newProxy*(url: string, auth = ""): Proxy = ## Constructs a new ``TProxy`` object. result = Proxy(url: parseUri(url), auth: auth) proc newMultipartData*: MultipartData = ## Constructs a new ``MultipartData`` object. MultipartData(content: @[]) proc add*(p: var MultipartData, name, content: string, filename: string = nil, contentType: string = nil) = ## Add a value to the multipart data. Raises a `ValueError` exception if ## `name`, `filename` or `contentType` contain newline characters. if {'\c','\L'} in name: raise newException(ValueError, "name contains a newline character") if filename != nil and {'\c','\L'} in filename: raise newException(ValueError, "filename contains a newline character") if contentType != nil and {'\c','\L'} in contentType: raise newException(ValueError, "contentType contains a newline character") var str = "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" & name & "\"" if filename != nil: str.add("; filename=\"" & filename & "\"") str.add("\c\L") if contentType != nil: str.add("Content-Type: " & contentType & "\c\L") str.add("\c\L" & content & "\c\L") p.content.add(str) proc add*(p: var MultipartData, xs: MultipartEntries): MultipartData {.discardable.} = ## Add a list of multipart entries to the multipart data `p`. All values are ## added without a filename and without a content type. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## data.add({"action": "login", "format": "json"}) for name, content in xs.items: p.add(name, content) result = p proc newMultipartData*(xs: MultipartEntries): MultipartData = ## Create a new multipart data object and fill it with the entries `xs` ## directly. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## var data = newMultipartData({"action": "login", "format": "json"}) result = MultipartData(content: @[]) result.add(xs) proc addFiles*(p: var MultipartData, xs: openarray[tuple[name, file: string]]): MultipartData {.discardable.} = ## Add files to a multipart data object. The file will be opened from your ## disk, read and sent with the automatically determined MIME type. Raises an ## `IOError` if the file cannot be opened or reading fails. To manually ## specify file content, filename and MIME type, use `[]=` instead. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## data.addFiles({"uploaded_file": "public/test.html"}) var m = newMimetypes() for name, file in xs.items: var contentType: string let (_, fName, ext) = splitFile(file) if ext.len > 0: contentType = m.getMimetype(ext[1..ext.high], nil) p.add(name, readFile(file), fName & ext, contentType) result = p proc `[]=`*(p: var MultipartData, name, content: string) = ## Add a multipart entry to the multipart data `p`. The value is added ## without a filename and without a content type. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## data["username"] = "NimUser" p.add(name, content) proc `[]=`*(p: var MultipartData, name: string, file: tuple[name, contentType, content: string]) = ## Add a file to the multipart data `p`, specifying filename, contentType and ## content manually. ## ## .. code-block:: Nim ## data["uploaded_file"] = ("test.html", "text/html", ## "<html><head></head><body><p>test</p></body></html>") p.add(name, file.content, file.name, file.contentType) proc format(p: MultipartData): tuple[contentType, body: string] = if p == nil or p.content == nil or p.content.len == 0: return ("", "") # Create boundary that is not in the data to be formatted var bound: string while true: bound = $random(int.high) var found = false for s in p.content: if bound in s: found = true if not found: break result.contentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" & bound result.body = "" for s in p.content: result.body.add("--" & bound & "\c\L" & s) result.body.add("--" & bound & "--\c\L") proc request*(url: string, httpMethod: string, extraHeaders = "", body = "", sslContext = defaultSSLContext, timeout = -1, userAgent = defUserAgent, proxy: Proxy = nil): Response {.deprecated.} = ## | Requests ``url`` with the custom method string specified by the ## | ``httpMethod`` parameter. ## | Extra headers can be specified and must be separated by ``\c\L`` ## | An optional timeout can be specified in milliseconds, if reading from the ## server takes longer than specified an ETimeout exception will be raised. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.15.0**: use ``HttpClient.request`` instead. var r = if proxy == nil: parseUri(url) else: proxy.url var hostUrl = if proxy == nil: r else: parseUri(url) var headers = httpMethod.toUpperAscii() # TODO: Use generateHeaders further down once it supports proxies. var s = newSocket() defer: s.close() if s == nil: raiseOSError(osLastError()) var port = net.Port(80) if r.scheme == "https": when defined(ssl): sslContext.wrapSocket(s) port = net.Port(443) else: raise newException(HttpRequestError, "SSL support is not available. Cannot connect over SSL. Compile with -d:ssl to enable.") if r.port != "": port = net.Port(r.port.parseInt) # get the socket ready. If we are connecting through a proxy to SSL, # send the appropriate CONNECT header. If not, simply connect to the proper # host (which may still be the proxy, for normal HTTP) if proxy != nil and hostUrl.scheme == "https": when defined(ssl): var connectHeaders = "CONNECT " let targetPort = if hostUrl.port == "": 443 else: hostUrl.port.parseInt connectHeaders.add(hostUrl.hostname) connectHeaders.add(":" & $targetPort) connectHeaders.add(" HTTP/1.1\c\L") connectHeaders.add("Host: " & hostUrl.hostname & ":" & $targetPort & "\c\L") if proxy.auth != "": let auth = base64.encode(proxy.auth, newline = "") connectHeaders.add("Proxy-Authorization: basic " & auth & "\c\L") connectHeaders.add("\c\L") if timeout == -1: s.connect(r.hostname, port) else: s.connect(r.hostname, port, timeout) s.send(connectHeaders) let connectResult = parseResponse(s, false, timeout) if not connectResult.status.startsWith("200"): raise newException(HttpRequestError, "The proxy server rejected a CONNECT request, " & "so a secure connection could not be established.") sslContext.wrapConnectedSocket(s, handshakeAsClient, hostUrl.hostname) else: raise newException(HttpRequestError, "SSL support not available. Cannot " & "connect via proxy over SSL. Compile with -d:ssl to enable.") else: if timeout == -1: s.connect(r.hostname, port) else: s.connect(r.hostname, port, timeout) # now that the socket is ready, prepare the headers if proxy == nil: headers.add ' ' if r.path[0] != '/': headers.add '/' headers.add(r.path) if r.query.len > 0: headers.add("?" & r.query) else: headers.add(" " & url) headers.add(" HTTP/1.1\c\L") if hostUrl.port == "": add(headers, "Host: " & hostUrl.hostname & "\c\L") else: add(headers, "Host: " & hostUrl.hostname & ":" & hostUrl.port & "\c\L") if userAgent != "": add(headers, "User-Agent: " & userAgent & "\c\L") if proxy != nil and proxy.auth != "": let auth = base64.encode(proxy.auth, newline = "") add(headers, "Proxy-Authorization: basic " & auth & "\c\L") add(headers, extraHeaders) add(headers, "\c\L") # headers are ready. send them, await the result, and close the socket. s.send(headers) if body != "": s.send(body) result = parseResponse(s, httpMethod != "HEAD", timeout) proc request*(url: string, httpMethod = httpGET, extraHeaders = "", body = "", sslContext = defaultSSLContext, timeout = -1, userAgent = defUserAgent, proxy: Proxy = nil): Response {.deprecated.} = ## | Requests ``url`` with the specified ``httpMethod``. ## | Extra headers can be specified and must be separated by ``\c\L`` ## | An optional timeout can be specified in milliseconds, if reading from the ## server takes longer than specified an ETimeout exception will be raised. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.15.0**: use ``HttpClient.request`` instead. result = request(url, $httpMethod, extraHeaders, body, sslContext, timeout, userAgent, proxy) proc redirection(status: string): bool = const redirectionNRs = ["301", "302", "303", "307"] for i in items(redirectionNRs): if status.startsWith(i): return true proc getNewLocation(lastURL: string, headers: HttpHeaders): string = result = headers.getOrDefault"Location" if result == "": httpError("location header expected") # Relative URLs. (Not part of the spec, but soon will be.) let r = parseUri(result) if r.hostname == "" and r.path != "": var parsed = parseUri(lastURL) parsed.path = r.path parsed.query = r.query parsed.anchor = r.anchor result = $parsed proc get*(url: string, extraHeaders = "", maxRedirects = 5, sslContext: SSLContext = defaultSSLContext, timeout = -1, userAgent = defUserAgent, proxy: Proxy = nil): Response {.deprecated.} = ## | GETs the ``url`` and returns a ``Response`` object ## | This proc also handles redirection ## | Extra headers can be specified and must be separated by ``\c\L``. ## | An optional timeout can be specified in milliseconds, if reading from the ## server takes longer than specified an ETimeout exception will be raised. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.15.0**: use ``HttpClient.get`` instead. result = request(url, httpGET, extraHeaders, "", sslContext, timeout, userAgent, proxy) var lastURL = url for i in 1..maxRedirects: if result.status.redirection(): let redirectTo = getNewLocation(lastURL, result.headers) result = request(redirectTo, httpGET, extraHeaders, "", sslContext, timeout, userAgent, proxy) lastURL = redirectTo proc getContent*(url: string, extraHeaders = "", maxRedirects = 5, sslContext: SSLContext = defaultSSLContext, timeout = -1, userAgent = defUserAgent, proxy: Proxy = nil): string {.deprecated.} = ## | GETs the body and returns it as a string. ## | Raises exceptions for the status codes ``4xx`` and ``5xx`` ## | Extra headers can be specified and must be separated by ``\c\L``. ## | An optional timeout can be specified in milliseconds, if reading from the ## server takes longer than specified an ETimeout exception will be raised. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.15.0**: use ``HttpClient.getContent`` instead. var r = get(url, extraHeaders, maxRedirects, sslContext, timeout, userAgent, proxy) if r.status[0] in {'4','5'}: raise newException(HttpRequestError, r.status) else: return r.body proc post*(url: string, extraHeaders = "", body = "", maxRedirects = 5, sslContext: SSLContext = defaultSSLContext, timeout = -1, userAgent = defUserAgent, proxy: Proxy = nil, multipart: MultipartData = nil): Response {.deprecated.} = ## | POSTs ``body`` to the ``url`` and returns a ``Response`` object. ## | This proc adds the necessary Content-Length header. ## | This proc also handles redirection. ## | Extra headers can be specified and must be separated by ``\c\L``. ## | An optional timeout can be specified in milliseconds, if reading from the ## server takes longer than specified an ETimeout exception will be raised. ## | The optional ``multipart`` parameter can be used to create ## ``multipart/form-data`` POSTs comfortably. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.15.0**: use ``HttpClient.post`` instead. let (mpContentType, mpBody) = format(multipart) template withNewLine(x): untyped = if x.len > 0 and not x.endsWith("\c\L"): x & "\c\L" else: x var xb = mpBody.withNewLine() & body var xh = extraHeaders.withNewLine() & withNewLine("Content-Length: " & $len(xb)) if not multipart.isNil: xh.add(withNewLine("Content-Type: " & mpContentType)) result = request(url, httpPOST, xh, xb, sslContext, timeout, userAgent, proxy) var lastURL = url for i in 1..maxRedirects: if result.status.redirection(): let redirectTo = getNewLocation(lastURL, result.headers) var meth = if result.status != "307": httpGet else: httpPost result = request(redirectTo, meth, xh, xb, sslContext, timeout, userAgent, proxy) lastURL = redirectTo proc postContent*(url: string, extraHeaders = "", body = "", maxRedirects = 5, sslContext: SSLContext = defaultSSLContext, timeout = -1, userAgent = defUserAgent, proxy: Proxy = nil, multipart: MultipartData = nil): string {.deprecated.} = ## | POSTs ``body`` to ``url`` and returns the response's body as a string ## | Raises exceptions for the status codes ``4xx`` and ``5xx`` ## | Extra headers can be specified and must be separated by ``\c\L``. ## | An optional timeout can be specified in milliseconds, if reading from the ## server takes longer than specified an ETimeout exception will be raised. ## | The optional ``multipart`` parameter can be used to create ## ``multipart/form-data`` POSTs comfortably. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.15.0**: use ``HttpClient.postContent`` ## instead. var r = post(url, extraHeaders, body, maxRedirects, sslContext, timeout, userAgent, proxy, multipart) if r.status[0] in {'4','5'}: raise newException(HttpRequestError, r.status) else: return r.body proc downloadFile*(url: string, outputFilename: string, sslContext: SSLContext = defaultSSLContext, timeout = -1, userAgent = defUserAgent, proxy: Proxy = nil) {.deprecated.} = ## | Downloads ``url`` and saves it to ``outputFilename`` ## | An optional timeout can be specified in milliseconds, if reading from the ## server takes longer than specified an ETimeout exception will be raised. ## ## **Deprecated since version 0.16.2**: use ``HttpClient.downloadFile`` ## instead. var f: File if open(f, outputFilename, fmWrite): f.write(getContent(url, sslContext = sslContext, timeout = timeout, userAgent = userAgent, proxy = proxy)) f.close() else: fileError("Unable to open file") proc generateHeaders(requestUrl: Uri, httpMethod: string, headers: HttpHeaders, body: string, proxy: Proxy): string = # GET result = httpMethod.toUpperAscii() result.add ' ' if proxy.isNil or (not proxy.isNil and requestUrl.scheme == "https"): # /path?query if requestUrl.path[0] != '/': result.add '/' result.add(requestUrl.path) if requestUrl.query.len > 0: result.add("?" & requestUrl.query) else: # Remove the 'http://' from the URL for CONNECT requests for TLS connections. var modifiedUrl = requestUrl if requestUrl.scheme == "https": modifiedUrl.scheme = "" result.add($modifiedUrl) # HTTP/1.1\c\l result.add(" HTTP/1.1\c\L") # Host header. if requestUrl.port == "": add(result, "Host: " & requestUrl.hostname & "\c\L") else: add(result, "Host: " & requestUrl.hostname & ":" & requestUrl.port & "\c\L") # Connection header. if not headers.hasKey("Connection"): add(result, "Connection: Keep-Alive\c\L") # Content length header. if body.len > 0 and not headers.hasKey("Content-Length"): add(result, "Content-Length: " & $body.len & "\c\L") # Proxy auth header. if not proxy.isNil and proxy.auth != "": let auth = base64.encode(proxy.auth, newline = "") add(result, "Proxy-Authorization: basic " & auth & "\c\L") for key, val in headers: add(result, key & ": " & val & "\c\L") add(result, "\c\L") type ProgressChangedProc*[ReturnType] = proc (total, progress, speed: BiggestInt): ReturnType {.closure, gcsafe.} HttpClientBase*[SocketType] = ref object socket: SocketType connected: bool currentURL: Uri ## Where we are currently connected. headers*: HttpHeaders ## Headers to send in requests. maxRedirects: int userAgent: string timeout: int ## Only used for blocking HttpClient for now. proxy: Proxy ## ``nil`` or the callback to call when request progress changes. when SocketType is Socket: onProgressChanged*: ProgressChangedProc[void] else: onProgressChanged*: ProgressChangedProc[Future[void]] when defined(ssl): sslContext: net.SslContext contentTotal: BiggestInt contentProgress: BiggestInt oneSecondProgress: BiggestInt lastProgressReport: float when SocketType is AsyncSocket: bodyStream: FutureStream[string] else: bodyStream: Stream getBody: bool ## When `false`, the body is never read in requestAux. type HttpClient* = HttpClientBase[Socket] proc newHttpClient*(userAgent = defUserAgent, maxRedirects = 5, sslContext = defaultSslContext, proxy: Proxy = nil, timeout = -1): HttpClient = ## Creates a new HttpClient instance. ## ## ``userAgent`` specifies the user agent that will be used when making ## requests. ## ## ``maxRedirects`` specifies the maximum amount of redirects to follow, ## default is 5. ## ## ``sslContext`` specifies the SSL context to use for HTTPS requests. ## ## ``proxy`` specifies an HTTP proxy to use for this HTTP client's ## connections. ## ## ``timeout`` specifies the number of milliseconds to allow before a ## ``TimeoutError`` is raised. new result result.headers = newHttpHeaders() result.userAgent = userAgent result.maxRedirects = maxRedirects result.proxy = proxy result.timeout = timeout result.onProgressChanged = nil result.bodyStream = newStringStream() result.getBody = true when defined(ssl): result.sslContext = contextOrDefault(sslContext) type AsyncHttpClient* = HttpClientBase[AsyncSocket] {.deprecated: [PAsyncHttpClient: AsyncHttpClient].} proc newAsyncHttpClient*(userAgent = defUserAgent, maxRedirects = 5, sslContext = defaultSslContext, proxy: Proxy = nil): AsyncHttpClient = ## Creates a new AsyncHttpClient instance. ## ## ``userAgent`` specifies the user agent that will be used when making ## requests. ## ## ``maxRedirects`` specifies the maximum amount of redirects to follow, ## default is 5. ## ## ``sslContext`` specifies the SSL context to use for HTTPS requests. ## ## ``proxy`` specifies an HTTP proxy to use for this HTTP client's ## connections. new result result.headers = newHttpHeaders() result.userAgent = userAgent result.maxRedirects = maxRedirects result.proxy = proxy result.timeout = -1 # TODO result.onProgressChanged = nil result.bodyStream = newFutureStream[string]("newAsyncHttpClient") result.getBody = true when defined(ssl): result.sslContext = contextOrDefault(sslContext) proc close*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient) = ## Closes any connections held by the HTTP client. if client.connected: client.socket.close() client.connected = false proc reportProgress(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, progress: BiggestInt) {.multisync.} = client.contentProgress += progress client.oneSecondProgress += progress if epochTime() - client.lastProgressReport >= 1.0: if not client.onProgressChanged.isNil: await client.onProgressChanged(client.contentTotal, client.contentProgress, client.oneSecondProgress) client.oneSecondProgress = 0 client.lastProgressReport = epochTime() proc recvFull(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, size: int, timeout: int, keep: bool): Future[int] {.multisync.} = ## Ensures that all the data requested is read and returned. var readLen = 0 while true: if size == readLen: break let remainingSize = size - readLen let sizeToRecv = min(remainingSize, net.BufferSize) when client.socket is Socket: let data = client.socket.recv(sizeToRecv, timeout) else: let data = await client.socket.recv(sizeToRecv) if data == "": client.close() break # We've been disconnected. readLen.inc(data.len) if keep: await client.bodyStream.write(data) await reportProgress(client, data.len) return readLen proc parseChunks(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient): Future[void] {.multisync.} = while true: var chunkSize = 0 var chunkSizeStr = await client.socket.recvLine() var i = 0 if chunkSizeStr == "": httpError("Server terminated connection prematurely") while true: case chunkSizeStr[i] of '0'..'9': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('0')) of 'a'..'f': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('a') + 10) of 'A'..'F': chunkSize = chunkSize shl 4 or (ord(chunkSizeStr[i]) - ord('A') + 10) of '\0': break of ';': # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1 # We don't care about chunk-extensions. break else: httpError("Invalid chunk size: " & chunkSizeStr) inc(i) if chunkSize <= 0: discard await recvFull(client, 2, client.timeout, false) # Skip \c\L break var bytesRead = await recvFull(client, chunkSize, client.timeout, true) if bytesRead != chunkSize: httpError("Server terminated connection prematurely") bytesRead = await recvFull(client, 2, client.timeout, false) # Skip \c\L if bytesRead != 2: httpError("Server terminated connection prematurely") # Trailer headers will only be sent if the request specifies that we want # them: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-3.6.1 proc parseBody(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, headers: HttpHeaders, httpVersion: string): Future[void] {.multisync.} = # Reset progress from previous requests. client.contentTotal = 0 client.contentProgress = 0 client.oneSecondProgress = 0 client.lastProgressReport = 0 when client is AsyncHttpClient: assert(not client.bodyStream.finished) if headers.getOrDefault"Transfer-Encoding" == "chunked": await parseChunks(client) else: # -REGION- Content-Length # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.3 var contentLengthHeader = headers.getOrDefault"Content-Length" if contentLengthHeader != "": var length = contentLengthHeader.parseint() client.contentTotal = length if length > 0: let recvLen = await client.recvFull(length, client.timeout, true) if recvLen == 0: client.close() httpError("Got disconnected while trying to read body.") if recvLen != length: httpError("Received length doesn't match expected length. Wanted " & $length & " got " & $recvLen) else: # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.4 TODO # -REGION- Connection: Close # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-4.4) NR.5 if headers.getOrDefault"Connection" == "close" or httpVersion == "1.0": while true: let recvLen = await client.recvFull(4000, client.timeout, true) if recvLen != 4000: client.close() break when client is AsyncHttpClient: client.bodyStream.complete() else: client.bodyStream.setPosition(0) # If the server will close our connection, then no matter the method of # reading the body, we need to close our socket. if headers.getOrDefault"Connection" == "close": client.close() proc parseResponse(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, getBody: bool): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = new result var parsedStatus = false var linei = 0 var fullyRead = false var line = "" result.headers = newHttpHeaders() while true: linei = 0 when client is HttpClient: line = await client.socket.recvLine(client.timeout) else: line = await client.socket.recvLine() if line == "": # We've been disconnected. client.close() break if line == "\c\L": fullyRead = true break if not parsedStatus: # Parse HTTP version info and status code. var le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "HTTP/", linei) if le <= 0: httpError("invalid http version, " & line.repr) inc(linei, le) le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "1.1", linei) if le > 0: result.version = "1.1" else: le = skipIgnoreCase(line, "1.0", linei) if le <= 0: httpError("unsupported http version") result.version = "1.0" inc(linei, le) # Status code linei.inc skipWhitespace(line, linei) result.status = line[linei .. ^1] parsedStatus = true else: # Parse headers var name = "" var le = parseUntil(line, name, ':', linei) if le <= 0: httpError("invalid headers") inc(linei, le) if line[linei] != ':': httpError("invalid headers") inc(linei) # Skip : result.headers.add(name, line[linei.. ^1].strip()) if result.headers.len > headerLimit: httpError("too many headers") if not fullyRead: httpError("Connection was closed before full request has been made") if getBody: when client is HttpClient: client.bodyStream = newStringStream() else: client.bodyStream = newFutureStream[string]("parseResponse") await parseBody(client, result.headers, result.version) result.bodyStream = client.bodyStream proc newConnection(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: Uri) {.multisync.} = if client.currentURL.hostname != url.hostname or client.currentURL.scheme != url.scheme or client.currentURL.port != url.port or (not client.connected): # Connect to proxy if specified let connectionUrl = if client.proxy.isNil: url else: client.proxy.url let isSsl = connectionUrl.scheme.toLowerAscii() == "https" if isSsl and not defined(ssl): raise newException(HttpRequestError, "SSL support is not available. Cannot connect over SSL. Compile with -d:ssl to enable.") if client.connected: client.close() client.connected = false # TODO: I should be able to write 'net.Port' here... let port = if connectionUrl.port == "": if isSsl: nativesockets.Port(443) else: nativesockets.Port(80) else: nativesockets.Port(connectionUrl.port.parseInt) when client is HttpClient: client.socket = await net.dial(connectionUrl.hostname, port) elif client is AsyncHttpClient: client.socket = await asyncnet.dial(connectionUrl.hostname, port) else: {.fatal: "Unsupported client type".} when defined(ssl): if isSsl: try: client.sslContext.wrapConnectedSocket( client.socket, handshakeAsClient, connectionUrl.hostname) except: client.socket.close() raise getCurrentException() # If need to CONNECT through proxy if url.scheme == "https" and not client.proxy.isNil: when defined(ssl): # Pass only host:port for CONNECT var connectUrl = initUri() connectUrl.hostname = url.hostname connectUrl.port = if url.port != "": url.port else: "443" let proxyHeaderString = generateHeaders(connectUrl, $HttpConnect, newHttpHeaders(), "", client.proxy) await client.socket.send(proxyHeaderString) let proxyResp = await parseResponse(client, false) if not proxyResp.status.startsWith("200"): raise newException(HttpRequestError, "The proxy server rejected a CONNECT request, " & "so a secure connection could not be established.") client.sslContext.wrapConnectedSocket( client.socket, handshakeAsClient, url.hostname) else: raise newException(HttpRequestError, "SSL support is not available. Cannot connect over SSL. Compile with -d:ssl to enable.") # May be connected through proxy but remember actual URL being accessed client.currentURL = url client.connected = true proc override(fallback, override: HttpHeaders): HttpHeaders = # Right-biased map union for `HttpHeaders` if override.isNil: return fallback result = newHttpHeaders() # Copy by value result.table[] = fallback.table[] for k, vs in override.table: result[k] = vs proc requestAux(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: string, httpMethod: string, body = "", headers: HttpHeaders = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = # Helper that actually makes the request. Does not handle redirects. let requestUrl = parseUri(url) await newConnection(client, requestUrl) let effectiveHeaders = client.headers.override(headers) if not effectiveHeaders.hasKey("user-agent") and client.userAgent != "": effectiveHeaders["User-Agent"] = client.userAgent var headersString = generateHeaders(requestUrl, httpMethod, effectiveHeaders, body, client.proxy) await client.socket.send(headersString) if body != "": await client.socket.send(body) let getBody = httpMethod.toLowerAscii() notin ["head", "connect"] and client.getBody result = await parseResponse(client, getBody) proc request*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: string, httpMethod: string, body = "", headers: HttpHeaders = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a request ## using the custom method string specified by ``httpMethod``. ## ## Connection will kept alive. Further requests on the same ``client`` to ## the same hostname will not require a new connection to be made. The ## connection can be closed by using the ``close`` procedure. ## ## This procedure will follow redirects up to a maximum number of redirects ## specified in ``client.maxRedirects``. result = await client.requestAux(url, httpMethod, body, headers) var lastURL = url for i in 1..client.maxRedirects: if result.status.redirection(): let redirectTo = getNewLocation(lastURL, result.headers) result = await client.requestAux(redirectTo, httpMethod, body, headers) lastURL = redirectTo proc request*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: string, httpMethod = HttpGET, body = "", headers: HttpHeaders = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a request ## using the method specified. ## ## Connection will be kept alive. Further requests on the same ``client`` to ## the same hostname will not require a new connection to be made. The ## connection can be closed by using the ``close`` procedure. ## ## When a request is made to a different hostname, the current connection will ## be closed. result = await request(client, url, $httpMethod, body, headers) proc get*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: string): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a GET request. ## ## This procedure will follow redirects up to a maximum number of redirects ## specified in ``client.maxRedirects``. result = await client.request(url, HttpGET) proc getContent*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: string): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a GET request. ## ## This procedure will follow redirects up to a maximum number of redirects ## specified in ``client.maxRedirects``. ## ## A ``HttpRequestError`` will be raised if the server responds with a ## client error (status code 4xx) or a server error (status code 5xx). let resp = await get(client, url) if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx: raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status) else: return await resp.bodyStream.readAll() proc post*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[Response | AsyncResponse] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a POST request. ## ## This procedure will follow redirects up to a maximum number of redirects ## specified in ``client.maxRedirects``. let (mpContentType, mpBody) = format(multipart) # TODO: Support FutureStream for `body` parameter. template withNewLine(x): untyped = if x.len > 0 and not x.endsWith("\c\L"): x & "\c\L" else: x var xb = mpBody.withNewLine() & body var headers = newHttpHeaders() if multipart != nil: headers["Content-Type"] = mpContentType headers["Content-Length"] = $len(xb) result = await client.requestAux(url, $HttpPOST, xb, headers) # Handle redirects. var lastURL = url for i in 1..client.maxRedirects: if result.status.redirection(): let redirectTo = getNewLocation(lastURL, result.headers) var meth = if result.status != "307": HttpGet else: HttpPost result = await client.requestAux(redirectTo, $meth, xb, headers) lastURL = redirectTo proc postContent*(client: HttpClient | AsyncHttpClient, url: string, body = "", multipart: MultipartData = nil): Future[string] {.multisync.} = ## Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and performs a POST request. ## ## This procedure will follow redirects up to a maximum number of redirects ## specified in ``client.maxRedirects``. ## ## A ``HttpRequestError`` will be raised if the server responds with a ## client error (status code 4xx) or a server error (status code 5xx). let resp = await post(client, url, body, multipart) if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx: raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status) else: return await resp.bodyStream.readAll() proc downloadFile*(client: HttpClient, url: string, filename: string) = ## Downloads ``url`` and saves it to ``filename``. client.getBody = false defer: client.getBody = true let resp = client.get(url) client.bodyStream = newFileStream(filename, fmWrite) if client.bodyStream.isNil: fileError("Unable to open file") parseBody(client, resp.headers, resp.version) client.bodyStream.close() if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx: raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status) proc downloadFile*(client: AsyncHttpClient, url: string, filename: string): Future[void] = proc downloadFileEx(client: AsyncHttpClient, url, filename: string): Future[void] {.async.} = ## Downloads ``url`` and saves it to ``filename``. client.getBody = false let resp = await client.get(url) client.bodyStream = newFutureStream[string]("downloadFile") var file = openAsync(filename, fmWrite) # Let `parseBody` write response data into client.bodyStream in the # background. asyncCheck parseBody(client, resp.headers, resp.version) # The `writeFromStream` proc will complete once all the data in the # `bodyStream` has been written to the file. await file.writeFromStream(client.bodyStream) file.close() if resp.code.is4xx or resp.code.is5xx: raise newException(HttpRequestError, resp.status) result = newFuture[void]("downloadFile") try: result = downloadFileEx(client, url, filename) except Exception as exc: result.fail(exc) finally: result.addCallback( proc () = client.getBody = true )