# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf, Dominik Picheta # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements a simple high performance `JSON`:idx: ## parser. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight ## data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write ## (unlike XML). It is easy for machines to parse and generate. ## JSON is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, ## Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. ## ## Usage example: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## let ## small_json = """{"test": 1.3, "key2": true}""" ## jobj = parseJson(small_json) ## assert (jobj.kind == JObject) ## echo($jobj["test"].fnum) ## echo($jobj["key2"].bval) ## ## Results in: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## ## 1.3000000000000000e+00 ## true ## ## This module can also be used to comfortably create JSON using the `%*` ## operator: ## ## .. code-block:: nim ## ## var hisName = "John" ## let herAge = 31 ## var j = %* ## [ ## { ## "name": hisName, ## "age": 30 ## }, ## { ## "name": "Susan", ## "age": herAge ## } ## ] import hashes, strutils, lexbase, streams, unicode, macros type JsonEventKind* = enum ## enumeration of all events that may occur when parsing jsonError, ## an error occurred during parsing jsonEof, ## end of file reached jsonString, ## a string literal jsonInt, ## an integer literal jsonFloat, ## a float literal jsonTrue, ## the value ``true`` jsonFalse, ## the value ``false`` jsonNull, ## the value ``null`` jsonObjectStart, ## start of an object: the ``{`` token jsonObjectEnd, ## end of an object: the ``}`` token jsonArrayStart, ## start of an array: the ``[`` token jsonArrayEnd ## start of an array: the ``]`` token TokKind = enum # must be synchronized with TJsonEventKind! tkError, tkEof, tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull, tkCurlyLe, tkCurlyRi, tkBracketLe, tkBracketRi, tkColon, tkComma JsonError* = enum ## enumeration that lists all errors that can occur errNone, ## no error errInvalidToken, ## invalid token errStringExpected, ## string expected errColonExpected, ## ``:`` expected errCommaExpected, ## ``,`` expected errBracketRiExpected, ## ``]`` expected errCurlyRiExpected, ## ``}`` expected errQuoteExpected, ## ``"`` or ``'`` expected errEOC_Expected, ## ``*/`` expected errEofExpected, ## EOF expected errExprExpected ## expr expected ParserState = enum stateEof, stateStart, stateObject, stateArray, stateExpectArrayComma, stateExpectObjectComma, stateExpectColon, stateExpectValue JsonParser* = object of BaseLexer ## the parser object. a: string tok: TokKind kind: JsonEventKind err: JsonError state: seq[ParserState] filename: string {.deprecated: [TJsonEventKind: JsonEventKind, TJsonError: JsonError, TJsonParser: JsonParser, TTokKind: TokKind].} const errorMessages: array [JsonError, string] = [ "no error", "invalid token", "string expected", "':' expected", "',' expected", "']' expected", "'}' expected", "'\"' or \"'\" expected", "'*/' expected", "EOF expected", "expression expected" ] tokToStr: array [TokKind, string] = [ "invalid token", "EOF", "string literal", "int literal", "float literal", "true", "false", "null", "{", "}", "[", "]", ":", "," ] proc open*(my: var JsonParser, input: Stream, filename: string) = ## initializes the parser with an input stream. `Filename` is only used ## for nice error messages. lexbase.open(my, input) my.filename = filename my.state = @[stateStart] my.kind = jsonError my.a = "" proc close*(my: var JsonParser) {.inline.} = ## closes the parser `my` and its associated input stream. lexbase.close(my) proc str*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} = ## returns the character data for the events: ``jsonInt``, ``jsonFloat``, ## ``jsonString`` assert(my.kind in {jsonInt, jsonFloat, jsonString}) return my.a proc getInt*(my: JsonParser): BiggestInt {.inline.} = ## returns the number for the event: ``jsonInt`` assert(my.kind == jsonInt) return parseBiggestInt(my.a) proc getFloat*(my: JsonParser): float {.inline.} = ## returns the number for the event: ``jsonFloat`` assert(my.kind == jsonFloat) return parseFloat(my.a) proc kind*(my: JsonParser): JsonEventKind {.inline.} = ## returns the current event type for the JSON parser return my.kind proc getColumn*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} = ## get the current column the parser has arrived at. result = getColNumber(my, my.bufpos) proc getLine*(my: JsonParser): int {.inline.} = ## get the current line the parser has arrived at. result = my.lineNumber proc getFilename*(my: JsonParser): string {.inline.} = ## get the filename of the file that the parser processes. result = my.filename proc errorMsg*(my: JsonParser): string = ## returns a helpful error message for the event ``jsonError`` assert(my.kind == jsonError) result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [ my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), errorMessages[my.err]] proc errorMsgExpected*(my: JsonParser, e: string): string = ## returns an error message "`e` expected" in the same format as the ## other error messages result = "$1($2, $3) Error: $4" % [ my.filename, $getLine(my), $getColumn(my), e & " expected"] proc handleHexChar(c: char, x: var int): bool = result = true # Success case c of '0'..'9': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('0')) of 'a'..'f': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10) of 'A'..'F': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10) else: result = false # error proc parseString(my: var JsonParser): TokKind = result = tkString var pos = my.bufpos + 1 var buf = my.buf while true: case buf[pos] of '\0': my.err = errQuoteExpected result = tkError break of '"': inc(pos) break of '\\': case buf[pos+1] of '\\', '"', '\'', '/': add(my.a, buf[pos+1]) inc(pos, 2) of 'b': add(my.a, '\b') inc(pos, 2) of 'f': add(my.a, '\f') inc(pos, 2) of 'n': add(my.a, '\L') inc(pos, 2) of 'r': add(my.a, '\C') inc(pos, 2) of 't': add(my.a, '\t') inc(pos, 2) of 'u': inc(pos, 2) var r: int if handleHexChar(buf[pos], r): inc(pos) if handleHexChar(buf[pos], r): inc(pos) if handleHexChar(buf[pos], r): inc(pos) if handleHexChar(buf[pos], r): inc(pos) add(my.a, toUTF8(Rune(r))) else: # don't bother with the error add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) of '\c': pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos) buf = my.buf add(my.a, '\c') of '\L': pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos) buf = my.buf add(my.a, '\L') else: add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) my.bufpos = pos # store back proc skip(my: var JsonParser) = var pos = my.bufpos var buf = my.buf while true: case buf[pos] of '/': if buf[pos+1] == '/': # skip line comment: inc(pos, 2) while true: case buf[pos] of '\0': break of '\c': pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos) buf = my.buf break of '\L': pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos) buf = my.buf break else: inc(pos) elif buf[pos+1] == '*': # skip long comment: inc(pos, 2) while true: case buf[pos] of '\0': my.err = errEOC_Expected break of '\c': pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos) buf = my.buf of '\L': pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos) buf = my.buf of '*': inc(pos) if buf[pos] == '/': inc(pos) break else: inc(pos) else: break of ' ', '\t': inc(pos) of '\c': pos = lexbase.handleCR(my, pos) buf = my.buf of '\L': pos = lexbase.handleLF(my, pos) buf = my.buf else: break my.bufpos = pos proc parseNumber(my: var JsonParser) = var pos = my.bufpos var buf = my.buf if buf[pos] == '-': add(my.a, '-') inc(pos) if buf[pos] == '.': add(my.a, "0.") inc(pos) else: while buf[pos] in Digits: add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) if buf[pos] == '.': add(my.a, '.') inc(pos) # digits after the dot: while buf[pos] in Digits: add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) if buf[pos] in {'E', 'e'}: add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) if buf[pos] in {'+', '-'}: add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) while buf[pos] in Digits: add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) my.bufpos = pos proc parseName(my: var JsonParser) = var pos = my.bufpos var buf = my.buf if buf[pos] in IdentStartChars: while buf[pos] in IdentChars: add(my.a, buf[pos]) inc(pos) my.bufpos = pos proc getTok(my: var JsonParser): TokKind = setLen(my.a, 0) skip(my) # skip whitespace, comments case my.buf[my.bufpos] of '-', '.', '0'..'9': parseNumber(my) if {'.', 'e', 'E'} in my.a: result = tkFloat else: result = tkInt of '"': result = parseString(my) of '[': inc(my.bufpos) result = tkBracketLe of '{': inc(my.bufpos) result = tkCurlyLe of ']': inc(my.bufpos) result = tkBracketRi of '}': inc(my.bufpos) result = tkCurlyRi of ',': inc(my.bufpos) result = tkComma of ':': inc(my.bufpos) result = tkColon of '\0': result = tkEof of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_': parseName(my) case my.a of "null": result = tkNull of "true": result = tkTrue of "false": result = tkFalse else: result = tkError else: inc(my.bufpos) result = tkError my.tok = result proc next*(my: var JsonParser) = ## retrieves the first/next event. This controls the parser. var tk = getTok(my) var i = my.state.len-1 # the following code is a state machine. If we had proper coroutines, # the code could be much simpler. case my.state[i] of stateEof: if tk == tkEof: my.kind = jsonEof else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errEofExpected of stateStart: # tokens allowed? case tk of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull: my.state[i] = stateEof # expect EOF next! my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk)) of tkBracketLe: my.state.add(stateArray) # we expect any my.kind = jsonArrayStart of tkCurlyLe: my.state.add(stateObject) my.kind = jsonObjectStart of tkEof: my.kind = jsonEof else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errEofExpected of stateObject: case tk of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull: my.state.add(stateExpectColon) my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk)) of tkBracketLe: my.state.add(stateExpectColon) my.state.add(stateArray) my.kind = jsonArrayStart of tkCurlyLe: my.state.add(stateExpectColon) my.state.add(stateObject) my.kind = jsonObjectStart of tkCurlyRi: my.kind = jsonObjectEnd discard my.state.pop() else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errCurlyRiExpected of stateArray: case tk of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull: my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma) # expect value next! my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk)) of tkBracketLe: my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma) my.state.add(stateArray) my.kind = jsonArrayStart of tkCurlyLe: my.state.add(stateExpectArrayComma) my.state.add(stateObject) my.kind = jsonObjectStart of tkBracketRi: my.kind = jsonArrayEnd discard my.state.pop() else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errBracketRiExpected of stateExpectArrayComma: case tk of tkComma: discard my.state.pop() next(my) of tkBracketRi: my.kind = jsonArrayEnd discard my.state.pop() # pop stateExpectArrayComma discard my.state.pop() # pop stateArray else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errBracketRiExpected of stateExpectObjectComma: case tk of tkComma: discard my.state.pop() next(my) of tkCurlyRi: my.kind = jsonObjectEnd discard my.state.pop() # pop stateExpectObjectComma discard my.state.pop() # pop stateObject else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errCurlyRiExpected of stateExpectColon: case tk of tkColon: my.state[i] = stateExpectValue next(my) else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errColonExpected of stateExpectValue: case tk of tkString, tkInt, tkFloat, tkTrue, tkFalse, tkNull: my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma my.kind = JsonEventKind(ord(tk)) of tkBracketLe: my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma my.state.add(stateArray) my.kind = jsonArrayStart of tkCurlyLe: my.state[i] = stateExpectObjectComma my.state.add(stateObject) my.kind = jsonObjectStart else: my.kind = jsonError my.err = errExprExpected # ------------- higher level interface --------------------------------------- type JsonNodeKind* = enum ## possible JSON node types JNull, JBool, JInt, JFloat, JString, JObject, JArray JsonNode* = ref JsonNodeObj ## JSON node JsonNodeObj* {.acyclic.} = object case kind*: JsonNodeKind of JString: str*: string of JInt: num*: BiggestInt of JFloat: fnum*: float of JBool: bval*: bool of JNull: nil of JObject: fields*: seq[tuple[key: string, val: JsonNode]] of JArray: elems*: seq[JsonNode] JsonParsingError* = object of ValueError ## is raised for a JSON error {.deprecated: [EJsonParsingError: JsonParsingError, TJsonNode: JsonNodeObj, PJsonNode: JsonNode, TJsonNodeKind: JsonNodeKind].} proc raiseParseErr*(p: JsonParser, msg: string) {.noinline, noreturn.} = ## raises an `EJsonParsingError` exception. raise newException(JsonParsingError, errorMsgExpected(p, msg)) proc newJString*(s: string): JsonNode = ## Creates a new `JString JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JString result.str = s proc newJStringMove(s: string): JsonNode = new(result) result.kind = JString shallowCopy(result.str, s) proc newJInt*(n: BiggestInt): JsonNode = ## Creates a new `JInt JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JInt result.num = n proc newJFloat*(n: float): JsonNode = ## Creates a new `JFloat JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JFloat result.fnum = n proc newJBool*(b: bool): JsonNode = ## Creates a new `JBool JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JBool result.bval = b proc newJNull*(): JsonNode = ## Creates a new `JNull JsonNode`. new(result) proc newJObject*(): JsonNode = ## Creates a new `JObject JsonNode` new(result) result.kind = JObject result.fields = @[] proc newJArray*(): JsonNode = ## Creates a new `JArray JsonNode` new(result) result.kind = JArray result.elems = @[] proc getStr*(n: JsonNode, default: string = ""): string = ## Retrieves the string value of a `JString JsonNode`. ## ## Returns ``default`` if ``n`` is not a ``JString``, or if ``n`` is nil. if n.isNil or n.kind != JString: return default else: return n.str proc getNum*(n: JsonNode, default: BiggestInt = 0): BiggestInt = ## Retrieves the int value of a `JInt JsonNode`. ## ## Returns ``default`` if ``n`` is not a ``JInt``, or if ``n`` is nil. if n.isNil or n.kind != JInt: return default else: return n.num proc getFNum*(n: JsonNode, default: float = 0.0): float = ## Retrieves the float value of a `JFloat JsonNode`. ## ## Returns ``default`` if ``n`` is not a ``JFloat``, or if ``n`` is nil. if n.isNil or n.kind != JFloat: return default else: return n.fnum proc getBVal*(n: JsonNode, default: bool = false): bool = ## Retrieves the bool value of a `JBool JsonNode`. ## ## Returns ``default`` if ``n`` is not a ``JBool``, or if ``n`` is nil. if n.isNil or n.kind != JBool: return default else: return n.bval proc getFields*(n: JsonNode, default: seq[tuple[key: string, val: JsonNode]] = @[]): seq[tuple[key: string, val: JsonNode]] = ## Retrieves the key, value pairs of a `JObject JsonNode`. ## ## Returns ``default`` if ``n`` is not a ``JObject``, or if ``n`` is nil. if n.isNil or n.kind != JObject: return default else: return n.fields proc getElems*(n: JsonNode, default: seq[JsonNode] = @[]): seq[JsonNode] = ## Retrieves the int value of a `JArray JsonNode`. ## ## Returns ``default`` if ``n`` is not a ``JArray``, or if ``n`` is nil. if n.isNil or n.kind != JArray: return default else: return n.elems proc `%`*(s: string): JsonNode = ## Generic constructor for JSON data. Creates a new `JString JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JString result.str = s proc `%`*(n: BiggestInt): JsonNode = ## Generic constructor for JSON data. Creates a new `JInt JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JInt result.num = n proc `%`*(n: float): JsonNode = ## Generic constructor for JSON data. Creates a new `JFloat JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JFloat result.fnum = n proc `%`*(b: bool): JsonNode = ## Generic constructor for JSON data. Creates a new `JBool JsonNode`. new(result) result.kind = JBool result.bval = b proc `%`*(keyVals: openArray[tuple[key: string, val: JsonNode]]): JsonNode = ## Generic constructor for JSON data. Creates a new `JObject JsonNode` new(result) result.kind = JObject newSeq(result.fields, keyVals.len) for i, p in pairs(keyVals): result.fields[i] = p proc `%`*(elements: openArray[JsonNode]): JsonNode = ## Generic constructor for JSON data. Creates a new `JArray JsonNode` new(result) result.kind = JArray newSeq(result.elems, elements.len) for i, p in pairs(elements): result.elems[i] = p proc toJson(x: NimNode): NimNode {.compiletime.} = case x.kind of nnkBracket: result = newNimNode(nnkBracket) for i in 0 .. <x.len: result.add(toJson(x[i])) of nnkTableConstr: result = newNimNode(nnkTableConstr) for i in 0 .. <x.len: assert x[i].kind == nnkExprColonExpr result.add(newNimNode(nnkExprColonExpr).add(x[i][0]).add(toJson(x[i][1]))) else: result = x result = prefix(result, "%") macro `%*`*(x: expr): expr = ## Convert an expression to a JsonNode directly, without having to specify ## `%` for every element. result = toJson(x) proc `==`* (a,b: JsonNode): bool = ## Check two nodes for equality if a.isNil: if b.isNil: return true return false elif b.isNil or a.kind != b.kind: return false else: return case a.kind of JString: a.str == b.str of JInt: a.num == b.num of JFloat: a.fnum == b.fnum of JBool: a.bval == b.bval of JNull: true of JArray: a.elems == b.elems of JObject: a.fields == b.fields proc hash* (n:JsonNode): Hash = ## Compute the hash for a JSON node case n.kind of JArray: result = hash(n.elems) of JObject: result = hash(n.fields) of JInt: result = hash(n.num) of JFloat: result = hash(n.fnum) of JBool: result = hash(n.bval.int) of JString: result = hash(n.str) of JNull: result = hash(0) proc len*(n: JsonNode): int = ## If `n` is a `JArray`, it returns the number of elements. ## If `n` is a `JObject`, it returns the number of pairs. ## Else it returns 0. case n.kind of JArray: result = n.elems.len of JObject: result = n.fields.len else: discard proc `[]`*(node: JsonNode, name: string): JsonNode {.inline.} = ## Gets a field from a `JObject`, which must not be nil. ## If the value at `name` does not exist, returns nil assert(not isNil(node)) assert(node.kind == JObject) for key, item in items(node.fields): if key == name: return item return nil proc `[]`*(node: JsonNode, index: int): JsonNode {.inline.} = ## Gets the node at `index` in an Array. Result is undefined if `index` ## is out of bounds assert(not isNil(node)) assert(node.kind == JArray) return node.elems[index] proc hasKey*(node: JsonNode, key: string): bool = ## Checks if `key` exists in `node`. assert(node.kind == JObject) for k, item in items(node.fields): if k == key: return true proc existsKey*(node: JsonNode, key: string): bool {.deprecated.} = node.hasKey(key) ## Deprecated for `hasKey` proc add*(father, child: JsonNode) = ## Adds `child` to a JArray node `father`. assert father.kind == JArray father.elems.add(child) proc add*(obj: JsonNode, key: string, val: JsonNode) = ## Adds ``(key, val)`` pair to the JObject node `obj`. For speed ## reasons no check for duplicate keys is performed! ## But ``[]=`` performs the check. assert obj.kind == JObject obj.fields.add((key, val)) proc `[]=`*(obj: JsonNode, key: string, val: JsonNode) {.inline.} = ## Sets a field from a `JObject`. Performs a check for duplicate keys. assert(obj.kind == JObject) for i in 0..obj.fields.len-1: if obj.fields[i].key == key: obj.fields[i].val = val return obj.fields.add((key, val)) proc `{}`*(node: JsonNode, keys: varargs[string]): JsonNode = ## Traverses the node and gets the given value. If any of the ## keys do not exist, returns nil. Also returns nil if one of the ## intermediate data structures is not an object result = node for key in keys: if isNil(result) or result.kind!=JObject: return nil result=result[key] proc `{}=`*(node: JsonNode, keys: varargs[string], value: JsonNode) = ## Traverses the node and tries to set the value at the given location ## to `value` If any of the keys are missing, they are added var node = node for i in 0..(keys.len-2): if isNil(node[keys[i]]): node[keys[i]] = newJObject() node = node[keys[i]] node[keys[keys.len-1]] = value proc delete*(obj: JsonNode, key: string) = ## Deletes ``obj[key]`` preserving the order of the other (key, value)-pairs. assert(obj.kind == JObject) for i in 0..obj.fields.len-1: if obj.fields[i].key == key: obj.fields.delete(i) return raise newException(IndexError, "key not in object") proc copy*(p: JsonNode): JsonNode = ## Performs a deep copy of `a`. case p.kind of JString: result = newJString(p.str) of JInt: result = newJInt(p.num) of JFloat: result = newJFloat(p.fnum) of JBool: result = newJBool(p.bval) of JNull: result = newJNull() of JObject: result = newJObject() for key, field in items(p.fields): result.fields.add((key, copy(field))) of JArray: result = newJArray() for i in items(p.elems): result.elems.add(copy(i)) # ------------- pretty printing ---------------------------------------------- proc indent(s: var string, i: int) = s.add(spaces(i)) proc newIndent(curr, indent: int, ml: bool): int = if ml: return curr + indent else: return indent proc nl(s: var string, ml: bool) = if ml: s.add("\n") proc escapeJson*(s: string): string = ## Converts a string `s` to its JSON representation. result = newStringOfCap(s.len + s.len shr 3) result.add("\"") for x in runes(s): var r = int(x) if r >= 32 and r <= 127: var c = chr(r) case c of '"': result.add("\\\"") of '\\': result.add("\\\\") else: result.add(c) else: result.add("\\u") result.add(toHex(r, 4)) result.add("\"") proc toPretty(result: var string, node: JsonNode, indent = 2, ml = true, lstArr = false, currIndent = 0) = case node.kind of JObject: if currIndent != 0 and not lstArr: result.nl(ml) result.indent(currIndent) # Indentation if node.fields.len > 0: result.add("{") result.nl(ml) # New line for i in 0..len(node.fields)-1: if i > 0: result.add(", ") result.nl(ml) # New Line # Need to indent more than { result.indent(newIndent(currIndent, indent, ml)) result.add(escapeJson(node.fields[i].key)) result.add(": ") toPretty(result, node.fields[i].val, indent, ml, false, newIndent(currIndent, indent, ml)) result.nl(ml) result.indent(currIndent) # indent the same as { result.add("}") else: result.add("{}") of JString: if lstArr: result.indent(currIndent) result.add(escapeJson(node.str)) of JInt: if lstArr: result.indent(currIndent) result.add($node.num) of JFloat: if lstArr: result.indent(currIndent) result.add($node.fnum) of JBool: if lstArr: result.indent(currIndent) result.add($node.bval) of JArray: if lstArr: result.indent(currIndent) if len(node.elems) != 0: result.add("[") result.nl(ml) for i in 0..len(node.elems)-1: if i > 0: result.add(", ") result.nl(ml) # New Line toPretty(result, node.elems[i], indent, ml, true, newIndent(currIndent, indent, ml)) result.nl(ml) result.indent(currIndent) result.add("]") else: result.add("[]") of JNull: if lstArr: result.indent(currIndent) result.add("null") proc pretty*(node: JsonNode, indent = 2): string = ## Converts `node` to its JSON Representation, with indentation and ## on multiple lines. result = "" toPretty(result, node, indent) proc toUgly*(result: var string, node: JsonNode) = ## Converts `node` to its JSON Representation, without ## regard for human readability. Meant to improve ``$`` string ## conversion performance. ## ## This provides higher efficiency than the ``toPretty`` procedure as it ## does **not** attempt to format the resulting JSON to make it human readable. var comma = false case node.kind: of JArray: result.add "[" for child in node.elems: if comma: result.add "," else: comma = true result.toUgly child result.add "]" of JObject: result.add "{" for key, value in items(node.fields): if comma: result.add "," else: comma = true result.add key.escapeJson() result.add ":" result.toUgly value result.add "}" of JString: result.add node.str.escapeJson() of JInt: result.add($node.num) of JFloat: result.add($node.fnum) of JBool: result.add(if node.bval: "true" else: "false") of JNull: result.add "null" proc `$`*(node: JsonNode): string = ## Converts `node` to its JSON Representation on one line. result = newStringOfCap(node.len shl 1) toUgly(result, node) iterator items*(node: JsonNode): JsonNode = ## Iterator for the items of `node`. `node` has to be a JArray. assert node.kind == JArray for i in items(node.elems): yield i iterator mitems*(node: var JsonNode): var JsonNode = ## Iterator for the items of `node`. `node` has to be a JArray. Items can be ## modified. assert node.kind == JArray for i in mitems(node.elems): yield i iterator pairs*(node: JsonNode): tuple[key: string, val: JsonNode] = ## Iterator for the child elements of `node`. `node` has to be a JObject. assert node.kind == JObject for key, val in items(node.fields): yield (key, val) iterator mpairs*(node: var JsonNode): var tuple[key: string, val: JsonNode] = ## Iterator for the child elements of `node`. `node` has to be a JObject. ## Items can be modified assert node.kind == JObject for keyVal in mitems(node.fields): yield keyVal proc eat(p: var JsonParser, tok: TokKind) = if p.tok == tok: discard getTok(p) else: raiseParseErr(p, tokToStr[tok]) proc parseJson(p: var JsonParser): JsonNode = ## Parses JSON from a JSON Parser `p`. case p.tok of tkString: # we capture 'p.a' here, so we need to give it a fresh buffer afterwards: result = newJStringMove(p.a) p.a = "" discard getTok(p) of tkInt: result = newJInt(parseBiggestInt(p.a)) discard getTok(p) of tkFloat: result = newJFloat(parseFloat(p.a)) discard getTok(p) of tkTrue: result = newJBool(true) discard getTok(p) of tkFalse: result = newJBool(false) discard getTok(p) of tkNull: result = newJNull() discard getTok(p) of tkCurlyLe: result = newJObject() discard getTok(p) while p.tok != tkCurlyRi: if p.tok != tkString: raiseParseErr(p, "string literal as key expected") var key = p.a discard getTok(p) eat(p, tkColon) var val = parseJson(p) result[key] = val if p.tok != tkComma: break discard getTok(p) eat(p, tkCurlyRi) of tkBracketLe: result = newJArray() discard getTok(p) while p.tok != tkBracketRi: result.add(parseJson(p)) if p.tok != tkComma: break discard getTok(p) eat(p, tkBracketRi) of tkError, tkCurlyRi, tkBracketRi, tkColon, tkComma, tkEof: raiseParseErr(p, "{") when not defined(js): proc parseJson*(s: Stream, filename: string): JsonNode = ## Parses from a stream `s` into a `JsonNode`. `filename` is only needed ## for nice error messages. var p: JsonParser p.open(s, filename) discard getTok(p) # read first token result = p.parseJson() p.close() proc parseJson*(buffer: string): JsonNode = ## Parses JSON from `buffer`. result = parseJson(newStringStream(buffer), "input") proc parseFile*(filename: string): JsonNode = ## Parses `file` into a `JsonNode`. var stream = newFileStream(filename, fmRead) if stream == nil: raise newException(IOError, "cannot read from file: " & filename) result = parseJson(stream, filename) else: from math import `mod` type JSObject = object {.deprecated: [TJSObject: JSObject].} proc parseNativeJson(x: cstring): JSObject {.importc: "JSON.parse".} proc getVarType(x): JsonNodeKind = result = JNull proc getProtoName(y): cstring {.importc: "Object.prototype.toString.call".} case $getProtoName(x) # TODO: Implicit returns fail here. of "[object Array]": return JArray of "[object Object]": return JObject of "[object Number]": if cast[float](x) mod 1.0 == 0: return JInt else: return JFloat of "[object Boolean]": return JBool of "[object Null]": return JNull of "[object String]": return JString else: assert false proc len(x: JSObject): int = assert x.getVarType == JArray asm """ return `x`.length; """ proc `[]`(x: JSObject, y: string): JSObject = assert x.getVarType == JObject asm """ return `x`[`y`]; """ proc `[]`(x: JSObject, y: int): JSObject = assert x.getVarType == JArray asm """ return `x`[`y`]; """ proc convertObject(x: JSObject): JsonNode = case getVarType(x) of JArray: result = newJArray() for i in 0 .. <x.len: result.add(x[i].convertObject()) of JObject: result = newJObject() asm """for (property in `x`) { if (`x`.hasOwnProperty(property)) { """ var nimProperty: cstring var nimValue: JSObject asm "`nimProperty` = property; `nimValue` = `x`[property];" result[$nimProperty] = nimValue.convertObject() asm "}}" of JInt: result = newJInt(cast[int](x)) of JFloat: result = newJFloat(cast[float](x)) of JString: result = newJString($cast[cstring](x)) of JBool: result = newJBool(cast[bool](x)) of JNull: result = newJNull() proc parseJson*(buffer: string): JsonNode = return parseNativeJson(buffer).convertObject() when false: import os var s = newFileStream(paramStr(1), fmRead) if s == nil: quit("cannot open the file" & paramStr(1)) var x: JsonParser open(x, s, paramStr(1)) while true: next(x) case x.kind of jsonError: Echo(x.errorMsg()) break of jsonEof: break of jsonString, jsonInt, jsonFloat: echo(x.str) of jsonTrue: echo("!TRUE") of jsonFalse: echo("!FALSE") of jsonNull: echo("!NULL") of jsonObjectStart: echo("{") of jsonObjectEnd: echo("}") of jsonArrayStart: echo("[") of jsonArrayEnd: echo("]") close(x) # { "json": 5 } # To get that we shall use, obj["json"] when isMainModule: var parsed = parseFile("tests/testdata/jsontest.json") var parsed2 = parseFile("tests/testdata/jsontest2.json") try: discard parsed["key2"][12123] assert(false) except IndexError: assert(true) let testJson = parseJson"""{ "a": [1, 2, 3, 4], "b": "asd" }""" # nil passthrough assert(testJson{"doesnt_exist"}{"anything"}.isNil) testJson{["c", "d"]} = %true assert(testJson["c"]["d"].bval) # test `$` let stringified = $testJson let parsedAgain = parseJson(stringified) assert(parsedAgain["b"].str == "asd") # Bounds checking try: let a = testJson["a"][9] assert(false, "EInvalidIndex not thrown") except IndexError: discard try: let a = testJson["a"][-1] assert(false, "EInvalidIndex not thrown") except IndexError: discard try: assert(testJson["a"][0].num == 1, "Index doesn't correspond to its value") except: assert(false, "EInvalidIndex thrown for valid index") assert(testJson{"b"}.str=="asd", "Couldn't fetch a singly nested key with {}") assert(isNil(testJson{"nonexistent"}), "Non-existent keys should return nil") assert(parsed2{"repository", "description"}.str=="IRC Library for Haskell", "Couldn't fetch via multiply nested key using {}") assert(isNil(testJson{"a", "b"}), "Indexing through a list should return nil") assert(isNil(testJson{"a", "b"}), "Indexing through a list should return nil") assert(testJson{"a"}==parseJson"[1, 2, 3, 4]", "Didn't return a non-JObject when there was one to be found") assert(isNil(parseJson("[1, 2, 3]"){"foo"}), "Indexing directly into a list should return nil") # Generator: var j = %* [{"name": "John", "age": 30}, {"name": "Susan", "age": 31}] assert j == %[%{"name": %"John", "age": %30}, %{"name": %"Susan", "age": %31}] var j2 = %* [ { "name": "John", "age": 30 }, { "name": "Susan", "age": 31 } ] assert j2 == %[%{"name": %"John", "age": %30}, %{"name": %"Susan", "age": %31}] var name = "John" let herAge = 30 const hisAge = 31 var j3 = %* [ { "name": "John" , "age": herAge } , { "name": "Susan" , "age": hisAge } ] assert j3 == %[%{"name": %"John", "age": %30}, %{"name": %"Susan", "age": %31}]