# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## Nimrod OID support. An OID is a global ID that consists of a timestamp, ## a unique counter and a random value. This combination should suffice to ## produce a globally distributed unique ID. This implementation was extracted ## from the Mongodb interface and it thus binary compatible with a Mongo OID. ## ## This implementation calls ``math.randomize()`` for the first call of ## ``genOid``. import times, endians type Toid* {.pure, final.} = object ## an OID time: int32 ## fuzz: int32 ## count: int32 ## proc hexbyte*(hex: char): int = case hex of '0'..'9': result = (ord(hex) - ord('0')) of 'a'..'f': result = (ord(hex) - ord('a') + 10) of 'A'..'F': result = (ord(hex) - ord('A') + 10) else: discard proc parseOid*(str: cstring): TOid = ## parses an OID. var bytes = cast[cstring](addr(result.time)) var i = 0 while i < 12: bytes[i] = chr((hexbyte(str[2 * i]) shl 4) or hexbyte(str[2 * i + 1])) inc(i) proc oidToString*(oid: TOid, str: cstring) = const hex = "0123456789abcdef" # work around a compiler bug: var str = str var o = oid var bytes = cast[cstring](addr(o)) var i = 0 while i < 12: let b = bytes[i].ord str[2 * i] = hex[(b and 0xF0) shr 4] str[2 * i + 1] = hex[b and 0xF] inc(i) str[24] = '\0' proc `$`*(oid: TOid): string = result = newString(25) oidToString(oid, result) var incr: int fuzz: int32 proc genOid*(): TOid = ## generates a new OID. proc rand(): cint {.importc: "rand", header: "<stdlib.h>", nodecl.} proc gettime(dummy: ptr cint): cint {.importc: "time", header: "<time.h>".} proc srand(seed: cint) {.importc: "srand", header: "<stdlib.h>", nodecl.} var t = gettime(nil) var i = int32(incr) atomicInc(incr) if fuzz == 0: # racy, but fine semantically: srand(t) fuzz = rand() bigEndian32(addr result.time, addr(t)) result.fuzz = fuzz bigEndian32(addr result.count, addr(i)) proc generatedTime*(oid: TOid): TTime = ## returns the generated timestamp of the OID. var tmp: int32 var dummy = oid.time bigEndian32(addr(tmp), addr(dummy)) result = TTime(tmp) when isMainModule: let xo = genOID() echo xo.generatedTime