# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements an advanced facility for executing OS processes ## and process communication. include "system/inclrtl" import strutils, os, strtabs, streams when defined(windows): import winlean else: import posix type TProcess = object of TObject when defined(windows): FProcessHandle: Thandle inputHandle, outputHandle, errorHandle: TFileHandle else: inputHandle, outputHandle, errorHandle: TFileHandle id: cint exitCode: cint PProcess* = ref TProcess ## represents an operating system process TProcessOption* = enum ## options that can be passed `startProcess` poEchoCmd, ## echo the command before execution poUseShell, ## use the shell to execute the command; NOTE: This ## often creates a security hole! poStdErrToStdOut, ## merge stdout and stderr to the stdout stream poParentStreams ## use the parent's streams proc execProcess*(command: string, options: set[TProcessOption] = {poStdErrToStdOut, poUseShell}): string {. rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## A convenience procedure that executes ``command`` with ``startProcess`` ## and returns its output as a string. proc execCmd*(command: string): int {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## Executes ``command`` and returns its error code. Standard input, output, ## error streams are inherited from the calling process. proc startProcess*(command: string, workingDir: string = "", args: openarray[string] = [], env: PStringTable = nil, options: set[TProcessOption] = {poStdErrToStdOut}): PProcess {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## Starts a process. `Command` is the executable file, `workingDir` is the ## process's working directory. If ``workingDir == ""`` the current directory ## is used. `args` are the command line arguments that are passed to the ## process. On many operating systems, the first command line argument is the ## name of the executable. `args` should not contain this argument! ## `env` is the environment that will be passed to the process. ## If ``env == nil`` the environment is inherited of ## the parent process. `options` are additional flags that may be passed ## to `startProcess`. See the documentation of ``TProcessOption`` for the ## meaning of these flags. You need to `close` the process when done. ## ## Return value: The newly created process object. Nil is never returned, ## but ``EOS`` is raised in case of an error. proc close*(p: PProcess) {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## When the process has finished executing, cleanup related handles proc suspend*(p: PProcess) {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## Suspends the process `p`. proc resume*(p: PProcess) {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## Resumes the process `p`. proc terminate*(p: PProcess) {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## Terminates the process `p`. proc running*(p: PProcess): bool {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## Returns true iff the process `p` is still running. Returns immediately. proc processID*(p: PProcess): int {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} = ## returns `p`'s process ID. return p.id proc waitForExit*(p: PProcess): int {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## waits for the process to finish and returns `p`'s error code. proc peekExitCode*(p: PProcess): int ## return -1 if the process is still running. Otherwise the process' exit code proc inputStream*(p: PProcess): PStream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## opens ``p``'s input stream for writing to proc outputStream*(p: PProcess): PStream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## opens ``p``'s output stream for reading from proc errorStream*(p: PProcess): PStream {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} ## opens ``p``'s output stream for reading from when defined(macosx) or defined(bsd): const CTL_HW = 6 HW_AVAILCPU = 25 HW_NCPU = 3 proc sysctl(x: ptr array[0..3, cint], y: cint, z: pointer, a: var int, b: pointer, c: int): cint {. importc: "sysctl", header: "<sys/sysctl.h>".} proc countProcessors*(): int {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} = ## returns the numer of the processors/cores the machine has. ## Returns 0 if it cannot be detected. when defined(windows): var x = getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") if x.len > 0: result = parseInt(x) elif defined(macosx) or defined(bsd): var mib: array[0..3, cint] len, numCPU: int mib[0] = CTL_HW mib[1] = HW_AVAILCPU len = sizeof(numCPU) discard sysctl(addr(mib), 2, addr(numCPU), len, nil, 0) if numCPU < 1: mib[1] = HW_NCPU discard sysctl(addr(mib), 2, addr(numCPU), len, nil, 0) result = numCPU elif defined(hpux): result = mpctl(MPC_GETNUMSPUS, nil, nil) elif defined(irix): var SC_NPROC_ONLN {.importc: "_SC_NPROC_ONLN", header: "<unistd.h>".}: cint result = sysconf(SC_NPROC_ONLN) else: result = sysconf(SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) if result <= 0: result = 1 proc startProcessAux(cmd: string, options: set[TProcessOption]): PProcess = var c = parseCmdLine(cmd) var a: seq[string] = @[] # slicing is not yet implemented :-( for i in 1 .. c.len-1: add(a, c[i]) result = startProcess(command=c[0], args=a, options=options) proc execProcesses*(cmds: openArray[string], options = {poStdErrToStdOut, poParentStreams}, n = countProcessors()): int {.rtl, extern: "nosp$1".} = ## executes the commands `cmds` in parallel. Creates `n` processes ## that execute in parallel. The highest return value of all processes ## is returned. assert n > 0 if n > 1: var q: seq[PProcess] newSeq(q, n) var m = min(n, cmds.len) for i in 0..m-1: q[i] = startProcessAux(cmds[i], options=options) when defined(noBusyWaiting): var r = 0 for i in m..high(cmds): when defined(debugExecProcesses): var err = "" var outp = outputStream(q[r]) while running(q[r]) or not outp.atEnd(outp): err.add(outp.readLine()) err.add("\n") echo(err) result = max(waitForExit(q[r]), result) if q[r] != nil: close(q[r]) q[r] = startProcessAux(cmds[i], options=options) r = (r + 1) mod n else: var i = m while i <= high(cmds): sleep(50) for r in 0..n-1: if not running(q[r]): #echo(outputStream(q[r]).readLine()) result = max(waitForExit(q[r]), result) if q[r] != nil: close(q[r]) q[r] = startProcessAux(cmds[i], options=options) inc(i) if i > high(cmds): break for i in 0..m-1: if q[i] != nil: close(q[i]) result = max(waitForExit(q[i]), result) else: for i in 0..high(cmds): var p = startProcessAux(cmds[i], options=options) result = max(waitForExit(p), result) close(p) proc select*(readfds: var seq[PProcess], timeout = 500): int ## `select` with a sensible Nimrod interface. `timeout` is in miliseconds. ## Specify -1 for no timeout. Returns the number of processes that are ## ready to read from. The processes that are ready to be read from are ## removed from `readfds`. when not defined(useNimRtl): proc execProcess(command: string, options: set[TProcessOption] = {poStdErrToStdOut, poUseShell}): string = var p = startProcessAux(command, options=options) var outp = outputStream(p) result = "" while running(p) or not outp.atEnd(outp): result.add(outp.readLine()) result.add("\n") outp.close(outp) close(p) when false: proc deallocCStringArray(a: cstringArray) = var i = 0 while a[i] != nil: dealloc(a[i]) inc(i) dealloc(a) when defined(Windows) and not defined(useNimRtl): # We need to implement a handle stream for Windows: type PFileHandleStream = ref TFileHandleStream TFileHandleStream = object of TStream handle: THandle atTheEnd: bool proc hsClose(s: PStream) = nil # nothing to do here proc hsAtEnd(s: PStream): bool = return PFileHandleStream(s).atTheEnd proc hsReadData(s: PStream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = var s = PFileHandleStream(s) if s.atTheEnd: return 0 var br: int32 var a = winlean.ReadFile(s.handle, buffer, bufLen, br, nil) # TRUE and zero bytes returned (EOF). # TRUE and n (>0) bytes returned (good data). # FALSE and bytes returned undefined (system error). if a == 0 and br != 0: OSError() s.atTheEnd = br < bufLen result = br proc hsWriteData(s: PStream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int) = var s = PFileHandleStream(s) var bytesWritten: int32 var a = winlean.writeFile(s.handle, buffer, bufLen, bytesWritten, nil) if a == 0: OSError() proc newFileHandleStream(handle: THandle): PFileHandleStream = new(result) result.handle = handle result.close = hsClose result.atEnd = hsAtEnd result.readData = hsReadData result.writeData = hsWriteData proc buildCommandLine(a: string, args: openarray[string]): cstring = var res = quoteIfContainsWhite(a) for i in 0..high(args): res.add(' ') res.add(quoteIfContainsWhite(args[i])) result = cast[cstring](alloc0(res.len+1)) copyMem(result, cstring(res), res.len) proc buildEnv(env: PStringTable): cstring = var L = 0 for key, val in pairs(env): inc(L, key.len + val.len + 2) result = cast[cstring](alloc0(L+2)) L = 0 for key, val in pairs(env): var x = key & "=" & val copyMem(addr(result[L]), cstring(x), x.len+1) # copy \0 inc(L, x.len+1) #proc open_osfhandle(osh: THandle, mode: int): int {. # importc: "_open_osfhandle", header: "<fcntl.h>".} #var # O_WRONLY {.importc: "_O_WRONLY", header: "<fcntl.h>".}: int # O_RDONLY {.importc: "_O_RDONLY", header: "<fcntl.h>".}: int proc CreatePipeHandles(Rdhandle, WrHandle: var THandle) = var piInheritablePipe: TSecurityAttributes piInheritablePipe.nlength = SizeOF(TSecurityAttributes) piInheritablePipe.lpSecurityDescriptor = nil piInheritablePipe.Binherithandle = 1 if CreatePipe(Rdhandle, Wrhandle, piInheritablePipe, 1024) == 0'i32: OSError() proc fileClose(h: THandle) {.inline.} = if h > 4: discard CloseHandle(h) proc startProcess(command: string, workingDir: string = "", args: openarray[string] = [], env: PStringTable = nil, options: set[TProcessOption] = {poStdErrToStdOut}): PProcess = var SI: TStartupInfo ProcInfo: TProcessInformation success: int hi, ho, he: THandle new(result) SI.cb = SizeOf(SI) if poParentStreams notin options: SI.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES # STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW or CreatePipeHandles(SI.hStdInput, HI) CreatePipeHandles(HO, Si.hStdOutput) if poStdErrToStdOut in options: SI.hStdError = SI.hStdOutput HE = HO else: CreatePipeHandles(HE, Si.hStdError) result.inputHandle = hi result.outputHandle = ho result.errorHandle = he else: SI.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) SI.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE) SI.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) result.inputHandle = si.hStdInput result.outputHandle = si.hStdOutput result.errorHandle = si.hStdError var cmdl: cstring when false: # poUseShell in options: cmdl = buildCommandLine(getEnv("COMSPEC"), @["/c", command] & args) else: cmdl = buildCommandLine(command, args) var wd: cstring = nil var e: cstring = nil if len(workingDir) > 0: wd = workingDir if env != nil: e = buildEnv(env) if poEchoCmd in options: echo($cmdl) success = winlean.CreateProcess(nil, cmdl, nil, nil, 1, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, e, wd, SI, ProcInfo) if poParentStreams notin options: FileClose(si.hStdInput) FileClose(si.hStdOutput) if poStdErrToStdOut notin options: FileClose(si.hStdError) if e != nil: dealloc(e) dealloc(cmdl) if success == 0: OSError() # Close the handle now so anyone waiting is woken: discard closeHandle(procInfo.hThread) result.FProcessHandle = procInfo.hProcess result.id = procInfo.dwProcessID proc close(p: PProcess) = when false: # somehow this does not work on Windows: discard CloseHandle(p.inputHandle) discard CloseHandle(p.outputHandle) discard CloseHandle(p.errorHandle) discard CloseHandle(p.FProcessHandle) proc suspend(p: PProcess) = discard SuspendThread(p.FProcessHandle) proc resume(p: PProcess) = discard ResumeThread(p.FProcessHandle) proc running(p: PProcess): bool = var x = waitForSingleObject(p.FProcessHandle, 50) return x == WAIT_TIMEOUT proc terminate(p: PProcess) = if running(p): discard TerminateProcess(p.FProcessHandle, 0) proc waitForExit(p: PProcess): int = discard WaitForSingleObject(p.FProcessHandle, Infinite) var res: int32 discard GetExitCodeProcess(p.FProcessHandle, res) result = res discard CloseHandle(p.FProcessHandle) proc peekExitCode(p: PProcess): int = var b = waitForSingleObject(p.FProcessHandle, 50) == WAIT_TIMEOUT if b: result = -1 else: var res: int32 discard GetExitCodeProcess(p.FProcessHandle, res) return res proc inputStream(p: PProcess): PStream = result = newFileHandleStream(p.inputHandle) proc outputStream(p: PProcess): PStream = result = newFileHandleStream(p.outputHandle) proc errorStream(p: PProcess): PStream = result = newFileHandleStream(p.errorHandle) proc execCmd(command: string): int = var SI: TStartupInfo ProcInfo: TProcessInformation process: THandle L: int32 SI.cb = SizeOf(SI) SI.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE) SI.hStdInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE) SI.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) if winlean.CreateProcess(nil, command, nil, nil, 0, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, SI, ProcInfo) == 0: OSError() else: Process = ProcInfo.hProcess discard CloseHandle(ProcInfo.hThread) if WaitForSingleObject(Process, INFINITE) != -1: discard GetExitCodeProcess(Process, L) result = int(L) else: result = -1 discard CloseHandle(Process) proc select(readfds: var seq[PProcess], timeout = 500): int = assert readfds.len <= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS var rfds: TWOHandleArray for i in 0..readfds.len()-1: rfds[i] = readfds[i].FProcessHandle var ret = waitForMultipleObjects(readfds.len, addr(rfds), 0'i32, timeout) case ret of WAIT_TIMEOUT: return 0 of WAIT_FAILED: OSError() else: var i = ret - WAIT_OBJECT_0 readfds.del(i) return 1 elif not defined(useNimRtl): const readIdx = 0 writeIdx = 1 proc addCmdArgs(command: string, args: openarray[string]): string = result = quoteIfContainsWhite(command) for i in 0 .. high(args): add(result, " ") add(result, quoteIfContainsWhite(args[i])) proc toCStringArray(b, a: openarray[string]): cstringArray = result = cast[cstringArray](alloc0((a.len + b.len + 1) * sizeof(cstring))) for i in 0..high(b): result[i] = cast[cstring](alloc(b[i].len+1)) copyMem(result[i], cstring(b[i]), b[i].len+1) for i in 0..high(a): result[i+b.len] = cast[cstring](alloc(a[i].len+1)) copyMem(result[i+b.len], cstring(a[i]), a[i].len+1) proc ToCStringArray(t: PStringTable): cstringArray = result = cast[cstringArray](alloc0((t.len + 1) * sizeof(cstring))) var i = 0 for key, val in pairs(t): var x = key & "=" & val result[i] = cast[cstring](alloc(x.len+1)) copyMem(result[i], addr(x[0]), x.len+1) inc(i) proc startProcess(command: string, workingDir: string = "", args: openarray[string] = [], env: PStringTable = nil, options: set[TProcessOption] = {poStdErrToStdOut}): PProcess = var p_stdin, p_stdout, p_stderr: array [0..1, cint] new(result) result.exitCode = -3 # for ``waitForExit`` if pipe(p_stdin) != 0'i32 or pipe(p_stdout) != 0'i32 or pipe(p_stderr) != 0'i32: OSError() var Pid = fork() if Pid < 0: OSError() if pid == 0: ## child process: discard close(p_stdin[writeIdx]) if dup2(p_stdin[readIdx], readIdx) < 0: OSError() discard close(p_stdout[readIdx]) if dup2(p_stdout[writeIdx], writeIdx) < 0: OSError() discard close(p_stderr[readIdx]) if poStdErrToStdOut in options: if dup2(p_stdout[writeIdx], 2) < 0: OSError() else: if dup2(p_stderr[writeIdx], 2) < 0: OSError() # Create a new process group if setpgid(0, 0) == -1: quit("setpgid call failed: " & $strerror(errno)) if workingDir.len > 0: os.setCurrentDir(workingDir) if poUseShell notin options: var a = toCStringArray([extractFilename(command)], args) if env == nil: discard execv(command, a) else: discard execve(command, a, ToCStringArray(env)) else: var x = addCmdArgs(command, args) var a = toCStringArray(["sh", "-c"], [x]) if env == nil: discard execv("/bin/sh", a) else: discard execve("/bin/sh", a, ToCStringArray(env)) # too risky to raise an exception here: quit("execve call failed: " & $strerror(errno)) # Parent process. Copy process information. if poEchoCmd in options: echo(command, " ", join(args, " ")) result.id = pid result.inputHandle = p_stdin[writeIdx] result.outputHandle = p_stdout[readIdx] if poStdErrToStdOut in options: result.errorHandle = result.outputHandle discard close(p_stderr[readIdx]) else: result.errorHandle = p_stderr[readIdx] discard close(p_stderr[writeIdx]) discard close(p_stdin[readIdx]) discard close(p_stdout[writeIdx]) proc close(p: PProcess) = discard close(p.inputHandle) discard close(p.outputHandle) discard close(p.errorHandle) proc suspend(p: PProcess) = if kill(-p.id, SIGSTOP) != 0'i32: OSError() proc resume(p: PProcess) = if kill(-p.id, SIGCONT) != 0'i32: OSError() proc running(p: PProcess): bool = var ret = waitPid(p.id, p.exitCode, WNOHANG) if ret == 0: return true # Can't establish status. Assume running. result = ret == int(p.id) proc terminate(p: PProcess) = if kill(-p.id, SIGTERM) == 0'i32: if p.running(): if kill(-p.id, SIGKILL) != 0'i32: OSError() else: OSError() proc waitForExit(p: PProcess): int = #if waitPid(p.id, p.exitCode, 0) == int(p.id): # ``waitPid`` fails if the process is not running anymore. But then # ``running`` probably set ``p.exitCode`` for us. Since ``p.exitCode`` is # initialized with -3, wrong success exit codes are prevented. if p.exitCode != -3: return p.exitCode if waitPid(p.id, p.exitCode, 0) < 0: p.exitCode = -3 OSError() result = int(p.exitCode) proc peekExitCode(p: PProcess): int = if p.exitCode != -3: return p.exitCode var ret = waitPid(p.id, p.exitCode, WNOHANG) var b = ret == int(p.id) if b: result = -1 if p.exitCode == -3: result = -1 else: result = p.exitCode proc inputStream(p: PProcess): PStream = var f: TFile if not open(f, p.inputHandle, fmWrite): OSError() result = newFileStream(f) proc outputStream(p: PProcess): PStream = var f: TFile if not open(f, p.outputHandle, fmRead): OSError() result = newFileStream(f) proc errorStream(p: PProcess): PStream = var f: TFile if not open(f, p.errorHandle, fmRead): OSError() result = newFileStream(f) proc csystem(cmd: cstring): cint {.nodecl, importc: "system".} proc execCmd(command: string): int = result = csystem(command) proc createFdSet(fd: var TFdSet, s: seq[PProcess], m: var int) = FD_ZERO(fd) for i in items(s): m = max(m, int(i.outputHandle)) FD_SET(cint(i.outputHandle), fd) proc pruneProcessSet(s: var seq[PProcess], fd: var TFdSet) = var i = 0 var L = s.len while i < L: if FD_ISSET(cint(s[i].outputHandle), fd) != 0'i32: s[i] = s[L-1] dec(L) else: inc(i) setLen(s, L) proc select(readfds: var seq[PProcess], timeout = 500): int = var tv: TTimeVal tv.tv_sec = 0 tv.tv_usec = timeout * 1000 var rd: TFdSet var m = 0 createFdSet((rd), readfds, m) if timeout != -1: result = int(select(cint(m+1), addr(rd), nil, nil, addr(tv))) else: result = int(select(cint(m+1), addr(rd), nil, nil, nil)) pruneProcessSet(readfds, (rd)) when isMainModule: var x = execProcess("gcc -v") echo "ECHO ", x