# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module provides a stream interface and two implementations thereof: ## the `FileStream <#FileStream>`_ and the `StringStream <#StringStream>`_ ## which implement the stream interface for Nim file objects (`File`) and ## strings. ## ## Other modules may provide other implementations for this standard ## stream interface. ## ## Basic usage ## =========== ## ## The basic flow of using this module is: ## ## 1. Open input stream ## 2. Read or write stream ## 3. Close stream ## ## StringStream example ## -------------------- ## ## ```Nim ## import std/streams ## ## var strm = newStringStream("""The first line ## the second line ## the third line""") ## ## var line = "" ## ## while strm.readLine(line): ## echo line ## ## # Output: ## # The first line ## # the second line ## # the third line ## ## strm.close() ## ``` ## ## FileStream example ## ------------------ ## ## Write file stream example: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/streams ## ## var strm = newFileStream("somefile.txt", fmWrite) ## var line = "" ## ## if not isNil(strm): ## strm.writeLine("The first line") ## strm.writeLine("the second line") ## strm.writeLine("the third line") ## strm.close() ## ## # Output (somefile.txt): ## # The first line ## # the second line ## # the third line ## ``` ## ## Read file stream example: ## ## ```Nim ## import std/streams ## ## var strm = newFileStream("somefile.txt", fmRead) ## var line = "" ## ## if not isNil(strm): ## while strm.readLine(line): ## echo line ## strm.close() ## ## # Output: ## # The first line ## # the second line ## # the third line ## ``` ## ## See also ## ======== ## * `asyncstreams module <asyncstreams.html>`_ ## * `io module <syncio.html>`_ for `FileMode enum <syncio.html#FileMode>`_ import std/private/since when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem): import std/syncio export FileMode proc newEIO(msg: string): owned(ref IOError) = new(result) result.msg = msg type Stream* = ref StreamObj ## All procedures of this module use this type. ## Procedures don't directly use `StreamObj <#StreamObj>`_. StreamObj* = object of RootObj ## Stream interface that supports writing or reading. ## ## **Note:** ## * That these fields here shouldn't be used directly. ## They are accessible so that a stream implementation can override them. closeImpl*: proc (s: Stream) {.nimcall, raises: [IOError, OSError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], gcsafe.} atEndImpl*: proc (s: Stream): bool {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [], gcsafe.} setPositionImpl*: proc (s: Stream, pos: int) {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [], gcsafe.} getPositionImpl*: proc (s: Stream): int {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [], gcsafe.} readDataStrImpl*: proc (s: Stream, buffer: var string, slice: Slice[int]): int {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [ReadIOEffect], gcsafe.} readLineImpl*: proc(s: Stream, line: var string): bool {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [ReadIOEffect], gcsafe.} readDataImpl*: proc (s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [ReadIOEffect], gcsafe.} peekDataImpl*: proc (s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [ReadIOEffect], gcsafe.} writeDataImpl*: proc (s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int) {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], gcsafe.} flushImpl*: proc (s: Stream) {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], gcsafe.} proc flush*(s: Stream) = ## Flushes the buffers that the stream `s` might use. ## ## This procedure causes any unwritten data for that stream to be delivered ## to the host environment to be written to the file. ## ## See also: ## * `close proc <#close,Stream>`_ runnableExamples: from std/os import removeFile var strm = newFileStream("somefile.txt", fmWrite) doAssert "Before write:" & readFile("somefile.txt") == "Before write:" strm.write("hello") doAssert "After write:" & readFile("somefile.txt") == "After write:" strm.flush() doAssert "After flush:" & readFile("somefile.txt") == "After flush:hello" strm.write("HELLO") strm.flush() doAssert "After flush:" & readFile("somefile.txt") == "After flush:helloHELLO" strm.close() doAssert "After close:" & readFile("somefile.txt") == "After close:helloHELLO" removeFile("somefile.txt") if not isNil(s.flushImpl): s.flushImpl(s) proc close*(s: Stream) = ## Closes the stream `s`. ## ## See also: ## * `flush proc <#flush,Stream>`_ runnableExamples: block: let strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") ## do something... strm.close() block: let strm = newFileStream("amissingfile.txt") # deferring works even if newFileStream fails defer: strm.close() if not isNil(strm): ## do something... if not isNil(s) and not isNil(s.closeImpl): s.closeImpl(s) proc atEnd*(s: Stream): bool = ## Checks if more data can be read from `s`. Returns ``true`` if all data has ## been read. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") var line = "" doAssert strm.atEnd() == false while strm.readLine(line): discard doAssert strm.atEnd() == true strm.close() result = s.atEndImpl(s) proc setPosition*(s: Stream, pos: int) = ## Sets the position `pos` of the stream `s`. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") strm.setPosition(4) doAssert strm.readLine() == "first line" strm.setPosition(0) doAssert strm.readLine() == "The first line" strm.close() s.setPositionImpl(s, pos) proc getPosition*(s: Stream): int = ## Retrieves the current position in the stream `s`. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") doAssert strm.getPosition() == 0 discard strm.readLine() doAssert strm.getPosition() == 15 strm.close() result = s.getPositionImpl(s) proc readData*(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = ## Low level proc that reads data into an untyped `buffer` of `bufLen` size. ## ## **JS note:** `buffer` is treated as a ``ptr string`` and written to between ## ``0..<bufLen``. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("abcde") var buffer: array[6, char] doAssert strm.readData(addr(buffer), 1024) == 5 doAssert buffer == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', '\x00'] doAssert strm.atEnd() == true strm.close() result = s.readDataImpl(s, buffer, bufLen) proc readDataStr*(s: Stream, buffer: var string, slice: Slice[int]): int = ## Low level proc that reads data into a string ``buffer`` at ``slice``. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("abcde") var buffer = "12345" doAssert strm.readDataStr(buffer, 0..3) == 4 doAssert buffer == "abcd5" strm.close() if s.readDataStrImpl != nil: result = s.readDataStrImpl(s, buffer, slice) else: # fallback when declared(prepareMutation): # buffer might potentially be a CoW literal with ARC prepareMutation(buffer) result = s.readData(addr buffer[slice.a], slice.b + 1 - slice.a) template jsOrVmBlock(caseJsOrVm, caseElse: untyped): untyped = when nimvm: block: caseJsOrVm else: block: when defined(js) or defined(nimscript): # nimscript has to be here to avoid semantic checking of caseElse caseJsOrVm else: caseElse when (NimMajor, NimMinor) >= (1, 3) or not defined(js): proc readAll*(s: Stream): string = ## Reads all available data. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") doAssert strm.readAll() == "The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line" doAssert strm.atEnd() == true strm.close() const bufferSize = 1024 jsOrVmBlock: var buffer2: string buffer2.setLen(bufferSize) while true: let readBytes = readDataStr(s, buffer2, 0..<bufferSize) if readBytes == 0: break let prevLen = result.len result.setLen(prevLen + readBytes) result[prevLen..<prevLen+readBytes] = buffer2[0..<readBytes] if readBytes < bufferSize: break do: # not JS or VM var buffer {.noinit.}: array[bufferSize, char] while true: let readBytes = readData(s, addr(buffer[0]), bufferSize) if readBytes == 0: break let prevLen = result.len result.setLen(prevLen + readBytes) copyMem(addr(result[prevLen]), addr(buffer[0]), readBytes) if readBytes < bufferSize: break proc peekData*(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = ## Low level proc that reads data into an untyped `buffer` of `bufLen` size ## without moving stream position. ## ## **JS note:** `buffer` is treated as a ``ptr string`` and written to between ## ``0..<bufLen``. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("abcde") var buffer: array[6, char] doAssert strm.peekData(addr(buffer), 1024) == 5 doAssert buffer == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', '\x00'] doAssert strm.atEnd() == false strm.close() result = s.peekDataImpl(s, buffer, bufLen) proc writeData*(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int) = ## Low level proc that writes an untyped `buffer` of `bufLen` size ## to the stream `s`. ## ## **JS note:** `buffer` is treated as a ``ptr string`` and read between ## ``0..<bufLen``. runnableExamples: ## writeData var strm = newStringStream("") var buffer = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] strm.writeData(addr(buffer), sizeof(buffer)) doAssert strm.atEnd() == true ## readData strm.setPosition(0) var buffer2: array[6, char] doAssert strm.readData(addr(buffer2), sizeof(buffer2)) == 5 doAssert buffer2 == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', '\x00'] strm.close() s.writeDataImpl(s, buffer, bufLen) proc write*[T](s: Stream, x: T) = ## Generic write procedure. Writes `x` to the stream `s`. Implementation: ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `write(Stream, string) ## <#write,Stream,string>`_ for now. ## ## ```Nim ## s.writeData(s, unsafeAddr(x), sizeof(x)) ## ``` runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("") strm.write("abcde") strm.setPosition(0) doAssert strm.readAll() == "abcde" strm.close() writeData(s, unsafeAddr(x), sizeof(x)) proc write*(s: Stream, x: string) = ## Writes the string `x` to the stream `s`. No length field or ## terminating zero is written. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("") strm.write("THE FIRST LINE") strm.setPosition(0) doAssert strm.readLine() == "THE FIRST LINE" strm.close() when nimvm: writeData(s, cstring(x), x.len) else: if x.len > 0: when defined(js): var x = x writeData(s, addr(x), x.len) else: writeData(s, cstring(x), x.len) proc write*(s: Stream, args: varargs[string, `$`]) = ## Writes one or more strings to the the stream. No length fields or ## terminating zeros are written. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("") strm.write(1, 2, 3, 4) strm.setPosition(0) doAssert strm.readLine() == "1234" strm.close() for str in args: write(s, str) proc writeLine*(s: Stream, args: varargs[string, `$`]) = ## Writes one or more strings to the the stream `s` followed ## by a new line. No length field or terminating zero is written. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("") strm.writeLine(1, 2) strm.writeLine(3, 4) strm.setPosition(0) doAssert strm.readAll() == "12\n34\n" strm.close() for str in args: write(s, str) write(s, "\n") proc read*[T](s: Stream, result: var T) = ## Generic read procedure. Reads `result` from the stream `s`. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("012") ## readInt var i: int8 strm.read(i) doAssert i == 48 ## readData var buffer: array[2, char] strm.read(buffer) doAssert buffer == ['1', '2'] strm.close() if readData(s, addr(result), sizeof(T)) != sizeof(T): raise newEIO("cannot read from stream") proc peek*[T](s: Stream, result: var T) = ## Generic peek procedure. Peeks `result` from the stream `s`. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("012") ## peekInt var i: int8 strm.peek(i) doAssert i == 48 ## peekData var buffer: array[2, char] strm.peek(buffer) doAssert buffer == ['0', '1'] strm.close() if peekData(s, addr(result), sizeof(T)) != sizeof(T): raise newEIO("cannot read from stream") proc readChar*(s: Stream): char = ## Reads a char from the stream `s`. ## ## Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## Returns '\\0' as an EOF marker. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("12\n3") doAssert strm.readChar() == '1' doAssert strm.readChar() == '2' doAssert strm.readChar() == '\n' doAssert strm.readChar() == '3' doAssert strm.readChar() == '\x00' strm.close() jsOrVmBlock: var str = " " if readDataStr(s, str, 0..0) != 1: result = '\0' else: result = str[0] do: if readData(s, addr(result), sizeof(result)) != 1: result = '\0' proc peekChar*(s: Stream): char = ## Peeks a char from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## Returns '\\0' as an EOF marker. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("12\n3") doAssert strm.peekChar() == '1' doAssert strm.peekChar() == '1' discard strm.readAll() doAssert strm.peekChar() == '\x00' strm.close() when defined(js): var str = " " if peekData(s, addr(str), sizeof(result)) != 1: result = '\0' else: result = str[0] else: if peekData(s, addr(result), sizeof(result)) != 1: result = '\0' proc readBool*(s: Stream): bool = ## Reads a bool from the stream `s`. ## ## A bool is one byte long and it is `true` for every non-zero ## (`0000_0000`) value. ## Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(true) strm.write(false) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readBool() == true doAssert strm.readBool() == false doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readBool() strm.close() var t: byte read(s, t) result = t != 0.byte proc peekBool*(s: Stream): bool = ## Peeks a bool from the stream `s`. ## ## A bool is one byte long and it is `true` for every non-zero ## (`0000_0000`) value. ## Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(true) strm.write(false) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekBool() == true ## not false doAssert strm.peekBool() == true doAssert strm.readBool() == true doAssert strm.peekBool() == false strm.close() var t: byte peek(s, t) result = t != 0.byte proc readInt8*(s: Stream): int8 = ## Reads an int8 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i8) strm.write(2'i8) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readInt8() == 1'i8 doAssert strm.readInt8() == 2'i8 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readInt8() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekInt8*(s: Stream): int8 = ## Peeks an int8 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i8) strm.write(2'i8) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekInt8() == 1'i8 ## not 2'i8 doAssert strm.peekInt8() == 1'i8 doAssert strm.readInt8() == 1'i8 doAssert strm.peekInt8() == 2'i8 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readInt16*(s: Stream): int16 = ## Reads an int16 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i16) strm.write(2'i16) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readInt16() == 1'i16 doAssert strm.readInt16() == 2'i16 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readInt16() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekInt16*(s: Stream): int16 = ## Peeks an int16 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i16) strm.write(2'i16) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekInt16() == 1'i16 ## not 2'i16 doAssert strm.peekInt16() == 1'i16 doAssert strm.readInt16() == 1'i16 doAssert strm.peekInt16() == 2'i16 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readInt32*(s: Stream): int32 = ## Reads an int32 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i32) strm.write(2'i32) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readInt32() == 1'i32 doAssert strm.readInt32() == 2'i32 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readInt32() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekInt32*(s: Stream): int32 = ## Peeks an int32 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i32) strm.write(2'i32) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekInt32() == 1'i32 ## not 2'i32 doAssert strm.peekInt32() == 1'i32 doAssert strm.readInt32() == 1'i32 doAssert strm.peekInt32() == 2'i32 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readInt64*(s: Stream): int64 = ## Reads an int64 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i64) strm.write(2'i64) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readInt64() == 1'i64 doAssert strm.readInt64() == 2'i64 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readInt64() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekInt64*(s: Stream): int64 = ## Peeks an int64 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'i64) strm.write(2'i64) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekInt64() == 1'i64 ## not 2'i64 doAssert strm.peekInt64() == 1'i64 doAssert strm.readInt64() == 1'i64 doAssert strm.peekInt64() == 2'i64 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readUint8*(s: Stream): uint8 = ## Reads an uint8 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u8) strm.write(2'u8) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readUint8() == 1'u8 doAssert strm.readUint8() == 2'u8 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readUint8() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekUint8*(s: Stream): uint8 = ## Peeks an uint8 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u8) strm.write(2'u8) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekUint8() == 1'u8 ## not 2'u8 doAssert strm.peekUint8() == 1'u8 doAssert strm.readUint8() == 1'u8 doAssert strm.peekUint8() == 2'u8 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readUint16*(s: Stream): uint16 = ## Reads an uint16 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u16) strm.write(2'u16) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readUint16() == 1'u16 doAssert strm.readUint16() == 2'u16 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readUint16() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekUint16*(s: Stream): uint16 = ## Peeks an uint16 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u16) strm.write(2'u16) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekUint16() == 1'u16 ## not 2'u16 doAssert strm.peekUint16() == 1'u16 doAssert strm.readUint16() == 1'u16 doAssert strm.peekUint16() == 2'u16 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readUint32*(s: Stream): uint32 = ## Reads an uint32 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u32) strm.write(2'u32) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readUint32() == 1'u32 doAssert strm.readUint32() == 2'u32 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readUint32() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekUint32*(s: Stream): uint32 = ## Peeks an uint32 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u32) strm.write(2'u32) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekUint32() == 1'u32 ## not 2'u32 doAssert strm.peekUint32() == 1'u32 doAssert strm.readUint32() == 1'u32 doAssert strm.peekUint32() == 2'u32 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readUint64*(s: Stream): uint64 = ## Reads an uint64 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u64) strm.write(2'u64) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readUint64() == 1'u64 doAssert strm.readUint64() == 2'u64 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readUint64() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekUint64*(s: Stream): uint64 = ## Peeks an uint64 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'u64) strm.write(2'u64) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekUint64() == 1'u64 ## not 2'u64 doAssert strm.peekUint64() == 1'u64 doAssert strm.readUint64() == 1'u64 doAssert strm.peekUint64() == 2'u64 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readFloat32*(s: Stream): float32 = ## Reads a float32 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'f32) strm.write(2'f32) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readFloat32() == 1'f32 doAssert strm.readFloat32() == 2'f32 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readFloat32() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekFloat32*(s: Stream): float32 = ## Peeks a float32 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'f32) strm.write(2'f32) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekFloat32() == 1'f32 ## not 2'f32 doAssert strm.peekFloat32() == 1'f32 doAssert strm.readFloat32() == 1'f32 doAssert strm.peekFloat32() == 2'f32 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readFloat64*(s: Stream): float64 = ## Reads a float64 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `readStr <#readStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'f64) strm.write(2'f64) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.readFloat64() == 1'f64 doAssert strm.readFloat64() == 2'f64 doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readFloat64() strm.close() read(s, result) proc peekFloat64*(s: Stream): float64 = ## Peeks a float64 from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. Use `peekStr <#peekStr,Stream,int>`_ for now. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream() ## setup for reading data strm.write(1'f64) strm.write(2'f64) strm.flush() strm.setPosition(0) ## get data doAssert strm.peekFloat64() == 1'f64 ## not 2'f64 doAssert strm.peekFloat64() == 1'f64 doAssert strm.readFloat64() == 1'f64 doAssert strm.peekFloat64() == 2'f64 strm.close() peek(s, result) proc readStrPrivate(s: Stream, length: int, str: var string) = if length > len(str): setLen(str, length) when defined(js): let L = readData(s, addr(str), length) else: let L = readData(s, cstring(str), length) if L != len(str): setLen(str, L) proc readStr*(s: Stream, length: int, str: var string) {.since: (1, 3).} = ## Reads a string of length `length` from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if ## an error occurred. readStrPrivate(s, length, str) proc readStr*(s: Stream, length: int): string = ## Reads a string of length `length` from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if ## an error occurred. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("abcde") doAssert strm.readStr(2) == "ab" doAssert strm.readStr(2) == "cd" doAssert strm.readStr(2) == "e" doAssert strm.readStr(2) == "" strm.close() result = newString(length) readStrPrivate(s, length, result) proc peekStrPrivate(s: Stream, length: int, str: var string) = if length > len(str): setLen(str, length) when defined(js): let L = peekData(s, addr(str), length) else: let L = peekData(s, cstring(str), length) if L != len(str): setLen(str, L) proc peekStr*(s: Stream, length: int, str: var string) {.since: (1, 3).} = ## Peeks a string of length `length` from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if ## an error occurred. peekStrPrivate(s, length, str) proc peekStr*(s: Stream, length: int): string = ## Peeks a string of length `length` from the stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if ## an error occurred. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("abcde") doAssert strm.peekStr(2) == "ab" ## not "cd doAssert strm.peekStr(2) == "ab" doAssert strm.readStr(2) == "ab" doAssert strm.peekStr(2) == "cd" strm.close() result = newString(length) peekStrPrivate(s, length, result) proc readLine*(s: Stream, line: var string): bool = ## Reads a line of text from the stream `s` into `line`. `line` must not be ## ``nil``! May throw an IO exception. ## ## A line of text may be delimited by ``LF`` or ``CRLF``. ## The newline character(s) are not part of the returned string. ## Returns ``false`` if the end of the file has been reached, ``true`` ## otherwise. If ``false`` is returned `line` contains no new data. ## ## See also: ## * `readLine(Stream) proc <#readLine,Stream>`_ ## * `peekLine(Stream) proc <#peekLine,Stream>`_ ## * `peekLine(Stream, string) proc <#peekLine,Stream,string>`_ runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") var line = "" doAssert strm.readLine(line) == true doAssert line == "The first line" doAssert strm.readLine(line) == true doAssert line == "the second line" doAssert strm.readLine(line) == true doAssert line == "the third line" doAssert strm.readLine(line) == false doAssert line == "" strm.close() if s.readLineImpl != nil: result = s.readLineImpl(s, line) else: # fallback line.setLen(0) while true: var c = readChar(s) if c == '\c': c = readChar(s) break elif c == '\L': break elif c == '\0': if line.len > 0: break else: return false line.add(c) result = true proc peekLine*(s: Stream, line: var string): bool = ## Peeks a line of text from the stream `s` into `line`. `line` must not be ## ``nil``! May throw an IO exception. ## ## A line of text may be delimited by ``CR``, ``LF`` or ## ``CRLF``. The newline character(s) are not part of the returned string. ## Returns ``false`` if the end of the file has been reached, ``true`` ## otherwise. If ``false`` is returned `line` contains no new data. ## ## See also: ## * `readLine(Stream) proc <#readLine,Stream>`_ ## * `readLine(Stream, string) proc <#readLine,Stream,string>`_ ## * `peekLine(Stream) proc <#peekLine,Stream>`_ runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") var line = "" doAssert strm.peekLine(line) == true doAssert line == "The first line" doAssert strm.peekLine(line) == true ## not "the second line" doAssert line == "The first line" doAssert strm.readLine(line) == true doAssert line == "The first line" doAssert strm.peekLine(line) == true doAssert line == "the second line" strm.close() let pos = getPosition(s) defer: setPosition(s, pos) result = readLine(s, line) proc readLine*(s: Stream): string = ## Reads a line from a stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** This is not very efficient. ## ## See also: ## * `readLine(Stream, string) proc <#readLine,Stream,string>`_ ## * `peekLine(Stream) proc <#peekLine,Stream>`_ ## * `peekLine(Stream, string) proc <#peekLine,Stream,string>`_ runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") doAssert strm.readLine() == "The first line" doAssert strm.readLine() == "the second line" doAssert strm.readLine() == "the third line" doAssertRaises(IOError): discard strm.readLine() strm.close() result = "" if s.atEnd: raise newEIO("cannot read from stream") while true: var c = readChar(s) if c == '\c': c = readChar(s) break if c == '\L' or c == '\0': break else: result.add(c) proc peekLine*(s: Stream): string = ## Peeks a line from a stream `s`. Raises `IOError` if an error occurred. ## ## **Note:** This is not very efficient. ## ## See also: ## * `readLine(Stream) proc <#readLine,Stream>`_ ## * `readLine(Stream, string) proc <#readLine,Stream,string>`_ ## * `peekLine(Stream, string) proc <#peekLine,Stream,string>`_ runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") doAssert strm.peekLine() == "The first line" ## not "the second line" doAssert strm.peekLine() == "The first line" doAssert strm.readLine() == "The first line" doAssert strm.peekLine() == "the second line" strm.close() let pos = getPosition(s) defer: setPosition(s, pos) result = readLine(s) iterator lines*(s: Stream): string = ## Iterates over every line in the stream. ## The iteration is based on ``readLine``. ## ## See also: ## * `readLine(Stream) proc <#readLine,Stream>`_ ## * `readLine(Stream, string) proc <#readLine,Stream,string>`_ runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") var lines: seq[string] for line in strm.lines(): lines.add line doAssert lines == @["The first line", "the second line", "the third line"] strm.close() var line: string while s.readLine(line): yield line type StringStream* = ref StringStreamObj ## A stream that encapsulates a string. StringStreamObj* = object of StreamObj ## A string stream object. data*: string ## A string data. ## This is updated when called `writeLine` etc. pos: int when (NimMajor, NimMinor) < (1, 3) and defined(js): proc ssAtEnd(s: Stream): bool {.compileTime.} = var s = StringStream(s) return s.pos >= s.data.len proc ssSetPosition(s: Stream, pos: int) {.compileTime.} = var s = StringStream(s) s.pos = clamp(pos, 0, s.data.len) proc ssGetPosition(s: Stream): int {.compileTime.} = var s = StringStream(s) return s.pos proc ssReadDataStr(s: Stream, buffer: var string, slice: Slice[int]): int {.compileTime.} = var s = StringStream(s) result = min(slice.b + 1 - slice.a, s.data.len - s.pos) if result > 0: buffer[slice.a..<slice.a+result] = s.data[s.pos..<s.pos+result] inc(s.pos, result) else: result = 0 proc ssClose(s: Stream) {.compileTime.} = var s = StringStream(s) s.data = "" proc newStringStream*(s: string = ""): owned StringStream {.compileTime.} = new(result) result.data = s result.pos = 0 result.closeImpl = ssClose result.atEndImpl = ssAtEnd result.setPositionImpl = ssSetPosition result.getPositionImpl = ssGetPosition result.readDataStrImpl = ssReadDataStr proc readAll*(s: Stream): string {.compileTime.} = const bufferSize = 1024 var bufferr: string bufferr.setLen(bufferSize) while true: let readBytes = readDataStr(s, bufferr, 0..<bufferSize) if readBytes == 0: break let prevLen = result.len result.setLen(prevLen + readBytes) result[prevLen..<prevLen+readBytes] = bufferr[0..<readBytes] if readBytes < bufferSize: break else: # after 1.3 or JS not defined proc ssAtEnd(s: Stream): bool = var s = StringStream(s) return s.pos >= s.data.len proc ssSetPosition(s: Stream, pos: int) = var s = StringStream(s) s.pos = clamp(pos, 0, s.data.len) proc ssGetPosition(s: Stream): int = var s = StringStream(s) return s.pos proc ssReadDataStr(s: Stream, buffer: var string, slice: Slice[int]): int = var s = StringStream(s) when nimvm: discard else: when declared(prepareMutation): prepareMutation(buffer) # buffer might potentially be a CoW literal with ARC result = min(slice.b + 1 - slice.a, s.data.len - s.pos) if result > 0: jsOrVmBlock: buffer[slice.a..<slice.a+result] = s.data[s.pos..<s.pos+result] do: copyMem(unsafeAddr buffer[slice.a], addr s.data[s.pos], result) inc(s.pos, result) else: result = 0 proc ssReadData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = var s = StringStream(s) result = min(bufLen, s.data.len - s.pos) if result > 0: when defined(js): try: cast[ptr string](buffer)[][0..<result] = s.data[s.pos..<s.pos+result] except: raise newException(Defect, "could not read string stream, " & "did you use a non-string buffer pointer?", getCurrentException()) elif not defined(nimscript): copyMem(buffer, addr(s.data[s.pos]), result) inc(s.pos, result) else: result = 0 proc ssPeekData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = var s = StringStream(s) result = min(bufLen, s.data.len - s.pos) if result > 0: when defined(js): try: cast[ptr string](buffer)[][0..<result] = s.data[s.pos..<s.pos+result] except: raise newException(Defect, "could not peek string stream, " & "did you use a non-string buffer pointer?", getCurrentException()) elif not defined(nimscript): copyMem(buffer, addr(s.data[s.pos]), result) else: result = 0 proc ssWriteData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int) = var s = StringStream(s) if bufLen <= 0: return if s.pos + bufLen > s.data.len: setLen(s.data, s.pos + bufLen) when defined(js): try: s.data[s.pos..<s.pos+bufLen] = cast[ptr string](buffer)[][0..<bufLen] except: raise newException(Defect, "could not write to string stream, " & "did you use a non-string buffer pointer?", getCurrentException()) elif not defined(nimscript): copyMem(addr(s.data[s.pos]), buffer, bufLen) inc(s.pos, bufLen) proc ssClose(s: Stream) = var s = StringStream(s) s.data = "" proc newStringStream*(s: sink string = ""): owned StringStream = ## Creates a new stream from the string `s`. ## ## See also: ## * `newFileStream proc <#newFileStream,File>`_ creates a file stream from ## opened File. ## * `newFileStream proc <#newFileStream,string,FileMode,int>`_ creates a ## file stream from the file name and the mode. ## * `openFileStream proc <#openFileStream,string,FileMode,int>`_ creates a ## file stream from the file name and the mode. runnableExamples: var strm = newStringStream("The first line\nthe second line\nthe third line") doAssert strm.readLine() == "The first line" doAssert strm.readLine() == "the second line" doAssert strm.readLine() == "the third line" strm.close() new(result) result.data = s when nimvm: discard else: when declared(prepareMutation): prepareMutation(result.data) # Allows us to mutate using `addr` logic like `copyMem`, otherwise it errors. result.pos = 0 result.closeImpl = ssClose result.atEndImpl = ssAtEnd result.setPositionImpl = ssSetPosition result.getPositionImpl = ssGetPosition result.readDataStrImpl = ssReadDataStr when nimvm: discard else: result.readDataImpl = ssReadData result.peekDataImpl = ssPeekData result.writeDataImpl = ssWriteData type FileStream* = ref FileStreamObj ## A stream that encapsulates a `File`. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. FileStreamObj* = object of Stream ## A file stream object. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. f: File proc fsClose(s: Stream) = if FileStream(s).f != nil: close(FileStream(s).f) FileStream(s).f = nil proc fsFlush(s: Stream) = flushFile(FileStream(s).f) proc fsAtEnd(s: Stream): bool = return endOfFile(FileStream(s).f) proc fsSetPosition(s: Stream, pos: int) = setFilePos(FileStream(s).f, pos) proc fsGetPosition(s: Stream): int = return int(getFilePos(FileStream(s).f)) proc fsReadData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = result = readBuffer(FileStream(s).f, buffer, bufLen) proc fsReadDataStr(s: Stream, buffer: var string, slice: Slice[int]): int = result = readBuffer(FileStream(s).f, addr buffer[slice.a], slice.b + 1 - slice.a) proc fsPeekData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = let pos = fsGetPosition(s) defer: fsSetPosition(s, pos) result = readBuffer(FileStream(s).f, buffer, bufLen) proc fsWriteData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int) = if writeBuffer(FileStream(s).f, buffer, bufLen) != bufLen: raise newEIO("cannot write to stream") proc fsReadLine(s: Stream, line: var string): bool = result = readLine(FileStream(s).f, line) proc newFileStream*(f: File): owned FileStream = ## Creates a new stream from the file `f`. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. ## ## See also: ## * `newStringStream proc <#newStringStream,string>`_ creates a new stream ## from string. ## * `newFileStream proc <#newFileStream,string,FileMode,int>`_ is the same ## as using `open proc <syncio.html#open,File,string,FileMode,int>`_ ## on Examples. ## * `openFileStream proc <#openFileStream,string,FileMode,int>`_ creates a ## file stream from the file name and the mode. runnableExamples: ## Input (somefile.txt): ## The first line ## the second line ## the third line var f: File if open(f, "somefile.txt", fmRead, -1): var strm = newFileStream(f) var line = "" while strm.readLine(line): echo line ## Output: ## The first line ## the second line ## the third line strm.close() new(result) result.f = f result.closeImpl = fsClose result.atEndImpl = fsAtEnd result.setPositionImpl = fsSetPosition result.getPositionImpl = fsGetPosition result.readDataStrImpl = fsReadDataStr result.readDataImpl = fsReadData result.readLineImpl = fsReadLine result.peekDataImpl = fsPeekData result.writeDataImpl = fsWriteData result.flushImpl = fsFlush proc newFileStream*(filename: string, mode: FileMode = fmRead, bufSize: int = -1): owned FileStream = ## Creates a new stream from the file named `filename` with the mode `mode`. ## ## If the file cannot be opened, `nil` is returned. See the `io module ## <syncio.html>`_ for a list of available `FileMode enums <syncio.html#FileMode>`_. ## ## **Note:** ## * **This function returns nil in case of failure.** ## To prevent unexpected behavior and ensure proper error handling, ## use `openFileStream proc <#openFileStream,string,FileMode,int>`_ ## instead. ## * Not available for JS backend. ## ## See also: ## * `newStringStream proc <#newStringStream,string>`_ creates a new stream ## from string. ## * `newFileStream proc <#newFileStream,File>`_ creates a file stream from ## opened File. ## * `openFileStream proc <#openFileStream,string,FileMode,int>`_ creates a ## file stream from the file name and the mode. runnableExamples: from std/os import removeFile var strm = newFileStream("somefile.txt", fmWrite) if not isNil(strm): strm.writeLine("The first line") strm.writeLine("the second line") strm.writeLine("the third line") strm.close() ## Output (somefile.txt) ## The first line ## the second line ## the third line removeFile("somefile.txt") var f: File if open(f, filename, mode, bufSize): result = newFileStream(f) proc openFileStream*(filename: string, mode: FileMode = fmRead, bufSize: int = -1): owned FileStream = ## Creates a new stream from the file named `filename` with the mode `mode`. ## If the file cannot be opened, an IO exception is raised. ## ## **Note:** Not available for JS backend. ## ## See also: ## * `newStringStream proc <#newStringStream,string>`_ creates a new stream ## from string. ## * `newFileStream proc <#newFileStream,File>`_ creates a file stream from ## opened File. ## * `newFileStream proc <#newFileStream,string,FileMode,int>`_ creates a ## file stream from the file name and the mode. runnableExamples: try: ## Input (somefile.txt): ## The first line ## the second line ## the third line var strm = openFileStream("somefile.txt") echo strm.readLine() ## Output: ## The first line strm.close() except: stderr.write getCurrentExceptionMsg() var f: File if open(f, filename, mode, bufSize): return newFileStream(f) else: raise newEIO("cannot open file stream: " & filename) when false: type FileHandleStream* = ref FileHandleStreamObj FileHandleStreamObj* = object of Stream handle*: FileHandle pos: int proc newEOS(msg: string): ref OSError = new(result) result.msg = msg proc hsGetPosition(s: FileHandleStream): int = return s.pos when defined(windows): # do not import windows as this increases compile times: discard else: import std/posix proc hsSetPosition(s: FileHandleStream, pos: int) = discard lseek(s.handle, pos, SEEK_SET) proc hsClose(s: FileHandleStream) = discard close(s.handle) proc hsAtEnd(s: FileHandleStream): bool = var pos = hsGetPosition(s) var theEnd = lseek(s.handle, 0, SEEK_END) result = pos >= theEnd hsSetPosition(s, pos) # set position back proc hsReadData(s: FileHandleStream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = result = posix.read(s.handle, buffer, bufLen) inc(s.pos, result) proc hsPeekData(s: FileHandleStream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int = result = posix.read(s.handle, buffer, bufLen) proc hsWriteData(s: FileHandleStream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int) = if posix.write(s.handle, buffer, bufLen) != bufLen: raise newEIO("cannot write to stream") inc(s.pos, bufLen) proc newFileHandleStream*(handle: FileHandle): owned FileHandleStream = new(result) result.handle = handle result.pos = 0 result.close = hsClose result.atEnd = hsAtEnd result.setPosition = hsSetPosition result.getPosition = hsGetPosition result.readData = hsReadData result.peekData = hsPeekData result.writeData = hsWriteData proc newFileHandleStream*(filename: string, mode: FileMode): owned FileHandleStream = when defined(windows): discard else: var flags: cint case mode of fmRead: flags = posix.O_RDONLY of fmWrite: flags = O_WRONLY or int(O_CREAT) of fmReadWrite: flags = O_RDWR or int(O_CREAT) of fmReadWriteExisting: flags = O_RDWR of fmAppend: flags = O_WRONLY or int(O_CREAT) or O_APPEND static: raiseAssert "unreachable" # handle bug #17888 var handle = open(filename, flags) if handle < 0: raise newEOS("posix.open() call failed") result = newFileHandleStream(handle)