# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2012 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## Nimrod support for `substitution expressions`:idx: (`subex`:idx:). ## ## .. include:: ../doc/subexes.txt ## {.push debugger:off .} # the user does not want to trace a part # of the standard library! from strutils import parseInt, cmpIgnoreStyle, Digits include "system/inclrtl" proc findNormalized(x: string, inArray: openarray[string]): int = var i = 0 while i < high(inArray): if cmpIgnoreStyle(x, inArray[i]) == 0: return i inc(i, 2) # incrementing by 1 would probably lead to a # security hole... return -1 type EInvalidSubex* = object of EInvalidValue ## exception that is raised for ## an invalid subex proc raiseInvalidFormat(msg: string) {.noinline.} = raise newException(EInvalidSubex, "invalid format string: " & msg) type TFormatParser = object {.pure, final.} f: cstring num, i, lineLen: int template call(x: stmt) = p.i = i x i = p.i template callNoLineLenTracking(x: stmt) = let oldLineLen = p.lineLen p.i = i x i = p.i p.lineLen = oldLineLen proc getFormatArg(p: var TFormatParser, a: openArray[string]): int = const PatternChars = {'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '\128'..'\255', '_'} var i = p.i var f = p.f case f[i] of '#': result = p.num inc i inc p.num of '1'..'9', '-': var j = 0 var negative = f[i] == '-' if negative: inc i while f[i] in Digits: j = j * 10 + ord(f[i]) - ord('0') inc i result = if not negative: j-1 else: a.len-j of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '\128'..'\255', '_': var name = "" while f[i] in PatternChars: name.add(f[i]) inc(i) result = findNormalized(name, a)+1 of '$': inc(i) call: result = getFormatArg(p, a) result = parseInt(a[result])-1 else: raiseInvalidFormat("'#', '$', number or identifier expected") if result >=% a.len: raiseInvalidFormat("index out of bounds: " & $result) p.i = i proc scanDollar(p: var TFormatParser, a: openarray[string], s: var string) proc emitChar(p: var TFormatParser, x: var string, ch: char) {.inline.} = x.add(ch) if ch == '\L': p.lineLen = 0 else: inc p.lineLen proc emitStrLinear(p: var TFormatParser, x: var string, y: string) {.inline.} = for ch in items(y): emitChar(p, x, ch) proc emitStr(p: var TFormatParser, x: var string, y: string) {.inline.} = x.add(y) inc p.lineLen, y.len proc scanQuote(p: var TFormatParser, x: var string, toAdd: bool) = var i = p.i+1 var f = p.f while true: if f[i] == '\'': inc i if f[i] != '\'': break inc i if toAdd: emitChar(p, x, '\'') elif f[i] == '\0': raiseInvalidFormat("closing \"'\" expected") else: if toAdd: emitChar(p, x, f[i]) inc i p.i = i proc scanBranch(p: var TFormatParser, a: openArray[string], x: var string, choice: int) = var i = p.i var f = p.f var c = 0 var elsePart = i var toAdd = choice == 0 while true: case f[i] of ']': break of '|': inc i elsePart = i inc c if toAdd: break toAdd = choice == c of '\'': call: scanQuote(p, x, toAdd) of '\0': raiseInvalidFormat("closing ']' expected") else: if toAdd: if f[i] == '$': inc i call: scanDollar(p, a, x) else: emitChar(p, x, f[i]) inc i else: inc i if not toAdd and choice >= 0: # evaluate 'else' part: var last = i i = elsePart while true: case f[i] of '|', ']': break of '\'': call: scanQuote(p, x, true) of '$': inc i call: scanDollar(p, a, x) else: emitChar(p, x, f[i]) inc i i = last p.i = i+1 proc scanSlice(p: var TFormatParser, a: openarray[string]): tuple[x, y: int] = var slice = false var i = p.i var f = p.f if f[i] == '{': inc i else: raiseInvalidFormat("'{' expected") if f[i] == '.' and f[i+1] == '.': inc i, 2 slice = true else: call: result.x = getFormatArg(p, a) if f[i] == '.' and f[i+1] == '.': inc i, 2 slice = true if slice: if f[i] != '}': call: result.y = getFormatArg(p, a) else: result.y = high(a) else: result.y = result.x if f[i] != '}': raiseInvalidFormat("'}' expected") inc i p.i = i proc scanDollar(p: var TFormatParser, a: openarray[string], s: var string) = var i = p.i var f = p.f case f[i] of '$': emitChar p, s, '$' inc i of '{': call: let (x, y) = scanSlice(p, a) for j in x..y: emitStr p, s, a[j] of '[': inc i var start = i call: scanBranch(p, a, s, -1) var x: int if f[i] == '{': inc i call: x = getFormatArg(p, a) if f[i] != '}': raiseInvalidFormat("'}' expected") inc i else: call: x = getFormatArg(p, a) var last = i let choice = parseInt(a[x]) i = start call: scanBranch(p, a, s, choice) i = last of '\'': var sep = "" callNoLineLenTracking: scanQuote(p, sep, true) if f[i] == '~': # $' '~{1..3} # insert space followed by 1..3 if not empty inc i call: let (x, y) = scanSlice(p, a) var L = 0 for j in x..y: inc L, a[j].len if L > 0: emitStrLinear p, s, sep for j in x..y: emitStr p, s, a[j] else: block StringJoin: block OptionalLineLengthSpecifier: var maxLen = 0 case f[i] of '0'..'9': while f[i] in Digits: maxLen = maxLen * 10 + ord(f[i]) - ord('0') inc i of '$': # do not skip the '$' here for `getFormatArg`! call: maxLen = getFormatArg(p, a) else: break OptionalLineLengthSpecifier var indent = "" case f[i] of 'i': inc i callNoLineLenTracking: scanQuote(p, indent, true) call: let (x, y) = scanSlice(p, a) if maxLen < 1: emitStrLinear(p, s, indent) var items = 1 emitStr p, s, a[x] for j in x+1..y: emitStr p, s, sep if items >= maxLen: emitStrLinear p, s, indent items = 0 emitStr p, s, a[j] inc items of 'c': inc i callNoLineLenTracking: scanQuote(p, indent, true) call: let (x, y) = scanSlice(p, a) if p.lineLen + a[x].len > maxLen: emitStrLinear(p, s, indent) emitStr p, s, a[x] for j in x+1..y: emitStr p, s, sep if p.lineLen + a[j].len > maxLen: emitStrLinear(p, s, indent) emitStr p, s, a[j] else: raiseInvalidFormat("unit 'c' (chars) or 'i' (items) expected") break StringJoin call: let (x, y) = scanSlice(p, a) emitStr p, s, a[x] for j in x+1..y: emitStr p, s, sep emitStr p, s, a[j] else: call: var x = getFormatArg(p, a) emitStr p, s, a[x] p.i = i type TSubex* = distinct string ## string that contains a substitution expression proc subex*(s: string): TSubex = ## constructs a *substitution expression* from `s`. Currently this performs ## no syntax checking but this may change in later versions. result = TSubex(s) proc addf*(s: var string, formatstr: TSubex, a: openarray[string]) {. noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nfrmtAddf".} = ## The same as ``add(s, formatstr % a)``, but more efficient. var p: TFormatParser p.f = formatstr.string var i = 0 while i < len(formatstr.string): if p.f[i] == '$': inc i call: scanDollar(p, a, s) else: emitChar(p, s, p.f[i]) inc(i) proc `%` *(formatstr: TSubex, a: openarray[string]): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nfrmtFormatOpenArray".} = ## The `substitution`:idx: operator performs string substitutions in ## `formatstr` and returns a modified `formatstr`. This is often called ## `string interpolation`:idx:. ## result = newStringOfCap(formatstr.string.len + a.len shl 4) addf(result, formatstr, a) proc `%` *(formatstr: TSubex, a: string): string {.noSideEffect, rtl, extern: "nfrmtFormatSingleElem".} = ## This is the same as ``formatstr % [a]``. result = newStringOfCap(formatstr.string.len + a.len) addf(result, formatstr, [a]) {.pop.} when isMainModule: proc `%`(formatstr: string, a: openarray[string]): string = result = newStringOfCap(formatstr.len + a.len shl 4) addf(result, formatstr.TSubex, a) proc `%`(formatstr: string, a: string): string = result = newStringOfCap(formatstr.len + a.len) addf(result, formatstr.TSubex, [a]) doAssert "$# $3 $# $#" % ["a", "b", "c"] == "a c b c" doAssert "$animal eats $food." % ["animal", "The cat", "food", "fish"] == "The cat eats fish." doAssert "$[abc|def]# $3 $# $#" % ["17", "b", "c"] == "def c b c" doAssert "$[abc|def]# $3 $# $#" % ["1", "b", "c"] == "def c b c" doAssert "$[abc|def]# $3 $# $#" % ["0", "b", "c"] == "abc c b c" doAssert "$[abc|def|]# $3 $# $#" % ["17", "b", "c"] == " c b c" doAssert "$[abc|def|]# $3 $# $#" % ["-9", "b", "c"] == " c b c" doAssert "$1($', '{2..})" % ["f", "a", "b"] == "f(a, b)" doAssert "$[$1($', '{2..})|''''|fg'$3']1" % ["7", "a", "b"] == "fg$3" doAssert "$[$#($', '{#..})|''''|$3]1" % ["0", "a", "b"] == "0(a, b)" doAssert "$' '~{..}" % "" == "" doAssert "$' '~{..}" % "P0" == " P0" doAssert "${$1}" % "1" == "1" doAssert "${$$-1} $$1" % "1" == "1 $1" doAssert "$#($', '10c'\n '{#..})" % ["doAssert", "longishA", "longish"] == """doAssert( longishA, longish)""" echo "type TMyEnum* = enum\n $', '2i'\n '{..}" % ["fieldA", "fieldB", "FiledClkad", "fieldD", "fieldE", "longishFieldName"] doAssert subex"$1($', '{2..})" % ["f", "a", "b", "c"] == "f(a, b, c)" doAssert subex"$1 $[files|file|files]{1} copied" % ["1"] == "1 file copied" doAssert subex"$['''|'|''''|']']#" % "0" == "'|" echo subex("type\n TEnum = enum\n $', '40c'\n '{..}") % [ "fieldNameA", "fieldNameB", "fieldNameC", "fieldNameD"]