# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2013 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module contains routines and types for dealing with time. ## This module is available for the JavaScript target. {.push debugger:off.} # the user does not want to trace a part # of the standard library! import strutils include "system/inclrtl" type TMonth* = enum ## represents a month mJan, mFeb, mMar, mApr, mMay, mJun, mJul, mAug, mSep, mOct, mNov, mDec TWeekDay* = enum ## represents a weekday dMon, dTue, dWed, dThu, dFri, dSat, dSun var timezone {.importc, header: "<time.h>".}: int tzname {.importc, header: "<time.h>" .}: array[0..1, cstring] when defined(posix) and not defined(JS): type TTimeImpl {.importc: "time_t", header: "<sys/time.h>".} = int TTime* = distinct TTimeImpl ## distinct type that represents a time ## measured as number of seconds since the epoch Ttimeval {.importc: "struct timeval", header: "<sys/select.h>", final, pure.} = object ## struct timeval tv_sec: int ## Seconds. tv_usec: int ## Microseconds. # we cannot import posix.nim here, because posix.nim depends on times.nim. # Ok, we could, but I don't want circular dependencies. # And gettimeofday() is not defined in the posix module anyway. Sigh. proc posix_gettimeofday(tp: var Ttimeval, unused: pointer = nil) {. importc: "gettimeofday", header: "<sys/time.h>".} elif defined(windows): import winlean when defined(vcc): # newest version of Visual C++ defines time_t to be of 64 bits type TTimeImpl {.importc: "time_t", header: "<time.h>".} = int64 else: type TTimeImpl {.importc: "time_t", header: "<time.h>".} = int32 type TTime* = distinct TTimeImpl elif defined(JS): type TTime* {.final, importc.} = object getDay: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getFullYear: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getHours: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getMilliseconds: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getMinutes: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getMonth: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getSeconds: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getTime: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getTimezoneOffset: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getDate: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCDate: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCFullYear: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCHours: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCMilliseconds: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCMinutes: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCMonth: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCSeconds: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getUTCDay: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} getYear: proc (): int {.tags: [], raises: [].} parse: proc (s: cstring): TTime {.tags: [], raises: [].} setDate: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setFullYear: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setHours: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setMilliseconds: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setMinutes: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setMonth: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setSeconds: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setTime: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setUTCDate: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setUTCFullYear: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setUTCHours: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setUTCMilliseconds: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setUTCMinutes: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setUTCMonth: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setUTCSeconds: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} setYear: proc (x: int) {.tags: [], raises: [].} toGMTString: proc (): cstring {.tags: [], raises: [].} toLocaleString: proc (): cstring {.tags: [], raises: [].} type TTimeInfo* = object of TObject ## represents a time in different parts second*: range[0..61] ## The number of seconds after the minute, ## normally in the range 0 to 59, but can ## be up to 61 to allow for leap seconds. minute*: range[0..59] ## The number of minutes after the hour, ## in the range 0 to 59. hour*: range[0..23] ## The number of hours past midnight, ## in the range 0 to 23. monthday*: range[1..31] ## The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31. month*: TMonth ## The current month. year*: range[-10_000..10_000] ## The current year. weekday*: TWeekDay ## The current day of the week. yearday*: range[0..365] ## The number of days since January 1, ## in the range 0 to 365. ## Always 0 if the target is JS. isDST*: bool ## Determines whether DST is in effect. Always ## ``False`` if time is UTC. tzname*: string ## The timezone this time is in. E.g. GMT timezone*: int ## The offset of the (non-DST) timezone in seconds ## west of UTC. ## I make some assumptions about the data in here. Either ## everything should be positive or everything negative. Zero is ## fine too. Mixed signs will lead to unexpected results. TTimeInterval* {.pure.} = object ## a time interval miliseconds*: int ## The number of miliseconds seconds*: int ## The number of seconds minutes*: int ## The number of minutes hours*: int ## The number of hours days*: int ## The number of days months*: int ## The number of months years*: int ## The number of years proc getTime*(): TTime {.tags: [FTime].} ## gets the current calendar time as a UNIX epoch value (number of seconds ## elapsed since 1970) with integer precission. Use epochTime for higher ## resolution. proc getLocalTime*(t: TTime): TTimeInfo {.tags: [FTime], raises: [].} ## converts the calendar time `t` to broken-time representation, ## expressed relative to the user's specified time zone. proc getGMTime*(t: TTime): TTimeInfo {.tags: [FTime], raises: [].} ## converts the calendar time `t` to broken-down time representation, ## expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). proc timeInfoToTime*(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): TTime {.tags: [].} ## converts a broken-down time structure to ## calendar time representation. The function ignores the specified ## contents of the structure members `weekday` and `yearday` and recomputes ## them from the other information in the broken-down time structure. proc fromSeconds*(since1970: float): TTime {.tags: [], raises: [].} ## Takes a float which contains the number of seconds since the unix epoch and ## returns a time object. proc fromSeconds*(since1970: int64): TTime {.tags: [], raises: [].} = ## Takes an int which contains the number of seconds since the unix epoch and ## returns a time object. fromSeconds(float(since1970)) proc toSeconds*(time: TTime): float {.tags: [], raises: [].} ## Returns the time in seconds since the unix epoch. proc `$` *(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): string {.tags: [], raises: [].} ## converts a `TTimeInfo` object to a string representation. proc `$` *(time: TTime): string {.tags: [], raises: [].} ## converts a calendar time to a string representation. proc `-`*(a, b: TTime): int64 {. rtl, extern: "ntDiffTime", tags: [], raises: [].} ## computes the difference of two calendar times. Result is in seconds. proc `<`*(a, b: TTime): bool {. rtl, extern: "ntLtTime", tags: [], raises: [].} = ## returns true iff ``a < b``, that is iff a happened before b. result = a - b < 0 proc `<=` * (a, b: TTime): bool {. rtl, extern: "ntLeTime", tags: [], raises: [].}= ## returns true iff ``a <= b``. result = a - b <= 0 proc `==`*(a, b: TTime): bool {. rtl, extern: "ntEqTime", tags: [], raises: [].} = ## returns true if ``a == b``, that is if both times represent the same value result = a - b == 0 when not defined(JS): proc getTzname*(): tuple[nonDST, DST: string] {.tags: [FTime], raises: [].} ## returns the local timezone; ``nonDST`` is the name of the local non-DST ## timezone, ``DST`` is the name of the local DST timezone. proc getTimezone*(): int {.tags: [FTime], raises: [].} ## returns the offset of the local (non-DST) timezone in seconds west of UTC. proc getStartMilsecs*(): int {.deprecated, tags: [FTime].} ## get the miliseconds from the start of the program. **Deprecated since ## version 0.8.10.** Use ``epochTime`` or ``cpuTime`` instead. proc initInterval*(miliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years: int = 0): TTimeInterval = ## creates a new ``TTimeInterval``. result.miliseconds = miliseconds result.seconds = seconds result.minutes = minutes result.hours = hours result.days = days result.months = months result.years = years proc isLeapYear(year: int): bool = if year mod 400 == 0: return true elif year mod 100 == 0: return false elif year mod 4 == 0: return true else: return false proc getDaysInMonth(month: TMonth, year: int): int = # http://www.dispersiondesign.com/articles/time/number_of_days_in_a_month case month of mFeb: result = if isLeapYear(year): 29 else: 28 of mApr, mJun, mSep, mNov: result = 30 else: result = 31 proc toSeconds(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): float = ## Calculates how many seconds the interval is worth by adding up ## all the fields var anew = a var newinterv = interval result = 0 newinterv.months += interval.years * 12 var curMonth = anew.month for mth in 1 .. newinterv.months: result += float(getDaysInMonth(curMonth, anew.year) * 24 * 60 * 60) if curMonth == mDec: curMonth = mJan anew.year.inc() else: curMonth.inc() result += float(newinterv.days * 24 * 60 * 60) result += float(newinterv.hours * 60 * 60) result += float(newinterv.minutes * 60) result += float(newinterv.seconds) result += newinterv.miliseconds / 1000 proc `+`*(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): TTimeInfo = ## adds ``interval`` time. ## ## **Note:** This has been only briefly tested and it may not be ## very accurate. let t = toSeconds(timeInfoToTime(a)) let secs = toSeconds(a, interval) if a.tzname == "UTC": result = getGMTime(fromSeconds(t + secs)) else: result = getLocalTime(fromSeconds(t + secs)) proc `-`*(a: TTimeInfo, interval: TTimeInterval): TTimeInfo = ## subtracts ``interval`` time. ## ## **Note:** This has been only briefly tested, it is inaccurate especially ## when you subtract so much that you reach the Julian calendar. let t = toSeconds(timeInfoToTime(a)) let secs = toSeconds(a, interval) if a.tzname == "UTC": result = getGMTime(fromSeconds(t - secs)) else: result = getLocalTime(fromSeconds(t - secs)) when not defined(JS): proc epochTime*(): float {.rtl, extern: "nt$1", tags: [FTime].} ## gets time after the UNIX epoch (1970) in seconds. It is a float ## because sub-second resolution is likely to be supported (depending ## on the hardware/OS). proc cpuTime*(): float {.rtl, extern: "nt$1", tags: [FTime].} ## gets time spent that the CPU spent to run the current process in ## seconds. This may be more useful for benchmarking than ``epochTime``. ## However, it may measure the real time instead (depending on the OS). ## The value of the result has no meaning. ## To generate useful timing values, take the difference between ## the results of two ``cpuTime`` calls: ## ## .. code-block:: nimrod ## var t0 = cpuTime() ## doWork() ## echo "CPU time [s] ", cpuTime() - t0 when not defined(JS): # C wrapper: type StructTM {.importc: "struct tm", final.} = object second {.importc: "tm_sec".}, minute {.importc: "tm_min".}, hour {.importc: "tm_hour".}, monthday {.importc: "tm_mday".}, month {.importc: "tm_mon".}, year {.importc: "tm_year".}, weekday {.importc: "tm_wday".}, yearday {.importc: "tm_yday".}, isdst {.importc: "tm_isdst".}: cint PTimeInfo = ptr StructTM PTime = ptr TTime TClock {.importc: "clock_t".} = distinct int proc localtime(timer: PTime): PTimeInfo {. importc: "localtime", header: "<time.h>", tags: [].} proc gmtime(timer: PTime): PTimeInfo {. importc: "gmtime", header: "<time.h>", tags: [].} proc timec(timer: PTime): TTime {. importc: "time", header: "<time.h>", tags: [].} proc mktime(t: StructTM): TTime {. importc: "mktime", header: "<time.h>", tags: [].} proc asctime(tblock: StructTM): cstring {. importc: "asctime", header: "<time.h>", tags: [].} proc ctime(time: PTime): cstring {. importc: "ctime", header: "<time.h>", tags: [].} # strftime(s: CString, maxsize: int, fmt: CString, t: tm): int {. # importc: "strftime", header: "<time.h>".} proc clock(): TClock {.importc: "clock", header: "<time.h>", tags: [FTime].} proc difftime(a, b: TTime): float {.importc: "difftime", header: "<time.h>", tags: [].} var clocksPerSec {.importc: "CLOCKS_PER_SEC", nodecl.}: int # our own procs on top of that: proc tmToTimeInfo(tm: StructTM, local: bool): TTimeInfo = const weekDays: array [0..6, TWeekDay] = [ dSun, dMon, dTue, dWed, dThu, dFri, dSat] TTimeInfo(second: int(tm.second), minute: int(tm.minute), hour: int(tm.hour), monthday: int(tm.monthday), month: TMonth(tm.month), year: tm.year + 1900'i32, weekday: weekDays[int(tm.weekDay)], yearday: int(tm.yearday), isDST: tm.isDST > 0, tzname: if local: if tm.isDST > 0: getTzname().DST else: getTzname().nonDST else: "UTC", timezone: if local: getTimezone() else: 0 ) proc timeInfoToTM(t: TTimeInfo): StructTM = const weekDays: array [TWeekDay, int8] = [1'i8,2'i8,3'i8,4'i8,5'i8,6'i8,0'i8] result.second = t.second result.minute = t.minute result.hour = t.hour result.monthday = t.monthday result.month = ord(t.month) result.year = t.year - 1900 result.weekday = weekDays[t.weekDay] result.yearday = t.yearday result.isdst = if t.isDST: 1 else: 0 when not defined(useNimRtl): proc `-` (a, b: TTime): int64 = return toBiggestInt(difftime(a, b)) proc getStartMilsecs(): int = #echo "clocks per sec: ", clocksPerSec, "clock: ", int(clock()) #return clock() div (clocksPerSec div 1000) when defined(macosx): result = toInt(toFloat(int(clock())) / (toFloat(clocksPerSec) / 1000.0)) else: result = int(clock()) div (clocksPerSec div 1000) when false: var a: Ttimeval posix_gettimeofday(a) result = a.tv_sec * 1000'i64 + a.tv_usec div 1000'i64 #echo "result: ", result proc getTime(): TTime = return timec(nil) proc getLocalTime(t: TTime): TTimeInfo = var a = t result = tmToTimeInfo(localtime(addr(a))[], true) # copying is needed anyway to provide reentrancity; thus # the conversion is not expensive proc getGMTime(t: TTime): TTimeInfo = var a = t result = tmToTimeInfo(gmtime(addr(a))[], false) # copying is needed anyway to provide reentrancity; thus # the conversion is not expensive proc timeInfoToTime(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): TTime = var cTimeInfo = timeInfo # for C++ we have to make a copy, # because the header of mktime is broken in my version of libc return mktime(timeInfoToTM(cTimeInfo)) proc toStringTillNL(p: cstring): string = result = "" var i = 0 while p[i] != '\0' and p[i] != '\10' and p[i] != '\13': add(result, p[i]) inc(i) proc `$`(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): string = # BUGFIX: asctime returns a newline at the end! var p = asctime(timeInfoToTM(timeInfo)) result = toStringTillNL(p) proc `$`(time: TTime): string = # BUGFIX: ctime returns a newline at the end! var a = time return toStringTillNL(ctime(addr(a))) const epochDiff = 116444736000000000'i64 rateDiff = 10000000'i64 # 100 nsecs proc unixTimeToWinTime*(t: TTime): int64 = ## converts a UNIX `TTime` (``time_t``) to a Windows file time result = int64(t) * rateDiff + epochDiff proc winTimeToUnixTime*(t: int64): TTime = ## converts a Windows time to a UNIX `TTime` (``time_t``) result = TTime((t - epochDiff) div rateDiff) proc getTzname(): tuple[nonDST, DST: string] = return ($tzname[0], $tzname[1]) proc getTimezone(): int = return timezone proc fromSeconds(since1970: float): TTime = TTime(since1970) proc toSeconds(time: TTime): float = float(time) when not defined(useNimRtl): proc epochTime(): float = when defined(posix): var a: Ttimeval posix_gettimeofday(a) result = toFloat(a.tv_sec) + toFloat(a.tv_usec)*0.00_0001 elif defined(windows): var f: winlean.TFiletime getSystemTimeAsFileTime(f) var i64 = rdFileTime(f) - epochDiff var secs = i64 div rateDiff var subsecs = i64 mod rateDiff result = toFloat(int(secs)) + toFloat(int(subsecs)) * 0.0000001 else: {.error: "unknown OS".} proc cpuTime(): float = result = toFloat(int(clock())) / toFloat(clocksPerSec) elif defined(JS): proc newDate(): TTime {.importc: "new Date".} proc internGetTime(): TTime {.importc: "new Date", tags: [].} proc newDate(value: float): TTime {.importc: "new Date".} proc newDate(value: string): TTime {.importc: "new Date".} proc getTime(): TTime = # Warning: This is something different in JS. return newDate() const weekDays: array [0..6, TWeekDay] = [ dSun, dMon, dTue, dWed, dThu, dFri, dSat] proc getLocalTime(t: TTime): TTimeInfo = result.second = t.getSeconds() result.minute = t.getMinutes() result.hour = t.getHours() result.monthday = t.getDate() result.month = TMonth(t.getMonth()) result.year = t.getFullYear() result.weekday = weekDays[t.getDay()] result.yearday = 0 proc getGMTime(t: TTime): TTimeInfo = result.second = t.getUTCSeconds() result.minute = t.getUTCMinutes() result.hour = t.getUTCHours() result.monthday = t.getUTCDate() result.month = TMonth(t.getUTCMonth()) result.year = t.getUTCFullYear() result.weekday = weekDays[t.getUTCDay()] result.yearday = 0 proc timeInfoToTime*(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): TTime = result = internGetTime() result.setSeconds(timeInfo.second) result.setMinutes(timeInfo.minute) result.setHours(timeInfo.hour) result.setMonth(ord(timeInfo.month)) result.setFullYear(timeInfo.year) result.setDate(timeInfo.monthday) proc `$`(timeInfo: TTimeInfo): string = return $(TimeInfoToTIme(timeInfo)) proc `$`(time: TTime): string = return $time.toLocaleString() proc `-` (a, b: TTime): int64 = return a.getTime() - b.getTime() var startMilsecs = getTime() proc getStartMilsecs(): int = ## get the miliseconds from the start of the program return int(getTime() - startMilsecs) proc valueOf(time: TTime): float {.importcpp: "getTime", tags:[]} proc fromSeconds(since1970: float): TTime = result = newDate(since1970) proc toSeconds(time: TTime): float = result = time.valueOf() / 1000 proc getTimezone(): int = result = newDate().getTimezoneOffset() proc getDateStr*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nt$1", tags: [FTime].} = ## gets the current date as a string of the format ``YYYY-MM-DD``. var ti = getLocalTime(getTime()) result = $ti.year & '-' & intToStr(ord(ti.month)+1, 2) & '-' & intToStr(ti.monthDay, 2) proc getClockStr*(): string {.rtl, extern: "nt$1", tags: [FTime].} = ## gets the current clock time as a string of the format ``HH:MM:SS``. var ti = getLocalTime(getTime()) result = intToStr(ti.hour, 2) & ':' & intToStr(ti.minute, 2) & ':' & intToStr(ti.second, 2) proc `$`*(day: TWeekDay): string = ## stingify operator for ``TWeekDay``. const lookup: array[TWeekDay, string] = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] return lookup[day] proc `$`*(m: TMonth): string = ## stingify operator for ``TMonth``. const lookup: array[TMonth, string] = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"] return lookup[m] proc format*(info: TTimeInfo, f: string): string = ## This function formats `info` as specified by `f`. The following format ## specifiers are available: ## ## ========== ================================================================================= ================================================ ## Specifier Description Example ## ========== ================================================================================= ================================================ ## d Numeric value of the day of the month, it will be one or two digits long. ``1/04/2012 -> 1``, ``21/04/2012 -> 21`` ## dd Same as above, but always two digits. ``1/04/2012 -> 01``, ``21/04/2012 -> 21`` ## ddd Three letter string which indicates the day of the week. ``Saturday -> Sat``, ``Monday -> Mon`` ## dddd Full string for the day of the week. ``Saturday -> Saturday``, ``Monday -> Monday`` ## h The hours in one digit if possible. Ranging from 0-12. ``5pm -> 5``, ``2am -> 2`` ## hh The hours in two digits always. If the hour is one digit 0 is prepended. ``5pm -> 05``, ``11am -> 11`` ## H The hours in one digit if possible, randing from 0-24. ``5pm -> 17``, ``2am -> 2`` ## HH The hours in two digits always. 0 is prepended if the hour is one digit. ``5pm -> 17``, ``2am -> 02`` ## m The minutes in 1 digit if possible. ``5:30 -> 30``, ``2:01 -> 1`` ## mm Same as above but always 2 digits, 0 is prepended if the minute is one digit. ``5:30 -> 30``, ``2:01 -> 01`` ## M The month in one digit if possible. ``September -> 9``, ``December -> 12`` ## MM The month in two digits always. 0 is prepended. ``September -> 09``, ``December -> 12`` ## MMM Abbreviated three-letter form of the month. ``September -> Sep``, ``December -> Dec`` ## MMMM Full month string, properly capitalized. ``September -> September`` ## s Seconds as one digit if possible. ``00:00:06 -> 6`` ## ss Same as above but always two digits. 0 is prepended. ``00:00:06 -> 06`` ## t ``A`` when time is in the AM. ``P`` when time is in the PM. ## tt Same as above, but ``AM`` and ``PM`` instead of ``A`` and ``P`` respectively. ## y(yyyy) This displays the year to different digits. You most likely only want 2 or 4 'y's ## yy Displays the year to two digits. ``2012 -> 12`` ## yyyy Displays the year to four digits. ``2012 -> 2012`` ## z Displays the timezone offset from UTC. ``GMT+7 -> +7``, ``GMT-5 -> -5`` ## zz Same as above but with leading 0. ``GMT+7 -> +07``, ``GMT-5 -> -05`` ## zzz Same as above but with ``:00``. ``GMT+7 -> +07:00``, ``GMT-5 -> -05:00`` ## ZZZ Displays the name of the timezone. ``GMT -> GMT``, ``EST -> EST`` ## ========== ================================================================================= ================================================ ## ## Other strings can be inserted by putting them in ``''``. For example ``hh'->'mm`` will give ``01->56``. ## The following characters can be inserted without quoting them: ``:`` ``-`` ``(`` ``)`` ``/`` ``[`` ``]`` ``,`` result = "" var i = 0 var currentF = "" while True: case f[i] of ' ', '-', '/', ':', '\'', '\0', '(', ')', '[', ']', ',': case currentF of "d": result.add($info.monthday) of "dd": if info.monthday < 10: result.add("0") result.add($info.monthday) of "ddd": result.add(($info.weekday)[0 .. 2]) of "dddd": result.add($info.weekday) of "h": result.add($(if info.hour > 12: info.hour - 12 else: info.hour)) of "hh": let amerHour = if info.hour > 12: info.hour - 12 else: info.hour if amerHour < 10: result.add('0') result.add($amerHour) of "H": result.add($info.hour) of "HH": if info.hour < 10: result.add('0') result.add($info.hour) of "m": result.add($info.minute) of "mm": if info.minute < 10: result.add('0') result.add($info.minute) of "M": result.add($(int(info.month)+1)) of "MM": if info.month < mOct: result.add('0') result.add($(int(info.month)+1)) of "MMM": result.add(($info.month)[0..2]) of "MMMM": result.add($info.month) of "s": result.add($info.second) of "ss": if info.second < 10: result.add('0') result.add($info.second) of "t": if info.hour >= 12: result.add('P') else: result.add('A') of "tt": if info.hour >= 12: result.add("PM") else: result.add("AM") of "y": var fr = ($info.year).len()-1 if fr < 0: fr = 0 result.add(($info.year)[fr .. ($info.year).len()-1]) of "yy": var fr = ($info.year).len()-2 if fr < 0: fr = 0 var fyear = ($info.year)[fr .. ($info.year).len()-1] if fyear.len != 2: fyear = repeatChar(2-fyear.len(), '0') & fyear result.add(fyear) of "yyy": var fr = ($info.year).len()-3 if fr < 0: fr = 0 var fyear = ($info.year)[fr .. ($info.year).len()-1] if fyear.len != 3: fyear = repeatChar(3-fyear.len(), '0') & fyear result.add(fyear) of "yyyy": var fr = ($info.year).len()-4 if fr < 0: fr = 0 var fyear = ($info.year)[fr .. ($info.year).len()-1] if fyear.len != 4: fyear = repeatChar(4-fyear.len(), '0') & fyear result.add(fyear) of "yyyyy": var fr = ($info.year).len()-5 if fr < 0: fr = 0 var fyear = ($info.year)[fr .. ($info.year).len()-1] if fyear.len != 5: fyear = repeatChar(5-fyear.len(), '0') & fyear result.add(fyear) of "z": let hrs = (info.timezone div 60) div 60 result.add($hrs) of "zz": let hrs = (info.timezone div 60) div 60 result.add($hrs) if hrs.abs < 10: var atIndex = result.len-(($hrs).len-(if hrs < 0: 1 else: 0)) result.insert("0", atIndex) of "zzz": let hrs = (info.timezone div 60) div 60 result.add($hrs & ":00") if hrs.abs < 10: var atIndex = result.len-(($hrs & ":00").len-(if hrs < 0: 1 else: 0)) result.insert("0", atIndex) of "ZZZ": result.add(info.tzname) of "": nil # Do nothing. else: raise newException(EInvalidValue, "Invalid format string: " & currentF) currentF = "" if f[i] == '\0': break if f[i] == '\'': inc(i) # Skip ' while f[i] != '\'' and f.len-1 > i: result.add(f[i]) inc(i) else: result.add(f[i]) else: currentF.add(f[i]) inc(i) {.pop.} when isMainModule: # $ date --date='@2147483647' # Tue 19 Jan 03:14:07 GMT 2038 var t = getGMTime(fromSeconds(2147483647)) echo t.format("ddd dd MMM hh:mm:ss ZZZ yyyy") assert t.format("ddd dd MMM hh:mm:ss ZZZ yyyy") == "Tue 19 Jan 03:14:07 UTC 2038" assert t.format("d dd ddd dddd h hh H HH m mm M MM MMM MMMM s" & " ss t tt y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy z zz zzz ZZZ") == "19 19 Tue Tuesday 3 03 3 03 14 14 1 01 Jan January 7 07 A AM 8 38 038 2038 02038 0 00 00:00 UTC" var t2 = getGMTime(fromSeconds(160070789)) # Mon 27 Jan 16:06:29 GMT 1975 assert t2.format("d dd ddd dddd h hh H HH m mm M MM MMM MMMM s" & " ss t tt y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy z zz zzz ZZZ") == "27 27 Mon Monday 4 04 16 16 6 06 1 01 Jan January 29 29 P PM 5 75 975 1975 01975 0 00 00:00 UTC" when not defined(JS) and sizeof(TTime) == 8: var t3 = getGMTime(fromSeconds(889067643645)) # Fri 7 Jun 19:20:45 BST 30143 assert t3.format("d dd ddd dddd h hh H HH m mm M MM MMM MMMM s" & " ss t tt y yy yyy yyyy yyyyy z zz zzz ZZZ") == "7 07 Fri Friday 6 06 18 18 20 20 6 06 Jun June 45 45 P PM 3 43 143 0143 30143 0 00 00:00 UTC" assert t3.format(":,[]()-/") == ":,[]()-/" var t4 = getGMTime(fromSeconds(876124714)) # Mon 6 Oct 08:58:34 BST 1997 assert t4.format("M MM MMM MMMM") == "10 10 Oct October" # Interval tests assert((t4 - initInterval(years = 2)).format("yyyy") == "1995") assert((t4 - initInterval(years = 7, minutes = 34, seconds = 24)).format("yyyy mm ss") == "1990 24 10")