# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2015 Dominik Picheta # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module implements URI parsing as specified by RFC 3986. import strutils, parseutils type Url* = distinct string Uri* = object scheme*, username*, password*: string hostname*, port*, path*, query*, anchor*: string opaque*: bool {.deprecated: [TUrl: Url, TUri: Uri].} {.push warning[deprecated]: off.} proc `$`*(url: Url): string {.deprecated.} = ## **Deprecated since 0.9.6**: Use ``Uri`` instead. return string(url) proc `/`*(a, b: Url): Url {.deprecated.} = ## Joins two URLs together, separating them with / if needed. ## ## **Deprecated since 0.9.6**: Use ``Uri`` instead. var urlS = $a var bS = $b if urlS == "": return b if urlS[urlS.len-1] != '/': urlS.add('/') if bS[0] == '/': urlS.add(bS.substr(1)) else: urlS.add(bs) result = Url(urlS) proc add*(url: var Url, a: Url) {.deprecated.} = ## Appends url to url. ## ## **Deprecated since 0.9.6**: Use ``Uri`` instead. url = url / a {.pop.} proc encodeUrl*(s: string): string = ## Encodes a value to be HTTP safe: This means that characters in the set ## ``{'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_'}`` are carried over to the result, ## a space is converted to ``'+'`` and every other character is encoded as ## ``'%xx'`` where ``xx`` denotes its hexadecimal value. result = newStringOfCap(s.len + s.len shr 2) # assume 12% non-alnum-chars for i in 0..s.len-1: case s[i] of 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '_': add(result, s[i]) of ' ': add(result, '+') else: add(result, '%') add(result, toHex(ord(s[i]), 2)) proc decodeUrl*(s: string): string = ## Decodes a value from its HTTP representation: This means that a ``'+'`` ## is converted to a space, ``'%xx'`` (where ``xx`` denotes a hexadecimal ## value) is converted to the character with ordinal number ``xx``, and ## and every other character is carried over. proc handleHexChar(c: char, x: var int) {.inline.} = case c of '0'..'9': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('0')) of 'a'..'f': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('a') + 10) of 'A'..'F': x = (x shl 4) or (ord(c) - ord('A') + 10) else: assert(false) result = newString(s.len) var i = 0 var j = 0 while i < s.len: case s[i] of '%': var x = 0 handleHexChar(s[i+1], x) handleHexChar(s[i+2], x) inc(i, 2) result[j] = chr(x) of '+': result[j] = ' ' else: result[j] = s[i] inc(i) inc(j) setLen(result, j) proc parseAuthority(authority: string, result: var Uri) = var i = 0 var inPort = false var inIPv6 = false while true: case authority[i] of '@': swap result.password, result.port result.port.setLen(0) swap result.username, result.hostname result.hostname.setLen(0) inPort = false of ':': if inIPv6: result.hostname.add(authority[i]) else: inPort = true of '[': inIPv6 = true of ']': inIPv6 = false of '\0': break else: if inPort: result.port.add(authority[i]) else: result.hostname.add(authority[i]) i.inc proc parsePath(uri: string, i: var int, result: var Uri) = i.inc parseUntil(uri, result.path, {'?', '#'}, i) # The 'mailto' scheme's PATH actually contains the hostname/username if cmpIgnoreCase(result.scheme, "mailto") == 0: parseAuthority(result.path, result) result.path.setLen(0) if uri[i] == '?': i.inc # Skip '?' i.inc parseUntil(uri, result.query, {'#'}, i) if uri[i] == '#': i.inc # Skip '#' i.inc parseUntil(uri, result.anchor, {}, i) proc initUri*(): Uri = ## Initializes a URI. result = Uri(scheme: "", username: "", password: "", hostname: "", port: "", path: "", query: "", anchor: "") proc resetUri(uri: var Uri) = for f in uri.fields: when f is string: f.setLen(0) else: f = false proc parseUri*(uri: string, result: var Uri) = ## Parses a URI. The `result` variable will be cleared before. resetUri(result) var i = 0 # Check if this is a reference URI (relative URI) let doubleSlash = uri.len > 1 and uri[1] == '/' if uri[i] == '/': # Make sure ``uri`` doesn't begin with '//'. if not doubleSlash: parsePath(uri, i, result) return # Scheme i.inc parseWhile(uri, result.scheme, Letters + Digits + {'+', '-', '.'}, i) if uri[i] != ':' and not doubleSlash: # Assume this is a reference URI (relative URI) i = 0 result.scheme.setLen(0) parsePath(uri, i, result) return if not doubleSlash: i.inc # Skip ':' # Authority if uri[i] == '/' and uri[i+1] == '/': i.inc(2) # Skip // var authority = "" i.inc parseUntil(uri, authority, {'/', '?', '#'}, i) if authority.len > 0: parseAuthority(authority, result) else: result.opaque = true # Path parsePath(uri, i, result) proc parseUri*(uri: string): Uri = ## Parses a URI and returns it. result = initUri() parseUri(uri, result) proc removeDotSegments(path: string): string = if path.len == 0: return "" var collection: seq[string] = @[] let endsWithSlash = path[path.len-1] == '/' var i = 0 var currentSegment = "" while true: case path[i] of '/': collection.add(currentSegment) currentSegment = "" of '.': if path[i+1] == '.' and path[i+2] == '/': if collection.len > 0: discard collection.pop() i.inc 3 continue elif path[i+1] == '/': i.inc 2 continue currentSegment.add path[i] of '\0': if currentSegment != "": collection.add currentSegment break else: currentSegment.add path[i] i.inc result = collection.join("/") if endsWithSlash: result.add '/' proc merge(base, reference: Uri): string = # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.3 if base.hostname != "" and base.path == "": '/' & reference.path else: let lastSegment = rfind(base.path, "/") if lastSegment == -1: reference.path else: base.path[0 .. lastSegment] & reference.path proc combine*(base: Uri, reference: Uri): Uri = ## Combines a base URI with a reference URI. ## ## This uses the algorithm specified in ## `section 5.2.2 of RFC 3986 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5.2.2>`_. ## ## This means that the slashes inside the base URI's path as well as reference ## URI's path affect the resulting URI. ## ## For building URIs you may wish to use \`/\` instead. ## ## Examples: ## ## .. code-block:: ## let foo = combine(parseUri("http://example.com/foo/bar"), parseUri("/baz")) ## assert foo.path == "/baz" ## ## let bar = combine(parseUri("http://example.com/foo/bar"), parseUri("baz")) ## assert bar.path == "/foo/baz" ## ## let bar = combine(parseUri("http://example.com/foo/bar/"), parseUri("baz")) ## assert bar.path == "/foo/bar/baz" template setAuthority(dest, src): untyped = dest.hostname = src.hostname dest.username = src.username dest.port = src.port dest.password = src.password result = initUri() if reference.scheme != base.scheme and reference.scheme != "": result = reference result.path = removeDotSegments(result.path) else: if reference.hostname != "": setAuthority(result, reference) result.path = removeDotSegments(reference.path) result.query = reference.query else: if reference.path == "": result.path = base.path if reference.query != "": result.query = reference.query else: result.query = base.query else: if reference.path.startsWith("/"): result.path = removeDotSegments(reference.path) else: result.path = removeDotSegments(merge(base, reference)) result.query = reference.query setAuthority(result, base) result.scheme = base.scheme result.anchor = reference.anchor proc combine*(uris: varargs[Uri]): Uri = ## Combines multiple URIs together. result = uris[0] for i in 1 ..< uris.len: result = combine(result, uris[i]) proc isAbsolute*(uri: Uri): bool = ## returns true if URI is absolute, false otherwise return uri.scheme != "" and (uri.hostname != "" or uri.path != "") proc `/`*(x: Uri, path: string): Uri = ## Concatenates the path specified to the specified URI's path. ## ## Contrary to the ``combine`` procedure you do not have to worry about ## the slashes at the beginning and end of the path and URI's path ## respectively. ## ## Examples: ## ## .. code-block:: ## let foo = parseUri("http://example.com/foo/bar") / "/baz" ## assert foo.path == "/foo/bar/baz" ## ## let bar = parseUri("http://example.com/foo/bar") / "baz" ## assert bar.path == "/foo/bar/baz" ## ## let bar = parseUri("http://example.com/foo/bar/") / "baz" ## assert bar.path == "/foo/bar/baz" result = x if result.path.len == 0: if path[0] != '/': result.path = "/" result.path.add(path) return if result.path[result.path.len-1] == '/': if path[0] == '/': result.path.add(path[1 .. path.len-1]) else: result.path.add(path) else: if path[0] != '/': result.path.add '/' result.path.add(path) proc `$`*(u: Uri): string = ## Returns the string representation of the specified URI object. result = "" if u.scheme.len > 0: result.add(u.scheme) if u.opaque: result.add(":") else: result.add("://") if u.username.len > 0: result.add(u.username) if u.password.len > 0: result.add(":") result.add(u.password) result.add("@") if u.hostname.endswith('/'): result.add(u.hostname[0..^2]) else: result.add(u.hostname) if u.port.len > 0: result.add(":") result.add(u.port) if u.path.len > 0: if u.hostname.len > 0 and u.path[0] != '/': result.add('/') result.add(u.path) if u.query.len > 0: result.add("?") result.add(u.query) if u.anchor.len > 0: result.add("#") result.add(u.anchor) when isMainModule: block: const test1 = "abc\L+def xyz" doAssert encodeUrl(test1) == "abc%0A%2Bdef+xyz" doAssert decodeUrl(encodeUrl(test1)) == test1 block: let str = "http://localhost" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.path == "" block: let str = "http://localhost/" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.path == "/" block: let str = "http://localhost:8080/test" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "http" doAssert test.port == "8080" doAssert test.path == "/test" doAssert test.hostname == "localhost" doAssert($test == str) block: let str = "foo://username:password@example.com:8042/over/there" & "/index.dtb?type=animal&name=narwhal#nose" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "foo" doAssert test.username == "username" doAssert test.password == "password" doAssert test.hostname == "example.com" doAssert test.port == "8042" doAssert test.path == "/over/there/index.dtb" doAssert test.query == "type=animal&name=narwhal" doAssert test.anchor == "nose" doAssert($test == str) block: # IPv6 address let str = "foo://[::1]:1234/bar?baz=true&qux#quux" let uri = parseUri(str) doAssert uri.scheme == "foo" doAssert uri.hostname == "::1" doAssert uri.port == "1234" doAssert uri.path == "/bar" doAssert uri.query == "baz=true&qux" doAssert uri.anchor == "quux" block: let str = "urn:example:animal:ferret:nose" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "urn" doAssert test.path == "example:animal:ferret:nose" doAssert($test == str) block: let str = "mailto:username@example.com?subject=Topic" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "mailto" doAssert test.username == "username" doAssert test.hostname == "example.com" doAssert test.query == "subject=Topic" doAssert($test == str) block: let str = "magnet:?xt=urn:sha1:72hsga62ba515sbd62&dn=foobar" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "magnet" doAssert test.query == "xt=urn:sha1:72hsga62ba515sbd62&dn=foobar" doAssert($test == str) block: let str = "/test/foo/bar?q=2#asdf" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "" doAssert test.path == "/test/foo/bar" doAssert test.query == "q=2" doAssert test.anchor == "asdf" doAssert($test == str) block: let str = "test/no/slash" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.path == "test/no/slash" doAssert($test == str) block: let str = "//git@github.com:dom96/packages" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "" doAssert test.username == "git" doAssert test.hostname == "github.com" doAssert test.port == "dom96" doAssert test.path == "/packages" block: let str = "file:///foo/bar/baz.txt" let test = parseUri(str) doAssert test.scheme == "file" doAssert test.username == "" doAssert test.hostname == "" doAssert test.port == "" doAssert test.path == "/foo/bar/baz.txt" # Remove dot segments tests block: doAssert removeDotSegments("/foo/bar/baz") == "/foo/bar/baz" # Combine tests block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo/bar/"), parseUri("baz")) doAssert concat.path == "/foo/bar/baz" doAssert concat.hostname == "google.com" doAssert concat.scheme == "http" block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo"), parseUri("/baz")) doAssert concat.path == "/baz" doAssert concat.hostname == "google.com" doAssert concat.scheme == "http" block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo/test"), parseUri("bar")) doAssert concat.path == "/foo/bar" block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo/test"), parseUri("/bar")) doAssert concat.path == "/bar" block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo/test"), parseUri("bar")) doAssert concat.path == "/foo/bar" block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo/test/"), parseUri("bar")) doAssert concat.path == "/foo/test/bar" block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo/test/"), parseUri("bar/")) doAssert concat.path == "/foo/test/bar/" block: let concat = combine(parseUri("http://google.com/foo/test/"), parseUri("bar/"), parseUri("baz")) doAssert concat.path == "/foo/test/bar/baz" # `/` tests block: let test = parseUri("http://example.com/foo") / "bar/asd" doAssert test.path == "/foo/bar/asd" block: let test = parseUri("http://example.com/foo/") / "/bar/asd" doAssert test.path == "/foo/bar/asd" # removeDotSegments tests block: # empty test doAssert removeDotSegments("") == "" # bug #3207 block: doAssert parseUri("http://qq/1").combine(parseUri("https://qqq")).`$` == "https://qqq" # bug #4959 block: let foo = parseUri("http://example.com") / "/baz" doAssert foo.path == "/baz" # bug found on stream 13/10/17 block: let foo = parseUri("http://localhost:9515") / "status" doAssert $foo == "http://localhost:9515/status" # bug #6649 #6652 block: var foo = parseUri("http://example.com") foo.hostname = "example.com" foo.path = "baz" doAssert $foo == "http://example.com/baz" foo.hostname = "example.com/" foo.path = "baz" doAssert $foo == "http://example.com/baz" foo.hostname = "example.com" foo.path = "/baz" doAssert $foo == "http://example.com/baz" foo.hostname = "example.com/" foo.path = "/baz" doAssert $foo == "http://example.com/baz" foo.hostname = "example.com/" foo.port = "8000" foo.path = "baz" doAssert $foo == "http://example.com:8000/baz" foo = parseUri("file:/dir/file") foo.path = "relative" doAssert $foo == "file:relative" # isAbsolute tests block: doAssert "www.google.com".parseUri().isAbsolute() == false doAssert "http://www.google.com".parseUri().isAbsolute() == true doAssert "file:/dir/file".parseUri().isAbsolute() == true doAssert "file://localhost/dir/file".parseUri().isAbsolute() == true doAssert "urn:ISSN:1535-3613".parseUri().isAbsolute() == true # path-relative URL *relative doAssert "about".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "about/staff.html".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "about/staff.html?".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "about/staff.html?parameters".parseUri().isAbsolute == false # absolute-path-relative URL *relative doAssert "/".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "/about".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "/about/staff.html".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "/about/staff.html?".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "/about/staff.html?parameters".parseUri().isAbsolute == false # scheme-relative URL *relative doAssert "//username:password@example.com:8888".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "//username@example.com".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "//example.com".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "//example.com/".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "//example.com/about".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "//example.com/about/staff.html".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "//example.com/about/staff.html?".parseUri().isAbsolute == false doAssert "//example.com/about/staff.html?parameters".parseUri().isAbsolute == false # absolute URL *absolute doAssert "https://username:password@example.com:8888".parseUri().isAbsolute == true doAssert "https://username@example.com".parseUri().isAbsolute == true doAssert "https://example.com".parseUri().isAbsolute == true doAssert "https://example.com/".parseUri().isAbsolute == true doAssert "https://example.com/about".parseUri().isAbsolute == true doAssert "https://example.com/about/staff.html".parseUri().isAbsolute == true doAssert "https://example.com/about/staff.html?".parseUri().isAbsolute == true doAssert "https://example.com/about/staff.html?parameters".parseUri().isAbsolute == true echo("All good!")