##[ This module implements a hookable (de)serialization for arbitrary types. Design goal: avoid importing modules where a custom serialization is needed; see strtabs.fromJsonHook,toJsonHook for an example. ]## runnableExamples: import std/[strtabs,json] type Foo = ref object t: bool z1: int8 let a = (1.5'f32, (b: "b2", a: "a2"), 'x', @[Foo(t: true, z1: -3), nil], [{"name": "John"}.newStringTable]) let j = a.toJson doAssert j.jsonTo(type(a)).toJson == j import std/[json,strutils,tables,sets,strtabs,options] #[ Future directions: add a way to customize serialization, for eg: * field renaming * allow serializing `enum` and `char` as `string` instead of `int` (enum is more compact/efficient, and robust to enum renamings, but string is more human readable) * handle cyclic references, using a cache of already visited addresses * implement support for serialization and de-serialization of nested variant objects. ]# import std/macros type Joptions* = object ## Options controlling the behavior of `fromJson`. allowExtraKeys*: bool ## If `true` Nim's object to which the JSON is parsed is not required to ## have a field for every JSON key. allowMissingKeys*: bool ## If `true` Nim's object to which JSON is parsed is allowed to have ## fields without corresponding JSON keys. # in future work: a key rename could be added proc isNamedTuple(T: typedesc): bool {.magic: "TypeTrait".} proc distinctBase(T: typedesc): typedesc {.magic: "TypeTrait".} template distinctBase[T](a: T): untyped = distinctBase(type(a))(a) macro getDiscriminants(a: typedesc): seq[string] = ## return the discriminant keys # candidate for std/typetraits var a = a.getTypeImpl doAssert a.kind == nnkBracketExpr let sym = a[1] let t = sym.getTypeImpl let t2 = t[2] doAssert t2.kind == nnkRecList result = newTree(nnkBracket) for ti in t2: if ti.kind == nnkRecCase: let key = ti[0][0] let typ = ti[0][1] result.add newLit key.strVal if result.len > 0: result = quote do: @`result` else: result = quote do: seq[string].default macro initCaseObject(T: typedesc, fun: untyped): untyped = ## does the minimum to construct a valid case object, only initializing ## the discriminant fields; see also `getDiscriminants` # maybe candidate for std/typetraits var a = T.getTypeImpl doAssert a.kind == nnkBracketExpr let sym = a[1] let t = sym.getTypeImpl var t2: NimNode case t.kind of nnkObjectTy: t2 = t[2] of nnkRefTy: t2 = t[0].getTypeImpl[2] else: doAssert false, $t.kind # xxx `nnkPtrTy` could be handled too doAssert t2.kind == nnkRecList result = newTree(nnkObjConstr) result.add sym for ti in t2: if ti.kind == nnkRecCase: let key = ti[0][0] let typ = ti[0][1] let key2 = key.strVal let val = quote do: `fun`(`key2`, typedesc[`typ`]) result.add newTree(nnkExprColonExpr, key, val) proc checkJsonImpl(cond: bool, condStr: string, msg = "") = if not cond: # just pick 1 exception type for simplicity; other choices would be: # JsonError, JsonParser, JsonKindError raise newException(ValueError, msg) template checkJson(cond: untyped, msg = "") = checkJsonImpl(cond, astToStr(cond), msg) proc hasField[T](obj: T, field: string): bool = for k, _ in fieldPairs(obj): if k == field: return true return false macro accessField(obj: typed, name: static string): untyped = newDotExpr(obj, ident(name)) template fromJsonFields(newObj, oldObj, json, discKeys, opt) = type T = typeof(newObj) # we could customize whether to allow JNull checkJson json.kind == JObject, $json.kind var num, numMatched = 0 for key, val in fieldPairs(newObj): num.inc when key notin discKeys: if json.hasKey key: numMatched.inc fromJson(val, json[key]) elif opt.allowMissingKeys: # if there are no discriminant keys the `oldObj` must always have the # same keys as the new one. Otherwise we must check, because they could # be set to different branches. when typeof(oldObj) isnot typeof(nil): if discKeys.len == 0 or hasField(oldObj, key): val = accessField(oldObj, key) else: checkJson false, $($T, key, json) else: if json.hasKey key: numMatched.inc let ok = if opt.allowExtraKeys and opt.allowMissingKeys: true elif opt.allowExtraKeys: # This check is redundant because if here missing keys are not allowed, # and if `num != numMatched` it will fail in the loop above but it is left # for clarity. assert num == numMatched num == numMatched elif opt.allowMissingKeys: json.len == numMatched else: json.len == num and num == numMatched checkJson ok, $(json.len, num, numMatched, $T, json) proc fromJson*[T](a: var T, b: JsonNode, opt = Joptions()) proc discKeyMatch[T](obj: T, json: JsonNode, key: static string): bool = if not json.hasKey key: return true let field = accessField(obj, key) var jsonVal: typeof(field) fromJson(jsonVal, json[key]) if jsonVal != field: return false return true macro discKeysMatchBodyGen(obj: typed, json: JsonNode, keys: static seq[string]): untyped = result = newStmtList() let r = ident("result") for key in keys: let keyLit = newLit key result.add quote do: `r` = `r` and discKeyMatch(`obj`, `json`, `keyLit`) proc discKeysMatch[T](obj: T, json: JsonNode, keys: static seq[string]): bool = result = true discKeysMatchBodyGen(obj, json, keys) proc fromJson*[T](a: var T, b: JsonNode, opt = Joptions()) = ## inplace version of `jsonTo` #[ adding "json path" leading to `b` can be added in future work. ]# checkJson b != nil, $($T, b) when compiles(fromJsonHook(a, b)): fromJsonHook(a, b) elif T is bool: a = to(b,T) elif T is enum: case b.kind of JInt: a = T(b.getBiggestInt()) of JString: a = parseEnum[T](b.getStr()) else: checkJson false, $($T, " ", b) elif T is Ordinal: a = T(to(b, int)) elif T is pointer: a = cast[pointer](to(b, int)) elif T is distinct: when nimvm: # bug, potentially related to https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/12282 a = T(jsonTo(b, distinctBase(T))) else: a.distinctBase.fromJson(b) elif T is string|SomeNumber: a = to(b,T) elif T is JsonNode: a = b elif T is ref | ptr: if b.kind == JNull: a = nil else: a = T() fromJson(a[], b) elif T is array: checkJson a.len == b.len, $(a.len, b.len, $T) var i = 0 for ai in mitems(a): fromJson(ai, b[i]) i.inc elif T is seq: a.setLen b.len for i, val in b.getElems: fromJson(a[i], val) elif T is object: template fun(key, typ): untyped {.used.} = if b.hasKey key: jsonTo(b[key], typ) elif hasField(a, key): accessField(a, key) else: default(typ) const keys = getDiscriminants(T) when keys.len == 0: fromJsonFields(a, nil, b, keys, opt) else: if discKeysMatch(a, b, keys): fromJsonFields(a, nil, b, keys, opt) else: var newObj = initCaseObject(T, fun) fromJsonFields(newObj, a, b, keys, opt) a = newObj elif T is tuple: when isNamedTuple(T): fromJsonFields(a, nil, b, seq[string].default, opt) else: checkJson b.kind == JArray, $(b.kind) # we could customize whether to allow JNull var i = 0 for val in fields(a): fromJson(val, b[i]) i.inc checkJson b.len == i, $(b.len, i, $T, b) # could customize else: # checkJson not appropriate here static: doAssert false, "not yet implemented: " & $T proc jsonTo*(b: JsonNode, T: typedesc): T = ## reverse of `toJson` fromJson(result, b) proc toJson*[T](a: T): JsonNode = ## serializes `a` to json; uses `toJsonHook(a: T)` if it's in scope to ## customize serialization, see strtabs.toJsonHook for an example. when compiles(toJsonHook(a)): result = toJsonHook(a) elif T is object | tuple: when T is object or isNamedTuple(T): result = newJObject() for k, v in a.fieldPairs: result[k] = toJson(v) else: result = newJArray() for v in a.fields: result.add toJson(v) elif T is ref | ptr: if system.`==`(a, nil): result = newJNull() else: result = toJson(a[]) elif T is array | seq: result = newJArray() for ai in a: result.add toJson(ai) elif T is pointer: result = toJson(cast[int](a)) # edge case: `a == nil` could've also led to `newJNull()`, but this results # in simpler code for `toJson` and `fromJson`. elif T is distinct: result = toJson(a.distinctBase) elif T is bool: result = %(a) elif T is Ordinal: result = %(a.ord) else: result = %a proc fromJsonHook*[K, V](t: var (Table[K, V] | OrderedTable[K, V]), jsonNode: JsonNode) = ## Enables `fromJson` for `Table` and `OrderedTable` types. ## ## See also: ## * `toJsonHook proc<#toJsonHook,(Table[K,V]|OrderedTable[K,V])>`_ runnableExamples: import tables, json var foo: tuple[t: Table[string, int], ot: OrderedTable[string, int]] fromJson(foo, parseJson(""" {"t":{"two":2,"one":1},"ot":{"one":1,"three":3}}""")) assert foo.t == [("one", 1), ("two", 2)].toTable assert foo.ot == [("one", 1), ("three", 3)].toOrderedTable assert jsonNode.kind == JObject, "The kind of the `jsonNode` must be `JObject`, but its actual " & "type is `" & $jsonNode.kind & "`." clear(t) for k, v in jsonNode: t[k] = jsonTo(v, V) proc toJsonHook*[K, V](t: (Table[K, V] | OrderedTable[K, V])): JsonNode = ## Enables `toJson` for `Table` and `OrderedTable` types. ## ## See also: ## * `fromJsonHook proc<#fromJsonHook,(Table[K,V]|OrderedTable[K,V]),JsonNode>`_ runnableExamples: import tables, json let foo = ( t: [("two", 2)].toTable, ot: [("one", 1), ("three", 3)].toOrderedTable) assert $toJson(foo) == """{"t":{"two":2},"ot":{"one":1,"three":3}}""" result = newJObject() for k, v in pairs(t): result[k] = toJson(v) proc fromJsonHook*[A](s: var SomeSet[A], jsonNode: JsonNode) = ## Enables `fromJson` for `HashSet` and `OrderedSet` types. ## ## See also: ## * `toJsonHook proc<#toJsonHook,SomeSet[A]>`_ runnableExamples: import sets, json var foo: tuple[hs: HashSet[string], os: OrderedSet[string]] fromJson(foo, parseJson(""" {"hs": ["hash", "set"], "os": ["ordered", "set"]}""")) assert foo.hs == ["hash", "set"].toHashSet assert foo.os == ["ordered", "set"].toOrderedSet assert jsonNode.kind == JArray, "The kind of the `jsonNode` must be `JArray`, but its actual " & "type is `" & $jsonNode.kind & "`." clear(s) for v in jsonNode: incl(s, jsonTo(v, A)) proc toJsonHook*[A](s: SomeSet[A]): JsonNode = ## Enables `toJson` for `HashSet` and `OrderedSet` types. ## ## See also: ## * `fromJsonHook proc<#fromJsonHook,SomeSet[A],JsonNode>`_ runnableExamples: import sets, json let foo = (hs: ["hash"].toHashSet, os: ["ordered", "set"].toOrderedSet) assert $toJson(foo) == """{"hs":["hash"],"os":["ordered","set"]}""" result = newJArray() for k in s: add(result, toJson(k)) proc fromJsonHook*[T](self: var Option[T], jsonNode: JsonNode) = ## Enables `fromJson` for `Option` types. ## ## See also: ## * `toJsonHook proc<#toJsonHook,Option[T]>`_ runnableExamples: import options, json var opt: Option[string] fromJsonHook(opt, parseJson("\"test\"")) assert get(opt) == "test" fromJson(opt, parseJson("null")) assert isNone(opt) if jsonNode.kind != JNull: self = some(jsonTo(jsonNode, T)) else: self = none[T]() proc toJsonHook*[T](self: Option[T]): JsonNode = ## Enables `toJson` for `Option` types. ## ## See also: ## * `fromJsonHook proc<#fromJsonHook,Option[T],JsonNode>`_ runnableExamples: import options, json let optSome = some("test") assert $toJson(optSome) == "\"test\"" let optNone = none[string]() assert $toJson(optNone) == "null" if isSome(self): toJson(get(self)) else: newJNull() proc fromJsonHook*(a: var StringTableRef, b: JsonNode) = ## Enables `fromJson` for `StringTableRef` type. ## ## See also: ## * `toJsonHook` proc<#toJsonHook,StringTableRef>`_ runnableExamples: import strtabs, json var t = newStringTable(modeCaseSensitive) let jsonStr = """{"mode": 0, "table": {"name": "John", "surname": "Doe"}}""" fromJsonHook(t, parseJson(jsonStr)) assert t[] == newStringTable("name", "John", "surname", "Doe", modeCaseSensitive)[] var mode = jsonTo(b["mode"], StringTableMode) a = newStringTable(mode) let b2 = b["table"] for k,v in b2: a[k] = jsonTo(v, string) proc toJsonHook*(a: StringTableRef): JsonNode = ## Enables `toJson` for `StringTableRef` type. ## ## See also: ## * `fromJsonHook` proc<#fromJsonHook,StringTableRef,JsonNode>`_ runnableExamples: import strtabs, json let t = newStringTable("name", "John", "surname", "Doe", modeCaseSensitive) let jsonStr = """{"mode": "modeCaseSensitive", "table": {"name": "John", "surname": "Doe"}}""" assert toJson(t) == parseJson(jsonStr) result = newJObject() result["mode"] = toJson($a.mode) let t = newJObject() for k,v in a: t[k] = toJson(v) result["table"] = t