# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2021 Nim Contributors # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## This module provides some high performance string operations. ## ## Experimental API, subject to change. const whitespaces = {' ', '\t', '\v', '\r', '\l', '\f'} proc add*(x: var string, y: openArray[char]) = ## Concatenates `x` and `y` in place. `y` must not overlap with `x` to ## allow future `memcpy` optimizations. # Use `{.noalias.}` ? let n = x.len x.setLen n + y.len # pending https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/14655#issuecomment-643671397 # use x.setLen(n + y.len, isInit = false) var i = 0 while i < y.len: x[n + i] = y[i] i.inc # xxx use `nimCopyMem(x[n].addr, y[0].addr, y.len)` after some refactoring func stripSlice(s: openArray[char], leading = true, trailing = true, chars: set[char] = whitespaces): Slice[int] = ## Returns the slice range of `s` which is stripped `chars`. runnableExamples: assert stripSlice(" abc ") == 1 .. 3 var first = 0 last = high(s) if leading: while first <= last and s[first] in chars: inc(first) if trailing: while last >= first and s[last] in chars: dec(last) result = first .. last func setSlice*(s: var string, slice: Slice[int]) = ## Inplace version of `substr`. runnableExamples: import std/sugar var a = "Hello, Nim!" doassert a.dup(setSlice(7 .. 9)) == "Nim" doAssert a.dup(setSlice(0 .. 0)) == "H" doAssert a.dup(setSlice(0 .. 1)) == "He" doAssert a.dup(setSlice(0 .. 10)) == a doAssert a.dup(setSlice(1 .. 0)).len == 0 doAssert a.dup(setSlice(20 .. -1)).len == 0 doAssertRaises(AssertionDefect): discard a.dup(setSlice(-1 .. 1)) doAssertRaises(AssertionDefect): discard a.dup(setSlice(1 .. 11)) let first = slice.a let last = slice.b assert first >= 0 assert last <= s.high if first > last: s.setLen(0) return template impl = for index in first .. last: s[index - first] = s[index] if first > 0: when nimvm: impl() else: # not JS and not Nimscript when not declared(moveMem): impl() else: when defined(nimSeqsV2): prepareMutation(s) moveMem(addr s[0], addr s[first], last - first + 1) s.setLen(last - first + 1) func strip*(a: var string, leading = true, trailing = true, chars: set[char] = whitespaces) {.inline.} = ## Inplace version of `strip`. Strips leading or ## trailing `chars` (default: whitespace characters). ## ## If `leading` is true (default), leading `chars` are stripped. ## If `trailing` is true (default), trailing `chars` are stripped. ## If both are false, the string is unchanged. runnableExamples: var a = " vhellov " strip(a) assert a == "vhellov" a = " vhellov " a.strip(leading = false) assert a == " vhellov" a = " vhellov " a.strip(trailing = false) assert a == "vhellov " var c = "blaXbla" c.strip(chars = {'b', 'a'}) assert c == "laXbl" c = "blaXbla" c.strip(chars = {'b', 'a', 'l'}) assert c == "X" setSlice(a, stripSlice(a, leading, trailing, chars))