# # # Nim's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2019 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # #[ In this new runtime we simplify the object layouts a bit: The runtime type information is only accessed for the objects that have it and it's always at offset 0 then. The ``ref`` object header is independent from the runtime type and only contains a reference count. Object subtyping is checked via the generated 'name'. This should have comparable overhead to the old pointer chasing approach but has the benefit that it works across DLL boundaries. The generated name is a concatenation of the object names in the hierarchy so that a subtype check becomes a substring check. For example:: type ObjectA = object of RootObj ObjectB = object of ObjectA ObjectA's ``name`` is "|ObjectA|RootObj|". ObjectB's ``name`` is "|ObjectB|ObjectA|RootObj|". Now to check for ``x of ObjectB`` we need to check for ``x.typ.name.hasSubstring("|ObjectB|")``. In the actual implementation, however, we could also use a hash of ``package & "." & module & "." & name`` to save space. ]# when defined(gcOrc): const rcIncrement = 0b10000 # so that lowest 4 bits are not touched rcMask = 0b1111 rcShift = 4 # shift by rcShift to get the reference counter else: const rcIncrement = 0b1000 # so that lowest 3 bits are not touched rcMask = 0b111 rcShift = 3 # shift by rcShift to get the reference counter type RefHeader = object rc: int # the object header is now a single RC field. # we could remove it in non-debug builds for the 'owned ref' # design but this seems unwise. when defined(gcOrc): rootIdx: int # thanks to this we can delete potential cycle roots # in O(1) without doubly linked lists when defined(nimArcDebug) or defined(nimArcIds): refId: int Cell = ptr RefHeader template head(p: pointer): Cell = cast[Cell](cast[int](p) -% sizeof(RefHeader)) const traceCollector = defined(traceArc) when defined(nimArcDebug): include cellsets const traceId = 20 # 1037 var gRefId: int var freedCells: CellSet elif defined(nimArcIds): var gRefId: int proc nimNewObj(size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} = let s = size + sizeof(RefHeader) when defined(nimscript): discard elif defined(useMalloc): var orig = c_malloc(cuint s) nimZeroMem(orig, s) result = orig +! sizeof(RefHeader) elif compileOption("threads"): result = allocShared0(s) +! sizeof(RefHeader) else: result = alloc0(s) +! sizeof(RefHeader) when defined(nimArcDebug) or defined(nimArcIds): head(result).refId = gRefId atomicInc gRefId if head(result).refId == traceId: writeStackTrace() cfprintf(cstderr, "[nimNewObj] %p %ld\n", result, head(result).rc shr rcShift) when traceCollector: cprintf("[Allocated] %p result: %p\n", result -! sizeof(RefHeader), result) proc nimNewObjUninit(size: int): pointer {.compilerRtl.} = # Same as 'newNewObj' but do not initialize the memory to zero. # The codegen proved for us that this is not necessary. let s = size + sizeof(RefHeader) when defined(nimscript): discard elif defined(useMalloc): var orig = cast[ptr RefHeader](c_malloc(cuint s)) elif compileOption("threads"): var orig = cast[ptr RefHeader](allocShared(s)) else: var orig = cast[ptr RefHeader](alloc(s)) orig.rc = 0 when defined(gcOrc): orig.rootIdx = 0 result = orig +! sizeof(RefHeader) when defined(nimArcDebug): head(result).refId = gRefId atomicInc gRefId if head(result).refId == traceId: writeStackTrace() cfprintf(cstderr, "[nimNewObjUninit] %p %ld\n", result, head(result).rc shr rcShift) when traceCollector: cprintf("[Allocated] %p result: %p\n", result -! sizeof(RefHeader), result) proc nimDecWeakRef(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl, inl.} = dec head(p).rc, rcIncrement proc nimIncRef(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl, inl.} = when defined(nimArcDebug): if head(p).refId == traceId: writeStackTrace() cfprintf(cstderr, "[IncRef] %p %ld\n", p, head(p).rc shr rcShift) inc head(p).rc, rcIncrement when traceCollector: cprintf("[INCREF] %p\n", head(p)) proc unsureAsgnRef(dest: ptr pointer, src: pointer) {.inline.} = # This is only used by the old RTTI mechanism and we know # that 'dest[]' is nil and needs no destruction. Which is really handy # as we cannot destroy the object reliably if it's an object of unknown # compile-time type. dest[] = src if src != nil: nimIncRef src when not defined(nimscript) and defined(nimArcDebug): proc deallocatedRefId*(p: pointer): int = ## Returns the ref's ID if the ref was already deallocated. This ## is a memory corruption check. Returns 0 if there is no error. let c = head(p) if freedCells.data != nil and freedCells.contains(c): result = c.refId else: result = 0 proc nimRawDispose(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl.} = when not defined(nimscript): when traceCollector: cprintf("[Freed] %p\n", p -! sizeof(RefHeader)) when defined(nimOwnedEnabled): if head(p).rc >= rcIncrement: cstderr.rawWrite "[FATAL] dangling references exist\n" quit 1 when defined(nimArcDebug): # we do NOT really free the memory here in order to reliably detect use-after-frees if freedCells.data == nil: init(freedCells) freedCells.incl head(p) elif defined(useMalloc): c_free(p -! sizeof(RefHeader)) elif compileOption("threads"): deallocShared(p -! sizeof(RefHeader)) else: dealloc(p -! sizeof(RefHeader)) template dispose*[T](x: owned(ref T)) = nimRawDispose(cast[pointer](x)) #proc dispose*(x: pointer) = nimRawDispose(x) proc nimDestroyAndDispose(p: pointer) {.compilerRtl, raises: [].} = let d = cast[ptr PNimTypeV2](p)[].destructor if d != nil: cast[DestructorProc](d)(p) when false: cstderr.rawWrite cast[ptr PNimTypeV2](p)[].name cstderr.rawWrite "\n" if d == nil: cstderr.rawWrite "bah, nil\n" else: cstderr.rawWrite "has destructor!\n" nimRawDispose(p) when defined(gcOrc): when defined(nimThinout): include cyclebreaker else: include orc #include cyclecollector proc nimDecRefIsLast(p: pointer): bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} = if p != nil: var cell = head(p) when defined(nimArcDebug): if cell.refId == traceId: writeStackTrace() cfprintf(cstderr, "[DecRef] %p %ld\n", p, cell.rc shr rcShift) if (cell.rc and not rcMask) == 0: result = true when traceCollector: cprintf("[ABOUT TO DESTROY] %p\n", cell) else: dec cell.rc, rcIncrement # According to Lins it's correct to do nothing else here. when traceCollector: cprintf("[DeCREF] %p\n", cell) proc GC_unref*[T](x: ref T) = ## New runtime only supports this operation for 'ref T'. if nimDecRefIsLast(cast[pointer](x)): # XXX this does NOT work for virtual destructors! `=destroy`(x[]) nimRawDispose(cast[pointer](x)) proc GC_ref*[T](x: ref T) = ## New runtime only supports this operation for 'ref T'. if x != nil: nimIncRef(cast[pointer](x)) when not defined(gcOrc): template GC_fullCollect* = ## Forces a full garbage collection pass. With ``--gc:arc`` a nop. discard template setupForeignThreadGc* = ## With ``--gc:arc`` a nop. discard template tearDownForeignThreadGc* = ## With ``--gc:arc`` a nop. discard proc isObj(obj: PNimTypeV2, subclass: cstring): bool {.compilerRtl, inl.} = proc strstr(s, sub: cstring): cstring {.header: "", importc.} result = strstr(obj.name, subclass) != nil proc chckObj(obj: PNimTypeV2, subclass: cstring) {.compilerRtl.} = # checks if obj is of type subclass: if not isObj(obj, subclass): sysFatal(ObjectConversionDefect, "invalid object conversion")