# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## not really an AVL tree anymore, but still balanced ... template IsBottom(n: PAvlNode): bool = n == bottom proc lowGauge(n: PAvlNode): int = var it = n while not IsBottom(it): result = it.key it = it.link[0] proc highGauge(n: PAvlNode): int = result = -1 var it = n while not IsBottom(it): result = it.upperBound it = it.link[1] proc find(root: PAvlNode, key: int): PAvlNode = var it = root while not IsBottom(it): if it.key == key: return it it = it.link[ord(it.key <% key)] proc inRange(root: PAvlNode, key: int): PAvlNode = var it = root while not IsBottom(it): if it.key <=% key and key <% it.upperBound: return it it = it.link[ord(it.key <% key)] proc skew(t: var PAvlNode) = if t.link[0].level == t.level: var temp = t t = t.link[0] temp.link[0] = t.link[1] t.link[1] = temp proc split(t: var PAvlNode) = if t.link[1].link[1].level == t.level: var temp = t t = t.link[1] temp.link[1] = t.link[0] t.link[0] = temp inc t.level proc add(a: var TMemRegion, t: var PAvlNode, key, upperBound: int) = if t == bottom: t = allocAvlNode(a, key, upperBound) else: if key <% t.key: add(a, t.link[0], key, upperBound) elif key >% t.key: add(a, t.link[1], key, upperBound) else: sysAssert false, "key already exists" skew(t) split(t) proc del(a: var TMemRegion, t: var PAvlNode, x: int) = if t == bottom: return a.last = t if x <% t.key: del(a, t.link[0], x) else: a.deleted = t del(a, t.link[1], x) if t == a.last and a.deleted != bottom and x == a.deleted.key: a.deleted.key = t.key a.deleted.upperBound = t.upperBound a.deleted = bottom t = t.link[1] deallocAvlNode(a, a.last) elif t.link[0].level < t.level-1 or t.link[1].level < t.level-1: dec t.level if t.link[1].level > t.level: t.link[1].level = t.level skew(t) skew(t.link[1]) skew(t.link[1].link[1]) split(t) split(t.link[1])