# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # ## Channel support for threads. **Note**: This is part of the system module. ## Do not import it directly. To activate thread support you need to compile ## with the ``--threads:on`` command line switch. ## ## **Note:** The current implementation of message passing is slow and does ## not work with cyclic data structures. type pbytes = ptr array[0.. 0xffff, byte] TRawChannel {.pure, final.} = object ## msg queue for a thread rd, wr, count, mask: int data: pbytes lock: TSysLock cond: TSysCond elemType: PNimType ready: bool region: TMemRegion PRawChannel = ptr TRawChannel TLoadStoreMode = enum mStore, mLoad TChannel*[TMsg] = TRawChannel ## a channel for thread communication const ChannelDeadMask = -2 proc initRawChannel(p: pointer) = var c = cast[PRawChannel](p) initSysLock(c.lock) initSysCond(c.cond) c.mask = -1 proc deinitRawChannel(p: pointer) = var c = cast[PRawChannel](p) # we need to grab the lock to be safe against sending threads! acquireSys(c.lock) c.mask = ChannelDeadMask deallocOsPages(c.region) deinitSys(c.lock) deinitSysCond(c.cond) proc storeAux(dest, src: Pointer, mt: PNimType, t: PRawChannel, mode: TLoadStoreMode) proc storeAux(dest, src: Pointer, n: ptr TNimNode, t: PRawChannel, mode: TLoadStoreMode) = var d = cast[TAddress](dest) s = cast[TAddress](src) case n.kind of nkSlot: storeAux(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), cast[pointer](s +% n.offset), n.typ, t, mode) of nkList: for i in 0..n.len-1: storeAux(dest, src, n.sons[i], t, mode) of nkCase: copyMem(cast[pointer](d +% n.offset), cast[pointer](s +% n.offset), n.typ.size) var m = selectBranch(src, n) if m != nil: storeAux(dest, src, m, t, mode) of nkNone: sysAssert(false, "storeAux") proc storeAux(dest, src: Pointer, mt: PNimType, t: PRawChannel, mode: TLoadStoreMode) = var d = cast[TAddress](dest) s = cast[TAddress](src) sysAssert(mt != nil, "mt == nil") case mt.Kind of tyString: if mode == mStore: var x = cast[ppointer](dest) var s2 = cast[ppointer](s)[] if s2 == nil: x[] = nil else: var ss = cast[NimString](s2) var ns = cast[NimString](Alloc(t.region, ss.len+1 + GenericSeqSize)) copyMem(ns, ss, ss.len+1 + GenericSeqSize) x[] = ns else: var x = cast[ppointer](dest) var s2 = cast[ppointer](s)[] if s2 == nil: unsureAsgnRef(x, s2) else: unsureAsgnRef(x, copyString(cast[NimString](s2))) Dealloc(t.region, s2) of tySequence: var s2 = cast[ppointer](src)[] var seq = cast[PGenericSeq](s2) var x = cast[ppointer](dest) if s2 == nil: if mode == mStore: x[] = nil else: unsureAsgnRef(x, nil) else: sysAssert(dest != nil, "dest == nil") if mode == mStore: x[] = Alloc(t.region, seq.len *% mt.base.size +% GenericSeqSize) else: unsureAsgnRef(x, newObj(mt, seq.len * mt.base.size + GenericSeqSize)) var dst = cast[taddress](cast[ppointer](dest)[]) for i in 0..seq.len-1: storeAux( cast[pointer](dst +% i*% mt.base.size +% GenericSeqSize), cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](s2) +% i *% mt.base.size +% GenericSeqSize), mt.Base, t, mode) var dstseq = cast[PGenericSeq](dst) dstseq.len = seq.len dstseq.space = seq.len if mode != mStore: Dealloc(t.region, s2) of tyObject: # copy type field: var pint = cast[ptr PNimType](dest) # XXX use dynamic type here! pint[] = mt storeAux(dest, src, mt.node, t, mode) of tyTuple: storeAux(dest, src, mt.node, t, mode) of tyArray, tyArrayConstr: for i in 0..(mt.size div mt.base.size)-1: storeAux(cast[pointer](d +% i*% mt.base.size), cast[pointer](s +% i*% mt.base.size), mt.base, t, mode) of tyRef: var s = cast[ppointer](src)[] var x = cast[ppointer](dest) if s == nil: if mode == mStore: x[] = nil else: unsureAsgnRef(x, nil) else: if mode == mStore: x[] = Alloc(t.region, mt.base.size) else: # XXX we should use the dynamic type here too, but that is not stored # in the inbox at all --> use source[]'s object type? but how? we need # a tyRef to the object! var obj = newObj(mt.base, mt.base.size) unsureAsgnRef(x, obj) storeAux(x[], s, mt.base, t, mode) if mode != mStore: Dealloc(t.region, s) else: copyMem(dest, src, mt.size) # copy raw bits proc rawSend(q: PRawChannel, data: pointer, typ: PNimType) = ## adds an `item` to the end of the queue `q`. var cap = q.mask+1 if q.count >= cap: # start with capacity for 2 entries in the queue: if cap == 0: cap = 1 var n = cast[pbytes](Alloc0(q.region, cap*2*typ.size)) var z = 0 var i = q.rd var c = q.count while c > 0: dec c copyMem(addr(n[z*typ.size]), addr(q.data[i*typ.size]), typ.size) i = (i + 1) and q.mask inc z if q.data != nil: Dealloc(q.region, q.data) q.data = n q.mask = cap*2 - 1 q.wr = q.count q.rd = 0 storeAux(addr(q.data[q.wr * typ.size]), data, typ, q, mStore) inc q.count q.wr = (q.wr + 1) and q.mask proc rawRecv(q: PRawChannel, data: pointer, typ: PNimType) = sysAssert q.count > 0, "rawRecv" dec q.count storeAux(data, addr(q.data[q.rd * typ.size]), typ, q, mLoad) q.rd = (q.rd + 1) and q.mask template lockChannel(q: expr, action: stmt) = acquireSys(q.lock) action releaseSys(q.lock) template sendImpl(q: expr) = if q.mask == ChannelDeadMask: raise newException(EDeadThread, "cannot send message; thread died") acquireSys(q.lock) var m: TMsg shallowCopy(m, msg) var typ = cast[PNimType](getTypeInfo(msg)) rawSend(q, addr(m), typ) q.elemType = typ releaseSys(q.lock) SignalSysCond(q.cond) proc send*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg], msg: TMsg) = ## sends a message to a thread. `msg` is deeply copied. var q = cast[PRawChannel](addr(c)) sendImpl(q) proc llRecv(q: PRawChannel, res: pointer, typ: PNimType) = # to save space, the generic is as small as possible acquireSys(q.lock) q.ready = true while q.count <= 0: WaitSysCond(q.cond, q.lock) q.ready = false if typ != q.elemType: releaseSys(q.lock) raise newException(EInvalidValue, "cannot receive message of wrong type") rawRecv(q, res, typ) releaseSys(q.lock) proc recv*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): TMsg = ## receives a message from the channel `c`. This blocks until ## a message has arrived! You may use ``peek`` to avoid the blocking. var q = cast[PRawChannel](addr(c)) llRecv(q, addr(result), cast[PNimType](getTypeInfo(result))) proc peek*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): int = ## returns the current number of messages in the channel `c`. Returns -1 ## if the channel has been closed. var q = cast[PRawChannel](addr(c)) if q.mask != ChannelDeadMask: lockChannel(q): result = q.count else: result = -1 proc open*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]) = ## opens a channel `c` for inter thread communication. initRawChannel(addr(c)) proc close*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]) = ## closes a channel `c` and frees its associated resources. deinitRawChannel(addr(c)) proc ready*[TMsg](c: var TChannel[TMsg]): bool = ## returns true iff some thread is waiting on the channel `c` for ## new messages. var q = cast[PRawChannel](addr(c)) result = q.ready