# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # Exception handling code. Carefully coded so that tiny programs which do not # use the heap (and nor exceptions) do not include the GC or memory allocator. var stackTraceNewLine*: string ## undocumented feature; it is replaced by ``
`` ## for CGI applications template stackTraceNL: expr = (if IsNil(stackTraceNewLine): "\n" else: stackTraceNewLine) when not defined(windows) or not defined(guiapp): proc writeToStdErr(msg: CString) = write(stdout, msg) else: proc MessageBoxA(hWnd: cint, lpText, lpCaption: cstring, uType: int): int32 {. header: "", nodecl.} proc writeToStdErr(msg: CString) = discard MessageBoxA(0, msg, nil, 0) proc registerSignalHandler() {.compilerproc.} proc chckIndx(i, a, b: int): int {.inline, compilerproc.} proc chckRange(i, a, b: int): int {.inline, compilerproc.} proc chckRangeF(x, a, b: float): float {.inline, compilerproc.} proc chckNil(p: pointer) {.inline, compilerproc.} var framePtr {.rtlThreadVar.}: PFrame excHandler {.rtlThreadVar.}: PSafePoint # list of exception handlers # a global variable for the root of all try blocks currException {.rtlThreadVar.}: ref E_Base proc pushFrame(s: PFrame) {.compilerRtl, inl.} = s.prev = framePtr framePtr = s proc popFrame {.compilerRtl, inl.} = framePtr = framePtr.prev proc setFrame(s: PFrame) {.compilerRtl, inl.} = framePtr = s proc pushSafePoint(s: PSafePoint) {.compilerRtl, inl.} = s.prev = excHandler excHandler = s proc popSafePoint {.compilerRtl, inl.} = excHandler = excHandler.prev proc pushCurrentException(e: ref E_Base) {.compilerRtl, inl.} = e.parent = currException currException = e proc popCurrentException {.compilerRtl, inl.} = currException = currException.parent # some platforms have native support for stack traces: const nativeStackTraceSupported = (defined(macosx) or defined(linux)) and not nimrodStackTrace hasSomeStackTrace = nimrodStackTrace or defined(nativeStackTrace) and nativeStackTraceSupported when defined(nativeStacktrace) and nativeStackTraceSupported: type TDl_info {.importc: "Dl_info", header: "", final, pure.} = object dli_fname: CString dli_fbase: pointer dli_sname: CString dli_saddr: pointer proc backtrace(symbols: ptr pointer, size: int): int {. importc: "backtrace", header: "".} proc dladdr(addr1: pointer, info: ptr TDl_info): int {. importc: "dladdr", header: "".} when not hasThreadSupport: var tempAddresses: array [0..127, pointer] # should not be alloc'd on stack tempDlInfo: TDl_info proc auxWriteStackTraceWithBacktrace(s: var string) = when hasThreadSupport: var tempAddresses: array [0..127, pointer] # but better than a threadvar tempDlInfo: TDl_info # This is allowed to be expensive since it only happens during crashes # (but this way you don't need manual stack tracing) var size = backtrace(cast[ptr pointer](addr(tempAddresses)), len(tempAddresses)) var enabled = false for i in 0..size-1: var dlresult = dladdr(tempAddresses[i], addr(tempDlInfo)) if enabled: if dlresult != 0: var oldLen = s.len add(s, tempDlInfo.dli_fname) if tempDlInfo.dli_sname != nil: for k in 1..max(1, 25-(s.len-oldLen)): add(s, ' ') add(s, tempDlInfo.dli_sname) else: add(s, '?') add(s, stackTraceNL) else: if dlresult != 0 and tempDlInfo.dli_sname != nil and c_strcmp(tempDlInfo.dli_sname, "signalHandler") == 0'i32: # Once we're past signalHandler, we're at what the user is # interested in enabled = true when not hasThreadSupport: var tempFrames: array [0..127, PFrame] # should not be alloc'd on stack proc auxWriteStackTrace(f: PFrame, s: var string) = when hasThreadSupport: var tempFrames: array [0..127, PFrame] # but better than a threadvar const firstCalls = 32 var it = f i = 0 total = 0 while it != nil and i <= high(tempFrames)-(firstCalls-1): # the (-1) is for a nil entry that marks where the '...' should occur tempFrames[i] = it inc(i) inc(total) it = it.prev var b = it while it != nil: inc(total) it = it.prev for j in 1..total-i-(firstCalls-1): if b != nil: b = b.prev if total != i: tempFrames[i] = nil inc(i) while b != nil and i <= high(tempFrames): tempFrames[i] = b inc(i) b = b.prev for j in countdown(i-1, 0): if tempFrames[j] == nil: add(s, "(") add(s, $(total-i-1)) add(s, " calls omitted) ...") else: var oldLen = s.len add(s, tempFrames[j].filename) if tempFrames[j].line > 0: add(s, '(') add(s, $tempFrames[j].line) add(s, ')') for k in 1..max(1, 25-(s.len-oldLen)): add(s, ' ') add(s, tempFrames[j].procname) add(s, stackTraceNL) when hasSomeStackTrace: proc rawWriteStackTrace(s: var string) = when nimrodStackTrace: if framePtr == nil: add(s, "No stack traceback available") add(s, stackTraceNL) else: add(s, "Traceback (most recent call last)") add(s, stackTraceNL) auxWriteStackTrace(framePtr, s) elif defined(nativeStackTrace) and nativeStackTraceSupported: add(s, "Traceback from system (most recent call last)") add(s, stackTraceNL) auxWriteStackTraceWithBacktrace(s) else: add(s, "No stack traceback available\n") proc quitOrDebug() {.inline.} = when not defined(endb): quit(1) else: endbStep() # call the debugger proc raiseException(e: ref E_Base, ename: CString) {.compilerRtl.} = e.name = ename if raiseHook != nil: if not raiseHook(e): return if excHandler != nil: pushCurrentException(e) c_longjmp(excHandler.context, 1) elif e[] of EOutOfMemory: writeToStdErr(ename) quitOrDebug() else: when hasSomeStackTrace: var buf = newStringOfCap(2000) rawWriteStackTrace(buf) add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception: ") if not isNil(e.msg): add(buf, e.msg) add(buf, " [") add(buf, $ename) add(buf, "]\n") writeToStdErr(buf) else: # ugly, but avoids heap allocations :-) template xadd(buf, s, slen: expr) = if L + slen < high(buf): copyMem(addr(buf[L]), cstring(s), slen) inc L, slen template add(buf, s: expr) = xadd(buf, s, s.len) var buf: array [0..2000, char] var L = 0 add(buf, "Error: unhandled exception: ") if not isNil(e.msg): add(buf, e.msg) add(buf, " [") xadd(buf, ename, c_strlen(ename)) add(buf, "]\n") writeToStdErr(buf) quitOrDebug() proc reraiseException() {.compilerRtl.} = if currException == nil: raise newException(ENoExceptionToReraise, "no exception to reraise") else: raiseException(currException, currException.name) proc internalAssert(file: cstring, line: int, cond: bool) {.compilerproc.} = if not cond: var gAssertionFailed: ref EAssertionFailed new(gAssertionFailed) gAssertionFailed.msg = newStringOfCap(200) add(gAssertionFailed.msg, "[Assertion failure] file: ") add(gAssertionFailed.msg, file) add(gAssertionFailed.msg, " line: ") add(gAssertionFailed.msg, $line) add(gAssertionFailed.msg, "\n") raise gAssertionFailed proc WriteStackTrace() = when hasSomeStackTrace: var s = "" rawWriteStackTrace(s) writeToStdErr(s) else: writeToStdErr("No stack traceback available\n") when defined(endb): var dbgAborting: bool # whether the debugger wants to abort proc signalHandler(sig: cint) {.exportc: "signalHandler", noconv.} = template processSignal(s, action: expr) = if s == SIGINT: action("SIGINT: Interrupted by Ctrl-C.\n") elif s == SIGSEGV: action("SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)\n") elif s == SIGABRT: when defined(endb): if dbgAborting: return # the debugger wants to abort action("SIGABRT: Abnormal termination.\n") elif s == SIGFPE: action("SIGFPE: Arithmetic error.\n") elif s == SIGILL: action("SIGILL: Illegal operation.\n") elif s == SIGBUS: action("SIGBUS: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)\n") else: action("unknown signal\n") # print stack trace and quit when hasSomeStackTrace: GC_disable() var buf = newStringOfCap(2000) rawWriteStackTrace(buf) processSignal(sig, buf.add) # nice hu? currying a la nimrod :-) writeToStdErr(buf) GC_enable() else: var msg: cstring template asgn(y: expr) = msg = y processSignal(sig, asgn) writeToStdErr(msg) when defined(endb): dbgAborting = True quit(1) # always quit when SIGABRT proc registerSignalHandler() = c_signal(SIGINT, signalHandler) c_signal(SIGSEGV, signalHandler) c_signal(SIGABRT, signalHandler) c_signal(SIGFPE, signalHandler) c_signal(SIGILL, signalHandler) c_signal(SIGBUS, signalHandler) when not defined(noSignalHandler): registerSignalHandler() # call it in initialization section proc raiseRangeError(val: biggestInt) {.compilerproc, noreturn, noinline.} = raise newException(EOutOfRange, "value " & $val & " out of range") proc raiseIndexError() {.compilerproc, noreturn, noinline.} = raise newException(EInvalidIndex, "index out of bounds") proc raiseFieldError(f: string) {.compilerproc, noreturn, noinline.} = raise newException(EInvalidField, f & " is not accessible") proc chckIndx(i, a, b: int): int = if i >= a and i <= b: return i else: raiseIndexError() proc chckRange(i, a, b: int): int = if i >= a and i <= b: return i else: raiseRangeError(i) proc chckRange64(i, a, b: int64): int64 {.compilerproc.} = if i >= a and i <= b: return i else: raiseRangeError(i) proc chckRangeF(x, a, b: float): float = if x >= a and x <= b: return x else: raise newException(EOutOfRange, "value " & $x & " out of range") proc chckNil(p: pointer) = if p == nil: c_raise(SIGSEGV) proc chckObj(obj, subclass: PNimType) {.compilerproc.} = # checks if obj is of type subclass: var x = obj if x == subclass: return # optimized fast path while x != subclass: if x == nil: raise newException(EInvalidObjectConversion, "invalid object conversion") x = x.base proc chckObjAsgn(a, b: PNimType) {.compilerproc, inline.} = if a != b: raise newException(EInvalidObjectAssignment, "invalid object assignment") proc isObj(obj, subclass: PNimType): bool {.compilerproc.} = # checks if obj is of type subclass: var x = obj if x == subclass: return true # optimized fast path while x != subclass: if x == nil: return false x = x.base return true