# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2011 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # # string & sequence handling procedures needed by the code generator # strings are dynamically resized, have a length field # and are zero-terminated, so they can be casted to C # strings easily # we don't use refcounts because that's a behaviour # the programmer may not want proc resize(old: int): int {.inline.} = if old <= 0: result = 4 elif old < 65536: result = old * 2 else: result = old * 3 div 2 # for large arrays * 3/2 is better proc cmpStrings(a, b: NimString): int {.inline, compilerProc.} = if a == b: return 0 if a == nil: return -1 if b == nil: return 1 return c_strcmp(a.data, b.data) proc eqStrings(a, b: NimString): bool {.inline, compilerProc.} = if a == b: return true if a == nil or b == nil: return false return a.len == b.len and c_memcmp(a.data, b.data, a.len * sizeof(char)) == 0'i32 proc rawNewString(space: int): NimString {.compilerProc.} = var s = space if s < 8: s = 7 result = cast[NimString](newObj(addr(strDesc), sizeof(TGenericSeq) + (s+1) * sizeof(char))) result.space = s proc mnewString(len: int): NimString {.compilerProc.} = result = rawNewString(len) result.len = len proc copyStrLast(s: NimString, start, last: int): NimString {.compilerProc.} = var start = max(start, 0) var len = min(last, s.len-1) - start + 1 if len > 0: result = rawNewString(len) result.len = len c_memcpy(result.data, addr(s.data[start]), len * sizeof(Char)) result.data[len] = '\0' else: result = rawNewString(len) proc copyStr(s: NimString, start: int): NimString {.compilerProc.} = result = copyStrLast(s, start, s.len-1) proc toNimStr(str: CString, len: int): NimString {.compilerProc.} = result = rawNewString(len) result.len = len c_memcpy(result.data, str, (len+1) * sizeof(Char)) result.data[len] = '\0' # readline relies on this! proc cstrToNimstr(str: CString): NimString {.compilerProc.} = result = toNimstr(str, c_strlen(str)) proc copyString(src: NimString): NimString {.compilerProc.} = if src != nil: result = rawNewString(src.space) result.len = src.len c_memcpy(result.data, src.data, (src.len + 1) * sizeof(Char)) proc copyStringRC1(src: NimString): NimString {.compilerProc.} = if src != nil: var s = src.space if s < 8: s = 7 when defined(newObjRC1): result = cast[NimString](newObjRC1(addr(strDesc), sizeof(TGenericSeq) + (s+1) * sizeof(char))) else: result = cast[NimString](newObj(addr(strDesc), sizeof(TGenericSeq) + (s+1) * sizeof(char))) result.space = s result.len = src.len c_memcpy(result.data, src.data, (src.len + 1) * sizeof(Char)) proc hashString(s: string): int {.compilerproc.} = # the compiler needs exactly the same hash function! # this used to be used for efficient generation of string case statements var h = 0 for i in 0..Len(s)-1: h = h +% Ord(s[i]) h = h +% h shl 10 h = h xor (h shr 6) h = h +% h shl 3 h = h xor (h shr 11) h = h +% h shl 15 result = h proc addChar(s: NimString, c: char): NimString = # is compilerproc! result = s if result.len >= result.space: result.space = resize(result.space) result = cast[NimString](growObj(result, sizeof(TGenericSeq) + (result.space+1) * sizeof(char))) #var space = resize(result.space) #result = rawNewString(space) #copyMem(result, s, s.len * sizeof(char) + sizeof(TGenericSeq)) #result.space = space result.data[result.len] = c result.data[result.len+1] = '\0' inc(result.len) # These routines should be used like following: # # s &= "Hello " & name & ", how do you feel?" # # # { # s = resizeString(s, 6 + name->len + 17); # appendString(s, strLit1); # appendString(s, strLit2); # appendString(s, strLit3); # } # # # s = "Hello " & name & ", how do you feel?" # # # { # string tmp0; # tmp0 = rawNewString(6 + name->len + 17); # appendString(s, strLit1); # appendString(s, strLit2); # appendString(s, strLit3); # s = tmp0; # } # # # s = "" # # # s = rawNewString(0); proc resizeString(dest: NimString, addlen: int): NimString {.compilerproc.} = if dest.len + addLen + 1 <= dest.space: result = dest else: # slow path: var sp = max(resize(dest.space), dest.len + addLen + 1) result = cast[NimString](growObj(dest, sizeof(TGenericSeq) + (sp+1) * sizeof(Char))) result.space = sp #result = rawNewString(sp) #copyMem(result, dest, dest.len * sizeof(char) + sizeof(TGenericSeq)) # DO NOT UPDATE LEN YET: dest.len = newLen proc appendString(dest, src: NimString) {.compilerproc, inline.} = c_memcpy(addr(dest.data[dest.len]), src.data, (src.len + 1) * sizeof(Char)) inc(dest.len, src.len) proc appendChar(dest: NimString, c: char) {.compilerproc, inline.} = dest.data[dest.len] = c dest.data[dest.len+1] = '\0' inc(dest.len) proc setLengthStr(s: NimString, newLen: int): NimString {.compilerProc.} = var n = max(newLen, 0) if n <= s.space: result = s else: result = resizeString(s, n) result.len = n result.data[n] = '\0' # ----------------- sequences ---------------------------------------------- proc incrSeq(seq: PGenericSeq, elemSize: int): PGenericSeq {.compilerProc.} = # increments the length by one: # this is needed for supporting ``add``; # # add(seq, x) generates: # seq = incrSeq(seq, sizeof(x)); # seq[seq->len-1] = x; when false: # broken version: result = seq if result.len >= result.space: var s = resize(result.space) result = cast[PGenericSeq](newSeq(extGetCellType(seq), s)) genericSeqAssign(result, seq, XXX) #copyMem(result, seq, seq.len * elemSize + GenericSeqSize) inc(result.len) else: result = seq if result.len >= result.space: result.space = resize(result.space) result = cast[PGenericSeq](growObj(result, elemSize * result.space + GenericSeqSize)) # set new elements to zero: #var s = cast[TAddress](result) #zeroMem(cast[pointer](s + GenericSeqSize + (result.len * elemSize)), # (result.space - result.len) * elemSize) # for i in len .. space-1: # seq->data[i] = 0 inc(result.len) proc setLengthSeq(seq: PGenericSeq, elemSize, newLen: int): PGenericSeq {. compilerRtl.} = when false: # broken version: result = seq if result.space < newLen: var s = max(resize(result.space), newLen) result = cast[PGenericSeq](newSeq(extGetCellType(seq), s)) result.len = newLen else: result = seq if result.space < newLen: result.space = max(resize(result.space), newLen) result = cast[PGenericSeq](growObj(result, elemSize * result.space + GenericSeqSize)) elif newLen < result.len: # we need to decref here, otherwise the GC leaks! when not defined(boehmGC) and not defined(nogc): for i in newLen..result.len-1: forAllChildrenAux(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](result) +% GenericSeqSize +% (i*%elemSize)), extGetCellType(result).base, waZctDecRef) # and set the memory to nil: zeroMem(cast[pointer](cast[TAddress](result) +% GenericSeqSize +% (newLen*%elemSize)), (result.len-%newLen) *% elemSize) result.len = newLen # --------------- other string routines ---------------------------------- proc nimIntToStr(x: int): string {.compilerRtl.} = result = newString(sizeof(x)*4) var i = 0 var y = x while True: var d = y div 10 result[i] = chr(abs(int(y - d*10)) + ord('0')) inc(i) y = d if y == 0: break if x < 0: result[i] = '-' inc(i) setLen(result, i) # mirror the string: for j in 0..i div 2 - 1: swap(result[j], result[i-j-1]) proc nimFloatToStr(x: float): string {.compilerproc.} = var buf: array [0..59, char] c_sprintf(buf, "%#.16e", x) return $buf proc nimInt64ToStr(x: int64): string {.compilerRtl.} = # we don't rely on C's runtime here as some C compiler's # int64 support is weak result = newString(sizeof(x)*4) var i = 0 var y = x while True: var d = y div 10 result[i] = chr(abs(int(y - d*10)) + ord('0')) inc(i) y = d if y == 0: break if x < 0: result[i] = '-' inc(i) setLen(result, i) # mirror the string: for j in 0..i div 2 - 1: swap(result[j], result[i-j-1]) proc nimBoolToStr(x: bool): string {.compilerproc.} = return if x: "true" else: "false" proc nimCharToStr(x: char): string {.compilerproc.} = result = newString(1) result[0] = x proc binaryStrSearch(x: openarray[string], y: string): int {.compilerproc.} = var a = 0 b = len(x) while a < b: var mid = (a + b) div 2 if x[mid] < y: a = mid + 1 else: b = mid if a < len(x) and x[a] == y: result = a else: result = -1