# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2006 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # {.deadCodeElim: on.} # leave out unused functions so the unit can be used on win2000 as well #+------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Microsoft Windows # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. # # File: shellapi.h # # Header translation by Marco van de Voort for Free Pascal Platform # SDK dl'ed January 2002 # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # shellapi.h - SHELL.DLL functions, types, and definitions # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. import Windows type HDROP* = THandle UINT_PTR* = ptr UINT DWORD_PTR* = ptr DWORD pHICON* = ptr HICON pBool* = ptr BOOL STARTUPINFOW* {.final.} = object # a guess. Omission should get fixed in Windows. cb*: DWORD lpReserved*: LPTSTR lpDesktop*: LPTSTR lpTitle*: LPTSTR dwX*: DWORD dwY*: DWORD dwXSize*: DWORD dwYSize*: DWORD dwXCountChars*: DWORD dwYCountChars*: DWORD dwFillAttribute*: DWORD dwFlags*: DWORD wShowWindow*: int16 cbReserved2*: int16 lpReserved2*: LPBYTE hStdInput*: HANDLE hStdOutput*: HANDLE hStdError*: HANDLE LPSTARTUPINFOW* = ptr STARTUPINFOW TSTARTUPINFOW* = STARTUPINFOW PSTARTUPINFOW* = ptr STARTUPINFOW #unicode proc DragQueryFileA*(arg1: HDROP, arg2: UINT, arg3: LPSTR, arg4: UINT): UINT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DragQueryFileA".} proc DragQueryFileW*(arg1: HDROP, arg2: UINT, arg3: LPWSTR, arg4: UINT): UINT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DragQueryFileW".} proc DragQueryFile*(arg1: HDROP, arg2: UINT, arg3: LPSTR, arg4: UINT): UINT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DragQueryFileA".} proc DragQueryFile*(arg1: HDROP, arg2: UINT, arg3: LPWSTR, arg4: UINT): UINT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DragQueryFileW".} proc DragQueryPoint*(arg1: HDROP, arg2: LPPOINT): BOOL{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DragQueryPoint".} proc DragFinish*(arg1: HDROP){.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DragFinish".} proc DragAcceptFiles*(hwnd: HWND, arg2: BOOL){.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DragAcceptFiles".} proc ShellExecuteA*(HWND: hwnd, lpOperation: LPCSTR, lpFile: LPCSTR, lpParameters: LPCSTR, lpDirectory: LPCSTR, nShowCmd: int32): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteA".} proc ShellExecuteW*(hwnd: HWND, lpOperation: LPCWSTR, lpFile: LPCWSTR, lpParameters: LPCWSTR, lpDirectory: LPCWSTR, nShowCmd: int32): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteW".} proc ShellExecute*(HWND: hwnd, lpOperation: LPCSTR, lpFile: LPCSTR, lpParameters: LPCSTR, lpDirectory: LPCSTR, nShowCmd: int32): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteA".} proc ShellExecute*(hwnd: HWND, lpOperation: LPCWSTR, lpFile: LPCWSTR, lpParameters: LPCWSTR, lpDirectory: LPCWSTR, nShowCmd: int32): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteW".} proc FindExecutableA*(lpFile: LPCSTR, lpDirectory: LPCSTR, lpResult: LPSTR): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "FindExecutableA".} proc FindExecutableW*(lpFile: LPCWSTR, lpDirectory: LPCWSTR, lpResult: LPWSTR): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "FindExecutableW".} proc FindExecutable*(lpFile: LPCSTR, lpDirectory: LPCSTR, lpResult: LPSTR): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "FindExecutableA".} proc FindExecutable*(lpFile: LPCWSTR, lpDirectory: LPCWSTR, lpResult: LPWSTR): HInst{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "FindExecutableW".} proc CommandLineToArgvW*(lpCmdLine: LPCWSTR, pNumArgs: ptr int32): pLPWSTR{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "CommandLineToArgvW".} proc ShellAboutA*(HWND: hWnd, szApp: LPCSTR, szOtherStuff: LPCSTR, HICON: hIcon): int32{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellAboutA".} proc ShellAboutW*(HWND: hWnd, szApp: LPCWSTR, szOtherStuff: LPCWSTR, HICON: hIcon): int32{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellAboutW".} proc ShellAbout*(HWND: hWnd, szApp: LPCSTR, szOtherStuff: LPCSTR, HICON: hIcon): int32{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellAboutA".} proc ShellAbout*(HWND: hWnd, szApp: LPCWSTR, szOtherStuff: LPCWSTR, HICON: hIcon): int32{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellAboutW".} proc DuplicateIcon*(inst: HINST, icon: HICON): HIcon{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DuplicateIcon".} proc ExtractAssociatedIconA*(hInst: HINST, lpIconPath: LPSTR, lpiIcon: LPWORD): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractAssociatedIconA".} proc ExtractAssociatedIconW*(hInst: HINST, lpIconPath: LPWSTR, lpiIcon: LPWORD): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractAssociatedIconW".} proc ExtractAssociatedIcon*(hInst: HINST, lpIconPath: LPSTR, lpiIcon: LPWORD): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractAssociatedIconA".} proc ExtractAssociatedIcon*(hInst: HINST, lpIconPath: LPWSTR, lpiIcon: LPWORD): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractAssociatedIconW".} proc ExtractIconA*(hInst: HINST, lpszExeFileName: LPCSTR, nIconIndex: UINT): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconA".} proc ExtractIconW*(hInst: HINST, lpszExeFileName: LPCWSTR, nIconIndex: UINT): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconW".} proc ExtractIcon*(hInst: HINST, lpszExeFileName: LPCSTR, nIconIndex: UINT): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconA".} proc ExtractIcon*(hInst: HINST, lpszExeFileName: LPCWSTR, nIconIndex: UINT): HICON{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconW".} # if(WINVER >= 0x0400) type # init with sizeof(DRAGINFO) DRAGINFOA* {.final.} = object uSize*: UINT pt*: POINT fNC*: BOOL lpFileList*: LPSTR grfKeyState*: DWORD TDRAGINFOA* = DRAGINFOA LPDRAGINFOA* = ptr DRAGINFOA # init with sizeof(DRAGINFO) DRAGINFOW* {.final.} = object uSize*: UINT pt*: POINT fNC*: BOOL lpFileList*: LPWSTR grfKeyState*: DWORD TDRAGINFOW* = DRAGINFOW LPDRAGINFOW* = ptr DRAGINFOW when defined(UNICODE): type DRAGINFO* = DRAGINFOW TDRAGINFO* = DRAGINFOW LPDRAGINFO* = LPDRAGINFOW else: type DRAGINFO* = DRAGINFOA TDRAGINFO* = DRAGINFOW LPDRAGINFO* = LPDRAGINFOA const ABM_NEW* = 0x00000000 ABM_REMOVE* = 0x00000001 ABM_QUERYPOS* = 0x00000002 ABM_SETPOS* = 0x00000003 ABM_GETSTATE* = 0x00000004 ABM_GETTASKBARPOS* = 0x00000005 ABM_ACTIVATE* = 0x00000006 # lParam == TRUE/FALSE means activate/deactivate ABM_GETAUTOHIDEBAR* = 0x00000007 ABM_SETAUTOHIDEBAR* = 0x00000008 # this can fail at any time. MUST check the result # lParam = TRUE/FALSE Set/Unset # uEdge = what edge ABM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED* = 0x00000009 ABM_SETSTATE* = 0x0000000A ABN_STATECHANGE* = 0x00000000 # these are put in the wparam of callback messages ABN_POSCHANGED* = 0x00000001 ABN_FULLSCREENAPP* = 0x00000002 ABN_WINDOWARRANGE* = 0x00000003 # lParam == TRUE means hide # flags for get state ABS_AUTOHIDE* = 0x00000001 ABS_ALWAYSONTOP* = 0x00000002 ABE_LEFT* = 0 ABE_TOP* = 1 ABE_RIGHT* = 2 ABE_BOTTOM* = 3 type AppBarData* {.final.} = object cbSize*: DWORD hWnd*: HWND uCallbackMessage*: UINT uEdge*: UINT rc*: RECT lParam*: LPARAM # message specific TAPPBARDATA* = AppBarData PAPPBARDATA* = ptr AppBarData proc SHAppBarMessage*(dwMessage: DWORD, pData: APPBARDATA): UINT_PTR{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHAppBarMessage".} # # EndAppBar # proc DoEnvironmentSubstA*(szString: LPSTR, cchString: UINT): DWORD{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DoEnvironmentSubstA".} proc DoEnvironmentSubstW*(szString: LPWSTR, cchString: UINT): DWORD{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DoEnvironmentSubstW".} proc DoEnvironmentSubst*(szString: LPSTR, cchString: UINT): DWORD{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DoEnvironmentSubstA".} proc DoEnvironmentSubst*(szString: LPWSTR, cchString: UINT): DWORD{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "DoEnvironmentSubstW".} #Macro proc EIRESID*(x: int32): int32 proc ExtractIconExA*(lpszFile: LPCSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: pHICON, phiconSmall: pHIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExA".} proc ExtractIconExW*(lpszFile: LPCWSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: pHICON, phiconSmall: pHIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExW".} proc ExtractIconExA*(lpszFile: LPCSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: var HICON, phiconSmall: var HIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExA".} proc ExtractIconExW*(lpszFile: LPCWSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: var HICON, phiconSmall: var HIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExW".} proc ExtractIconEx*(lpszFile: LPCSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: pHICON, phiconSmall: pHIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExA".} proc ExtractIconEx*(lpszFile: LPCWSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: pHICON, phiconSmall: pHIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExW".} proc ExtractIconEx*(lpszFile: LPCSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: var HICON, phiconSmall: var HIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExA".} proc ExtractIconEx*(lpszFile: LPCWSTR, nIconIndex: int32, phiconLarge: var HICON, phiconSmall: var HIcon, nIcons: UINT): UINT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ExtractIconExW".} # # Shell File Operations # #ifndef FO_MOVE //these need to be kept in sync with the ones in shlobj.h} const FO_MOVE* = 0x00000001 FO_COPY* = 0x00000002 FO_DELETE* = 0x00000003 FO_RENAME* = 0x00000004 FOF_MULTIDESTFILES* = 0x00000001 FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE* = 0x00000002 FOF_SILENT* = 0x00000004 # don't create progress/report FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION* = 0x00000008 FOF_NOCONFIRMATION* = 0x00000010 # Don't prompt the user. FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE* = 0x00000020 # Fill in SHFILEOPSTRUCT.hNameMappings FOF_ALLOWUNDO* = 0x00000040 # Must be freed using SHFreeNameMappings FOF_FILESONLY* = 0x00000080 # on *.*, do only files FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS* = 0x00000100 # means don't show names of files FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR* = 0x00000200 # don't confirm making any needed dirs FOF_NOERRORUI* = 0x00000400 # don't put up error UI FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS* = 0x00000800 # dont copy NT file Security Attributes FOF_NORECURSION* = 0x00001000 # don't recurse into directories. #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) FOF_NO_CONNECTED_ELEMENTS* = 0x00002000 # don't operate on connected elements. FOF_WANTNUKEWARNING* = 0x00004000 # during delete operation, warn if nuking instead of recycling (partially overrides FOF_NOCONFIRMATION) #endif #if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0501) FOF_NORECURSEREPARSE* = 0x00008000 # treat reparse points as objects, not containers #endif type FILEOP_FLAGS* = int16 const PO_DELETE* = 0x00000013 # printer is being deleted PO_RENAME* = 0x00000014 # printer is being renamed PO_PORTCHANGE* = 0x00000020 # port this printer connected to is being changed # if this id is set, the strings received by # the copyhook are a doubly-null terminated # list of strings. The first is the printer # name and the second is the printer port. PO_REN_PORT* = 0x00000034 # PO_RENAME and PO_PORTCHANGE at same time. # no POF_ flags currently defined type PRINTEROP_FLAGS* = int16 #endif} # FO_MOVE # implicit parameters are: # if pFrom or pTo are unqualified names the current directories are # taken from the global current drive/directory settings managed # by Get/SetCurrentDrive/Directory # # the global confirmation settings # only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS type SHFILEOPSTRUCTA* {.final.} = object hwnd*: HWND wFunc*: UINT pFrom*: LPCSTR pTo*: LPCSTR fFlags*: FILEOP_FLAGS fAnyOperationsAborted*: BOOL hNameMappings*: LPVOID lpszProgressTitle*: LPCSTR # only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS TSHFILEOPSTRUCTA* = SHFILEOPSTRUCTA LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTA* = ptr SHFILEOPSTRUCTA SHFILEOPSTRUCTW* {.final.} = object hwnd*: HWND wFunc*: UINT pFrom*: LPCWSTR pTo*: LPCWSTR fFlags*: FILEOP_FLAGS fAnyOperationsAborted*: BOOL hNameMappings*: LPVOID lpszProgressTitle*: LPCWSTR TSHFILEOPSTRUCTW* = SHFILEOPSTRUCTW LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTW* = ptr SHFILEOPSTRUCTW when defined(UNICODE): type SHFILEOPSTRUCT* = SHFILEOPSTRUCTW TSHFILEOPSTRUCT* = SHFILEOPSTRUCTW LPSHFILEOPSTRUCT* = LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTW else: type SHFILEOPSTRUCT* = SHFILEOPSTRUCTA TSHFILEOPSTRUCT* = SHFILEOPSTRUCTA LPSHFILEOPSTRUCT* = LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTA proc SHFileOperationA*(lpFileOp: LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTA): int32{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHFileOperationA".} proc SHFileOperationW*(lpFileOp: LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTW): int32{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHFileOperationW".} proc SHFileOperation*(lpFileOp: LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTA): int32{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHFileOperationA".} proc SHFileOperation*(lpFileOp: LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTW): int32{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHFileOperationW".} proc SHFreeNameMappings*(hNameMappings: THandle){.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHFreeNameMappings".} type SHNAMEMAPPINGA* {.final.} = object pszOldPath*: LPSTR pszNewPath*: LPSTR cchOldPath*: int32 cchNewPath*: int32 TSHNAMEMAPPINGA* = SHNAMEMAPPINGA LPSHNAMEMAPPINGA* = ptr SHNAMEMAPPINGA SHNAMEMAPPINGW* {.final.} = object pszOldPath*: LPWSTR pszNewPath*: LPWSTR cchOldPath*: int32 cchNewPath*: int32 TSHNAMEMAPPINGW* = SHNAMEMAPPINGW LPSHNAMEMAPPINGW* = ptr SHNAMEMAPPINGW when not(defined(UNICODE)): type SHNAMEMAPPING* = SHNAMEMAPPINGW TSHNAMEMAPPING* = SHNAMEMAPPINGW LPSHNAMEMAPPING* = LPSHNAMEMAPPINGW else: type SHNAMEMAPPING* = SHNAMEMAPPINGA TSHNAMEMAPPING* = SHNAMEMAPPINGA LPSHNAMEMAPPING* = LPSHNAMEMAPPINGA # # End Shell File Operations # # # Begin ShellExecuteEx and family # # ShellExecute() and ShellExecuteEx() error codes # regular WinExec() codes const SE_ERR_FNF* = 2 # file not found SE_ERR_PNF* = 3 # path not found SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED* = 5 # access denied SE_ERR_OOM* = 8 # out of memory SE_ERR_DLLNOTFOUND* = 32 # endif WINVER >= 0x0400 # error values for ShellExecute() beyond the regular WinExec() codes SE_ERR_SHARE* = 26 SE_ERR_ASSOCINCOMPLETE* = 27 SE_ERR_DDETIMEOUT* = 28 SE_ERR_DDEFAIL* = 29 SE_ERR_DDEBUSY* = 30 SE_ERR_NOASSOC* = 31 #if(WINVER >= 0x0400)} # Note CLASSKEY overrides CLASSNAME SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME* = 0x00000001 SEE_MASK_CLASSKEY* = 0x00000003 # Note INVOKEIDLIST overrides IDLIST SEE_MASK_IDLIST* = 0x00000004 SEE_MASK_INVOKEIDLIST* = 0x0000000C SEE_MASK_ICON* = 0x00000010 SEE_MASK_HOTKEY* = 0x00000020 SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS* = 0x00000040 SEE_MASK_CONNECTNETDRV* = 0x00000080 SEE_MASK_FLAG_DDEWAIT* = 0x00000100 SEE_MASK_DOENVSUBST* = 0x00000200 SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI* = 0x00000400 SEE_MASK_UNICODE* = 0x00004000 SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE* = 0x00008000 SEE_MASK_ASYNCOK* = 0x00100000 SEE_MASK_HMONITOR* = 0x00200000 #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0500) SEE_MASK_NOQUERYCLASSSTORE* = 0x01000000 SEE_MASK_WAITFORINPUTIDLE* = 0x02000000 #endif (_WIN32_IE >= 0x500) #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0560) SEE_MASK_FLAG_LOG_USAGE* = 0x04000000 #endif # (_WIN32_IE >= 0x560) type SHELLEXECUTEINFOA* {.final.} = object cbSize*: DWORD fMask*: ULONG hwnd*: HWND lpVerb*: LPCSTR lpFile*: LPCSTR lpParameters*: LPCSTR lpDirectory*: LPCSTR nShow*: int32 hInstApp*: HINST lpIDList*: LPVOID lpClass*: LPCSTR hkeyClass*: HKEY dwHotKey*: DWORD hMonitor*: HANDLE # also: hIcon hProcess*: HANDLE TSHELLEXECUTEINFOA* = SHELLEXECUTEINFOA LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOA* = ptr SHELLEXECUTEINFOA SHELLEXECUTEINFOW* {.final.} = object cbSize*: DWORD fMask*: ULONG hwnd*: HWND lpVerb*: lpcwstr lpFile*: lpcwstr lpParameters*: lpcwstr lpDirectory*: lpcwstr nShow*: int32 hInstApp*: HINST lpIDList*: LPVOID lpClass*: LPCWSTR hkeyClass*: HKEY dwHotKey*: DWORD hMonitor*: HANDLE # also: hIcon hProcess*: HANDLE TSHELLEXECUTEINFOW* = SHELLEXECUTEINFOW LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOW* = ptr SHELLEXECUTEINFOW when defined(UNICODE): type SHELLEXECUTEINFO* = SHELLEXECUTEINFOW TSHELLEXECUTEINFO* = SHELLEXECUTEINFOW LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO* = LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOW else: type SHELLEXECUTEINFO* = SHELLEXECUTEINFOA TSHELLEXECUTEINFO* = SHELLEXECUTEINFOA LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO* = LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOA proc ShellExecuteExA*(lpExecInfo: LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOA): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteExA".} proc ShellExecuteExW*(lpExecInfo: LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOW): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteExW".} proc ShellExecuteEx*(lpExecInfo: LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOA): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteExA".} proc ShellExecuteEx*(lpExecInfo: LPSHELLEXECUTEINFOW): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "ShellExecuteExW".} proc WinExecErrorA*(HWND: hwnd, error: int32, lpstrFileName: LPCSTR, lpstrTitle: LPCSTR){.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "WinExecErrorA".} proc WinExecErrorW*(HWND: hwnd, error: int32, lpstrFileName: LPCWSTR, lpstrTitle: LPCWSTR){.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "WinExecErrorW".} proc WinExecError*(HWND: hwnd, error: int32, lpstrFileName: LPCSTR, lpstrTitle: LPCSTR){.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "WinExecErrorA".} proc WinExecError*(HWND: hwnd, error: int32, lpstrFileName: LPCWSTR, lpstrTitle: LPCWSTR){.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "WinExecErrorW".} type SHCREATEPROCESSINFOW* {.final.} = object cbSize*: DWORD fMask*: ULONG hwnd*: HWND pszFile*: LPCWSTR pszParameters*: LPCWSTR pszCurrentDirectory*: LPCWSTR hUserToken*: HANDLE lpProcessAttributes*: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes*: LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES bInheritHandles*: BOOL dwCreationFlags*: DWORD lpStartupInfo*: LPSTARTUPINFOW lpProcessInformation*: LPPROCESS_INFORMATION TSHCREATEPROCESSINFOW* = SHCREATEPROCESSINFOW PSHCREATEPROCESSINFOW* = ptr SHCREATEPROCESSINFOW proc SHCreateProcessAsUserW*(pscpi: PSHCREATEPROCESSINFOW): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHCreateProcessAsUserW".} # # End ShellExecuteEx and family } # # # RecycleBin # # struct for query recycle bin info type SHQUERYRBINFO* {.final.} = object cbSize*: DWORD i64Size*: int64 i64NumItems*: int64 TSHQUERYRBINFO* = SHQUERYRBINFO LPSHQUERYRBINFO* = ptr SHQUERYRBINFO # flags for SHEmptyRecycleBin const SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION* = 0x00000001 SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI* = 0x00000002 SHERB_NOSOUND* = 0x00000004 proc SHQueryRecycleBinA*(pszRootPath: LPCSTR, pSHQueryRBInfo: LPSHQUERYRBINFO): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHQueryRecycleBinA".} proc SHQueryRecycleBinW*(pszRootPath: LPCWSTR, pSHQueryRBInfo: LPSHQUERYRBINFO): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHQueryRecycleBinW".} proc SHQueryRecycleBin*(pszRootPath: LPCSTR, pSHQueryRBInfo: LPSHQUERYRBINFO): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHQueryRecycleBinA".} proc SHQueryRecycleBin*(pszRootPath: LPCWSTR, pSHQueryRBInfo: LPSHQUERYRBINFO): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHQueryRecycleBinW".} proc SHEmptyRecycleBinA*(hwnd: HWND, pszRootPath: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHEmptyRecycleBinA".} proc SHEmptyRecycleBinW*(hwnd: HWND, pszRootPath: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHEmptyRecycleBinW".} proc SHEmptyRecycleBin*(hwnd: HWND, pszRootPath: LPCSTR, dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHEmptyRecycleBinA".} proc SHEmptyRecycleBin*(hwnd: HWND, pszRootPath: LPCWSTR, dwFlags: DWORD): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHEmptyRecycleBinW".} # # end of RecycleBin # # # Tray notification definitions # type NOTIFYICONDATAA* {.final.} = object cbSize*: DWORD hWnd*: HWND uID*: UINT uFlags*: UINT uCallbackMessage*: UINT hIcon*: HICON szTip*: array[0..127, CHAR] dwState*: DWORD dwStateMask*: DWORD szInfo*: array[0..255, CHAR] uTimeout*: UINT # also: uVersion szInfoTitle*: array[0..63, CHAR] dwInfoFlags*: DWORD guidItem*: TGUID TNOTIFYICONDATAA* = NOTIFYICONDATAA PNOTIFYICONDATAA* = ptr NOTIFYICONDATAA NOTIFYICONDATAW* {.final.} = object cbSize*: DWORD hWnd*: HWND uID*: UINT uFlags*: UINT uCallbackMessage*: UINT hIcon*: HICON szTip*: array[0..127, WCHAR] dwState*: DWORD dwStateMask*: DWORD szInfo*: array[0..255, WCHAR] uTimeout*: UINT # also uVersion : UINT szInfoTitle*: array[0..63, CHAR] dwInfoFlags*: DWORD guidItem*: TGUID TNOTIFYICONDATAW* = NOTIFYICONDATAW PNOTIFYICONDATAW* = ptr NOTIFYICONDATAW when defined(UNICODE): type NOTIFYICONDATA* = NOTIFYICONDATAW TNOTIFYICONDATA* = NOTIFYICONDATAW PNOTIFYICONDATA* = PNOTIFYICONDATAW else: type NOTIFYICONDATA* = NOTIFYICONDATAA TNOTIFYICONDATA* = NOTIFYICONDATAA PNOTIFYICONDATA* = PNOTIFYICONDATAA const NIN_SELECT* = WM_USER + 0 NINF_KEY* = 0x00000001 NIN_KEYSELECT* = NIN_SELECT or NINF_KEY NIN_BALLOONSHOW* = WM_USER + 2 NIN_BALLOONHIDE* = WM_USER + 3 NIN_BALLOONTIMEOUT* = WM_USER + 4 NIN_BALLOONUSERCLICK* = WM_USER + 5 NIM_ADD* = 0x00000000 NIM_MODIFY* = 0x00000001 NIM_DELETE* = 0x00000002 NIM_SETFOCUS* = 0x00000003 NIM_SETVERSION* = 0x00000004 NOTIFYICON_VERSION* = 3 NIF_MESSAGE* = 0x00000001 NIF_ICON* = 0x00000002 NIF_TIP* = 0x00000004 NIF_STATE* = 0x00000008 NIF_INFO* = 0x00000010 NIF_GUID* = 0x00000020 NIS_HIDDEN* = 0x00000001 NIS_SHAREDICON* = 0x00000002 # says this is the source of a shared icon # Notify Icon Infotip flags NIIF_NONE* = 0x00000000 # icon flags are mutually exclusive # and take only the lowest 2 bits NIIF_INFO* = 0x00000001 NIIF_WARNING* = 0x00000002 NIIF_ERROR* = 0x00000003 NIIF_ICON_MASK* = 0x0000000F NIIF_NOSOUND* = 0x00000010 proc Shell_NotifyIconA*(dwMessage: Dword, lpData: PNOTIFYICONDATAA): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "Shell_NotifyIconA".} proc Shell_NotifyIconW*(dwMessage: Dword, lpData: PNOTIFYICONDATAW): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "Shell_NotifyIconW".} proc Shell_NotifyIcon*(dwMessage: Dword, lpData: PNOTIFYICONDATAA): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "Shell_NotifyIconA".} proc Shell_NotifyIcon*(dwMessage: Dword, lpData: PNOTIFYICONDATAW): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "Shell_NotifyIconW".} # # The SHGetFileInfo API provides an easy way to get attributes # for a file given a pathname. # # PARAMETERS # # pszPath file name to get info about # dwFileAttributes file attribs, only used with SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES # psfi place to return file info # cbFileInfo size of structure # uFlags flags # # RETURN # TRUE if things worked # # out: icon # out: icon index # out: SFGAO_ flags # out: display name (or path) # out: type name type SHFILEINFOA* {.final.} = object hIcon*: HICON # out: icon iIcon*: int32 # out: icon index dwAttributes*: DWORD # out: SFGAO_ flags szDisplayName*: array[0..(MAX_PATH) - 1, CHAR] # out: display name (or path) szTypeName*: array[0..79, CHAR] # out: type name TSHFILEINFOA* = SHFILEINFOA pSHFILEINFOA* = ptr SHFILEINFOA SHFILEINFOW* {.final.} = object hIcon*: HICON # out: icon iIcon*: int32 # out: icon index dwAttributes*: DWORD # out: SFGAO_ flags szDisplayName*: array[0..(MAX_PATH) - 1, WCHAR] # out: display name (or path) szTypeName*: array[0..79, WCHAR] # out: type name TSHFILEINFOW* = SHFILEINFOW pSHFILEINFOW* = ptr SHFILEINFOW when defined(UNICODE): type SHFILEINFO* = SHFILEINFOW TSHFILEINFO* = SHFILEINFOW pFILEINFO* = SHFILEINFOW else: type SHFILEINFO* = SHFILEINFOA TSHFILEINFO* = SHFILEINFOA pFILEINFO* = SHFILEINFOA # NOTE: This is also in shlwapi.h. Please keep in synch. const SHGFI_ICON* = 0x00000100 # get Icon SHGFI_DISPLAYNAME* = 0x00000200 # get display name SHGFI_TYPENAME* = 0x00000400 # get type name SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES* = 0x00000800 # get attributes SHGFI_ICONLOCATION* = 0x00001000 # get icon location SHGFI_EXETYPE* = 0x00002000 # return exe type SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX* = 0x00004000 # get system icon index SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY* = 0x00008000 # put a link overlay on icon SHGFI_SELECTED* = 0x00010000 # show icon in selected state SHGFI_ATTR_SPECIFIED* = 0x00020000 # get only specified attributes SHGFI_LARGEICON* = 0x00000000 # get large icon SHGFI_SMALLICON* = 0x00000001 # get small icon SHGFI_OPENICON* = 0x00000002 # get open icon SHGFI_SHELLICONSIZE* = 0x00000004 # get shell size icon SHGFI_PIDL* = 0x00000008 # pszPath is a pidl SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES* = 0x00000010 # use passed dwFileAttribute SHGFI_ADDOVERLAYS* = 0x00000020 # apply the appropriate overlays SHGFI_OVERLAYINDEX* = 0x00000040 # Get the index of the overlay # in the upper 8 bits of the iIcon proc SHGetFileInfoA*(pszPath: LPCSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, psfi: pSHFILEINFOA, cbFileInfo, UFlags: UINT): DWORD{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetFileInfoA".} proc SHGetFileInfoW*(pszPath: LPCWSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, psfi: pSHFILEINFOW, cbFileInfo, UFlags: UINT): DWORD{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetFileInfoW".} proc SHGetFileInfo*(pszPath: LPCSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, psfi: pSHFILEINFOA, cbFileInfo, UFlags: UINT): DWORD{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetFileInfoA".} proc SHGetFileInfoA*(pszPath: LPCSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, psfi: var TSHFILEINFOA, cbFileInfo, UFlags: UINT): DWORD{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetFileInfoA".} proc SHGetFileInfoW*(pszPath: LPCWSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, psfi: var TSHFILEINFOW, cbFileInfo, UFlags: UINT): DWORD{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetFileInfoW".} proc SHGetFileInfo*(pszPath: LPCSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, psfi: var TSHFILEINFOA, cbFileInfo, UFlags: UINT): DWORD{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetFileInfoA".} proc SHGetFileInfo*(pszPath: LPCWSTR, dwFileAttributes: DWORD, psfi: var TSHFILEINFOW, cbFileInfo, UFlags: UINT): DWORD{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetFileInfoW".} proc SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExA*(pszDirectoryName: LPCSTR, pulFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExA".} proc SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExW*(pszDirectoryName: LPCWSTR, pulFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExW".} proc SHGetDiskFreeSpaceEx*(pszDirectoryName: LPCSTR, pulFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExA".} proc SHGetDiskFreeSpace*(pszDirectoryName: LPCSTR, pulFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExA".} proc SHGetDiskFreeSpaceEx*(pszDirectoryName: LPCWSTR, pulFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExW".} proc SHGetDiskFreeSpace*(pszDirectoryName: LPCWSTR, pulFreeBytesAvailableToCaller: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER, pulTotalNumberOfFreeBytes: pULARGE_INTEGER): Bool{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetDiskFreeSpaceExW".} proc SHGetNewLinkInfoA*(pszLinkTo: LPCSTR, pszDir: LPCSTR, pszName: LPSTR, pfMustCopy: pBool, uFlags: UINT): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetNewLinkInfoA".} proc SHGetNewLinkInfoW*(pszLinkTo: LPCWSTR, pszDir: LPCWSTR, pszName: LPWSTR, pfMustCopy: pBool, uFlags: UINT): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetNewLinkInfoW".} proc SHGetNewLinkInfo*(pszLinkTo: LPCSTR, pszDir: LPCSTR, pszName: LPSTR, pfMustCopy: pBool, uFlags: UINT): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetNewLinkInfoA".} proc SHGetNewLinkInfo*(pszLinkTo: LPCWSTR, pszDir: LPCWSTR, pszName: LPWSTR, pfMustCopy: pBool, uFlags: UINT): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetNewLinkInfoW".} const SHGNLI_PIDL* = 0x00000001 # pszLinkTo is a pidl SHGNLI_PREFIXNAME* = 0x00000002 # Make name "Shortcut to xxx" SHGNLI_NOUNIQUE* = 0x00000004 # don't do the unique name generation SHGNLI_NOLNK* = 0x00000008 # don't add ".lnk" extension PRINTACTION_OPEN* = 0 PRINTACTION_PROPERTIES* = 1 PRINTACTION_NETINSTALL* = 2 PRINTACTION_NETINSTALLLINK* = 3 PRINTACTION_TESTPAGE* = 4 PRINTACTION_OPENNETPRN* = 5 PRINTACTION_DOCUMENTDEFAULTS* = 6 PRINTACTION_SERVERPROPERTIES* = 7 proc SHInvokePrinterCommandA*(HWND: hwnd, uAction: UINT, lpBuf1: LPCSTR, lpBuf2: LPCSTR, fModal: Bool): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHInvokePrinterCommandA".} proc SHInvokePrinterCommandW*(HWND: hwnd, uAction: UINT, lpBuf1: LPCWSTR, lpBuf2: LPCWSTR, fModal: Bool): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHInvokePrinterCommandW".} proc SHInvokePrinterCommand*(HWND: hwnd, uAction: UINT, lpBuf1: LPCSTR, lpBuf2: LPCSTR, fModal: Bool): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHInvokePrinterCommandA".} proc SHInvokePrinterCommand*(HWND: hwnd, uAction: UINT, lpBuf1: LPCWSTR, lpBuf2: LPCWSTR, fModal: Bool): Bool{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHInvokePrinterCommandW".} proc SHLoadNonloadedIconOverlayIdentifiers*(): HResult{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHInvokePrinterCommandW".} proc SHIsFileAvailableOffline*(pwszPath: LPCWSTR, pdwStatus: LPDWORD): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHIsFileAvailableOffline".} const OFFLINE_STATUS_LOCAL* = 0x00000001 # If open, it's open locally OFFLINE_STATUS_REMOTE* = 0x00000002 # If open, it's open remotely OFFLINE_STATUS_INCOMPLETE* = 0x00000004 # The local copy is currently incomplete. # The file will not be available offline # until it has been synchronized. # sets the specified path to use the string resource # as the UI instead of the file system name proc SHSetLocalizedName*(pszPath: LPWSTR, pszResModule: LPCWSTR, idsRes: int32): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHSetLocalizedName".} proc SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsA*(hKeyUser: HKEY, dwIndex: DWORD, pszMailAddress: LPSTR, cchMailAddress: int32): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsA".} proc SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW*(hKeyUser: HKEY, dwIndex: DWORD, pszMailAddress: LPWSTR, cchMailAddress: int32): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW".} proc SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccounts*(hKeyUser: HKEY, dwIndex: DWORD, pszMailAddress: LPWSTR, cchMailAddress: int32): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHEnumerateUnreadMailAccountsW".} proc SHGetUnreadMailCountA*(hKeyUser: HKEY, pszMailAddress: LPCSTR, pdwCount: PDWORD, pFileTime: PFILETIME, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPSTR, cchShellExecuteCommand: int32): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetUnreadMailCountA".} proc SHGetUnreadMailCountW*(hKeyUser: HKEY, pszMailAddress: LPCWSTR, pdwCount: PDWORD, pFileTime: PFILETIME, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPWSTR, cchShellExecuteCommand: int32): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetUnreadMailCountW".} proc SHGetUnreadMailCount*(hKeyUser: HKEY, pszMailAddress: LPCSTR, pdwCount: PDWORD, pFileTime: PFILETIME, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPSTR, cchShellExecuteCommand: int32): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetUnreadMailCountA".} proc SHGetUnreadMailCount*(hKeyUser: HKEY, pszMailAddress: LPCWSTR, pdwCount: PDWORD, pFileTime: PFILETIME, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPWSTR, cchShellExecuteCommand: int32): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetUnreadMailCountW".} proc SHSetUnreadMailCountA*(pszMailAddress: LPCSTR, dwCount: DWORD, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPCSTR): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHSetUnreadMailCountA".} proc SHSetUnreadMailCountW*(pszMailAddress: LPCWSTR, dwCount: DWORD, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPCWSTR): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHSetUnreadMailCountW".} proc SHSetUnreadMailCount*(pszMailAddress: LPCSTR, dwCount: DWORD, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPCSTR): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHSetUnreadMailCountA".} proc SHSetUnreadMailCount*(pszMailAddress: LPCWSTR, dwCount: DWORD, pszShellExecuteCommand: LPCWSTR): HRESULT{.stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHSetUnreadMailCountW".} proc SHGetImageList*(iImageList: int32, riid: TIID, ppvObj: ptr pointer): HRESULT{. stdcall, dynlib: "shell32.dll", importc: "SHGetImageList".} const SHIL_LARGE* = 0 # normally 32x32 SHIL_SMALL* = 1 # normally 16x16 SHIL_EXTRALARGE* = 2 SHIL_SYSSMALL* = 3 # like SHIL_SMALL, but tracks system small icon metric correctly SHIL_LAST* = SHIL_SYSSMALL # implementation proc EIRESID(x: int32): int32 = result = - int(x)