# # # Nimrod's Runtime Library # (c) Copyright 2009 Andreas Rumpf # # See the file "copying.txt", included in this # distribution, for details about the copyright. # {.deadCodeElim: on.} when defined(Unix): const mysqllib = "libmysqlclient.so.15" # mysqllib = "libmysqlclient.so.15" when defined(Windows): const mysqllib = "libmysql.dll" # Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA type my_bool* = bool Pmy_bool* = ptr my_bool PVIO* = Pointer Pgptr* = ptr gptr gptr* = cstring Pmy_socket* = ptr my_socket my_socket* = cint PPByte* = pointer cuint* = cint # ------------ Start of declaration in "mysql_com.h" --------------------- # # ** Common definition between mysql server & client # # Field/table name length const NAME_LEN* = 64 HOSTNAME_LENGTH* = 60 USERNAME_LENGTH* = 16 SERVER_VERSION_LENGTH* = 60 SQLSTATE_LENGTH* = 5 LOCAL_HOST* = "localhost" LOCAL_HOST_NAMEDPIPE* = '.' const MYSQL_NAMEDPIPE* = "MySQL" MYSQL_SERVICENAME* = "MySQL" type enum_server_command* = enum COM_SLEEP, COM_QUIT, COM_INIT_DB, COM_QUERY, COM_FIELD_LIST, COM_CREATE_DB, COM_DROP_DB, COM_REFRESH, COM_SHUTDOWN, COM_STATISTICS, COM_PROCESS_INFO, COM_CONNECT, COM_PROCESS_KILL, COM_DEBUG, COM_PING, COM_TIME, COM_DELAYED_INSERT, COM_CHANGE_USER, COM_BINLOG_DUMP, COM_TABLE_DUMP, COM_CONNECT_OUT, COM_REGISTER_SLAVE, COM_STMT_PREPARE, COM_STMT_EXECUTE, COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA, COM_STMT_CLOSE, COM_STMT_RESET, COM_SET_OPTION, COM_STMT_FETCH, COM_END const SCRAMBLE_LENGTH* = 20 # Length of random string sent by server on handshake; # this is also length of obfuscated password, # recieved from client SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323* = 8 # length of password stored in the db: # new passwords are preceeded with '*' SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH* = SCRAMBLE_LENGTH * 2 + 1 SCRAMBLED_PASSWORD_CHAR_LENGTH_323* = SCRAMBLE_LENGTH_323 * 2 NOT_NULL_FLAG* = 1 # Field can't be NULL PRI_KEY_FLAG* = 2 # Field is part of a primary key UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG* = 4 # Field is part of a unique key MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG* = 8 # Field is part of a key BLOB_FLAG* = 16 # Field is a blob UNSIGNED_FLAG* = 32 # Field is unsigned ZEROFILL_FLAG* = 64 # Field is zerofill BINARY_FLAG* = 128 # Field is binary # The following are only sent to new clients ENUM_FLAG* = 256 # field is an enum AUTO_INCREMENT_FLAG* = 512 # field is a autoincrement field TIMESTAMP_FLAG* = 1024 # Field is a timestamp SET_FLAG* = 2048 # field is a set NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG* = 4096 # Field doesn't have default value NUM_FLAG* = 32768 # Field is num (for clients) PART_KEY_FLAG* = 16384 # Intern; Part of some key GROUP_FLAG* = 32768 # Intern: Group field UNIQUE_FLAG* = 65536 # Intern: Used by sql_yacc BINCMP_FLAG* = 131072 # Intern: Used by sql_yacc REFRESH_GRANT* = 1 # Refresh grant tables REFRESH_LOG* = 2 # Start on new log file REFRESH_TABLES* = 4 # close all tables REFRESH_HOSTS* = 8 # Flush host cache REFRESH_STATUS* = 16 # Flush status variables REFRESH_THREADS* = 32 # Flush thread cache REFRESH_SLAVE* = 64 # Reset master info and restart slave thread REFRESH_MASTER* = 128 # Remove all bin logs in the index and truncate the index # The following can't be set with mysql_refresh() REFRESH_READ_LOCK* = 16384 # Lock tables for read REFRESH_FAST* = 32768 # Intern flag REFRESH_QUERY_CACHE* = 65536 # RESET (remove all queries) from query cache REFRESH_QUERY_CACHE_FREE* = 0x00020000 # pack query cache REFRESH_DES_KEY_FILE* = 0x00040000 REFRESH_USER_RESOURCES* = 0x00080000 CLIENT_LONG_PASSWORD* = 1 # new more secure passwords CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS* = 2 # Found instead of affected rows CLIENT_LONG_FLAG* = 4 # Get all column flags CLIENT_CONNECT_WITH_DB* = 8 # One can specify db on connect CLIENT_NO_SCHEMA* = 16 # Don't allow database.table.column CLIENT_COMPRESS* = 32 # Can use compression protocol CLIENT_ODBC* = 64 # Odbc client CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES* = 128 # Can use LOAD DATA LOCAL CLIENT_IGNORE_SPACE* = 256 # Ignore spaces before '(' CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41* = 512 # New 4.1 protocol CLIENT_INTERACTIVE* = 1024 # This is an interactive client CLIENT_SSL* = 2048 # Switch to SSL after handshake CLIENT_IGNORE_SIGPIPE* = 4096 # IGNORE sigpipes CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS* = 8192 # Client knows about transactions CLIENT_RESERVED* = 16384 # Old flag for 4.1 protocol CLIENT_SECURE_CONNECTION* = 32768 # New 4.1 authentication CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS* = 65536 # Enable/disable multi-stmt support CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS* = 131072 # Enable/disable multi-results CLIENT_REMEMBER_OPTIONS*: int = 1 shl 31 SERVER_STATUS_IN_TRANS* = 1 # Transaction has started SERVER_STATUS_AUTOCOMMIT* = 2 # Server in auto_commit mode SERVER_STATUS_MORE_RESULTS* = 4 # More results on server SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS* = 8 # Multi query - next query exists SERVER_QUERY_NO_GOOD_INDEX_USED* = 16 SERVER_QUERY_NO_INDEX_USED* = 32 # The server was able to fulfill the clients request and opened a # read-only non-scrollable cursor for a query. This flag comes # in reply to COM_STMT_EXECUTE and COM_STMT_FETCH commands. SERVER_STATUS_CURSOR_EXISTS* = 64 # This flag is sent when a read-only cursor is exhausted, in reply to # COM_STMT_FETCH command. SERVER_STATUS_LAST_ROW_SENT* = 128 SERVER_STATUS_DB_DROPPED* = 256 # A database was dropped SERVER_STATUS_NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES* = 512 MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE* = 200 NET_READ_TIMEOUT* = 30 # Timeout on read NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT* = 60 # Timeout on write NET_WAIT_TIMEOUT* = 8 * 60 * 60 # Wait for new query ONLY_KILL_QUERY* = 1 const MAX_TINYINT_WIDTH* = 3 # Max width for a TINY w.o. sign MAX_SMALLINT_WIDTH* = 5 # Max width for a SHORT w.o. sign MAX_MEDIUMINT_WIDTH* = 8 # Max width for a INT24 w.o. sign MAX_INT_WIDTH* = 10 # Max width for a LONG w.o. sign MAX_BIGINT_WIDTH* = 20 # Max width for a LONGLONG MAX_CHAR_WIDTH* = 255 # Max length for a CHAR colum MAX_BLOB_WIDTH* = 8192 # Default width for blob type Pst_net* = ptr st_net st_net*{.final.} = object vio*: PVio buff*: cstring buff_end*: cstring write_pos*: cstring read_pos*: cstring fd*: my_socket # For Perl DBI/dbd max_packet*: int max_packet_size*: int pkt_nr*: cuint compress_pkt_nr*: cuint write_timeout*: cuint read_timeout*: cuint retry_count*: cuint fcntl*: cint compress*: my_bool # The following variable is set if we are doing several queries in one # command ( as in LOAD TABLE ... FROM MASTER ), # and do not want to confuse the client with OK at the wrong time remain_in_buf*: int len*: int buf_length*: int where_b*: int return_status*: ptr cint reading_or_writing*: char save_char*: cchar no_send_ok*: my_bool # For SPs and other things that do multiple stmts no_send_eof*: my_bool # For SPs' first version read-only cursors no_send_error*: my_bool # Set if OK packet is already sent, and # we do not need to send error messages # Pointer to query object in query cache, do not equal NULL (0) for # queries in cache that have not stored its results yet # $endif last_error*: array[0..(MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE) - 1, char] sqlstate*: array[0..(SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1) - 1, char] last_errno*: cuint error*: char query_cache_query*: gptr report_error*: my_bool # We should report error (we have unreported error) return_errno*: my_bool NET* = st_net PNET* = ptr NET const packet_error* = -1 type enum_field_types* = enum # For backward compatibility MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, MYSQL_TYPE_NULL, MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, MYSQL_TYPE_INT24, MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, MYSQL_TYPE_TIME, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR, MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE, MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR, MYSQL_TYPE_BIT, MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL = 246, MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM = 247, MYSQL_TYPE_SET = 248, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB = 249, MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB = 250, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB = 251, MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB = 252, MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING = 253, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING = 254, MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY = 255 const CLIENT_MULTI_QUERIES* = CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS FIELD_TYPE_DECIMAL* = MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL FIELD_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL* = MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL FIELD_TYPE_TINY* = MYSQL_TYPE_TINY FIELD_TYPE_SHORT* = MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT FIELD_TYPE_LONG* = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG FIELD_TYPE_FLOAT* = MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT FIELD_TYPE_DOUBLE* = MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE FIELD_TYPE_NULL* = MYSQL_TYPE_NULL FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP* = MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP FIELD_TYPE_LONGLONG* = MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG FIELD_TYPE_INT24* = MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 FIELD_TYPE_DATE* = MYSQL_TYPE_DATE FIELD_TYPE_TIME* = MYSQL_TYPE_TIME FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME* = MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME FIELD_TYPE_YEAR* = MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR FIELD_TYPE_NEWDATE* = MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE FIELD_TYPE_ENUM* = MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM FIELD_TYPE_SET* = MYSQL_TYPE_SET FIELD_TYPE_TINY_BLOB* = MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB FIELD_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB* = MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB FIELD_TYPE_LONG_BLOB* = MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB FIELD_TYPE_BLOB* = MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB FIELD_TYPE_VAR_STRING* = MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING FIELD_TYPE_STRING* = MYSQL_TYPE_STRING FIELD_TYPE_CHAR* = MYSQL_TYPE_TINY FIELD_TYPE_INTERVAL* = MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM FIELD_TYPE_GEOMETRY* = MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY FIELD_TYPE_BIT* = MYSQL_TYPE_BIT # Shutdown/kill enums and constants # Bits for THD::killable. MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_CONNECT* = chr(1 shl 0) MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_TRANS* = chr(1 shl 1) MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_LOCK_TABLE* = chr(1 shl 2) MYSQL_SHUTDOWN_KILLABLE_UPDATE* = chr(1 shl 3) type mysql_enum_shutdown_level* = enum SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT = 0, SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CONNECTIONS = 1, SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TRANSACTIONS = 2, SHUTDOWN_WAIT_UPDATES = 8, SHUTDOWN_WAIT_ALL_BUFFERS = 16, SHUTDOWN_WAIT_CRITICAL_BUFFERS = 17, KILL_QUERY = 254, KILL_CONNECTION = 255 enum_cursor_type* = enum # options for mysql_set_option CURSOR_TYPE_NO_CURSOR = 0, CURSOR_TYPE_READ_ONLY = 1, CURSOR_TYPE_FOR_UPDATE = 2, CURSOR_TYPE_SCROLLABLE = 4 enum_mysql_set_option* = enum MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_ON, MYSQL_OPTION_MULTI_STATEMENTS_OFF proc net_new_transaction*(net: st_net): st_net proc my_net_init*(net: PNET, vio: PVio): my_bool{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_net_init".} proc my_net_local_init*(net: PNET){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_net_local_init".} proc net_end*(net: PNET){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "net_end".} proc net_clear*(net: PNET){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "net_clear".} proc net_realloc*(net: PNET, len: int): my_bool{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "net_realloc".} proc net_flush*(net: PNET): my_bool{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "net_flush".} proc my_net_write*(net: PNET, packet: cstring, length: int): my_bool{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_net_write".} proc net_write_command*(net: PNET, command: char, header: cstring, head_len: int, packet: cstring, length: int): my_bool{. cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "net_write_command".} proc net_real_write*(net: PNET, packet: cstring, length: int): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "net_real_write".} proc my_net_read*(net: PNET): int{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_net_read".} # The following function is not meant for normal usage # Currently it's used internally by manager.c type Psockaddr* = ptr sockaddr sockaddr*{.final.} = object # undefined structure proc my_connect*(s: my_socket, name: Psockaddr, namelen: cuint, timeout: cuint): cint{. cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_connect".} type Prand_struct* = ptr rand_struct rand_struct*{.final.} = object # The following is for user defined functions seed1*: int seed2*: int max_value*: int max_value_dbl*: cdouble Item_result* = enum STRING_RESULT, REAL_RESULT, INT_RESULT, ROW_RESULT, DECIMAL_RESULT PItem_result* = ptr Item_result Pst_udf_args* = ptr st_udf_args st_udf_args*{.final.} = object arg_count*: cuint # Number of arguments arg_type*: PItem_result # Pointer to item_results args*: cstringArray # Pointer to item_results lengths*: ptr int # Length of string arguments maybe_null*: cstring # Length of string arguments attributes*: cstringArray # Pointer to attribute name attribute_lengths*: ptr int # Length of attribute arguments UDF_ARGS* = st_udf_args PUDF_ARGS* = ptr UDF_ARGS # This holds information about the result Pst_udf_init* = ptr st_udf_init st_udf_init*{.final.} = object maybe_null*: my_bool # 1 if function can return NULL decimals*: cuint # for real functions max_length*: int # For string functions theptr*: cstring # free pointer for function data const_item*: my_bool # free pointer for function data UDF_INIT* = st_udf_init PUDF_INIT* = ptr UDF_INIT # Constants when using compression const NET_HEADER_SIZE* = 4 # standard header size COMP_HEADER_SIZE* = 3 # compression header extra size # Prototypes to password functions # These functions are used for authentication by client and server and # implemented in sql/password.c proc randominit*(para1: Prand_struct, seed1: int, seed2: int){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "randominit".} proc my_rnd*(para1: Prand_struct): cdouble{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_rnd".} proc create_random_string*(fto: cstring, len: cuint, rand_st: Prand_struct){. cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "create_random_string".} proc hash_password*(fto: int, password: cstring, password_len: cuint){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "hash_password".} proc make_scrambled_password_323*(fto: cstring, password: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "make_scrambled_password_323".} proc scramble_323*(fto: cstring, message: cstring, password: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "scramble_323".} proc check_scramble_323*(para1: cstring, message: cstring, salt: int): my_bool{. cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "check_scramble_323".} proc get_salt_from_password_323*(res: ptr int, password: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "get_salt_from_password_323".} proc make_password_from_salt_323*(fto: cstring, salt: ptr int){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "make_password_from_salt_323".} proc octet2hex*(fto: cstring, str: cstring, length: cuint): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "octet2hex".} proc make_scrambled_password*(fto: cstring, password: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "make_scrambled_password".} proc scramble*(fto: cstring, message: cstring, password: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "scramble".} proc check_scramble*(reply: cstring, message: cstring, hash_stage2: pointer): my_bool{. cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "check_scramble".} proc get_salt_from_password*(res: pointer, password: cstring){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "get_salt_from_password".} proc make_password_from_salt*(fto: cstring, hash_stage2: pointer){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "make_password_from_salt".} # end of password.c proc get_tty_password*(opt_message: cstring): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "get_tty_password".} proc mysql_errno_to_sqlstate*(mysql_errno: cuint): cstring{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_errno_to_sqlstate".} # Some other useful functions proc modify_defaults_file*(file_location: cstring, option: cstring, option_value: cstring, section_name: cstring, remove_option: cint): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "load_defaults".} proc load_defaults*(conf_file: cstring, groups: cstringArray, argc: ptr cint, argv: ptr cstringArray): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "load_defaults".} proc my_init*(): my_bool{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_init".} proc my_thread_init*(): my_bool{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_thread_init".} proc my_thread_end*(){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "my_thread_end".} const NULL_LENGTH*: int = int(not (0)) # For net_store_length const MYSQL_STMT_HEADER* = 4 MYSQL_LONG_DATA_HEADER* = 6 # ------------ Stop of declaration in "mysql_com.h" ----------------------- # $include "mysql_time.h" # $include "mysql_version.h" # $include "typelib.h" # $include "my_list.h" /* for LISTs used in 'MYSQL' and 'MYSQL_STMT' */ # var # mysql_port : cuint;cvar;external; # mysql_unix_port : Pchar;cvar;external; const CLIENT_NET_READ_TIMEOUT* = 365 * 24 * 3600 # Timeout on read CLIENT_NET_WRITE_TIMEOUT* = 365 * 24 * 3600 # Timeout on write type Pst_mysql_field* = ptr st_mysql_field st_mysql_field*{.final.} = object name*: cstring # Name of column org_name*: cstring # Original column name, if an alias table*: cstring # Table of column if column was a field org_table*: cstring # Org table name, if table was an alias db*: cstring # Database for table catalog*: cstring # Catalog for table def*: cstring # Default value (set by mysql_list_fields) len*: int # Width of column (create length) max_length*: int # Max width for selected set name_length*: cuint org_name_length*: cuint table_length*: cuint org_table_length*: cuint db_length*: cuint catalog_length*: cuint def_length*: cuint flags*: cuint # Div flags decimals*: cuint # Number of decimals in field charsetnr*: cuint # Character set ftype*: enum_field_types # Type of field. See mysql_com.h for types MYSQL_FIELD* = st_mysql_field PMYSQL_FIELD* = ptr MYSQL_FIELD PMYSQL_ROW* = ptr MYSQL_ROW # return data as array of strings MYSQL_ROW* = cstringArray PMYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET* = ptr MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET # offset to current field MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET* = cuint proc IS_PRI_KEY*(n: int32): bool proc IS_NOT_NULL*(n: int32): bool proc IS_BLOB*(n: int32): bool proc IS_NUM*(t: enum_field_types): bool proc INTERNAL_NUM_FIELD*(f: Pst_mysql_field): bool proc IS_NUM_FIELD*(f: Pst_mysql_field): bool type my_ulonglong* = int64 Pmy_ulonglong* = ptr my_ulonglong const MYSQL_COUNT_ERROR* = not (my_ulonglong(0)) type Pst_mysql_rows* = ptr st_mysql_rows st_mysql_rows*{.final.} = object next*: Pst_mysql_rows # list of rows data*: MYSQL_ROW len*: int MYSQL_ROWS* = st_mysql_rows PMYSQL_ROWS* = ptr MYSQL_ROWS PMYSQL_ROW_OFFSET* = ptr MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET # offset to current row MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET* = MYSQL_ROWS # ------------ Start of declaration in "my_alloc.h" -------------------- # $include "my_alloc.h" const ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_TO_DROP* = 4096 ALLOC_MAX_BLOCK_USAGE_BEFORE_DROP* = 10 # struct for once_alloc (block) type Pst_used_mem* = ptr st_used_mem st_used_mem*{.final.} = object next*: Pst_used_mem # Next block in use left*: cuint # memory left in block size*: cuint # size of block USED_MEM* = st_used_mem PUSED_MEM* = ptr USED_MEM Pst_mem_root* = ptr st_mem_root st_mem_root*{.final.} = object free*: PUSED_MEM # blocks with free memory in it used*: PUSED_MEM # blocks almost without free memory pre_alloc*: PUSED_MEM # preallocated block min_malloc*: cuint # if block have less memory it will be put in 'used' list block_size*: cuint # initial block size block_num*: cuint # allocated blocks counter # first free block in queue test counter (if it exceed # MAX_BLOCK_USAGE_BEFORE_DROP block will be dropped in 'used' list) first_block_usage*: cuint error_handler*: proc (){.cdecl.} MEM_ROOT* = st_mem_root PMEM_ROOT* = ptr MEM_ROOT # ------------ Stop of declaration in "my_alloc.h" ---------------------- type Pst_mysql_data* = ptr st_mysql_data st_mysql_data*{.final.} = object rows*: my_ulonglong fields*: cuint data*: PMYSQL_ROWS alloc*: MEM_ROOT prev_ptr*: ptr PMYSQL_ROWS MYSQL_DATA* = st_mysql_data PMYSQL_DATA* = ptr MYSQL_DATA mysql_option* = enum MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_COMPRESS, MYSQL_OPT_NAMED_PIPE, MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_FILE, MYSQL_READ_DEFAULT_GROUP, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_DIR, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE, MYSQL_OPT_PROTOCOL, MYSQL_SHARED_MEMORY_BASE_NAME, MYSQL_OPT_READ_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT, MYSQL_OPT_USE_REMOTE_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_USE_EMBEDDED_CONNECTION, MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH, MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT const MAX_MYSQL_MANAGER_ERR* = 256 MAX_MYSQL_MANAGER_MSG* = 256 MANAGER_OK* = 200 MANAGER_INFO* = 250 MANAGER_ACCESS* = 401 MANAGER_CLIENT_ERR* = 450 MANAGER_INTERNAL_ERR* = 500 type st_dynamic_array*{.final.} = object buffer*: cstring elements*: cuint max_element*: cuint alloc_increment*: cuint size_of_element*: cuint DYNAMIC_ARRAY* = st_dynamic_array Pst_dynamic_array* = ptr st_dynamic_array Pst_mysql_options* = ptr st_mysql_options st_mysql_options*{.final.} = object connect_timeout*: cuint read_timeout*: cuint write_timeout*: cuint port*: cuint protocol*: cuint client_flag*: int host*: cstring user*: cstring password*: cstring unix_socket*: cstring db*: cstring init_commands*: Pst_dynamic_array my_cnf_file*: cstring my_cnf_group*: cstring charset_dir*: cstring charset_name*: cstring ssl_key*: cstring # PEM key file ssl_cert*: cstring # PEM cert file ssl_ca*: cstring # PEM CA file ssl_capath*: cstring # PEM directory of CA-s? ssl_cipher*: cstring # cipher to use shared_memory_base_name*: cstring max_allowed_packet*: int use_ssl*: my_bool # if to use SSL or not compress*: my_bool named_pipe*: my_bool # On connect, find out the replication role of the server, and # establish connections to all the peers rpl_probe*: my_bool # Each call to mysql_real_query() will parse it to tell if it is a read # or a write, and direct it to the slave or the master rpl_parse*: my_bool # If set, never read from a master, only from slave, when doing # a read that is replication-aware no_master_reads*: my_bool separate_thread*: my_bool methods_to_use*: mysql_option client_ip*: cstring secure_auth*: my_bool # Refuse client connecting to server if it uses old (pre-4.1.1) protocol report_data_truncation*: my_bool # 0 - never report, 1 - always report (default) # function pointers for local infile support local_infile_init*: proc (para1: var pointer, para2: cstring, para3: pointer): cint{. cdecl.} local_infile_read*: proc (para1: pointer, para2: cstring, para3: cuint): cint local_infile_end*: proc (para1: pointer) local_infile_error*: proc (para1: pointer, para2: cstring, para3: cuint): cint local_infile_userdata*: pointer mysql_status* = enum MYSQL_STATUS_READY, MYSQL_STATUS_GET_RESULT, MYSQL_STATUS_USE_RESULT mysql_protocol_type* = enum # There are three types of queries - the ones that have to go to # the master, the ones that go to a slave, and the adminstrative # type which must happen on the pivot connectioin MYSQL_PROTOCOL_DEFAULT, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_TCP, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_SOCKET, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_PIPE, MYSQL_PROTOCOL_MEMORY mysql_rpl_type* = enum MYSQL_RPL_MASTER, MYSQL_RPL_SLAVE, MYSQL_RPL_ADMIN charset_info_st*{.final.} = object number*: cuint primary_number*: cuint binary_number*: cuint state*: cuint csname*: cstring name*: cstring comment*: cstring tailoring*: cstring ftype*: cstring to_lower*: cstring to_upper*: cstring sort_order*: cstring contractions*: ptr int16 sort_order_big*: ptr ptr int16 tab_to_uni*: ptr int16 tab_from_uni*: pointer # was ^MY_UNI_IDX state_map*: cstring ident_map*: cstring strxfrm_multiply*: cuint mbminlen*: cuint mbmaxlen*: cuint min_sort_char*: int16 max_sort_char*: int16 escape_with_backslash_is_dangerous*: my_bool cset*: pointer # was ^MY_CHARSET_HANDLER coll*: pointer # was ^MY_COLLATION_HANDLER; CHARSET_INFO* = charset_info_st Pcharset_info_st* = ptr charset_info_st Pcharacter_set* = ptr character_set character_set*{.final.} = object number*: cuint state*: cuint csname*: cstring name*: cstring comment*: cstring dir*: cstring mbminlen*: cuint mbmaxlen*: cuint MY_CHARSET_INFO* = character_set PMY_CHARSET_INFO* = ptr MY_CHARSET_INFO Pst_mysql_methods* = ptr st_mysql_methods Pst_mysql* = ptr st_mysql st_mysql*{.final.} = object net*: NET # Communication parameters connector_fd*: gptr # ConnectorFd for SSL host*: cstring user*: cstring passwd*: cstring unix_socket*: cstring server_version*: cstring host_info*: cstring info*: cstring db*: cstring charset*: Pcharset_info_st fields*: PMYSQL_FIELD field_alloc*: MEM_ROOT affected_rows*: my_ulonglong insert_id*: my_ulonglong # id if insert on table with NEXTNR extra_info*: my_ulonglong # Used by mysqlshow, not used by mysql 5.0 and up thread_id*: int # Id for connection in server packet_length*: int port*: cuint client_flag*: int server_capabilities*: int protocol_version*: cuint field_count*: cuint server_status*: cuint server_language*: cuint warning_count*: cuint options*: st_mysql_options status*: mysql_status free_me*: my_bool # If free in mysql_close reconnect*: my_bool # set to 1 if automatic reconnect scramble*: array[0..(SCRAMBLE_LENGTH + 1) - 1, char] # session-wide random string # Set if this is the original connection, not a master or a slave we have # added though mysql_rpl_probe() or mysql_set_master()/ mysql_add_slave() rpl_pivot*: my_bool # Pointers to the master, and the next slave connections, points to # itself if lone connection. master*: Pst_mysql next_slave*: Pst_mysql last_used_slave*: Pst_mysql # needed for round-robin slave pick last_used_con*: Pst_mysql # needed for send/read/store/use result to work correctly with replication stmts*: Pointer # was PList, list of all statements methods*: Pst_mysql_methods thd*: pointer # Points to boolean flag in MYSQL_RES or MYSQL_STMT. We set this flag # from mysql_stmt_close if close had to cancel result set of this object. unbuffered_fetch_owner*: Pmy_bool MYSQL* = st_mysql PMYSQL* = ptr MYSQL Pst_mysql_res* = ptr st_mysql_res st_mysql_res*{.final.} = object row_count*: my_ulonglong fields*: PMYSQL_FIELD data*: PMYSQL_DATA data_cursor*: PMYSQL_ROWS lengths*: ptr int # column lengths of current row handle*: PMYSQL # for unbuffered reads field_alloc*: MEM_ROOT field_count*: cuint current_field*: cuint row*: MYSQL_ROW # If unbuffered read current_row*: MYSQL_ROW # buffer to current row eof*: my_bool # Used by mysql_fetch_row unbuffered_fetch_cancelled*: my_bool # mysql_stmt_close() had to cancel this result methods*: Pst_mysql_methods MYSQL_RES* = st_mysql_res PMYSQL_RES* = ptr MYSQL_RES Pst_mysql_stmt* = ptr st_mysql_stmt PMYSQL_STMT* = ptr MYSQL_STMT st_mysql_methods*{.final.} = object read_query_result*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool{.cdecl.} advanced_command*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL, command: enum_server_command, header: cstring, header_length: int, arg: cstring, arg_length: int, skip_check: my_bool): my_bool read_rows*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL, mysql_fields: PMYSQL_FIELD, fields: cuint): PMYSQL_DATA use_result*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL): PMYSQL_RES fetch_lengths*: proc (fto: ptr int, column: MYSQL_ROW, field_count: cuint) flush_use_result*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL) list_fields*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL): PMYSQL_FIELD read_prepare_result*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL, stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): my_bool stmt_execute*: proc (stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cint read_binary_rows*: proc (stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cint unbuffered_fetch*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL, row: cstringArray): cint free_embedded_thd*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL) read_statistics*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL): cstring next_result*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool read_change_user_result*: proc (mysql: PMYSQL, buff: cstring, passwd: cstring): cint read_rowsfrom_cursor*: proc (stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cint MYSQL_METHODS* = st_mysql_methods PMYSQL_METHODS* = ptr MYSQL_METHODS Pst_mysql_manager* = ptr st_mysql_manager st_mysql_manager*{.final.} = object net*: NET host*: cstring user*: cstring passwd*: cstring port*: cuint free_me*: my_bool eof*: my_bool cmd_status*: cint last_errno*: cint net_buf*: cstring net_buf_pos*: cstring net_data_end*: cstring net_buf_size*: cint last_error*: array[0..(MAX_MYSQL_MANAGER_ERR) - 1, char] MYSQL_MANAGER* = st_mysql_manager PMYSQL_MANAGER* = ptr MYSQL_MANAGER Pst_mysql_parameters* = ptr st_mysql_parameters st_mysql_parameters*{.final.} = object p_max_allowed_packet*: ptr int p_net_buffer_length*: ptr int MYSQL_PARAMETERS* = st_mysql_parameters PMYSQL_PARAMETERS* = ptr MYSQL_PARAMETERS enum_mysql_stmt_state* = enum MYSQL_STMT_INIT_DONE = 1, MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE, MYSQL_STMT_EXECUTE_DONE, MYSQL_STMT_FETCH_DONE Pst_mysql_bind* = ptr st_mysql_bind st_mysql_bind*{.final.} = object len*: int # output length pointer is_null*: Pmy_bool # Pointer to null indicator buffer*: pointer # buffer to get/put data error*: pmy_bool # set this if you want to track data truncations happened during fetch buffer_type*: enum_field_types # buffer type buffer_length*: int # buffer length, must be set for str/binary # Following are for internal use. Set by mysql_stmt_bind_param row_ptr*: ptr byte # for the current data position offset*: int # offset position for char/binary fetch length_value*: int # Used if length is 0 param_number*: cuint # For null count and error messages pack_length*: cuint # Internal length for packed data error_value*: my_bool # used if error is 0 is_unsigned*: my_bool # set if integer type is unsigned long_data_used*: my_bool # If used with mysql_send_long_data is_null_value*: my_bool # Used if is_null is 0 store_param_func*: proc (net: PNET, param: Pst_mysql_bind){.cdecl.} fetch_result*: proc (para1: Pst_mysql_bind, para2: PMYSQL_FIELD, row: PPbyte) skip_result*: proc (para1: Pst_mysql_bind, para2: PMYSQL_FIELD, row: PPbyte) MYSQL_BIND* = st_mysql_bind PMYSQL_BIND* = ptr MYSQL_BIND # statement handler st_mysql_stmt*{.final.} = object mem_root*: MEM_ROOT # root allocations mysql*: PMYSQL # connection handle params*: PMYSQL_BIND # input parameters `bind`*: PMYSQL_BIND # input parameters fields*: PMYSQL_FIELD # result set metadata result*: MYSQL_DATA # cached result set data_cursor*: PMYSQL_ROWS # current row in cached result affected_rows*: my_ulonglong # copy of mysql->affected_rows after statement execution insert_id*: my_ulonglong read_row_func*: proc (stmt: Pst_mysql_stmt, row: PPbyte): cint{.cdecl.} stmt_id*: int # Id for prepared statement flags*: int # i.e. type of cursor to open prefetch_rows*: int # number of rows per one COM_FETCH server_status*: cuint # Copied from mysql->server_status after execute/fetch to know # server-side cursor status for this statement. last_errno*: cuint # error code param_count*: cuint # input parameter count field_count*: cuint # number of columns in result set state*: enum_mysql_stmt_state # statement state last_error*: array[0..(MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE) - 1, char] # error message sqlstate*: array[0..(SQLSTATE_LENGTH + 1) - 1, char] send_types_to_server*: my_bool # Types of input parameters should be sent to server bind_param_done*: my_bool # input buffers were supplied bind_result_done*: char # output buffers were supplied unbuffered_fetch_cancelled*: my_bool update_max_length*: my_bool MYSQL_STMT* = st_mysql_stmt # When doing mysql_stmt_store_result calculate max_length attribute # of statement metadata. This is to be consistent with the old API, # where this was done automatically. # In the new API we do that only by request because it slows down # mysql_stmt_store_result sufficiently. enum_stmt_attr_type* = enum STMT_ATTR_UPDATE_MAX_LENGTH, STMT_ATTR_CURSOR_TYPE, STMT_ATTR_PREFETCH_ROWS proc mysql_server_init*(argc: cint, argv: cstringArray, groups: cstringArray): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_server_init".} proc mysql_server_end*(){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_server_end".} # mysql_server_init/end need to be called when using libmysqld or # libmysqlclient (exactly, mysql_server_init() is called by mysql_init() so # you don't need to call it explicitely; but you need to call # mysql_server_end() to free memory). The names are a bit misleading # (mysql_SERVER* to be used when using libmysqlCLIENT). So we add more general # names which suit well whether you're using libmysqld or libmysqlclient. We # intend to promote these aliases over the mysql_server* ones. proc mysql_library_init*(argc: cint, argv: cstringArray, groups: cstringArray): cint{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_server_init".} proc mysql_library_end*(){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_server_end".} proc mysql_get_parameters*(): PMYSQL_PARAMETERS{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_parameters".} # Set up and bring down a thread; these function should be called # for each thread in an application which opens at least one MySQL # connection. All uses of the connection(s) should be between these # function calls. proc mysql_thread_init*(): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_thread_init".} proc mysql_thread_end*(){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_thread_end".} # Functions to get information from the MYSQL and MYSQL_RES structures # Should definitely be used if one uses shared libraries. proc mysql_num_rows*(res: PMYSQL_RES): my_ulonglong{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_num_rows".} proc mysql_num_fields*(res: PMYSQL_RES): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_num_fields".} proc mysql_eof*(res: PMYSQL_RES): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_eof".} proc mysql_fetch_field_direct*(res: PMYSQL_RES, fieldnr: cuint): PMYSQL_FIELD{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_fetch_field_direct".} proc mysql_fetch_fields*(res: PMYSQL_RES): PMYSQL_FIELD{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_fetch_fields".} proc mysql_row_tell*(res: PMYSQL_RES): MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_row_tell".} proc mysql_field_tell*(res: PMYSQL_RES): MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_field_tell".} proc mysql_field_count*(mysql: PMYSQL): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_field_count".} proc mysql_affected_rows*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_ulonglong{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_affected_rows".} proc mysql_insert_id*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_ulonglong{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_insert_id".} proc mysql_errno*(mysql: PMYSQL): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_errno".} proc mysql_error*(mysql: PMYSQL): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_error".} proc mysql_sqlstate*(mysql: PMYSQL): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_sqlstate".} proc mysql_warning_count*(mysql: PMYSQL): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_warning_count".} proc mysql_info*(mysql: PMYSQL): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_info".} proc mysql_thread_id*(mysql: PMYSQL): int{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_thread_id".} proc mysql_character_set_name*(mysql: PMYSQL): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_character_set_name".} proc mysql_set_character_set*(mysql: PMYSQL, csname: cstring): int32{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_set_character_set".} proc mysql_init*(mysql: PMYSQL): PMYSQL{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_init".} proc mysql_ssl_set*(mysql: PMYSQL, key: cstring, cert: cstring, ca: cstring, capath: cstring, cipher: cstring): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_ssl_set".} proc mysql_change_user*(mysql: PMYSQL, user: cstring, passwd: cstring, db: cstring): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_change_user".} proc mysql_real_connect*(mysql: PMYSQL, host: cstring, user: cstring, passwd: cstring, db: cstring, port: cuint, unix_socket: cstring, clientflag: int): PMYSQL{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_real_connect".} proc mysql_select_db*(mysql: PMYSQL, db: cstring): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_select_db".} proc mysql_query*(mysql: PMYSQL, q: cstring): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_query".} proc mysql_send_query*(mysql: PMYSQL, q: cstring, len: int): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_send_query".} proc mysql_real_query*(mysql: PMYSQL, q: cstring, len: int): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_real_query".} proc mysql_store_result*(mysql: PMYSQL): PMYSQL_RES{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_store_result".} proc mysql_use_result*(mysql: PMYSQL): PMYSQL_RES{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_use_result".} # perform query on master proc mysql_master_query*(mysql: PMYSQL, q: cstring, len: int): my_bool{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_master_query".} proc mysql_master_send_query*(mysql: PMYSQL, q: cstring, len: int): my_bool{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_master_send_query".} # perform query on slave proc mysql_slave_query*(mysql: PMYSQL, q: cstring, len: int): my_bool{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_slave_query".} proc mysql_slave_send_query*(mysql: PMYSQL, q: cstring, len: int): my_bool{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_slave_send_query".} proc mysql_get_character_set_info*(mysql: PMYSQL, charset: PMY_CHARSET_INFO){. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_character_set_info".} # local infile support const LOCAL_INFILE_ERROR_LEN* = 512 # procedure mysql_set_local_infile_handler(mysql:PMYSQL; local_infile_init:function (para1:Ppointer; para2:Pchar; para3:pointer):longint; local_infile_read:function (para1:pointer; para2:Pchar; para3:dword):longint; local_infile_end:procedure (_pa # para6:pointer);cdecl;external mysqllib name 'mysql_set_local_infile_handler'; proc mysql_set_local_infile_default*(mysql: PMYSQL){.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_set_local_infile_default".} # enable/disable parsing of all queries to decide if they go on master or # slave proc mysql_enable_rpl_parse*(mysql: PMYSQL){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_enable_rpl_parse".} proc mysql_disable_rpl_parse*(mysql: PMYSQL){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_disable_rpl_parse".} # get the value of the parse flag proc mysql_rpl_parse_enabled*(mysql: PMYSQL): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_rpl_parse_enabled".} # enable/disable reads from master proc mysql_enable_reads_from_master*(mysql: PMYSQL){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_enable_reads_from_master".} proc mysql_disable_reads_from_master*(mysql: PMYSQL){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_disable_reads_from_master".} # get the value of the master read flag proc mysql_reads_from_master_enabled*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_reads_from_master_enabled".} proc mysql_rpl_query_type*(q: cstring, length: cint): mysql_rpl_type{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_rpl_query_type".} # discover the master and its slaves proc mysql_rpl_probe*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_rpl_probe".} # set the master, close/free the old one, if it is not a pivot proc mysql_set_master*(mysql: PMYSQL, host: cstring, port: cuint, user: cstring, passwd: cstring): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_set_master".} proc mysql_add_slave*(mysql: PMYSQL, host: cstring, port: cuint, user: cstring, passwd: cstring): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_add_slave".} proc mysql_shutdown*(mysql: PMYSQL, shutdown_level: mysql_enum_shutdown_level): cint{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_shutdown".} proc mysql_dump_debug_info*(mysql: PMYSQL): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_dump_debug_info".} proc mysql_refresh*(mysql: PMYSQL, refresh_options: cuint): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_refresh".} proc mysql_kill*(mysql: PMYSQL, pid: int): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_kill".} proc mysql_set_server_option*(mysql: PMYSQL, option: enum_mysql_set_option): cint{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_set_server_option".} proc mysql_ping*(mysql: PMYSQL): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_ping".} proc mysql_stat*(mysql: PMYSQL): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stat".} proc mysql_get_server_info*(mysql: PMYSQL): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_server_info".} proc mysql_get_client_info*(): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_client_info".} proc mysql_get_client_version*(): int{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_client_version".} proc mysql_get_host_info*(mysql: PMYSQL): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_host_info".} proc mysql_get_server_version*(mysql: PMYSQL): int{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_server_version".} proc mysql_get_proto_info*(mysql: PMYSQL): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_get_proto_info".} proc mysql_list_dbs*(mysql: PMYSQL, wild: cstring): PMYSQL_RES{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_list_dbs".} proc mysql_list_tables*(mysql: PMYSQL, wild: cstring): PMYSQL_RES{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_list_tables".} proc mysql_list_processes*(mysql: PMYSQL): PMYSQL_RES{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_list_processes".} proc mysql_options*(mysql: PMYSQL, option: mysql_option, arg: cstring): cint{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_options".} proc mysql_free_result*(result: PMYSQL_RES){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_free_result".} proc mysql_data_seek*(result: PMYSQL_RES, offset: my_ulonglong){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_data_seek".} proc mysql_row_seek*(result: PMYSQL_RES, offset: MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET): MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_row_seek".} proc mysql_field_seek*(result: PMYSQL_RES, offset: MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET): MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_field_seek".} proc mysql_fetch_row*(result: PMYSQL_RES): MYSQL_ROW{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_fetch_row".} proc mysql_fetch_lengths*(result: PMYSQL_RES): ptr int{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_fetch_lengths".} proc mysql_fetch_field*(result: PMYSQL_RES): PMYSQL_FIELD{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_fetch_field".} proc mysql_list_fields*(mysql: PMYSQL, table: cstring, wild: cstring): PMYSQL_RES{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_list_fields".} proc mysql_escape_string*(fto: cstring, `from`: cstring, from_length: int): int{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_escape_string".} proc mysql_hex_string*(fto: cstring, `from`: cstring, from_length: int): int{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_hex_string".} proc mysql_real_escape_string*(mysql: PMYSQL, fto: cstring, `from`: cstring, len: int): int{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_real_escape_string".} proc mysql_debug*(debug: cstring){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_debug".} # function mysql_odbc_escape_string(mysql:PMYSQL; fto:Pchar; to_length:dword; from:Pchar; from_length:dword; # param:pointer; extend_buffer:function (para1:pointer; to:Pchar; length:Pdword):Pchar):Pchar;stdcall;external mysqllib name 'mysql_odbc_escape_string'; proc myodbc_remove_escape*(mysql: PMYSQL, name: cstring){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "myodbc_remove_escape".} proc mysql_thread_safe*(): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_thread_safe".} proc mysql_embedded*(): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_embedded".} proc mysql_manager_init*(con: PMYSQL_MANAGER): PMYSQL_MANAGER{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_manager_init".} proc mysql_manager_connect*(con: PMYSQL_MANAGER, host: cstring, user: cstring, passwd: cstring, port: cuint): PMYSQL_MANAGER{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_manager_connect".} proc mysql_manager_close*(con: PMYSQL_MANAGER){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_manager_close".} proc mysql_manager_command*(con: PMYSQL_MANAGER, cmd: cstring, cmd_len: cint): cint{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_manager_command".} proc mysql_manager_fetch_line*(con: PMYSQL_MANAGER, res_buf: cstring, res_buf_size: cint): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_manager_fetch_line".} proc mysql_read_query_result*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_read_query_result".} proc mysql_stmt_init*(mysql: PMYSQL): PMYSQL_STMT{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_init".} proc mysql_stmt_prepare*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, query: cstring, len: int): cint{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_prepare".} proc mysql_stmt_execute*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_execute".} proc mysql_stmt_fetch*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_fetch".} proc mysql_stmt_fetch_column*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, `bind`: PMYSQL_BIND, column: cuint, offset: int): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_fetch_column".} proc mysql_stmt_store_result*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_store_result".} proc mysql_stmt_param_count*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): int{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_param_count".} proc mysql_stmt_attr_set*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, attr_type: enum_stmt_attr_type, attr: pointer): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_attr_set".} proc mysql_stmt_attr_get*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, attr_type: enum_stmt_attr_type, attr: pointer): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_attr_get".} proc mysql_stmt_bind_param*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, bnd: PMYSQL_BIND): my_bool{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_bind_param".} proc mysql_stmt_bind_result*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, bnd: PMYSQL_BIND): my_bool{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_bind_result".} proc mysql_stmt_close*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_close".} proc mysql_stmt_reset*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_reset".} proc mysql_stmt_free_result*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_free_result".} proc mysql_stmt_send_long_data*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, param_number: cuint, data: cstring, len: int): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_send_long_data".} proc mysql_stmt_result_metadata*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): PMYSQL_RES{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_result_metadata".} proc mysql_stmt_param_metadata*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): PMYSQL_RES{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_param_metadata".} proc mysql_stmt_errno*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_errno".} proc mysql_stmt_error*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_error".} proc mysql_stmt_sqlstate*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cstring{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_sqlstate".} proc mysql_stmt_row_seek*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, offset: MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET): MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET{. stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_row_seek".} proc mysql_stmt_row_tell*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_row_tell".} proc mysql_stmt_data_seek*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT, offset: my_ulonglong){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_data_seek".} proc mysql_stmt_num_rows*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): my_ulonglong{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_num_rows".} proc mysql_stmt_affected_rows*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): my_ulonglong{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_affected_rows".} proc mysql_stmt_insert_id*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): my_ulonglong{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_insert_id".} proc mysql_stmt_field_count*(stmt: PMYSQL_STMT): cuint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_stmt_field_count".} proc mysql_commit*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_commit".} proc mysql_rollback*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_rollback".} proc mysql_autocommit*(mysql: PMYSQL, auto_mode: my_bool): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_autocommit".} proc mysql_more_results*(mysql: PMYSQL): my_bool{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_more_results".} proc mysql_next_result*(mysql: PMYSQL): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_next_result".} proc mysql_close*(sock: PMYSQL){.stdcall, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "mysql_close".} # status return codes const MYSQL_NO_DATA* = 100 MYSQL_DATA_TRUNCATED* = 101 proc mysql_reload*(mysql: PMySQL): cint when defined(USE_OLD_FUNCTIONS): proc mysql_connect*(mysql: PMYSQL, host: cstring, user: cstring, passwd: cstring): PMYSQL{.stdcall, dynlib: External_library, importc: "mysql_connect".} proc mysql_create_db*(mysql: PMYSQL, DB: cstring): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: External_library, importc: "mysql_create_db".} proc mysql_drop_db*(mysql: PMYSQL, DB: cstring): cint{.stdcall, dynlib: External_library, importc: "mysql_drop_db".} proc mysql_reload*(mysql: PMySQL): cint proc net_safe_read*(mysql: PMYSQL): cuint{.cdecl, dynlib: mysqllib, importc: "net_safe_read".} proc net_new_transaction(net: st_net): st_net = assert false #net.pkt_nr = 0 result = net proc IS_PRI_KEY(n: int32): bool = result = (n and PRI_KEY_FLAG) != 0 proc IS_NOT_NULL(n: int32): bool = result = (n and NOT_NULL_FLAG) != 0 proc IS_BLOB(n: int32): bool = result = (n and BLOB_FLAG) != 0 proc IS_NUM_FIELD(f: pst_mysql_field): bool = result = (f.flags and NUM_FLAG) != 0 proc IS_NUM(t: enum_field_types): bool = result = (t <= FIELD_TYPE_INT24) or (t == FIELD_TYPE_YEAR) or (t == FIELD_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL) proc INTERNAL_NUM_FIELD(f: Pst_mysql_field): bool = result = (f.ftype <= FIELD_TYPE_INT24) and ((f.ftype != FIELD_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) or (f.len == 14) or (f.len == 8)) or (f.ftype == FIELD_TYPE_YEAR) proc mysql_reload(mysql: PMySQL): cint = result = mysql_refresh(mysql, REFRESH_GRANT)