#************************************************ # Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions * #*********************************************** # This is the public header file for the PCRE library, to be #included by #applications that call the PCRE functions. # # Copyright (c) 1997-2010 University of Cambridge # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without #modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of the University of Cambridge nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # #THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" #AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE #IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE #ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE #LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR #CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF #SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS #INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN #CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) #ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE #POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # when not defined(pcreDll): when hostOS == "windows": const pcreDll = "pcre3.dll" elif hostOS == "macosx": const pcreDll = "libpcre(.3|).dylib" else: const pcreDll = "libpcre.so(.3|)" # The current PCRE version information. const MAJOR* = 8 MINOR* = 10 PRERELEASE* = true DATE* = "2010-06-25" # When an application links to a PCRE DLL in Windows, the symbols that are #imported have to be identified as such. When building PCRE, the appropriate #export setting is defined in pcre_internal.h, which includes this file. So we #don't change existing definitions of PCRE_EXP_DECL and PCRECPP_EXP_DECL. # Have to include stdlib.h in order to ensure that size_t is defined; #it is needed here for malloc. # Allow for C++ users # Options. Some are compile-time only, some are run-time only, and some are #both, so we keep them all distinct. const CASELESS* = 0x00000001 MULTILINE* = 0x00000002 DOTALL* = 0x00000004 EXTENDED* = 0x00000008 ANCHORED* = 0x00000010 DOLLAR_ENDONLY* = 0x00000020 EXTRA* = 0x00000040 NOTBOL* = 0x00000080 NOTEOL* = 0x00000100 UNGREEDY* = 0x00000200 NOTEMPTY* = 0x00000400 UTF8* = 0x00000800 NO_AUTO_CAPTURE* = 0x00001000 NO_UTF8_CHECK* = 0x00002000 AUTO_CALLOUT* = 0x00004000 PARTIAL_SOFT* = 0x00008000 PARTIAL* = 0x00008000 # Backwards compatible synonym DFA_SHORTEST* = 0x00010000 DFA_RESTART* = 0x00020000 FIRSTLINE* = 0x00040000 DUPNAMES* = 0x00080000 NEWLINE_CR* = 0x00100000 NEWLINE_LF* = 0x00200000 NEWLINE_CRLF* = 0x00300000 NEWLINE_ANY* = 0x00400000 NEWLINE_ANYCRLF* = 0x00500000 BSR_ANYCRLF* = 0x00800000 BSR_UNICODE* = 0x01000000 JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT* = 0x02000000 NO_START_OPTIMIZE* = 0x04000000 NO_START_OPTIMISE* = 0x04000000 PARTIAL_HARD* = 0x08000000 NOTEMPTY_ATSTART* = 0x10000000 UCP* = 0x20000000 # Exec-time and get/set-time error codes const ERROR_NOMATCH* = (- 1) ERROR_NULL* = (- 2) ERROR_BADOPTION* = (- 3) ERROR_BADMAGIC* = (- 4) ERROR_UNKNOWN_OPCODE* = (- 5) ERROR_UNKNOWN_NODE* = (- 5) # For backward compatibility ERROR_NOMEMORY* = (- 6) ERROR_NOSUBSTRING* = (- 7) ERROR_MATCHLIMIT* = (- 8) ERROR_CALLOUT* = (- 9) # Never used by PCRE itself ERROR_BADUTF8* = (- 10) ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET* = (- 11) ERROR_PARTIAL* = (- 12) ERROR_BADPARTIAL* = (- 13) ERROR_INTERNAL* = (- 14) ERROR_BADCOUNT* = (- 15) ERROR_DFA_UITEM* = (- 16) ERROR_DFA_UCOND* = (- 17) ERROR_DFA_UMLIMIT* = (- 18) ERROR_DFA_WSSIZE* = (- 19) ERROR_DFA_RECURSE* = (- 20) ERROR_RECURSIONLIMIT* = (- 21) ERROR_NULLWSLIMIT* = (- 22) # No longer actually used ERROR_BADNEWLINE* = (- 23) # Request types for pcre_fullinfo() const INFO_OPTIONS* = 0 INFO_SIZE* = 1 INFO_CAPTURECOUNT* = 2 INFO_BACKREFMAX* = 3 INFO_FIRSTBYTE* = 4 INFO_FIRSTCHAR* = 4 # For backwards compatibility INFO_FIRSTTABLE* = 5 INFO_LASTLITERAL* = 6 INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE* = 7 INFO_NAMECOUNT* = 8 INFO_NAMETABLE* = 9 INFO_STUDYSIZE* = 10 INFO_DEFAULT_TABLES* = 11 INFO_OKPARTIAL* = 12 INFO_JCHANGED* = 13 INFO_HASCRORLF* = 14 INFO_MINLENGTH* = 15 # Request types for pcre_config(). Do not re-arrange, in order to remain #compatible. const CONFIG_UTF8* = 0 CONFIG_NEWLINE* = 1 CONFIG_LINK_SIZE* = 2 CONFIG_POSIX_MALLOC_THRESHOLD* = 3 CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT* = 4 CONFIG_STACKRECURSE* = 5 CONFIG_UNICODE_PROPERTIES* = 6 CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION* = 7 CONFIG_BSR* = 8 # Bit flags for the pcre_extra structure. Do not re-arrange or redefine #these bits, just add new ones on the end, in order to remain compatible. const EXTRA_STUDY_DATA* = 0x00000001 EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT* = 0x00000002 EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA* = 0x00000004 EXTRA_TABLES* = 0x00000008 EXTRA_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION* = 0x00000010 EXTRA_MARK* = 0x00000020 # Types type TPcre*{.pure, final.} = object PPcre* = ptr TPcre # When PCRE is compiled as a C++ library, the subject pointer type can be #replaced with a custom type. For conventional use, the public interface is a #const char *. # The structure for passing additional data to pcre_exec(). This is defined in #such as way as to be extensible. Always add new fields at the end, in order to #remain compatible. type Textra*{.pure, final.} = object flags*: int ## Bits for which fields are set study_data*: pointer ## Opaque data from pcre_study() match_limit*: int ## Maximum number of calls to match() callout_data*: pointer ## Data passed back in callouts tables*: ptr char ## Pointer to character tables match_limit_recursion*: int ## Max recursive calls to match() mark*: ptr ptr char ## For passing back a mark pointer # The structure for passing out data via the pcre_callout_function. We use a #structure so that new fields can be added on the end in future versions, #without changing the API of the function, thereby allowing old clients to work #without modification. type Tcallout_block*{.pure, final.} = object version*: cint ## Identifies version of block callout_number*: cint ## Number compiled into pattern offset_vector*: ptr cint ## The offset vector subject*: cstring ## The subject being matched subject_length*: cint ## The length of the subject start_match*: cint ## Offset to start of this match attempt current_position*: cint ## Where we currently are in the subject capture_top*: cint ## Max current capture capture_last*: cint ## Most recently closed capture callout_data*: pointer ## Data passed in with the call pattern_position*: cint ## Offset to next item in the pattern next_item_length*: cint ## Length of next item in the pattern # Indirection for store get and free functions. These can be set to #alternative malloc/free functions if required. Special ones are used in the #non-recursive case for "frames". There is also an optional callout function #that is triggered by the (?) regex item. For Virtual Pascal, these definitions #have to take another form. # Exported PCRE functions proc compile*(a2: cstring, a3: cint, a4: ptr cstring, a5: ptr cint, a6: ptr char): ptr TPcre{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_compile", dynlib: pcredll.} proc compile2*(a2: cstring, a3: cint, a4: ptr cint, a5: ptr cstring, a6: ptr cint, a7: ptr char): ptr TPcre{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_compile2", dynlib: pcredll.} proc config*(a2: cint, a3: pointer): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_config", dynlib: pcredll.} proc copy_named_substring*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: cstring, a4: ptr cint, a5: cint, a6: cstring, a7: cstring, a8: cint): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_copy_named_substring", dynlib: pcredll.} proc copy_substring*(a2: cstring, a3: ptr cint, a4: cint, a5: cint, a6: cstring, a7: cint): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_copy_substring", dynlib: pcredll.} proc dfa_exec*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: ptr Textra, a4: cstring, a5: cint, a6: cint, a7: cint, a8: ptr cint, a9: cint, a10: ptr cint, a11: cint): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_dfa_exec", dynlib: pcredll.} proc exec*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: ptr Textra, a4: cstring, a5: cint, a6: cint, a7: cint, a8: ptr cint, a9: cint): cint {. cdecl, importc: "pcre_exec", dynlib: pcredll.} proc free_substring*(a2: cstring){.cdecl, importc: "pcre_free_substring", dynlib: pcredll.} proc free_substring_list*(a2: cstringArray){.cdecl, importc: "pcre_free_substring_list", dynlib: pcredll.} proc fullinfo*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: ptr Textra, a4: cint, a5: pointer): cint{. cdecl, importc: "pcre_fullinfo", dynlib: pcredll.} proc get_named_substring*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: cstring, a4: ptr cint, a5: cint, a6: cstring, a7: cstringArray): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_get_named_substring", dynlib: pcredll.} proc get_stringnumber*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: cstring): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_get_stringnumber", dynlib: pcredll.} proc get_stringtable_entries*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: cstring, a4: cstringArray, a5: cstringArray): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_get_stringtable_entries", dynlib: pcredll.} proc get_substring*(a2: cstring, a3: ptr cint, a4: cint, a5: cint, a6: cstringArray): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_get_substring", dynlib: pcredll.} proc get_substring_list*(a2: cstring, a3: ptr cint, a4: cint, a5: ptr cstringArray): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_get_substring_list", dynlib: pcredll.} proc maketables*(): ptr char{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_maketables", dynlib: pcredll.} proc refcount*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: cint): cint{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_refcount", dynlib: pcredll.} proc study*(a2: ptr TPcre, a3: cint, a4: var cstring): ptr Textra{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_study", dynlib: pcredll.} proc version*(): cstring{.cdecl, importc: "pcre_version", dynlib: pcredll.} var pcre_free*: proc (p: ptr TPcre) {.cdecl.}